Commissioning Requirements

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Transcript of Commissioning Requirements

  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements



    Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp


    Commissioning Requirements

    Section 2 !" !!

    Rev Date Description By Checked

    00 April 2014 Feed Documents AG !"

  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

    )a#e 2

    #a$le of Contents

    )AR* 1 + G,",RA-...........................................................................................................................3

    1.1 D,!CR/)*/"....................................................................................................................3

    1.2 CRD/"A*/".................................................................................................................3

    1.% C/!!/"/"G )RC,!!..........................................................................................4

    1.4 R,-A*,D R3................................................................................................................5

    1. R,!)"!/B/-/*/,!...........................................................................................................6

    1.5 D,F/"/*/"!....................................................................................................................12

    1.6 !7!*,! * B, C/!!/",D 8here Applica9le:...........................................15

    )AR* 2 + )RD;C*!......................................................................................................................16

    2.1 *,!* ,

  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

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    )AR* 1 + G,",RA-

    !C>,D;-, 0 + D,!CR/)*/"

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + Commissionin#( Commissionin# is a systematic process o@ ensurin# thatall 9uildin# systems per@orm interactively accordin# to the desi#n intent and the oners operationalneeds. *his is achieved 9y 9e#innin# in the desi#n phase and documentin# desi#n intent andcontinuin# throu#h construction' acceptance and the arranty period ith actual veri@ication o@ per@ormance. *he commissionin# process shall encompass and coordinate the traditionally separate@unctions o@ system documentation' e$uipment startup' control system cali9ration' testin# and9alancin#' per@ormance testin# and trainin#.

    Commissionin# durin# the construction phase is intended to achieve the @olloin# speci@ico9ectives accordin# to the Contract Documents(

    0.1 eri@y that applica9le e$uipment and systems are installed accordin# to the

    manu@acturers recommendations and to industry accepted minimum standards andthat they receive ade$uate operational checkout 9y installin# contractors.

    0.2 eri@y and document proper per@ormance o@ e$uipment and systems.

    0.% eri@y that documentation le@t on site is complete.

    0.4 eri@y that the ners operatin# personnel are ade$uately trained.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 1 - *he commissionin# process does not take aay @rom or reduce the

    responsi9ility o@ the system desi#ners or installin# contractors to provide a @inished and @ully@unctionin# product.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 2 - A99reviations( *he @olloin# are common a99reviations used in the

    !peci@ications and in the Commissionin# )lan. De@initions are @ound in !ection 1.5.

     AE,+ Architect and desi#n en#ineers F*+ Functional per@ormance testCA+ Commissionin# authority GC+ General contractor 8prime:CC Controls contractor C+ echanical contractor  C+ Construction ana#er 8the

    oners representative:)C+ )re@unctional checklist

    C+ Commissionin# )+ )roect mana#er 8o@ the ner:C )lan+ Commissionin# )lan document !u9s+ !u9contractors to General,C+ ,lectrical contractor *AB+ *est and 9alance contractor  

    !C>,D;-, 1 + CRD/"A*/"

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - Commissionin# *eam( *he mem9ers o@ the commissionin# team

    consist o@ the Commissionin# authority 8CA:' the )roect ana#er 8):' the desi#natedrepresentative o@ the oners Construction ana#ement @irm 8C:' the General Contractor 8GC or Contractor:' the architect and desi#n en#ineers 8particularly the mechanical en#ineer:' the echanicalContractor 8C:' the ,lectrical Contractor 8,C:' the *AB representative' the Controls Contractor 8CC:'any other installin# su9contractors or suppliers o@ e$uipment. /@ knon' the ners 9uildin# or plantoperatorEen#ineer is also a mem9er o@ the commissionin# team.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 1 - ana#ement( *he CA is hired 9y the ___C' ___GC' ___AE,' ___the ner directly. *he CA directs and coordinates the commissionin# activities and the reportsto the ___C' ___is part o@ the C team. All mem9ers ork to#ether to @ul@ill their contracted

    responsi9ilities and meet the o9ectives o@ the Contract Documents. *he CAs responsi9ilities are the

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  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

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    same re#ardless o@ ho hired the CA. Re@er to !ection 2%100 )art 1.5 @or additional mana#ementdetails. *he @olloin# or#aniation chart clari@ies the roles.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 2 + !chedulin#( *he CA ill ork ith the C and GC accordin# to

    esta9lished protocols to schedule the commissionin# activities. *he CA ill provide su@@icient notice tothe C and GC @or schedulin# commissionin# activities. *he GC ill inte#rate all commissionin#activities into the master schedule. All parties ill address schedulin# pro9lems and make necessarynoti@ications in a timely manner in order to epedite the commissionin# process.

    *he CA ill provide the initial schedule o@ primary commissionin# events at thecommissionin# scopin# meetin#. *he Commissionin# )lanHConstruction )hase provides a@ormat @or this schedule. As construction pro#resses more detailed schedules aredeveloped 9y the CA. *he Commissionin# )lan also provides a @ormat @or detailedschedules.

    !C>,D;-, 2 + C/!!/"/"G )RC,!!

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - Commissionin# )lan( *he Commissionin# )lan' Dra@t 2' provided aspart o@ the 9id documents' is 9indin# on the Contractor. *he commissionin# plan provides #uidance inthe eecution o@ the commissionin# process. Iust a@ter the initial commissionin# scopin# meetin# theCA ill update the plan hich is then considered the J@inalK plan' thou#h it ill continue to evolve andepand as the proect pro#resses. *he !peci@ications ill take precedence over the Commissionin#)lan. Commissionin# and commissionin# mana#ement shall 9e carried in accordance ith theC/B!, commissionin# codes.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + *he Contractor must per@orm the @olloin# prior to 9uildin# completion(

    1.1 ,mploy an independent commissionin# contractor to commission the installed systemsand produce a Buildin# -o# Book 8B-B:. *he @ormat o@ the B-B shall @ollo the C/B!,

    *%1 #uide.1.2 *he commissionin# process must cover all mechanical' electrical' plum9in#' draina#e'stormater and @ire @i#htin#Edetection systems in their entirety.

    1.% *he independent commissionin# a#ent must have at least 2 years eperience in 9uildin#commissionin# systems.

    1.4 *he contractor must list and provide minutes o@ all meetin#s attended 9y thecommissionin# a#ent throu#h the proect.

    1. *he contractor shall provide a Final Commissionin# Report' includin#( A. ners proect re$uirementsLB. )roect commissionin# speci@icationsLC. eri@ication o@ installationLD. *estin# and commissionin# results @or all systems,. A description o@ operation @or all systems' includin# start+up' shut+don and @ault @indin#.

    F.  A detailed pro#ram o@ periodic maintenance tasks.G. peratin# and maintenance manuals.

    Commissionin# )rocess( *he @olloin# narrative provides a 9rie@ overvie o@ thetypical commissionin# tasks durin# construction and the #eneral order in hich theyoccur(

    1.6  Additional meetin#s ill 9e re$uired throu#hout construction' scheduled 9y the CA ithnecessary parties attendin#' to plan' scope' coordinate' schedule @uture activities andresolve pro9lems.

    1.7 ,$uipment documentation is su9mitted to the CA durin# normal su9mittals' includin#detailed start+up procedures.

     Feed Documents !,,D ,n#ineerin# Consultants

  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014


    1.8 *he CA orks ith the !u9s in developin# startup plans and startup documentation@ormats' includin# providin# the !u9s ith pre@unctional checklists to 9e completed'durin# the startup process.

    1.? /n #eneral' the checkout and per@ormance veri@ication proceeds @rom simple to compleL@rom component level to e$uipment to systems and intersystem levels ithpre@unctional checklists 9ein# completed 9e@ore @unctional testin#.

    1.10 *he !u9s' under their on direction' eecute and document the pre@unctional checklistsand per@orm startup and initial checkout. *he CA documents that the checklists andstartup ere completed accordin# to the approved plans. *his may include the CAitnessin# start+up o@ selected e$uipment.

    1.11 *he CA develops speci@ic e$uipment and system @unctional per@ormance test procedures.*he !u9s revie the procedures.

    1.12*he procedures are eecuted 9y the !u9s' under the direction o@' and documented 9y theCA.

    1.13 /tems o@ non+compliance in material' installation or setup are corrected at the !u9sepense and the system retested.

    1.14 *he CA revies the documentation @or completeness.

    1.15 Commissionin# is completed 9e@ore !u9stantial Completion.

    1.16 *he CA revies' pre+approves and coordinates the trainin# provided 9y the !u9s andveri@ies that is as completed.

    1.17 De@erred testin# is conducted' as speci@ied or re$uired.

    !C>,D;-, % + R,-A*,D R3

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + !peci@ic commissionin# re$uirements are #iven in the @olloin# sectionso@ these speci@ications. All o@ the @olloin# sections apply to the ork o@ this section.

    00&00 !upplementary Conditions )rovides @or a penalty i@ commissionin# is not completed9y the Functional Completion milestone.

    0.1 /@ the commissionin# authority is hired 9y the oner or construction mana#er' 01040a


      01040a Coordination /ntroduces commissionin# and re@ers to Division 2%.

    0.2 /@ the commissionin# authority is hired 9y the #eneral contractor' 010409 applies(

    010409 Coordination /ntroduces commissionin#' re@ers to Division 2% andre$uires that the GC hire a $uali@ied CA.

    !u9mittals Alerts all parties that additional detail in su9mittalsmay 9e re$uired and directs to Division 2%.

    )roect Close+out De@ines !u9stantial Completion and FunctionalCompletion milestones' relative to commissionin#.

    Data Alerts all parties that documentation may 9e

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    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

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    more detailed and directs to Division 2%.

    echanical General Alerts the mechanical contractor to Cresponsi9ilities in 2%??.

