Compass-like biped robot Part I: Stability and bifurcation ...

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Compass-like biped robotPart I: Stability and bifurcation of passive gaits

Ambarish Goswami, Benoit Thuilot, Bernard Espiau

N ˚ 2996

October 1996


Compass-like biped robotPart I: Stability and bifurcation of passive gaits

Ambarish Goswami, Benoit Thuilot, Bernard Espiau

Theme 4 | Simulation et optimisationde systemes complexes

Projet BIP

Rapport de recherche n2996 | October 1996 | 86 pages

Abstract: It is well-known that a suitably designed unpowered mechanical bipedrobot can \walk" down an inclined plane with a steady gait. The characteristics ofthe gait (e.g., velocity, step period, step length) depend on the geometry and theinertial properties of the robot and the slope of the plane. The energy required tomaintain the steady motion comes from the conversion of the biped's gravitationalpotential energy as it descends. Investigation of such passive \natural" motions maypotentially lead us to strategies useful for controlling active walking machines as wellas to understand human locomotion.

In this report we demonstrate the existence and the stability of symmetric andasymmetric passive gaits using a simple nonlinear biped robot model. Kinemati-cally the robot is identical to a double pendulum (similar to the Acrobot and thePendubot) and is able to walk with the so-called compass gait. We also identifyperiod-doubling bifurcation in this passive gait which eventually leads to a chaoticregime for larger slopes.

Key-words: Biped robot, Compass gait, Passive gait, Phase plane diagram,Orbital stability, Poincare mapping, Bifurcation, Chaotic behavior

(Resume : tsvp)

Unite de recherche INRIA Rhˆone-Alpes655, avenue de l’Europe, 38330 MONTBONNOT ST MARTIN (France)

Telephone : (33) 76 61 52 00 – T´elecopie : (33) 76 61 52 52

Etude d'un robot bipede de type compasPartie I: analyse de la stabilite et des bifurcations des

regimes de marche passive

Resume : Il a ete prouve qu'il est possible de construire des robots bipedes pouvant\marcher" pendant un temps inni le long de plans inclines descendants, sans etreactionnes. Les caracteristiques de cette marche (c'est-a-dire la vitesse, la periode,la longueur du pas,: : :) sont fonction des proprietes geometriques et inertielles durobot et de l'inclinaison du sol. L'energie permettant au robot de marcher ainsiindeniment provient simplement de la conversion, au fur et a mesure de la descente,de l'energie potentielle de pesanteur du robot en energie cinetique. L'etude de tellesmarches \naturelles" et completement passives presente un interet, d'une part pourconcevoir des strategies de commande pour des robots marcheurs qui seraient cettefois actionnes, et d'autre part pour mieux comprendre la marche humaine.

Dans ce rapport, nous nous sommes interesses a un modele non-lineaire simplede robot bipede. D'un point de vue cinematique, le systeme considere est identiquea un double-pendule (comme les robots Acrobot et Pendubot) et peut marcher avecl'allure dite du Compas. Nous avons etudie l'existence et la stabilite de regimes demarche passive symetriques et asymetriques. Pour certaines valeurs de l'inclinaisondu sol et/ou pour certaines repartitions de masses sur le robot, nous avons egalementidentie des bifurcations de type \doublement de periode" aboutissant a des regimeschaotiques.

Mots-cle : Robot bipede, Allure de marche \Compas", Marche passive, Diagramme de phase,Stabilite orbitale, Section de Poincare, Bifurcation, Regime chaotique

Compass Gait Part I 3


1 Why study passive compass gait? 9

2 The compass gait model 112.1 Some denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.2 Description of the system and modeling assumptions . . . . . . . . . 132.3 The governing equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3.1 Dynamics of the swing stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.3.2 Transition equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.4 Normalized expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 Characteristics of steady passive compass gaits 203.1 Description of a typical steady passive gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.2 The energy balance in a steady passive gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.3 Contraction of phase space volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.4 Study of gait stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.4.1 Denition of gait stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.4.2 Linearized model an exact solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293.4.3 Local stability of the nonlinear limit cycles . . . . . . . . . . 34

4 In uence of robot parameters on steady passive gaits 364.1 Validity of the linear approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364.2 Numerical simulations of the nonlinear model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.2.1 Eect of slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394.2.2 Eect of mass ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404.2.3 Eect of length ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.2.4 Period doubling, bifurcation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.2.5 Chaotic gaits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5 Conclusions and future work 48

A Dynamic equations of the robot (in detail) 50A.1 Swing stage equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50A.2 Linearized swing stage equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52A.3 Transition equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53A.4 Normalization of the compass equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

B Loss of energy during the transition (proof) 56

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4 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

C Graphs 61

C.1 Comparison between the non-linear and the linearized compass models 61C.2 Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter . . 63C.3 Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter . . 67C.4 Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter . . 71C.5 2n-periodic and chaotic steady passive gaits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75


Compass Gait Part I 5

List of Figures

Various gures:2.1 Compass-like biped robot during swing stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.2 Compass-like biped robot during transition stage . . . . . . . . . . . 163.1 Phase portrait of a steady symmetric gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.2 The K vs P diagram of a compass gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.3 Example of orbitally stable trajectories, moving away from each other 293.4 Stable periodic walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304.1 Example of a Poincare map experimenting period doubling. . . . . . 43A.1 Additional variables and frames used to describe the compass . . . . 51

Comparison between the nonlinear and the linearized compass models:C.1 Dierence in the step period T as a function of ground slope . . . 61C.2 Dierence in the half inter-leg angle as a function of ground slope 61C.3 Dierence in the support-leg angular velocity _s as a function of

ground slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter ( = 2; = 1):C.4 Step period T as a function of ground slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63C.5 Half inter-leg angle as a function of ground slope . . . . . . . . . 63C.6 Angular velocity of the support leg _s as a function of ground slope 64C.7 Average speed of progression v as a function of ground slope . . . 64C.8 Mechanical energy E as a function of ground slope . . . . . . . . . 65C.9 Ratio E

Eas a function of ground slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

C.10 Step ratio LT4 as a function of ground slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

C.11 Phase plane limit cycles for various values of ground slope . . . . . 66

Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter ( = 1; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o)

C.12 Step period T as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67C.13 Half inter-leg angle as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67C.14 Angular velocity of the support leg _s as a function of . . . . . . . 68C.15 Average speed of progression v as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . 68C.16 Mechanical energy E as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69C.17 Ratio E

Eas a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

C.18 Phase plane limit cycles for various values of . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

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Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter ( = 2; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o)

C.19 Step period T as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71C.20 Half inter-leg angle as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71C.21 Angular velocity of the support leg _s as a function of . . . . . . . 72C.22 Average speed of progression v as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . 72C.23 Mechanical energy E as a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73C.24 Ratio E

Eas a function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

C.25 Phase plane limit cycles for various values of . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

2n-periodic and chaotic steady gaitsC.26 Transition from a 1-periodic to a 2-periodic steady gait: linear analysis 75C.27 2n-periodic steady gait, n 2 f0; 1; 2; 3g, component ns of the Poincare

map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75C.28 Phase plane limit cycles of a 2-periodic steady gait . . . . . . . . . . 76C.29 Phase plane limit cycles of a 4-periodic steady gait . . . . . . . . . . 76C.30 Phase plane limit cycles of a 8-periodic steady gait . . . . . . . . . . 77C.31 2n-periodic steady gait, n large: periods of 50 consecutive steps . . . 77C.32 2n-periodic steady gait, n large: histogram of the periods of 2000

consecutive steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78C.33 chaotic gait: periods of 50 consecutive steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78C.34 chaotic gait: histogram of the periods of 2000 consecutive steps . . . 79C.35 Phase plane trajectories of a steady chaotic gait, 100 robot steps . . 79C.36 Phase plane trajectories of a steady chaotic gait, 1250 robot steps . . 80C.37 3D Poincare section of a chaotic gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80C.38 First return map of ns: 2

n-periodic steady gait, n large . . . . . . . 81C.39 First return map of ns: 2

n-periodic steady gait, n very large . . . . 81C.40 First return map of ns: approaching steady chaotic gait . . . . . . . 82C.41 First return map of ns: steady chaotic gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82C.42 First return map of T : steady chaotic gait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83


Compass Gait Part I 7


Symbol Denition First use


matrices are written using capital boldfaced charactersvectors are written using small boldfaced charactersscalars are written using lightfaced characters


A 4 4 state matrix of the linearized biped model : : : : : : p. 29a distance between leg tip and lumped mass m : : : : : : : : p. 13b distance between hip and lumped mass m : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13

D(; T ) 4 4 step-to-step matrix : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 31E mechanical energy of the biped robot : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 17

E mechanical energy lost during leg impact : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 18g acceleration due to gravity: g = 9:81 m.s2 : : : : : : : : : : : p. 50

g() 2 1 gravity torque vector : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 16gn() 2 1 gravity torque vector for the normalized

equations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 18G0 2 2 gravity torque matrix when 0 (g() G0) p. 52

H() 2 2 transition submatrix, associated to angularvelocities : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 17

In n n identity matrix : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 25J 2 2 skew-symmetric matrix : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 17K kinetic energy of the biped robot : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 23l leg length (l = a+ b) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13L step length : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 15

M() 2 2 inertia matrix : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 16Mn() 2 2 inertia matrix for the normalized equations : : : : : p. 18M0 inertia matrix for = 0 (M0 =M(=0)) : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 52

m lumped mass of each leg : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13mH lumped mass of the hip : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13mC total mass of the robot : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13

N (; _) 2 2 centrifugal and Coriolis matrix : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 16

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Symbol Denition First use

Nn(; _) 2 2 centrifugal and Coriolis matrix forthe normalized equations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 18

P potential energy of the biped robot : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 23

q [ns s _ns _s]T : state vector of the biped model p. 15

Q 2 2 matrix providing angular momenta : : : : : : : : : : p. 53Qn 2 2 matrix providing angular momenta for

the normalized equations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 53T step period : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 15v average speed of progression (ASP) of the biped : : p. 15

W () 4 4 transition matrix : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 17


half-inter-leg angle : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 15 length ratio: b divided by a : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13

angular velocities ratio: _ns divided by _s : : : : : : : : p. 58 leg angle with respect to the vertical : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 15 [ns s]

T : generalized coordinates of the biped : : : p. 15 mass ratio: mH divided by m : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13 ground slope : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13

Superscript value of a variable just before a leg impact : : : : : : : p. 17+ value of a variable just after a leg impact : : : : : : : : p. 17 value of a variable during a steady gait : : : : : : : : : : : p. 250

biped reference mass or length (for simulations) : : p. 18


H variable related to the hip : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 13

k step counter : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 15

ns variable related to the non-support (or swing) leg p. 15

s variable related to the support leg : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : p. 15


Compass Gait Part I 9

1 Why study passive compass gait?

Biped locomotion is one of the most sophisticated forms of legged motion. From adynamic systems point of view, human locomotion stands out among other forms ofbiped locomotion chie y due to the fact that during a signicant part of the humanwalking cycle the moving body is not in the static equilibrium. At the INRIARhone-Alpes laboratory of Grenoble, France, we are working on the development ofan anthropomorphic biped walker. The envisioned prototype will have reasonableadaptation capability on an unforeseen uneven terrain. The purpose of the projectis not limited to the realization of a complex machine, the construction and controlof which nevertheless pose formidable engineering challenge. We also intend toinitiate a synergy between robotics and human gait study. Human locomotion,despite being well studied and enjoying a rich database, is not well understood anda robotic simulcrum potentially can be very useful.

In order to gain a better understanding of the inherently nonlinear dynamicsof a full- edged walking machine we have found it instructive to rst explore thebehavior of a particularly simple, perhaps the simplest, walker model. Inspiredby the research of [GH77] and [BWH83], and the relatively more recent researchon passive walking machines [McG90] we have considered the model of a so-called\compass gait" walker. Based on the same kinematics as that of a double pendulum,the Acrobot [BF92], [Spo95] and the Pendubot [BS95] are the nearest cousins of ourcompass gait model. McGeer[McG90] designed several unpowered biped robots andstudied their gravity-induced passive motion on inclined planes. He demonstratedthat the prototype can attain a stable steady periodic motion and analyzed thisbehavior with a linearized mathematical model. In order to maintain a steadyperiodic locomotion the joint variables (angle, velocity) of the robot must follow asteady cyclic trajectory. Our objective is to study such a passive system by means ofits full nonlinear equations and using tools available for nonlinear systems analysis.We have recently come across the work of [GCCR96] who employ a perturbationmethod to study a simple biped model in some limiting cases as some of the robotparameters tend to zero.

Underlying this somewhat local objective of studying elementary biped robotmodels there are several long term motivations all connected to the eventual goalof obtaining a simple biologically-inspired adaptive control law for our future pro-totype. The rst is our intuitive support for the conjecture that legged locomotionand possibly all inter-limb coordinations are identied by nonlinear limit cycle os-cillatory processes [KHRK81]. Next, a passive motion has a special appeal because

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it is natural and it does not require any external energy source. If an active controllaw closely mimics the behavior of a stable passive walk it is likely to enjoy certaininherent advantages of the passive system such as the energy optimality, periodicity,and stability. Of particular interest in this respect is the hypothesis that a greatpart of the swing stage in human locomotion is passive, a hypothesis that is suppor-ted by many studies, for instance [McM84], and is utilized in biped robot research[GFLZ94].

It is shown here that passive compass gait is characterized by stable limit cycles inthe phase space of the robot. The observed gait may be of symmetric or asymmetricstep lengths or is chaotic. The particular gait adopted by the robot depends onthe ground slope as well as on its geometric and inertial parameters. Using thedynamic systems jargon we can say that the chaotic gait of our robot results froma simple periodic behavior through a cascade of period doubling bifurcations. It isa common knowledge now that mathematically simple systems can exhibit a richdynamic behavior and our compass-gait robot is a good example of this fact.

