Congratulations to the following students who won places ...€¦ · On Tuesday, 22nd October, Mrs...

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Excellent opportunities Quality teaching Innovative programs Student success

Richmond River High School Telephone: 6621 3456 Canteen: 6621 4890

Congratulations to the following students who won places at the North Coast National Show

Wood work – Step ladder/stool

Todd Gunther 1st prize

Jeremy Garland – 2nd prize


1st prize

Darcy Travis – Year 7 – Chenille cushion cover

Grace Obirek-Gailey – Year 8 – Skirt

Rheanna Hudson – Year 8 - Bear

Sarah McCabe – Year 9 – Hoodie with applique

Casey Dillon – Year 9 – Hoodie jacket

Maddie Zambelli – Year 10 – Free machined photo frame

Rachel Waller – Year 11 – Decorative bag

2nd prize

Taylah Fredericks – Year 7 – Chenille cushion cover

Gabrielle Cawley – Year 8 – Skirt

Eden Silalahi – Year 8 – Bear

Ariel Cooke – Year 9 – Toy elephant

Kaitlind Spek – Year 10 – Dress

Maddie Zambelli – Year 10 – Patchwork cushion

Richmond River also won the best school at the show.

Thank you to all the students who entered items into the show.

K Varley, TAS Teacher

Richmond River High School Telephone: 6621 3456 Canteen: 6621 4890

What A Show! This week Year 8 and Year 10 Drama staged two plays, 'Bus Stop' and 'The Ants'. The high quality of the productions was terrific and it was rewarding to have large audiences for both the matinee and the evening show. We are particularly proud of the students because they had most of the creative input into the plays. The students were involved in every aspect of the produc-tion including lighting, sound, video record-ing, props, costume and more, truly out-standing work. We are looking forward to fur-ther performances by these students. Mr P Howes, CAPA Head Teacher

Year 7 Koori Mail Excursion

On Tuesday, 22nd October, Mrs Van Beers, accompanied by Mr Holten and Ms Byrne, organised an in-class excur-sion for Year 7.1 to the Koori Mail office in Lismore. Students and staff were given a ‘behind-the-scenes’ tour of the local newspaper office. We visited the Editorial De-partment where reported news is gathered and edited, before being set out ready for printing. There was not a printing press in sight as the finished product is electroni-cally sent to Sydney for printing. Students were each given a lucky bag, with a copy of the Koori Mail and pen to take home. Year 7.1 wish to thank the Koori Mail for their informative tour which was a great asset for their News in the Media unit this term.

Junior (Years 8, 9 and 10) Music Elective Performance to be held in the MPU on Tuesday 5th of November

starting at 5.00 p.m. finishing at 7 p.m.

It will be a fantastic night of music performances.

All are welcome.

Students will be performing a variety of songs from many different genres. RRHS's very own Percussion ensemble will be performing their latest original composition.

Bring Your Own Device to School (BYOD) Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the practice of students bringing their own device to school for the purpose of learning. BYOD has become a common practice in workplaces and educational institutions all over the globe and now in Australia many schools are adopting this strategy to meet the requirements of 21st Century learning. The BYOD movement in educational institutions is being driven by worldwide trends and a major change – the sched-uled end of the Federal Government’s DER program in which every student in Year 9 was provided a laptop. This funding has gone but the development of 21st century learning skills continues. Parents will receive further information about the BYOD program to be implemented at RRHS in 2014 later this term including advice as to the suitability of various devices. In the meantime should parents decide to purchase a new de-vice, our recommendations are that the device has these minimum specifications: Wireless Requirements - 802.11n 5Ghz standard as devices must have this to connect to the school wireless

network. Battery - a 6 hour battery life as devices need to last a whole school day. This is a very positive initiative for our students, as research suggests that when students have ownership of their de-vices, engagement in the learning increases, ICT skills improve and students become more versatile in the way they demonstrate their learning outcomes. Ms Paula Moverley, Computer Coordinator will be speaking about BYOD at the next P&C meeting on Wednesday 13th November.

