COMMISSIONERS AGENDAThe Commission’s total revenues FY18 were $1,717,193, slightly higher than...

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Transcript of COMMISSIONERS AGENDAThe Commission’s total revenues FY18 were $1,717,193, slightly higher than...


Francisco Castillo – District 1 Sally Brown – District 2 Jenn Rexroad – District 3 Heidy Kellison – District 4 Melissa Roberts– District 5 Jesse Ortiz – YCOE Jennie Pettet – County of Yolo Jim Provenza, Chair - Nichole Arnold – Children Board of Supervisors w/ Special Needs


November 14, 2018

3:00-5:00 pm First 5 Yolo Conference Room

502 Mace Blvd. Ste. 15 Davis, CA 95618



Chair Call to Order

2. Chair Roll Call

3. Chair Consider Approval of the Agenda

4. Chair Opportunity for Commissioners to state Conflict and Recusal

5. Public Public Comment

6. Chair Updates and Announcements from the Chair


Executive Director recommends approval of Consent Agenda Items 7-9

General Administrative Function

7. Chair Approve First 5 Yolo Commission Meeting Minutes from 9/12/18

8. Staff Receive Sponsorship Fund Allocations Report (CWS RFA Pumpkin Patch Day)

9 Executive Director Approve Additional Salary Steps for Business Services Officer Position

REGULAR AGENDA Presentation/Discussion/Possible Action

10. Executive Director Presentation: Developmental Screening/Help Me Grow and Home Visiting “Explainer” Videos

15 minutes

11. Business Services Officer

Accept Quarter 1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report

20 minutes

12. Executive Director Approve Augmentation to CHILD Project Budget and Authorize Contract with CommuniCare Health

20 minutes

13. Executive Director Consider United Way Request for Partnership on Imagination Library

15 minutes

14. Executive Director Executive Director Report 10 minutes

15. Commissioners Commissioner Reports 10 minutes

16. Chair Adjournment

Next meeting scheduled: Commission Meeting January 9, 2019 First 5 Yolo 502 Mace Blvd. Ste. 15, Davis, CA 95618

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda was posted November 9, 2018 by 5:00 PM at the following places:

1) On the bulletin board at the East entrance of the Erwin Meier Administration Center, 625 Court Street, Woodland, California 95695

2) On the bulletin board at the First Yolo office, 502 Mace Blvd. Ste. 11, Davis, California 95618 Lauren Adams, Management Services Officer First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

If requested, this agenda can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans

with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Federal Rules and Regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Persons seeking an alternative format should

contact First 5 Yolo for more information. In addition, a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or

services, in order to participate in a public meeting should telephone or otherwise contact the First 5 Yolo as soon as possible and preferably at least 24

hours prior to a meeting. First 5 Yolo may be reached at telephone number 530-669-2475 or at the following address: First 5 Yolo, 502 Mace Blvd. Ste.

11, Davis, CA 95618.

Agenda Item #7


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Commission Meeting Minutes


Final minutes from the First 5 Yolo Commission Meetings held on October 10, 2018

Executive Director Overview

First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission held a regularly scheduled meeting on

October 10, 2018 from 3:00-5:00PM at First 5 Yolo, 502 Mace Blvd. Ste. 15, Davis, CA


Additional Information

The next regularly scheduled Commission meeting will be held January 9, 2018 at 502

Mace Blvd. Ste. 15, Davis, CA 95618 from 3:00-5:00PM.

Action Requested

Approve minutes from 10/10/18 as submitted or propose edits.


Commission Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2018

The First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission met on the 10th day of October, 2018 at First 5

Yolo, 502 Mace Blvd. Ste. 15, Davis, CA 95618.

Commissioners in Attendance: Jesse Ortiz, Francisco Castillo, Jenn Rexroad, Jim Provenza, Nichole

Arnold, Sue Heitman (via teleconference), and Jennie Pettet (via teleconference)

Staff in Attendance: Gina Daleiden, Lauren Adams and Victoria Zimmerle

Public in Attendance:

Item #1: Call to order

J. Provenza called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m.

Item #2: Roll Call

Absent: Sally Brown and Heidy Kellison

Item #3: Approval of Agenda

Chair J. Provenza deemed it approved.

Item #4: State of Conflict and Recusal


Item #5: Public Comment


Item # 6: Updates and Announcements from the Chair


Item # 7-9 Consent Agenda

7. Approve 9/12/18 Commission Meeting Minutes

8. Approve 10/1/18 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

Approve consent agenda items 7-8.

MOTION J. Ortiz SECOND: N. Arnold Motion carries unanimously

Item #9: Public Hearing: FY17/18 First 5 Yolo Annual Report to the Legislature and First 5 CA

G. Daleiden noted that the Annual Report to the Legislature and First 5 California is required by statute

every year. First 5 CA will use the information collected from all 58 counties to compile its Annual

Report. The information contained in Attachment A is representative of Yolo’s numbers for FY17-18.

The Report is in a new format for this year, and thus some of the classifications may differ from those

in the past as well as those used by locally by county First 5’s.

