COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY P2 · 4.1 You are looking into the merits of adding a SSD (Solid...

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Transcript of COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY P2 · 4.1 You are looking into the merits of adding a SSD (Solid...

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JUNE 2018

MARKS: 150


This question paper consists of 17 pages.


FS J18


1. This question paper consists of:

SECTION A (25 marks) SECTION B (75 marks) SECTION C (50 marks)

2. Answer ALL the questions.

3. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question


4. Start each question on a new page.

5. Do NOT write in the right-hand margin.

6. Leave a line between each sub question.

7. In general, a mark is allocated per fact. A 2-mark question would therefore require TWO facts, et cetera.

8. Write neatly and legibly.


FS J18

SECTION A QUESTION 1: MATCHING ITEMS Choose a term/concept from COLUMN B that matches a description in COLUMN A. Write only the letter (A–O) next to the question number (1.1–1.7) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.8 P.


1.1 A handheld computing device

which can also be used to make

and receive calls

1.2 A small program that allows the

operating system to communicate

with the hardware and to control it

1.3 A type of memory that

permanently stores instructions

used while booting a computer

1.4 Concepts of hardware design that

considers the health and comfort of users

1.5 A network that covers a limited


1.6 A general term used to describe a

class of software that negatively

affects your computer

1.7 A service that automatically

delivers new content or notifications of new content from


1.8 An object in a database that uses

criteria to retrieve specific records

or information

1.9 An instrument used to gather

information from people

1.10 To transfer data from a

spreadsheet for use in a



B report

C blog

D GPS device



G utilities

H questionnaire

I query


K phablet


M driver

N import


P malware

Q ergonomics

R podcast

S formatting

(10 x 1) [10]


FS J18

QUESTION 2: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Various options are given as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (2.1–2.10) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 2.11 D. 2.1 Which ONE of the following would usually be viewed in a browser?


2.2 ... is a shortcut commonly used in many programs to save a file.

A Alt + S B Shift + S C Ctrl + S D Alt + Shift + S (1)

2.3 Which ONE of the following search phrases would typically exclude or ignore the word 'Android' when using a search engine to search for the word 'tablets'?

A tablet AND Android B tablet -Android C tablet OR Android D tablet without Android (1)

2.4 Which ONE of the following is directly associated with e-mail?

A URL B html C SSD D Bcc (1)

2.5 A(n) ... is NOT an example of optical storage.


2.6 Which ONE of the following is a potential threat to the environment, caused by the widespread use of technology?

A Increased power consumption B A paperless office C Refilling ink cartridges D Repetitive strain injuries (1)


FS J18

2.7 Which ONE of the following database objects allows a user to enter or view data one record at a time?

A Table B Query C Form D Report (1)

2.8 Which ONE of the following is the abbreviation for the largest unit used to measure storage?


2.9 The ... is a hardware component that allows a computer to connect to and communicate via a network.


2.10 Which ONE of the following is the most likely reason why all files frequently disappear from the same USB flash drive?

A The flash drive was connected to a USB 3.0 port. B The files are backed up automatically. C The flash drive is 'Read Only'. D The files were hidden by a virus. (1)



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QUESTION 3: TRUE/FALSE ITEMS Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Choose the answer and write 'true' or 'false' next to the question number (3.1–3.5) in the ANSWER BOOK. Correct the statement if it is FALSE. Change the underlined word(s) to make the statements TRUE. (You may not simply use the word 'NOT' to change the statement.) Examples:


Computer program instructions are executed by the CPU.


Defragmentation is characterised by unequal access to ICT by different groups of people.

False. The digital divide is characterised by unequal access to ICT by different groups of people.

3.1 The Read Only property can be applied to a file to prevent any changes being made to the file.



An e-mail request with a link to update one's banking password is known as spamming.



The Disk Cleanup utility helps one to close a non-responding application.



CTRL+A is a keyboard shortcut often used for selecting the entire contents of a document.



The size of a screen is measured by the number of horizontal and vertical pixels.

(1) [5]




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SECTION B QUESTION 4: SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES 4.1 You are looking into the merits of adding a SSD (Solid State Drive)

to your computer. Give TWO advantages and ONE disadvantage of a SSD over a traditional (mechanical) hard drive


4.2 Most new software that is written will usually have ‘bugs’ in it. Two common ways of fixing software bugs are to use patches and service packs.

4.2.1 What is a software ‘bug’? (1)

4.2.2 Briefly explain the differences between a patch and a service pack, by describing the essential features of each one.


4.3 Give TWO reasons why you would want or need to upgrade the hardware of your computer, other than hardware failure.


4.4 State TWO ways in which a user could install software on a computer that does not have an optical drive.


4.5 Give TWO advantages of using HDMI technology instead of VGA technology.


4.6 Name TWO valuable types of information that POS (point-of-sale) systems provide for store owners.


4.7 A friend was trying to open a file when a message popped up suggesting he/ she should try to 'Look for an app in the Store'. Explain what an app store is and why it would be used in this context.


