Common Change Pitch Deck

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Transcript of Common Change Pitch Deck


Know | Give |


How might we create a dent in the universe and disrupt poverty



The Problem✤ People want to help those they

care about!

✤ People want a better way to make decisions together!

✤ People want to experience the power of innovation with people they know !

✤ No easy way exists to give collaboratively


The Solution

A platform and strategy where members pool money with people they know to share with people they care about.

Market Size

70%comes fromindividuals

in charitable giving is made annually in the US alone

$316 Billion in charitable giving is made!

annually in the US alone

70% comes from Individuals

ProductThe Common Change Web Platform allows you to…

Pool Moneywith people you know,

Share a Requestfor someone you care about,

Decide as a Groupon the best solution to meet the need,

We Take Care of the RestCommon Change delivers the gift to the recipient

What Members Say

This is giving the way it was meant to be: person to person and hand in hand.

Common Change allows me to meet a friend’s need that I could never meet on my own.

I now see needs as opportunities rather than threats.

Business Model


10%$7 avg transaction




$18 Million $900 per user annually!(20K users / 2k groups)




10% $7 per transaction

Average Tip: Earned Revenue:



$2 Million Annually by 2017

Generosity begets generosity and we have provided a tip jar on each transaction.

Market Adoption



Events - - Companies!- - Birthdays/celebrations!- - Corporate Engagements!- - Fundraising!- - Conferences!



Partnerships - - Nonprofits!- - Large Associations!- - Foundations!- - Corporate Social !- Responsibility (CSR)!

- - Collaborative Consumption Companies



Groups - - Colleges & Universities!

- - Neighborhoods!

- - Faith Communities!

- - Clubs!

- - Socially Conscious!





Competitive Advantages


The Journey✤ 07/2014 - 200% Member Growth


✤ 02/2014 - Launched alpha site!

✤ 01/2014 - Raised $100K!

✤ 10/2013 - Selected for Points of Light’s Civic X Accelerator!

✤ 04/2013 - Launched user testing site!

✤ 2005-2012 - Over $500K given


Join Us

We seek to foster disruptive innovation and create transformative change in charitable giving with the best investors and philanthropists on the planet. !

Will you join us?

Contact Us • 510-323-2349

In life, we desire to know and be known, to care and be cared for, to help and be helped, to give and be given to, to love and be loved.

This is the essence of being human.

Everyone matters.