G. Daleiden thanked staff and S. Edson, who filled in during L. Adam’s absence, for their good work

given the new system. The attachment provided is in draft form and will be finalized prior to

submission to First 5 CA.

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OPEN PUBLIC HEARING at 3:10pm. Chair Provenza opened the Public Hearing. No public



Item #10 Accept FY17/18 First 5 Yolo Annual Report to the Legislature and First 5 CA

G. Daleiden provided an opportunity to answer questions from the Commission. The Commission did

not have any questions regarding the First 5 Yolo Annual Report to the Legislature and First 5 CA.

Accept FY17/18 First 5 Yolo Annual Report to the Legislature and First 5 CA

MOTION F. Castillo SECOND: J. Ortiz Motion carries unanimously

Item #11: Public Hearing: FY17/18 Independent Financial Audit

V. Zimmerle reviewed the Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2018 noting

the following:

Staff is pleased to report that there were no findings in this year’s audit, nor findings related to

compliance or internal controls, though internal controls and compliance are not formally


The Commission’s total revenues FY18 were $1,717,193, slightly higher than projected as a

result of higher P10 revenues than budgeted and P56 backfill (earned in FY16/17 and

distributed in FY17/18).

The Commission’s net position is $191,264, a decreased over the prior year of $81,882 as a

result of the implementation of Government Accounting Standards Board statement No. 75,

which changed reporting requirements related to the Commission’s OPEB liability and its

presentation on the financial statements. While net position decreased as a result of this new

standard, First 5 Yolo remains in good financial health both in the short and long term.

While net position decreased, the Commission’s ending fund balance increased by

approximately $85,000 over the prior year and is $1,354,621.

Fist 5 Yolo staff participate in CalPERS and OPEB as Yolo County employees. As a result of

staffing changes over the last 2 years, the Commissions proportionate share of the CalPERS

cost plan has decreased, decreasing its long-term pension liability

Of total expenditures administrative costs for FY18 were 10%, program costs were 84%, and

evaluation costs were 6%.

On Pg 6, the “Statement of Net Position Comparison” includes a typo that needs to be corrected

(6/30/17 should read 6/30/18).

G. Daleiden mentioned that the auditor noted that “staff has made great strides in improving the

efficiency and controls within the Commission, including reconciling County reports to internal reports

and organization of files and permanent records,” which is a product of improved communication and

interface with Yolo County and First 5 and increased capacity of First 5 Yolo staffing.

J. Ortiz asked about how the auditor was selected and if the auditor will be change in the coming years.

G. Daleiden noted that JensenSmith CPAs was selected through an RFP process and that this is the

second of a three year engagement. JensenSmith CPAs works with several similar-sized First 5


OPEN PUBLIC HEARING at 3:21. Chair Provenza opened the Public Hearing. No public


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Item 12: Approve and Accept FY17/18 Independent Financial Audit

Commissioners did not have any additional questions.

Approve and Accept FY17/18 Independent Financial Audit with the edit on pg. 6

MOTION N. Arnold SECOND: F. Castillo Motion carries unanimously

Item #13: Authorize Maternal Mental Health Services Contract with CommuniCare Health Centers

G. Daleiden shared that this is a moment of great opportunity, as the Commission is in a position to

better coordinate its programs to work together. During FY18, Help Me Grow (funded in part by

MHSA-PEI funds) staff at Children’s Therapy Center were not hired at the beginning of the fiscal

year, leaving about $28,000 in First 5’s MHSA contract at the close of the fiscal year. The Commission

is recapturing these funds that it would have otherwise been unable to use. In working with HHSA

(thank you to Commissioner J. Pettet) the Commission is able to add Maternal Mental Health therapy

services to the scope of HMG which will support the maternal mental health work of HMG. This will

allow coordination with partners working with HMG (e.g., the CHILD Project, and home visitation),

and will open access to services identified as necessary through HMG screening. This therapy can

happen in the home, which is helpful for new mothers with brand new infants. While it is a limited

amount of one-time funding, it will provide some needed care.

J. Provenza asked how the Commission was able to find this opportunity. G. Daleiden shared her

thanks for Supervisor Saylor, who in a conversation about needed maternal mental health services

inquired about unspent MHSA funds at Yolo County and whether those funds could be used to provide

a service similar to the Moving Beyond Depression services (formally funded by Yolo County) being

discussed. This conversation triggered thinking about First 5 Yolo’s unspent funds in the MHSA HMG

contract, and G. Daleiden reached out to J. Pettet and HHSA to explore this possibility.

J. Pettet noted that HMG is able to help identify needs for young children very early, and that this is

the tip of the iceberg of the potential of HMG.

J. Provenza expressed thanks to Commissioner Pettet and Supervisor Saylor for their creative thinking

and support in making this happen.

Authorize Maternal Mental Health Services Contract with CommuniCare Health Centers

MOTION: S. Heitman SECOND: J. Rexroad Ayes: J. Ortiz, F, Castillo, J.