Although the robot model is mechanically simple, its governing equations arehybrid in the sense that they are nonlinear ordinary dierential equations combinedwith algebraic switching conditions. This makes it dicult for us to utilize thetraditional tools (such as the automatic detection of limit cycles [PC89]) developedfor the study of nonlinear systems. Moreover, since the state-space of the robotis 4-dimensional we cannot take advantage of the visual depiction of the systemtrajectories.

There are several approaches that we can adopt in this situation. One approach,as was taken by McGeer [McG90] amongst others, is to linearize the dynamic equa-tion of the robot about an equilibrium point. This allows us to explicitly integratethe dynamic equations of the robot. Next the collision equations with the groundis added and the conditions for the existence of a periodic solution of this coupledsystem is found. In order to study the stability of this periodic solution a secondlinearization about the periodic solution is necessary. The problem with this ap-proach is that the linear solution is valid only within a certain region around thepoint of linearization. We will show in this report that as we move away from thispoint the prediction of the long term system behavior becomes impossible.

A second approach, adopted in the recent work of [GCCR96], and in a fewstudies of monopod robots [VB90] [OB93] [Fra96], is to simplify the model of therobot so that some analytical insight into the simplied nonlinearmodel is available.A typical advantage is the reduction in the dimension of the system which is usefulfor graphical visualization. Also it is often possible to obtain an explicit expression


Compass Gait Part I 11

for the Poincare map of the robot. Although frequently useful, the general validityof these simplied models of the biped robot is not clear.

In our current study we have thus decided to preserve the full non-linear equa-tions of the robot. The disadvantage in this approach is that our exploration hasto rely to a large extent on numerical simulations. This is compensated by the factthat the robot model is still rather simple and the computational burden is not se-rious. In addition, since our immediate objective is a systematic study of the passivebehavior of the robot, the concerns for real-time control do not concern us.

In Section 2, we describe the geometry, the dynamic parameters, the simplifyingassumptions, and the governing equations of the compass-like robot. Section 3proposes a general overview of compass gait characteristics: Section 3.1 discusses,with the help of a phase plane diagram, a typical walk cycle of the passive roboton an inclined plane. The motion of the robot is continued indenitely thanks toa delicate balance between the robot's kinetic and potential energies (Section 3.2).In Section 3.4, we establish that the compass-like robot can exhibit walk cycleswhich are locally orbitally stable. Results of systematic numerical simulations arepresented in Section 4 to improve our understanding of the gait mechanism. Wedemonstrate, for example, that period doubling cascades progressively transforma periodic gait to a chaotic gait. The nal Section 5 presents conclusions and thefuture work. Derivation of the governing equations of the robot and and the detailedexposition of some of the analyses are given in the appendices. The simulation plotsappear in Appendix C.

2 The compass gait model

The analogy between human locomotion and the gait of a biped walking machinemakes it convenient for us to use the terminology developed and employed in thestudy of human biomechanics. In this section we will rst present the precise de-nitions of some of the terms which will be often used in the rest of this report.We then proceed to the modeling assumptions adopted here. Next we present thegoverning equations of the biped. Finally in Section 4 we discuss the normalizationprocedure of the governing equations which we use to our advantage during thenumerical simulation.

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2.1 Some denitions

Compass gait Compass gait model perhaps represents the most elementary modelof biped locomotion. In this model the legs are rigid bars without knee and foot,connected by a frictionless hinge at the hip (more details given in the followingsection). The motion is assumed to be 2-dimensional. The Cartesian hip trajectoryconsists of a series of circular arcs centered around the point of contact of the supportleg with the ground and having a radius equal to the length of the leg. The gait is sonamed since the locomotion produced with this model is analogous to the movementof a pair of compasses or dividers.

We can add a word here to justify our study of compass gait. Biomechanistsexplain the overall mechanism of human locomotion as the coordinated action of aset of simpler sub-actions, termed the six determinants of gait [McM84], [RG94]. Therst and the most basic of them is the compass gait. When it is combined successivelywith the other ve determinants, the energy eciency of the gait improves and thegait becomes smoother.

To be exhaustive, we must add that compass gait cannot exist in reality, eitherbiologically or in a machine. This is because the fact that the swing leg, since itdoes not have a knee, cannot actually clear the ground. This conceptual problem isavoided here by including a prismatic-jointed knee with a telescopically retractablemassless lower leg. The swing leg is retracted during most of its motion, and itlengthens just when it is about to touch the ground. This solves the problem of footclearance without aecting robot dynamics.

Passive locomotion If a walking machine does not utilize any form of actuationfor its motion, the locomotion of the machine is said to be passive. From the dynamicsystems point of view an unpowered machine is an autonomous system.

Steady gait This term is loosely used to mean that the robot can indenitelycontinue to walk without falling down.

Gait step The gait step describes the period between the take-o of one foot fromthe ground and its subsequent landing. The step period and the gait frequency arerespectively the time taken by a step and the number of steps taken per second.


Compass Gait Part I 13

Symmetric gait A gait is symmetric if any two consecutive steps are indistin-guishable, i.e., all the spatio-temporal parameters exactly repeat themselves in eachstep. When a gait does not possess this property it is said to be asymmetric.

Periodic gait A gait is periodic if all the spatio-temporal parameters repeat them-selves after every p steps. The integer p is called the gait period. For symmetricgaits p = 1.

Gait cycle In case of a p-periodic gait the gait cycle consists of p successive steps.

Chaotic gait A chaotic gait is characterized by its total aperiodicity. All of thefeatures of chaotic regime as discussed in the nonlinear dynamic systems literatureare directly applicable for a biped robot as we will see in Section 4.2.4.

2.2 Description of the system and modeling assumptions

For the following discussion please refer to the Fig. 2.1 where we present the sketchof a compass-like biped robot.

The modeling assumptions are listed below (the individual assumptions are mar-ked for later reference):

Mass: concentrated at 3 points (A1):

- mass mH at the hip,

- masses m on each leg, located at distances a and b from respectively theleg tip and the hip.

The total mass of the robot mC = 2m + mh is constant and equal to 20Kg, whereas the mass ratio = mH

mwill be varied from 0.1 to 10 during the

simulation trials.

Leg: the legs are identical (A2). The leg length l = a+ b is constant and equal

to 1 meter, whereas the length ratio = ba. will be varied from 0.1 to 10

during the simulation trials.

Actuation: the robot is unactuated (A3).

Ground: the robot walks down on a plane surface inclined at a constant angle with the horizontal.

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Gait: consists of the following two stages :

- Swing: during this stage the robot hip pivots around the point of supporton the ground of its support leg. The other leg, called the non-supportleg or the swing leg swings forward (the compass robot in Fig. 2.1 is inswing stage). The tip of the support leg is assumed not to slip (A4). Therobot behaves as a ballistic double-pendulum.

- Transition: it occurs instantaneously when the swing leg touches theground and previous support leg leaves the ground (A5).

Collision: the impact of the swing leg with the ground is assumed to be inelasticand without sliding. This implies that during the instantaneous transitionstage (see for instance [HC92]):

- robot conguration remains unchanged (A6),

- the angular momentum of the robot about the impacting foot as well asthe angular momentum of the pre-impact support leg about the hip are

θ ns


θa + b = l






Figure 2.1: Model of a compass-like biped robot walking down a slope.Swing stage.


Compass Gait Part I 15

conserved (A7). These conservation laws lead to a discontinuous changein robot velocity.

Prismatic-joint knee: a knee-less robot with a rigid leg cannot clear the ground.This conceptual problem is avoided here by including a prismatic-jointed kneewith a massless lower leg, as mentioned before. Both legs have then samelength l at the transition time.

Our emphasis here is on the simplicity of the model than its physical realiza-bility. Note however that robots of this type were developed and studied in[GFLZ94], [McG90].

We point out that the simplifying assumptions described here are routinely madein the biped robot literature (see [McG90],[HC92]) and are not unique to this work.

Before proceeding with the governing equations, we introduce some more nota-tions:

During swing, the robot conguration can be described by = [ns; s]T with

ns and s the angles made respectively by the non-support (swing) and the supportleg with the vertical (counterclockwise positive). The state vector q associated withthe robot is then:

q = [; _]T = [ns; s; _ns; _s]T (2.1)

During transition, since both legs are in contact with the ground, the robot con-guration can be completely described by the half inter-leg angle , or equivalentlyby the step length L, dened as the distance between robot feet. and L are relatedby L = 2l sin, as shown in Fig. 2.2.

As the robot walks, the forward component of velocity of its center of masschanges continuously (as in human locomotion) . Therefore we introduce the termaverage speed of progression (ASP) of the robot, denoted as v, in order to quantifyits forward movement averaged over the cycle. In case of a 2n-periodic gait, v is aconstant. When n = 0 (i.e., 1-periodic gait), v is expressed as L

T, with T the step

period. For larger values of n, v is the value of LkTk

(with k a step counter) averagedover 2n consecutive steps, see Fig. 2.2. The calculation of v gets impossible for achaotic gait. We have then to be content with only an \average" ASP.

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2 αk+1

2 αk



Lk=2 l sinαk

d =(L +L )/2kv=(1/2 ) (d /T )



k k+1

Lk+1=2 l sinαk+1

Figure 2.2: Model of a compass-like biped robot walking down a slope.Transition stage (the subscript k is the step counter).

2.3 The governing equations

2.3.1 Dynamics of the swing stage

The dynamic equations of the swing stage are similar to the well-known double-pendulum equations. Since the legs of the robot are assumed identical, the equationsare similar regardless of the support leg considered. They have the following form:

M() +N (; _) _+ g() = 0 (2.2)

where M() is the 2 2 inertia matrix, symmetric positive denite, N(; _) is a2 2 matrix with the centrifugal terms, and g() is a 2 1 vector of gravitationaltorques. The details of the Eqs. (2.2), and the expressions for M(), N (; _) andg() can be found in Appendix A.1 (Eqs. (A.8), (A.9) and (A.10)).

Using (2.1), Eqs. (2.2) can also be written in the state-space form:

_q =d

d t




M1()hN(; _) _ + g()

i ! (2.3)


Compass Gait Part I 17

Since no dissipation takes place during swing, the total mechanical energy E ofthe robot is conserved during this stage.

2.3.2 Transition equations

Equations of the transition stage follow immediately from the collision assumptionsA6-A7, page 14:

Assumption A6, page 14 leads to:

+ = J (2.4)


J =

0 11 0


The matrix J exchanges the support and the swing leg angles for the upco-ming swing stage. The pre-impact and post-impact variables are identiedrespectively with the superscripts - and +.

With the assumption A7 we can linearly relate the post-impact and pre-impactangular velocities of the robot:


= H() _


The computation of the matrix H is provided in Appendix A.3 (Equations(A.35), (A.36) and (A.37)).

Eqs. (2.4) and (2.6) can be written together as:

q+ =W ()q (2.7)


W () =

J 00 H()


Moreover, it follows from the robot geometry that during transition:

ns + s = 2 (or +ns + +s = 2 using (2.4)) (2.9)

ns s = 2 (or +s +ns = 2 using (2.4)) (2.10)

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The assumption that the angular momentum of the robot is conserved du-ring transition does not explicitly indicate how the mechanical energy of the robotchanges during this stage. From physical considerations, it is expected that it doesnot increase. In fact, in Appendix B, we explicitly calculate the change in mecha-nical energy through the transition stage, denoted E, and prove that it is alwaysnegative. Although this does not guarantee that our model is correct, we are at leastassured that it is realistic.

2.4 Normalized expressions

As is true in general, it is signicantly more advantageous to study the robot dyna-mics by means of normalized parameters. A remarkable property of the equationsof our biped robot is that they can be normalized with respect to mass and lengthvariables:

Property 2.1

The swing stage Eqs. (2.2) can also be written as:

Mn()+Nn(; _) _+1

agn() = 0 (2.11)

with Mn(), Nn(; _) and gn() depending not on m, mH, a and b, but onlyon and .

Transition Eqs. (2.7) are already normalized, since the matrix W () does notdepend on m, mH , a and b, but only on the dimensionless ratios and .

Appendix A.4 details the normalization process, see Eqs. (A.39), (A.40) and (A.41).

The following two properties are the direct consequences of Property 2.1. Theyare of key importance for the forthcoming Section 4, since they establish that a com-prehensive analysis of passive compass gait with respect to its internal parametersm, mH , a and b can be performed by considering only the dimensionless ratios and :

Property 2.2

Gait characteristics of a robot with arbitrary masses m and mH can always be dedu-ced from those of a robot whose masses are in the same proportion, for instance m



Compass Gait Part I 19

and mHm0

m, with m

0an arbitrary value. More precisely, let us introduce the scalar

km as:

km =m

m0 (2.12)

Then, the passive gait characteristics of the two above-mentioned compass robotssatisfy:

Compass with

masses m0and mH



Compass withmasses m and mH

q, , L, T , v q, , L, T , v

E, E kmE, kmE

Passive gait analysis can therefore be achieved by varying only the mass ratio .

Property 2.3

Passive gait characteristics for a compass robot with arbitrary lengths a and b canalways be deduced from those of a compass whose lengths are in the same proportion,

for instance a0and ba


a, with a

0an arbitrary value. More precisely, let us introduce

the scalar ka as:

ka =a


Then, the passive gait characteristics of the two above-mentioned robots satisfy:

Compass with

lengths a0and ba



Compass withlengths a and b

_ 1p


L kaL



E kaEE kaE

Passive gait analysis can therefore be achieved by varying only the length ratio .

The proofs of Properties 2.2 and 2.3 are provided in Appendix A.4.

