Comenius project Thessaloniky 30.3. – 3.4. 2009 Základní škola a Mateřská škola,...

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Transcript of Comenius project Thessaloniky 30.3. – 3.4. 2009 Základní škola a Mateřská škola,...

Comenius projectComenius project

Thessaloniky 30.3. – 3.4. 2009Thessaloniky 30.3. – 3.4. 2009

Základní škola a Mateřská škola, příspěvková organizace Kunštát, the Czech Republic

Our progressOur progress

What we have done forWhat we have done for creatingcreating social social skillsskills : - ) : - )

1) 1) Web pagesWeb pages Our school addressOur school address::

What can you find thereWhat can you find there - English and Czech version- English and Czech version - links to other partner schools- links to other partner schools - - information about the project (what is Comenius information about the project (what is Comenius

proprojectject, aims of our project, timetable, tasks to do, , aims of our project, timetable, tasks to do, pictures from meetings..)pictures from meetings..)

We are working on the way how to put all the games We are working on the way how to put all the games there (large amount of data)there (large amount of data)

2) 2) DictionaryDictionary

We send some basic phrases to our dictionary.We send some basic phrases to our dictionary. ExampleExample::

- Děkuji. – - Děkuji. – Thank youThank you

- Dobré ráno! – - Dobré ráno! – Good morningGood morning!!

- Dobrý večer! – - Dobrý večer! – Good eveningGood evening!!

Try to say this Try to say this tongue twistertongue twister::

„ „Tří sta třicet tři stříbrných stříkaček přeletělo přes tři Tří sta třicet tři stříbrných stříkaček přeletělo přes tři sta třicet tři stříbrných střech.“sta třicet tři stříbrných střech.“

3) 3) QuestionnaireQuestionnaire This questionnaire was created by company called SCIO (This questionnaire was created by company called SCIO (

The title is – Map of The title is – Map of the the schoolschool

Areas we focused onAreas we focused on

- relationships- relationships

- school environment- school environment

- negative behavior- negative behavior

- opinions on educational process- opinions on educational process

- equipment of the school - equipment of the school

- etc.- etc.

QuestionnaireQuestionnaire The questions were answered by pupils, teachers The questions were answered by pupils, teachers and parents.and parents.

4 different types of questionnaires 4 different types of questionnaires – – for pupils from the for pupils from the first gradefirst grade (age 6 to 10) (age 6 to 10) 18 questions answered by 159 pupils18 questions answered by 159 pupils - for pupils from the - for pupils from the second gradesecond grade (age 11 to 15) (age 11 to 15) 33 questions answered by 148 pupils33 questions answered by 148 pupils - teachers- teachers 33 questions answered by 22 teachers33 questions answered by 22 teachers - parents- parents 33 questions33 questions AAnonymousnonymous

QuestionnaireQuestionnaire Types of questionsTypes of questions::- Do your classmates behave well at school?Do your classmates behave well at school?- Thick everything you are afraid of at school.Thick everything you are afraid of at school.- Can you ask all your teachers for help? (1st grade)Can you ask all your teachers for help? (1st grade)

- Is school place where you feel good?Is school place where you feel good?- Are teachers fair to you?Are teachers fair to you?- How do you feel in your class? Do you have friends there?How do you feel in your class? Do you have friends there?- Did you see any behavior connected with bullying?Did you see any behavior connected with bullying?- Do you know where to find advice or help in case you have Do you know where to find advice or help in case you have

problems?problems? (2nd grade)(2nd grade)

QuestionnaireQuestionnaire Types of questionsTypes of questions::- Are you satisfied with equipment of the school / cooperation Are you satisfied with equipment of the school / cooperation

among teachers and parents?among teachers and parents?- What do you like and dislike about our school?What do you like and dislike about our school?- Would you recommend this school to your friends? Would you recommend this school to your friends?


- How many points would you give to your school in area of How many points would you give to your school in area of school climate?school climate?

- Do you feel that your work is appreciated enough?Do you feel that your work is appreciated enough?- Are you happy that you can work in this schoolAre you happy that you can work in this school? ?


