Conspiracy Thoughts

Post on 09-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Conspiracy Thoughts

Conspiracy Theories

"Never reply to criticism; to do so is to weaken your case"

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Since the publication of his first bestseller book in 1956 The Third Eye conspiracy theories were born from simple ignorance, bigotry and jealousy; more so from the later. I feel strongly that to credit his work, we must illustrate some of these other very foolish theories so you can make your own opinion by seeing both sides of the coin. You cannot make an opinion about any topic in debate without comparing or understanding both sides first!

What is remarkable is that no one has ever disproved anything he wrote, please keep that in mind. Much of what Lobsang wrote has since been confirmed by various other academics and we've had conformation from the other side that his life was a success. Dr. Lobsang Rampa will be acknowledged - one day - for the exceptional person he was and his noble efforts on behalf of mankind. If he was a fake - as some have spouted based on no actual facts - his books wouldn't have been printed in numerous languages and sold globally, many of them "Global Bestsellers" which says it all. Also if he was a fake, why are people now copying his material?

Many have said that Lobsang was never a Tibetan; let alone lived in Tibet, this again is totally erroneous. Tuesday Lobsang Rampa was a Tibetan and did live in Tibet; within Lhasa. Albeit before adventuring around the world as a pariah. I have seen actual proof that Dr. Rampa was Tibetan and did live in Tibet. Dr. Rampa WAS who he said he was. Tuesday Lobsang Rampa was not his real name because he had to remain clandestine else many others would surely have suffered. Even though he has passed on from this mortal life, I think his real name should remain a secret. Read Hypothesis for more facts.

Sadly, even the 14th Dalai Lama has publicly denied who Dr. Rampa was - not because he doesn't know who Dr. Rampa is; as he certainly does and has admitted it in a private meeting, also in writing - but publicly denied because he's playing the political field; prosituting his religion trying to appease too many people who wouldn't support him if he did. It is amazing what people will do in the name of politics. When youngsters disagree it's called "Childish Bickering", but then adults disagree it's called "Politics".

The Austrian mountaineer and explorer Heinrich Harrer; author of "7 years in Tibet" also tried; and failed, to discredit Lobsang through simple ignorance and jealousy because Heinrich thought he had exclusive rights on everything and anything relating to Tibet and the Tibetans. Heinrich employed a private detective to discover who Lobsang was; and yet, strangely he never tried to make any direct contact with Lobsang; most likely because Lobsang knew he was a member of the German Nazi Schutstaffel (SS, defence echelon) and that would completely discredit Heinrich, but Lobsang had more important issues to deal with.

I have named various web sites which have tried to discredit Lobsang, but if you read them carefully, they base their statements on no actual facts; mearly hearsay. The main culprit of "spouting utter rubbish" is the Museum of Hoaxes which is only right from a single point of view. This site declares that "Cyril Henry Hoskins" never was from Tibet; and that is very true, but Lobsang was from Tibet. If this confuses you, then please read his books and all will be revealed, in his very own words within his third book titled "The Rampa Story".

The Museum of Hoaxes - a terrible website because it never has evidence to back up any such scandalous claims - states that Dr. Rampa was a plumber based on no actual facts. The "real" facts are thus: The Grandfather of "Cyril Henry Hoskins" was the Chief of Plymoton waterworks, Cyril's father had completed a plumbers apprentice course and the only members of that family who has anything to do with plumbing. Cyril himself was never a plumber or had anything to do with plumbing. Read "As it Was" chapter 8, page 134, to get the whole story direct from Cyril himself. The press and such like rejected Cyril under the pretence he was a plumber and yet Jesus was the son of a Carpenter; also another simple tradesman, so how was that a disgrace if he was?

Another two sites are Khandro and Serendipity, these are sites which also try to discredit Lobsang; again based on no actual facts. If you explore the world wide web regarding "Lobsang Rampa" - and I recommend that you don't waste your time in doing so - there are countless sites that spout "Lobsang was a fraud"' are all based on no actual facts what-so-ever. Wikipedia is another website that offers both sides of the debate. Many have believed this drivel just because someone posted it on a web site. It's beyond belief that people will believe - unquestionably - something that's been either posted on a web site or published a in a periodical without any facts to back it up. Dr. Rampa has 19 books full of facts to back him up and you are free to make your own mind up.