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3 Characteristics of steady passive compass gaits

Simulation trials reveal that the passive compass gait robot can walk down a slopewith a steady gait. A thorough analysis of this behavior is presented in Section 4.This section consists of a rst insight of the passive gaits. In Section 3.1, we des-cribe a typical symmetric gait, using the phase diagram of the robot to identify theimportant time instants in a walk cycle. Next, in Section 3.2, we study in detailthe interchange of the kinetic and potential energies of the robot as it characterizesits motion. Then, in Section 3.3, we explore quantitatively the contraction of phasespace volumes in the neighborhood of a symmetric gait. Finally, in Section 3.4, weexplore the stability of the linear and the nonlinear model of the robot around aperiodic solution.

3.1 Description of a typical steady passive gait

Let us discuss the characteristics of a steady passive compass gait with the help ofa phase portrait of the robot. There are several existing denitions of the phasespace and phase portrait in the literature [BPV84], [Hil94]. The two most populardenitions describe the phase space as the space consisting of the generalized coor-dinate/generalized momentum variables or the generalized coordinate/generalizedvelocity variables. For our purpose we nd it useful and physically more compre-hensible to adopt the latter denition. According to this denition the phase spaceis identical to the state space.

The phase space of the compass gait robot is 4-dimensional. Since we cannotgraphically visualize this high dimensional space we limit ourselves to a 2D projectionof the robot's phase portrait. This reduced portrait involves the displacement andthe velocity of only one leg. Fig. 3.1 shows such a phase portrait of the robotafter it has walked suciently long such that the initial transients have died downand the robot has settled down to a periodic gait. The leg considered alternatelybecomes the support leg and the swing leg. As expected, a cyclic phase trajectory isobserved in the gure. Since this is a symmetric gait, the phase portrait associatedwith the other leg would be exactly identical. The phase portraits associated withmore complex gaits, such as an 8-periodic gait or a chaotic gait are slightly dierentfrom Fig. 3.1 as will be seen in Section 4.2.4 (Figs. C.30 and C.36).

In Fig. 3.1 we may start following the phase trajectory at the instant marked Icorresponding to time t = 0+, when the rear leg just loses contact with the ground(i.e., it becomes the swing leg). The corresponding stick diagram shows a black


Compass Gait Part I 21



dotted leg

t=T +

t=T −





θdotted leg


Figure 3.1: Phase portrait of a symmetric walk. This gure corresponds to only oneleg of the biped, the actual phase of the system being higher dimensional. One cyclein the gure corresponds to two steps of the robot. In the gure we have indicatedsome of the time stamps important in the dynamic evolution of the biped. On theoutside of the cyclic portrait, the conguration of the biped has been shown withsmall stick diagrams. In these diagrams, one leg is dotted, the other leg is solid, anda black dot at the foot indicates the supporting leg.

dot on the front foot to imply ground contact. The phase trajectory evolves inthe clockwise sense in this diagram as shown by the arrowheads. While crossingthe velocity axis (at a positive velocity), the biped is in the vertical conguration.Instant II corresponds to time t = T when the swing leg is about to touch theground. The impact between the swing foot and the ground occurs at t = T . Weobserve a velocity jump II!III due to this impact. The upper half of the cycle(I!II) depicts the swing leg suspended as a simple pendulum from a moving point(hip). At instant III (t = T+), the swing leg becomes the support leg and executesthe lower half of the phase plane diagram (II!III). This half of the phase portraitcorresponds to the motion of the support leg \hinged" at the point of support as aninverted simple pendulum. The velocity jump of the current leg (the non-support

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leg of instant I) observed between IV and I is due to the impact of the other legwith the ground.

As mentioned before, Fig. 3.1 is a 2D projection of the complete 4D phasespace. A projection of the phase space does not necessarily preserve the propertiesof the original phase portrait of a system. For example if we construct a 2D phasediagram of our robot before it settles down to a periodic gait we can see phasetrajectories crossing each other. Crossing of two or more trajectories in the phasespace of an autonomous system is impossible since that would imply that the sameinitial condition (the intersection point of the trajectories) can give rise to twodierent evolutions of the system which is un-physical. Also, the adjacency of twotrajectories in a phase space projection does not necessarily imply their adjacencyin the actual phase space; trajectories of equal length at two dierent parts of thediagrams do not necessarily imply their equality since in the higher dimensionalspace they may be inclined at dierent angles to our point of view. Some featuresare, however, preserved in the projection of a phase space, a very useful one beingthe fact that cycles in the full phase space are also cycles (possibly self-intersecting)in its projections.

3.2 The energy balance in a steady passive gait

We have learned that a passive biped, when started with favorable initial conditions,may walk down an inclined plane in a steady periodic gait. We associate this to alimit cycle behavior of the nonlinear system represented by Eqs. (2.3) and (2.7).

A limit cycle is a periodic solution of a system and is represented by a closedloop in the phase space [Hil94]. The dierence between a simple periodic solutionand a limit cycle is that the latter exerts its in uence in its neighborhood. Anattracting limit cycle pulls and absorbs all neighboring trajectories towards itself,the neighborhood region in which this pull is in eect is called the basin of attractionof the limit cycle. An attracting limit cycle is also called a stable limit cycle sincesmall perturbations in the states of a system lying on the limit cycle reduces to zeroin the long run. A stable limit cycle is an attractor of the system. One can similarlyhave a repelling or unstable limit cycle which amplies all small perturbations aroundit. Finally a saddle limit cycle has both attracting and repelling features.

Typically, the existence of a stable limit cycle in a dynamical system is associatedwith a contraction of the phase space volume as the system evolves in time. Thepresence of a dissipative element in the system causes such phase space volumecontractions and favors (but does not guarantee in any way) the existence of a


Compass Gait Part I 23

stable limit cycle. Noting that our robot has a phase space volume conservingHamiltonian dynamics during the swing stage, we naturally search for the cause ofthe existence of limit cycle. The answer lies in the impact equations (Eq. 2.6). Infact, the robot behaves similar to that of a mechanical clock. In a clock the energyloss due to friction during a cycle is exactly compensated by an energy \kick" atdenite intervals. For the robot the kinetic energy (K) gain due to the conversion ofgravitational potential energy (P ) in a step is absorbed in an instantaneous impactat the touchdown. Thus we see that there is, in eect, a feedback type of mechanismgoverning the system.

Signicant amount of insight may be gained from a K vs. P plot as shown inFig, 3.2. Since the mechanical energy E = K + P is conserved during swing stage,the energy trajectory line is a straight line (line BC) making a 135 angle with theK axis. The trajectory of the robot, starting from point A follows ABAC. Point Cis the touchdown point where an impact occurs with the ground. The instantaneousloss of K is shown by the line CD in the diagram. Total loss of P in one step isgiven by the distance AD = CF. For a periodic gait therefore, CF = CD.

For a symmetric steady gait of the robot on a plane of known inclination, theamount of P lost in each step can be calculated:

PI PII = PIII PIV = P = mCgLsin (3.1)

A relationship between the angular velocities of the legs at the beginning of theswing can be derived from (3.1): since for a symmetric gait a left step (I!III) anda right step (III!I) are identical, we have:

III = I (3.2)

_III = _I (3.3)

As the mechanical energy E of the robot is constant during the swing phase, wehave EI = EII , where EI = PI +KI and EII = PII +KII . From these we get,

KII KI = PI PII (3.4)

All steps being identical, we have KIII = KI . We then obtain from Eq. (3.4)that


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5.30 6.21 7.12 8.03 8.94 9.85 10.76 11.66 12.57 13.48 14.39












S t a r t i n g

P o i n t



tial E



K i n e t i c E n e r g y (J)

f o r p e r i o d i c i t y







C D = C F

Figure 3.2: The K vs P diagram of a compass gait. For a steady symmetric gaitCD = CF.

Using (2.6) and (3.3) we write:

_II =H1 _I ; (3.6)

Writing out in full Eq. (3.5) and using (3.1), we get:






_IIIi= mCgLsin (3.7)


Compass Gait Part I 25

Moreover, since the robot conguration is constant during the transition, M II =M III . Finally, using Eqs. (3.3) and (3.6), _II and _III can be expressed in termsof _I . Therefore, we get:

(H1 _I)TM II(H

1 _I) ( _I)TM II( _I) = 2mCgLsin: (3.8)

On simplication, this becomes,


1 M II) _I = 2mCgLsin: (3.9)

The last equation is in terms of the two velocity variables of the robot. If thereexists a symmetric gait of step length L on a certain slope the equation gives usthe relationship that must exist between the two velocity variables at the beginningof the swing stage. In other words, if we are somehow able to determine one of thevelocities, the other velocity may be calculated. This equation does not help us inestablishing the existence of a limit cycle in the system but rather checks the validityof a cycle once it has been identied. The information that we used in obtaining theequation is based on energy alone and does not involve the dynamics of the systemin between two touchdowns. The latter would have required the integration of thenonlinear equations.

3.3 Contraction of phase space volumes

The contraction of phase space volumes evoked in the previous section is quantita-tively investigated in this section.

During the swing stage the robot dynamics is Hamiltonian and the phase spacevolumes are conserved. Since the robot behavior conrms the presence of a stablelimit cycle and since a stable limit cycle is necessarily accompanied by a contractionof phase space volumes, we focus on the behavior of the robot during the transitionstage.

Let q be the state vector of the robot in a symmetric gait just before thetransition1. We consider a parallelepiped with edge vectors "jij; j2f1;:::;4g, with "jsmall scalars and ij the j

th column of identity matrix I4, starting from the vertex

qand denote it by P. We calculate here the change in the volume of this

parallelepiped (i.e., the \volume" of the ensemble of states just before collision) due

1nevertheless, the following analysis equally applies for the case when the state vector q

lieson a limit cycle of a 2n-periodic gait or on a strange attractor, if the gait is chaotic

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to transition. When q is perturbed by an amount q, a rst order approximationof the state vector just after transition is (Eq. (2.7)):

q+ + q+ =W ()(q + q) +@W ()q



: (3.10)

Using (2.10), Eq. (3.10) can be written in a compact form as:

q+ =W 1(q)q (3.11)


W 1(q) =


J 0

@H( 12(nss )) _




1CA (3.12)

In view of Eq. (3.12), a rst-order approximation of the \image" of P throughtransition is the polyhedra P+ whose edge vectors starting from q+ are "jw1;j;

j2f1;:::;4g, where w1;j is the jth column of matrixW 1(q

). Since the volume of a n-dimensional parallelepiped is given by the determinant of the matrix whose columnsare the n edge vectors starting from a same vertex, [Hec94], volumes of P and P+

are respectively:





0@ 4Yj=1


1A : det(W 1(q



Therefore a rst-order approximation of the change in volume in the phase spaceduring the transition stage of a steady gait is, using (3.12) and (3.13):


Volume= j det(H())j (3.14)

The determinant can be computed from Eqs. (A.35), (A.36) and (A.37):

det(H()) =det(Q())det(Q())


m2a2b2 mmHb2l2 m2b2l2(1 cos2(2))(3.15)

Since the physical values of the mass and the lengths as well as the quantity1cos2(2) are always positive in the Eq. (3.15), the denominator of this equation is


Compass Gait Part I 27

always negative. In other words, the absolute value of det(H()) is clearly inferiorto 1 which indicates that phase space volumes are always contracted. This wasexpected since the transition stage is dissipative, see Appendix B. It is importantto remember that contraction does not imply stability. For example, the volumeof a parallelepiped all of whose sides except one are contracted by a factor of twoduring each transition, while the last side is doubled, will vanish eventually. Howeverthe parallelepiped consists of diverging points and will not represent a stable gait.The local stability of the compass gait is however demonstrated in the followingSection 3.4. The rate of contraction describes how fast the neighboring trajectoriesconverge. For the robot model considered in Section 4.2.1 i.e., = 2 and = 1,det(H()) 0:1. Thus we can say that locally the phase space volumes arecontracted by a factor of 10 indicating that the limit cycles (or the strange attractorsfor chaotic gaits) are highly attractive.

3.4 Study of gait stability

3.4.1 Denition of gait stability

The concept of gait stability as applied to a walking machine is hard to dene butis crucial for the performance analysis of the system. The conventional denitionsof stability of a system in the sense of Lyapunov (around an equilibrium point)are not immediately suitable for such systems. If q(t) is a periodic solution of apure autonomous robot, q(t + ) is another solution, for every value of . Periodicsolutions of an autonomous system cannot be asymptotically stable in the usual way.Therefore, we dene below the stability of a system in terms of its orbital stability.

As in [HM86], it is natural to say that a gait is stable if, starting from a steadyclosed phase trajectory, any nite disturbance leads to another nearby trajectory ofsimilar shape. Furthermore, if in spite of the disturbance, the system returns to theoriginal cycle, the gait is called asymptotically stable.

Adapting from [Hay85] we can present the notion of orbital stability in a moremathematical framework. Let us consider a continuous nonlinear system of thegeneral form

_q = f(q; t): (3.16)

We may eliminate time t from this equation and express the solution as a trajectoryin the vector space of the states q. In this reduced space one may imagine time tobe the velocity associated with the representative point along the trajectory. The

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phase trajectory C of Eq. (3.16) is said orbitally stable if, given " > 0, there is > 0such that, if R0 is a representative point (on another trajectory C0) which is within adistance of C at time t0, then R0 remains within a distance " of C for t 0. If nosuch exists, C is orbitally unstable. Analogous to the asymptotic stability of theconventional denition we may say that if the trajectory C is orbitally stable and,in addition, the distance between R0 and C tends to zero as time goes to innity,the trajectory C is asymptotically orbitally stable.

The following remarks qualify this denition:

Orbital stability requires that the trajectoriesC and C0 remain near each other,whereas Lyapunov stability of the solution q(t) requires that, in addition, therepresentative points R and R0 (on C and C0 respectively) should remain closeto each other, if they were close to each other initially.

