Connecting Colorado January 2017 Connecting Colorado · New Year’s Resolutions. 5 . Will You Step...

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Transcript of Connecting Colorado January 2017 Connecting Colorado · New Year’s Resolutions. 5 . Will You Step...

Connecting Colorado January 2017



History to be Made By Jim & Barb Griffin, District Directors


1 History to be Made

3 New Year’s Resolutions

5 Will You Step Up?

6 From the Rider Ed Desk

8 What do We See?

10 New ITCP is on Track

11Happy New Year, Colorado!

13 New COY and IOY Representatives

January 2017

“Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge” Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Region F, Colorado Distr ict,

Connecting Colorado

Continued on page 2

2016 is history. 2017 is waiting for us to make some history. You might be thinking, so what can I do to write that history? Perhaps, we could make a bunch of personal resolutions. I don’t know about you but I’ve been there, done that and the t-shirt doesn’t fit anymore. I like the Motorist Awareness Challenge that Peter Keppler spoke about in the last District newsletter. It’s a great idea for writing that 2017 history. In fact, I scrapped my draft article for this month because the focus of both was really the same; but, Peter had beat me to it. Let me ask a question. How much good do we actually accomplish when we speak Motorist Awareness topics to our Chapters? We’re motorcyclists for goodness sake! We’ve heard the words, seen the presentations, and have a chapter officer with the

Connecting Colorado January 2017



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patch! How can we make some history? Peter hit it on the head when he wrote let’s stop “preaching to the choir”, i.e., speaking to a sympathetic audience. Let’s turn that which has been mostly offered to an internal small audience to a much larger external one. That audience is all around us. They’re our own friends and those we meet in the barber shop or hair salon, the supermarket…! The way to make history for 2017, as I see it, is to make motorist awareness personal. That means we don’t wait for the Motorist Awareness Coordinator to make an appearance! We step up! Each of us! Success will be the incident that didn’t happen, the headline that wasn’t written, the trip that wasn’t unexpectedly cut

short, and the motorcyclist that really doesn’t realize that they have bugs in their teeth! All because each of us took the challenge and began to walk the talk. Let’s do it!

Connecting Colorado January 2017



Every year, right after Christmas has come and gone, but before New Year’s Eve, folks discuss whether they’ll set forth on a new set of resolutions. Lots of people start out strong, but lose their resolve fairly quickly. Through the first weeks of January, the gyms are full of folks trying to shed weight and inches; by mid-February, there’s no longer a wait time for the stair-stepper machine. Human nature being what it is, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Besides, a three-meat pizza calls out to our inner chubby selves more persistently than does a kale salad—hold the dressing. In church, we hear about sins of omission—those things which we ought to have done (but neglected to do), and about sins of commission—those things which ought not to have done (but did anyway). We tend to easily recognize our weaknesses and compile our list of good intentions for the New Year based on those nasty little sins. If curing our faults were as easy as recognizing them, we’d all have clearer consciences. Which brings me to my 2017 list of A Safer Motorist’s New Year’s Resolutions: 1. Stop means stop. I solemnly swear to bring my vehicle to a complete and total stop at all stop signs and red traffic lights—even those right-on-red opportunities to save time, brake linings and impatience. 2. I shall look both ways twice to be sure the coast is clear after stopping at intersections. (See 1. above.) Once each way is never dependable.

3. I shall not drive my vehicle until all windows are entirely clear of snow, ice or fog. No, a credit card-sized aperture just above the steering wheel is not adequate.

New Year’s Resolutions By Nick Hoppner, Assist. District Director/Assist. MAP Coord.

Continued on page 4

“…Stop means stop…”

Connecting Colorado January 2017



4. I shall carefully determine whether the streets are icy before I reach the main roads. Black ice, sleet or freezing rain are all treacherous.

5. I shall not assume posted speeds to be mandated speeds. They’re supposed to be maximum legal speeds under perfect, daytime conditions. You’re within your rights to drive slower, especially when conditions recommend it!

6. I shall focus on the task of driving, avoiding all distracting devices, music, and/or conversations within my environment.

