Compare & contrast essay

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STUDENT ID NO: 0324175



ENGLISH 2 (ELG 30605)




The Hunger Games VS. Divergent

Science fiction is a genre of fiction that often involves speculations based on current or future science or technology. Science fiction films have been with us since 1902, the first science fiction film was by George Melies’ took cinemagoers off to the planet for the very first time also known as “A trip to the moon”. Science fiction film is a film genre that incorporates hypothetical, science-based themes into the plot of the film and have become a large audience shares and still increasing. Basically, science fiction films are usually scientific, visionary and imaginative. I’m a movie fanatic. There are lots of popular science fiction films. But to compare and contrast two of the science fiction films, I have chosen “The Hunger Games” and “Divergent”. I know that between two movies have similarities but in fact, I find these two movies have more differences based on storyline, characters motivations, settings and theme.

Thus, the storyline for Hunger Games is that the nation of Panem is divided into twelve districts and the Capitol by forcing them to select each boy and each girl. Every citizen must watch as youths fight to death until only one remains. Katniss Everdeen, the main character in the Hunger Games are separated by birth rather than choice and is about fighting for her freedom which they do not have their freedom to choose what their district in. As in the storyline of Divergent, which society is divided into five factions and each can be represent as virtue such as bravery ( Dauntless ), intelligence ( Erudite ), honesty ( Candor ), selfless ( Abnegation ) and peace ( Amity ). Beatrice Prior, known as “Tris” and the main character in Divergent. Tris chooses Dauntless, those who pursue bravery above all else. However, they discover that she is a divergent which means she will never be able to fit into just one faction. In the divergent world, once you are in there, there is no going back.

At the same time, these two female protagonists have very different motivations. Katniss Everdeen was different in a sense that she was a hunter and didn’t like doing typical girl things but also a strong and resourceful 16 year old girl who is born to be a fighter . In fact, she is more responsible than anyone else and also the main provider in her family. In contrast, Tris has poor self-esteem and she never really had many friends but she had no idea how to use weapons and is born in helping people, she has to learn to be strong and has to learn to be a fighter.

Both Tris and Katniss engage in romance in their stories as well. Tris only has her eyes on Four, a guy who is in the same faction. Meanwhile, Katniss is involved in a romance triangle with two boys and struggles to decide which one of them which is her protector and best friend, Gale and the emblem of hope boy-with-the-bread named Peta.

More over, between Hunger Games and Divergent they have different settings. Which The Hunger Games established in North America by Suzanne Collins while the Divergent is set specifically in the city of North America known as Chicago by Veronica Roth. Hunger Games takes place in Panem, a place once known as North America. The author renamed North America to be a totally different place called Panem. The nation of Panem divided into twelve district and the Capitol. Each districts has a main industry that functions as the center of life for its population. Also, this movie is science fiction because it has new technology and advancement and the author invents hovercrafts, or alien-like airplanes that come and pick up the dead bodies from the arena. While Divergent is in the city of Chicago. This is a good place as it shows the effect of the city with the outskirts surrounding the city of all the factions. The city is divided into 5 factions, and if an adult reached the age of 16 years old, they have their own privilege to choose which faction they are going to. Tris may live in a strict society but is not forcefully entered into a death game, like Katniss. Therefore they can decide their own future but if she fails to do so, then she will be in the factionless.

In conclusion, these two science fiction films have quite a lot differences between each other, like their storyline, settings, characters motivations and so on. In addition, writing contrast of differences of these two movies allows me to get more details and understand more about what the movie is talking about. Both of this films are an exciting and thrilling futuristic book with realistic characters fighting against society.


1. Anna (2014, November 13). Divergent vs. Hunger Games: An Honest Movie Review from Someone Who Has Never Read the Book. Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

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3. Alli Kopesky (2014, November 20). Feminist & Gender Lens. Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

4. Mayank Kumar (2014, February 4). What are the differences and similarities between Tris (Divergent) and Katniss (The Hunger Games)? Retrieved December 2, 2015, from