Conffrontation 3.5

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Transcript of Conffrontation 3.5

  • 8/2/2019 Conffrontation 3.5


  • 8/2/2019 Conffrontation 3.5


  • 8/2/2019 Conffrontation 3.5


    Confrontation 3rd Edition Index(English Version)


    Abilities, general, 131-144Abilities, war machines, 145-146

    Absorbing spells, 75Actions outside of Activationphase, 32Activation announcement, 31Activation phase, 29Activation sequence, 27, 31Activation, summoned fighters,79Aim tests, 40Akkyshan Elves, 7Alchemists of Dirz, 7Alchemists of Dirz revisions, 2ndedition to 3rd edition, 154-157

    Allies, 127Approach phase, 123Army construction, 126-127Army construction, example of,129Army Points (AP), 12Artefact cards, 13Artefacts, 127-128, 149-151Artillery fire, 119Aspects, for divination, 14, 17,98, 129Assault, 31Attack dice, 45

    Attack test, 47Aura of Darkness, 68Aura of Faith, 97Aura of Leadership, 65


    Base to base contact, 24Bases, 19, 24Believers, for divination, 97Black Magic spells, 95


    Calling miracles, 98-100Cards Artefact, 11Cards Miracle, 11Cards Reference, 11Cards Special Capacity, 11Cards Spell, 11Casting spells, 72-74Censuring miracles, 100Characteristic Roll/Test, 19-20Characteristics, 17Characters, special

    abilities/rules, 152Charge penalties, 36-37Charging, 31-32

    Charging two opponents, 34Chthonian spells, 87Combat, definition of, 43Combat dice, 44Combat example, 50-52Combat, one against many, 46Combat, one against one, 46

    Combat resolution, 44Commander, 65-67Contact, 24Countering spells, 76Counter magic, 75Counters, 15Courage tests, 59-60Crew (war machines), 116Cry Havoc revisions, 203Cult, 14, 129Cumulative actions, 31-33Cynwall Elves, 5Cynwall Elves revisions, 2nd

    edition to 3rd edition, 171-172


    Daikinee Elves, 9Damage rolls, 21, 49Damage & structure points (warmachines), 121Defense, announcement of, 47Defense dice, 45Defense tests, 47

    Deployment, 123Devourers, as Wolfen, 69Devourers of Vile-Tis, 9Devourers of Vile-Tis revisions,2nd edition to 3rd edition, 170-171Dice, 19Difficulty tests, 20Difficulty tests, divination, 99Difficulty tests, firing, 40Difficulty tests, incantation, 74Disengagement, 39Dispersion Template, 15

    Distribution roll, 49Divination, example of, 100-101Drawing cards, 29-30Dwarves of MidNor, 7Dwarves of MidNor revisions,2nd edition to 3rd edition, 168-170Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor, 9Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor revisions,2nd edition to 3rd edition, 179-182


    Elemental domains, 73

    Elemental revisions, 2nd editionto 3rd edition, 191-192Elements & opposition of, 71Emanation, 111End of round, 56Engaging an opponent, 31-32Engaging several opponents, 35

    Equipment, 17Exceptional Wound, 22Exchanges, resolution of, 46Exclusive actions, 31


    Faith, 100Faithful, 97Familiars revisions, 2nd edition to3rd edition, 193-196Fayery spells, 94Fear, consequences of, 60

    Fear, general, 59Fear, becoming immune to, 61Fervour, 14, 99Field of Vision (LOS), 23Fighter, 17Final result, 19Firing, 31, 33, 39-40Firing into a fray, 40Fleeing, 62Flying, and divination, 99Flying, and firing, 39Flying, and hand-to-handcombat, 44

    Flying, and incantation, 74Flying, and movement, 38Flying, and war machines, 120Force, 19, 36-37Fray splitting, 43Frequency, 13


    Gaming material, 10General rules, 16Generic scenarios, 125Goblins of No-Dan-Kar, 9

    Goblins of No-Dan-Kar revisions,2nd edition to 3rd edition, 183-185Griffins of Akkylannie, 5Griffins of Akkylannie revisions,2nd edition to 3rd edition, 157-161


    Hermetism, and mana recovery,77Hermetism spells, 82

    Howls spells, 91


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    Iconoclast faithful, 97Immobile machines, 115Improving spell mastery, 74Incantation example, 78-79Initiative tests, 44Instinctive Magic spells, 89

    Intensity magic, 14



    Kelts of the Drune Clan, 7Kelts of the Drune Clan revisions,2nd edition to 3rd edition, 171Kelts of the Sessairs Clan, 5Kelts of the Sessairs Clanrevisions, 2nd edition to 3rd

    edition, 177-179


    Large size, 19Lead, the, 30Leadership, transmission of, 66-67Limbo of Acheron, 7Limbo of Acheron revisions, 2ndedition to 3rd edition, 161-167Limbo of Acheron revisions,Obscure Houses, 198-200