7. I shall not “marathon drive”. Driving tired is just as irresponsible as driving under the influence (DUI).

8. I shall forgive other drivers’ faults behind the wheel, leaving at home the temptation to judge their lack of perfection until I have become perfect


9. I shall endeavor to exercise patience and diplomacy with situations that inconvenience me. To do so might possibly develop in me a gentler character, reduce one’s high blood pressure and avoid armed hostility.

10. I shall keep a typed copy of these resolutions in my vehicle, with the expressed intention to read them, digest them, and apply them every time I drive.

How about it, folks? Could you pledge to a list of resolutions like this one? Can you imagine what the effect would be if everybody did?

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Connecting Colorado January 2017



“…Why do I see the same people year after year doing all

the work?…”

Will You Step Up? By Fred & Linda Fisher, Assistant District Directors

Well, will you? GWRRA is a great organization. But as with any organization, we need your help. It doesn’t have to be a big job; anything will help. Be it at the Chapter, District, or Region levels; get involved. You can do simple things like help set up a room before a meeting or class. Make coffee or be a greeter at your local gathering. Help at the District Rally by volunteering to sell tickets, man the door prize room for a few hours, or work at the registration table. If you have the talent or knowhow, volunteer to be the Rally Coordinator or just the vendor coordinator; then get some volunteers to help you out. Per the latest membership list from National, there are about 750 GWRRA members in Colorado. How many of these do you see at your gathering? Volunteer to help your Membership Enhancement Coordinator contact these “missing” members and bring them back. Step up to be an officer in the organization. I’ve seen people at the same Chapters for 20 years and have never seen them hold an office. Why do I see the same people year after year doing all the work? So, with that, I put out this challenge. I want every Chapter in Colorado to find one member that has never been an officer (Chapter or District) and get them to step up. If you get a newbie, send me the information and I will introduce them to everyone. To all of those that are doing it now…. THANK YOU!!!! Now let’s get more people involved. Ride Safe….Always!

Connecting Colorado January 2017



From the Rider Ed Desk By Mike & Dorie Werner, District Rider Educators

When looking at the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) web site this last week, I noticed that they have published some new articles on motorcycles. The one I am going to show you on the following page has the equipment required to ride a motorcycle in all the states. They have taken the time and effort to be as accurate as possible. This is helpful when we travel out of state to know the laws in the places we are going to travel. You might want to print a copy and put it with your Gold Book and carry when you travel. In the next newsletter, we will be sharing a summary of the Rider Ed 2016 statistics for the Colorado District. In the meantime, if you have the opportunity to get out and ride, remember All the Gear All the Time, and stay warm!!

Safety Comes in Cans, I Can, You Can, We All Can!!!

“…know the laws…”

Connecting Colorado January 2017



Connecting Colorado January 2017



What Do We See? By Peter Keppler, Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator

One of the main ways to reduce the number of car–motorcycle crashes is to make riders and their machines more conspicuous or visible to motorists. We’ve all heard the driver’s common excuse for pulling in front of a motorcycle or taking a rider’s space in traffic: “I didn’t see the motorcycle.” As we have said many times, car drivers are not looking for motorcycles and, therefore, often don’t really see us unless consciously thinking about and being aware of motorcycles. The objective of the GWRRA Motorist Awareness Program is to make drivers aware that there are motorcyclists on the road at all times, even now in the dead of winter (e.g. several Chapters had New Year’s Day rides). Not only are drivers not looking for motorcycles at this time of the year, but we as riders tend to blend in more, wearing grey or black jackets, jeans, helmets, etc. on white or silver bikes that make us hard to see on a white or grey/black background. Wearing orange or yellow-green “Hi-Viz” clothing helps, but even then motorcycle/car crashes happen where the driver says he did not see the motorcycle. Not to get too technical, but “seeing” is a complex process. Our peripheral vision is relatively fuzzy. When we pick up something of interest, we will automatically bring it into central vision and momentarily focus on it. The center of vision is the only part of the eye that sees in sharp detail, and it sees only small degrees. Seeing is

“…center of vision is only

part of the eye…”