Orbital stability does not take into account the adjacency of a slightly pertur-bed trajectory as a function of time. In Fig. 3.3 we see two spiral trajectoriesof a certain 1-dimensional system in its extended phase space (with position,velocity, and time). The two trajectories are the time evolutions from twonearby initial conditions. Although the time evolution of the trajectories arevery dierent (they move away from each other), they belong to the same limitcycle orbit in the phase space which, in this case, is a unit circle. Thus thesystem will be called orbitally stable (around the limit cycle) but not stablein the sense of Lyapunov.

We have presented the nature of a stable limit cycle in the phase plane of onejoint variable of the biped. As shown in the schematic representation in Fig. 3.4,the eect of a stable limit cycle in the phase plane will be to attract and absorbthe nearby phase trajectories. A system starting from a state on the limit cyclewill continue to travel on it. The shaded area in the gure indicates the region inwhich this attracting feature is valid. This shaded area is termed the domain or thebasin of attraction of the limit cycle. It is interesting to note that the whole phaseplane can be the basin of attraction of a limit cycle. For a certain selection of itsparameters the Van der Pol oscillator exhibits this characteristic.

Finally, let us emphasize that the orbital stability of the limit cycle in Fig. 3.1does not require that any of the two halves of the complete cycle (the half I!IIIand the half III!I) be itself a part of a closed limit cycle. In fact, the presence ofa limit cycle in a dierential-algebraic hybrid system such as our biped robot doesnot at all imply any periodic behavior in the dierential part or the algebraic part


Compass Gait Part I 29

Figure 3.3: The gure shows two trajectories (one solid and one dashed) which areorbitally identical although they go farther and farther away from each other intime. The orbital signatures of both the trajectories is a unit circle.

of the equations. This is important for understanding the behavior of such hybridsystems. As a simple example of a hybrid system let us consider a ball bouncing onthe ground. If the ball/ground impact is perfectly elastic the ball will conserve itsmechanical energy and will continue to bounce indenitely. This periodic behavioris the combined outcome of the dierential motion equation as well as the impactequation of the ball. We do not see any periodic behavior if we look, for example, onlyat the dierential part of the system which states that the downward accelerationof the ball is equal to the acceleration due to gravity. Mathematical denition andanalysis of the stability of systems with impacts may be found in [GR87].

3.4.2 Linearized model an exact solution

The only equilibrium of the compass biped is qe = 0 (both legs vertical with zeroangular velocities). Linearization of the swing Eqs. (2.3) around qe produces stateequations of the form:

_q = Aq (3.17)

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leg 1

stable limit cycle

stability domain of limit cycle



leg 1

Figure 3.4: Stable periodic walk. The eect of a stable limit cycle in the phase planewill be to attract and absorb the nearby phase trajectories. If the system starts froma certain state on the limit cycle, it will continue to travel on it. The shaded areashows the stable domain of the limit cycle.

The computation of the matrix A is provided in Appendix A.2 (Eq. (A.17)).Explicit integration of Eqs. (3.17) is straightforward. It is therefore relatively

simple to investigate the existence and the stability of symmetric passive gaits forthe linearized model.

Existence of symmetric gait The existence of a symmetric gait can be studiedfrom basic algebraic computations. The time-evolution of the state vector q fromthe initial conditions q0 is given by the explicit integration of Eq. (3.17) as:

q(t) = eA tq0 (3.18)

Let T denote the instant when the non-support leg touches the ground. The statevector q at the end of the swing is expressed as:

q(T) = eATq0 (3.19)


Compass Gait Part I 31

whereas at the beginning of the following swing, it is, using (2.7) and (3.19):

q(T+) = D(; T )q0 (3.20)

where the matrix D, called the step-to-step matrix [McG90], is given by:

D(; T ) =W ()eAT (3.21)

Therefore, the linearized robot model may exhibit a symmetric gait if and onlyif there exist couples (; T ) such that D(; T ) possesses at least one unity ei-genvalue. If this condition is satised, then the state at the beginning of the swingstage of the symmetric gait, termed q, is given by the eigenvector of D(; T )associated with the unity eigenvalue and such that (Eq. (2.10)):

s ns = 2 (3.22)

The slope corresponding to this symmetric gait is (Eq. (2.9)):

= 1

2(ns + s) (3.23)

A careful numerical analysis of the eigenvalues of matrix D(; T ) reveals that,for a given slope , there exist many couples (; T ), i.e., several possible symmetricgaits. For each slope , only two of these gaits look \natural" in the sense that theirswing stage consists of a single forward swing of the non-support leg before it hitsthe ground. On the contrary, the swing stage of the other gaits consists of severalback and forth swings of the non-support leg before it hits the ground. The majordierence between the two natural gaits, as will be shown below, is that one is stableand the other unstable.

A remarkable feature of these gaits is that the step period T of these natu-ral and unnatural gaits depends very little on the slope . On the contrary, theother characteristic features of the steady gaits, such as the touchdown velocity, aresensitive to the value of the ground slope.

Local stability We follow [GH83] in dening the rst return map or the Poincaremap of a dynamic system:

For a dynamic system represented in the form of Eq. (3.16) the function f :U ! Rn is called a vector eld that generates a ow t : U ! Rn. Let us take a

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local cross-section Rn of dimension n 1 of a periodic orbit of the ow t.The hypersurface is chosen such that it is always transverse to the ow. Nextwe denote by p the unique point where intersects with and by V someneighborhood of p. The Poincare map P : V ! is dened for a point q 2 V byP (q) = (q) where = (q) is the time taken for the orbit t(q) based at q toreturn for the rst time to . The time to return, , depends upon q and is notnecessarily equal to the period of the trajectory .

One way to investigate the local orbital stability of the limit cycles obtainedabove for the linearized robot model consists in slightly perturbing the states fromthe limit cycles and then observing the Poincare map. As a natural choice of thePoincare Section, we take the instant when the swing leg of the robot leaves theground.

Let Tk denote the step period of the kth step and qk the state vector at thebeginning of the kth swing. In view of (3.20), qk is the solution of the followingdiscrete system:

qk+1 =D(k+1; Tk)qk (3.24)

Eq. (3.24) is clearly the Poincare map. It is also called the step-to-step equations[McG90] [Fra96]). With respect to the Eq. (3.16), a xed point of the function fcorresponds to equilibria or stationary solutions. A xed point of a Poincare mapcorresponds to a periodic trajectory of the dynamic equations of the system. Thestate vector q of a symmetric gait is then a xed point of the Eqs. (3.24):

q = D(; T )q (3.25)

Let us perturb q and investigate the propagation of the perturbation. A smallperturbation qk at step k manifests itself as a deviation qk+1 at step k+ 1, whilesatisfying Eq. (3.24):

q + qk+1 = D( + k+1; T + Tk)(q

+ qk) (3.26)

Linearizing Eqs. (3.26) around q, we have:

q+qk+1 = D(; T )(q+qk)+@D(; T )q



:+@D(; T )q




(3.27)Using (3.25), Eq. (3.27) can be simplied as:

qk+1 = D(; T )qk +@D(; T )q



:+@D(; T )q



:T (3.28)


Compass Gait Part I 33

In addition, qk satises the following pair of equations (following from (2.9)-(2.10)):

s;k + s;k + ns;k + ns;k = 2 (3.29)

s;k + s;k ns;k ns;k = 2( + k) (3.30)

which, in view of (3.22) and (3.23), can be simplied as:

s;k + ns;k = 0 (3.31)


2k = k (3.32)

with = [ 1 1]. ns;k and s;k are clearly not independent, for any k integer(Eq.3.31). Redundancy in the Eqs. (3.28) can be eliminated by considering onlyk , instead of ns;k and s;k (using (3.32)). Conversely, k can be computedfrom k as (using (3.31) and (3.32)):

k = k (3.33)

Let us nally divide D into 2 2 submatrices:

D(; T ) =

D11(; T ) D12(; T )D21(; T ) D22(; T )


Using (3.33) and (3.34), Eq. (3.28) can then be written in a compact form as:0B@ k+1


1CA =K

k _k


with:K =K1

1 K2 (3.36)

K1 =

0@ 02


;T ) _




) _



I2 @(D21(;T)+D22(

;T ) _




K2 =

D11(; T ) D12(; T )D21(; T ) D22(; T )


In view of (3.35), the passive symmetric gait q is stable if the eigenvalues of theupper 3 3 block of the matrix K are inside the unit circle (the stability of the

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34 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

last equation, involving Tk, is subordinated to the stability of the others). Let ushowever emphasize that this result comes from two successive linearizations thelinearization of the swing equations (from (2.3) to (3.17)) and the linearization ofthe step-to-step equations (from (3.24) to (3.35)) and therefore is valid only locallyaround q.

As for the linearized compass gait model, only one of the \natural" symmetricgaits is stable. When the initial conditions q0 for the linearized robot model arechosen equal to the unstable one, two distinct behaviors are observed, dependingon the value of the slope . For small slope, the system remains on the unstablesteady gait for some step, and then converges to the stable one. On the contrary,for higher slopes, the unstable steady gait does not belong any longer to the basinof attraction of the stable one, the robot collapses after few steps. The limit slopebetween these two behaviors depends on the values of parameters m, mH , a and b.

As for the unnatural 1-periodic steady gaits, they are very unstable: when q0is chosen equal to the state vector q of such steady gaits, the robot collapses veryquickly.

3.4.3 Local stability of the nonlinear limit cycles

When considering the original nonlinear dynamic equations of the robot, the exis-tence and the stability of passive gaits can no longer be investigated via analyticalmethods.

The existence and the characteristics of steady passive compass gaits are ad-dressed in Section 4 using numerical simulations. Their stability can be addressedby using exactly the same methodology as that proposed in Section 3.4.2 for thelinearized model of the robot, but we have to rely upon numerical simulations.

Let us again choose as the Poincare section the instant when the swing leg leavesthe ground. The Poincare map is denoted below as F :

qk = F (qk1) (3.39)

For a small perturbation q around the limit cycle the nonlinear mapping functionF can be expressed in terms of Taylor series expansion as

F (q + q) F (q) + (rF )q (3.40)

where rF is the gradient of F with respect to the state variables. Since q is axed point of the mapping, we can rewrite Eq. (3.40) as

F (q + q) q + (rF )q (3.41)


Compass Gait Part I 35

The mapping F is stable if the Poincare map of a perturbed state is closerto the xed point. This property can be viewed as the contraction of the phasespace around the limit cycle. Mathematically this means that the magnitude of theeigenvalues of rF at the xed point q are strictly less than one. From Eq. (3.41)we write (rF )q F (q+ q)q where F (q+q) is the Poincare map of theperturbed state q + q. As it is not practical to analytically calculate the matrix(rF ) we have to proceed numerically. One straightforward method is to perturbone state at a time by a small amount and observe its Poincare map. Repeatingthis procedure at least four times (once for each of the four states) we obtain anequation of the form

(rF ) = (3.42)

where the 44 diagonal matrix contains as its diagonal entries the perturbationsof the state variables (qi). The ith column of the 4 4 matrix gives, in termsof the four states, how far away from the periodic solution the Poincare map showsup due to a perturbation of the ith state variable. Assuming that is non-singular,the computation of rF is straightforward: rF = 1.

As an example, we have derived the value of rF for a compass robot whosemasses and lengths are m = 5 Kg, mH = 10 Kg and a = b = 0:5 meter, walkingwith a steady passive gait on a 3o downward incline. We have obtained:

rF =

266640:439 0:500 0:003 0:1690:439 0:500 0:003 0:1690:147 2:933 0:082 1:065

0:877 1:846 0:011 0:633

37775 (3.43)

An immediate calculation shows that the eigenvalues of rF are:

0:252 + 0:215i0:252 0:215i

2:554 109



Their absolute values are 0:332, 0:332, 2:554 109, and 0:014. Thus the cycle isstable. There is a zero eigenvalue. This is expected ([Ott93]). The existence of thiseigenvalue can be interpreted as that the perturbation has been along the limit cycleand the resulting trajectory corresponding to this perturbation is along the samelimit cycle.

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The fact that the steady gait was found by means of numerical simulationspractically guarantees that the limit cycle is stable. Unless we accidentally hit theexact states on an unstable limit cycle, it will never be encountered in numericaltrials.

4 In uence of robot parameters on steady passive gaits

The biped robot equations consist of nonlinear ordinary dierential equations (forthe swing stage) and algebraic equations (for the transition). To our knowledge,there is no analytical method for studying the limit cycles of such a hybrid system.Therefore, we present in this section a thorough numerical analysis of these equa-tions. All simulation results presented in this report were obtained by Scilab-2.2software [Sci96].

In order to study the eect of some of the pertinent quantities that aect therobot gait characteristics we dierentiate between the parameters and the gait des-criptors. In the rest of this text, by a parameter we will refer to a quantity whichcan be directly altered. The ground slope is a rst obvious parameter. In viewof Properties 2.2 and 2.3, a comprehensive analysis of passive compass gait can beperformed by considering only 2 others parameters, namely the dimensionless ratios and . A gait descriptor, on the other hand, will refer to the observed (measurableor computable) quantities which may not be modied directly but are indirectly in- uenced by the parameters. The gait descriptor that appear the most meaningful tous are the state variables q, the half inter-leg angle at touchdown , the step-periodT , the average speed of progression v, the total mechanical energy of the robot Eand the change in mechanical energy E due to impact.

In Section 4.1, we question the validity of the linearized compass model whichwas introduced in Section 3.4.2. In Section 4.2 we present and discuss the results ofthe systematic numerical analysis of the nonlinear model of the compass gait.

4.1 Validity of the linear approximation

One of the most important information about the robot dynamics, from both thepractical and theoretical points of view, is the expanse of the basin of attraction ofthe stable limit cycle. If the initial conditions, i.e., the starting states of the robot,are within the basin of attraction, it will eventually converge to the limit cycle. Theshape and size of the basin of attraction of a limit cycle is in general a function of therobot parameters and are not amenable to direct analytical calculations. In order


Compass Gait Part I 37

to \guess" the initial conditions within the attraction basin boundary of the limitcycle corresponding to a stable passive gait we use the initial conditions calculatedfrom the analytical solution of the linearized robot model. If the robot were truly alinear system these initial conditions would have been precisely on the limit cycle.We observe, in general, that for small and small the initial conditions obtainedfrom the linear model lie within the attraction basin. has no eect on this.

