Construction - contents

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Construction - contents


I used the program Adobe Fireworks to create my magazine.

This is the first stage of my contents page. I have included the name of the magazine in the top right hand corner to indicate to the reader what the magazine is.

I am now beginning to create my contents page by adding in all the text (what is on each page). I used the main sub titles so that the audience could focus on their set topic at a glance. I also made the page numbers stand out by laying them on a darker background.

From the images I have edited I have placed them into my magazine. During this process I found I had a gap as I hadn’t got enough images therefore I had to think of an added extra to fill this gap.

The first change I have made to the magazine was to flip everything round so that the text was down the left hand side. I ,ade this change as I thought about the left hand side rule and that the audience would be reading it from the left so this would be this first things they read.

The second change I made was that I added in ‘subscribe to mainstage….’ I used the title of the magazine in this message to reinforce what magazine it is.

The last smaller change I made was to add in more page numbers around the images to show what page its on.

This is my penultimate magazine front cover. I have made the ‘subscribe’ message much bolder as I have placed it on a background colour. I have added the magazines websites for the audience to visit along with an image of the front cover of the magazine.

The final change I made was to change the page numbers written down the left hand side. I didn’t think it looked very professional or sophisticated so I changed it to all the same colour.

From my last design and this I only have made one very slight change. This is that I changed the page numbers from red to black. I feel they stand out much easier and are clearer to read.

The contents page, as it is has a plain white background. I did try to add different gradients and colours to the background but after much discussion and feedback from my peers and the targeted audience I have decided to leave it white. Adding colour took your concentration of the text and was a distraction on the page.