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Transcript of COmPuter

Lesson 6 Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics

•Computer Ethics refers to the rules or principles that deals with the right and wrong way of using the computer together with the moral duty and obligation of computer users

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•1.Thou shall not use a computer to harm other people.

it is unethical to change or mess with other people’s file or computer system. An example is by sending spam e-mails which can harm other user’s account

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•2. Thou shall not interfere with other people’s computer work

Making changes to other people’s files without their approval is unethical. Same with creating computer viruses that would display annoying messages, corrupt files, and erase data

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•3. Thou shall not snoop around in other people’s files

•oObtaining and looking at other’s files without permission is not proper. Reading personal documents, letters, and e-mail messages of others is invading their privacy

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•4. Thou shall not use a computer to steal Breaking into bank accounts and

transferring money through the use of computers is stealing. Some as tampering programs and computerized equipment such as ATM to get funds

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•5. Thou shall not use or copy software for which you have not paid.

Creating duplicate copies of software and buying and using pirated CDs.

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•6. Thou shall not use a computer to bear false witness

Spreading rumors about a person or an organization through the Internet is against ethical use of the computer. Giving out false information through websites or newsgroups and spreading black propaganda by sending e-mails with false information about a person, an idea, or an organization is improper

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•7. Thou shall not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper compensation

Accessing systems through unauthorized us of ID’s usernames and passwords is hacking and it is unethical

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

•8. Thou shall not appropriate other people’s intellectual output

Using the ideas and words of others without clearly acknowledging the author or source of that information is unethical. Copying computer programs and ideas without the consent of the owner is considered as plagiarism which is against the law. It is a violation of other people’s intellectual property rights

Lesson 5 Virus

Computer Virus

•Computer virus is a program which reproduces itself. It may attach to other programs which may create copies of it. It may damage or corrupt data, change data, or degrade the performance of your system by utilizing resources such as memory or disk space

History of Computer Virus

1971 – “The Creeper”

• It was developed by programmer Bob Thomas of BNN

Technologies to actively explain a mobile application on how a virus infiltrate and be replicated throughout a localized computer network. It was never intended for harm

1971 – “The Creeper”

•The Creeper was first detected in ARPANET, the defense department’s precursor the global Internet, the World Wide Web as what we now know as today. At this point, delivered a message, “ I’m the creeper, catch me if you can, ‘ then it would move on to another system in the network. ‘the Reaper’ was designed to chase down and delete the creeper

1986 – Brain Virus • Brain virus was created by two Pakistani brothers,

Amjad and Basit Farooq Alvi. This virus, which spread via floppy disks, was known only to infect boot records and not computer hard drives like most viruses today.

• The virus also known as the Lahore, Pakistani, Pakistani Brain, Brain-A and UIUC would occupy unused space on the floppy disk so that it could not be used and would hide from detection. It would also disguise itself by displaying the uninfected boot sector on the disk

1987 – Lehigh Virus

•Lehigh Virus was discovered at Lehigh University in the United States. The Lehigh virus was the first memory resident file infector that attacked executable files and took control when a file was opened.

1987 – Jerusalem Virus

•The Jerusalem virus also appeared this year at Hebrew University in Israel. The Jerusalem virus was also a memory resident file infector. It contained bugs to re-infect programs that were already infected.

1988 – Cascade Virus

• The first anti-virus was designed to detect and remove Brain virus. The anti-virus also immunized floppy disks to get rid of the Brain infection. At the same time, the Cascade virus appeared in Germany. The Cascade virus was the first encrypted virus, which was coded and could not be changed or removed

• During the late 1980’s and the early 1990’s viruses on the loose which infected files, disks, etc. on the computer and caused a great deal of damage received a lot of media attention. Magazines such as Business week, Newsweek and PC magazine began publishing articles about these destructive viruses running wild and demanded a solution for all these problem

1991 – Norton Anti-virus

•Symantec released the Norton Anti-virus software. Anti-virus products from IBM, McAfee, Digital Dispatch and Iris also became available

2000 – ILOVEYOU virus

•The ILOVEYOU virus wreaked havoc around the world. The virus that was created here in Philippines and was sent through email and spread around the world in one day infecting 10 percent of computers connected to the Internet and causing $5.5 billion dollars in damage. Hence, viruses are still common and still create chaos even today. It is hard to determine the reasons for all these actions and why virus writers create computer viruses. Some do it for their personal gain, for research projects, pranks, vandalism, etc., while others want to help make improvements in programs

Categories of Computer Viruses

•1.Boot Sector Virus •2.Master Boot Record

Virus •3.File Infector Viruses •4.Macro Viruses •5.Resident Viruses •6.Worms •7.Trojan Horses •8.Directory Virus

•9. Overwrite Viruses •10. Polymorphic Virus •11. Logic Bombs •12. FAT Virus •13. Multipartite Virus •14. Web Scripting

Virus •14. Direct Action


Signs of Computer Infection

•A computer virus is usually hard to detect if it’s disguised as a harmless file, in the case of a Trojan horse virus. This type of virus doesn't replicate itself like most viruses, but instead opens your computer up to malicious imposters

• –Your computer functions slower than normal

• –Your computer responds slowly and freezes often

• –Your computer restarts itself often

• –You see uncommon error messages, distorted menus, and dialog boxes

• –You notice applications on your computer fail to work correctly

• –You fail to print correctly

Virus Removal Tools

•It is a software for removing specific viruses from infected computers. Unlike complete antivirus scanners, they are usually not intended to detect and remove an extensive list of viruses; rather they are designed to remove specific viruses, usually more effectively than normal antivirus software