Rexroad, J. Provenza, N. Arnold,

and S. Heitman

Abstention: J. Pettet

Item #14: Receive Executive Director Report

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G. Daleiden recently attended the second First 5 leadership training. She noted that now there is

a very close network of First 5 leadership from 18 variously sized First 5’s. The group

discusses common issues, strategies, and at the last meeting looked at human centered design

(listening to service recipients and the funded service providers to guide improvements and

changes in work). It is a wonderful support network for anything that group members need. The

next convening is at the end of January and the group will all also see each other at the First 5

Association meeting in December.

Launching the CHILD Project Pilot has required a slightly longer runway to get going as

partners are working to iron out the process which will ultimately help poise the Commission

for expansion of the project should opportunities for expansion arise. The HFA assessment

worker is partially embedded at CommuniCare and the first home visits are expected to begin

in the next 1-2 weeks. G. Daleiden has opened the First 5 Yolo offices to the home visitor and

the assessment worker to help support them in not having to travel between Davis and

Woodland for lack of working space.

There are now only 10 remaining First 5’s embedded in county departments and there is a

move for First 5’s to gain the type of independent authority built into the First 5 Yolo model to

allow greater flexibility, nimbleness, and cost savings. Especially for smaller counties, the costs

of remaining a county department, or part of a county department can be significant, and it is

much more difficult to do the community work necessary to garner support and in-kind or

monetary contributions. There are currently organizational studies happing to support the

moves of some county department First 5’s to a model more like Yolo. G. Daleiden has done

an interview with the consultants working on the studies and they have requested to potentially

speak with Commissioners. G. Daleiden requested that Commissioners, if available, speak with

the consultants, if contacted.

Item # 15: Receive Reports from Commissioners

J. Provenza noted that a couple new Yolo County statistics have come out and while many of

the numbers are positive, he noted that the number of Yolo County child residents in preschool

has gone down. The Commissioners discussed the data sources for this type of statistic and

expressed a desire to look further into the data source and time period covered as many

databases and reports publish information on different time periods, to ensure the Commission

had the most up to date number. Additionally, he noted that smoking rates have gone up

primarily as a result of vaping, creating new health concerns for children and families.

J. Ortiz shared that he will be attending a meeting in Paso Robles to meet with county

superintendents of schools and district attorneys to discuss the “school to prison pipeline” and

possible solutions.

S. Heitman shared that the Esparto Park and Pool project is on track, and offered a thank you to

former Commissioner Jill cook for her assistance. Additionally, the Commission will have a

new Commissioner, Melissa Roberts, likely by the next meeting. S. Heitman shared that

Melissa Roberts has experience with special needs children and understands well the needs of

District 5 and the needs of young children. M. Roberts is married to Anthony Roberts, who is

the Tribal Chair. Finally, S. Heitman announced that she has been appointed by the Tribe to

the Compact Credit Advisory Committee. For conflict of interest purposes, and has come off

her other local boards but is excited to carry her knowledge and experience on local boards,

including First 5 Yolo, into this new position. Finally, she offered a congratulations to G.

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Daleiden, who recently received a Woman of the Year award from Congressman Garamendi’s

office. G. Daleiden expressed thanks and offered her congratulations to S. Heitman, who also

received the award.

Item #18: Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next Commission Meeting will be November 14, 2018

from 3-5pm at the First 5 Yolo, 502 Mace Blvd. Ste. 15, Davis, CA 95618.

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Agenda Item #8


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Receive Sponsorship Funds Allocations Report (CWS RFA Pumpkin Patch Day)


The Sponsorship Fund, established in FY17/18, allows First 5 Yolo continued involvement in

community activities, public awareness of the mission of First 5 Yolo, and support of a variety of

organizations with a limited cost in dollars and staff/commission time. Up to $250 may be

allocated per qualifying event, not to exceed a total of $5,000 per year.

Per the Sponsorship Policy adopted by the Commission on May 10, 2017, the Executive Director

and staff review, approve, and process requests on a rolling basis throughout the year. All recent,

approved allocations are submitted to the Commission on the Consent Calendar at each regularly

scheduled Commission meeting.

Executive Director Overview

Seven sponsorships have been approved since the start of Fiscal Year 2018-2019. The total

allocation of Sponsorships fiscal year to date is $1,650.

Event Agency Date Allocated Amount

HHSA Child, Youth, and Family All Staff Branch Meeting

Yolo County HHSA 9/6/18 $250

World Café Training Yolo County Children’s Alliance-Family Strengthening Network

11/7/18 $200

Foster Care Appreciation Picnic Yolo County Resource Family Approval

7/28/18 $200

Yolo County Safe Sleep Module/SIDS Awareness Month

Yolo County HHSA—Community Health Branch

10/2018 $250

25th Annual Dinner and Auction Northern California Children’s Therapy Center

9/21/18 $250

3rd Annual Community Baby Shower Yolo County Children’s Alliance Home Visiting

9/29/18 $250

CWS RFA Pumpkin Patch Day Yolo County HHSA—Community Health Branch

10/19/18 $250

Total $1,650

Additional Information

Sponsorships in bold/highlighted are new as of the last Commission meeting.

Promotional flyers are submitted with the applications when available at time of application.