Often the initial guess corresponding to the linear model fails to converge therobot to a limit cycle. In these cases we chose as the initial conditions, the statevector q corresponding to a known steady gait of a robot whose parameters (; ; )are close to those of the robot under study. We succeed in this way to characterizesteady gait out of the domain of validity of the linear approximation.

The domain of validity of the linear approximation, i.e., the range of values ofparameters , and for which our initializing method is successful, can be precisedas follows. We have considered:

- a rst set of robots whose mass ratio is 2 (i.e., m = 5 Kg and mH = 10 Kg)and whose length ratio varies from 0.1 to 10 (l remaining equal to 1 meter),

- a second set of robots whose length ratio is 1 (i.e., a = b = 0:5 meter) andwhose mass ratio varies from 0.1 to 10 (mC remaining equal to 20 Kg).

We have simulated these two sets of robots on four slopes: = 0:25o, = 1:5o, = 3o and = 4o, with q0 always chosen equal to the stable symmetric gaitcomputed for the linearized model of the robot. We have observed that in thesecases the robot actually converges to the steady gait,

for < 4:8 when = 0:25o and = 2for < 2:9 when = 1:5o and = 2for < 1:5 when = 3o and = 2for < 1 when = 4o and = 2

for any when = 0:25o and = 1for any when = 1:5o and = 1for any when = 3o and = 1

No steady gait was found for = 4o and = 1. An interesting result was notedwhen = 1:5o, = 2 and 2:5 < 2:9. Starting from the q0 corresponding tothat of the stable 1-periodic steady gait of the linearized robot model, the actualnonlinear robot model converges to a 2-periodic steady gait.

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In order to compare the steady gaits of the nonlinear robot model and its linea-rized version, numerical simulations have been run for and respectively set to 2and 1, and slope gradually increasing from 0.25o to 3.75o.

It is not unexpected that for higher slopes the dierence between the originaland the linearized models of the biped will be more pronounced. For higher slopesthe robot's dynamics involve larger joint angles and higher velocities and thus thevalidity of the linear approximation (which assumes q = 0) diminishes. If we com-pare the gait descriptors of the nonlinear model to those of the linearized versionon the same slope we interestingly nd that the sensitivity of the descriptors to thelinearization vary widely. Referring to Figs. 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 we see that:

- gait descriptors related to the angular position, i.e., , and L are less sensitiveto the linearization. l, l and L Ll vary from 0.14 % to 0.4 %depending on the value of .

- the touchdown joint velocities _ are more sensitive. _ _l varies from 0.15 %to 9 % depending on the value of . The mechanical energies E = K+P vary

up to 18 % depending on the slope (since E depends on _2). We have the

same result for the ratio EE

since E depends mainly on L (Eq. (3.1)).

- the step periods vary from 2.3 % to 11%. The same result holds for the ASPv (as expected in view of its denition, page 15)

Finally we have tried, without success, to identify more than one stable steadygaits for a given slope. Since this result is not analytic we cannot claim it as aproof. If each slope is indeed associated with one single gait of the robot that wouldindicate to the existence of an underlying organizing principle which automaticallydetermines all the independent motion descriptors (such as the step length L, thestep period T ,: : :) once the ground slope is specied.

4.2 Numerical simulations of the nonlinear model

In the following three sections we systematically study the eect of the evolutionof the gait descriptors as a function of its parameters. As mentioned earlier, thethree parameters considered are the ground slope (Section 4.2.1), the mass ratio (Section 4.2.2) and the length ratio (Section 4.2.3). For higher values of all ofthese parameters the robot exhibits period doubling phenomena. As the parametersare gradually increased successive period doublings in the form of ip bifurcations


Compass Gait Part I 39

[TS91] modify the robot gait from a symmetric gait to a series of asymmetric 2n-periodic gaits with progressively higher values of n. For suciently higher values ofthe parameters the gait becomes chaotic. The phenomena of bifurcation and chaosare treated with special emphasis in the Section 4.2.4.

4.2.1 Eect of slope

In order to investigate the eect of ground slope on the robot gait we have set = 2and = 1, and increased from 0.25o to 5o in steps of 0.25o. It was then increasedby 0.01o up to 5.2o in order to analyze 4-periodic, 8-periodic and chaotic steadygaits. For the robot considered in this set of numerical simulations, symmetric gaitare observed up to = 4:37o.

The evolution of the gait descriptors T , , _s, v, E and EE

as functions of arepresented in the Figs. C.4 to C.9. These diagrams are called bifurcation diagrams[GH83] [Hil94] [BPV84]. A bifurcation diagram typically depicts the evolution ofa gait descriptor (the step length of a biped robot, for example) as a function of aparameter (the ground slope in this case). A point in the parameter space where abifurcation occurs is called the bifurcation point. The dotted line starting from therst bifurcation point in the Figs. C.4 to C.9 denotes the arithmetic average of allthe solution values of the descriptors under study. The chaotic gaits, represented inthe bifurcations diagrams by a continuous distribution of points, are shown exclusi-vely on Figs. C.4, C.5 and C.102. Fig. C.9 depicts 4 limit cycles corresponding to4 dierent values of .

Bifurcation and chaos will be discussed in greater detail in Section 4.2.4. Wefocus here on symmetric gaits. It is worth-mentioning that all of the gait descriptorsevolve monotonically during symmetric gaits. This reinforces our earlier nding thata given ground slope uniquely denes a robot gait with all of its descriptors. Thisproperty is exploited in [EG94], [GEK96] and [GKE96] in formulating a control stra-tegy for the robots. It was shown that a scalar control law which seeks to convergethe mechanical energy of the \actively controlled" robot to that corresponding to aknown passive gait ensures, interestingly, the convergence of all the state variablesof the robot.

Figure C.10 shows the dependence of the step ratio of the robot gait on the slope.Step ratio is dened as the step length divided by the step frequency [Koo89]. Thereason that we have considered the behavior of this gait descriptor is that it is known

2They have been omitted in all other bifurcation diagrams, including those of Sections 4.2.2 and4.2.3 for the sake of clarity

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to be reasonably constant over a wide range of walking velocities and for dierentsubjects. For normal walking the step ratio ranges from 0.39 to 0.44 m-s for menand from 0.34 to 0.40 m-s for women.

We make two further comments regarding the eect of slope on the generalbehavior of the compass robot. The rst is that the robot takes longer and fastersteps as the slope is increased. This behavior can be observed in Fig. C.11 wherethe limit cycles are seen being enlarged along both the position and the velocity axeswhen is raised. Second, the kinetic energy K of the robot increases with . Thisis expected as K is roughly proportional to k _k2. Fig. C.9 shows that the ratio E


also increases with higher slopes.

4.2.2 Eect of mass ratio

In this set of simulations = 1, and 4 dierent ground slopes of = 0:25o, 1:5o, 3o

and 4o have been considered. Mass ratio was increased from 0.1 to 1 in steps of0.1 and from 1 to 10 in steps of 1.

Figs. C.12 to C.17 present the evolution of the same 6 gait descriptors, T , , _s,v, E and E

E, as functions of (using a logarithmic axis), and Fig. C.18 depicts 3

limit cycles corresponding to 3 dierent values of .In Fig. C.11 we had noticed that as increased the maximum angular velocity

attained by the robot and its touchdown inter-leg angle increased as well. Fromthe limit cycles in Fig. C.18 we observe that for higher the touchdown inter-legangle (thus the step length) increases but its maximum joint velocity decreases.This is manifested by the progressively \ atter" limit cycles. The average speed ofprogression however increases monotonically for higher values of .

The step period of the robot increases with higher . The robot exhibits a ipbifurcation for the 4o slope when = 4. For weaker slopes no bifurcation is observedfor 10.

Mechanical energy E of the robot increases when the value of is increased, seeFig. C.16. An increase in is equivalent to a transfer of mass from the legs to thehip, i.e., an elevation of the robot's center of gravity. The potential energy of therobot is thus increased with higher . The variation of the kinetic energy is dicultto explain since on one hand the average velocity of the robot increases along with and, on the other hand, the maximum angular velocity of the robot decreases. Inany case, the mechanical energy increases with .

Unlike the other descriptors, _s and EE

do not change monotonically with .

As shown in Fig. C.14 and C.17 respectively, the _s vs curves show a distinctminimum for each slope whereas the E

Evs curves show a maximum.


Compass Gait Part I 41

4.2.3 Eect of length ratio

In this set of simulations = 2, and 4 dierent ground slopes, = 0:25o, 1:5o, 3o

and 4o have been considered. For each slope we increased from 0.1 in steps of 0.1until the gait becomes chaotic. The value of at which the gait becomes chaoticdepends on the value of the slope.

Figs. C.19 to C.24 present the evolution of the 6 gait descriptors as functionsof (using a logarithmic axis). Fig. C.25 depicts 3 limit cycles corresponding to 3dierent values of .

For each of the ground slopes considered an increase in causes period doublingcascades. Steeper is the slope, lower is the value of leading to the rst perioddoubling. We observe that the

symmetric (i.e., 1-periodic) gait turns 2-periodic for = 3:5 when = 0:25o

for = 2:5 when = 1:5o

for = 1:7 when = 3o

for = 1:2 when = 4o

The gait descriptors T , , and EE

monotonically increase with (Figs. C.19,

C.20 and C.24). The descriptors _s (in absolute value), v and E on the other handare monotonically decreasing (Figs. C.21, C.22 and C.23).

The following observations can be made from the gures. When is increased,the robot exhibits longer and slower steps. Mechanical energy E of the robot de-creases when is raised. This is expected. Since the average velocity as well as k _kdecrease with increasing , the kinetic energy of the robot should decrease. Moreo-ver since a higher corresponds to a lowering of the position of the leg center ofmass, the potential energy should decrease also. Fig. C.24 shows that E


with an increase in .As seen in Fig. C.25 when is increased, phase plane limit cycles are slightly

enlarged along the position axis, indicating longer steps, and contracted along thevelocity axis, indicating that the robot slows down. In addition, in the case where is small, i.e., mass center of the leg is near the hip the angular velocity of thesupport leg is almost constant during the swing.

4.2.4 Period doubling, bifurcation

In previous sections, it was pointed out that passive 1-periodic gaits turn 2n-periodicwhen one or more of the parameters , and increase. In the following we discuss

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the occurrence of this period doubling phenomenon, also called a ip bifurcation, inthe context of our compass-gait biped robot.

In order to introduce the period doubling phenomenon, let us consider a non-linear dynamical system whose Poincare map is one-dimensional:

xk+1 = F (xk) (4.1)

If this dynamical system exhibits a stable limit cycle, then the mapping F possessesone stable xed point x. This situation is depicted in Fig. 1(a): for any initialcondition x0 (except x0 = 0 or x0 = 1, which are unstable xed points), the systemconverges to the stable limit cycle represented by x in the Poincare section. x isthe intersection of the Poincare map with the 45 line.

Let us now continuously modify one parameter (such as the inertia, dampingetc.) of the system under consideration. The mapping F is then clearly altered, andits stable xed point x may either shift or become unstable. The instability of axed point, typically called a structural instability, results in a completely dierentbehavior of the dynamical system. Fig. 1(b) describes one possible structural insta-bility: x has become an unstable xed point. Any initial condition dierent fromx0 = 0, x0 = 1 and x0 = x converges now to a limit cycle crossing the Poincaresection alternately at x1 and x2, since these 2 points are related by:

x2 = F (x1)x1 = F (x2)


Since the period of the stable limit cycle has doubled, this structural instability isgenerally termed as a period doubling [BPV84], [Hil94], or a ip bifurcation [TS91].

Dynamical systems whose Poincare maps are higher dimensional may also expe-rience ip bifurcations. When the considered parameter has a value less than thatcorresponding to the bifurcation point the system exhibits a stable limit cycle. Inthis case all the eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the Poincare map in the neighbo-rhood of the limit cycle are within the unit circle. Modifying the parameter altersthe eigenvalues, and at bifurcation point at least one crosses the unit circle. Theparticular fashion in which an eigenvalue crosses the unit circle determines the typeof structural instability that the system undergoes. Flip bifurcation corresponds toan eigenvalue leaving the unit circle along the real axis, with a negative real part.Fig. C.26 presents the evolution of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the compass


Compass Gait Part I 43

0.000 0.143 0.286 0.429 0.571 0.714 0.857 1.0000.000













x0 x1 x*

(a) 1-periodic behavior

0.000 0.143 0.286 0.429 0.571 0.714 0.857 1.0000.000














1 x*

(b) 2-periodic behavior

Figure 4.1: Example of a Poincare map experimenting period doubling.

Poincare map as a function of . All are real, and one of them actually reaches thevalue 1 when the rst bifurcation point is reached at = 4:37o.

The 2-periodic limit cycle generated by a period-doubling may experience a fur-ther period-doubling, giving rise to a 4-periodic limit cycle. This phenomenon,repeated ad innitum, is called a period doubling cascade and is recognized as one ofthe possible routes leading to chaos. Occurrences of period doubling for various setsof robot parameters are listed in Table 1. Regardless of the parameter considered,we observe that the successive period doublings occur after progressively smaller in-tervals of parameter variation. Starting from the 1-periodic gait it is relatively easyto detect the bifurcations since the range of variation of the parameters from onebifurcation to the next are relatively large. The subsequent bifurcations are moresensitive to the parameter variation and a relatively small change in the parametervalue may cause several bifurcations which are dicult to segregate individually.This is expected in view of general results on period doubling cascades [BPV84].