Continued on page 9

Connecting Colorado January 2017



not taking images like a camera, rather our brain uses multiple impressions and combines them with other sensory impacts and using memory, makes us look at the object and instantly make a decision on how to deal with it. For example, a motorcycle might appear as a colorless blur in a driver’s peripheral vision. In order to “see” the motorcycle, the driver must focus on it to see what it is and determine how to react. It will take several glances to determine speed and distance and have the brain process them and react appropriately. When a driver is scanning traffic, there are too many details to track at once, so the brain automatically assigns priorities and focuses on the higher ones. Experience teaches us priorities. The top priority is immediate threats, such as a large truck or train locomotive coming at us. Strong emotions are a close second in terms of how other drivers see us. The stronger the interest in motorcycles, the more likely to register in the peripheral vision. Our brain can easily be overloaded

Continued from page 8

with various inputs and something of low priority may be ignored. If a driver has multiple high-priority threats, she may look right at a motorcycle and not comprehend it is there. If the driver has no motorcycle experience and no family or friends who ride, the bike may appear as a foggy blur regardless of how conspicuous it is. We know car drivers see other cars, but are not conditioned to see or watch for motorcycles (thus, the need for the Motorist Awareness Program). It obviously helps to wear bright gear to be more visible and conspicuous in traffic. But we can’t let our guard down; we must ride defensively at all times and assume that drivers don’t see us. Keep a safe distance and be aware of all traffic around you always! And talk Motorist Awareness every chance you get.

Ride Like Your Life Depends on It!

Connecting Colorado January 2017



New ITCP is on Track By Bob & Jan Wills, District Trainers

As we start the year of 2017, there will be new and exciting training sessions coming. The new ITCP training is still on track for Colorado, but just keeps running into small detours as we move along towards the actual day of the training. Please watch your email for the day of training. If you are interested in becoming an instructor, go to GWRRA's website and go to the Interim University page. There you will find a link for the ITCP training. After clicking the link, there are links to four videos. Watch all four videos, then go to the inquiry link which you can fill out and the information will go to Clara Bolt. She will contact you for the debrief. Please let Bob and me know that you have done this so we can make sure you are on the list for training. Having just returned from Alaska, I realize how lucky we are that we can ride during the winter. The weather there was below zero with lots of snow and ice on the roads. If you could get out to ride, daylight is only for about four hours a day. Of course, if you want to ride there during the summer, there are about 23 hours of daylight. You always need to keep a watchful eye out for the moose. They will show up anywhere. Come to the District Officers’ Meeting on Saturday, January 28th, and hear about the new training for this year. The meeting starts with a meet and greet from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be at the Clements Community Center (where Chapter L meets). The address is 1580 South Yarrow Street in Lakewood.

“…District Officers’

Meeting on Saturday, January 28th…”

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Happy New Year, Colorado! By Christine Howland, Membership Enhancement Coordinator

“…is your GWRRA Membership worth


I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year “change.” I am also hoping for an exciting and “New” year. Last year, 2016, was a transition for me, and for many Gold Wingers. I am sure 2017 will be completely different experience. An experience we can all make happen within our families, within our responsibilities, and within GWRRA. So, I would like to share an article written by GWRRA Deputy Directors Northeast, Bruce and Barb Beeman, in this month’s Insight newsletter. I really appreciated the words Bruce wrote because for some time I have been trying to explain the importance of a GWRRA membership. I would explain the discounts we receive through our membership at hotels, and other service providers. I would explain the benefit of Rescue Plus. But I was missing a key element: Value. With Bruce’s permission, I have added his comments below. Please continue reading and let me know what value GWRRA membership has for you. And, if you are contemplating letting your membership expire, I hope the explanation by Bruce will inspire you to see the value of GWRRA membership.

Is It Worth It? That is, is your GWRRA Membership worth it? There are times we wonder if there really is a value in the investment? There are many ways to track the value of something by how many uses you get out of it. We have appraisers who tell us the value of everything from jewelry to motorcycles. Sometimes we even see people selling things and they assign a value to their items. But really, what is it worth? Like my wife would say, “Only what someone is willing to pay for it.” People ask about the cost of a GWRRA Membership when they come to visit an event, whether it’s a Chapter Gathering, a District or Region Rally, or at Wing Ding. But, do they really know

Consinued on page 12

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what the real worth of that Membership is? Take a bar of iron that is 1”x 2”x12”. The value of that bar is an estimated $10.00. That same bar of iron could be turned into a horseshoe and now the value has gone up to an estimated $20.00. You’ve doubled your money. The bar of iron could also be turned into screwdrivers and the value goes up to an estimated $40.00 for the set. It’s the same bar of iron used differently, and the value changes depending on how it was used. Our [GWRRA] Membership is like that bar of iron. We all pay the same amount to be a Member. However, what we do with it is up to each of us. The value is also up to us. So how can you add value to your Membership? Here are a few things you can do to add value: • Attend Monthly Chapter Gatherings

- get involved.

