Competition on Nitrocellulose-immobilized Antibody Arrays

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Transcript of Competition on Nitrocellulose-immobilized Antibody Arrays


Garabet Yeretssian‡, Michele Lecocq§, Guillaume Lebon§, Helen C. Hurst¶,and Vehary Sakanyan‡§�

Large scale comparative evaluation of protein expressionrequires miniaturized techniques to provide sensitive andaccurate measurements of the abundance of moleculespresent as individual and/or assembled protein com-plexes in cells. The principle of competition between tar-get molecules for binding to arrayed antibodies has re-cently been proposed to assess differential expression ofnumerous proteins with one-color or two-color fluores-cence detection methods. To establish the limiting factorsand to validate the use of alternative detection for proteinprofiling, we performed competitive binding assays underdifferent conditions. A model experimental protocol wasdeveloped whereby the competitive displacement ofmulti-subunit bacterial RNA polymerase and/or its sub-units was evaluated through binding to subunit-specificimmobilized monoclonal antibodies. We show that thedifference in physico-chemical properties of unlabeledand labeled molecules significantly affects the perform-ance of one-color detection, whereas epitope inaccessi-bility in the protein complex can prohibit the assessmentof competition by both detection methods. Our data alsodemonstrate that antibody cross-reactivity, target proteintruncation and abundance, as well as the cellular com-partment of origin are major factors that affect proteinprofiling on antibody arrays. The experimental conditionsestablished for prokaryotic proteins were adopted tocompare protein profiles in the breast tumor-derived celllines MDA MB-231 and SKBR3. Competitive displacementwas detected and confirmed for a number of proteinsusing both detection methods; however, we show thatoverall the two-color method is better suited for accurateexpression profile evaluation of a large, complex set ofproteins. Antibody array data confirm the functional link-age between the ErbB2 receptor and AP-2 transcriptionfactors in these cell lines and highlight unexpected differ-

ences in G1 cyclin expression. Molecular & Cellular Pro-teomics 4:605–617, 2005.

One of the great challenges in the field of post-genomicresearch is the large scale evaluation of protein expression ina variety of human pathologies, using miniaturized techniquesto provide high sensitivity, short assay times, and minimalreagent consumption. Protein spots arranged in macroarrayor microarray formats on planar supports are an attractivetechnique to use in this context, with the potential for high-throughput dissection of molecular interactions and the pos-sibility of diversifying the array format to study a huge numberof defined and/or noncharacterized proteins (1).

Many diseases are associated with, or even result from,modulations in protein expression. Therefore, monitoring si-multaneously the expression profiles of a large number ofproteins by antibody arrays can provide important informationabout the physiological status of the organism and can help toidentify disease-specific biomarker candidates (2). Two mainstrategies have been proposed to compare and evaluate pro-tein expression in cell lysates, both based on protein compe-tition for binding to arrayed antibodies. The two-color ap-proach detects differences in protein concentration betweentwo cell lysates labeled by different fluorescent dyes andmixed in an equal ratio (3, 4). Two parallel experiments are runwith mutually exchanged fluorescent dyes to reduce the pos-sible interference from bio-conjugation bias of the dyes toproteins in the two samples. This method has been applied toevaluate protein profiling in human cancer cells and tissues(5–13). Recently a one-color approach (referred to as “com-petitive displacement”) has been described that detects pro-tein variations in lysates when the reference sample alone islabeled with a fluorescent dye (14, 15). Fluorescence intensitydecreases differentially to be equivalent to, greater, or lessthan 50% displacement depending on the abundance of un-labeled proteins mixed in equal quantity with the labeledreference. This cost effective approach appears to be moreconvenient for large scale proteomic investigations. However,no data are available demonstrating the real competitivenessof labeled and unlabeled proteins on an antibody array, and itis important, therefore, to assess displacement activity in asingle-protein competitive binding assay and to compare di-

From the ‡Biotechnologie, Biocatalyse, Bioregulation, Unite Mixtede Recherche 6204, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,Universite de Nantes, 2 rue de la Houssiniere, 44322 Nantes, France;§ProtNeteomix, Universite de Nantes, 2 rue de la Houssiniere, 44322Nantes, France; and ¶Cancer Research UK Molecular Oncology Unit,Barts’ and The London School of Medicine, London EC1M 6BQ,United Kingdom

Received, November 18, 2004, and in revised form, January 31,2005

Published, MCP Papers in Press, February 2, 2005, DOI10.1074/mcp.M400181-MCP200


© 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 4.5 605This paper is available on line at

rectly the performance of these two protein profiling detectionmethods.

In cells, many proteins are assembled into structural com-plexes in which a target epitope might be masked and thusnot recognized by the corresponding antibody. To addressthis issue, we have used bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP),1

a complex protein model assembled via the dimerization of �

subunits and the binding of �, ��, �, and one of the exchange-able � subunits into a functionally active holoenzyme recog-nizing specific promoter sequences (16). To evaluate the one-color and two-color detection methods in protein profilingwith antibodies arrayed on a nitrocellulose (NC) membrane,we have chosen near-infrared fluorescent dyes (IRDyes) forlabeling proteins. Near-infrared fluorescence provides highsensitivity on membrane supports (17) and has been success-fully used to detect molecular interactions on arrayed purifiedproteins (18), phage-displayed peptides (19), rat neuronalmembrane fractions (20), and crude prokaryotic extracts (21).As the Escherichia coli � subunit of RNAP (�RNAP), labeledby IRDye, retains its binding ability to arrayed transcriptionalfactors (21), it has been used as a reporter to assess thecompetitiveness of labeled and unlabeled molecules in bind-ing assays.