Such period doubling cascades leading to chaotic behavior have already beenobserved for passive planar hopping robots which possess a smaller dimension thanthat of the compass. 2n-periodic gaits were observed in hopping robots [Rai86] (theywere termed \limping gaits"), and analyzed in [VB90], [MB91], [OB93] and [Fra96][KB91].

In Fig. C.27 we detail the behavior of the compass robot during a period doublingcascade ensuing from the parameter (other parameters are kept constant, =

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44 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

Parameters 1-periodic 2-periodic 4-periodic

= 2; = 1 0:25o < 4:5o 4:5o < 5o 5o < 5:02o : : :

= 0:25o; = 1 0:1 < 10 - - : : : = 1:5o; = 1 0:1 < 10 - - : : :

= 3o; = 1 0:1 < 10 - - : : : = 4o; = 1 0:1 < 4 4 < 4 - : : :

= 0:25o; = 2 0:1 < 3:5 3:5 < 8:6 not observed : : :

= 1:5o; = 2 0:1 < 2:5 2:5 < 2:9 2:9 < 3 : : : = 3o; = 2 0:1 < 1:7 1:7 < 1:9 1:9 < 2 : : :

= 4o; = 2 0:1 < 1:2 1:2 < 1:4 1:4 < 1:5 : : :

Parameters 8-periodic 16-periodic

= 2; = 1 : : : 5:02o < 5:04o not observed

= 0:25o; = 1 : : : - - = 1:5o; = 1 : : : - - = 3o; = 1 : : : - - = 4o; = 1 : : : - -

= 0:25o; = 2 : : : - - = 1:5o; = 2 : : : not observed 3 < 3:1 = 3o; = 2 : : : 2 < 2:1 not observed = 4o; = 2 : : : not observed -

Table 1: Occurrences of period doubling

2; = 1). The gure plots the kth vs. k + 1th angular positions of the swing legat the beginning of the stage, i.e., it consists of only one component of compassPoincare map. For a 1-periodic robot gait ns is the same in every cycle. This gaitis therefore represented by a point on the rst bisector line. As we change the groundslope, the representative point moves along the bisector line from the right-hand topcorner of Fig. C.27, as indicated by the arrow.

The rst period doubling occurs when = 4:37. The compass gait turns 2-periodic and is therefore represented in Fig. C.27 by 2 points. Just after the rstbifurcation the 2 representative points dier only slightly from the representativepoint of the 1-periodic gait from which they originate. The two steps are thereforevery similar to the steps of the symmetric gait. Then, the two representative pointsmove away from the rst bisector line along the two branches shown by dotted linesin Fig. C.27. It follows that one step length is slightly longer and the other slightly


Compass Gait Part I 45

shorter than those of the corresponding symmetric gait. As we increase the slopethe longer step is further elongated and the shorter step further shortened.

This continues until a second period doubling occurs when = 4:9. Eachbranch then gives rise to two sub-branches. The steps of the 4-periodic gait arestrictly ordered. Their succession is as follows: a long step, a very short step, a verylong step, a short step, and so on. The last clearly identiable bifurcation occurswhen = 5:01 as the robot gait becomes 8-periodic.

The period doubling cascade may also be observed using phase plane diagrams.A 1-periodic phase plane diagram was already shown in Fig. 3.1. Figs. C.28, C.29,C.30 present limit cycles for, respectively, 2-periodic, 4-periodic and 8-periodic gaits.

The phase plane limit cycle of a 1-periodic gait is a single-loop closed trajectoryrepeated after two robot steps. During one step the considered leg is in the swingstage and during the following one, it is in the support stage. Since the gait issymmetric, the robot legs are indistinguishable and the phase plane cycles of thetwo legs are identical.

In case of a 2-periodic gait, since all state descriptors are identical after everytwo steps, the phase plane limit cycle associated with one leg is still a single-loopclosed trajectory repeated after two robot steps. The gait is however asymmetric,one leg always takes long steps, and the other always takes short steps. The limitcycles associated with the legs are therefore no longer identical.

In case of 2n-periodic gaits, all the state variables repeat themselves after every2n steps. The phase plane diagram associated with one leg is therefore a 2n1-loopclosed trajectory repeated after every 2n steps, distinguishable from the phase planediagram of the other leg. The visual inspection of the phase plane diagrams of the4-periodic and the 8-periodic gait correctly indicates that they resulted from thebifurcation of respectively the preceding 2-periodic and the 4-periodic gaits.

For the asymmetric gait, some characteristic descriptors vary quite a lot fromstep to step, while others change little. For instance, in case of the 8-periodic gaitshown in Fig. C.30, we have observed that:

the dierence between maximum and average values of E equals 0:18%" T equals 8:62%" equals 8:4%" v equals 15:7%

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4.2.5 Chaotic gaits

As mentioned previously, when = 2, = 1 and = 5:03o, a 8-periodic gait isobserved. If the parameter is further raised, several period doublings take placevery quickly and starting from = 5:04 we are unable to detect any periodicityin the motion of the robot. Fig. C.31 provides 50 consecutive step periods of thissteady gait. None are exactly equal. An order is however maintained: a long stepperiod is always followed by a short one. Moreover, a histogram of the step periods,i.e., the frequency of occurrence of a small3 range of step periods vs. the range,reveals 4 major clusters, Fig. C.32. This indicates that the gait is 2n-periodic witha large n.

Steady gaits are still observed when is increased. Figs. C.33 and C.34 are theequivalents of Figs. C.31 and C.32 for = 5:2o. This time, no clear order can bedetected when considering 50 consecutive step periods, and we notice the presence ofall the step periods within a range. Since chaos is qualitatively characterized by theunpredictability of system evolution and the presence of a \broad-band frequency"in the system power spectrum, we are allowed to qualify this steady gait as chaotic.Figs. C.35 and C.36 show the associated phase plane diagrams. The robot do notexhibit limit cycle behavior anymore but the trajectories stay on a strange attractorwhich is a manifold of a lower dimension in the phase space.

A Poincare section of this strange attractor is presented in Fig. C.37. Thehyperplane of section, s = 2ns, corresponds to the beginning of swing stages,see Eq. (2.9). Strange attractors of dynamic systems are generally known to possessa fractal or non-integer dimension. We can observe that the Poincare section consistsof multiple closed packed lines separated by empty spaces. The strange attractor istherefore neither a line nor a surface. It should thus have a dimension between 1and 2. It is not an Euclidean entity.

The fractal dimension is dened as follows: let n(") be the minimum number ofhypercubes of length " necessary to cover a set of points in an n-dimensional space.The fractal or Hausdor-Besicovitch dimension of this set, denoted as D, is suchthat:


n(") = "D (4.3)

This denition is consistent with the usual denition of Euclidean dimension. A linesegment of length d can be covered by 1

"segments each of length "d. Using (4.3) we

see that D = 1, as expected.

3The range is to be appropriately selected to be able to identify the four groups


Compass Gait Part I 47

The relationship (4.3) is however not very tractable when computing fractaldimensions in practice. An approximated dimension is therefore usually computed asfollows. Let us choose m points qi in the set whose dimension has to be determined,and then compute the values of the following function n(r) for various r:

n(r) =1


number of pairs i; j / kqi qjk < r


Concretely, for a given point qi, we count the number of points qj; j 6=i belonging toa hyper-sphere of radius r centered at qi. The same is done for all points and n(r)is obtained in the end by summation. It can be understood as a kind of statisticalapproach. The approximated fractal dimension D1 of the set is then such that:

limm!1n(r) = rD1 (4.5)

It can be shown, [BPV84], that D1 bounds D from below.Using (4.5), it can be computed that the fractal dimension of the strange at-

tractor for our robot, whose Poincare section is depicted in Fig. C.37, is 2.07. Theattractor is thus dimensionally close to a Euclidean plane. This is a consequence ofthe strong phase space volume contraction observed in Section 3.3.

The \compact" structure of the strange attractor permits us to investigate itthrough some simplications. Since the Poincare section shown in Fig. C.37 is closeto a line, most of the system behavior can be described using only one componentof the Poincare map, for instance ns;k+1 = f(ns;k). This rst return map has beenplotted for increasing in Figs. C.38 to C.41. The rst return map associated withthe step period T has also been plotted for = 5:2o, Fig. C.42.

The establishment of the robot gait to the eventual chaotic regime is well depictedin Figs. C.38 to C.41. When = 5:03o, the gait is 8-periodic, it's rst return mapconsists of 8 points as shown in Fig. C.27. When = 5:04o, the rst return mapconsists of 8 distinguishable clusters of points. Through multiple period doublingbifurcations this 8-periodic gait gives rise to a 2n-periodic gait with a large n. Thisgait still preserves some similarity with the 8-periodic gait from which it originates.For example, step order is still preserved since basic line drawings similar to theFigs. 4.1) prove that ns always visits the 8 clusters in the same order, as indicatedin Fig. C.38. We note that this order is that a large ns (i.e., jnsj > :4 rad) isalways followed by a small ns (i.e., jnsj < :4 rad).

When = 5:08o, the 8 clusters of points merge into 2 larger packs. Some orderis still preserved, since a large ns is still always followed by a small one. The same

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48 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

property still holds when = 5:12o, but in this case the rst return map appears asa continuum of point. We are therefore very close to the \broad-band frequency"characteristic typical of chaotic behavior. Finally, when = 5:2, we observe thatpredictability and periodicity have been completely destroyed, since a large ns canbe followed by another large one. The layered structure of the strange attractor canalso be guessed from the rst return map (it begins to appear for = 5:12o).

It is extremely interesting to note that that the rst return maps of all of therobot gait descriptors look remarkably similar. For instance, the rst return map ofthe step period T (Fig. C.42) looks like a rotated rst return map of ns(Fig: C:41).With this we can suggest that all the characteristics of the passive chaotic gait ofour robot is somehow ensconced in the shape of its rst return map, which can beviewed as a signature of the chaotic gait.

5 Conclusions and future work

We have studied the stability and the periodicity properties of the passive motionof a simple biped machine, the compass gait walker. We have observed that such abiped can walk down on an inclined plane in a steady and stable fashion. There isa strong indication that all the motion descriptors of such a gait is specied by onlyone parameter, for instance the slope of the inclined plane. The motion equationsexhibit bifurcation phenomena at a certain slope angle: a 1-periodic motion changesto another stable periodic motion with unequal step lengths. On further increasein the slope angle the robot undergoes a period doubling cascade until its motionbecomes chaotic. Bifurcation and chaos are also shown to be produced by changingthe mass distribution of the robot.

It is instructive to remember that the diculty in studying the behavior of thisapparently simple biped mechanism is to a large part due to its hybrid dierential-algebraic governing equations. The conditions for the existence of steady and stablelimit cycles in the robot dynamics are dictated not only by the continuous dierentialequations but also by the algebraic switching conditions. This hybrid nature of therobot equations makes it especially dicult for us to employ the traditional nonlinearsystems tools in our current study.

When analyzing the linearized compass model, unstable limit cycles have beenobserved. In order to identify such unstable behavior in compass nonlinear model,we would need to integrate the system back in time. Although not useful as a


Compass Gait Part I 49

viable \walk", these unstable limit cycles may tell us more about compass globalproperties.

We should remember that our system's behavior is in uenced by our impactmodel which is not, by any means, the only available one. For the impact modelto be of practical use, the robot gait should be robust against small parameterperturbations in the model. Such analysis has not been completed yet.

It would also be useful to be able to identify the boundary of the basin of at-traction, i.e., the set of compass initial conditions from which this robot can walk ina steady fashion without any actuation. It would have been an interesting startingdata before investigating the design of control laws for this system. Active compassgait is nevertheless discussed in our second research report dedicated to compass-likebiped robot [GKE96].

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50 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau


A Dynamic equations of the robot (in detail)

A.1 Swing stage equations

During the swing, the robot behaves like a planar double-pendulum (Assumption A4,page 14). Its dynamical equations can be derived using the well-known Euler-Lagrange approach:



@ L(; _)

@ _

! @ L(; _)

@= 0 (A.1)

where the Lagrangian L(; _) is the dierence between the kinetic energy and thepotential energy of the robot: L(; _) = K(; _) P (). The right-hand side termof (A.1) is 0, since the robot is completely passive.

In order to calculate the energy of the robot we simply consider the dynamics ofthe three distinct masses:

K(; _) =1

2mHk~vHk2 + 1

2mk~vsk2 + 1

2mk~vnsk2 (A.2)

P () = mHgl cos s +mga cos s +mg(l cos s b cosns) + P0 (A.3)

where ~vH , ~vs and ~vns are the velocities of the point masses. In the frame [~;~|]depicted on Fig. A.1, these vectors are given by:

~vH = l _s cos s~ l _s sin s~| (A.4)

~vs = a _s cos s~ a _s sin s~| (A.5)

~vns = (b _ns cos ns l _s cos s)~+ (b _ns sin ns l _s sin s)~| (A.6)

The rst 3 terms appearing in the expression (A.4) for P () have been computedusing the horizontal line passing through the tip of the support leg as reference forthe gravitational potential energy. This reference line moves after each transition.The scalar P0, constant during each swing, has been used to keep a constant referenceduring the compass motion.

Inserting (A.4), (A.5) and (A.6) in (A.2), K(; _) can be written as:

K(; _) =1

2_TM() _ (A.7)


Compass Gait Part I 51

where M(), the inertia matrix of the robot, is given by:

M() =

mb2 mlb cos(s ns)

mlb cos(s ns) mHl2 +m(l2 + a2)


Substituting (A.7), (A.8) and (A.3) in (A.1) leads to the dynamical Equa-tions (2.2) with:

N(; _) =

0 mlb _s sin(s ns)

mlb _ns sin(s ns) 0


g() =

mgb sin ns

(mHl +m(a+ l))g sin s

!: (A.10)

θ ns





a + b = l












Figure A.1: Additional variables and frames used to describe the compass.

