Community Education Committee – Feb. 10,2015

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Transcript of Community Education Committee – Feb. 10,2015

Community Education Committee – Feb. 10,2015

Brave Faces Presentations•16 speaker presentations since January’s meeting

• Directly reached about 400 people including 220 Transitional Age Youth

Brave Faces Presentation Highlights•Presented to five classes at Pioneer alternative High

• Presented to the U-Prep Psychology class and Girls Advisory classes.

• 23 year-old Student at IOT presentation disclosing having PTSD from being sex trafficked as a teen. Staff referred her to services and One Safe Place.

•Ty Ford’s talk at the Simpson counseling class sparked a good discussion about being accommodating/respectful of LGBT clients.

Brave Faces Presentation Results•“The truth is pain and struggle is in everyone. It's not where you are or your surroundings. It's about the way you feel about yourself and how you cope with things." – Pioneer High School student

"It opened my mind about stigmas and you really do need to know exactly what happened to someone before you judge them.“ – IOT student

“Dee's statements related to her most helpful moments coming from an ‘attitude’ rather than a "title" struck a chord with the class as well. A lot of what we've been exploring in the class is how we connect on that human level in the midst of the demands of a managed care world. At one point, one student remarked that ‘Dee is why I'm in school,’ in that Dee exemplified how important it is to "connect" to our clients as people first above anything else.” – Adam Hilton, Simpson Counseling Professor.

Brave Faces Upcoming Presentations•TODAY! U-Prep Girls Advisory with Danielle Brewster and Susan Guiton

• Feb. 12 – Shasta Nursing Class with Sherri Morgan, Neil and Kristen

• Feb. 13 – U-Prep Psych Class with Carrie Jo Diamond and David Martinez

• March 3 – Gateway to Leadership Class with Alex Tara and others .

• March 6 – Pit River Tribe HOOP Afterschool program with Danielle and Greg

• March 17 – Public Health Division Meeting

• March 24 - Redding Soroptimist s with Tammy

TBD – Shasta Humanity Project, Juvenile Justice Staff and kids, Latina Women’s Group

Together Against Stigma Conference”Jesus Came for the Sick” – Fighting Stigma with Church Communities”

Feb. 18-20 in San Francisco

Brave Faces Presentation DisplaysNew Displays – Lotus Center!

Ongoing- Shasta County Adult, Wintu Museum, Planned Parenthood, One Safe Place, County Administration Building, Anderson Teen Center, Opportunity Center, Olberg Wellness Center, Women’s Health Specialists

New Brave Faces PhotosTammy Hebert – Speaks about substance use disorders, PTSD and domestic violence

CEC/Minds Matter Name Change

What if CEC was renamed the Stand Against Stigma Committee?

CEC/Minds Matter Name Change

What if Minds Matter was renamed the Each Mind Matters (same as the statewide campaign)?

What are the Pros and Cons?

2015 Goals

(1) A dual event where the portrait gallery is displayed and it’s an open mic night at Shasta County Arts Council. (2) Get the word out to psychological and medical community. There is a new psychologist at Lassen, Education Departments at Mercy Medical Center and Shasta Regional Medical Center, Grand Rounds presentation at Mercy Medical Center, Patient’s Hospital, and Community Health centers.(3) Booth in a Box(4) Regional conference(5) Get more Brave Faces in the media: letter writing, radio hour, live broadcast at Minds Matter.(6) Brave Faces support group that meets weekly or monthly speech practice.(7) Mini health fairs such as at Anderson New Tech and Pit River Health Center.(8) Social Media - #resourceFriday on twitter to share resources.

Minds Matter 2015 Update

11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. May 14The Downtown Atrium and Promenade