The information acquired from competition between indi-vidual prokaryotic proteins (RNAP and its subunits) has beenused to compare more complex protein expression profiles inbreast tumor-derived MDA MB-231 and SKBR3 cell lines withthe aim of gaining insight into the functional grouping oftargets involved in regulatory pathways. The data obtainedwith both detection methods were concordant for a few pro-teins; however, two-color detection allowed the abundance ofa greater number of target proteins to be assessed, and wetherefore conclude that this technique is better suited to highthroughput protein profiling.


Affinity Purification of Tagged Proteins—The plasmid pET rpoA-hiscarrying the E. coli gene rpoA coding for �RNAP with a C-terminal Histag has been described previously (21). The recombinant protein waspurified from E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET rpoA-his) cells grown inLuria-Bertani (LB) medium after induction with 1 mM isopropyl-1-�-D-thio-1-galactopyranoside (IPTG) at 37 °C for 5 h on a nickel-nitrilo-triacetic acid (Ni-NTA) column according to the manufacturer’s rec-ommendations (Qiagen, CourtaBœuf, France). To expresssimultaneously the E. coli RNA polymerase �, �, ��, and � subunitsand to purify the whole protein complex, we used a duet expression

system composed of two compatible pET duet1 and pACYC duet1vectors (Novagen, Fontenay-sous-bois, France) carrying respectivelycloned his-rpoA, rpoB and rpoC, rpoZ genes. Details of the construc-tion of pET duet1 his-rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1 rpoC, rpoZ and thepurification of RNAP will be presented elsewhere.2 The purified RNAPwas compared with a commercial preparation (Epicenter, Madison,WI): protein purity was ascertained on a 12% SDS-PAGE followed bydensitometry analysis.

Preparation of Bacterial Lysates for Competition Experiments—Recombinant E. coli BL21Star (DE3) strain (Invitrogen), carrying theplasmids pET rpoA-his or pET duet1 his-rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1rpoC, rpoZ, were grown in LB medium to an OD600 of 0.6–0.8 andinduced with 1 mM IPTG for up to 5 h. Aliquots were taken at 0, 1, 2,and 5 h of incubation, harvested by centrifugation, and resuspendedin lysis buffer containing 50 mM NaH2PO4 pH 8.0, 300 mM NaCl, 10mM imidazole, 1 mg/ml lyzozyme. The cells, after incubation at 4 °Cfor 2 h, were sonicated and cleared by centrifugation. The superna-tant was filtered through 0.2-�m hydrophilic sterile filters (FisherLabosi, Elancourt, France). This step significantly reduced fluorescent“noise” during subsequent assays on NC membrane-immobilizedantibody arrays. Total protein concentration was measured by abiophotometer (Eppendorf, Le Pecq, France) using the bicinchoninicacid method (22) or the Bradford method (23) with BSA as thecalibration standard. If necessary, the lysates were labeled and usedto assess competition of respective proteins under different experi-mental conditions (see “Results”).

Preparation of Eukaryotic Lysates for Competition Experiments—Human breast carcinoma cell lines MDA MB-231 and SKBR3 weregrown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium with 4.5 g/liter glucoseand L-glutamine (BioWhittaker, Verviers, Belgium) containing 10%FBS (BioMedia, Boussens, France) and 11.2 units/liter penicillin/11.2�g/liter streptomycin at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Cells were washed threetimes with PBS (137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 4.3 mM Na2HPO4 pH 7.4)and lysed in PBS with 1% Nonidet P-40 and 1� protease inhibitormixture at 4 °C for 15 min. Cellular DNA was sheared by brief soni-cation, and the solubilized proteins were harvested by centrifugationat 13,000 rpm for 15 min. Subcellular Proteome Extraction kit (Cal-biochem) was also used to recover a higher proportion of nondena-tured target proteins from various cellular compartments. The yieldand quality of partial proteomes corresponding to cytosolic, mem-brane/organelle, nucleus, and cytoskeleton proteins were verified bySDS-PAGE analysis according to the manufacturer’s recommenda-tions. Protein concentration was determined as described above.

Labeling Purified and Total Proteins in Cell Lysates with IRDyes—Purified proteins and prokaryotic or eukaryotic lysates were labeledwith Alexa Fluor 680 (Molecular Probes, Cergy Pontoise, France)and/or IRDye 800CW (LiCOR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE) using a pro-tocol adopted from Molecular Probes. Briefly, 5 �l of freshly prepared1 M sodium bicarbonate buffer pH 8.3 was added to 50 �l of 2 mg/mlprotein solution with the corresponding fluorescent dye, then incu-bated in the dark for 1 h with gentle shaking. The conjugated dye-protein complex was separated from free dye by gel filtration andeluted with PBS buffer. The average number of conjugated dye mol-ecules was estimated, and samples with a final molar ratio of 2–3 dyemolecules to 1 protein molecule were used to evaluate protein com-petitiveness in binding assays. Protein concentration was determinedwith a biophotometer as described above.

Western Blotting—Ten micrograms of total protein of prokaryoticcell extracts or 40 �g of total protein of eukaryotic cell extracts wereseparated on 12% SDS-PAGE and transferred to NC membrane.After blocking with PBS/0.05% Tween 20/5% skimmed milk, themembrane was incubated with the corresponding monoclonal pri-

1 The abbreviations used are: RNAP, RNA polymerase; AP-2, acti-vator protein-2; Cdk, cyclin-dependent kinase; ERK1, extracellularsignal-regulated kinase 1; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IPTG, isopropyl-1-�-D-thio-1-galactopyranoside; IRDye, near-infrared fluorescencedye; JNK1/2, c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1/2; LB medium, Luria-Bertanimedium; mAb, monoclonal antibody; MDM2, mouse double minute 2protein; NC, nitrocellulose; NHS, N-hydroxysuccinimide; Ni-NTA,nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid; NMRAT, normalized ratio; pAb, polyclonalantibody; Rb, retinoblastoma; VEGF, vascular endothelial growthfactor. 2 G. Lebon, F. Marc, and V. Sakanyan, manuscript in preparation.