Dr Rampa's facts are published in his books and since been confirmed by other academics. Many web sites are very much like the press today, the majority never print the truth without sensualising what little rumours; if any, they may construe, because they just want to sell newspapers at any cost; commerce is more important to them than actual facts. Transmigration is a very real thing and has been well documented in numerous Indian and Eastern religions for centuries. Jesus underwent a transmigration process when he went into the wilderness; the "wilderness" was in fact Tibet and it's on record in the Bible. I have listed a few famous people who underwent transmigration within "Miscellaneous".

Some have just copied other web sites just because it seemed fashionable at the time, other are just jumping on the popular bandwagon, as many did in the early days. Remember this very important point: if someone doesn't want to believe, it doesn't matter how much proof you offer; so don't waste your time trying. It's very sad that Western science; and all alike, will only accept that which they can hold, dissect and/or exhibit like a trophy; even when they still don't understand what they have either held or seen. Anything related to the spiritual cannot be dissected, let alone held up as a plaque as proof.

Western science is solely based on concrete evidence whereas Eastern science is spiritual, thus esoteric. People who go into occult studies just trying to get material proof are like people who go into a darkroom and turn on the lights to see if there is any image on the yet undeveloped film. Their very actions definitely inhibit any manifestation of proof. Proof is merely a palliative to the idle mind and those who seek proof are not capable of accepting the truth of a proof no matter how well proven.

Dr. Rampa offers "proof" by telling you how to start studying metaphysics and by having personally experience that which he teaches - you have all the "proof" you need. You must also remember that you may not achieve many of the metaphysical skills during this lifetime - that is "not" a failure - it can simply takes many life times to master them all and you may be just starting out on this spiritual path of personal development.

Remember: The teacher will only arrive when the pupil is ready and not when the pupil thinks they are ready. You only take with you into the next life the knowledge gained this this one, therefore live by the golden rule and only take worthwhile knowledge to the other side and not just a useless clutter of unrelated thoughts.

Western languages deal more with concrete matters, whereas the languages of the Far East deal with abstract concepts, and thus it is that so many things which depend upon the precise use of an idiom, and which are not paralleled in another languages, these can and do lead translators astray which cause grave misunderstandings during translations. An example to emphasize this problem is very simple; listen to people from India talking in their own language, you will hear many western words being uttered because there is no actual eastern translation, so they use the Western word.

Ignorant Westerns just think they are using what's termed as "Pigeon English" and astonishingly, Westerners use Eastern words sometimes without knowing, such as "Bungalow" and "Dungarees" are both Eastern words which have no Western translation. It's so easy to discredit anything when we either don't understand it or it contradicts our personal beliefs. If you look throughout history, man's (and women's) interpretation of the past has just been - in the words of Napoleon "an agreed upon fable". Whilst history has been miswritten and rewritten on more than one occasion, and will continue to do so, are based on either the conqueror's point of view or the political view of that day; rather than actual historical fact.

A simple example; to help you understand further: What would science and the members of the human race say; possible even demand as proof, if someone came to this earth saying they were the "next coming of Jesus Christ?" think about it for a few minutes! The answer is not that simple. Not only would every scientist, world leader, but every Christian - unintentionally for most - would harass the poor person demanding that unless they could resolve all earth's problems, they wouldn't believe in them. Government would - most likely - demand that the poor person be locked away in an asylum undergoing strange tests that eventually prove nothing.

Then what would be the purpose of human existence? especially when a god can just "pop-in" and resolve everything, this then begs the question "why the need for humans?" Therefore, based on this one undisputable simple truth - there is more to life than what firstly appears! One day the full truth will come out and many people are going to be very shocked and very disappointed. Read more about this in his bestseller "The Hermit".

If you wish to read something very, very interesting then read "The Jesus Papers" third book in the trilogy, especially pay attention to chapters 9 through to 13 where you will discover they knew all which is on this web site thousands of years "Before" Jesus came to earth. The only difference is that then, many "power control freaks" tried to kept this information secret to control the masses - as does the church - whereas Dr. Rampa has made it available to all, as it should and was meant to be. One day, when narrow-minded individuals, selfish commerce, person material gains are pushed aside and people accept the truth, no matter how it contradicts current beliefs, the world will be a better place.

Here's another interesting fact: the Egyptians "never" built the great pyramids - in fact there are pyramids all over the planet and not just in Egypt as many think - they were build millions of years ago by the Gardeners and where built using anti-gravity devices. Science will only accept anything that is based on their current understanding because some humans think they are omnipotent beings. This planet is continually being observed and visited, many people have seen this. Today we call them UFOs and yet science still won't recognise that one fact because it contradicts their teachings and religious beliefs.