Richmond River High School Telephone: 6621 3456 Canteen: 6621 4890

Students on Track Excursion On the 25th of October students from Richmond River High school attended theV8 Supercars held at Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast. This day is promoted by the V8 Supercar Committee to give students an opportunity to be part of an international event and have educational experiences throughout the day. The day attracted an estimated 2000 students who attended from NSW and QLD with the importance to teach safe driving and road safety to all students. The day had its thrills and spills with a wide range of vehicles taking to the track, drift cars, V8 Ute’s, motorbikes, and the V8 supercars. I would like to say thank you to Year 10 Advisor Mr Woodward, staff members Mr Seller, Mr Bale and Mr Bateman for your support on this excur-sion. To all students who attended; you wore the Richmond River uniform with pride and made the day very enjoyable. Thank you Scott Harrison, Student Support Officer

From the Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers I am very excited about the coordinated work of the three secondary schools in Lismore and the growth of the subject choices for students from all schools in terms of subject selection. It looks likely that all three schools will be continuing to work closely together in 2014 and beyond and I look forward to be providing you with further details about this in a few weeks’ time. We are currently in the process of developing the school’s budget for next year. This is ever challenging in light of maintaining all the wonderful learning opportunities provided at Richmond River. For this reason, it is really important that the school receives the full quota of school and specific course contributions from parents and caregivers in order to ensure full access to those courses needing high cost materials. I would really appreciate if you have any outstanding contributions you could pay them as soon as possible. I hope you have a great weekend. Mr Dave Harvey Principal From the Deputy Year 11 moving into Year 12 Year 11 Reports were distributed at a year meeting on Friday 25th October. Any student wishing to collect their report needs to see Mrs Williamson. Students also need to collect their assessment booklets from Mrs Williamson. Year 12 mentors We are in the process of organising Year 12 Mentors for 2013-2014. Staff are volunteering to mentor students and students will be given the opportunity to give their preferences for mentors. The mentor program is about supporting students through one of the most difficult periods of their life. Most students are turning 18 sometime in Year 12, driving cars, managing relationships, part-time work and

trying to keep focused on their school life. The Board of Studies rules are strict in the HSC year. Students need to be operating within these rules. All HSC courses need to be studied with due diligence and sustained effort working towards course outcomes. Students will be expected to attend all classes, complete set tasks in class, participate in the learning experiences in class, hand assessments in on the due date and to be organised. Students on Vet work placement will need to make arrangements to complete their tasks before they go on placement. With large assessment tasks and projects students need to be showing their teachers ongoing evidence of progress highlighting their own work. Mrs D Williamson Deputy Principal

Richmond River High School Telephone: 6621 3456 Canteen: 6621 4890

Being RRHS

Is: Responsible Respectful Honest Safe

Monday 04/11/2013 Nola Mangan & Jo James

Tuesday 05/11/2013 Toni Woodland & Deb Richards

Wednesday 06/11/2013 Meryl Condon

Thursday 07/11/2013 Kelly Wilson

Friday 08/11/2013 Christine Miller

Canteen volunteers are needed. If you can help please phone Kathy

Claydon on 6621 4890. Half Day or Full Day

Wednesday 06/11/2013 Year 9 Unibound at Southern

Cross University

Thursday 07/11/2013

Friday 08/11/2013

Tuesday 05/11/2013 Year 9 Unibound at Southern

Cross University Zone Open Cricket Trials

Monday 04/11/2013

Year 12 News - Sign out day for students on Friday November 8. Students must collect a Leavers Form from the main office and return all school textbooks, library books, other equipment and pay out-standing costs for subject fees or lost equipment. - There is a mandatory Formal prac-tice for students on the 15th of Novem-ber (the day of the formal) at the Work-ers Club at 9.00 a.m. It is very im-portant that all students attend. - If any parents or carers are available to assist in decorating the Workers Club auditorium in preparation for the formal on Friday the 15/11 can you please contact Mrs Helliwell at the school. Thankyou, Mrs Helliwell

Dob in a Job Dear Community Members, The RRHS community is broad with its members having many different social and work related contacts. The RRHS transition team would like to utilise this network to assist our students find employment. If you are aware of any employment opportunities, whether part time, full time or casual, please contact either Lachlan Klose or Scott Harrison at the school. Kind Regards RRHS Transition Team Contacts: Lachlan Klose: Transition Advisor Scott Harrison: Student Support Officer

Richmond River High School Telephone: 6621 3456 Canteen: 6621 4890

P & C Meeting 6.00 - 7.30 p.m.

Wednesday 13th November 2013








Design Competition

The design competition for NSW Youth Week 2014 is open to young people aged 12-25 years. The winning artist will be awarded $1000 and given the chance to showcase their work during Youth Week. Find out more:

Digital Citizenship

We're the first generation of parents responsible for equip-ping our children with digital citizenship skills – how to use technology safely and responsibly, and how to evaluate, manage and use the information and tools they find online.

Here are some tips to get you started:

Smart Travelling

Is your child heading overseas after finishing their HSC? Suggest they consult safety advice on the Australian Gov-ernment’s Smart Traveller website before they go.

Find out more: