Complete Guide Week 1 - 8...Refer to your “Cardio Manual” for more details. Tuesday Cardio - 4...

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Transcript of Complete Guide Week 1 - 8...Refer to your “Cardio Manual” for more details. Tuesday Cardio - 4...

Workout Manual

Complete Guide Week 1 - 8

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Workout Manual

Legal Disclaimer The information presented in this program is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician/obstetrician. Consult your physician/obstetrician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician/obstetrician and/or work with your physician/obstetrician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in this program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of there are risks of injury or illness to you and your baby which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

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A note to You, the pregnant woman

Ten reasons why you should exercise during your pregnancy


Workout Week 1 – 8 Monday

Workout Week 1 – 8 Tuesday

Workout Week 1 – 8 Wednesday

Workout Week 1 – 8 Thursday

Workout Week 1 – 8 Friday

Workout Week 1 – 8 Saturday

Workout Week 1 – 8 Sunday











Workout Manual

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A note to You, the pregnant woman: Before starting with this Exercise program, there are a few things you should be aware of and what you should do. The first thing I want you to do is READ THE WHOLE MANUAL, not only the pages relevant to your stage of your pregnancy. Safety during exercising: Listen to your body! Your pregnancy requires a large amount of energy. Sometimes you simply will not feel like exercising (some days you might feel like you do not have enough energy to get out of bed). When this happens do not push yourself, but do not give up either. Just scale down on the repetitions, decrease tempo, but continue with this exercise program. Wear comfortable sport shoes and wear a sports bra. Use a heart rate monitor. Always start your workout with a warm up and complete with a cool down. Do not sit around in breaks or before your cool down – this can cause blood pooling! Consider using supportive knee and ankle braces for stabilization. Before using resistance bands, check if they are in excellent condition; when using a door anchor, lock the door and ensure that nobody can open it from the other side. Motivation? Slip on your headphones and listen to Brain Sync audio while working out. I used their audio “Breakthrough Training in the Zone” which helped me a lot going through my workout and cardio sessions. Stay hydrated! Drink lots of water and ensure that you are not overheating. After your workout drink your Prograde Workout recovery drink. I have negotiated a 15% discount for you… Click here. ( coupon code: INTRO15 ) Stop exercising immediately if you have any warning signs (dizziness or faintness, increased shortness of breath, uneven or rapid heartbeat, chest pain, trouble walking, calf pain or swelling, headache, vaginal bleeding, uterine contractions that continue after rest, fluid gushing or leaking from your vagina, decreased fetal movement.

Workout Manual

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Exercise helps to manage pregnancy symptoms and provides many health benefits to you and your baby. Ten reasons why you should exercise during your pregnancy:

1. Boosts your Energy - muscles and cardiovascular system get stronger, which helps fulfilling daily tasks without tiring that easy.

2. Sleep better - relieves stress and anxiety.

3. Weight Control - in a healthy pregnancy you must gain weight, but if you exercise regularly you will gain less unnecessary fat.

4. Look better - the blood flow to your skin is increased which gives you a healthy pregnancy glow.

5. Makes you Happy - during exercise your brain releases endorphins which improves your mood and make you feel happy and worry-free.

6. Less back pain - as your belly grows, your strong back muscles will help to manage back pain and to avoid back injuries and strains.

7. Reduces risk of Gestational Diabetes - this common pregnancy problem can be prevented by exercise and a healthy diet.

8. Easier Labor - there is no guarantee, but if you exercise you might have a shorter labor and less complications while delivering the baby.

9. Healthy Baby - babies have stronger hearts (long-term benefit), healthier birth weights, and recover quicker from stresses of birth.

10. Get back in shape after childbirth - less fat gain and toned muscles during pregnancy make it easier to get your body back fast.

