Committee Process Overview & Recommendation January 5, 2015 Community Facility Task Force- Investing...

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Transcript of Committee Process Overview & Recommendation January 5, 2015 Community Facility Task Force- Investing...

Committee Process Overview & RecommendationJanuary 5, 2015

Community Facility Task Force- Investing in our community’s future

Task Force Members

• Julie Thoreson• Lawrence Charles• Paul Jirtle• Paul Thoreson• Steve Sagrillo• Ty Prucha• Randy Charles• Rebecca Krueger• Stacy Kunkel• Betty Schleis • Julie Kinjerski• Kacy Rohr

• Becca Ledvina

• Christopher Dahlke

• Coreen VanGoethem

• Gerald Schleis

• Greg Paplham

• Jason Last

• JJ Pagel

• Jo Ann Koehler

• Joe Viau

• John VanGoethem

• Kurt Flaten

Task Force Charge

The Facilities Task Force will support the School Board as they review, assess, and prioritize identified facilities needs and determine next steps.


•Support learning environments which are safe and accessible; inspire high student achievement; and encourage the attainment of individual learning goals for all students, grades PreK-12.

• Provide purposeful spaces that are easily

modified for innovative learning opportunities,

evolving technology, and collaboration among students, staff, parents, and community;

• Provide a centralized campus, which is cost

effective, energy efficient, adaptable to

an ever-changing future, and long-lasting for student and community access.


8 meetings over 4 months, totaling more than 16 hours

Current District Facilities

Building Year Built Age

Hillcrest 1955 60

Grade School 1998 17

High School 1968 47

Research Conducted

• Toured existing facilities and behind the scenes

• Explored needs of 21st Century Learners and learning spaces

• Explored various options and costs

• Evaluated tax impact scenarios

• Explored academic needs

• Conducted community-wide survey

Task Force Process

• 09/08/14- initial meeting, review charge and expectations, presentation of facilities

• 9/17/14 –tour Grade School & High School, input from staff

• 9/30/14 –tour Hillcrest, 21st Century Learning Presentation, prioritizing of needs

• 10/15/14- review updated concept, cost breakdowns, review survey draft, School Finance 101

• 10/28/14 – review updated concept adjustments based on priorities

• 12/01/14- Board presentation on community survey results

• 12/10/14- review updated concept adjustments

• 12/15/14- work on presentation

Architectural Assessment

Dozens of buckets catch Grade School roof leaks

Inexpensive roof

Warranty invalid -company out of business

Leaks at most building corners that could cause foundation damage

Consistently repairing Atrium leaks; Monopolizing maintenance budget

Original 1968 windows and doors in the High School

Leaks – an inside look

Mechanical Assessment• Original 1960’s Boiler Pumps in high school

• All asbestos insulated piping

• Boiler must run all year to provide hot water

• Original Generator -parts have become obsolete

• Building heat dependent upon degraded and obsolete valves

• HVAC is controlled pneumatically;

• Upgrading to Automated Controls would pay for itself in energy savings

Mechanicals- an inside look

Plumbing Assessment

• Water softener -outdated and parts hard to find

• High School main drains -restricted and need to be changed over to PVC

• KHS bathrooms -original fixtures need upgrade to water conserving

Community Survey Results

• Survey was conducted November 6-November 25. 

•537 people responded

•19% response rate

•Overall community response was positive

Community Survey Results

56% do not have children in our schools.

Community Survey Results

44% live in the City of Kewaunee.

Hillcrest Facility

Current Functions •District offices

• Storage (records & equipment)

• Alternative School (20 students grade 9-12)

• Rental Space for local business

• Space for Community programs

Architect Evaluation• Past service life• Exterior deteriorating-

needs costly repair including windows & doors

• Expensive to heat & operate

• Roof needs replacement

• Outdated, original heating & plumbing

• Not handicap accessible

Hillcrest is past its service life & is costly. $50,000/yr savings on utilities alone.

Hillcrest Facility

A majority want Hillcrest closed & space added.

Hillcrest Facility

Hillcrest is past its service life.

Safety, Security and Traffic Flow

70% in favor of improvements to safety, security & traffic flow.

Community Survey Results

• “Security is of the utmost importance, everyone needs to feel safe coming to the schools on a daily basis. Drop off and pick up areas are a nightmare. Traffic patterns need to be improved for a more smooth flow.”—Community Member (survey comment)

School Infrastructure

Community support updating infrastructure.

School Infrastructure

The high school was built in 1968 and electrical, heat and plumbing are from the original construction.

Building systems are at end of service – expensive & energy inefficient

Grade School Facility

The grade school needs updated security and a new roof.

Roof is leaking & security needs updating

Modernize Academic Spaces

The community supports High School improvements.

Community Survey Results

Academic areas need updating to meet current educational needs.

• The District recommends updating designated areas of the high school to support programs that help students acquire skills utilized in high-demand jobs.

Technical Education

• 50 year old equipment does not prepare our students for the current work force

Community Survey Results

Current spaces are not flexible or suited to collaborative learning.

• The Agriculture and Technical Education areas are a series of small rooms that do not allow good supervision.

Physical Education & Athletics

48% support funding improvements in PE & athletics.

Facilities Space Needs

• Hillcrest gym is open all week and many weekends

• Hillcrest supports the District’s physical education classes, athletics and community programs.

• Weight room and wrestling room in the high school basement too small to meet current demand.

• High School basement area not designed for student use

• Track in unsafe condition

Facilities are booked Hillcrest Gym space is used.

Community Survey Results

There is community support for a $14M to $16.5M solution.

Task Force Recommendation

• An April 2015 referendum

•One question in the amount of $16.2 million to address elementary, middle, and high school needs. The question would include:•Secure entrance renovation Grade School and High School

•Renovation of existing High School academic spaces/labs

•New High School addition including an agriculture lab

•Removal of Hillcrest Facility

•Replace Hillcrest Auxiliary gym

•Replace District Office space

• Respect the input of our Community

Tax Impact and Why Now

•Maximum of $47 per $100,000 of property value

Why Now• Previous debt will be paid off

• Interest rates at an all time low

• Building costs at a low rate

•Doing nothing will only increase future costs

Tax Impact

Cost Estimates

Site Plan

Words That Matter

Questions & Answers