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mary antibody in PBS/0.05% Tween 20/3% BSA at room temperaturefor 2 h. After washing in PBS/0.05% Tween 20, the membrane wasincubated for 1 h with Alexa Fluor 680 goat anti-mouse IgG secondaryantibody or IRDye 800-conjugated affinity-purified goat anti-rabbitIgG (LiCOR Biosciences). Fluorescent detection was achieved byscanning the membranes at 700 or 800 nm using the Odyssey Infra-red Imaging system (LiCOR Biosciences). The fluorescent proteinbands were quantified by Molecular Analyst (Bio-Rad Laboratories).

Preparation of Antibody Arrays—Both monoclonal (mAb) and poly-clonal antibodies (pAb) against selected proteins were used to fabri-cate several designs of arrays with different sets of antibodies de-pending on the experimental purpose. The mAbs generated againstE. coli RNA polymerase subunits � (mAb clone 4RA2), � (mAb cloneNT63), and �� (mAb clone NT73) were purchased from NeoCloneBiotechnology International (Madison, WI). Antibodies against eukary-otic proteins involved in stress response, cell-cycle progression, onco-genesis, apoptosis, and metastases were purchased from Interchim(Montlucon, France), BD PharMingen (San Diego, CA), Sigma-Aldrich(Lyon, France), and VWR International (Fontenay sous Bois, France).AP-2� (clone 8G8) and AP-2� (clone 6E4) mAbs were describedpreviously (24). Antibodies were serially 2-fold titrated within a rangeof 1–0.125 mg/ml and printed on glass slides covered in-house withProtran BA83 NC sheet or on commercial FASTTM slides (Schleicher& Schuell, Equevilly, France) using a manual microarray system(Microcaster, Schleicher & Schuell, Equevilly, France).

Binding Assays—Two methods were used to evaluate protein bind-ing to NC-immobilized antibodies. To assess competitive displace-ment by one-color detection (14), the arrayed membranes wereblocked prior to use in PBS containing 0.1–2% Tween 20 by slowagitation on a platform rocker at room temperature for 1 h. Theblocking solution was discarded and membranes were then incu-bated with a labeled probe (usually at 1 �g/ml concentration) or witha mixture of labeled and unlabeled protein samples. If necessary, acompetitive unlabeled sample (as purified protein or total protein inlysates) was added at increasing ratios corresponding to 1, 10, or 100�g/ml of total protein concentration. Membranes were incubated atroom temperature for 30 min, washed three times with high-saltPBS-T buffer (PBS containing 500 mM sodium chloride and 0.1%Tween 20), and then dried. Fluorescent signals were detected byscanning membranes with the Odyssey Infrared Imaging system(LiCOR Biosciences).

In two-color detection, antibody arrays were incubated with anequal mixture of samples labeled with IRDye 800CW and Alexa Fluor680 under the conditions described above and washed using a Pro-tein Array Workstation (PerkinElmer Life Sciences).

Data Acquisition and Statistical Analysis—The software GenePixPro 4.0 (Axon Instruments, Union City, CA) was used to quantify theimage data. The local background in the near-infrared fluorescentwavelength channel was subtracted from the fluorescent signal reg-istered from each antibody spot. Only spots displaying a fluorescentintensity greater than twice the level of background noise were usedfor further analysis.

Mean values of quadruplicate readings were used for the analysisof fluorescent intensity from spots detected by the one-color method.The degree of competition between labeled and unlabeled samplesdisplaced at a 1:1 ratio (the best statistical fit to monitor displace-ment), were subtracted from values obtained after competition be-tween the same labeled reference and another unlabeled sample.

In the two-color evaluation, data were scaled such that the averagemean ratio value for all of the spots on each separate array wasnormalized to 1, with the premise that the average spot on the chipwould represent unchanged protein expression. A data-based crite-rion was determined, above or below which proteins were found to bedifferentially expressed. To determine such a cutoff level, a hierarchi-

cal model approach was used (4) in which the parameters wereestimated using ANOVA.

Normalized ratio (NMRAT) values outside the interval of 0.72–1.28were considered differentially expressed with 95% statistical confi-dence when analyzing E. coli cell extracts in imitation experiments.NMRAT values outside the interval of 0.83–1.17 and 0.73–1.27 wereconsidered differentially expressed with, respectively, 70 and 90%statistical confidence when analyzing total protein lysates of breastcancer MDA MB-231 and SKBR3 cell lines. To analyze proteinsderived from the nuclear subfraction of the same cell lines, NMRATvalues outside the intervals 0.82–1.18 and 0.71–1.29 were considereddifferentially expressed with, respectively, 70 and 90% statisticalconfidence.


Rationale of the Protein Competition Assay on NC-immobi-lized Antibody Arrays—A general schema of the protocol usedto assess single-protein competition on antibody arrays isshown in Fig. 1B. Epitopes of the E. coli RNA polymerase �,�, and �� subunits were used to follow the displacement of thepurified �RNAP protein or the whole RNAP protein complex orthe overexpressed proteins in crude extracts obtained fromIPTG-induced cells.

Barry et al. used hydrogel-arrayed antibodies to carry outcompetitive displacement of proteins followed by one-colordetection (14). We were concerned that such a support mightdifferentially affect the penetration of labeled and unlabeledsamples into the gel and therefore chose to print antibodiesonto an NC membrane, which we have previously shown tobe highly efficient in studying molecular interactions usingIRDye-labeled probes (21).