Workout Manual

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Introduction: Hundreds of pregnant women did follow this very same workout program. It helped them during their pregnancy and also to get their body back after the delivery. Still there are some rules to follow. It is not enough to read through this introduction and then jump to the relevant week of your pregnancy. Read this whole manual BEFORE starting with this program. Every week contains different information which in most times are relevant during your entire pregnancy, not only during that week. However, here are some very important notes: During pregnancy the goal is to maintain as much strength and cardiovascular exercise as you can. Everything should be done in moderation and well within your limits. Listen to your body!!! During some pregnancies, the muscles of the stomach become separated. Your growing baby puts pressure on the abdominal muscles which pull apart, leaving a gap in the center. This is known as diastasis recti. This abdominal muscle separation during pregnancy is very common, especially during the latter trimesters. The correct exercises after childbirth will bring your left and right abdominals back into alignment. Your health care provider can easily check if your abdominal muscles are separated. If they are, you MUST adjust this workout program. Do NOT do any more planks as they put too much pressure on the separation (except when your health care provider gives you the green light). All other exercises of this program should be no problem to do with a diastasis recti. Always talk to your health care provider before starting to exercise. If you already have a medical problem exercise may not be advisable. Exercise can also be harmful if you have a pregnancy related condition such as bleeding or spotting, weak cervix, low placenta, threatened or recurrent miscarriage, previous premature births or history of early labor. Your health care provider can also give you personal exercise guidelines, based on your medical history.

Workout Manual

Let’s get started:

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Below is the workout which you should perform on every Monday during the first eight weeks of your pregnancy. Remember to stay within your limits and to stop exercising completely if you are so out of breath that you are unable to talk normally.

Week 1 - 8


This workout integrates sets, actually supersets. Sets are great to build stamina and muscle, which is fundamental for the rest of your workouts during your pregnancy. This is how it works: Do knee pushups for the indicated number of repetitions, then move on to wide feet squats. There is no break in between the 2 exercises, but rest for 40 seconds after the superset (a superset therefore being 2 sets of exercises with no break between them). Then repeat with knee pushups / wide feet squats again until a total of 3 supersets are completed. Don’t forget to warm up before you start and to cool down and stretch after your workout. For all workouts you also can do the exercises along with videos from the Premium Package.


Exercise Reps / Time Rest Rounds Comments

Set 1 Knee Pushup Wide Feet Squat

5 8 40 seconds 3 After your last squat rest for 40

seconds and continue with Set 2

Set 2 Superman on all 4 Stationary Backward Lunges

6 each side 6 each side 40 seconds 3 After your last lunge rest for 40

seconds and continue with Set 3

Set 3 Plank Knee Plank

7 seconds 38 seconds - 1 After knee plank drink water and do

your cool down

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Week 1 - 8


Monday Workout

Warm Up It is very important to warm up for 4-5 minutes before your workout. Use the warm up video.

Cool Down Please do not sit around after your workout – stretch and cool down. Use the cool down video.


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All of your cardio days will actually be Interval Training. We are not talking about the high intensity interval training (anaerobic level) which you can do after your pregnancy to get back in shape. Your pregnancy interval training will be moderate, within the aerobic level. This is important for several reasons, including avoiding low blood sugar level, overheating and lack of oxygen supply to the fetus. All of these can harm you and your baby. For detailed instructions refer to your “Cardio Manual”.

Week 1 - 8


This is how it works: Walk fast for thirty seconds at an intensity of 7. Continue with slower walking for one minute at intensity 4. Complete 4 rounds alternating between intensity 7 and 4. Don’t forget to warm up before you start and to cool down and stretch after your workout. Kegel! There are many other exercises which you can do for the interval training days. Some exercises you can do outdoors or in a gym, but most of them can be done at home. Refer to your “Cardio Manual” for more details.

Tuesday Cardio - 4 rounds

Exercise Time Intensity

Warm up: Fast walking

3 minutes 4

Medium Intensity: Fast Power walking

30 seconds 7

Low Intensity: Light Power walking

60 seconds 4

Cool down: Walking + stretching

3 minutes 3

On a scale from 1-10, intensity 1 is being totally relaxed and intensity 10 is an extreme workout.


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Your Wednesday workout is the same as your Monday workout, except we add more repetitions. Every week (weeks 1-8 only) as you get stronger you can try and add one more rep to each exercise, but remember to stay within your limits. Use a heart rate monitor!

Week 1 - 8


While exercising try to maintain proper form. If you get tired, slow down, but do each set properly rather than rushing through it. What if I can’t complete a set? Don’t worry about it. You basically have 2 options. Take an extra break and then continue until you have completed the set. The other option is to just skip the remaining reps and continue with the next exercise or rest. This is the preferred option, especially when you missed only the last repetition or two.