     Automatic Controls -ists special re$uirements and alerts the controlscontractor o@ the special re$uirements o@ the controlcontractor and control system in 2%??.

    *AB Alerts the *AB o@ C responsi9ilities in 2%??.

    echanical C Descri9es the C responsi9ilities o@ the mechanical'controls and *AB contractors and the pre@unctionaltestin# and startup responsi9ilities o@ each. )oints toDivision 2% @or @unctional testin# re$uirements.

    echanical *estin#Re$uirements

    Descri9es the speci@ic @unctional testin# re$uirements@or Division 2% e$uipment in the proect.

    echanical )re@unctional


    )rovides the pre@unctional checklists @or use on this

    proect' includin# items @or Div. 2% and Div. 25.

    echanical Functional


    )rovides eample @unctional test proceduresand@ormats @or mechanical e$uipment.

    ,lectrical General Alerts the electrical contractor o@ C responsi9ilitiesin Division 25.

    ,lectrical C Descri9es the C responsi9ilities o@ the electricalcontractor.

    ,lectrical *estin#Re$uirements

    Descri9es the speci@ic @unctional testin# re$uirments@or Division 25 e$uipment in the proect.

    ,lectrical Checklists )re@unctional )oints to Division 2%.

    ,lectrical Functional


    )rovides eample @unctional test procedures and@ormats @or electrical e$uipment.

    Commissionin# Descri9es the commissionin# process'responsi9ilities common to all parties' responsi9ilitieso@ the AE,' CA' C' )' GC and !uppliers' @ocusin#on the CA. *he uni$ue C' CC' *AB and ,Cresponsi9ilities are included in Div. 2% and 25.


    !C>,D;-, 4 + R,!)"!/B/-/*/,!

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - *he responsi9ilities o@ various parties in the commissionin# processare provided in this section. *he responsi9ilities o@ the mechanical contractor' *AB and controlscontractor are in Division 2% and those o@ the electrical contractor in Division 25 and those o@ Mlist other sections here re$uirements o@ other divisions are @oundN. /t is noted that the services @or the )roectana#er' Construction ana#er' Architect' >AC mechanical and electrical desi#nersEen#ineers' andCommissionin# authority are not provided @or in this contract. *hat is' the Contractor is notresponsi9le @or providin# their services. *heir responsi9ilities are listed here to clari@y thecommissionin# process.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + All )arties

    1.1 Follo the Commissionin# )lan.

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  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

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    arranty )eriod

    %.11 )articipate in the resolution o@ non+compliance' non+con@ormance and desi#n de@icienciesidenti@ied durin# commissionin# durin# arranty+period commissionin#.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 4 + Commissionin# Authority 8CA:*he CA is not responsi9le @or desi#n concept' desi#n criteria' compliance ith codes' desi#nor #eneral construction schedulin#' cost estimatin#' or construction mana#ement. *he CAmay assist ith pro9lem+solvin# non+con@ormance or de@iciencies' 9ut ultimately thatresponsi9ility resides ith the #eneral contractor and the AE,. *he primary role o@ the CA isto develop and coordinate the eecution o@ a testin# plan' o9serve and documentper@ormanceHthat systems are @unctionin# in accordance ith the documented desi#nintent and in accordance ith the Contract Documents. *he Contractors ill provide all toolsor the use o@ tools to start' check+out and @unctionally test e$uipment and systems' ecept@or speci@ied testin# ith porta9le data+lo##ers' hich shall 9e supplied and installed 9y theCA.

      Construction and Acceptance )hase

    4.1 Coordinates and directs the commissionin# activities in a lo#ical' se$uential and e@@icientmanner usin# consistent protocols and @orms' centralied documentation' clear andre#ular communications and consultations ith all necessary parties' @re$uentlyupdated timelines and schedules and technical epertise.

    4.2 Coordinate the commissionin# ork and' ith the GC and C' ensure that commissionin#activities are 9ein# scheduled into the master schedule.

    4.% Revise' as necessary' the Dra@t 2' Commissionin# )lanHConstruction )hase.

    4.4 )lan and conduct a commissionin# scopin# meetin# and other commissionin# meetin#s.

    4. Re$uest and revie additional in@ormation re$uired to per@orm commissionin# tasks'includin# materials' contractor start+up and checkout procedures.

    4.6 Be@ore startup' #ather and revie the current control se$uences and interlocks and ork

    ith contractors and desi#n en#ineers until su@@icient clarity has 9een o9tained' inritin#' to 9e a9le to rite detailed testin# procedures.

    4.6 Revie and approve normal Contractor su9mittals applica9le to systems 9ein#commissioned @or compliance ith commissionin# needs' concurrent ith the AE,


    4.& rite and distri9ute pre@unctional tests and checklists.

    4.? Develop an enhanced start+up and initial systems checkout plan ith !u9s.

    4.10 )er@orm site visits' as necessary' to o9serve component and system installations. Attendsselected plannin# and o9+site meetin#s to o9tain in@ormation on constructionpro#ress. Revie construction meetin# minutes @or revisionsEsu9stitutions relatin# tothe commissionin# process. Assist in resolvin# any discrepancies.

    4.11 itness all or part o@ the >AC pipin# test and @lushin# procedure' su@@icient to 9econ@ident that proper procedures ere @olloed. Document this testin# and include

    the documentation in manuals. "oti@y oners proect mana#er o@ anyde@iciencies in results or procedures.

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    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

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    4.12 itness all or part o@ any ductork testin# and cleanin# procedures' su@@icient to 9econ@ident that proper procedures ere @olloed. Document this testin# and includethe documentation in manuals. "oti@y oners proect mana#er o@ anyde@iciencies in results or procedures.

    4.1% Approve pre@unctional tests and checklist completion 9y reviein# pre@unctional checklistreports and 9y selected site o9servation and spot checkin#.

    4.14 Approve systems startup 9y reviein# start+up reports and 9y selected site o9servation.

    4.1 Revie *AB eecution plan.

    4.15 versee su@@icient @unctional testin# o@ the control system and approve it to 9e used @or *AB' 9e@ore *AB is eecuted.

    4.16 Approve air and ater systems 9alancin# 9y spot testin#' 9y reviein# completed reportsand 9y selected site o9servation.

    4.1& ith necessary assistance and revie @rom installin# contractors' rite the @unctionalper@ormance test procedures @or e$uipment and systems. *his may include ener#ymana#ement control system trendin#' stand+alone datalo##er monitorin# or manual@unctional testin#. !u9mit to C @or revie' and @or approval i@ re$uired.

    4.1? Analye any @unctional per@ormance trend lo#s and monitorin# data to veri@y per@ormance.

    4.20 Coordinate itness and approve manual @unctional per@ormance tests per@ormed 9y

    installin# contractors. Coordinate retestin# as necessary until satis@actoryper@ormance is achieved. )er@orm actual @unctional testin# ithout contractors one$uipment so speci@ied in Divisions 2% and 25.

    4.21 aintain a master de@iciency and resolution lo# and a separate testin# record. )rovidethe C ith ritten pro#ress reports and test results ith recommended actions.

    4.22 itness per@ormance testin# o@ smoke control systems 9y others and all other onercontracted tests or tests 9y manu@acturers personnel over hich the CA may nothave direct control. Document these tests and include this documentation inCommissionin# Record in manuals.

    4.2% Revie e$uipment arranties to ensure that the ners responsi9ilities are clearlyde@ined.

    4.24 versee and approve the trainin# o@ the ners operatin# personnel.

    4.2 Compile and maintain a commissionin# record and 9uildin# systems 9ook8s:.

    4.25 Revie and approve the preparation o@ the manuals.

    4.26 )rovide a @inal commissionin# report 8as descri9ed in this section:.


    4.28 ___Develop a systems manual per A!>RA, >AC Commissionin# Guideline 1+1??5.

    4.2? ___ )repare a standard trend lo##in# packa#e o@ primary parameters that ill provide the

    operations sta@@ clear indications o@ system @unction in order to identi@y proper system

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    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

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    operation and trou9le shoot pro9lems. *he CA shall also provide any neededin@ormation on interpretin# the trends.

    arranty )eriod

    4.%0 Coordinate and supervise re$uired seasonal or de@erred testin# and de@iciencycorrections.

    4.%1 Return to the site at 10 months into the 12 month arranty period and revie ith @acilitysta@@ the current 9uildin# operation and the condition o@ outstandin# issues related tothe ori#inal and seasonal commissionin#. Also intervie @acility sta@@ and identi@ypro9lems or concerns they have operatin# the 9uildin# as ori#inally intended. akesu##estions @or improvements and @or recordin# these chan#es in the manuals./denti@y areas that may come under arranty or under the ori#inal constructioncontract. Assist @acility sta@@ in developin# reports' documents and re$uests @or services to remedy outstandin# pro9lems.

    4.%2 ptional( Assist in the development o@ a preventative maintenance plan' a detailedoperatin# plan or an ener#y and resource mana#ement plan or as+9uiltdocumentation.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* + Construction ana#er O ners Representative 8C:

      Construction and Acceptance )hase

    .1 Facilitate the coordination o@ the commissionin# ork 9y the CA' and' ith the GC andCA' ensure that commissionin# activities are 9ein# scheduled into the master schedule.

    .2 Revie and approve the @inal Commissionin# )lanHConstruction )hase.

    .% Attend a commissionin# scopin# meetin# and other commissionin# team meetin#s.

    .4 )er@orm the normal revie o@ Contractor su9mittals.

    . Furnish a copy o@ all construction documents' addenda' chan#e orders and approvedsu9mittals and shop drain#s related to commissioned e$uipment to the CA.

    .5 Revie and approve the @unctional per@ormance test procedures su9mitted 9y the CA'prior to testin#.

