Common Sense Health Focuses On The Most Important Factors

Post on 15-May-2015

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Common Sense Health is brought to you by When you understand the basic steps of how to be healthy, you can make better choices in your life. When you focus on priorities, you receive the greatest benefits from the smallest sacrifices.

Transcript of Common Sense Health Focuses On The Most Important Factors

Common Sense

Oxygen, Water, Minerals, Protein, Vitamins, Balanced Hormones and Exercise Are Necessary For Optimal!

Oxygen, Water and Quality

Nutrients Are Necessary For Life Oxygen is the most important

nutrient for health and vitality. Pure water is critical for life. Minerals, essential fats, protein,

fruits and vegetables are the building blocks of all cells.

Health Secrets Your Family Absolutely Must Know!

Every person benefits when they know the causes of disease.

Intelligent individuals do every thing in their power to avoid them.

People with a lot of common sense invest in their health.

Oxygen Is The Primary Food Needed By Every Cell

Dinosaurs required 38% oxygen to survive and thrive.

Current oxygen levels are between 19% - 21%.

This is a whopping 50% decrease in available oxygen.

Air Pollution Decreases Oxygen Levels & Poisons Your Cells

Some large cities have oxygen levels measured at 12% - 15%.

Oxygen levels below 7% will not support human life.

Researchers see a direct correlation between lower oxygen levels and increases in illnesses & diseases.

Doctor Believed Cancer Was Caused by Low Oxygen Levels

Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research.

Cancer invaded the body when cells did not have enough oxygen.

Cancer cells could not spread in an oxygen-rich environment.

Scientists Now Believe Lack Of Oxygen Is Cause Of All Disease

Researcher, Dr. Stephen Levine, discovered low oxygen levels were common in all degenerative disease.

High levels of Oxygen provide a powerful natural defense against diseases and premature aging.

Oxygen Supplementation Is Now Recognized As Beneficial

Many countries now offer oxygen in booths, at bars and health clubs.

Air is so contaminated, extra oxygen is critical to survival.

Without sufficient oxygen cells cannot generate enough energy.

Without Oxygen, Death Occurs Within A Matter Of Minutes

Oxygen is used up in the body and must be replaced every second.

90% of body’s life energy is dependent on oxygen levels.

All cellular functions require oxygen or they won’t work.

Oxygen Is The Common Factor In 4 Basic Components of Life

Nitrogen + carbon + hydrogen + oxygen = protein

Carbon + hydrogen + oxygen = carbohydrates

Hydrogen + oxygen + water Oxygen + carbohydrates = energy

Your Health Is Affected By Your Ability To Process Food

Proper digestion of food is crucial to good health and high vitality.

The nutrients you absorb determines your how you look and feel.

The ability to eliminate toxins and food by-products is very important.

Food You Are Eating Is Killing You or Making You Healthy

When you eat the same foods every day, they become toxic.

Toxic foods will poison and inflame your intestines.

Allergic foods destroy your health and are a major cause of stress.

Heavy Metals, Insecticides and Pesticides Poison Our Bodies

The fillings in many teeth may be poisoning all your cells.

Most fruits and vegetables have been sprayed with chemicals.

Poisons and chemicals in water, soil and air are killing us slowly.

Parasites, Worms, Yeast, Fungi & Bacteria Are Eating Us Alive

Flukes and worms from numerous protein sources infest our intestines.

Bacteria and viruses are eating holes in our arteries.

Yeast and fungus are consuming our vital nutrients.

Common Sense Health Begins With Good Absorbable Nutrition

New Vision nutritional products are high quality and effective.

The ingredients are fresh, organic and checked for potency.

Their product formulas are created by state-of-the art technology.

Important Facts About Your Digestive and Eliminative Tract

30 foot long tube that starts at your mouth and ends at your anus.

Esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine and rectum are parts of this important system.

Any malfunctioning part will adversely affect the whole system.

Chewing and Saliva Are the First Stage Of Digestion

Saliva enzymes begin the digestion of starches and lubricates food for 9” trip down the esophagus.

The esophageal sphincter muscle relaxes so food enters the stomach and then contracts to keep it there.

The Stomach Is A Muscular Sac With A Mucosa Lining

The lining secretes gastric juices HCL and pepsin to digest proteins.

Just the sight and smell of food starts these juices flowing.

The pyloric valve at the end of the stomach keeps food in the stomach.

The Duodenum Is The First Part of the Small Intestine

It is almost 12 inches in length. The chyme (partially digested food)

triggers a release of hormones. Digestive hormones from its walls

stimulate liver and gall bladder to release bile

The Duodenum Is The First Part of the Small Intestine

Bile enters duodenum through the common bile duct.

The hormones stimulate pancreas to release pancreatic juices.

These juices breakdown protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Jejunum & Ileum Are the Other Parts of the Small Intestine

Jejunum is 9 feet and ileum 3 feet. Illeo-cecal valve ends the small

intestine and begins the colon. All 3 parts are folded like pleats. Smaller folds have villi, about 3/8

inches long and micro-villi.

Absorption Of Most Nutrients Occurs In the Small Intestine

Villi and micro-villi supply surface area for absorption.

Villi capillaries allow food particles into the bloodstream.

Portal vein transports nutrients to liver for acceptance or rejection.

The Liver Decides If The Food Is Safe Or Toxic For The Cells

If the liver says okay, nutrients are sent to all the cells in the body.