Action Requested

Receive list of allocated sponsorships and ask questions or provide comments.

Agenda Item #09


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Approve Additional Salary Steps for Business Services Officer Position


All First 5 Yolo employees are at-will County of Yolo employees under the direction of the

First 5 Yolo Commission. First 5 Yolo maintains its own salary scales and defines its own

positions. Position titles are historically unique to First 5 Yolo.

First 5 Yolo has created new positions over the last few years that, while unique in notable

ways, have requirements that often track with those of similar County positions. The Business

Services Officer (BSO) position was created and filled in early 2017.

Executive Director Overview

The BSO position has responsibility for fiscal and business services at First 5 Yolo,

including interface with County Department of Finance on regular basis and use of the

County INFOR system. This position has grown to include an expanded role with additional

contract management and communications work including a key role in Strategic Plan and

Annual Reports. This has been intentional, as First 5 Yolo staff positions are more versatile

and inclusive of skills and abilities required for the new direction and alignment of work of

the agency.

Given the complexity of the work and the expanded duties and responsibilities, Executive

Director and Chair recommend adding two additional steps to the BSO salary scale to allow

for future growth. Each step is a 5% increase over the previous. This would update the

salary range of the position to move from $66,683.55-$79,452.00 to $66,683.55-$89,347.89.

Additional Information

No current fiscal impact, as this action changes the position salary scale only.

The current and proposed BSO salary range, as well as a sampling of comparison salary

ranges for County positions, are included as Attachment A.

Action Requested

Approve Additional Salary Steps for Business Services Officer Position

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Position Salary Ranges Sampling:

First 5 Yolo Business Services Officer (Current): $66,683.55-$79,452.00

First 5 Yolo Business Services Officer (Proposed): $66,683.55-$89,347.89

Requiring the same or reduced qualifications/experience upon entry:

County of Yolo Management Analyst: $72,502.77 - $88,127.52

County of Yolo Senior Management Analyst: $82.546.46-$100,341.49

County of Yolo Administrative Services Analyst: $63,387.38-$77,047.77

County of Yolo HHSA Program Coordinator: $72,502.55-$88,127.31

Requiring similar qualifications and greater years of experience upon entry:

County of Yolo Business Process Analyst: $74,866-$91,000

County of Yolo Fiscal Administrative Officer: $90,387.65-$109,837.50

County of Yolo Financial Analyst: $95,284-$115,818

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Item 09- Attachment A

Agenda Item #10


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Presentation: Developmental Screening/Help Me Grow and Home Visiting

“Explainer” Videos


The largest partner in the First 5 Network, First 5 LA, has funded the creation of two “explainer”

videos meant to educate the public—community members, policy makers, parents/caregivers—about

developmental screening and home visiting. These short videos contain key messages about two

programs central to First 5 priority areas.

As members of The First 5 Network, all local commissions have permission to showcase these


Executive Director Overview

At the meeting, staff will present the two videos for the Commission to view. These videos are

both on the First 5 Yolo website, and Executive Director used the developmental screening

video during a F5 presentation at The MIND Institute earlier this month.

The videos can be found at the following links:

Home Visiting:

Developmental Screening:

First 5 Yolo staff is currently working on a revision of the Home Visiting Explainer Video to

better align with local efforts and to more clearly express the primary focus of Healthy Families

America Home Visiting on child maltreatment prevention.

Additional Information

Thank you to First 5 LA for sharing this resource.

Action Requested

Receive presentation.

Agenda Item #11


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Accept Q1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report


Quarterly, First 5 Yolo staff and the Treasurer provides to the Commission a Revenue and

Expenditure Report tracking actual and projected revenue and expenditures against the current

approved budget and recommends changes to the budget based on the projections.

Executive Director Overview

The Quarter 1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report is included as Attachment A to this


The Q1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report includes all funds received and expended

from July 1-September 30, as well as revenues earned and expenses incurred in the defined

period though funds may have been received and expended after September 30 (funds were

received within the period of availability).

Of note are the following items:

1. At the time of adoption of the FY19/20 budget, it was unclear whether First 5 would

receive IGT funds from Yolo County. Yolo County has ended the previous funding

cycle, and has not yet made a determination of how additional IGT funds will be

allocated. It is recommended to exclude IGT funds from the FY19/20 budget at this time.

2. Staff project a savings within the Personnel Category of approximately $46,000 related

to the Management Services Officer position which is currently under-filled at .5FTE.

3. Staff recommends removing the “CalPERs Trust” line item and showing those

expenditures as part of Salary and Benefits to align with the current Yolo County

accounting processes.

4. Since the adoption of the FY19/20 budget in June 2018, additional information related to

F5Y’s projected revenues, FY19 funded programs, and final FY17/18 expenditures has

become available. The largest change in revenues relates to $45,000 in IGT funds that

were included in projections for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The net impact

(taking into consideration all new information) is a decrease of $30,460 in additional

funding available for programming in the Unallocated Program line item for the current

fiscal year. This one-time reduction is inclusive of the 3-year impact of the loss of IGT

funding and has no effect on currently funded programs, nor does it affect funding

available for program in the next two years of the First 5 Yolo FY19-21 Strategic Plan.