• Attend seminars - what a great way to learn about GWRRA.

• Get involved in the Rider Education Levels Program - just might save your life.

• Visit other Chapters in your area - there are amazing Wingers to meet.

• Attend your District, Region, and Wing Ding Rallies - you will have an awesome experience and again, the people you will meet are amazing.

• Take on a position - you’ll always get more out of your Chapter, District, or Region by giving back.

• Your monthly copy of Wing World.

• The Gold Book.

• Rescue Plus. • And last, Participate, Participate,

and Participate! These are just a few ways you could add value to your Membership. In fact, you may have some ideas of your own that were not listed. The point is we want you to see the real worth of your Membership and that the more YOU get involved, the more your Membership has real value and worth. Is Membership in GWRRA worth the investment for me? Oh, heck yes, and I hope you also see the real worth of your Membership:

PRICELESS! Remember, it’s all the same Membership. It’s what we do with it that determines the value. The choice is yours.

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New COY and IOY Representatives By Rich & Linda Fuller, District COY/IOY Coordinators

We hope everyone had a very Happy and Safe New Year; here's looking forward to a great 2017. New leadership at Region, District, and the usual changes at a few of the Chapters. And, of course, our new Chapter representatives in the Couple and Individual of the Year Program. We want to congratulate all the 2017 Chapter Couples and Individuals selected to represent your Chapters this year and thank you for all you do for your Chapter. Representing your Chapter is a tremendous honor, of which you should be very proud. Couple of the Year Individual of the Year CO-A Ron & Deann Fagler Jacques Perron CO-B Dave& Paula Campbell ---- CO-E ---- ---- CO-G Mark & Connie Thornton ---- CO-I Cliff & Myra Childs Joe Carlson CO-J Terry & Carol Moore Mark Henze CO-L Not disclosed Not disclosed CO-N ---- ---- CO-Q Ethan & Caroline Annis ---- We are excited and looking forward to meeting all the new Chapter Couples and Individuals for 2017 at the District Officers’ Conference on January 28, as all COYs and IOYs are invited to attend. We sincerely hope that all of you will consider being in attendance as you are now a part of your Chapter’s staff. See you there.

“…congratulate all the 2017 Chapter

Couples and Individuals of the


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District Calendar Jan. 28: Annual District Officers’ Meeting Feb. 11, 2017: MAD/Co-Rider training, Chapter I; see flyer Mar. 18, 2017: MFA/CPR training, Chapter G; see flyer Upcoming Rallies May 26-28: Region F Rally, Tucson, AZ July 28-29: Utah District Rally, Price, UT Aug. 24-26: Colorado District Rally, Salida, CO Aug. 29-Sept. 2: Wing Ding 39, Grapevine, TX Sept. 22- 24: California District Rally, Mammoth Lakes, CA Sept. 28-30: New Mexico District Rally, Ruidoso, NM Oct. 27-29: Arizona District Rally, Lake Havasu, AZ

Colorado District Staff

Directors Jim & Barb Griffin Assistant Directors Nick & Ginny Hoppner Fred & Linda Fisher Treasurers/Store Randall & Janet Drake Rider Educators Mike & Dorie Werner Assistant Educator Earl Edwards Leadership Trainers Bob & Jan Wills Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator Peter Keppler Assistant Motorist Awareness Coordinator Nick Hoppner Membership Enhancement Christine Howland COY/IOY Coordinators Rich & Linda Fuller Chapter of the Year Coordinators Fred & Linda Fisher Webmasters Jim & Janet Wohlford Newsletter Editor April Hansen-Keppler Photographer Donald Redline 2015-2016 Couple of the Year Bryan & Emma Lape 2015-2016 Individual of the Year Tom Houdek