Food particles that are toxic or partially digested will be rejected.

The liver will attempt to detoxify and eliminate harmful particles.

Large Intestine Is Extremely Important To The Entire Body

Colon is 5’7” with no villi. Absorbs water, vitamins and

minerals to create fecal matter. Fights dangerous invaders that are

contained in the food. Eliminates toxic materials.

The Large Intestine Has Many Parts With Different Functions

The Cecum, vermiform appendix, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse and sigmoid colon all have very specific tasks and functions

Cecum is first part of the colon.

Vermiform Appendix Is Crucial For A Healthy Colon

Vermiform appendix detects harmful pathogens and microorganisms.

Fluids are excreted to lubricate food and stimulate peristalsis.

Harmful parasites are most commonly found here & in the cecum.

Constipation Found In Sigmoid & Descending Colon

Colon cancer kill more people than breast or prostate cancer.

About 60,000 Americans die from colon-rectal cancer this year.

America has the highest incidence of colon cancer in the world.

Colon Diseases and Problems Have Increased Dramatically

Diverticulosis, herniated bowel pockets caused by constipation, has increased, is dangerous.

After age 40, most people have some form of bowel disease.

Up to 50% have polyps.

Constipation Is The Result Of Poor Diets And No Roughage

Average Americans store between 6-10 pounds of fecal waste.

One cubic inch of Grade A beef has over 1,000 parasite larva.

Fish are the worst with parasites as big as earth worms.

2-3 Regular Bowel Movements A Day Keep Parasites Away

If you are irregular and go only a few times a week, parasites hatch.

They hook onto your colon wall and eat backed up fecal waste.

Some even start eating the tissue of the colon wall.

What Determines If Your Bowel Movements Are Healthy

Healthy people have bowel movements 20-30 minutes after each meal.

Elimination time is 1 minute or less. No squeezing, straining, grunting,

screaming, meditation or prayer. There are 2-4 movements daily with a

soft unformed peanut butter texture.

Average Americans Are Very Constipated For Life

The average for Americans is 2-3 bowel movements a week.

This is about 70,000 short during a lifetime of bowel problems.

Coffee drinkers suffer greater constipation when they stop coffee.

Natural Ways To Get Your Colon Working Correctly

Drink more pure water, herb teas, diluted fruit and vegetable juices.

Eat more fiber that is found in non-animal food sources.

Eat natural foods like apples, prunes, bananas, figs and dates.

Natural Ways To Get Your Colon Working Correctly

Exercising regularly excites the muscular contractions in your colon.

Reduce stress and eliminate negative emotions like fear, anger and hate.

Every four month complete an intensive colon cleansing program.

Stages of Digestion In the Stomach Are Very Interesting

Cephalic phase is the “wake up call” caused by seeing, smelling and anticipating food by the brain.

Gastric phase is “full steam ahead” with lots of mixing with acid and pepsin.

Intestinal phase is “step on the brakes” with liquefied food emptied into the small intestine.

Villi Are Home To A Self-Renewing Population of Cells

Mucus secreting cells produce mucus on a continuous basis for lubrication.

Endocrine cells produce hormones. Mature absorptive epithelial cells allow

water, electrolytes, carbohydrates (monosaccharides), protein (small peptides and amino acids) and free fatty acids passage into the blood stream.

Some Poorly Digested Proteins Can Create a Morphine Effect

Some partially digested proteins turn into peptides called opioids that act like narcotics on the brain.

Peptides from cow and human milk and gluten from grains can adversely affect brain activity.

Water Is The Second Most Important Nutrient We Need

75% are chronically dehydrated. 37% thirst mechanism is so weak it is

mistaken for hunger by body. Mild dehydration slows metabolism by

as much as 3%. 8 oz of water will shut down midnight

hunger pangs in people on a diet.

Water Is Critical To Every Biochemical Activity Of Life

Lack of water is the #1 trigger for day time fatigue.

8-10 glasses a day significantly eases back and joint pain for 80%.

2% drop in hydration triggers fuzzy short-term memory, problems with math and difficulty with focusing on a computer screen or printed page.

Adequate Water Consumption Prevents Many Serious Diseases

Risk of colon cancer decreases by 45%.

Risk of breast cancer decreases by 79%.

Risk of bladder cancer decreases by 50%.

Antibiotics Are Devastating To The Healthy Bacteria In Colon

Antibiotics kill all the friendly and dangerous bacteria in the body.

When the bacteria die in the colon, the yeast have an open field.

The Candida yeast displace the bacteria and turn into a fungus form.

Leaky Gut Syndrome Is Very Traumatic To All Cells

Nutrients are not absorbed correctly leading to fatigue and bloating.

Large food particles are absorbed causing food sensitivities that cause lung and joint inflammation.

Proteins are damaged that carry minerals throughout the body causing deficiencies.

Leaky Gut Syndrome Is Very Traumatic To All Cells

Gut’s detoxification ability suffers leading to more sensitivities and a potential overload on the liver.

Immune system is compromised so microorganisms flourish.

Yeast and bacteria escape into the blood stream causing severe infections.

Arthritis, lupus, MS etc. begin to appear.

Common Causes of the Leaky Gut Syndrome Are Addictive

Foods high is sugar feed the yeast. Caffeine from soft drinks and coffee

can poison the cells. Food additives and chemicals have an

adverse affect on the cells. Intolerance to wheat, dairy and eggs

can devastate the intestines.