    Line of Sight (LOS), 24Lions of Alahan, 5Lions of Alahan revisions, 2ndedition to 3rd edition, 172-176Lions of Alahan revisions,Baronies of the Lion, 200-201Litanies of Darkness (miracles),108-109Litanies of Destiny (miracles),106-107Litanies of Light (miracles), 104-105Liturgies, 110

    Lord of the Dead, 68-69Loyal/X, 98


    Magicians, 71Maintenance phase, 57Major virtues, 111Mana gems, 13, 71Mana recovery, 76-77Mana reserve, 72Mark of Savagery, 69

    Meanders of Darkness, 6Measuring distances, assaults,59

    Measuring distances, divination,100Measuring distances, firing, 40Measuring distances,incantation, 75Medium size, 19Merin, faithful of, 100

    MidNor, faithful of, 100Miniatures - General, 11Miniatures per Reference Card,129Minor virtues, 111Mobile machines, 115Modifiers, 20Movement during an Assault, 34Movement penalties for terrain,39Movement potential, 34Movements, 34Moving through friendly models,

    39Moving under cover, 31-32Musicians, 65-67Mystic actions, 31, 33Mystic phase, 57


    Name, 12Naphtha equipment, 147-149Natural result, 19Necromancers, 77

    Necromancy spells, 83


    Obsolete card packs, 2nd editionto 3rd edition, 153Obstacles, 39One, the rule of, 19Ophidian Alliance, 7Ophidian Alliance revisions, 2ndedition to 3rd edition, 196Opposition test, 20Orc Shamans, and mana

    recovery, 77Orcs of Bran-O-Kor, 9Orcs of Bran-O-Kor revisions,2nd edition to 3rd edition, 185-188Orientation at end of movement,37Orthodox faithful, 97


    Passing ones turn, 30Paths of Destiny, 8

    Paths of magic, 13, 128Perforating artillery, 119Phases, overview of, 25

    Power, 17Primagic spells, 81Pursuit movements, 53



    RagNarok, 11Rallying, 27, 62Range miracle, 14Range spell, 13Ranks, 18Ranks, war machines, 116Redirecting assaults, result ofFear, 61Reference Cards, 12Reference Chart, 206

    Reference Profile, 17Refusals (see: Passing onesturn), 30Relics, 111-112Reserve cards, 29Revisions, 2nd edition to 3rdedition, general, 153-154Rolling several dice, 20Rout, 61-62Running, 31, 33


    Sacred armor, 147Sacred weapons, 147Scenarios, 124Scenery, 23Sequence of exchanges, 46Shamanism spells, 85Size, 18, 24Six, the rule of, 20Small size, 19Solaris spells, 93Sorcery spells, 86Special Capacity Cards, 13Special equipment, 147

    Spellbooks, 80Spell Cards, 13, 128Spell intensity, 128Spells removed, 2nd edition to3rd edition, 154Spiral of faith, 98Splitting frays, 43Standard Bearer, 65-67State of Health, 18Stats/Statistics (see ReferenceProfile), 17Steam equipment, 147-149Strategic phase, 27, 123

    Strategic value, 12Strengthening the bond,divination, 99

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    Structure Points (war machines),

    18, 115, 121Stunned, 23Summoned fighters, 79-80Sustained defense, 47-49

    Sword-axes, 147


    Tactical roll, 27Targeting, missile fire, 40

    Targeting, miracles, 99Targeting, spells, 73-74Technomancy spells, 84Tellurism spells, 92

    Temporary faith, 97-98Thematic Army card packs,general, 197-198Theogonal virtues, 111Theurgy spells, 88

    Time out, 57Tournament Rules, 204Turn, game, 30


    Universal Litanies (miracles),102-103Utopia of the Sphinx, 5


    Very Large size, 19

    Victory conditions, 124Virtues, 110-112


    Walking, 31-33

    War Machines, 18, 115-121War Machines, activation of, 116War Machines, capture of, 117

    War Machines, combat with, 121War Machines, disengagementfrom combat, 117

    War Machines, firing, 118

    War Machines, leadership & rout,121War Machines, movement, 117

    War Machines, servants, 116War Machines, substitutes, 116War Staff, 65-67Warrior Mage, 71Warrior Mage, assault & mysticactions by, 31Warrior Monk, 97

    Warrior Monk, assault & mysticactions by, 31Ways of Light, 4

    Weight (war machines), 115Whispers spells, 90Wolfen Chiefs, 69

    Wolfen, Devourers, 69

    Wolfen of Yllia, 9Wolfen of Yllia revisions, 2ndedition to 3rd edition, 188-190Wolfen of Yllia revisions, Wolfen

    Packs, 202-203Wolfen Pariahs, 69

    Wonders, 111Wound penalties, 23Wounds, 21-23




    Zone artillery, 120