A four-parameter logistic regression method (25), used forcompetitive binding immunoassays, was applied to constructa plot of signal intensity versus analyte concentration.

y � ��a – d�/1 � �x/c�b� � d (Eq. 1)

This shows the inverse relationship between the fluorescentsignal y (fluorescence intensity at 700 or 800 nm) and theconcentration of the unlabeled analyte x (protein in �g/ml) inwhich a is the maximum fluorescence estimated at zero con-centration of x; b is the slope factor for the transition betweena and d; c is the mid-range concentration of analyte corre-sponding to the point of inflection on the sigmoid; and d is theminimal signal at infinite x concentration corresponding to thebackground detected on an NC membrane. Signals can benormalized as a ratio of B and B0 corresponding to twofluorescent signals calculated respectively as a – d and y – d.

Assuming that no dissociation and rebinding occurs underthe standardized conditions, the competition between labeledand unlabeled proteins for the single-antibody epitope shouldlead to 50, 90, and 99% displacement, respectively, at amixed labeled:unlabeled sample ratio of 1:1, 1:10, and 1:100as compared with the labeled reference protein or lysate. Atypical competitive displacement curve for the purified bac-terial �RNAP, displayed on a semi-log plot, shows that thediminution of the fluorescent signal intensity (% B/B0) is de-

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pendent on an increase in the unlabeled analyte concentrationwithin a detectable concentration range of immobilized anti-bodies (Fig. 2). B/B0 was plotted against the logarithm of theconcentration of unlabeled �RNAP using Origin 7.0 software(OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA).

Competition between Purified �RNAP Molecules—In pre-liminary experiments, Alexa Fluor 680-labeled �RNAP, atconcentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 �g/ml in the binding

solution, was incubated with anti-�RNAP mAb printed from2-fold titrated antibody samples on a NC membrane. In-creasing fluorescent background was observed at concen-trations above 1 �g/ml; therefore, further measurementswere performed at this concentration for all labeled analytestested.

Next, the immobilized anti-�RNAP mAb (printed from 2-foldtitrated solutions at concentrations ranging from 1 to 0.06

FIG. 1. Schematic representation ofthe model protocol used to evaluatecompetitive displacement with one-color detection. A, three-dimensionalstructure of the T. thermophilus RNA po-lymerase (PDB ID: 1IW7). Positions ofthe epitopes in the three RNAP subunitsare circled. B, displacement experi-ments were performed with both purifiedproteins and crude cell extracts of ap-propriate recombinant E. coli strains.Competition by �RNAP and RNAP wasevaluated both using labeled �RNAPand labeled RNAP (see “Results”).

FIG. 2. Typical displacement curvesobtained for bacterial �RNAP in one-color detection. Each curve corre-sponds to a given concentration (from0.06 to 1 mg/ml) of immobilized anti-�RNAP antibody as indicated. Ratios oflabeled:unlabeled proteins are shown atthe top of the plot.

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mg/ml) was probed with labeled �RNAP alone or a mixture oflabeled:unlabeled �RNAP at various ratios. A diminution in thefluorescent signal, close to the expected theoretical values,was detected from spots corresponding to anti-�RNAP from1 and 0.5 mg/ml antibody dilutions (see Fig. 2). The signal wasweaker and poorly interpretable from spots printed at anti-body concentrations less than 0.25 mg/ml. Therefore, furthermeasurements were done by taking into account only signalintensities detected on spots printed from 1 and 0.5 mg/mlantibody concentrations.

To evaluate the accuracy of the competition between�RNAP molecules, we took advantage of the two-color fluo-rescent detection method, enabling us to monitor the behav-ior of identical molecules labeled differentially. Purified�RNAP samples, separately labeled with Alexa Fluor 680 andIRDye 800CW, were mixed in different ratios and probed withthe immobilized anti-�RNAP mAb. The reduction in fluores-cent intensity at 700 nm (Fig. 3A) was accompanied by theappearance of a fluorescent signal at 800 nm (Fig. 3B). A goodcorrelation in the modulation of the signal intensity confirmed

the inverse relationship of the binding competition betweentwo identical proteins, for the anti-�RNAP mAb arrayed on anNC membrane (Fig. 3C).

Competitive Displacement of �RNAP in Bacterial Cell Ly-sates—To assess the competitiveness of �RNAP in morecomplex bacterial cell extracts, we determined the displace-ment of this protein synthesized in E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pETrpoA-his) cells, obtained after 1-h IPTG induction of the rpoAgene, using labeled sample mixed with the purified unlabeledprotein. A strong, 75% diminution of the signal was detectedafter addition of an equal amount of purified �RNAP (data notshown) indicating that the concentration of the target proteinwas lower in the crude lysates than the concentration of theadded protein. In contrast, when a mixture of labeled andunlabeled lysates of E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET rpoA-his) of1-h induced cells was tested, the displacement was morereminiscent of that observed between purified �RNAP mole-cules (see Fig. 2).

Competition between �RNAP and the RNAP Complex—Next, we were interested in determining whether competition

FIG. 3. Assessment of the two-color detection method. Histograms of competitive displacement assessed in a mixture of Alexa Fluor 680(A) and IRDye 800CW (B) labeled �RNAP molecules. The same data are also displayed as displacement curves (C). Experiments were carriedout using 12 replicates (four replicates on three slides) with an average standard deviation of 8.6%. Representative fluorescence spots areshown for each ratio.

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occurs between small �RNAP and large RNAP molecules. Alabeled lysate (1 �g/ml total protein) of the E. coli BL21Star(DE3) (pET rpoA-his) cells, induced with IPTG for 1 h, wascompeted with purified unlabeled RNAP. A clear diminution influorescence intensity was detected corresponding to 30 and70% displacement of �RNAP, respectively, for 1:1 and 1:10ratios (Fig. 4A). However, this displacement rate was weakercompared with the competition between individual �RNAPmolecules (see the previous section).

To confirm the competitiveness of whole RNAP, we alsotested lysate of E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET duet1 his-rpoA,rpoB/pACYC duet1 rpoC, rpoZ) cells, induced with IPTG for1 h to allow simultaneous overexpression and assembly of �,�, ��, and � subunits into a whole RNAP enzyme. Competitionbetween the labeled lysate and the unlabeled purified �RNAPresulted in strong 85 and 95% displacement, respectively, at1:1 and 1:10 ratios (Fig. 4B).

