Compliance Officer Manual

Post on 29-May-2015

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Transcript of Compliance Officer Manual

FINE TUNEYour client monitoring approachAll models. SDD. EDD. IDV. PEP. Sanctions. Media.

Compliance Officer Manual

Tried and teste

d by

industry leaders


Jump start your compliance process with proven tools for compliance professionals.

Used by 3,500 firms globally, our industry-leading software, hosted or easily installed, improves your efficiency.

Better process means better business protection, greater customer insight and more robust controls.

You can achieve this with LexisNexis.


Best practice says you’ll already have an advanced fuzzy matching programme in place, a comprehensive audit trail and an escalation process.

But, if your performance is not up to scratch, you know the consequences; business exposed, big fines, reputational damage, change of career.

Develop a streamlined process with our reliable and consistent solutions.

LexisNexis can help.


Ongoing monitoring of sanctions, watchlists, PEPs, global media and internal black lists, or real-time and batch checks, workflow and escalation tools, and comprehensive audit trails. It’s all key to your compliance process.

You need access to relevant information on parties you’re doing business with.

Used by over 3,500 firms globally, our industry-leading software, hosted or easily installed, allows you to approve new clients, minimise false positives and instantly build your accept lists. You never see the same alert twice.

Finely tune your fuzzy matching approach with LexisNexis.


Red flags and new sanction notices all require you to stop and look more closely.

From 1,000 to over 100 million names, LexisNexis checks as many customers or third-parties as you need against all the necessary watch lists.

Simply ready to use from Day 1, or the solution can be automated and integrated to identify compliance vulnerabilities and minimise your workload.

Quickly and cost-effectively conduct due diligence with LexisNexis.


Managing compliance and maintaining your corporate security has never beenmore important.

Applying a risk-based approach isneither mandatory nor prescriptive.But a properly applied approach shouldresult in a more cost effective useof resource.

You can’t look at risks everyday.Automating an ongoing monitoring process that can look at multiple mediasets means you don’t have to.

LexisNexis does it for you.

Only LexisNexisgives you all this…

Our solutions simplify the real-time andbatch screening of new and existing customers through access to the latest technologies and decision-making tools, including identity verification, regulatory compliance and enhanced due diligence applications.

Add to your peace of mind by knowing more about who you are doingbusiness with.

We were really impressed with how fast and simple it is to use. The fuzzy-name matching algorithm delivered excellent results which were easy to understand.

Gary Stephenson,MLRO Prudential UK

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