«Comparison of EMR and structural representation on EV ......EMR’19, Lille, June 2019 13...

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  • EMR’19

    University of Lille

    June 2019

    EMR’19 Summer School

    “Energetic Macroscopic Representation”

    «Comparison of EMR and structural

    representation on EV simulation under

    Simcenter Amesim »

    Calin HUSAR1, Mihail GROVU1, Cristi IRIMIA1, Anatole DESREVEAUX2,

    Alain BOUSCAYROL2, Matthieu PONCHANT3, Pacôme MAGNIN3

    1 Siemens Industry Software Brasov, Romania2 L2EP, Universite de Lille, MEGEVH network France

    3 Siemens Industry Software Lyon, France

    This project has received funding from the European Union’sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme undergrant agreement No 824256.

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 20192

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    - Outline -

    1. Simcener Amesim

    • Simulation and test solutions

    • Mechatronic systems - examples

    • Electric vehicle models

    2. Functional vs Structural representation

    • Simcenter Amesim – Signal&Control - Functional library

    • Matlab-Simulink vs. Simcenter Amesim equivalence

    • Simcenter Amesim – Structural libraries

    • Spring - Mass - Damper system

    • Simple hydraulic line and orifice

    3. EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    • EV under study

    • EMR vs. structural representation

    • Simulation results

  • EMR’19

    University of Lille

    June 2019

    EMR’19 Summer School

    “Energetic Macroscopic Representation”

    « Simcenter Amesim »

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 20194

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simulation ant test solutions

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 20195

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simcenter Amesim

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 20196

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simcenter Amesim mechatronic systems

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 20197

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simcenter Amesim - Electric vehicle models



  • EMR’19, Lille, June 20198

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    «Functional vs Structural representation »

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 20199

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simcenter Amesim – Signal&Control - Functional library

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201910

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    PANDA - GA 824256

    Matlab-Simulink Simcenter Amesim


    PID Controller





    Matlab-Simulink vs. Simcenter Amesim equivalence

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201911

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simcenter Amesim – Structural libraries

    > 48 Libraries

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201912

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Spring - Mass - Damper system

    Structural representation

    Functional representation

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201913

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simple hydraulic line and orifice

    Structural representation

    Functional representation

  • EMR’19

    University of Lille

    June 2019

    EMR’19 Summer School

    “Energetic Macroscopic Representation”

    «EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim »

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201915

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    EV under study

    - Battery - modelled by a simple source of D.C. voltage;

    - PMSM - replaced by a DC machine;

    - The Chopper - considered with a constant efficiency;

    - Mechanical transmission - composed of a gearbox, a

    mechanical differential and one equivalent wheel;

    - The chassis - represented with an equivalent mass.

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201916

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    EMR vs. structural representation

    Structural representation

    EMR representation

  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201917

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    Simulation results

    Vehicle profile velocity Electrical vs mechanical performance

    Simulated time (800 s) vs computation CPU time

  • EMR’19

    University of Lille

    June 2019

    EMR’19 Summer School

    “Energetic Macroscopic Representation”


  • EMR’19, Lille, June 201919

    Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and structural representation

    on EV simulation under Simcenter Amesim

    - References -

    [1] “Global EV outlook 2018, towards cross-modal electrification”, International Energy Agency report,


    [2] D. W. Gao, C. Mi, and A. Emadi, “Modeling and simulation of electric and hybrid vehicles”, Proceeding

    of the. IEEE, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 729– 745, April 2007

    [3] Simcenter AMESim https://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/

    [4] A. Bouscayrol, J.-P. Hautier, and B. Lemaire-Semail, “Graphic formalism for the control of multi-

    physiscal energetic systems: COG and EMR,” in Systemic Design Methodologies for Electrical Energy

    Systems, New York, NY, USA, Wiley, ch. 3 2012.

    [5] A. Bouscayrol, B. Davat, B. de Fornel, B. François, J. P. Hautier, F. Meibody-Tabar, M. Pietrzak-David,

    "Multimachine Multiconverter System: application for electromechanical drives", European Physics Journal

    - Applied Physics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 131-147, May 2000.

    [6] J.P. Hautier, P.J. Barre, « The causal ordering graph – A tool for modeling and control law synthesis”,

    Studies in Informatics and Control Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 265-283, 2004.

    [7] EMR. [Online], available: http://www.emrwebsite.org/

    [8] P.J. Gawthrop, G.P, Bevn G.P., “”Bong Graph modeling, a tutorial introduction for control engineers”,

    IEEE Control Systems magazine vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 24-45, 2007.

    [9] A. Bouscayrol, P. Delarue, W. Lhomme, and B. Lemaire-Semail, “Teaching drive control using

    Energetic Macroscopic Representation – From maximal to practical control schemes,” EPE’15 ECCE-

    Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, Sep. 8-10, 2015.

    Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Simulation ant test solutionsSimcenter AmesimSimcenter Amesim mechatronic systems Simcenter Amesim - Electric vehicle modelsSlide 8 Simcenter Amesim – Signal&Control - Functional librarySlide 10 Simcenter Amesim – Structural librariesSpring - Mass - Damper system Simple hydraulic line and orificeSlide 14 EV under studyEMR vs. structural representationSimulation resultsSlide 18 Slide 19