These data showed that �RNAP and the RNAP complexcan compete for immobilized anti-�RNAP mAb. However, thelarge protein complex was less competitive compared withthe smaller �RNAP molecule, and this can be explained, atleast partially, by the lower molar presentation of the �-sub-unit in RNA polymerase.

Competitive Displacement of the RNAP Complex in Bacte-rial Cell Lysates—To gain insight into the competition behaviorof a whole RNAP, we assessed its displacement in a mixtureof labeled extract of E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET duet1 his-rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1 rpoC, rpoZ) cells after 1-h IPTGinduction and in the unlabeled RNAP. The binding was fol-lowed in parallel assays with anti-�RNAP, anti-�RNAP, andanti-��RNAP mAbs immobilized on the same NC membrane.As shown in Fig. 4C, 55 and 95% displacement of the labeledlysate by unlabeled RNAP was detected with the anti-�RNAPmAb, respectively, at 1:1 and 1:10 ratios. Low fluorescencewas observed from anti-�RNAP and anti-��RNAP mAb spotswith and without addition of unlabeled RNAP, which indicatedthat no displacement occurred under the conditions used(data not shown).

Similar experiments were performed with labeled and un-labeled lysates from E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET duet1 his-rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1 rpoC, rpoZ) obtained from 1-h IPTG-induced cells. Again, displacement was clearly observed withthe anti-�RNAP mAb, whereas no competition was detectedwith anti-�RNAP and anti-��RNAP mAbs (data not shown).

To clarify this discrepancy in the competitive displacement,we followed the kinetics of �, �, and �� subunit expression (as

FIG. 4. Competition between �RNAP and whole RNAP or between whole RNAP molecules. Displacement between labeled lysate of1-h-induced E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET rpoA-his) and unlabeled purified RNAP (A), labeled lysate of 1-h-induced E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pETduet1 his-rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1 rpoC, rpoZ) and unlabeled purified �RNAP (B), or unlabeled purified RNAP (C).

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soluble proteins in the supernatant) in IPTG-induced cells ofE. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET duet1 his-rpoA, rpoB/pACYCduet1 rpoC, rpoZ) using Western blotting. As shown in Fig. 5,an abundant band corresponding to each protein appearedafter 1-h induction. Densitometry of these protein bands re-vealed that the yield of �, �, and �� subunits was, respectively,11-, 6-, and 4-fold greater in 1-h-induced cells compared withnoninduced ones. However, further induction of the cells up to5 h resulted only in 1.3- and 1.8-fold further increases in theyield of �RNAP and ��RNAP, whereas the yield of �RNAPincreased 1.6-fold after 2 h induction and thereafter de-creased to the level of a 1-h induction.

Based on these data, we attempted to evaluate the com-petition between labeled lysates of 2- or 5-h-induced cellsand the unlabeled RNAP. Again, the displacement was onlydetected from spots with immobilized anti-�RNAP mAb but

not with anti-�RNAP and anti-��RNAP mAbs (data not shown).Imitation of Protein Profiling Using Crude Bacterial Ly-

sates—We next asked whether the competitive displacementcan be detected in lysates obtained from bacterial host cellsin which whole polymerase or its � subunit were differentiallyexpressed. To compare the amount of �RNAP synthesized in1- and 2-h-induced cells, we mixed labeled and unlabeledlysates at 1:1 ratio and incubated the mixture with the arrayedanti-�RNAP mAb. The difference in protein expression de-duced from the spots was found to be �25% when thelabeled reference was the 1-h-induced lysate (Fig. 6A, com-pare the first two columns), whereas it was –15% when thelabeled reference was a 2-h-induced lysate (Fig. 6A, comparethe last two columns). Similar displacement values were ob-tained by following the behavior of RNAP in 1- and 2-h-induced cells, again using anti-�RNAP mAb for detection.However, no differential expression of RNAP was observed incells when �RNAP/anti-�RNAP mAb or ��RNAP/anti-��RNAPmAb couples were used for detection. The failure to detect theRNAP displacement with anti-��RNAP mAbs was not relatedto small differences in the amount of 1- and 2-h-inducedlysates (see Fig. 5) because negative results were also ob-tained with mixtures of 1- and 5-h-induced cell lysates (datanot shown).

To find out whether profiling of RNAP can be detected onanti-�RNAP or anti-��RNAP arrayed mAbs by the alternativetwo-color fluorescence method, we mixed lysates from E. coliBL21Star (DE3) (pET duet1 his-rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1rpoC, rpoZ) cells induced for 1 h or 5 h and labeled, respec-tively, with Alexa Fluor 680 and IRDye 800CW. As shown inFig. 6B, greater RNAP expression was detected in 5-h-in-duced cells versus 1-h-induced cells following anti-��RNAPmAb (NMRAT of 1.54) and anti-�RNAP mAb (NMRAT of 1.30)with 95% statistical confidence, whereas no difference was

FIG. 5. Expression of RNAP subunits in recombinant E. coli.Western blot of RNAP �, �, and �� subunits synthesized in nonin-duced (0 h) and IPTG-induced (1–5 h) E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pETduet1 rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1 rpoC, rpoZ) strain.

FIG. 6. Comparison of RNAP “profiling” in bacterial lysates with one-color and two-color fluorescence detection. A, one-colordetection. Displacement of labeled lysates of 1-h-induced by unlabeled 1-h-induced (1 h*:1 h) or by unlabeled 2-h-induced (1 h*:2 h) lysatesof E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET rpoA-his) cells, and 2-h-induced by unlabeled 2-h-induced (2 h*:2 h) or by unlabeled 1-h-induced (2 h*:1 h)lysates of E. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET rpoA-his) cells. B, competition between two fluorescence dye labeled lysates of 1-h- and 5-h-inducedE. coli BL21Star (DE3) (pET duet1 rpoA, rpoB/pACYC duet1 rpoC, rpoZ) strains was assessed with anti-�RNAP, anti-�RNAP, and anti-��RNAPmAbs.