Additional Information

Action Requested

Accept the Q1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report.

Report Period: July 1- September 30, 2018


First Adopted Budget Revisions

Revised Budget

Actual Through 9/30/2018

Total Projected

Favorable (Unfavorable)

Vaiance % Budget Variance


First 5 California Tobacco Tax Allocation 1,563,774$ 1,563,774$ 250,371$ 1,563,774$ - 0.00%MHSA-PEI Grant Funding 225,000 28,000 253,000 55,185 253,000$ - 0.00%Intergovernmental Transfer Funds 45,000 (45,000) - 1 - -$ - #DIV/0!Interest Earnings 3,000 3,000 - 3,000$ 0.00%HHSA-Child, Youth and Families Branch 64,167 64,167 13,938 64,167$ 0.00%Delta Conservancy MERP 10,000 (400) 9,600 5,760 9,600$ - 0.00%City of Davis Community Benefit Fund 50,000 50,000 - 50,000$ - 0.00%

TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS 1,960,941 (17,400) 1,943,541 325,254 1,943,541 - 0.00%

B. PersonnelFTE 3.25 3.25

Salaries and Benefits (+1% CalPERs Trust) 433,634 2,718 436,352 103,467 391,467 44,885 10.29% 2

Extra Help 12,331 12,331 3,223 12,331 - 0.00%PERS Trust 2,718 (2,718) - 3 - - - #DIV/0!OPEB 21,744 21,744 4,680 19,587 2,157 9.92%Workers Comp, Unemployment, & Liability Ins. 2,541 2,541 - 2,541 - 0.00%

Total Personnel 472,968 - 472,968 111,370 425,926 47,042 9.95%C. Program Funding

Funded ProgramsHelp Me Grow/ Developmental Screening 450,000 28,000 478,000 107,035 478,000 - 0.00%Nurturing Parenting Program 68,500 - 68,500 16,282 67,521 979 1.43%Play Groups/Play School Experience 119,300 500 119,800 29,368 119,800 - 0.00%Parent Education / Family Hui 15,000 15,000 3,049 15,000 - 0.00%Healthy Families America/Step by Step 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - 0.00%Preschool/IMPACT 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - 0.00%Yolo Crisis Nursery Services 67,280 7,200 74,480 23,154 74,480 - 0.00%Early Literacy for Families 31,000 31,000 4,848 31,000 - 0.00%BOOST 5,000 (5,000) - - - #DIV/0!ABC Home Visiting 86,664 86,664 15,494 86,664 - 0.00%The CHILD Project Pilot 115,000 115,000 16,734 115,000 - 0.00%Subtotal 1,057,744 31,200 1,088,444 257,592 1,087,465 979 #DIV/0!Special Projects

Delta Fish Education - 5,500 5,500 - 5,500 - 0.00%Subtotal - 5,500 5,500 - 5,500 - #DIV/0!

Capacity Building and Evaluation SupportClear Impact 10,000 10,000 2,250 10,000 - 0.00%Subtotal 10,000 - 10,000 2,250 10,000 - 0.00%

Other Program FundingSponsorship Fund 5,000 5,000 1,400 5,000 - 0.00%Additional Funds Available for Program 106,500 (30,460) 76,040 4 - 76,040 - 0.00%Subtotal 111,500 (30,460) 81,040 1,400 81,040 - 0.00%

Total Program Funding 1,179,244 6,240 1,184,984 261,242 1,184,005 979 #DIV/0!

D. Operating ExpensesTelephones, Internet, and Web Hosting 4,500 4,500 1,004 4,500 - 0.00%Food 200 200 - 200 - 0.00%Office Expenses 750 750 76 750 - 0.00%Postage 75 75 - 75 - 0.00%Printing 150 150 - 150 - 0.00%Maintenance - Equipment 800 800 65 800 - 0.00%First 5 Association Membership Dues 4,500 4,500 4,125 4,500 - 0.00%Program Expense 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 - 0.00%House Hold Expense 125 125 - 125 - 0.00%Rent - Buildings 23,328 23,328 7,776 23,328 - 0.00%Smalls tools and Minor equipment 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 - 0.00%Training, Conferences, Transportation & Travel 8,000 8,000 2,613 8,000 - 0.00%

Total Operating Expenses 45,428 - 45,428 18,146 45,428 2,041 32.92%

E. Professional ServicesConsulting/Contracting

Evaluation 12,000 12,000 - 8,000 4,000 33.33%Program 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 - 0.00%Systems and Support 1,750 1,750 - 1,750 - 0.00%Other 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 - 0.00%


Q1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary ReportFISCAL YEAR 2018-2019

Cost Allocations


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Item 11 - Attachment A
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Legal and AccountingYolo County Counsel (Legal Services) 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 - 0.00%Yolo County Auditor's Office (Fiscal Services) 3,946 3,946 987 3,946 - 0.00%Independent Financial and Expanded Audit 8,900 8,900 8,900 8,900 - 0.00%