    .6 hen necessary' o9serve and itness pre@unctional checklists' startup and @unctionaltestin# o@ selected e$uipment.

    .& Revie commissionin# pro#ress and de@iciency reports.

    .? Coordinate the resolution o@ non+compliance and desi#n de@iciencies identi@ied in allphases o@ commissionin#.

    .10 !i#n+o@@ 8@inal approval: on individual commissionin# tests as completed and passin#.Recommend completion o@ the commissionin# process to the )roect ana#er.

    .11 Assist the GC in coordinatin# the trainin# o@ oner personnel.

    "ote( /@ the CA is hired 9y the C or directly 9y the oner' some or all o@ the C tasks @or

    the commissionin# process a9ove 9ecome the responsi9ility o@ the CA' as the need@or oversi#ht o@ the CA is essentially eliminated. Re@er to @urther detail in the Cde@inition in !ection 1.5' ecept @or the coordination o@ de@iciency resolution.

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    arranty )eriod

    .12 Assist the CA as necessary in the seasonal or de@erred testin# and de@iciency corrections

    re$uired 9y the speci@ications.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 6 - ners )roect ana#er 8):Construction and Acceptance )hase

    5.1 ana#e the contract o@ the AE, and o@ the GC.

    5.2 Arran#e @or @acility operatin# and maintenance personnel to attend various @ieldcommissionin# activities and @ield trainin# sessions accordin# to the Commissionin# )lanHConstruction )hase.

    5.% )rovide @inal approval @or the completion o@ the commissionin# ork.

    arranty )eriod

    5.4 ,nsure that any seasonal or de@erred testin# and any de@iciency issues are addressed.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 6 + General Contractor 8GC:

    Construction and Acceptance )hase

    6.1 Facilitate the coordination o@ the commissionin# ork 9y the CA' and ith the GC and CAensure that commissionin# activities are 9ein# scheduled into the master schedule.

    6.2 /nclude the cost o@ commissionin# in the total contract price.

    6.% Furnish a copy o@ all construction documents' addenda' chan#e orders and approvedsu9mittals and shop drain#s related to commissioned e$uipment to the CA.

    6.4 /n each purchase order or su9contract ritten' include re$uirements @or su9mittal data' data' commissionin# tasks and trainin#.

    6. ,nsure that all !u9s eecute their commissionin# responsi9ilities accordin# to theContract Documents and schedule.

    6.5 A representative shall attend a commissionin# scopin# meetin# and other necessarymeetin#s scheduled 9y the CA to @acilitate the C process.

    6.6 Coordinate the trainin# o@ oner personnel.

    6.& )repare manuals' accordin# to the Contract Documents' includin# clari@yin# andupdatin# the ori#inal se$uences o@ operation to as+9uilt conditions.

    arranty )eriod

    1. ,nsure that !u9s eecute seasonal or de@erred @unctional per@ormance testin#'itnessed 9y the CA' accordin# to the speci@ications.

    2. ,nsure that !u9s correct de@iciencies and make necessary adustments to manuals and as+9uilt drain#s @or applica9le issues identi@ied in any seasonal testin#.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* & + ,$uipment !uppliers

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    1. )rovide all re$uested su9mittal data' includin# detailed start+up procedures andspeci@ic responsi9ilities o@ the ner to keep arranties in @orce.

    2. Assist in e$uipment testin# per a#reements ith !u9s.

    %. /nclude all special tools and instruments 8only availa9le @rom vendor' speci@ic to apiece o@ e$uipment: re$uired @or testin# e$uipment accordin# to these ContractDocuments in the 9ase 9id price to the Contractor' ecept @or stand+alone datalo##in#e$uipment that may 9e used 9y the CA.

    4. *hrou#h the contractors they supply products to' analye speci@ied products andveri@y that the desi#ner has speci@ied the neest most updated e$uipment reasona9le@or this proects scope and 9ud#et.

    . )rovide in@ormation re$uested 9y CA re#ardin# e$uipment se$uence o@ operation andtestin# procedures.

    5. Revie test procedures @or e$uipment installed 9y @actory representatives.

    !C>,D;-, + D,F/"/*/"!

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - Acceptance )hase( )hase o@ construction a@ter startup and initialcheckout hen @unctional per@ormance tests' documentation revie and trainin# occurs.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + Approval( Acceptance that a piece o@ e$uipment or system has 9eenproperly installed and is @unctionin# in the tested modes accordin# to the Contract Documents.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 2 + Architect E ,n#ineer 8AE,:( *he prime consultant 8architect: and su9+

    consultants ho comprise the desi#n team' #enerally the >AC mechanical desi#nerEen#ineer andthe electrical desi#nerEen#ineer.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* % + Basis o@ Desi#n( *he 9asis o@ desi#n is the documentation o@ the primarythou#ht processes and assumptions 9ehind desi#n decisions that ere made to meet the desi#nintent. *he 9asis o@ desi#n descri9es the systems' components' conditions and methods chosen tomeet the intent. !ome reiteratin# o@ the desi#n intent may 9e included.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 4 + Commissionin# authority 8CA:( An independent a#ent' not otheriseassociated ith the AE, team mem9ers or the Contractor' thou#h heEshe may 9e hired as asu9contractor to them. *he CA directs and coordinates the day+to+day commissionin# activities. *heCA does not take an oversi#ht role like the C. *he CA is part o@ the Construction ana#er 8C:team or shall report directly to the C.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* + Commissionin# )lan( An overall plan' developed 9e@ore or a@ter 9iddin#'that provides the structure' schedule and coordination plannin# @or the commissionin# process.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 5 + Contract Documents( *he documents 9indin# on parties involved in theconstruction o@ this proect 8drain#s' speci@ications' chan#e orders' amendments' contracts' C )lan'etc.:.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 6 + Contractor( *he #eneral contractor or authoried representative.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* & + Control system( *he central 9uildin# ener#y mana#ement controlsystem.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* ? + Construction ana#er 8C:(

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    1. *he ners representative in the day+to+day activities o@ construction. /n #eneral'the construction mana#ement services contractor 8C: is hired 9y the oner to assistthe #overnment in the overall mana#ement o@ the proect includin# supervisin# andon+site mana#in# authority over a proects construction. *he General Contractor 

    reports to the C. *he C is the ners on+site representative.

    2. hen the CA is hired 9y the GC or AE,' the C re@erred to in the commissionin#

    process is a mem9er o@ the C team 8sta@@ or independent contractor: ho shall havedirect si#ni@icant mechanical en#ineerin# and commissionin# eperience. *hatperson desi#nated @rom the C team is the oners representative veri@yin# theade$uacy o@ the commissionin# process. /n this case' the C ill 9e more involvedin the commissionin# ork and in itnessin# portions o@ the process 8selected start+up and @unctional tests: and reviein# documents 8test approvals' etc.: than in the@olloin# case.

    %. hen the CA is hired 9y the C 8on sta@@ or as a su9contractor:' or directly 9y thener' there may not need to 9e another C representative reviein# and approvin#the ork o@ the CA' other than schedule approvals and consultation durin# pro9lem

    solvin#. /n that case' re@erences to the C in these !peci@ications ould actuallymean the CA' ecept that CA pro#ress reports ould #o to the ) rather than theC.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 10 - Datalo##in#( onitorin# @los' currents' status' pressures' etc. o@ e$uipment usin# stand+alone datalo##ers separate @rom the control system.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 11 + De@erred Functional *ests( F*s that are per@ormed later' a@ter su9stantial completion' due to partial occupancy' e$uipment' seasonal re$uirements' desi#n or other site conditions that disallo the test @rom 9ein# per@ormed.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 12 + De@iciency( A condition in the installation or @unction o@ a component'

    piece o@ e$uipment or system that is not in compliance ith the Contract Documents 8that is' does notper@orm properly or is not complyin# ith the desi#n intent:.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1% + Desi#n /ntent( A dynamic document that provides the eplanation o@ theideas' concepts and criteria that are considered to 9e very important to the oner. /t is initially theoutcome o@ the pro#rammin# and conceptual desi#n phases.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 14 + Desi#n "arrative or Desi#n Documentation( !ections o@ either theDesi#n /ntent or Basis o@ Desi#n.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + Factory *estin#( *estin# o@ e$uipment on+site or at the @actory 9y@actory personnel ith an ners representative present.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 15 + Functional )er@ormance *est 8F*:( *est o@ the dynamic @unction andoperation o@ e$uipment and systems usin# manual 8direct o9servation: or monitorin# methods.Functional testin# is the dynamic testin# o@ systems 8rather than ust components: under @ull operation8e.#.' the chiller pump is tested interactively ith the chiller @unctions to see i@ the pump ramps up anddon to maintain the di@@erential pressure setpoint:. !ystems are tested under various modes' suchas durin# lo coolin# or heatin# loads' hi#h loads' component @ailures' unoccupied' varyin# outsideair temperatures' @ire alarm' poer @ailure' etc. *he systems are run throu#h all the control systemsse$uences o@ operation and components are veri@ied to 9e respondin# as the se$uences state.*raditional air or ater test and 9alancin# 8*AB: is not @unctional testin#' in the commissionin# senseo@ the ord. *ABs primary ork is settin# up the system @los and pressures as speci@ied' hile@unctional testin# is veri@yin# that hich has already 9een set up. *he commissionin# authoritydevelops the @unctional test procedures in a se$uential ritten @orm' coordinates' oversees anddocuments the actual testin#' hich is usually per@ormed 9y the installin# contractor or vendor. F*s

    are per@ormed a@ter pre@unctional checklists and startups are complete.