4.8 It is important to consider compatibility issues and system requirements before investing in new software.

4.8.1 Give TWO typical hardware requirements for installing the software, besides the DVD drive.


4.8.2 Give ONE reason why the hardware requirements would be less of an issue if the software were cloud-based, e.g. Google Docs.


4.8.3 Assume that you have installed the latest version of an office suite. Describe why downward compatibility would be an advantage in using this software.



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4.9 State TWO basic functions of an operating system, excluding tasks performed by utilities such as the disk defragmenter.


4.10 State TWO possible software-related issues, excluding malware that could cause a sudden decrease in the performance of a computer.


[25] QUESTION 5: INTERNET AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES 5.1 Give ONE example of a web-based e-mail service. (1)

5.2 Describe TWO potential disadvantages or limitations of using a

mobile connection to connect to the Internet.


5.3 One advantage of online storage systems is their ability to synchronise your files.

5.3.1 Give ONE example of an online storage service, other than Google Drive.


5.3.2 Explain what is meant by ‘syncing’ your files. (1)

5.3.3 When it comes to file sharing, online storage has several advantages over e-mail attachments. Give ONE of these advantages.


5.4 Laptops generally include a built-in webcam. Give TWO situations where a built-in webcam could come in handy or be used.


5.5 Why would one FLAG or STAR an email (1)

5.6 Cybercrime is an unfortunate reality of the online lifestyle.

5.6.1 Explain why you cannot rely on anti-virus software to stop you from becoming a victim of a social engineering attack.


5.6.2 Give the name of the common social engineering technique that relies on e-mail to succeed.


5.7 How can a group of friends access the Internet simultaneously from their smartphones if only one of them has airtime/data?


5.8 As what is the '802.11' communications technology or standard better known?




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6.1 Study the graph below and answer the questions that follows:

6.1.1 Which year had the most bachelor passes? (1)

6.1.2 Identify TWO trends seen in the graph. (2)

6.1.3 What do the trends, represented by the graph, show about the quality of the schools results.


6.1.4 Give ONE recommendation based on the information on the graph.


6.2 Questionnaires are often used to obtain information from people.

6.2.1 With so much information that is already available on the Internet and in books, explain why questionnaires are still so widely used.


6.2.2 Give TWO guidelines that can be used to ensure that a questionnaire will have an effective layout and be easy to complete.


6.3 An online survey was created with the following URL: www.myforms/mydocuments/dp/B003FSUDM4/3Mdp/Y27P3M/survey.html

Explain why one would use a URL shortening service such as TinyURL and state the main benefit of using such a service.




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QUESTION 7: SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS 7.1 What is the general term given to any attempt to manipulate or trick

a user into giving away confidential information such as passwords?


7.2 Explain why it is necessary or not necessary to regularly update anti-virus software and/or a firewall.


7.3 Describe TWO ways in which technology can have a negative effect on people’s lives.


7.4 Accessing a number of people’s computers remotely to use their processing time and power can be regarded either as a positive exercise or as a criminal activity. Discuss the above statement, by giving ONE beneficial or constructive example of this type of usage, and ONE example of using it for criminal purposes. Also give the correct technical terms used to describe or categorise each of these activities in general.


7.5 The geotagging function of modern cameras is useful for holidaymakers and tourists. Explain what this statement means by explaining what geotagging is


7.6 Give TWO tips on how to prevent eye strain when using a computer for long periods of time.


7.7 Briefly explain what information overload is AND how it affects productivity specifically.




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QUESTION 8: SOLUTION DEVELOPMENT 8.1 What is the function of 'gridlines' in a document?


8.2 A friend returns a copy of your History essay, typed in Word with track changes in it. Briefly describe the Track Changes feature in Word, and give ONE benefit of using this in a situation such as the one outlined above.


8.3 What is the difference between Save and Save as in a Word document?


8.4 Web page development.

8.4.1 What is the difference between www and the Internet? (2)

8.4.2 Explain the difference between cell spacing and cell padding in tables in word processing documents and HTML pages.


8.4.3 Identify the error in the following section of HTML code: <html> <body bgcolour="black"> </body> </html>


8.5 Examine the following extract of a spreadsheet and answer the questions that follow:

8.5.1 Give TWO aspects about this spreadsheet that would need to be changed before it could be used as a data source for a mail merge.



The formula = E4 / E2 * 100 was used in cell F4 to calculate the percentage for Paige Anderson. It gives the


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correct answer. However, the formula would not work if it were copied as it is to cells F5:F8. Explain why it would not work and briefly explain how to correct this problem


8.6 State TWO advantages of using a query to extract information from a database instead of a filter.


[15] TOTAL SECTION B: [75]


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SCENARIO As part of your school’s decision to pursue a new technologies (ICT) awareness campaign, the Grade 12 CAT class has been tasked to organise an electronic information desk in one of the classrooms, during the school’s annual Open Day event. Three networked computers will be used. The programme includes demonstrations of video editing and animation projects that the CAT pupils have been developing.

