Considering hairtransplantsforwomen

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Considering Hair Transplants For Women

Hair loss in women is very different from loss of hair in men, and recognizing this is key to transplant success. While men often lose their hair in patches or exhibit characteristic pattern baldness, women tend to lose their hair in a relatively uniform fashion. This means that their hair may thin out over time instead of simply falling out. While men may lose their hair due to testosterone byproducts that shrink their hair follicles, hair loss in women may be caused by a variety of things. Once the cause of the lost hair is determined, hair transplant for women may be a beneficial procedure.

Why are you losing your hair?While there are many causes to female hair loss, many conditions respond very well to appropriate treatment. This means that successfully matching the reason for the hair loss with the right procedure may result in a complete reversal of this unwanted condition. Conditions such as iron deficiency, hormonal imbalance, stress, extreme dieting, autoimmune disease, dandruff, or low thyroid activity may cause a woman to lose her hair. Pregnancy, diet pills, oral contraceptives, and medications prescribed for blood pressure or cholesterol may all be reasons to consider hair transplants for women at virtually any stage of life. Since there are so many conditions that may cause hair loss, any woman considering treatment

should consult with experienced medical personnel to undergo appropriate diagnosis and testing.

Have Realistic ExpectationsHair transplant for women options are plentiful, but undergoing a procedure will not translate into immediate hair restoration. While advertisements may hint at or strongly suggest otherwise, patience may be an important component of reestablishing lost hair. Males typically notice that bald patches start to fill in around the temples and on top of their scalp, and this may be apparent sooner in comparison to the noticeable results in women. This is because the hair may thicken in women, and the result may take more time to be appreciated upon overall inspection. Unlike male hair transplants that focus on filling in bald patches, a hair transplant for a woman usually involves follicular transplants designed to create a more uniform appearance. Although a transplant will not change any issues regarding hair quality, having a thicker head of hair may do wonders for a woman physically, socially, and emotionally.

Select a Reputable Surgeon

While cost may be a necessary consideration, choosing a surgeon that is knowledgeable, experienced, and competent should be your highest priority. Working with a surgeon that has not been properly trained may lead to disastrous results that go far beyond having thinning hair. A follicular transplant procedure typically requires more than one skilled professional in order to be completed successfully, and your surgeon should be able to assure you that there will be competent and adequate staff on hand for your procedure at all times. Your interactions with your doctor should enhance your feelings of calmness and confidence as you embark on a successful hair restoration.