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    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 16 + General Contractor 8GC:( *he prime contractor @or this proect.Generally re@ers to all the GCs su9contractors as ell. Also re@erred to as the Contractor' in somecontets.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1& + /ndirect /ndicators( /ndicators o@ a response or condition' such as areadin# @rom a control system screen reportin# a damper to 9e 100P closed.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 19 - anual *est( ;sin# hand+held instruments' immediate control systemreadouts or direct o9servation to veri@y per@ormance 8contrasted to analyin# monitored data takenover time to make the Jo9servationK:.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 20 + onitorin#( *he recordin# o@ parameters 8@lo' current' status'pressure' etc.: o@ e$uipment operation usin# datalo##ers or the trendin# capa9ilities o@ controlsystems.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 21 + "on+Compliance + see De@iciency.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 22 + "on+Con@ormance + see De@iciency.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 2% + ver+ritten alue( ritin# over a sensor value in the control system tosee the response o@ a system 8e.#.' chan#in# the outside air temperature value @rom 0F to 6F toveri@y economier operation:. !ee also J!imulated !i#nal.K

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 24 + ner+Contracted *ests( *ests paid @or 9y the ner outside the GCscontract and @or hich the CA does not oversee. *hese tests ill not 9e repeated durin# @unctionaltests i@ properly documented.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 2 + )hased Commissionin#( Commissionin# that is completed in phases89y @loors' @or eample: due to the sie o@ the structure or other schedulin# issues' in order minimie

    the total construction time.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 25 + )re@unctional Checklist 8)C:( A list o@ items to inspect and elementarycomponent tests to conduct to veri@y proper installation o@ e$uipment' provided 9y the CA to the !u9.)re@unctional checklists are primarily static inspections and procedures to prepare the e$uipment or system @or initial operation 8e.#.' 9elt tension' oil levels 3' la9els a@@ied' #a#es in place' sensorscali9rated' etc.:. >oever' some pre@unctional checklist items entail simple testin# o@ the @unction o@ acomponent' a piece o@ e$uipment or system 8such as measurin# the volta#e im9alance on a threephase pump motor o@ a chiller system:. *he ord pre@unctional re@ers to 9e@ore @unctional testin#.)re@unctional checklists au#ment and are com9ined ith the manu@acturers start+up checklist. ,venithout a commissionin# process' contractors typically per@orm some' i@ not many' o@ the pre@unctionalchecklist items a commissionin# authority ill recommend. >oever' @e contractors document inritin# the eecution o@ these checklist items. *here@ore' @or most e$uipment' the contractors eecute

    the checklists on their on. *he commissionin# authority only re$uires that the procedures 9edocumented in ritin#' and does not itness much o@ the pre@unctional checklistin#' ecept @or lar#er or more critical pieces o@ e$uipment.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 26 + )roect ana#er 8):( *he contractin# and mana#in# authority @or theoner over the desi#n andEor construction o@ the proect' a sta@@ position.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 28 - !amplin#( Functionally testin# only a @raction o@ the total num9er o@ identical or near identical pieces o@ e$uipment. Re@er to !ection 2%100' )art %.5' F @or details.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 29 - !easonal )er@ormance *ests( F* that are de@erred until the system8s:

    ill eperience conditions closer to their desi#n conditions.

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    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 30 - !imulated Condition( Condition that is created @or the purpose o@ testin# the response o@ a system 8e.#.' applyin# a hair 9loer to a space sensor to see the responsein a A 9o:.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 31 - !imulated !i#nal( Disconnectin# a sensor and usin# a si#nal#enerator to send an ampera#e' resistance or pressure to the transducer and DDC system tosimulate a sensor value.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 32 - !peci@ications( *he construction speci@ications o@ the Contract


    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 33 - !tartup( *he initial startin# or activatin# o@ dynamic e$uipment'includin# eecutin# pre@unctional checklists.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 34 - !u9s( *he su9contractors to the GC ho provide and install 9uildin#

    components and systems.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 35 - *est )rocedures( *he step+9y+step process hich must 9e eecutedto @ul@ill the test re$uirements. *he test procedures are developed 9y the CA.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 36 - *est Re$uirements( Re$uirements speci@yin# hat modes and

    @unctions' etc. shall 9e tested. *he test re$uirements are not the detailed test procedures. *he testre$uirements are speci@ied in the Contract Documents 8Divisions 2%L 25' etc.:.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 37 - *rendin#( onitorin# usin# the 9uildin# control system.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 38 - endor( !upplier o@ e$uipment.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 39 -arranty )eriod( arranty period @or entire proect' includin#e$uipment components. arranty 9e#ins at !u9stantial Completion and etends @or at least one

    year' unless speci@ically noted otherise in the Contract Documents and accepted su9mittals.

    SCHEDULE 6 - !7!*,! * B, C/!!/",D 8here Applica9le:

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + *he @olloin# checked systems ill 9e commissioned in this proect.

    Equipment an% S&stem Equipment an% S&stem

    H'AC S&stem ,$uipment vi9ration control

    Chillers ,#ress pressuriation)umps Electrical S&stemCoolin# toer !eep or scheduled li#htin# controlsBoilers Dayli#ht dimmin# controls)ipin# systems -i#htin# occupancy sensorsDuctork )oer $ualityaria9le @re$uency drives !ecurity system Air handlers ,mer#ency poer system)acka#ed units 8AC and >): ;)! systems*erminal units 8air: Fire and smoke alarm;nit heaters Fire protection systems>eat echan#ers Communications systemComputer room units )u9lic addressEpa#in#

    Fume hoods-a9 room pressures (ther 

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    Equipment an% S&stem Equipment an% S&stem

    !pecialty @ans !ervice ater heaters*estin#' Adustin# and Balancin# ork !ervice ater 9ooster pumpsChemical treatment systems Re@ri#eration systems>AC control system edical #as systemsFire and smoke dampers/ndoor air $uality1

    ,$uipment sound control

     /ndoor air $uality 8/A,D;-, 0 + *,!* ,

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    )AR* % + ,=,C;*/"

    !C>,D;-, 0 + ,,*/"G!

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + !copin# eetin#. ithin M50 to ?0' dependin# on 9ld# sieN days o@ commencement o@ construction' the CA ill schedule' plan and conduct a commissionin# scopin#meetin# ith the entire commissionin# team in attendance. eetin# minutes ill 9e distri9uted to allparties 9y the CA. /n@ormation #athered @rom this meetin# ill allo the CA to revise the Dra@t 2Commissionin# )lan to its J@inalK version' hich ill also 9e distri9uted to all parties.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + iscellaneous eetin#s( ther meetin#s ill 9e planned and conducted9y the CA as construction pro#resses. *hese meetin#s ill cover coordination' de@iciency resolutionand plannin# issues ith particular !u9s. *he CA ill plan these meetin#s and ill minimieunnecessary time 9ein# spent 9y !u9s. For lar#e proects' these meetin#s may 9e held monthly' untilthe @inal % months o@ construction hen they may 9e held as @re$uently as one per eek.

    SCHEDULE 1 - R,)R*/"G

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + *he CA ill provide re#ular reports to the C or )' dependin# on themana#ement structure' ith increasin# @re$uency as construction and commissionin# pro#resses.!tandard @orms are provided and re@erenced in the Commissionin# )lan.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + *he CA ill re#ularly communicate ith all mem9ers o@ thecommissionin# team' keepin# them apprised o@ commissionin# pro#ress and schedulin# chan#esthrou#h memos' pro#ress reports' etc.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 2 + *estin# or revie approvals and non+con@ormance and de@iciency

    reports are made re#ularly ith the revie and testin# as descri9ed in later sections.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* % + A @inal summary report 8a9out @our to si pa#es' not includin# 9ackupdocumentation: 9y the CA ill 9e provided to the C or )' @ocusin# on evaluatin# commissionin#process issues and identi@yin# areas here the process could 9e improved. All ac$uireddocumentation' lo#s' minutes' reports' de@iciency lists' communications' @indin#s' unresolved issues'etc.' ill 9e compiled in appendices and provided ith the summary report. )re@unctional checklists'@unctional tests and monitorin# reports ill not 9e part o@ the @inal report' 9ut ill 9e stored in theCommissionin# Record in the manuals.

    !C>,D;-, 2 + !;B/**A-!

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + *he CA ill provide appropriate contractors ith a speci@ic re$uest @or the type o@ su9mittal documentation the CA re$uires to @acilitate the commissionin# ork. *hesere$uests ill 9e inte#rated into the normal su9mittal process and protocol o@ the construction team. Atminimum' the re$uest ill include the manu@acturer and model num9er' the manu@acturers printedinstallation and detailed start+up procedures' @ull se$uences o@ operation' data' per@ormancedata' any per@ormance test procedures' control drain#s and details o@ oner contracted tests. /naddition' the installation and checkout materials that are actually shipped inside the e$uipment andthe actual @ield checkout sheet @orms to 9e used 9y the @actory or @ield technicians shall 9e su9mittedto the Commissionin# authority. All documentation re$uested 9y the CA ill 9e included 9y the !u9sin their manual contri9utions.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + *he Commissionin# authority ill revie and approve su9mittals relatedto the commissioned e$uipment @or con@ormance to the Contract Documents as it relates to the

    commissionin# process' to the @unctional per@ormance o@ the e$uipment and ade$uacy @or developin#test procedures. *his revie is intended primarily to aid in the development o@ @unctional testin#

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    procedures and only secondarily to veri@y compliance ith e$uipment speci@ications. *heCommissionin# authority ill noti@y the C' ) or AE, as re$uested' o@ items missin# or areas thatare not in con@ormance ith Contract Documents and hich re$uire resu9mission.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 2 + *he CA may re$uest additional desi#n narrative @rom the AE, andControls Contractor' dependin# on the completeness o@ the desi#n intent documentation andse$uences provided ith the !peci@ications.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* % + *hese su9mittals to the CA do not constitute compliance @or manual documentation. *he manuals are the responsi9ility o@ the Contractor' thou#h the CA illrevie and approve them.