9.1 Explain, with reference to the scenario, why entry-level computers

may NOT be suitable for the information desk to use.


9.2 One CAT pupil suggested that she brings along her Kindle e-reading device, to show visitors the latest new technology books available on Amazon. Describe TWO possible advantages of using an e-reader in this situation, over using a laptop or desktop computer.


9.3 There were some problems in setting up the school’s high quality data projector for a PowerPoint slideshow. Consider the following problems, and write down ONE possible solution for each:

9.3.1 The image displayed on the screen was too dim to be seen properly, even though the room was sufficiently darkened.


9.1.2 There was no sound from the speakers, even though they were switched on and plugged into the correct jack.


9.4 The class would like to take photographs of visitors posing with the school’s ICT champions, and provide them with hardcopy printouts.

9.4.1 Give TWO ways in which photographs taken by a digital camera could be transferred to a laptop, other than by making use of Bluetooth.


9.4.2 Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of using an inkjet printer for producing the hardcopies of the photographs.


9.4.3 Give the group TWO tips on how they could practise green computing, with reference to their use of the printer in this scenario.



Good Internet connectivity is an important requirement for the information desk.


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9.5.1 The school has an ADSL connection hosted by their ISP. Give ONE additional service offered by an ISP, other than the fact that an ISP provides Internet access to its clients for a monthly fee.


9.5.2 Give TWO advantages of an ADSL connection. (2)

9.6 It was suggested that Google Maps be used to give prospective visitors directions on how to get to the school. The CAT teacher cautioned that Google Maps might not be the best way to advertise the directions, especially for people that were negatively affected by the digital divide.

9.6.1 Explain the CAT teacher’s reasoning, by explaining the term digital divide.


9.6.2 Another way to give visitors directions to the school would be to get visitors to use the ‘direction-finding’ technology already built into their Smartphones. Give the general name of this ‘direction-finding’ technology.


9.6.3 Using a Smartphone to get directions is an example of convergence. Explain what the term convergence means in the context of technology.


9.7 The group would like to promote a CBT (Computer Based Training) software package on ICT and New Technologies. The package is also available as an app that runs on the Android platform.

9.7.1 Give TWO advantages of using a CBT package, over more traditional training methods.


9.7.2 Explain what the term Android platform refers to or means. (2)

9.7.3 Give an example of a type of computing device on which the above app may be used.




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SCENARIO You have been given the opportunity to work at a local cell phone shop. The manager of the store knows about your CAT background and has asked you to help with some of the technical questions that might be asked by customers.

10.1 A smartphone with the following specification is currently on a

special at the shop Answer the following questions from customers.

10.1.1 What size screen does the device have? (1)

10.1.2 Explain what a Multi-Touch screen is. (1)

10.1.3 Give ONE example of an action that a Multi-Touch

screen allows one to perform. (1)

10.1.4 The specifications above indicate that the smartphone has 16 GB of internal storage. Explain why less than 16 GB will be available, even when customers use the smartphone for the first time.


10.1.5 How could customers add more storage capacity to the phone?


10.1.6 Give TWO reasons why it is a good idea to upgrade to a smartphone with the same type of operating system.


10.1.7 Describe TWO ways in which the shop can get rid of old cellphones and cellphone parts responsibly.


10.1.8 Which specification above refers to resolution? (1)

Quad Core 1.7 Ghz 2 GB RAM 16 GB Card slot 5.2” Multi – Touch screen Android 8.1 Bluetooth 4.1, 802.11 a/b/g/n 18 MP Camera back 6 MP Camera front


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10.2 The owner has tried to create a basic website to advertise the current specials. Study the HTML code below.

Explain how you would correct the following mistakes:

10.2.1 The horizontal line is not displayed. (1)

10.2.2 The heading 'OUR BEST SPECIALS TO DATE!' should be smaller.


10.2.3 The text 'Come to our store now and save big!' should be displayed in a red font, but it is displayed in black.


10.3 A database was created to keep track of current stock levels at the shop.

10.3.1 Study the screenshot below and name the data type that should be used for the Specifications field to enter a large amount of text.


10.3.2 Why is the Autonumber data type always suitable to use for a primary key field?


10.3.3 The query below was designed to show all items in stock where the make starts with the word Smart and the selling price is either less than R100 or more than R500.

<title> Current specials <hr />


<body> <h1> OUR BEST SPECIALS TO DATE! </h1>

<font colour="red"> Come to our store now and save big! </font> <br />



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Identify TWO errors in the design of this query that are causing it to display the incorrect information.


10.4 Briefly explain what each of the following would be used for in a word processing application:

10.4.1 Continuous section break


10.4.2 Bookmark


10.5 Customers are worried about security threats on their smartphones. Briefly explain each of the following security threats:

10.5.1 E-mail spoofing (1)

10.5.2 Pharming (2)

10.5.3 Keylogging (1)

10.5.4 Phishing (1) [25] TOTAL SECTION C: [50] GRAND TOTAL: [150]