Technology and Data ProcessingYolo County ERP 1,357 1,357 - 1,357 - 0.00%Other IT Services 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 - 0.00%Website/Database Dev & Maintenance 750 750 - 750 - 0.00%

Total Professional Services 35,203 - 35,203 9,887 31,203 4,000 33.33%

F. Contingency Funds 31,275 31,275 - 31,275 - 0.00%

TOTAL EXPENSES 1,764,118$ 6,240$ 1,769,858$ 400,645$ 1,717,837$ 54,062 3.05%Excess of sources over exps (Exps over sources) 196,823 173,683 (75,391) 225,704 (54,062)

Fund Balance, July 1, 2018 1,354,621$

Excess/Deficit 225,704$

Projected Fund Balance, June 30, 2019 1,580,325$ Unassigned Balance (target $500K) 830,325 5







Since the adoption of the FY19/20 budget in June 2018, additional information related to F5Y's projected revenues, FY19 funded programs, and final FY17/18 expenditures has become avaialble. The largest change in revenues relates to $45,000 in IGT funds that were included in projections for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The net impact (taking into consideration all new information) is a decrease of $30,460 in additional funding available for programmin in the Unallocated Program line item for the current fiscal year. This one-time reduction is inclusive of the 3-year impact of the loss of IGT funding and has no effect on curretnly funded programs, nor does it affect funding available for program in the next two years of the First 5 Yolo FY19-21 Strategic Plan.

While the Unassigned Balance is projected to be higher than the target balance of $500,000 at the close of the fiscal year, the FY19-21 Strategic Plan places an emphasis on mainting a steady level of program funding across the life of the Strategic Plan. Per Commission direction, funds held in the Unassigned Balance that are in excess of the target balance will be used to smooth program funding across the next two years of the First 5 Yolo Strategic Plan such that the Unassigned Balance is at the target level at the close of the FY19-21 Strategic Plan (June 30, 2022).

Yolo County established a 115 trust in an effort to reduce the unfunded pension liability that is being funded through a percentage of salaries (1%). Current County accounting practices do not separate this additonal 1% employer contribution from required CalPERs contributions. The dollars originally budgeted for the "CalPERs Trust" have been distributed into the budgeted costs for staffs' salary and benefits to better align with infomation received from the county. There is no net impact to the adopted budget.

Catastrophic Reserve (6mo. PY Total Budget)

The Management Service Officer position is a 1.0FTE position. Currently, the position is underfilled at .5FTE which results in a projected savings in this position.

At the time of the adoption of the FY19/20 budget, it was unclear whether First 5 would continue to receive IGT funds from Yolo County. Yolo County has not yet made a determination of how IGT funds will be allocated and as such, it is recommended to exclude them from the FY19/20 budget at this time.

Q1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report Notes:

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Item 11 - Attachment A

Agenda Item #12


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Approve Augmentation to CHILD Project Pilot Budget and Authorize Contract

with CommuniCare Health


At the First 5 Yolo meeting in March 2018, The Commission approved strategies for specific

goal areas of the First 5 Yolo Strategic Plan. Under the goal of “Improving Systems and

Networks,” strategies include providing services “along a continuum of care” and reaching

“highest-risk children and families at the greatest point of leverage, the earliest years, through

expanded and improved assessment prenatally and at-birth, and direction to high-intensity home

visiting and auxiliary services.”

In June 2018, consistent with the emphasis in the new Strategic Plan, the Commission approved

The CHILD (Coordinated Healthy Interventions for Lifelong Development) Project Pilot as a

funded program for FY18/19. This pilot is co-funded with City of Davis.

The current project budget total is $115,000, and the full amount funds Yolo County Children’s

Alliance for direct service activity (Healthy Families America Home Visiting). First 5 Yolo has

an MOU with CommuniCare Health for in-kind staff participation in the project.

The intent of The CHILD Project is to better identify and assess families and children, with

multiple points of entry, and to increase access to services to high-intensity and other auxiliary

services meeting individual needs. The goal of the project is to improve systems and networks,

specifically to improve child health and safety.

Executive Director Overview

The Pilot Project launched August 1, 2018 with CommuniCare Davis Perinatal Clinic and Yolo

County Children’s Alliance Healthy Families America (HFA). The Pilot includes an initial

screening of prenatal families receiving services at CommuniCare. First 5 Yolo has worked

with UC Davis to develop an administrative data screen based on Emily Putnam-Hornstein and

Children’s Data Network research weighting risk factors, with input from the teams at First 5

LA and First 5 Orange.

Families that screen at highest risk are offered a 1:1 assessment by HFA to identify those

qualifying for highest intensity services (home visiting options).

First 5 Yolo Staff have been working over the last few months to coordinate the runway and

launch of this program. The Perinatal Team at CommuniCare has leveraged staff from higher

level management to clinic staff to implement the Pilot, with activities including but not limited

to the following:

Troubleshooting and loading the UCD administrative data screening tool, training intake

staff on the tool, and reporting progress to UCD and First 5 Yolo

Integrating the weighted screening tool within CommuniCare’s electronic health record

for documentation purposes

Talking with patients about the program and providing interface with HFA workers to

directly connect clients

Reports on progress to First 5 and consistent coordination with HFA

On-going meetings with project partners to strategize, implement, and refine the program

CommuniCare Staff involved include the Perinatal Services Director, Program Manager, Health

Educators, Clinic Coordinator, Nurse-Midwives, Chief Information Officer, Health Information

Systems Manager, and Data Programmer.