    !C>,D;-, % + !*AR*+;)' )R,F;"C*/"A- C>,C3-/!*! A"D /"/*/A- C>,C3;*

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + *he @olloin# procedures apply to all e$uipment to 9e commissioned'accordin# to !ection 1.6' !ystems to 9e Commissioned. !ome systems that are not comprised so

    much o@ actual dynamic machinery' e.#.' electrical system poer $uality' may have very simpli@ied)Cs and startup.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + General( )re@unctional checklists are important to ensure that thee$uipment and systems are hooked up and operational. /t ensures that @unctional per@ormancetestin# 8in+depth system checkout: may proceed ithout unnecessary delays. ,ach piece o@ e$uipment receives @ull pre@unctional checkout. "o samplin# strate#ies are used. *he pre@unctionaltestin# @or a #iven system must 9e success@ully completed prior to @ormal @unctional per@ormancetestin# o@ e$uipment or su9systems o@ the #iven system.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 2 - !tart+up and /nitial Checkout )lan. *he CA shall assist thecommissionin# team mem9ers responsi9le @or startup o@ any e$uipment in developin# detailed start+

    up plans @or all e$uipment. *he primary role o@ the CA in this process is to ensure that there is rittendocumentation that each o@ the manu@acturer+recommended procedures have 9een completed.)arties responsi9le @or pre@unctional checklists and startup are identi@ied in the commissionin#scopin# meetin# and in the checklist @orms. )arties responsi9le @or eecutin# @unctional per@ormancetests are identi@ied in the testin# re$uirements in Divisions 2% and 25 and Mlist other sections heretests re$uirements are @oundN .

    1. *he CA adapts' i@ necessary' the representative pre@unctional checklists andprocedures @rom Division 2%. *hese checklists indicate re$uired procedures to 9eeecuted as part o@ startup and initial checkout o@ the systems and the partyresponsi9le @or their eecution.

    2. *hese checklists and tests are provided 9y the CA to the Contractor. *he Contractor determines hich trade is responsi9le @or eecutin# and documentin# each o@ the line

    item tasks and notes that trade on the @orm. ,ach @orm ill have more than one traderesponsi9le @or its eecution.

    %. *he su9contractor responsi9le @or the purchase o@ the e$uipment develops the @ullstart+up plan 9y com9inin# 8or addin# to: the CAs checklists ith the manu@acturersdetailed start+up and checkout procedures @rom the manual and the normallyused @ield checkout sheets. *he plan ill include checklists and procedures ithspeci@ic 9oes or lines @or recordin# and documentin# the checkin# and inspections o@ each procedure and a summary statement ith a si#nature 9lock at the end o@ theplan.

    *he @ull start+up plan could consist o@ somethin# as simple as(

    a.*he CAs pre@unctional checklists.9.*he manu@acturers standard ritten start+up procedures copied @rom the

    installation manuals ith check 9oes 9y each procedure and a si#nature 9lockadded 9y hand at the end.

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    c.*he manu@acturers normally used @ield checkout sheets.

    4. *he su9contractor su9mits the @ull startup plan to the CA @or revie and approval.

    . *he CA revies and approves the procedures and the @ormat @or documentin# them'

    notin# any procedures that need to 9e added.

    5. *he @ull start+up procedures and the approval @orm may 9e provided to the C @or revie and approval' dependin# on mana#ement protocol.

     An alternative to the process @or developin# the start+up plan #iven in parts %+immediately a9ove consists o@ the CA doin# more o@ the ork as descri9ed 9elo.

    )*/" FR C. % + AB,(

    a. *he CA' 8instead o@ the contractor:' copies the manu@acturers startup and initialcheckout procedures @rom su9mittals.

    9. *he CA marks the applica9le areas in the procedures and makes initial and datelines at each procedure or section.

    c. *he CA transmits these procedures and the ori#inal pre@unctional checklistprocedures 8see 1 a9ove: to the Contractor as the startup and initial checkout plan.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* % + !ensor and Actuator Cali9ration( All @ield+installed temperature' relative humidity' C' C2 and pressure sensors and #a#es'and all actuators 8dampers and valves: on all e$uipment shall 9e cali9rated usin# themethods descri9ed 9elo. Alternate methods may 9e used' i@ approved 9y the ner9e@ore+hand. All test instruments shall have had a certi@ied cali9ration ithin the last 12months. !ensors installed in the unit at the @actory ith cali9ration certi@ication providedneed not 9e @ield cali9rated.

     All procedures used shall 9e @ully documented on the pre@unctional checklists or othersuita9le @orms' clearly re@erencin# the procedures @olloed and ritten documentation o@initial' intermediate and @inal results.

    1. !ensor Cali9ration ethods(

    a. All !ensors( eri@y that all sensor locations are appropriate and aay @romcauses o@ erratic operation. eri@y that sensors ith shielded ca9le are #roundedonly at one end. For sensor pairs that are used to determine a temperature or pressure di@@erence' make sure they are readin# ithin 0.2F o@ each other @or temperature and ithin a tolerance e$ual to 2P o@ the readin#' o@ each other' @or pressure. *olerances @or critical applications may 9e ti#hter.

    9. !ensors ithout *ransmitters( !tandard Application. ake a readin# ith acali9rated test instrument ithin 5 inches o@ the site sensor. eri@y that the sensor readin# 8via the permanent thermostat' #a#e or 9uildin# automation system 8BA!::is ithin the tolerances in the ta9le 9elo o@ the instrument+measured value. /@ not'install o@@set in BA!' cali9rate or replace sensor.

    c. !ensors ith *ransmitters( !tandard Application. Disconnect sensor. Connect asi#nal #enerator in place o@ sensor. Connect ammeter in series 9eteen transmitter and BA! control panel. ;sin# manu@acturers resistance+temperature data'simulate minimum desired temperature. Adust transmitter potentiometer ero until4 mA is read 9y the ammeter. Repeat @or the maimum temperature matchin# 20mA to the potentiometer span or maimum and veri@y at the BA!. Record all valuesand recali9rate controller as necessary to con@orm ith speci@ied control ramps'

    reset schedules' proportional relationship' reset relationship and )E/ reaction.Reconnect sensor. ake a readin# ith a cali9rated test instrument ithin 5 incheso@ the site sensor. eri@y that the sensor readin# 8via the permanent thermostat'

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    #a#e or 9uildin# automation system 8BA!:: is ithin the tolerances in the ta9le9elo o@ the instrument+measured value. /@ not' replace sensor and repeat. For pressure sensors' per@orm a similar process ith a suita9le si#nal #enerator.

    2. Critical Applications( For critical applications 8process' manu@acturin#' etc.: moreri#orous cali9ration techni$ues may 9e re$uired @or selected sensors. Descri9e anysuch methods used on an attached sheet.

      *olerances' !tandard Applications(

    Sensor Require%

    #olerance )*+,- Sensor  Require%

    #olerance )*+,-Coolin# coil' chilled andcondenser ater temps 0.4F

    Flo rates' ater Relative humidity

    4P o@ desi#n4P o@ desi#n

     A>; et 9ul9 or de point 2.0F Com9ustion @lue temps .0F>ot ater coil and 9oiler ater temp

    1.F y#en or C2 monitor 0.1 P pts

    utside air' space air' duct airtemps

    0.4F C monitor 0.01 P pts

    atthour' volta#e ampera#e 1P o@ desi#n "atural #as and oil @lorate

    1P o@ desi#n

    )ressures' air' ater and #as %P o@ desi#n !team @lo rate %P o@ desi#nFlo rates' air 10P o@ desi#n Barometric pressure 0.1 in. o@ >#

    %. alve and Damper !troke !etup and Check

    a. ,! Readout. For all valve and damper actuator positions checked' veri@y theactual position a#ainst the BA! readout.!et pumps or @ans to normal operatin# mode. Command valve or damper closed'visually veri@y that valve or damper is closed and adust output ero si#nal asre$uired. Command valve or damper open' veri@y position is @ull open and adustoutput si#nal as re$uired. Command valve or damper to a @e intermediatepositions. /@ actual valve or damper position doesnt reasona9ly correspond'replace actuator or add pilot positioner 8@or pneumatics:.

    9. Closure @or heatin# coil valves 8":( !et heatin# setpoint 20F a9ove roomtemperature. 9serve valve open. Remove control air or poer @rom the valve andveri@y that the valve stem and actuator position do not chan#e. Restore to normal.!et heatin# setpoint to 20F 9elo room temperature. 9serve the valve close.For pneumatics' 9y override in the ,!' increase pressure to valve 9y % psi 8do noteceed actuator pressure ratin#: and veri@y valve stem and actuator position does

    not chan#e. Restore to normal.

    c. Closure @or coolin# coil valves 8"C:( !et coolin# setpoint 20F a9ove roomtemperature. 9serve the valve close. Remove control air or poer @rom the valveand veri@y that the valve stem and actuator position do not chan#e. Restore tonormal. !et coolin# setpoint to 20F 9elo room temperature. 9serve valve open.For pneumatics' 9y override in the ,!' increase pressure to valve 9y % psi 8do noteceed actuator pressure ratin#: and veri@y valve stem and actuator position doesnot chan#e. Restore to normal.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 4 + ,ecution @ )re@unctional Checklists And !tartup

    1. Four eeks prior to startup' the !u9s and vendors schedule startup and checkoutith the C' GC and CA. *he per@ormance o@ the pre@unctional checklists' startup

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    and checkout are directed and eecuted 9y the !u9 or vendor. hen checkin# o@@ pre@unctional checklists' si#natures may 9e re$uired o@ other !u9s @or veri@ication o@ completion o@ their ork.