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52 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

A.2 Linearized swing stage equations

In Section 3.4.2, we are interested in linearizing the Eqs. (2.3) around the systemequilibrium qe = 0. The linearized equations are given by:

_q =

0 I2


!q (A.11)

where the 2 4 matrix Ab is dened by:

Ab = 0@@M1()

hN(; _) _ + g()




Since _ appears in N (; _) _ only as second order terms, Ab is given by:

Ab =






35 (A.13)

Finally, since M() depends only on cos 2 and g() depends only on sin ns orsin s, we have:

Ab =hM1

0 G0 0i



M0 =M( = 0) =

mb2 mlbmlb (mHl

2 +m(l2 + a2))


G0 =

mgb 00 (mHl +m(a+ l))g


Substituting (A.14) in (A.11) leads to expression (3.17) with

A =

0 I2

M10 G0 0



Compass Gait Part I 53

A.3 Transition equations

Since our robot is constituted of only two links, the condition of conservation ofangular momentum leads to only two equations:


!nsCH ^ ~vH +m(


s ^ ~vs +


ns ^ ~vns) (A.18)


!+s CH ^ ~v+Hm(

!+s C

+s ^ ~v+s +

!+s C

+ns ^ ~v+ns)


s ^ ~vs = m


+ns ^ ~v+ns (A.19)

where points CH , Cns, Cs, ns and s are respectively the hip, the mass center of thenon-support leg, the mass center of the support leg, the tip of the non-support legand the tip of the support leg (cf. Fig. A.1) and ~vH , ~vns and ~vs are respectively thevelocity vectors at H , Cns and Cs. The superscripts

and + indicate respectivelypre-impact and post-impact variables. In the frame [~;~|] depicted in Fig. A.1, allthe vectors appearing in (A.18) and (A.19) are given by:

!nsCH = l sin ns~+ l cos ns~| (A.20)!+s CH = l sin +s ~+ l cos +s ~| (A.21)


s = (b sin s l sin ns)~+ (l cos ns b cos s )~| (A.22)

!+s C

+ns = (b sin +ns l sin +s )~+ (l cos +s b cos +ns)~| (A.23)


ns = a sin ns~+ a cos ns~| (A.24)

!+s C

+s = a sin +s ~+ a cos +s ~| (A.25)


s = b sin s ~ b coss ~| (A.26)


+ns = b sin +ns~ b cos+ns~| (A.27)

~vh = l _s cos s ~ l _s sin s ~| (A.28)

~v+h = l _+s cos +s ~ l _+s sin +s ~| (A.29)

~vs = a _s cos s ~ a _s sin s ~| (A.30)

~v+s = a _+s cos +s ~ a _+s sin +s ~| (A.31)

~vns = (b _ns cos ns l _s cos s )~+ (b _ns sin

ns l _s sin s )~| (A.32)

~v+ns = (b _+ns cos +ns l _+s cos +s )~+ (b _+ns sin

+ns l _+s sin +s )~| (A.33)

Substituting the Eqs. (A.20) to (A.33) and the Eq. (2.10) in (A.18) and (A.19),we get the following compact Equation between the pre-impact and post-impactangular velocities:

Q() _= Q+() _


RR n2996

54 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

with matrices Q() and Q+() given by:

Q() =

mab mab+ (mHl

2 + 2mal) cos20 mab


Q+() =

mb(b l cos 2) ml(l b cos 2) +ma2 +mH l


mb2 mbl cos 2


Let us nally introduce matrix H() as:

H() = Q+1()Q() (A.37)

A.4 Normalization of the compass equations

In this report, we make essentially make use of normalized equations of the compassbiped. The proofs of Property 2.1, normalization process, and Properties 2.2 and2.3, normalization consequences, are provided below:

Proof of Property 2.1:

Normalized equations of the compass biped consist of Eqs. (2.2), (A.35) and(A.36) from which ma2 has been factored out.

Normalized swing equations:

Eqs. (2.2) can also be written as:

ma2Mn() +Nn(; _) _ +



= 0 (A.38)


Mn() =

2 (1 + ) cos 2

(1 + ) cos 2 (1 + )2 +1 + (1 + )2

! (A.39)

Nn(; _) =

0 (1 + ) _s sin(s ns)

(1 + ) _ns sin(s ns) 0


gn() =

g sin ns

( (1 + ) + (1 + (1 + ))) g sin s


Mn(), Nn(; _) and gn() do not depend on m, mH , b or a, but only on and .


Compass Gait Part I 55

Normalized transition equations:

Eqs. (A.35) and (A.36) can also be written as:

Qn () = ma2


(1 + )2 + 2 (1 + )

cos 2



Q+n () = ma2

0B@ ( (1 + ) cos 2) (1 + ) ((1 + ) cos 2)

+ 1+ (1 + )2

2 (1 + ) cos 2


which renders the transition equations normalized. Proof of Property 2.2:

Let us name C 0m and Cm robots with masses respectively


0; mH




(m;mH), and 0

m(t); t 2 [0; T0] and m(t); t 2 [0; T ], their respective time-evolution

during one swing, starting from identical initial conditions: m(0) = 0


The scalars associated with robots C 0m and Cm are obviously equal. There-fore, since Mn(), Nn(; _) and gn() depend only on , we deduce immediatelyfrom (2.11) that T = T

0and m(t) =


m(t), 8t 2 [0; T0]. Moreover, since matrix

W () depends also only on , the post-impact state vectors m(T+0) and



which are also the initial conditions for the following swing, are equal as well. Thisdiscussion proves clearly that the time-evolutions of the robots C 0m and Cm remainidentical when their initial conditions are equal. Therefore, as stated in Property 2.2,passive gait analysis can be achieved by varying only the mass ratio . The tablein Property 2.2 follows from m(t) =


m(t), 8t, Eqs. (2.10), (A.2) and (A.3) anddenition of L and v (page 15).

Proof of Property 2.3:

Let us name C 0a and Ca robots with lengths respectively

a0; ba



and (a; b), and


a(t); t 2 [0; T0] and a(t); t 2 [0; T ], their respective time-evolution during one

swing, when both initial conditions are equal: a(0) = 0


The time functions 0

a(t) and a(t) are the solutions of the dynamic equations:


a(t) : Mn()


!+Nn(; _ns; _s)




a0 gn() = 0 (A.44)

a(t) : Mn()


!+Nn(; _ns; _s)



agn() = 0 (A.45)

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56 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

In order to point out the connection between 0

a(t) and a(t), let us introduce thefollowing time scale factor:

t0 =pkat (A.46)

Using (A.46), Eq. (A.44) can also be written as:


a(t) : Mn()d t0

d t

2 d2 nsd t02

d2 sd t02


; d t


d td nsd t0

; d t0

d td sd t0

d t0

d t

d nsd t0d sd t0


+ 1a0 gn() = 0

(A.47)In view of (A.40), we have:



d t0

d t

d nsd t0

;d t0

d t

d sd t0


d t0

d tN


d nsd t0

;d sd t0


Using (A.48) and Eqs. (2.12) and (A.46), Eq. (A.47) can be simplied as:


a : ka


d2 nsd t02

d2 sd t02



d nsd t0

;d sd t0

d nsd t0d sd t0



#= 0

(A.49)Comparing now Eqs. (A.49) and (A.45) and using (A.46), we conclude that:

T =pkaT

0a(t) =




t 2 [0;


0] (A.50)

Therefore, as stated in Property 2.3, passive gait analysis can be achieved by varyingonly the length ratio . The table in Property 2.3 follows from (A.50), Eqs. (2.10),(A.2) and (A.3) and denition of L and v (page 15).

B Loss of energy during the transition (proof)

Since the Assumptions A6-A7 (page 14) does not explicitly provide any informationon the energy balance of the transition, we prove below that the mechanical energyE is, as expected, strictly decreasing or, in few special situations, conserved. Thesecomputations show that our description of the leg impact on the ground, which leadsto quite simple equations, is nevertheless realistic.

Since, on one hand, the robot potential energy P is a function of ns and s only(cf. Eq. (A.3)), and, on the other hand, these two quantities are kept unchanged


Compass Gait Part I 57

during the double-support stage (Eq. (2.4)), P is conserved through this stage. The-refore, the variation of the robot mechanical energy E consists only of the variationof the kinetic energy K. Using (A.7), we have then:

E(; _) = _+TM(+) _

+ _TM() _


By reporting (2.6) in (B.1), this Equation can also be written as:

E(; _) = _T

(HT ()M(+)H()M ()) _


By reporting now (2.10) in (A.8), we see clearly that:

M() =M(+) =M() (B.3)

Finally, reporting (B.3) in (B.2) leads to:

E(; _) = _ T

(HT ()M()H()M()) _


Using (A.8), (A.35), (A.36), (A.37) and running Maple V software [Map94], it canbe proved that the explicit expression for (B.4), when _s 6= 0, is:

E(; _) =ma2 _2s (; ; ; )

2(1 cos2 2) + 2(1 cos2 2) + (1 cos2 2) + 1 + 2 + 2 + (B.5)


(; ; ; ) = 2 + 6 cos2 2+ 72 cos2 2+ 122 cos2 2+ 10 cos2 2

+4 cos2 2 3+ 3 cos2 2+ 2 cos2 2 24 4

432 83 43 6 42 42 72 + 43 cos2 2

+4 cos2 2+ 63 cos2 2+ 42 cos2 2+ 432 cos2 2

63 cos3 2 24 cos3 2+ 63 cos 2+ 223 cos2 2

+42 cos2 2+ 24 cos 2+ 24 cos 2+ 43 cos 2

132 10 + 2 cos2 2 42 622 223 2

22 22+ 22 cos 2+ 622 cos2 2+ 42 cos2 2

2 cos3 2 62 cos3 2+ 2 cos 2+ 62 cos 2

223 42+ 22 cos2 2 (B.6)

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The scalars and have been dened before and is given by:


when _s 6= 0 (B.7)

When _s = 0, the explicit expression for E is by far more simple. Symboliccomputations, running Maple V software, lead to:

E(; _) = mb2l2 _2nsm(1 cos2 2) +mH

ml2(1 cos2 2) +ma2 +mH l2(B.8)

When _s = 0, the variation of the robot mechanical energy E during the transi-tion, in view of (B.8), is clearly non-increasing. More precisely, E is strictly decrea-

sing, except in the special situation _= 0.

We now prove a similar result in the case _s 6= 0. The denominator of E

in (B.5), since and are positive, is obviously strictly positive. ma2 _2s , since weassume here that _2s 6= 0, is also strictly positive. The sign of E(; _) dependstherefore only on the sign of (; ; ; ). This function can be written as a parabolain the variable :

(; ; ; ) = 2(; ; )2+ 1(; ; )+ 0(; ; ) (B.9)

We show below that the functions i(; ; )i2f1;2;3g are all negative, which prove,

since is positive, that E(; _) is non increasing as expected.

Let us consider rst 2(; ; ). Using (B.6), we obtain that:

2(; ; ) = (1 cos2 2)(1 4 62 43 4) (B.10)

Since is positive, Eq. (B.10) shows clearly that the values of 2(; ; ) are alwaysstrictly negative, except in the special situation = 0


, where 2(; ; ) is then


Let us consider now 1(; ; ). Using (B.6), we obtain that:

1(; ; ) = 0(; ) + 1(; ) + 2(; ) 2+ 3(; )

3+ 4(; ) 4 (B.11)


Compass Gait Part I 59


0(; ) = 3(1 cos2 2) (B.12)

1(; ) = 10(1 cos2 2) (B.13)

2(; ) = 13 + 12 cos2 2+ 2 cos 2 2 (B.14)

3(; ) = 8 + 6 cos2 2+ 4 cos 2 22 (B.15)

4(; ) = 2 + cos2 2+ 2 cos 2 2 (B.16)

The values of 0(; ) and 1(; ), Eqs. (B.12) and (B.13), are obviously alwaysstrictly negative, except in the special situation = 0


, where these functions

are then zero.The remaining functions i(; )i2f2;3;4g (Eqs. (B.14), (B.15) and (B.16)) can be

seen as parabolas in the variable . Their extremum occurs for = cos 2 (just

compute =@i(;)i2f2;3;4g

@= 0). More precisely, it is always a maximum since


is constant for all and strictly negative. Finally, since 2(; ),

3(; ) and 4(; ) at = cos 2 are equal respectively to 13(1 cos2 2),8(1 cos2 2) and 2(1 cos2 2), we conclude that the values of i(; )i2f2;3;4gare always strictly negative, except in the special situation = 0


, where these

functions are zero if = cos 2.Since is positive, it is then obvious, in view of (B.11), that the values of

1(; ; ) are strictly negative, except in the special situation = 02

, where

1(; ; ) is zero if = cos 2 or = 0.

Let us nally consider 0(; ; ). Using (B.6), we obtain that:

0(; ; ) = 5(; ) 2+ 6(; ) + 7(; ) (B.17)


5(; ) = (1 cos2 2)(4 + 23 + 2) (B.18)

6(; ) = cos 2(1 cos2 2)(24 + 63 + 62 + 2) (B.19)

7(; ) = (1 cos2 2)(4 + 43 + 72 + 6 + 2) (B.20)

In the case = 02

, 0(; ; ) (Eqs. (B.17), (B.18), (B.19) and (B.20)) is ob-

viously zero. In the case = 0, 0(; ; ) (Eqs. (B.17), (B.18), (B.19) and (B.20))is a constant strictly negative, except of course if = 0


, since 0(; ; ) is then

zero. Otherwise, this function is a parabola in the variable (Eq. (B.17)), whose

RR n2996

60 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

extremum occurs for (just derive Eq. (B.17)):

=6(; )

25(; )(B.21)

More precisely, this extremum is a maximum since:

@20(; ; )

@2= 25(; ) (B.22)

and 5(; ) is strictly negative ( is positive and we assume here that 6= 0).Reporting (B.21) in (B.17) provides us with the maximum value for 0(; ; ):

max0 (; ) = (1 cos2 2)

(4 + 33 + 32 + )2

4 + 23 + 2cos2 2+

4 + 43 + 72 + 6 + 2


It can be easily veried that: (4 + 33 + 32 + )2

4 + 23 + 2+ 4 + 43 + 72 + 6 + 2

!= ( + 1)2 (B.24)

We conclude from (B.23) and (B.24) that the values of 0(; ; ) are always strictlynegative when 6= 0


. In this latter special situation, as mentioned before,

0(; ; ) is then zero.

