Communication · Web viewHabermas, J. "Vorbereitende Bemerkungen zu einter Theorie der...

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Internet resources

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Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación (2003).

College Composition and Communication 23 (October 1972).

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Communication (Linguistics). Social Science Research Network

Communication and Cognition 29.2 (1996).

Communication Quarterly 33.2 (Spring 1985).

Communication Research 14 (1987).

Communication Yearbook 12 (1989).

Communications Monographs 48.1 (1981).

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine Vol. 3.2 (1996)

Comunicación y Pedagogía 223 (2007).

Critical Studies in Media Commmunication. A Journal of the National Communication Association. Ed. Celeste M. Condit (U of Georgia) and Bonnie J. Dow (U of Georgia). New York and London: Routledge.Vol. 20.1 (2004).

CIC: Cuadernos de Información y ComunicaciónServicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 11 (2006)2007-01-25

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European Journal of Communication 5 (1990).

Fonseca: Journal of Communication.Ed. Begoña Gutiérrez San MiguelEdiciones Universidad de SalamancaVol. 14 (2017)

Global Media and Communication 1.3 (2005).

Journal of Communication 35.4 (1985).

Journal of Communication Inquiry. Special issue on Stuart Hall, 10 (1986).

JCMCJournal of Computer Mediated CommunicationVol. 4.4 (1999); 13.1-2 (November 2007).http://jcmc.indiana.edu2005-10-24

Keio Communication Review 16 (1994).

Language and Communication: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Ed. Roy Harris (Oxford U) and Talbot J. Taylor (William and Mary, VA).Oxford: Elsevier-Pergamon. Vol. 16.1 (Jan. 1996).


Perspectivas de la comunicaciónFacultad de Educación, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.U de La Frontera (Colombia)Vol. 7.2 (2014).

Questions de communication U de Nancy 2 / U de Metz, No. 13 (2008).

Razón y Palabra: Primera revista electrónica en América Latina especializada en Comunicación

Speech Communication 10.5-6 (1991).

Technical Communication 38.1 (Feb. 1991).

Women's Studies in Communication 6 (1983).

Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 45.2 (1992).


(Cambridge Studies in Speech Science and Communication). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, c. 1999.

(Comunicación, Serie A, 6). Madrid: Alberto Corazón, 1970.*

(Communication and Social Order). Aldine de Gruyter, c. 1990.

(Conduct and Communication series). Founding eds. Erving Goffman and Dell Hymes. Gen. eds. Dell Hymes, William Labov, Gilllian Sankoff. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P.

(Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research, 3).

(A Critical Introduction to Media and Communication Theory, 4). Series ed. David W. Park. New York, Washington, D.C. / Baltimore, Bern, Frankfurt, Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2013.*

(Current Communication: An Advanced Text Series, 2). Series ed. Jesse G. Delia (U of Illinois). Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage, 2002.*

(Estudios de Comunicación). Madrid: Plaza y Valdés, c. 2011.

(Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 9.1). Berlin: de Gruyter, 1993.

(International Communications). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, c. 2002.

(Language and Communication Library, 18). Oxford: Elsevier-Pergamon, 1998.*

(Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication, 110).

(Manuales: Comunicación, 359). Series ed. Lluís Pastor. Barcelona: UOC, 2015.*

(Studies in Communication, 2). Linköping: U of Linköping, 1982.

(Studies in Culture and Communication). London: Routledge, c. 1995.

See also Language; Pragmatics; Discourse; Interaction; Linguistic interaction; Mass Media.

Societies and institutions

Asociación Española de investigación de la Comunicación

National Communication Association.


Castells, Manuel. "Presentación del libro Comunicación y poder a cargo de Manuel Castells." YouTube (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 8 Nov. 2010.*

See also Media; Language; Speech; Pragmatics; Writing; Printing; Books; Journalism; Telephone; Radio; TV; Internet, Cybernetics, Information; Proxemics, Kinesics; Semiotics.