    2. *he CA shall o9serve' at minimum' the procedures @or each piece o@ primarye$uipment' unless there are multiple units' 8in hich case a samplin# strate#y may9e used as approved 9y the C:. /n no case ill the num9er o@ units itnessed 9eless than @our on any one 9uildin#' nor less than 20P o@ the total num9er o@ identicalor very similar units.

    %. For loer+level components o@ e$uipment' 8e.#.' A 9oes' sensors' controllers:' theCA shall o9serve a samplin# o@ the pre@unctional and start+up procedures. *hesamplin# procedures are identi@ied in the commissionin# plan.

    4. *he !u9s and vendors shall eecute startup and provide the CA ith a si#ned anddated copy o@ the completed start+up and pre@unctional tests and checklists.

    . nly individuals that have direct knoled#e and itnessed that a line item task on thepre@unctional checklist as actually per@ormed shall initial or check that item o@@. /t is

    not accepta9le @or itnessin# supervisors to @ill out these @orms.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* + De@iciencies' "on+Con@ormance And Approval /n Checklists And!tartup%

    1. *he !u9s shall clearly list any outstandin# items o@ the initial start+up andpre@unctional procedures that ere not completed success@ully' at the 9ottom o@ theprocedures @orm or on an attached sheet. *he procedures @orm and any outstandin#de@iciencies are provided to the CA ithin to days o@ test completion.

    2. *he CA revies the report and su9mits either a non+compliance report or an approval@orm to the !u9 or C. *he CA shall ork ith the !u9s and vendors to correct andretest de@iciencies or uncompleted items. *he CA ill involve the C and others asnecessary. *he installin# !u9s or vendors shall correct all areas that are de@icient or incomplete in the checklists and tests in a timely manner' and shall noti@y the CA assoon as outstandin# items have 9een corrected and resu9mit an updated start+upreport and a !tatement o@ Correction on the ori#inal non+compliance report. hensatis@actorily completed' the CA recommends approval o@ the eecution o@ thechecklists and startup o@ each system to the C usin# a standard @orm.

    %. /tems le@t incomplete' hich later cause de@iciencies or delays durin# @unctionaltestin# may result in 9ackchar#es to the responsi9le party. Re@er to )art %.6 herein@or details.

    !C>,D;-, 4 + )>A!,D C/!!/"/"G

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - *he proect ___ill re$uire' ___ill not re$uire startup and initialcheckout to 9e eecuted in phases. *his phasin# ill 9e planned and scheduled in a coordinationmeetin# o@ the CA' C' and mechanical' *AB and controls and the GC. Results ill 9e added to themaster and commissionin# schedule.

    !C>,D;-, + F;"C*/"A- ),RFRA"C, *,!*/"G

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - *his su9+section applies to all commissionin# @unctional testin# @or all


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    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 1 - *he #eneral list o@ e$uipment to 9e commissioned is @ound in !ection2%100' )art 1.4. *he speci@ic e$uipment and modes to 9e tested are @ound in Divisions 2%' 25 andMlist other sections here tests re$uirements are @oundN.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 2 - *he parties responsi9le to eecute each test are listed ith each test inDivisions 2%' 25 and Mlist other sections here tests re$uirements are @oundN.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 3 - 9ectives and !cope. *he o9ective o@ @unctional per@ormance testin#is to demonstrate that each system is operatin# accordin# to the documented desi#n intent andContract Documents. Functional testin# @acilitates 9rin#in# the systems @rom a state o@ su9stantialcompletion to @ull dynamic operation. Additionally' durin# the testin# process' areas o@ de@icientper@ormance are identi@ied and corrected' improvin# the operation and @unctionin# o@ the systems.

    /n #eneral' each system should 9e operated throu#h all modes o@ operation 8seasonal'occupied' unoccupied' arm+up' cool+don' part+ and @ull+load: here there is a speci@iedsystem response. eri@yin# each se$uence in the se$uences o@ operation is re$uired.)roper responses to such modes and conditions as poer @ailure' @reee condition' lo oilpressure' no @lo' e$uipment @ailure' etc. shall also 9e tested. !peci@ic modes re$uired inthis proect are #iven in Divisions 2%' 25 and Mlist other sections here tests re$uirementsare @oundN .

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 4 - Development o@ *est )rocedures. Be@ore test procedures are ritten'the CA shall o9tain all re$uested documentation and a current list o@ chan#e orders a@@ectin#e$uipment or systems' includin# an updated points list' pro#ram code' control se$uences andparameters. ;sin# the testin# parameters and re$uirements in Divisions 2%' 25 and Mlist other sections here tests re$uirements are @oundN the CA shall develop speci@ic test procedures and@orms to veri@y and document proper operation o@ each piece o@ e$uipment and system. ,ach !u9 or vendor responsi9le to eecute a test' shall provide limited assistance to the CA in developin# theprocedures revie 8anserin# $uestions a9out e$uipment' operation' se$uences' etc.:. )rior to

    eecution' the CA shall provide a copy o@ the test procedures to the !u98s: ho shall revie the tests@or @easi9ility' sa@ety' e$uipment and arranty protection. *he CA may su9mit the tests to the AE, @or revie' i@ re$uested.

    *he CA shall revie oner+contracted' @actory testin# or re$uired oner acceptance testshich the CA is not responsi9le to oversee' includin# documentation @ormat' and shalldetermine hat @urther testin# or @ormat chan#es may 9e re$uired to comply ith the!peci@ications. Redundancy o@ testin# shall 9e minimied.

    *he purpose o@ any #iven speci@ic test is to veri@y and document compliance ith the statedcriteria o@ acceptance #iven on the test @orm.

    Representative test @ormats and eamples 8not desi#ned @or this @acility: are @ound in the

    appendices to Divisions 2% and 25. *he test procedure @orms developed 9y the CA shallinclude 89ut not 9e limited to: the @olloin# in@ormation(

    1. !ystem and e$uipment or component name8s:2. ,$uipment location and /D num9er %. ;ni$ue test /D num9er and re@erence to uni$ue pre@unctional checklist and start+up

    documentation /D num9ers @or the piece o@ e$uipment.

    4. Date

    . )roect name5. )articipatin# parties6. A copy o@ the speci@ication section descri9in# the test re$uirements&. A copy o@ the speci@ic se$uence o@ operations or other speci@ied parameters 9ein#


    ?. Formulas used in any calculations10. Re$uired pre+test @ield measurements

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    )a#e 2%

    11. /nstructions @or settin# up the test.12. !pecial cautions' alarm limits' etc.1%. !peci@ic step+9y+step procedures to eecute the test' in a clear' se$uential and

    repeata9le @ormat

    14. Acceptance criteria o@ proper per@ormance ith a 7es E "o check 9o to allo @or clearly markin# hether or not proper per@ormance o@ each part o@ the test asachieved.

    1. A section @or comments15. !i#natures and date 9lock @or the CA

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* + *est ethods

    1. Functional per@ormance testin# and veri@ication may 9e achieved 9y manual testin#

    8persons manipulate the e$uipment and o9serve per@ormance: or 9y monitorin# theper@ormance and analyin# the results usin# the control systems trend lo#capa9ilities or 9y stand+alone datalo##ers. Divisions 2%' 25 and Mlist other sectionshere tests re$uirements are @oundN speci@y hich methods shall 9e used @or each

    test. *he CA may su9stitute speci@ied methods or re$uire an additional method to 9eeecuted' other than hat as speci@ied' ith the approval o@ the C. *his mayre$uire a chan#e order and adustment in char#e to the ner. *he CA illdetermine hich method is most appropriate @or tests that do not have a methodspeci@ied.

    2. !imulated Conditions( !imulatin# conditions 8not 9y an overritten value: shall 9ealloed' thou#h timin# the testin# to eperience actual conditions is encoura#edherever practical.

    %. verritten alues( verritin# sensor values to simulate a condition' such asoverritin# the outside air temperature readin# in a control system to 9e somethin#other than it really is' shall 9e alloed' 9ut shall 9e used ith caution and avoidedhen possi9le. !uch testin# methods o@ten can only test a part o@ a system' as theinteractions and responses o@ other systems ill 9e erroneous or not applica9le.!imulatin# a condition is pre@era9le. e.#.' @or the a9ove case' 9y heatin# the outsideair sensor ith a hair 9loer rather than overritin# the value or 9y alterin# theappropriate setpoint to see the desired response. Be@ore simulatin# conditions or overritin# values' sensors' transducers and devices shall have 9een cali9rated.

    4. !imulated !i#nals( ;sin# a si#nal #enerator hich creates a simulated si#nal to testand cali9rate transducers and DDC constants is #enerally recommended over usin#the sensor to act as the si#nal #enerator via simulated conditions or overrittenvalues.

    . Alterin# !etpoints( Rather than overritin# sensor values' and hen simulatin#conditions is di@@icult' alterin# setpoints to test a se$uence is accepta9le. For eample' to see the AC compressor lockout ork at an outside air temperature 9eloF' hen the outside air temperature is a9ove F' temporarily chan#e the lockoutsetpoint to 9e 2F a9ove the current outside air temperature.

    5. /ndirect /ndicators( Relyin# on indirect indicators @or responses or per@ormance shall9e alloed only a@ter visually and directly veri@yin# and documentin#' over the ran#eo@ the tested parameters' that the indirect readin#s throu#h the control systemrepresent actual conditions and responses. uch o@ this veri@ication is completeddurin# pre@unctional testin#.

    6. !etup( ,ach @unction and test shall 9e per@ormed under conditions that simulate

    actual conditions as close as is practically possi9le. *he !u9 eecutin# the test shallprovide all necessary materials' system modi@ications' etc. to produce the necessary@los' pressures' temperatures' etc. necessary to eecute the test accordin# to the

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    speci@ied conditions. At completion o@ the test' the !u9 shall return all a@@ected9uildin# e$uipment and systems' due to these temporary modi@ications' to their pre+test condition.

