Comparing the Promotional Strategies of Maruti and Hyundai

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During the year 2004-05 the Indian economy

was facing a period of economic boom.

Suddenly the smooth sailing Indian economy

was struck with recession in the year 2007-08.

With sound economic base the Indianeconomy revived from recession in the year


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The sales of both the companies took a

severe beating.

To counter all this the companies launchedsome new promotional schemes and tried to

create more awareness about old ones.

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The companies can verify whether their

promotional strategies work or not.

If the strategies work, then which ones. The companies can determine where to place

their ads.

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The data contains variables such as


advertisement Discount schemes

After sales service

Slogan Customer satisfaction

Customer perception

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The necessary variables have been taken

both from primary and secondary sources.

The type of research is descriptive research.

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The data has been divided into 3 age groups


2)24-303)30 above

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Special promotional schemes were launched

by Maruti and Hyundai and it is being tested

whether they had an effect on the sales

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Chi square


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A1 M800 63200 46953


81688 71927


O 457411 455981

TOTAL 602299 547861 460765 401241

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Which car do you own?

a) Maruti b) Hyundai c)Others

How did you come to know about this car?a) Print Media

b) Electronic Mediac) Friends

d) Social Networking

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Can you recite the slogans of Maruti and


a) Yes b) No Do you know any special scheme of both the

companies?a) Yes b) No

Do advertisements influence your decisionwhile buying your car?

a) Yes b)somewhat c) No

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What do you focus or remember about an


a) Discount Schemeb) After sales servicec) The face of celebrity

Did you get what has been promised in theadvertisement?

a) Yes b) No c)Somewhat

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After how many years you would like to

change your car?

a) 2 years b) 4 years c) 6 years and above If you have to buy another car which car you

will buy?a) Maruti b) Hyundai c) Others

Please tick your gendera)Male b)female

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47% of Maruti owner and 45% of Hyundai

owner remember the slogan of their

respective car

42% of Maruti owner and 54% of Hyundaiowner aware of the schemes provided by

their car companies.

60% of Maruti owner and 33% of Hyundai

owner get influenced by advt. while buying.

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Ads over after sales services of maruti

influence 60% of customers where as in case

of Hyundai face of celebrities made moreimpact on customers.

75% of Maruti and 60% of Hyundai owners

says whatever has been promised in advt. hasbeen fulfilled.

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Impact due advertisements through

electronic media 43% for Maruti and 63% for


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Used correlation between gender and the

frequency of changing ones car and it was 0.2

Use correlation between frequency of changing ones car and whether the

customers got what was promised and it was0.554

Used correlation between the frequency of changing ones car and the effect of 

advertisement and it was .446

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People get influenced by advisements (as themean=1.315)

Gender has no influence on buying behavior. Different type of promotional tools influence

customers of both the companies in differentmanner

Advertisements do not effect a specificgender. When buying a second car,people were more

willing to go for maruti(27) than hyundai(18)

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The product backed the promotional


If people are not satisfied with the car theychange.

Advertisement do influence buying behavior.

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People may not provide authentic data.

The data may not be representative of the

whole population. People tend to go for greener pastures.