Community Engagements Newsletter - Nov2010

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Fife Constabulary Community Engagement Newsletter - November 2010

Transcript of Community Engagements Newsletter - Nov2010


Distraction theft is a crime which tends to target the elderly and vulnerable in our communities. These "Bogus Callers" will normally attend at the door pretending that they represent an agency and require access. This is quite often a public utility such as the water board. Once inside the house, they will distract the occupier long enough to rake through the rooms and steal cash.

We would advise people to:Use a door chain before answering to callersUse a door viewer or look out a window to check who is there.Always check identification and if you are in any way suspicious - don’t let them in and phone the police immediately.

If you suspect that there is a Bogus Caller at a neighbour's house, try and note details of any vehicles in particular the registration. A description of any persons involved is also invaluable and then phone the police immediately.


During the past two months Police within South West Fife have received an increase in the number of reported opportunist thefts, particularly in relation to items such as bicycles, left insecure and unattended within rear gardens, play-parks or outside shops. By taking simple precautions you can prevent your bicycle from being stolen. If stolen you can increase the likelihood of it being recovered by taking a picture of your bicycle, noting any distinguishing marks and having it security marked.

On a similar theme, when not in the house or even whilst within the back garden please ensure you lock the front door and do not present the opportunist thief with the means to "sneak in" and steal from you. Please ensure your sheds are secured and properly protected with a shed alarm.

If you require any security advice in relation to either your bicycles or home security please contact your local Community Officer detailed below who will be pleased to arrange a free crime prevention survey.

The South West Fife Community Engagement Newsletter

November 2010


Following the Community Engagement Meeting held on Monday 1st November at Cairneyhill Primary School, the following policing priorities were selected by members of the public present for the proceeding two month period

Car parking on Main Street Cairneyhill (outside Post Office)

Youth Disorder - Northbank Road (Scout Hall)

Youth disorder/vandalism at children's play park, Limekilns

Car parking remains a priority for Main Street, Cairneyhill. To date several drivers have been warned regarding dangerous parking and also parking within disabled parking bays. PC Hutchison will continue to carry out further patrols, and assistance will also be sought from local Community Traffic Wardens to assist in deterring dangerous parking.

Youth Disorder in Northbank Road, Cairneyhill also remains a CEM priority and the area will continue to benefit from increased patrols by community and beat officers. In the two-month period since the last CEM meeting 4 calls were received from local residents in relation to youth disorder and residents are encouraged to continue contacting Police should any youths be congregated in the area causing anti-social behaviour.

Following recent vandalism in Limekilns, youth disorder in Limekilns becomes a new priority under CEM. PC Hutchison will increase frequency of patrols in the area and the area of the play park has also been added to the patrol matrix as a hot spot.

The first surgery was held by PC Hutchison in Limekilns Parish Church hall on Wednesday 27 th October. From the surgery PC Hutchison spoke to several residents regarding a range of issues in Limekilns and action has already been taken regarding dangerous parking on Brucehaven Road.

Finally local Community officers from West Fife Villages are currently collecting contact details of local Farmers in the area with a view to establishing a Farm Watch scheme. There is currently a similar scheme in North East Fife with the benefits including crime prevention and sharing of information between the farming community and Police.

Please note that the next Community Engagement Meeting is to be held on Monday 10 th January at 7pm at Cairneyhill Primary School.

Your community officer is PC Ryan Hutchison who can be contacted on the telephone number below or by email at

"Fife Constabulary is committed to allowing you to directly influence local policing. You can have your say on local priorities by coming to the community engagement meeting in your area. Contact your local community team on 0845 600 5702 or visit for details of your next meeting."