Gold Wing Road Riders Association Colorado District


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SHOW LOW ARIZONA 85901 928-532- 0023


ACCPIT2@MSN.COM CELL 505-410-7704

Colorado District Sponsors

Colorado Chapter Directors Chapter A – Littleton Ron & Deann Fagler

Chapter B – Grand Junction Charles & Gaylene Grimsley

Chapter E – Arvada Bob & Jan Wills

Chapter G – Fort Collins Steve & Inez Scholbrock

Chapter I – Colorado Springs Steve & Jacque Callicott

Chapter J – Aurora Bryan & Emma Lape

Chapter L – Lakewood Tami & Steve Bender

Chapter N – Pueblo Diana & David Bradley

Chapter Q – Montrose Bill & Nancy Pierce

Wyoming B – Cheyenne Paul & Marla Muirbrook

GWRRA Chapter B’s Valentine Extravaganza

& Auction February 4, 2017

At 6:00 PM You are invited to bring a dish to share, your cash and checkbooks, and lots of your valuable - priceless treasures to be auctioned off at the GWRRA Chapter B Fundraiser . There will be plenty of good food to be consumed and fun to be had by all. Come and be a part of this wonderful event, after all, we are family. Location: First Christian Church 1326 N 1st St Grand Junction, CO

For more information contact: Chapter B Directors:

Dave and Paula Campbell D=(970)216-5478 P=(970)618-3833

Bring your sweetheart and plan on having lots of fun at Chapter B’s Valentine Extravaganza and Auction.


Motorist Awareness Seminar Co-Rider Seminar

When: Saturday, February 11, 2017

9am – 11am Where: Colorado Springs Police Department

Falcon Sub Station 7850 Goddard Street Colorado Springs, CO 80920


Sponsored by CO-I Springs Wings Questions: Contact Earl Edwards

719-459-2426 (c)


“5th ANNUAL”

Three games of bowling with colored pins for Lottery Tickets Optional Fun Games: Strike Pot Poker Card Game 50/50

Price $20/person **Food & Beverage available for purchase at Bowling Alley**

RSVP by February 18 to: Steve & Inez Scholbrock (CO-G) OR Mike & Dorie Werner (CO-A)

Saturday, February 25, 2017 11:00a – 3:00p Registration @ 10:30a

AMF Belleview Lanes 4900 S Federal Blvd Englewood, CO 80110

MFA/CPR Course New Revised Guidelines Sponsored by CO-G Northern Colorado

When: Saturday, March 18, 2017

10a-3p (following CO-G gathering)

Where: Johnson’s Corner I -25 at Exit 254 Johnstown Cost: $25 for Colorado GWRRA Members

RSVP: Hugh Curley



Sunday April 9, 2017

9:00am – 11:30am

Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church 7400 S. Windermere St. Littleton, CO 80120

PRICE: $10 advanced ($13 at the door)

Come and ENJOY 50/50, AUCTION



Where: Lilley Gulch Recreation Center 6147 S. Holland Way Littleton, CO 80123

When: Thursday, February 2, 2017 (every 1st Thursday of month) 7:00pm – 8:00pm Room: Rio Grande

Please plan on joining us for a FUN Meeting.

Ron & Deann Chapter A Directors 303-978-9467

Attention GWRRA Snowbirds! Arizona District Chapter S-Scottsdale is hosting a Rider Education Levels Program Seminar Day on February 11th, 2017 at the

Fountain Hills Community Center 13001 N La Montana Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 8:15am to 2:45pm Lunch will be provided Reserve your spot today!

This seminar day is open to ALL GWRRA members. Come and join the fun! Though our focus is to help members who winter in Arizona obtain the training necessary to maintain or advance in the levels program, we gladly welcome all members. The following seminars will be presented: Co-Riding Team Riding Motorist Awareness – Share the Road Motorcycling for the Mature Rider Other Seminars TBD Contact AZ-S Chapter Educator Connie Jo Richtmyre to reserve your seat and/or ask questions or 612-599-2074 Please note: Reservations required by February 4th, 2017 to ensure we have sufficient space and food for all attendees. We look forward to meeting you soon!