Compare n Contrast the Different Beliefs Between 3

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Compare n Contrast the Different Beliefs Between 3




• Beliefs are assumptions, theories, explainations, conclusions, and states of mind which we choose, at some level, as mechanisms to help us make sense out of our experiences.

• Beliefs often become so ingrained due to repeated situations which seem to prove their legitimacy , that we may confuse them with facts.

• Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.

• Superstitious belief or superstition is an irrational belief or practice resulting from ignorance or fear of the unknown. The validity of superstitions is based on belief in the power of magic and witchcraft and in such invisible forces as spirits and demons.


• Different religious-different beliefs as it is connected to religion perspective.

• Influence of religion on learning a) physicalb)Thinkingc) Languaged) Customs


celebration It is a must to visit friends and relative’s houses.

The evening before the celebration, all the family members will gather for dinner

Bad luck will come if the plate/bowl used for the celebration is broken.

Wears new/fine clothes-baju kurung/baju melayu

Then, at night, all the family members will light ‘pelita’ in front of their house.

Bad words are not encouraged to be used during the CNY.

Lighting the “pelita” around the house, 7 days before the Eid Celebration.

arrange colorful colored rice into flowers shape in front of the house (night)

It is encouraged to wear red cloth and avoid the black color one.

“Duit Raya” is given to children by adults.

In the morning of celebration, they have to put sesame oil on their head, which it will be done by the older person in the family.

cannot sweep the floor the night before CNY.


PREGNANCY Gossiping and using bad words are not allowed.

Cannot sleep during the day and sleeping too much.

Cannot eat crab, rabbit, dog and rooster meat.

Cannot spike the nail, dig a hole or hit animals.

Relatives and neighbor are not encouraged to visit newly born baby as it will cause the baby to be shocked.

•Cannot use scissor or claw nails.•Cannot gives name for the baby before it is born.

Cannot go outside the house during dusk.

Cannot go outside alone at night.

Not allowed to hang clothes

Cannot see moon and solar eclipse

Cannot slaughter animals Cannot pat mother’s shoulder

Husband is not allowed to blow anything that will produce a sound.

Pregnant woman has to wear a bracelet that call Suulkaappu.

Cannot raise hands exceeding the shoulders level.


marriage Cannot go out with partners 40 days before marriage

The man will have a visit to his partner’s house and vice versa. (merisik)

It is not encouraged to attend funeral 3 months before and after the marriage.

Cannot eat rice with any soup, couple of months before married.

The bride is not allowed to join the group when they come to the groom’s house. (not polite)

Decoration for the wedding should avoid from using white, dark blue, black and green color.

Cannot look into the mirror after dusk

Only vegetable can be served at the temple during the wedding banquet.

The table,chair and bed should be placed in common position not at the edge of the room.

Avoid from sunlight (to avoid from skin burned)

Beef is prohibited to be served.

Even number always be used in wedding


EATING BEHAVIOUR Cannot eat in the chipped plate/bowl.

Beef is strictly prohibited

Cannot impale the chopstick upward

Cannot eat in the dark

Eating on the banana’s leaf

Older person in the family will start to eat before others do.

Cannot eat children’s leftover food (parents)

Eat vegetables before going to the temple

It is impolite to lick the tip of the chopstick

Wash plate after eating

If someone is fasting for Thaipusam, he/she only can eat food that he/she have vowed before.

The chopstick should be placed on top of the bowl after eating.


DEATH All the debt of the dead should be paid before the body will be buried.

Picture of the dead should be hang upside-down

Applied some make-up and perfume on the corpse

It is encouraged to say condolence to the family members

Decoration things should be kept from living room.

Corpse is wore with good and fine clothes

The widow cannot wear colorful clothes, perfumes

Family members should walk around the corpse 3 time anti-clockwise

Relatives, friends and family members should cry during the funeral

Cannot talk loudly even to say ‘zikir’ or read Al-Quran, when you are to send the body to the graveyard

Bribe some rice to the dead as the last give

Song will be played when the dead is sent to the graveyard


CONFINEMENT •Avoid knocking your toe, because it will affect your uterus (said to be connected to the feet).• Avoid squatting, because your uterus will descend. •Cannot eat anything “cold”, like melon, eggplant, spinach.• Cannot eat anything “windy”, like jack fruit. •Cannot drink cold water or eat oily foods, as they are bad for blood circulation and cause muscle aches and pains. •Cannot leave the bed, move about or leave the house. •Cannot read or watch TV as it strains the eyes

•Cannot eat seafood if the mother is breastfeeding, as it will cause vomiting and rashes in the baby.

•Cannot eat “windy” vegetables and fruits, like cabbage, eggplant or grapes.Cannot drink water.

•Cannot wash hair for 21 days or bathe for 12 days.•Cannot be directly exposed to wind (hot, for example, hairdryer; or cold, for example, air-conditioning).•Can only watch TV or read for 15 minutes at a time, so that the eyes are well-rested.•Cannot cry.•Cannot carry heavy objects (including the baby), over-exert self or walk up and down the stairs.•Cannot drink water for the first 20 days, only rice wine (with the alcohol “steamed” away).

Longhouse taboo (Taboos and superstitions)

• Many sub-ethnic groups among indigenous tribes in Sabah and Sarawak live in rumah panjang (longhouses) and maintain their traditional spiritual/animistic beliefs.

Longhouse taboo

• For example, it is believed that bad luck would result if a visitor enters a new longhouse while it is being constructed. Walking under a longhouse is also considered taboo.

Longhouse taboo

• One should also never enter a longhouse without an invitation. The visitor should make his presence known by calling out from the bottom of the steps and after he is invited in, to leave his sandals or shoes outside before entering

Longhouse taboo

• Once inside the longhouse, he should immediately make his way to the elder’s room to announce his presence and state his business. Never enter the sleeping quarters of a family without prior consent.

Longhouse taboo

• Walking within the longhouse also has its restrictions and rules. Visitors must tread lightly, ensuring that they never walk over a person.

Longhouse taboo

• When leaving, visitors are required to partake in a local wine (usually made out of fermented rice), or stop for a chat; as it is believed that visitors who do not pause will take away the wealth of the house with them.