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observed with the anti-�RNAP mAb as it had an NMRAT valueof 0.93, which is in the range of 0.72–1.28 (see “ExperimentalProcedures”).

Comparative Protein Profiling in Breast Cancer Cells byOne-color and Two-color Detection—Given the data obtainedwith “profiling” bacterial RNAP, we used one-color and two-color methods to evaluate their performance in assessing thedifferential expression of numerous proteins in breast cancercell lines. An array of 72 selected antibodies was prepared byspotting each antibody in quadruplicate on FAST slides.

First, we compared the competitive displacement of labeledtotal proteins from MDA MB-231 cell lysates by unlabeledproteins from the same lysate. A decrease in fluorescenceintensity was observed for many spots when mixing the twolysates at 1:1 and 1:10 ratios as compared with the referencearray bound labeled lysate alone (Fig. 7, slides 1 and 2, anddata not shown). We used data from the most informative 28antibodies that gave the highest signals and analyzed thedisplacement characteristics at two ratios of mixed lysates.The expected theoretical values of �50 and �90% fluores-cence diminution were detected for only 10 and 8 mAbs,respectively, whereas others gave significant deviations fromthe expected displacement values.

Next, we mixed labeled lysate from MDA MB-231 cells withunlabeled lysate from SKBR3 cells at 1:1 and 1:10 ratios andevaluated the competitive displacement between proteinsfrom the two cell lines (Fig. 7 and data not shown). The differ-ence in fluorescence intensity displayed as MDA MB-231 dis-placement minus SKBR3 displacement and showed increasedabundance of AP-2�, VEGF, p53, ErbB2, catalase, MDM2, thy-midylate synthase, and ERK1 proteins in SKBR3 cells.

In a parallel assay with the same antibody array, total pro-teins from the MDA MB-231 and SKBR3 cell lines were ana-lyzed by two-color fluorescence detection (Fig. 8). Sevenproteins, AP-2�, cyclin D3, cyclin E, thymidylate synthase,

catalase, 14.3.3�, and ErbB2, were found to be more abun-dant in SKBR3 cells than in MDA MB-231 cells with 70%statistical confidence. Moreover, even at the more stringent90% statistical confidence level, 14.3.3� and ErbB2 were stillfound to be up-regulated in SKBR3 cells.

Higher abundance was confirmed for five proteins, AP-2�,cyclin E, catalase, 14.3.3�, and ErbB2, in SKBR3 cells byWestern blot analysis (see Fig. 8). In contradiction of theone-color results, weaker bands were detected for MDM2(data not shown) and p53 proteins in SKBR3 cells comparedwith MDA MB-231, in agreement with previous data (26). Wedid not detect bound bands for cyclin D3 or thymidylatesynthase, which may be explained either by too low abun-dance to be detected by Western blot or by their degradationduring storage. Two control proteins, ERK1 and �-actin,which are known to be synthesized at equal levels in the bothcell lines (27, 28), showed bands of almost identical intensityin the corresponding lysates.

These data indicated that both the one-color and two-colormethods detected differential expression of the same fourproteins, AP-2�, catalase, thymidylate synthase, and ErbB2.However, overall two-color detection was more reliable thanthe one-color method in terms of its capacity to evaluateprecise differential expression of a greater number of proteinsin cells under the conditions used.

Improving Protein Profiling with Enriched Nuclear ProteinsUsing the Two-color Method—Analysis of NMRAT values in-dicated that some nuclear proteins showed a tendency to-ward differential expression with 60% statistical confidencewhen total protein lysates were used for profiling with thetwo-color method. Assuming that nuclear proteins are under-represented in our total cellular lysates, we wondered whetherthe profiling performance could be improved using an en-riched nuclear subfraction.

We therefore performed similar experiments with nuclear

FIG. 7. Protein profiling in breast tumor-derived lines by one-color detection. Slide 1, reference array incubated with MDA MB-231 lysatealone labeled with IRDye 800CW; slide 2, labeled MDA MB-231 lysate mixed at a 1:1 ratio with unlabeled MDA MB-231 lysate; slide 3, labeledMDA MB-231 lysate mixed at a 1:1 ratio with unlabeled SKBR3 lysate. Spots corresponding to antibodies against proteins found to beoverexpressed in SKBR3 cells are indicated.

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extracts from MDA MB-231 and SKBR3 cell lines followed bytwo-color fluorescence detection. Eight proteins were foundto be differentially expressed. Cyclin D1, AP-2�, AP-2�, cyclinE, and cyclin D3 were expressed at higher levels in SKBR3cells, whereas p53, c-Jun, and JNK1/2 were reduced in thesame cells with 70% statistical confidence (Fig. 9). The re-markable differential expression of AP-2�, cyclin E, cyclin D3,AP-2�, and JNK1/2 was further validated using a more strin-

gent NMRAT interval of 0.71–1.29 corresponding to 90%statistical confidence. Western blotting of total protein fromMDA MB-231 and SKBR3 cells confirmed that cyclin D1 andAP-2� were overexpressed in SKBR3 cells, whereas c-Junand JNK1/2 were at a lower abundance in these cells (see Fig.8). The presence of two bands for JNK1/2 is due to recogni-tion of the same epitope on two related JNK proteins by theanti-JNK1/2 mAb. These data confirmed that nuclear protein

FIG. 9. Differential expression ofproteins in breast cancer cell lines us-ing nuclear extracts. Graph showing acompilation of data from three two-colorprofiling experiments performed inde-pendently. P was calculated for each tar-get protein using ANOVA. Seventy and90% represent the statistical confidencefor the proteins with NMRAT values out-side the cutoff levels of 0.82–1.18 and0.71–1.29, respectively.