Given the greater than anticipated work required by CommuniCare and their unwavering

commitment to the success of the Project, Executive Director recommends augmenting The

CHILD Project Pilot budget to allow allocation of $15,000 to $25,000 to CommuniCare

Perinatal for project planning and implementation. These funds would largely be used to offset

staff overtime resulting from the addition of this commitment, as well as management activities

related to the Pilot.

Since the launch of the Pilot, two new, private donations totaling $15,000 have been directed to

First 5 Yolo’s CHILD Project Pilot.

Additional Information

A higher level graphic depicting The CHILD Project Davis/Rural Pilot is attached to this item as

Attachment A.

Specific performance measures have been developed for this Project and approved by City of

Davis. First 5 Yolo will share performance measure reports with City of Davis.

As a reminder, City of Davis funds ($50,000 per year) are dependent on cannabis community

benefit funds received in the year. It is yet unknown if, in the first year of operations as

businesses ramp up, the full amount will be collected. The Commission does have unallocated

program funds available to cover a one-time shortfall if necessary.

Additionally, as the team works to launch this new and rather complex systems improvement

seeking to reach very high risk families, both Communicare and YCCA believe a concrete

“incentive” for clients to complete the HFA assessment would lead to better outcomes. Staff

concurs, as evidence shows such incentives can be helpful, particularly with highest risk clients.

Funds from First 5 Yolo’s operational “program expense” line will be allocated for this purpose

for the remainder of this fiscal year. This is expected to range from $300 up to $1,000, and is

within the budgeted amount for this line item, thus no Commission action is necessary.

Action Requested

Approve augmentation for CHILD Project Pilot budget, in amount specified by Commission, to

be contracted to CommuniCare Health for planning and implementation.

*As additional funding becomes available, other medical providers may be included in The CHILD Project. ** As additional funding becomes available additional program models may be included in The CHILD Project.

System Entry perinatal

administrative data screen

• An administrative data screen idenfities families that may need additional supports based on emperically validated risk factors

• Prenatal: high-risk expectant mothers are idenfitied through their medical providers

• At Birth: at-risk families are idenfitied at the hospital

Individual Needs Assessment and Program Linkage

in-depth 1:1 assessment

• All idenfitied families receive 1:1 assessment using a validated parent survey to determine the family's needs and make appropriate referrals

Service Delivery Services fall on a

continuum of care ranging from most to

least intensive

• Most Intensive Services:

• Evidence Based Home Visitation

• Moderate/Low Intensity Services:

• Crisis Support Services

• Intensive Parent Education

• Parent Education

• Parent/Family Support

• Community Resource Referral

Outcomes Success is

measured using results based accountability

• Improved birth and maternal outcomes

• Improved mother's wellbeing and healthy infant development

• Reduced Emergency Department visits

• Prevention of behavioral, emotional, and developmental concerns in children

• Reduced parental stress and improved parent efficacy

• Prevention of child abuse and neglect

• Reduced drug and alcohol use by parents

The CHILD Project Davis/Rural Pilot Coordinated Healthy Interventions for Lifelong Development

Improved birth and maternal outcomes

Improved maternal health and healthy infant/child development

Prevention of child abuse and neglect

Reduced risk of negative effects of drug and alcohol on families

Improved positive parenting practices

Prevention of behavioral, emotional, and developmental concerns in children

Improved early childhood learning

Most Intensive Services:

Healthy Families America evidence-based home visitation**

Moderate/Low Intensity Services:

Crisis Support Services

Trauma-sensitive family/ child case management

Help Me Grow Yolo

Parent Education

Peer-led Support Groups

Parent/Family Support

Community Resource Referral

Early Learning/Quality Childcare Programs

All identified high-risk families are offered a 1:1 validated, comprehensive assessment.

Assessment includes:

Healthy Families America evidence-based Parent Survey

In-person interview with trained HFA staff using program model tool

Determination of individual need

Appropriate referrals to services

An administrative data screen identifies families that may need additional supports based on empirically validated risk factors


perinatal clinic staff identify high-risk expectant and new mothers using an unbiased screen based on medical record data for their patients*

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Item 12- Attachment A

Agenda Item #13


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Consider United Way Request for Partnership on Imagination Library


United Way Woodland has approached First 5 Yolo to request a partnership to fund an

Imagination Library program.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, quality books

to children in participating communities from birth until school entry, regardless of family

income. The program relies on a local agency to be the coordinating agency for family

signup and outreach. The cost is $2.10 per book, and the books are mailed directly to

participating families each month by Imagination Library.