The sign of functions i(; ; )i2f0;1;2g has now been investigated. Since ispositive, the results obtained above ensure (just consider Eqs. (B.5), (B.9) and (B.8))that during the transition:

- The total mechanical energy E is conserved in the special situations:

_ = 0


= 02

= 0


= 02

= 0


= 02

= cos 2 = 1

- E is strictly decreasing otherwise.


Compass Gait Part I 61

C Graphs

C.1 Comparison between the non-linear and the linearized compassmodels

0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.752.00








11.50T-T (in %) l

Slope ( deg)φ,

Figure C.1: Comparison between the nonlinear and the linearized compass models:dierence in the step period T as a function of ground slope .

0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.750.1450








0.4100(in %)l

Slope ( deg)



Figure C.2: Comparison between the nonlinear and the linearized compass models:dierence in the half inter-leg angle as a function of ground slope .

RR n2996

62 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.751.7









. .(in %)s s,l

Slope ( deg)

θ −θ


Figure C.3: Comparison between the nonlinear and the linearized compass models:dierence in the support leg angle velocity _s as a function of ground slope .


Compass Gait Part I 63

C.2 Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter

0.20 0.92 1.63 2.35 3.07 3.79 4.50 5.220.655





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Step period (T, sec)

Slope ( deg)φ,

Figure C.4: Bifurcation diagram : step period T as a function of ground slope ( = 2; = 1).

0.20 0.92 1.63 2.35 3.07 3.79 4.50 5.226.50

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Half leg angle ( deg)

Slope ( deg)



Figure C.5: Bifurcation diagram : half inter-leg angle as a function of groundslope ( = 2; = 1).

RR n2996

64 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

0.2 0.9 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.1-1.210






.Angular velocity, support leg ( rad/s)s

Slope ( deg)

θ ,


Figure C.6: Bifurcation diagram : angular velocity of the support leg _s as a functionof ground slope ( = 2; = 1).

0.2 0.9 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.10.300





0.920Average velocity (v, m/s)

Slope ( deg)φ,

Figure C.7: Bifurcation diagram : average speed of progression v as a function ofground slope ( = 2; = 1).


Compass Gait Part I 65

0.2 0.9 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.1148.0





156.0Mechanical energy (E, Joule)

Slope ( deg)φ,

Figure C.8: Bifurcation diagram : mechanical energy E as a function of groundslope ( = 2; = 1).

0.2 0.9 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.10.000





0.080Ratio E/E

Slope ( deg)


Figure C.9: Bifurcation diagram : ratio EE

as a function of ground slope ( =2; = 1).

RR n2996

66 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

0.20 0.92 1.63 2.35 3.07 3.79 4.50 5.220.0380

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Step ratio ((1/4).L.T, m.s)

Slope ( deg)φ,

Figure C.10: Bifurcation diagram : step ratio LT4 as a function of ground slope

( = 2; = 1).

-0.400 -0.279 -0.157 -0.036 0.086 0.207 0.329 0.450-2.30






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)-.-.- : = 0.25 deg, - - - : = 1.5 deg,..... : = 3 deg, ___ : = 4 deg.





Figure C.11: Phase plane limit cycles for = 0:25o, 1.5o, 3o and 4o ( = 2; = 1).


Compass Gait Part I 67

C.3 Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter









0.850Step period (T, sec)

Ratio m /m (log. axis)H..... : = 0.25 deg, -.-.- : = 1.5 deg,- - - : = 3 deg, ___ : = 4 deg.



Figure C.12: Bifurcation diagram : step period T as a function of ( = 1; =0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).









20.6Half leg angle ( deg)

Ratio m /m (log. axis)H..... : = 0.25 deg, -.-.- : = 1.5 deg,- - - : = 3 deg, ___ : = 4 deg.




Figure C.13: Bifurcation diagram : half inter-leg angle as a function of ( =1; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).

RR n2996

68 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau










.Angular velocity, support leg ( rad/s)s

Ratio m /m (log. axis)H..... : = 0.25 deg, -.-.- : = 1.5 deg,- - - : = 3 deg, ___ : = 4 deg.

θ ,



Figure C.14: Bifurcation diagram : angular velocity of the support leg _s as afunction of ( = 1; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).









0.880Average velocity (v, m/s)

Ratio m /m (log. axis)H..... : = 0.25 deg, -.-.- : = 1.5 deg,- - - : = 3 deg, ___ : = 4 deg.



Figure C.15: Bifurcation diagram : average speed of progression v as a function of ( = 1; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).


Compass Gait Part I 69









187.0Mechanical energy (E, Joule)

Ratio m /m (log. axis)H..... : = 0.25 deg, -.-.- : = 1.5 deg,- - - : = 3 deg, ___ : = 4 deg.



Figure C.16: Bifurcation diagram : mechanical energy E as a function of ( =1; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).









0.0570Ratio E/E

Ratio m /m (log. axis)H..... : = 0.25 deg, -.-.- : = 1.5 deg,- - - : = 3 deg, ___ : = 4 deg.



Figure C.17: Bifurcation diagram : ratio EE

as a function of ( = 1; =0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).

RR n2996

70 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

-0.390 -0.274 -0.159 -0.043 0.073 0.189 0.304 0.420-3.20






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)___ : m /m = 10, - - - : m /m = 1,-.-.- : m /m = 0.1.





Figure C.18: Phase plane limit cycles for = 10, = 1 and = 0:1 ( = 1; = 3o).


Compass Gait Part I 71

C.4 Bifurcation and phase plane diagrams related to the parameter









1.050Step period (T, sec)

Ratio b/a (log. axis)curve 1 : = 4 deg, curve 2 : = 3 deg,curve 3 : = 1.5 deg,curve 4 : = 0.25 deg.


3 4



Figure C.19: Bifurcation diagram : step period T as a function of ( = 2; =0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).









18.10Half leg angle ( deg)

Ratio b/a (log. axis)curve 1 : = 4 deg, curve 2 : = 3 deg,curve 3 : = 1.5 deg,curve 4 : = 0.25 deg.








Figure C.20: Bifurcation diagram : half inter-leg angle as a function of ( =2; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).

RR n2996

72 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau










.Angular velocity, support leg ( rad/s)s

Ratio b/a (log. axis)curve 1 : = 4 deg, curve 2 : = 3 deg,curve 3 : = 1.5 deg,curve 4 : = 0.25 deg.






θ ,

Figure C.21: Bifurcation diagram : angular velocity of the support leg _s as afunction of ( = 2; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).









1.40Average velocity (v, m/s)

Ratio b/a (log. axis)curve 1 : = 4 deg, curve 2 : = 3 deg,curve 3 : = 1.5 deg,curve 4 : = 0.25 deg.






Figure C.22: Bifurcation diagram : average speed of progression v as a function of ( = 2; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).


Compass Gait Part I 73









206.0Mechanical energy (E, Joule)

Ratio b/a (log. axis)curve 1 : = 4 deg, curve 2 : = 3 deg,curve 3 : = 1.5 deg,curve 4 : = 0.25 deg.







Figure C.23: Bifurcation diagram : mechanical energy E as a function of ( =2; = 0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).









0.060Ratio E/E

Ratio b/a (log. axis)curve 1 : = 4 deg, curve 2 : = 3 deg,curve 3 : = 1.5 deg,curve 4 : = 0.25 deg.







Figure C.24: Bifurcation diagram : ratio EE

as a function of ( = 2; =0:25o; 1:5o; 3o and 4o).

RR n2996

74 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

-0.360 -0.239 -0.117 0.004 0.126 0.247 0.369 0.490-6.0






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)-.-.- : b/a = 0.1, - - - : b/a = 0.7,___ : b/a = 1.6.



Figure C.25: Phase plane limit cycles for = 0:1, = 0:7 and = 1:6 ( = 2; =3o).


Compass Gait Part I 75

C.5 2n-periodic and chaotic steady passive gaits

4.25 4.27 4.29 4.31 4.33 4.35 4.37 4.39-1.25










1.25The four real eigenvalues of first return map Jacobian

1-periodic 2-per.

Slope ( deg)φ,

Figure C.26: Transition from a 1-periodic to a 2-periodic steady gait: behavior ofthe eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the robot's Poincare map.

-0.435 -0.426 -0.418 -0.409 -0.401 -0.392 -0.383 -0.375-0.435














4.5 o4.75 o

5.01 o5.03 o

4.9o 4.37 o




Angular position (rad) at step knsθ

Angular position (rad) at step k+1nsθ

Figure C.27: 2n-periodic steady gait n 2 f0; 1; 2; 3g, component ns of the Poincaremap ( = 4:37o to 5:03o, = 2, = 1).

RR n2996

76 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

-0.450 -0.307 -0.164 -0.021 0.121 0.264 0.407 0.550-2.80






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)_____ : leg 1, - - - : leg 2



Figure C.28: Phase plane limit cycles of a 2-periodic steady gait: limit cycles asso-ciated with each leg, = 4:75o, = 2, = 1.

-0.450 -0.307 -0.164 -0.021 0.121 0.264 0.407 0.550-2.85






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)_____ : leg 1, - - - : leg 2



Figure C.29: Phase plane limit cycles of a 4-periodic steady gait: limit cycles asso-ciated with each leg, = 5o, = 2, = 1.


Compass Gait Part I 77

-0.450 -0.307 -0.164 -0.021 0.121 0.264 0.407 0.550-2.85






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)_____ : leg 1, - - - : leg 2



Figure C.30: Phase plane limit cycles of a 8-periodic steady gait: limit cycles asso-ciated with each leg, = 5:02o, = 2, = 1.

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 20000.680





0.810Step period (T, sec)

Step number

Figure C.31: 2n-periodic steady gait, n large: periods of 50 consecutive steps ( =5:04o, = 2, = 1).

RR n2996

78 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

0.685 0.714 0.743 0.772 0.8010






Step period (T, sec)

Number of compass steps within each period bounds

Figure C.32: 2n-periodic steady gait, n large: histogram of the periods of 2000consecutive steps ( = 5:04o, = 2, = 1).

1950.0 1962.5 1975.0 1987.5 2000.00.650





0.820Step period (T, sec)

Step number

Figure C.33: chaotic gait: periods of 50 consecutive steps ( = 5:2o, = 2, = 1).


Compass Gait Part I 79

0.657 0.695 0.733 0.772 0.8100






Step period (T, sec)

Number of compass steps within each period bounds

Figure C.34: chaotic gait: histogram of the periods of 2000 consecutive steps ( =5:2o, = 2, = 1).

-0.470 -0.320 -0.170 -0.020 0.130 0.280 0.430 0.580-3.10






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)



Figure C.35: Phase plane trajectories of a chaotic gait associated with one leg, 100robot steps, = 5:2o, = 2, = 1.

RR n2996

80 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

-0.470 -0.320 -0.170 -0.020 0.130 0.280 0.430 0.580-3.10






.Angular velocity ( rad/s)

Angular position ( rad)



Figure C.36: Phase plane trajectories of a chaotic gait associated with one leg, 1250robot steps, = 5:2o, = 2, = 1.





0.085 -0.378 -0.409 -0.440 Angular position (rad) ns

Angular velocity (rad/s) ns


Angular velocity (rad/s) s





Figure C.37: 3D Poincare section of a chaotic gait: section along ns + s = 2,i.e., at the beginning of a new step ( = 5:2o, = 2, = 1).


Compass Gait Part I 81

-0.4420 -0.4326 -0.4231 -0.4137 -0.4043 -0.3949 -0.3854 -0.3760-0.4420






Angular position (rad) at step k+1ns

Angular position (rad) at step kns











Figure C.38: First return map of ns: 2n-periodic steady gait, n large ( = 5:04o, = 2, = 1). The numbers indicate the sequence of visit of the 8 clusters.

-0.4420 -0.4326 -0.4231 -0.4137 -0.4043 -0.3949 -0.3854 -0.3760-0.4420






Angular position (rad) at step k+1ns

Angular position (rad) at step kns



Figure C.39: First return map of ns: 2n-periodic steady gait, n very large ( =5:08o, = 2, = 1).

RR n2996

82 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau

-0.4420 -0.4326 -0.4231 -0.4137 -0.4043 -0.3949 -0.3854 -0.3760-0.4420








Angular position (rad) at step k+1ns

Angular position (rad) at step kns



Figure C.40: First return map of ns: approaching steady chaotic gait ( = 5:12o, = 2, = 1).

-0.4420 -0.4326 -0.4231 -0.4137 -0.4043 -0.3949 -0.3854 -0.3760-0.4420









Angular position (rad) at step k+1ns

Angular position (rad) at step kns



Figure C.41: First return map of ns: steady chaotic gait ( = 5:2o, = 2, = 1).


Compass Gait Part I 83

0.6450 0.6700 0.6950 0.7200 0.7450 0.7700 0.7950 0.82000.6450









♦ ♦



♦ ♦


Step period T (sec) at step k+1

Step period T (sec) at step k

Figure C.42: First return map of T : steady chaotic gait ( = 5:2o, = 2, = 1).

RR n2996

84 A. Goswami, B. Thuilot, B. Espiau


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Unite de recherche INRIA Lorraine, Technopˆole de Nancy-Brabois, Campus scientifique,615 rue du Jardin Botanique, BP 101, 54600 VILLERS LES NANCY

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