Construction: Front Cover

Post on 18-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Construction: Front Cover

Construction:front coverLLOYD HANCHARD

Step #1:

With the image that I have created, already formatted to fit the front cover of my music magazine, this allowed me to prepare it for placement using the "scale" and "move" tools. Therefore proving the image to be perfectly sized for the cover.

Step #2:

As I planned to use darker colours on my front cover as part of my design, I placed a dark toned grey/blue to equalize the balance between the lighter reds and golds in the original image and the background colour.

Step #3:

This step simply shows the addition of the title to my front cover, therefore using the font that I planned to use in my final pitch.

Step #4:

After adding the masthead, I added all of the cover line headings, inserting them in appropriate positions corresponding with my initial idea. I used the gold colouring as it brings out the image, and gives an authentic effect.

Step #5:

Now in addition to the cover line headings, I added the important parts. The subheadings to the cover lines. I used the white tone to give contrast to the gold cover line headings.

Step #6:

In this step I added the page numbers to the corresponding cover lines, and I also added the banner to the page, which is placed over the masthead.

Step #7:

Now, in this step I created a facebook emblem, and also managed to place the barcode and also corresponding information (cover line) under the Facebook ad.

Step #8:

Finally after adjusting all of the images and cover lines on the front cover, I finally added the barcode information including price, issue number and another cover line, and I also added a line as you can see between the masthead frame.