Executive Director Overview

United Way Woodland would like to initiate an Imagination Library Program in the City of

Woodland. They are seeking to fund one book per month, per child born at a Woodland

Hospital (Woodland Dignity Health) or receiving prenatal care at CommuniCare Woodland,

for a calendar year. Families do have to opt into the program. Currently, the estimated

number of births, per United Way, is 800.

The cost per child, for one book a month for a year, is $25.20. United Way Woodland is

requesting $10,000 from First 5 Yolo to match an $11,600 allocation from United Way


Because the number of births is an estimate, if the Commission chooses to allocate some

amount to this request, Staff recommends allocating $12.50 per child (half of the cost of

receiving 12 books in a calendar year) up to $10,000 or “up to” another approved amount.

This allocation addresses the Improved Early Childhood Goal of the Strategic Plan, though

it does not easily track with a prioritized Strategy. This request for support is more similar

to allocations under the First 5 Yolo Sponsorship Policy, rather than a specific program

investment targeted to high impact.

Additional Information

Some of the smaller First 5’s (Sutter, among others) participate in Imagination Library, and

they confirm that it is a popular community service, as well as a public awareness/relations

strategy. This is a broad-based population program, and as such, does not specifically target

higher risk children, though outreach done at health care clinics would do so.

Included as Attachment A to this item is Imagination Library “How It Works” graphic

explaining program detail.

Included as Attachment B to this item is a sample of books selected and distributed by

Imagination Library.

Action Requested

Consider request and determine whether, and in what amount, to allocate program dollars to

co-fund Imagination Library with United Way Woodland for 2019.


Provides BOS database andsupport

Coordinates Blue RibbonBook Selection Committee

Coordinates monthly bookorder and fulfillment




PRIMARY ROLESEnrolls local children ages 0-5in selected coverage area

Pays per child per monthtowards wholesale books &mailing costs

Promotes program locally todrive enrollment and/ orfunding


501c3 Partner

How It WorksAt a GlanceAt a Glance

Books arrive at child's home with name on the mailing label

Local Champion may be a business, school district, solo, etc; Need 501(c)3 non-profit partner to get non-profit mailing rates

Program is free to families birth to age 5 children living inparticipating coverage areas

* Covers all overhead and adminexpenses at no cost to LocalChampion partners

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Item 13- Attachment A

GROUP 6Children born in 2013

Last Stop on Market Street

Tale of Peter RabbitOwl MoonAs an Oak Tree Grows

• Signifies a new book to the program + Signifies a bilingual English / Spanish title or Hispanic Content

Gingerbread Man Loose on the Firetruck

• I Just Want to Say Goodnight

• Pass It OnMax & the Tagalong


Corduroy’s Shapes• Oliver’s TreeLittle Sleepy HeadNight-Night Forrest

Friends+ I Love My Daddy


Winnie-the-Pooh Opposites

Sassy: Bedtime for BabyWheels on the BusLittle Gardener

Following Papa’s Song• One Leaf, Two Leaves

Count with MeI Am A RainbowThe Bug Book

Excellent Ed+ Peace is an OfferingOtis & the KittensLion Lessons• The Ring Bearer

GROUP 5Children born in 2014

GROUP 4Children born in 2015

GROUP 3Children born in 2016

GROUP 2Children born in 2017

GROUP 1Children born in 2018

+ Hooray, a PiñataTarra & BellaThe Gruffalo• + Blue Sky White StarsBrother Eagle Sister Sky

• Lily’s Cat Mask• Pup & BearThe First StrawberriesMiss Maple’s SeedsTen Thank-You Letters

Violet the PilotFly Butterfly

• Bunny’s Book Club+ Coat of Many Colors

Truck Stop• Philomena’s New

GlassesPretend• Goodnight NumbersChimpanzee for Tea

Read to Tiger• The Giant Jumparee+ The Snowy Day

+ I Hear a PickleMapleHueys: What’s the

Opposite?• If I Were a Kangaroo

Little Owl’s Night+ Jake at Gymnastics• Little ExcavatorBaking Day at


ABC Look at Me• Littles & How They

GrowLittle Poem for Tiny Ears+ Sassy: Baby’s First

WordsSassy: Let’s Count

Good Night GorillaLlama, Llama Red


My First Songs+ I Love My Mommy

BecauseWhere’s EllieI Love You, Spot

Baby! Talk!Look Look!+ Baby Sounds

The first book a child receives is The Little Engine That Could™ (customized version)The month a child turns 5 they will receive Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come! (customized version)

Titles on this list are subject to change.


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Item 13- Attachment B

Agenda Item #14


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Executive Director Report


The Executive Director updates the Commission on activities and developments.

Executive Director Overview


o December First 5 Association Summit

o F5 CA Dual Language Learner Pilot

o Annual Local Evaluation Report FY17/18

o OCAP Grant Opportunity

Additional Information

Action Requested

Receive Executive Director Report

Agenda Item #15


First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission

Agenda Item Cover Sheet


Agenda Item- Commissioner Reports


Commissioners have the opportunity to provide updates on activities and events relating to

their role as First 5 Yolo Commissioner and/or professional capacity in the County.

Executive Director Overview

Additional Information

Action Requested

Receive Commissioner reports.