    8. !amplin#( ultiple identical pieces o@ non+li@e+sa@ety or otherise non+criticale$uipment may 9e @unctionally tested usin# a samplin# strate#y. !i#ni@icantapplication di@@erences and si#ni@icant se$uence o@ operation di@@erences in otheriseidentical e$uipment invalidates their common identity. A small sie or capacitydi@@erence' alone' does not constitute a di@@erence. *he speci@ic recommendedsamplin# rates are speci@ied ith each type o@ e$uipment in Divisions 2%' 25 and Mlistother sections here test re$uirements are @oundN . /t is noted that no samplin# 9y!u9s is alloed in pre@unctional checklist eecution.

     A common samplin# strate#y re@erenced in the !peci@ications as the JP !amplin#HyyP Failure RuleK is de@ined 9y the @olloin# eample.

    S the percent o@ the #roup o@ identical e$uipment to 9e included in each sample.

    yy S the percent o@ the sample that i@ @ailin#' ill re$uire another sample to 9e tested.

    *he eample 9elo descri9es a 20P !amplin#H10P Failure Rule.

    a. Randomly test at least 20P 8: o@ each #roup o@ identical e$uipment. /n no casetest less than three units in each #roup. *his 20P' or three' constitute the J@irstsample.K

    9. /@ 10P 8yy: o@ the units in the @irst sample @ail the @unctional per@ormance tests'test another 20P o@ the #roup 8the second sample:.

    c.   /@ 10P o@ the units in the second sample @ail' test all remainin# units in the hole#roup.

    d.   /@ at any point' @re$uent @ailures are occurrin# and testin# is 9ecomin# moretrou9leshootin# than veri@ication' the CA may stop the testin# and re$uire theresponsi9le !u9 to per@orm and document a checkout o@ the remainin# units' prior to continuin# ith @unctionally testin# the remainin# units.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 6 - Coordination and !chedulin#( *he !u9s shall provide su@@icient noticeto the CA re#ardin# their completion schedule @or the pre@unctional checklists and startup o@ alle$uipment and systems. *he CA ill schedule @unctional tests throu#h the C' GC and a@@ected!u9s. *he CA shall direct' itness and document the @unctional testin# o@ all e$uipment and systems.*he !u9s shall eecute the tests.

    /n #eneral' @unctional testin# is conducted a@ter pre@unctional testin# and startup has 9een

    satis@actorily completed. *he control system is su@@iciently tested and approved 9y the CA9e@ore it is used @or *AB or to veri@y per@ormance o@ other components or systems. *he air9alancin# and ater 9alancin# is completed and de9u##ed 9e@ore @unctional testin# o@ air+related or ater+related e$uipment or systems. *estin# proceeds @rom components tosu9systems to systems. hen the proper per@ormance o@ all interactin# individual systemshas 9een achieved' the inter@ace or coordinated responses 9eteen systems is checked.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 7 - *est ,$uipment( Re@er to !ection 2%100' )art 2 @or test e$uipmentre$uirements.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 8 - )ro9lem !olvin#( *he CA ill recommend solutions to pro9lems @ound'hoever the 9urden o@ responsi9ility to solve' correct and retest pro9lems is ith the GC' !u9s and AE,.

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    !C>,D;-, 5 + DC;,"*A*/"' ""+C"FRA"C, A"D A))RA- F *,!*!

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - Documentation( *he CA shall itness and document the results o@ all@unctional per@ormance tests usin# the speci@ic procedural @orms developed @or that purpose. )rior to

    testin#' these @orms are provided to the C @or revie and approval and to the !u9s @or revie. *heCA ill include the @illed out @orms in the manuals.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + "on+Con@ormance(

    1. *he CA ill record the results o@ the @unctional test on the procedure or test @orm. Allde@iciencies or non+con@ormance issues shall 9e noted and reported to the C on astandard non+compliance @orm.

    2. Corrections o@ minor de@iciencies identi@ied may 9e made durin# the tests at thediscretion o@ the CA. /n such cases the de@iciency and resolution ill 9e documentedon the procedure @orm.

    %. ,very e@@ort ill 9e made to epedite the testin# process and minimie unnecessarydelays' hile not compromisin# the inte#rity o@ the procedures. >oever' the CA illnot 9e pressured into overlookin# de@icient ork or loosenin# acceptance criteria tosatis@y schedulin# or cost issues' unless there is an overridin# reason to do so at there$uest o@ the C.

    4. As tests pro#ress and a de@iciency is identi@ied' the CA discusses the issue ith theeecutin# contractor.

    a. hen there is no dispute on the de@iciency and the !u9 accepts responsi9ility tocorrect it(

    1. *he CA documents the de@iciency and the !u9s response and intentionsand they #o on to another test or se$uence. A@ter the days ork' the CA

    su9mits the non+compliance reports to the C @or si#nature' i@ re$uired. A copy is provided to the !u9 and CA. *he !u9 corrects the de@iciency'si#ns the statement o@ correction at the 9ottom o@ the non+compliance@orm certi@yin# that the e$uipment is ready to 9e retested and sends it9ack to the CA.

    2. *he CA reschedules the test and the test is repeated.

    9. /@ there is a dispute a9out a de@iciency' re#ardin# hether it is a de@iciency or hois responsi9le(

    1. *he de@iciency shall 9e documented on the non+compliance @orm ith the!u9s response and a copy #iven to the C and to the !u9

    representative assumed to 9e responsi9le.

    2. Resolutions are made at the loest mana#ement level possi9le. therparties are 9rou#ht into the discussions as needed. Final interpretiveauthority is ith the AE,. Final acceptance authority is ith the )roectana#er.

    %. *he CA documents the resolution process.

    4. nce the interpretation and resolution have 9een decided' theappropriate party corrects the de@iciency' si#ns the statement o@correction on the non+compliance @orm and provides it to the CA. *he CAreschedules the test and the test is repeated until satis@actory

    per@ormance is achieved.

    . Cost o@ Restin#.

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    a. *he cost @or the !u9 to retest a pre@unctional or @unctional test' i@ they areresponsi9le @or the de@iciency' shall 9e theirs. /@ they are not responsi9le' anycost recovery @or retestin# costs shall 9e ne#otiated ith the GC.

    9. For a de@iciency identi@ied' not related to any pre@unctional checklist or start+up@ault' the @olloin# shall apply( *he CA and C ill direct the retestin# o@ thee$uipment once at no Jchar#eK to the GC @or their time. >oever' the CAs andCs time @or a second retest ill 9e char#ed to the GC' ho may choose torecover costs @rom the responsi9le !u9.

    c. *he time @or the CA and C to direct any retestin# re$uired 9ecause a speci@icpre@unctional checklist or start+up test item' reported to have 9een success@ullycompleted' 9ut determined durin# @unctional testin# to 9e @aulty' ill 9e9ackchar#ed to the GC' ho may choose to recover costs @rom the partyresponsi9le @or eecutin# the @aulty pre@unctional test.

    d. Re@er to the samplin# section o@ !ection 2%100' )art %.5 @or re$uirements @or testin# and retestin# identical e$uipment.

    6. *he contractor shall respond in ritin# to the CA and C at least as o@ten ascommissionin# meetin#s are 9ein# scheduled concernin# the status o@ each apparentoutstandin# discrepancy identi@ied durin# commissionin#. Discussion shall cover eplanations o@ any disa#reements and proposals @or their resolution.

    6. *he CA retains the ori#inal non+con@ormance @orms until the end o@ the proect.

    &. Any re$uired retestin# 9y any contractor shall not 9e considered a usti@ied reason @or a claim o@ delay or @or a time etension 9y the prime contractor.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 2 - Failure Due to anu@acturer De@ect( /@ 10P' or three' hichever is#reater' o@ identical pieces 8sie alone does not constitute a di@@erence: o@ e$uipment @ail to per@orm tothe Contract Documents 8mechanically or su9stantively: due to manu@acturin# de@ect' not alloin# it to

    meet its su9mitted per@ormance spec' all identical units may 9e considered unaccepta9le 9y the Cor ). /n such case' the Contractor shall provide the ner ith the @olloin#(

    1. ithin one eek o@ noti@ication @rom the C or )' the Contractor or manu@acturersrepresentative shall eamine all other identical units makin# a record o@ the @indin#s.*he @indin#s shall 9e provided to the C or ) ithin to eeks o@ the ori#inalnotice.

    2. ithin to eeks o@ the ori#inal noti@ication' the Contractor or manu@acturer shall

    provide a si#ned and dated' ritten eplanation o@ the pro9lem' cause o@ @ailures' etc.and all proposed solutions hich shall include @ull e$uipment su9mittals. *heproposed solutions shall not si#ni@icantly eceed the speci@ication re$uirements o@ theori#inal installation.

    3. *he C or ) ill determine hether a replacement o@ all identical units or a repair is accepta9le.

    4. *o eamples o@ the proposed solution ill 9e installed 9y the Contractor and the Cill 9e alloed to test the installations @or up to one eek' upon hich the C or )ill decide hether to accept the solution.

    5. ;pon acceptance' the Contractor andEor manu@acturer shall replace or repair allidentical items' at their epense and etend the arranty accordin#ly' i@ the ori#inale$uipment arranty had 9e#un. *he replacementErepair ork shall proceed ithreasona9le speed 9e#innin# ithin one eek @rom hen parts can 9e o9tained.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 3 - Approval( *he CA notes each satis@actorily demonstrated @unction on

    the test @orm. Formal approval o@ the @unctional test is made later a@ter revie 9y the CA and 9y theC' i@ necessary. *he CA recommends acceptance o@ each test to the C usin# a standard @orm.