Exercise Reps / Time Rest Rounds Comments

Set 1 Knee Pushup Wide Feet Squat

6 9 40 seconds 3 After your last squat rest for 40

seconds and continue with Set 2

Set 2 Superman on all 4 Stationary Backward Lunges

7 each side 7 each side 40 seconds 3 After your last lunge rest for 40

seconds and continue with Set 3

Set 3 Plank Knee Plank

7 seconds 38 seconds - 1 After knee plank drink water and do

your cool down

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Wednesday Workout

Warm Up It is very important to warm up for 4-5 minutes before your workout. Use the warm up video.

Cool Down Please do not sit around after your workout – stretch and cool down. Use the cool down video. Don’t forget to integrate kegel exercise into your cool down!

Week 1 - 8



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Freestyle swim for 30 seconds at medium intensity. Also your 1 minute recovery period at low intensity stays the same as last week.

Week 1 - 8


Choose a different exercise today, so it never gets boring. Swimming should be one of the preferred exercises during your pregnancy! Complete 4 rounds. Don’t forget to warm up before you start and to cool down and stretch after your workout (include kegel exercise).

Thursday Cardio - 4 rounds

Exercise Time Intensity

Warm up: Slow breaststroke swim

3 minutes 4

Medium Intensity: Freestyle swimming

30 seconds 7

Low Intensity: Breaststroke swimming

60 seconds 4

Cool down: Slow swim + stretching

3 minutes 3

On a scale from 1-10, intensity 1 is being totally relaxed and intensity 10 is an extreme workout.


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Today we are stacking it up even more. The exercises for your Friday workout are the same as on Wednesday, but we add one more rep to all sets. Always remember to stay within your limits and to use your heart rate monitor!

Most of the workouts during your pregnancy will finish off with a plank. Planks are great for strengthening your core, which is crucial during pregnancy. Why not do sit-ups and crunches to strengthen abs and core? Sit-ups and crunches require you to be on your back, which would be okay during your first trimester. However, the same can be dangerous during your second and third trimester. Too much pressure is put on your major blood vessels which decreases the blood flow to your womb. Planks on the other hand are excellent for the whole core, including your abs*.

Week 1 - 8


If you have diastasis recti, where your abdominal muscles have separated, stay away from planks or get clearance from your health care provider first. If diastasis recti happens, it will most likely happen at a later trimester.



Exercise Reps / Time Rest Rounds Comments

Set 1 Knee Pushup Wide Feet Squat

7 10 40 seconds 3 After your last squat rest for 40

seconds and continue with Set 2

Set 2 Superman on all 4 Stationary Backward Lunges

8 each side 8 each side 40 seconds 3 After your last lunge rest for 40

seconds and continue with Set 3

Set 3 Plank Knee Plank

10 seconds 40 seconds - 1 After knee plank drink water and do

your cool down

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Friday Workout

Warm Up It is very important to warm up for 4-5 minutes before your workout. Use the warm up video.

Cool Down Please do not sit around after your workout – stretch and cool down. Use the cool down video. Don’t forget to integrate kegel exercise into your cool down!

Week 1 - 8



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Today we are going back to 30 seconds for your working period, but we are adding one more round, totaling 5 rounds.

Week 1 - 8


Try Nordic Walking today! Complete 5 rounds.

Saturday Cardio - 5 rounds

Exercise Time Intensity

Warm up: Nordic Walking

3 minutes 4

Medium Intensity: Fast Nordic walking

30 seconds 7

Low Intensity: Nordic Walking

60 seconds 4

Cool down: Slow Nordic Walking

3 minutes 3

On a scale from 1-10, intensity 1 is being totally relaxed and intensity 10 is an extreme workout.

By now you have probably noticed that interval training is very efficient and does not take much time. Today's training, for example, is less than 14 minutes long. And that already includes the warm up and cool down!


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Yes, that’s right! No exercising today. Get some rest and an extra hour of sleep. Go to a spa and let pamper yourself, get a haircut or a total makeover. Enjoy the day and let someone invite you for a lovely dinner. Yes, that’s right too: today you do not have to strictly follow your diet. Eat and drink whatever you like. Just stay away from alcohol and stop eating when you are full. Enjoy your day!

Week 1 - 8



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IMPORTANT! Starting from Week 9 onwards you will be using resistance bands for your workouts. These bands are great for toning muscles, safer to use during and after your pregnancy and are also a lot cheaper to buy compared to a gym membership or free weights.

Week 1 - 8


We recommend using Bodylastics as they seem to be the most durable and safest bands to use. No risk – they offer a 90 Days Money Back Guarantee and a Lifetime Defects Warranty! Click here to order your set.