4) 4) Games and activitiesGames and activities

1)1) Focused on the individual classesFocused on the individual classes

2) Focused on cooperation among the younger 2) Focused on cooperation among the younger and older classesand older classes

Games and activitiesGames and activities

Focused on the Focused on the individual classesindividual classes

- - to create better relationship among pupilsto create better relationship among pupils withinwithin

one class, trying toone class, trying to get to know each other, get to know each other,

understand different kinds of feelingsunderstand different kinds of feelings, , better better

relationshiprelationship:: teacher X pupils etc. teacher X pupils etc.

Title: Sheets on the back

Use: Self-knowledge, rising ones self-confidence, supporting individuals by the rest of the group, feedback

Equipment: Papers, writing tools (some felt-tips would be good), pegs for clipping the Sheets of paper on the backs

Description: Every player has got two pieces of paper.On the first paper everyone write down several sentences about how would the other pupils rate (evaluate/value) him/her, what would they write about him and he hide the paper.The second paper is clipped to everyone’s back.All participants walk round with a pencil and they write briefly on the papers they are on the backs some positive characteristic feature of the owner of the paper.About 15 minutes later they take the papers off their backs and compare them with their hidden papers.They share acquired knowledge about themselves and attitudes of the others towards them with the rest of the group


Note: It is possible to use this game also in PE or in English lesson

Title A miracle houseUse Getting to knot the relationships within the classroom - sociogram.

Equipment Water colours. glue, pictures cutted from magazines, writing eguipments

Description Some time before this activity pupils gather pictures of things and subjects, which characterize themselves.In art lesson pupils paint a window – everybody has his/her own window. Everybody paint his/her face into this window. They subscribe themselves under their portrait in this way: every single alphabet of their name interprets something – an object, an animal…. Beside this they also stick on the window those collected pictures which characterize themselves. The point is that other pupils try to recognize – from the picture, from the enciphered name - who is the person in the window. Then there is a house painted on a big paper. Children set their windows according with who would they like to live. We should allow them to change it as many times until they´re ready and happy with the result. From the possition of the children´s windows we can conclude how the particular child feels in the classroom team – if he/she is inthe upper row or the lower row of the windows, who would he/she like to be a friend, or who is he/she friend with.

Alternatives Composition – What should my friend be like? Discusion about living Everybody writes one sentence about him/herself on a paper. This paper goes round the classroom and everybody writes a sentence. Then the paper is read alloud and everybody has to explain his/her sentence. After this activity we can put the paper on the classroom board.

Note This can help to envolve every single child into classroom team

Games and activitiesGames and activities Focused on cooperation among the Focused on cooperation among the

younger and older classesyounger and older classes

- - to create positive relationship among to create positive relationship among

younger and older pupils, to eliminate younger and older pupils, to eliminate

fear, create responsibility fear, create responsibility

Title Night with AndersenUse Creating good relationships between pupils of different

age, easier and better getting know each other,

Equipment Various, depends on the particular program – they a¨re usually made by children or teachers in other subject (in art) – e.g. costumes, pictures, puppets..Books chochen for reading

Description This activity is held 4th time at our school and it is focust on development of children´s reading. Our teachers with help of our older pupils prepare and a lot of activities for children in age of 7 –9 years. These activities have the same goal – to raise children´s interest in reading. Older students coordinate, help and guide small ones during the all night. And this is the poiunt: small ones are not afraid to ask for help or advice the olders and the olders who are responsible for the small ones learn to be patient and attentive.

Alternatives At our school we use activities where the older pupils help and prepare activities for the younger ones a lot. We have a very good experience with it. So bellow you can see a picture which is not only from the Night with Andersen, but it is from “Wandering round Kunstat”


5) 5) Ideas of our studentsIdeas of our studentsThere is a proposal of their project that will be done in those There is a proposal of their project that will be done in those


They would like to concentrate on They would like to concentrate on positivepositive behavior behavior tto create a system of creditso create a system of credits Credits are points for positive behavior, when somebody do Credits are points for positive behavior, when somebody do

something nice for others, comes up with something nice for others, comes up with improvements in area of relationshipimprovements in area of relationship..

The aim is to form a system and conditions how they can The aim is to form a system and conditions how they can gain and also lost credits, who would give the credits etc.gain and also lost credits, who would give the credits etc.

The best pupils could be appreciated at the end of the The best pupils could be appreciated at the end of the school term school term

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