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    *he C #ives @inal approval on each test usin# the same @orm' providin# a si#ned copy to the CA andthe Contractor.

    !C>,D;-, 6 + ),RA*/" A"D A/"*,"A"C, A";A-!(

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 0 + !tandard anuals(

    1. *he speci@ic content and @ormat re$uirements @or the standard manuals aredetailed in !ection 016%0. !pecial re$uirements @or the controls contractor and *ABcontractor are @ound !ection 2%??' )art %.5.

    2. AE, Contri9ution. *he AE, ill include in the 9e#innin# o@ the manuals aseparate section descri9in# the systems includin#(

    a. *he desi#n intent narrative prepared 9y the AE, and provided as part o@ the 9iddocuments' updated to as+9uilt status 9y the AE,.

    9. !impli@ied pro@essionally dran sin#le line system dia#rams on & TK 11K or 11K 16K sheets. *hese shall include chillers' ater system' condenser ater system'heatin# system' supply air systems' ehaust systems and ___________________________. *hese shall sho maor pieces o@ e$uipmentsuch as pumps' chillers' 9oilers' control valves' epansion tanks' coils' servicevalves' etc.

    3. CA Revie and Approval( )rior to su9stantial completion' the CA shall revie the manuals' documentation and redline as+9uilds @or systems that erecommissioned and Mlist other systems documentation that the CA should revieNto veri@y compliance ith the !peci@ications. *he CA ill communicate de@iciencies inthe manuals to the C' ) or AE,' as re$uested. ;pon a success@ul revie o@ thecorrections' the CA recommends approval and acceptance o@ these sections o@ the manuals to the C' ) or AE,. *he CA also revies each e$uipment arranty

    and veri@ies that all re$uirements to keep the arranty valid are clearly stated. *hisork does not supersede the AE,s revie o@ the manuals accordin# to the AE,scontract.

    )RD;C* DA*A !>,,* 1 + Commissionin# Record in anuals(

    1. *he CA is responsi9le to compile' or#anie and inde the @olloin# commissionin#data 9y e$uipment into la9eled' indeed and ta99ed' three+rin# 9inders and deliver itto the GC' to 9e included ith the manuals. *hree copies o@ the manuals ill9e provided. *he @ormat o@ the manuals shall 9e(

    *a9 /+1 Commissionin# )lan*a9 /+2 Final Commissionin# Report 8see 8B.2: 9elo:

    *a9 01 !ystem *ype 1 8chiller system' packa#ed unit' 9oiler system' etc.:!u9+*a9 A Desi#n narrative and criteria' se$uences' approvals @or ,$uipment


    !u9+*a9 B !tartup plan and report' approvals' corrections' 9lankpre@unctional checklists

    Colored !eparator !heetsH@or each e$uipment type 8@ans'pumps' chiller' etc.:

    !u9+*a9 C Functional tests 8completed:' trendin# and analysis' approvalsand corrections' trainin# plan' record and approvals' 9lank@unctional test @orms and a recommended recommissionin#schedule.

    *a9 02 !ystem *ype 2......repeat as per !ystem 1

     Feed Documents !,,D ,n#ineerin# Consultants

  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

    )a#e 2&

    2. Final Report Details( *he @inal commissionin# report shall include an eecutivesummary' list o@ participants and roles' 9rie@ 9uildin# description' overvie o@ commissionin# and testin# scope and a #eneral description o@ testin# and veri@icationmethods. For each piece o@ commissioned e$uipment' the report should contain the

    disposition o@ the commissionin# authority re#ardin# the ade$uacy o@ the e$uipment'documentation and trainin# meetin# the contract documents in the @olloin# areas(

    a. ,$uipment meetin# the e$uipment speci@ications9. ,$uipment installationc. Functional per@ormance and e@@iciencyd. ,$uipment documentation and desi#n intent' ande. perator trainin#.

     All outstandin# non+compliance items shall 9e speci@ically listed. Recommendations@or improvement to e$uipment or operations' @uture actions' commissionin# processchan#es' etc. shall also 9e listed. ,ach non+compliance issue shall 9e re@erenced tothe speci@ic @unctional test' inspection' trend lo#' etc. here the de@iciency isdocumented. *he @unctional per@ormance and e@@iciency section @or each piece o@ 

    e$uipment shall include a 9rie@ description o@ the veri@ication method used 8manualtestin#' BA! trend lo#s' data lo##ers' etc.: and include o9servations and conclusions@rom the testin#.

    %. ther documentation ill 9e retained 9y the CA.

    !C>,D;-, & + *RA/"/"G F ",R ),R!"",-

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - *he GC shall 9e responsi9le @or trainin# coordination and schedulin#and ultimately @or ensurin# the trainin# is completed.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 1 - *he CAA.*he CA shall 9e responsi9le @or overseein# and approvin#

    the content and ade$uacy o@ the trainin# o@ ner personnel @or commissioned e$uipment or system.

    1. *he CA shall intervie the @acility mana#er and lead en#ineer to determine thespecial needs and areas here trainin# ill 9e most valua9le. *he ner and CAshall decide ho ri#orous the trainin# should 9e @or each piece o@ commissionede$uipment. *he CA shall communicate the results to the !u9s and vendors ho havetrainin# responsi9ilities.

    2. /n addition to these #eneral re$uirements' the speci@ic trainin# re$uirements o@ ner 

    personnel 9y !u9s and vendors is speci@ied in Division 2% and 25 and Mlist other sections here trainin# re$uirements are @oundN.

    a. ,ach !u9 and vendor responsi9le @or trainin# ill su9mit a ritten trainin# plan to

    the CA @or revie and approval prior to trainin#. *he plan ill cover the @olloin#elements o@ the trainin# ,$uipment 8/ncluded in trainin#:

    9. /ntended audience

    c. -ocation o@ trainin#

    d. 9ectives

    e. !u9ects covered 8description' duration o@ discussion' special methods' etc.:

    @. Duration o@ trainin# on each su9ect

    #. /nstructor @or each su9ect

    h. ethods 8classroom lecture' video' site alk+throu#h' actual operational

    demonstrations' ritten handouts' etc.'i. /nstructor and $uali@ication.

     Feed Documents !,,D ,n#ineerin# Consultants

  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements


    Commissionin# Re$uirements !ection 2% 0& 00' Rev 00Expansion of the Existing Al Maha Camp  Date( April 2014

    )a#e 2?

    %. For the primary >AC e$uipment' the Controls Contractor shall provide a shortdiscussion o@ the control o@ the e$uipment durin# the mechanical or electrical trainin#conducted 9y others

    4. *he CA develops an overall trainin# plan and coordinates and schedules' ith the

    C and GC' the overall trainin# @or the commissioned systems. *he CA developscriteria @or determinin# that the trainin# as satis@actorily completed' includin#attendin# some o@ the trainin#' etc. *he CA recommends approval o@ the trainin# tothe C usin# a standard @orm. *he C also si#ns the approval @orm.

    . At one o@ the trainin# sessions' the CA presents a ____ hour presentation discussin#the use o@ the 9lank @unctional test @orms @or re+commissionin# e$uipment.

    6. ideo tapin# o@ the trainin# sessions ill 9e provided 9y ___ the ner' ___ the CAith tapes catalo#ed 9y ___ the ner' ___ the CA and added to the manuals.

    7. *he mechanical desi#n en#ineer shall at the @irst trainin# session present the overall

    system desi#n concept and the desi#n concept o@ each e$uipment section. *hispresentation shall 9e _____ hours in len#th and include a revie o@ all systems usin#the simpli@ied system schematics 8one+line drain#s: includin# chilled ater systems'condenser ater or heat reection systems' heatin# systems' @uel oil and #as supplysystems' supply air systems' ehaust system and outside air strate#ies.

    !C>,D;-, ? + D,F,RR,D *,!*/"G

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - ;n@oreseen De@erred *ests( /@ any check or test cannot 9e completeddue to the 9uildin# structure' re$uired occupancy condition or other de@iciency' eecution o@ checklists

    and @unctional testin# may 9e delayed upon approval o@ the ). *hese tests ill 9e conducted in thesame manner as the seasonal tests as soon as possi9le. !ervices o@ necessary parties ill 9ene#otiated.

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 1 - !easonal *estin#. Durin# the arranty period' seasonal testin# 8testsdelayed until eather conditions are closer to the systems desi#n: speci@ied in Divisions 2% shall 9ecompleted as part o@ this contract. *he CA shall coordinate this activity. *ests ill 9e eecuted'documented and de@iciencies corrected 9y the appropriate !u9s' ith @acilities sta@@ and the CAitnessin#. Any @inal adustments to the manuals and as+9uilds due to the testin# ill 9e made.

    !C>,D;-, 10 + R/**," R3 )RD;C*!

    PRODUCT DATA SHEET 0 - *he commissionin# process #enerates a num9er o@ ritten orkproducts descri9ed in various parts o@ the !peci@ications. *he Commissionin# )lanHConstruction)hase' lists all the @ormal ritten ork products' descri9es 9rie@ly their contents' ho is responsi9le tocreate them' their due dates' ho receives and approves them and the location o@ the speci@ication tocreate them. /n summary' the ritten products are(

    )roduct Developed By1. Final commissionin# plan CA2. eetin# minutes CA%. Commissionin# schedules CA ith GC and C4. ,$uipment documentation su9mittals !u9s. !e$uence clari@ications !u9s and AE, as needed. )re@unctional checklists CA 8already in !pecs:5. !tartup and initial checkout plan !u9s and CA 8compilation o@ eistin#documents:

     Feed Documents !,,D ,n#ineerin# Consultants

  • 8/18/2019 Commissioning Requirements
