Conflict & Symbolic interaction

Post on 01-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Conflict & Symbolic interaction

“The experience of the irrationality of the world has been the driving force of all religious revolution.”

“the strict earning of more and more money, combined with the strict avoidance of all spontaneous enjoyment of life, ... is thought of ... purely as an end in itself, ... .” ~ Weber

Puritans rejected any spending of money on entertainment that didn't "serve God's glory." They felt a duty to hold and increase their possessions. It was ascetic Protestantism that gave this attitude its ethical foundation. Asceticism also condemned dishonesty and impulsive greed. The pursuit of wealth in itself was bad, but attaining it as the result of one's labor was a sign of God's blessing.

Evil Eye of SauranEvil Eye of Sauran

Gangs have fought over the way someone looked at them.

Fifty-five per cent of the impression we get from someone comes through our body language

Thirty-eight per cent is from the tone, speed and inflection of our voice

and a mere seven per cent is from what we're actually saying!

As measured by…??