FIG. 8. Two-color protein profiling in cell lysates from breast tumor lines. Left-hand array, IRDye 800CW (red)-labeled MDA MB-231lysate versus Alexa Fluor 680 (green)-labeled SKBR3; right-hand array, IRDye 800CW-labeled SKBR3 lysate versus Alexa Fluor 680-labeledMDA MB-231. Western blots: left lane, lysate from MDA MB-231 cells; right lane, lysate from SKBR3 cells. Circled numbers refer to positionin the array of antibodies used in the corresponding Western blot; numbers in bold beside Western blot correspond to NMRAT values.Statistical confidences corresponding to each cutoff level are presented in “Experimental Procedures.”

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subfractionation provides more precise profiling informationabout the nuclear proteome in these cells.


High throughput protein profiling allows the measurementof the relative concentration of numerous target molecules intwo analytes using a single binding assay with immobilizedantibodies. Two different evaluations based on the competi-tion principle, termed one-color and two-color detection, havebeen proposed to study protein profiling in human cells andtissues. Considering the potential advantages of one-colordetection (14), we have performed a detailed competitivedisplacement study of selected target proteins, presented assingle- or multi-subunit complex molecules, to evaluate fullythe strengths and weaknesses of this method.

A model protocol, composed of mAbs immobilized on anNC membrane probed with bacterial RNA polymerase sub-units and analytes containing purified or nonpurified targetproteins, showed that one-color detection provides an accu-rate assessment of the competitiveness of �RNAP or RNAP,when displacement is determined with an anti-�RNAP mAb.In contrast, no displacement of RNAP could be detectedusing anti-��RNAP mAbs with the one-color method, whereasthis was possible with the same mAb using the two-colorevaluation. How can this discrepancy be explained?

Random conjugation of almost 1 kDa of fluorescent dyes tothe reference protein (2–3 dye molecules/protein) increasesnot only a protein’s molecular mass, but also affects its fold-ing, solubility, migration, and molecular recognition proper-ties. As a consequence, the competitiveness of labeled pro-teins can be dramatically changed with respect to unlabeledones when evaluated by one-color detection. In contrast, intwo-color evaluation, both protein samples are labeled bychemically similar dyes through amine-reactive NHS esterbonds of the IRDyes. Even if physico-chemical properties aredisrupted in the labeled proteins, the two samples remain highlysimilar to each other and hence are likely to display similarcompetition activity for the antibody, and thus the displacementbetter reflects protein expression differences in mixed analytes.Moreover, running two binding assays in parallel with mutuallyexchanged dyes results in, after normalization, a significantdecrease in interference from dye conjugation bias.

These conclusions were born out when we profiled com-plex protein mixtures in breast cancer cell lysates using thetwo detection methods. The expression profile determined forseveral proteins using the one-color method was not con-firmed by Western blot. However, the two-color method de-tected modulations in the level of expression of proteins thatwere not revealed using one-color detection. Therefore, weconclude that two-color profiling extends the utility of fluores-cent assessment to a larger number of target proteins and isclearly better suited to high throughput analysis of differentialexpression of complex proteomes from mammalian cells.

The specificity of antigen-antibody interaction is a function

of their affinity and antibody cross-reactivity, and this takes ona special significance in protein profiling studies (29–31). In-deed, we have found that data obtained from some spots areimpossible to interpret because of the high cross-reactivity ofthe antibodies as revealed by subsequent Western blotanalysis. In addition, this study raises other important issuesthat can be useful for further improving the performance ofhigh throughput protein profiling with array technology.

Western blot analysis has shown that anti-�RNAP and anti-��RNAP mAbs bind to many smaller-molecular-mass speciesthat accumulated in lysates from IPTG-induced cells (see Fig.5). Such a pool of truncated � and �� subunits can interferewith the competitive displacement of whole RNAP assembledfrom full-length subunits. Notably, truncated derivatives werealso observed for overexpressed cyclin E, 14.3.3�, and ErbB2in SKBR3 as well as for c-Jun in MDA MB-231 breast cancercells. Therefore, we suggest that the presence of truncatedproteins will contribute to a diminution in the specificity ofantigen-antibody interactions and can thereby disrupt proteinprofiling performance.

We have also shown that the assessment of RNA polymer-ase expression depends strongly on the accessibility of thetarget epitopes by anti-subunit mAbs. Neither of the twomethods detected variations in RNAP expression when com-petition was monitored by � subunit binding to the anti-�RNAP mAb. In agreement with this observation, the affinitypurification of E. coli RNA polymerase using anti-�RNAP mAbhas been found to be inefficient in comparison with anti-�RNAP and anti-��RNAP mAbs (32, 33). The three-dimen-sional structure of the related Thermus thermophilus RNApolymerase is available (34) and suggests a logical explana-tion for these negative results. It turns out that the � epitopeis almost completely masked by the other subunits, whereasthe epitopes in the two � and �� subunits are exposed on thesurface of the RNAP holoenzyme (see Fig. 1A). As manyproteins are organized into multi-molecular complexes in eu-karyotic cells, we speculate that the efficiency of profilingproteins in their native state will be heavily influenced by theusually unpredictable accessibility of antibody recognitionsites.

