Comenius turgalium

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Comenius turgalium

Comenius project: Migration and youth.

● Little Bee ● Interviews● Photo Contest● Family Snapshots● I.E.S Turgalium Intercultural Competence



The Other Hand or Little Bee is a novel written by Chris Cleave.

“The girl with kilos of documents”


Yevette, the girl who chose to be good-looking to survive.

“The girl in yellow sari”

“A scar means, I survived.”


The officer who works in thedetention center.

The taxi driver.

Mr. O'Rourke and Nkiruka

“Most days I wish I was a British pound instead of an African girl”

Nigeria is nature.

England is the imposed.

Little Bee learned “their” English during the time she was in the detention center.

Freedom was after that door.


● “See how nicely a British pound coin talks? It speaks with the voice of Queen Elizabeth the Second of England. Her face is stamped upon it, and sometimes when I look very closely I can see her lips moving. I hold her up to my ear. What is she saying? Put me down this minute, young lady, or I shall call my guards.”


We have interviewed some people at school about the relationship between immigrants and people in our high school.Interviewees:

●Yolanda Moreneo: Headmistress●Carmen Sánchez: Head of studies●Francisco Cambero: Technology teacher

● Their knowledge of Spanish is normally very poor.

● They are mainly Moroccans or Russians.

● They don't mix up with others.

● They come looking for a better life.


Yosufa is a Senegalese man who arrived in our high school without his parents. Nowadays he is working in Cáceres and with the money he has saved, he has bought a house in Senegal for his parents.



True DreamsThis picture I have taken represents mainly the respect and good feelings between two different cultures and lifestyles. In the photo we can see a Colombian girl sitting down next to her Spanish friend. They have travelled to many countries, in the image the teenagers are looking at Francisco Pizarro, the Peru´s conqueror, he is an inspiration for them because he wanted to discover new lands and these two girls would like to see every monument, every landscape, every culture and every part of the world.

The truncated way.

This picture represents how hard the trip can be that some immigrants must make to arrive at their destination, the obstacles that they must overcome, the suffering, the break with their life and their culture...

Many times the immigrant way ends like this fragment of clothing, pieces in the

barbed wire of a border.




We used the ITC (interculturally completent). This test is intented to help us look at ourself, at our intercultural competence . The main components are attitudes, skills and knowledge. Depend of these components we got the results of our intercultural competence level.

1)ATTITUDES: Our feelings or disposition to think, do or say certain things as well as our willingness to make this disposition visible when interacting with others.

2)SKILLS: Our ability to do something or to behave in a certain way in a given situation.

3)KNOWLEDGE: Our understanding of or information about a certain subject that we can acquire by experience or study



Girls: positive-negative.

Boys: positive-negative.


● We have learnt new cultures, new lifestyles, also wich is the process that an inmigrant goes through before starting learning in a new lenguage and school environment for them.

● We had fun together doing the Comenius project.

● We hope you have liked it.