Comparing contents pages

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Comparing contents pages

The preliminary content page is very basic. The fonts do not generally have a consistent style or relevance to the front cover. The use of colours are also not consistent throughout either of the pages as the front cover has blues and pinks whereas the contents page has orange and red. There is no images present which makes it appear fairly simplistic and basic. The fonts are also all black and san serif which makes it appear more masculine leaning as opposed to appealing to both genders who are likely to read the school magazine.

In comparison with my final contents page the preliminary task is extremely basic. My final task uses appropriate images which appeal strongly to the target audience. It reflect that it has been well thought out in comparison as the preliminary tasks make no attempt to make effective uses of route of the eye or create a house style. There is a clear colour theme throughout my final contents which is red black and white unlike the preliminary which does not vary its use of colour. The aims of the contents page is to be used to navigate throughout the magazine, the final contents page does this more effectively as it is well laid out and includes a lot of information on specific articles unlike the other contents which is not specific.