Connecting business worldwide

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Connecting business worldwide

Transcript of Connecting business worldwide


By $igve Hamilton Aspelund


Global financial crisis


Micro economy Vnew=Fv*V0

(New Value=Growth factor*Original value)

If Fv = 1: Vnew=V0

If Fv < 1: Vnew<V0

If Fv > 1: Vnew>V0

Economic growth if Fv>1

Solutions: Macro economy

Create a huge network Communicate with your network Create opportunities for your network Make business with your network NETWORK WORLDWIDE

Chaos: Fractals

Fractals Self similarity

Natural fractals: Clouds Weather pattern Snow flakes Mountain ranges Ligthening River network Coastlines Cauliflower Blood wessels

Fractal definition

A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"[1] a property called self-similarity. Roots of mathematically rigorous treatment of fractals can be traced back to functions studied by Karl Weierstrass, Georg Cantor and Felix Hausdorff in studying functions that were analytic but not differentiable; however, the term fractal was coined by Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractus meaning "broken" or "fractured." A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion.[2]

Project management

Iterations in a project context may refer to the technique of developing and delivering incremental components of business functionality, product development or process design. This is most often associated with agile software development, but could potentially be any material. A single iteration results in one or more bite-sized but complete packages of project work that can perform some tangible business function. Multiple iterations recurse to create a fully integrated product. This is often compared with the waterfall model approach.

The waterfall model

The unmodified "waterfall model". Progress flows from the top to the bottom, like a waterfall.

Economic fractal: Funds

Skagen Kon Tiki: Macro economy

Buy when cheap! (Fv → > 1 @ t=?) Increase value. Keep your stock. Create economic growth! Sell when you

need $

Buy! Keep

Business fractal: Create a huge Linkedin network

Linkedin profile

Write a summary

Write your Curriculum Vitae

Get recommended

Linkedin: Aditional information

Create your own Linkedin groups

Personal information & contact settings

Create a business network in Plaxo

Create a great reputation at Naymz and organize your references

Naymz: Visitor tracking

Naymz: Statistics

Skype: Communicate with your network

Create your own company and make your dreams come true

Connect with existing companies Create opportunities for yourself and other Make alliances Become successful and wanted!

Cooperate to create international business opportunities

Head hunters





Show what you can do

Get a reputation as the leader you are

Then you will create attentionand head hunters will call you

Create profiles where you can be found by recruiters My 180 profile My Google profile My Plaxo profile My Naymz profile My Brijj profile My Referal keys My YouTube profile My ENK profile Follow my Tweets Google maps Google Earth My education Application letter Curriculum Vitae Norsk Curriculum Vitae My IT CV My business CV My HSE CV Courses, references and recomendations Join my Linkedin network group: Networking for creating business Join my Linkedin group: Networking for creating opportunities Join my Linkedin group: Networking for creating leaders My slideshare presentations 

I want to create attention for you

Searching for sponsors: I want to create a technical learning documument and put at my blog and at slideshare. I want to include technical information from your company and add your contact details into this document. My documents attract a lot of readers and this is my opportunity to help you with business development by increasing traffic to your web site. Contact me to discuss a reasonable price for my services.

United we are stronger! When we are stronger we create business! When we create business we create success

and regain POWER!

Contact details:

Sigve Hamilton Aspelund Phone: +4792647129 Email: