Concentrated Development Vision – Analysis

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Concentrated Development Vision – Analysis

Most communities in the Region already have plans for how they will

develop in the future.

How is the Concentrated Development Vision different

from what is already planned?

The Concentrated Development Vision would result in new people moving into already-developed areas in the Region’s existing communities.

The Concentrated Development Vision would result in more new jobs being located in already-developed areas in the Region’s core.

What kinds of effects would the Concentrated Development Vision have

on the Region?

How would these be different from how the Region is now?

How would these be different from the existing future land development plans

and policies in the Region?

Population Density

In general, people would live closer together under the Concentrated Development Scenario than they do now and than they would under existing plans.

Employment Density

In general, jobs would be located closer together under the Concentrated Development Scenario than they are now and than they would be under existing plans.

Accessibility to Amenities

More people would live within walking distance of schools, libraries, hospitals, shopping, etc., under the Concentrated Development Scenario than currently do and would under existing plans.

Housing Unit Density

In general, housing units would be located somewhat closer together under the Concentrated Development Scenario than they are now and than they would be under existing plans.

Concentration of Employment In general, jobs would be located in areas where there are a variety of land uses – housing, factories, shopping districts, etc. – under the Concentrated Development Scenario than they are now or would be under existing plans.

Accessibility to Support Infrastructure

The Concentrated Development Scenario would have fewer jobs located within one mile of water/sewer lines, major roads, airports, etc., than the current situation, and slightly more than would be under existing plans.

Open Space Accessibility

More people would live closer to parks and/or bikeways under the Concentrated Development Scenario than do now and than would under existing plans.

Transit Ridership Potential Because of higher population and employment densities, there would be a greater potential for increased transit ridership under the Concentrated Development Scenario than there is now and than there would be under existing plans.

Traffic Congestion

Due largely to increases in population and employment, along with changes to the land use pattern, there would be more traffic congestion on a typical day under the Concentrated Development Scenario than there is now.

So what does all this mean?

Because this new plan shifts our Region’s development priorities to

focus on redevelopment efforts and concentrating new

development in areas that already have infrastructure in place,

development in the Region will become more dense.

This also means that:

• More people will live closer to things like parks and bikeways and amenities like schools and libraries and shopping centers,

• There will be a higher potential for increased transit ridership, and

• There may be more traffic congestion.

What effects might the Concentrated Development Vision

have on our most vulnerable populations – the elderly, the disabled, and people living

below poverty level?

Areas with higher than average concentrations of people aged 65 or over are

spread throughout the Region.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people aged 65 or older…

Population density will be lower than it will be for the Region as a whole in 2040 but higher than it is now.

Housing unit density will be lower than it will be for the Region as a whole in 2040 and higher than it is now.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people aged 65 or older… About the same number of people will be living near amenities as do now, this number will be low compared to the Region as a whole in 2040.

Slightly more people will be living near parks and bikeways compared to the Region as a whole in 2040.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people aged 65 or older…

Because these areas are spread throughout more rural areas, the transit ridership potential will not change much from what it is currently and there will be less transit ridership potential in these areas than in the Region as a whole in 2040.

Areas with higher than average concentrations of people with

disabilities are located mainly in the Region’s core and established


For the areas with a higher concentration of people with disabilities…

Population density will be slightly higher than it will be for the Region as a whole in 2040 and higher than it is now.

Housing unit density will be higher than it is now and higher than it will be for the Region as a whole in 2040.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people with disabilities… About the same number of people will be living near amenities as do now, which is much higher than the number for the Region as a whole in 2040.

Slightly more people will be living near parks and bikeways compared to the Region as a whole in 2040.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people with disabilities…

While the transit ridership potential will not change much from what it is currently in these areas, there will be less transit ridership potential than in the Region as a whole in 2040.

Areas with higher than average concentrations of people living below poverty level are located mainly in and around several of

the Region’s larger cities.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people living below poverty level…

Population density will be higher than it is now and will be higher for the Region as a whole in 2040.

Housing unit density will be higher than it is now and higher than it will be for the Region as a whole in 2040.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people living below poverty level… Slightly more people will be living near amenities as do now, which is much higher than the number for the Region as a whole in 2040.

More people will be living near parks and bikeways compared to the Region as a whole in 2040.

For the areas with a higher concentration of people living below poverty level…

While the transit ridership potential will not change much from what it is currently in these areas, there will be less transit ridership potential than in the Region as a whole in 2040.

So what does all this mean?

Vulnerable populations are groups of people who may be more affected by future land development than other people and may

have difficulty adjusting to these changes.

These groups may have limited options for transportation and may have limited options for

housing as well.

As we move forward with this plan, we will all need to be mindful of

how any new development efforts will affect these populations and do

what we can to make sure that everyone in the Region benefits

from the changes in our development priorities.

We will be asking local governments to endorse the Concentrated Development

Vision over the next few months and we could definitely

use your support!

What can you do to help?

We’re so glad you asked!

The number one thing you can do is to talk with your elected

officials and let them know that you support this vision for the

Miami Valley Region.

Endorse the Concentrated Development Scenario! Click here to let us know that you support this vision. Send a link to this presentation to everyone you know! Neighbors, old friends from high school, parents, teachers, dog sitters, you name it. The more people who learn about what we’re trying to do, the better! Sign up for our mailing list and “like” us on Facebook so that you can stay in touch and up to date with the Going Places initiative!

Thank You!

For more information on the Concentrated Development Vision, please take a look at the presentation titled “The Preferred Scenario” For more information about how the Concentrated Development Vision may be implemented, please take a look at the presentation titled “The Concentrated Development Vision – Implementation”