Low protein abundance is another limiting factor for proteinprofiling on minute planar spot surfaces when a total proteinlysate is used. Near-infrared fluorescence allows the detec-tion of attomol quantities of target molecules without signalamplification from protein patterns immobilized on a porousnitrocellulose support (21) with a sensitivity that is comparableto tyramide amplification and sufficient to assess the phos-phorylation state in arrayed total proteins extracted from can-cer biopsies (35). Unfortunately, the low proportion of targetmolecules in total protein lysates, used as solution analyte oras a printed analyte, strongly restricts the number of mole-cules that can be captured by the antibodies and thence bedetected by near-infrared fluorescence. This limitation cannotbe overridden by increasing the analyte concentration due to

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spot saturation. However, an analyte, enriched by target pro-teins isolated from the nucleus, can allow the identification ofdifferential nuclear expression patterns that would not bedetected using a total lysate. It appears that the use of acompartment-specific fraction provides both an augmenta-tion in the proportion of target molecules in the analyte and adiminution in antibody cross-reactivity toward nontarget mol-ecules located in other cellular compartments. Both aspectsare crucial to increase the specificity of antigen recognitionand the sensitivity of protein profiling.

A major advantage of antibody array technology is theprotein profiling of tumors in a single experiment. Here, 12proteins have been identified as increased or decreased inexpression in two breast cancer cell lines, SKBR3 versus MDAMB-231, using a microarray prepared from 72 selected anti-bodies. Similar data obtained by other methods confirm theseresults for AP-2� and AP-2� (36), ErbB2 (37, 38), p53 (26), andc-Jun (37). A clear modulation of seven more proteins, includ-ing three cyclins D1, D3, and E, JNK1/2, thymidylate synthase,catalase, and 14.3.3�, underlies a wider pleiotropic effect ofthe cancer mutation(s) in the two cell lines.

The correlation between high levels of the AP-2� and AP-2�

DNA binding transcription factors with overexpression of theERBB2 proto-oncogene in tumor-derived cell lines has beendocumented previously (36). The antibody array data pre-sented here were able to confirm this functional linkage bydetecting the up-regulation of the AP-2 factors in ErbB2-positive SKBR3 cells versus ErbB2-negative MDA MB-231cells, particularly when protein lysates enriched for nuclearfactors were employed (see Fig. 9). This provides an importantvalidation of our methodology and supports the possibility ofbeing able to derive biological information by comparing theproteomes of other tumor-derived cell lines and ultimatelytumor samples, and this is now under investigation.

We have also used our current data to compare morenarrowly the biology of the two cell lines used in this study.Although not phenotypically alike, the two breast tumor-de-rived cell lines compared in this study share several featurescharacteristic of poor prognosis breast cancer patients. Bothlines are negative for the estrogen receptor and also carrymutations in their p53 genes. Moreover, the MDA MB-231 lineis noted for carrying an activated Ha-Ras gene, and SKBR3cells are extensively studied due to the amplification of theirERBB2(neu) gene, which contributes to the overexpression ofthis receptor, as noted above (see Fig. 8). In breast epithelialcells, ErbB2 lies upstream of Ras in the mitogenic signalingpathway (39), which leads to transcriptional induction of cyclinD1 (40, 41). Furthermore, activation of cyclin D1 by this path-way is essential in this cell type as demonstrated by studies incyclin D1 null mice that are resistant to mammary carcinogen-esis induced by either ras or neu oncogenes (42). By com-plexing with their partner kinases Cdk4/6 and Cdk2 to induceprogressive phosphorylation and inactivation of pRb, the D-type and E-type cyclins control G1 to S phase transition

during normal cell-cycle progression. Therefore, as both MDAMB-231 and SKBR3 cells are activated in essentially the samepathway and both have an intact RB gene, the levels ofexpression of these key growth factor target genes might beexpected to be similar in the two cell lines. In our proteomicstudy, however, we find clear increased levels of cyclins D1,D3, and E in SKBR3 cells compared with the MDA MB-231line, particularly when nuclear extracts are compared (see Fig.9). Previous comparison of these lines at the RNA level hadnot indicated these differences in expression level (43). Thissuggests therefore that for mitogenic cyclins, post-transcrip-tional regulation of their protein levels is important.

Given the apparently mammary-specific wiring of theERBB2/neu-Ras-cyclin D1 pathway, it has been argued thatan anti-cyclin D1 therapy would be optimal for patients over-expressing ErbB2 (42). However, elevated cyclin E (both full-length and low-molecular-mass forms) has also been associ-ated with poor survival in this disease and in multivariateanalysis was more closely associated with outcome than lev-els of cyclin D1, D3, or ErbB2 (44). Moreover, because cyclinE acts downstream of cyclin D1, cells and tumors expressingeven slightly elevated levels may bypass therapies targeted tocyclin D1 alone. The subtle differences, highlighted here, be-tween two lines activated in the same signaling pathway couldtherefore prove to be a useful model system to test theefficacy of such therapies.

The data presented here show that NC-prepared microar-rays provide repetitive and precise measurements of antigen-antibody interactions through protein competition for corre-sponding antibodies using both eukaryotic and prokaryoticlysates. We have recently demonstrated the possibility of anaccurate comparative assessment of the antibody bindingaffinity of IgG purified from the sera of AIDS patients using apanel of arrayed phage-displayed peptides (19). Together,these data are encouraging in terms of the development ofreliable immunoassays to assess binding parameters of com-plex protein mixtures within a range of the sensitivity useful forbiomedical investigations and applications.

Acknowledgment—We thank Gabriel Ricolleau for discussions.

* This study was supported by the “Post-Genome” program (Con-trat Etat Region des Pays de la Loire). G. Y. and G. L. are postgrad-uate students supported respectively by the National Council forScientific Research Lebanon (CNRSL) and Ministere de la Recherche(ANRT)/ProtNeteomix. The costs of publication of this article weredefrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article musttherefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

� To whom correspondence should be addressed: Biotechnolo-gie, Biocatalyse, Bioregulation, Unite Mixte de Recherche 6204, Cen-tre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universite de Nantes, 2 ruede la Houssiniere, 44322 Nantes, France. Tel.: 33-251125620; Fax:33-251125637; E-mail:,

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