Commercial Electrical Testing

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Commercial Electrical Testing

Online Marketing Strategy Commercial Electrical Testing

Aim: Develop an Online Marketing Strategy that is aligned with business and marketing objectives to provide consistent direction for online marketing


Online Marketing Strategy Commercial Electrical Testing

Situation Analysis

Assess micro and macro environments to provide SWOT analysis

Market – Expanding or contracting?

Company – Growing or shrinking?

Competitors – Growing or shrinking?

Customers – Which online platforms do they use?

Resources – Human, financial, technological

Online Marketing Strategy Commercial Electrical Testing


Sell – Set customer acquisition and retention targets e.g. winning x number of clients from competitors within given time scale.

Serve – Set customer satisfaction targets e.g. increased transparency and accountability.

Sizzle – Set brand recognition and perception targets e.g. delivering excellent customer experience.

Speak – Set number of engaged customers e.g. number of existing customers engaged with & number of potential customers engaged with within given time scale.

Save – Set efficiency gains targets e.g. streamlined communications with existing customers.

Online Marketing Strategy Commercial Electrical Testing


Segmentation – Segment clients through Spend, Regularity, Service Usage, Online Communications Usage.

Brand Positioning – Selecting brand position within the industry based customers served and perceived gaps in the market.

Value Proposition – Achieve differential advantage of buying services, e.g. Safety, Peace of mind, Compliance to legislation, cost effectiveness, reliability.

Online Marketing Strategy Commercial Electrical Testing


Set up Google Alerts for company name, competitors name, and specific industry keywords to gather picture of the digital landscape CET is operating in.

Increase and optimise usage of News section on website to included regular update about company development and changes within the industry.

Set up eCRM to manage email campaigns to existing customers

Create QR codes for particular tests, equipment, service, or customer that link to specific help pages on company website.

Set up Google Places page to enable customers to locate premises easily and leave reviews.

Increase and optimise company LinkedIn profile.

Increase and optimise company Twitter usage to include regular updates about the company. Follow customers, intermediaries, and industry leaders.

Set up staff Twitter accounts with consistent naming such as @steve_comtest and utilise to communicate positive messages with existing customers

Online Marketing Strategy Commercial Electrical Testing


Rolled out in two stages dependent of resources such as time, equipment, staff training.

Stage 1: Single person or small team responsible for online marketing including

News section on company website

Company Twitter account

Google Alerts

Google Places page

QR Codes

CRM system

Email campaigns

Stage 2: Whole staff team involved with online marketing

Twitter posts such as Tested 46 appliances today @customersname, all up to standard. #JobWellDone

Google Check in at customers premises

Online Marketing Strategy Commercial Electrical Testing


Measuring and evaluating strategy and implementation

Were customer acquisition and retention targets met?

Measure customer satisfaction through surveys. Were targets met? Are customers

Measure brand recognition and perception through survey. Were targets met? Are more potential customers aware of the company. Do existing customers feel they have an excellent customer experience.

Measure number of engaged customers e.g. number of existing customers engaged with & number of potential customers engaged with within given time scale.

Measure efficiency gains. Has there been an increase in the number of customer communicated to with email. Were targets met?