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1752 J of IMAB. 2017 Oct-Dec;23(4)

Original article


Greta Yordanova1, Martin Mladenov2, Gergana Gurgurova2

1) Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University- Sofia, Bulgaria2) Doctor of Dental Medicine, Private Clinic - Sofia, Bulgaria

Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers). 2017 Oct-Dec;23(4)Journal of IMABISSN: 1312-773X

ABSTRACT:The borderline indications between extraction and

non-extraction treatment are not well defined in the ortho-dontics. The sagittal tooth movement for lengthening thetooth arch and space gaining should be considered withseveral aspects. Many authors have suggested applianceswith combined action in several planes. In our opinion, itis very hard to achieve transverse dimension and apply wellbalanced sagittal force with one appliance. Our aim is todefine the gained space in the dental arch using two suc-cessive appliances: RME and M-pendulum modified by usfor remaining the transverse arch dimensions. We suggesta modification of the appliance remaining the achievedtransversal dimension during the molar distal movement.We added an additional wire grill to the classic design ofthe M-Pendulum appliance in 14 patients. The length ofthe dental arch can be increased with expansion (RME),molar rotation correction with 2mm, distal movement of theupper molars 3-4mm, protrusion of the frontal teeth 1.5mm,slenderizing 4mm. The sum of all these methods reachesthe amount of the dimension of the space gained with theextraction of two premolars. A single appliance cannotachieve the full amount of tooth movement. The modifiedby us M-pendulum perfectly keeps the achieved transversedimension right after the RME and achieves sagittal move-ment of the upper molars.

Keywords: rapid palatal expansion, pendulum ap-pliance, tooth movement, non-extraction treatment

INTRODUCTIONThe borderline indications between extraction and

non-extraction treatment are not well defined in the ortho-dontics [1, 2, 3]. The effect of the distalisation applianceis contentious about the gained space. The sagittal toothmovement for lengthening the tooth arch and space gain-ing should be considered with the following aspects: oc-clusal norm, functions in the oral cavity, facial aesthetics,periodontal health, condition of the TMJ and the stabilityof the result [4, 5, 6, 7]. The possibilities of lengtheningthe dental arch and space gaining are also possible withits transversal expansion and even with vertical changes.In the early stages of the development of the dentition for

example in mixed dentition, the functional appliance mayreduce the chance of an extraction cases later. The func-tional appliance cannot create additional apical bone struc-tures. That is why the only alternative in permanent denti-tion is treatment with a mechanical appliance or extractiontreatment [8, 9]. In the non-extraction treatment, we achievethe most functional occlusion, optimal aesthetics, undam-aged periodontal ligaments, full numbers of teeth assuressupport of the facial soft tissues and the patient has a broadsmile. Because of this, the orthodontists use the effect ofvarious methods for lengthening the dental arch in the threedimensions [10].

The perimeter of the dental arch can be increasedwith expansion (rapid maxillary expansion), molar rotationcorrection with 2mm, distal movement of the upper molars3-4mm, protrusion of the frontal teeth 1-3mm, slenderizing4-6mm. The sum of all these methods reaches the amountof the dimension of the space gained with the extractionof two premolars [11, 12, 13, 14]. Therefor the extractionof the premolars can be avoided in most of the cases. Au-thors offer their methods in gaining space in the dental arch(distalizing upper molar, transversal expansion, protrusionof interior teeth, molar derotation etc.) It often happens thattwo or more methods are applied in the course of the sametreatment. One important task is to preserve the alreadygained space during the tooth alignment treatment stage[14, 15, 16]. Contemporary orthodontics applies mini screwfor anchorage of the relocated teeth or appliances withcombined double-way action. Hilgers, when constructedthe appliance, suggested integrating a jackscrew in thepalatal plastic button [17]. In this modification, the appli-ance’s action is like removable expansion appliance. Its ac-tion is only dento-alveolar. With the more frequent usageof the appliance in the clinical practice, other authors [17,18] suggest modification with wire construction and bandson the first premolars and molars and jackscrew for rapidexpansion. After the expansion has finished the construc-tion is separated, and the distalization springs are activated.The appliances are effective but hard to construct, and af-ter the expansion, the distalization springs do not fit in thenew transverse dimension. There is dimension loses forcompensation.

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AIMOur objective is to find out if borderline cases in or-

thodontics can be solved with a combination of appliancesachieving results in different planes. Our aim is to create aclinical protocol for the successive using of the appliancesRME (rapid maxillary expansion) and M-pendulum.

MATERIALS AND METHODSOur method is applicable to patients treated with-

out extraction, and it requires transversal expansion anddistalisation of upper molars. These patients most oftenhave class II malocclusions.

The maxillary expansion is successful in patientswith compression. The result is unstable in cases in whichthe teeth are bucally tipped, without any skeletal change.The stability in these cases is poor. Better results will beachieved with rapid maxillary expansion, which createsspace by real bone remodelling. The impact of the bucallsoft tissues and the new position of the teeth are well bal-anced. Whatever the achieved results are, the only way ofkeeping them is fixed retention.

Therefore, for the treatment to be continued with thependulum appliance for the distalization of the upper mo-lars, it is necessary to retain the new transversal dimensionof the dental arch. That is why we need an appliance whosedesign assures the new transversal dimension of the dentalarch and moves the molars at the same time.

On the basis of our clinical experience with the Pen-dulum appliance, we suggest a modification which can re-main the achieved transversal dimension during distalmovement of the molars.

Fig. 1. Modified pendulum appliance with wire grill

premolars. The premolars are the anchorage area of the ap-pliance. The grill is positioned close to the cervix near thecentre of resistance. The grill blocks the teeth so they can-not return to their previous position or tip. Part of the grillis separated when the second premolars need to drift distaly.

We have treated 14 patients with class II or IIImalocclusions and crowding in the upper arch between 8-10mm. The occlusal relationships were impaired with crossbite with different gravity. The cross bite has been causedby the narrowness of the upper jaw. The lack of space inthe upper dental arch is due to the medialization of upperposterior teeth.

Our clinical protocol included: Transversal expan-sion; Distalization of upper molars; Alignment of the up-per arch; Alignment of the lower arch; Normalizing the oc-clusal relationship; Retention of the clinical result.

The results we were reporting before and after theappliance using the following methods: the Transversal di-mension of the upper dental arch in the first premolars andmolars; Measuring a perimeter of dental arch from a distalend of the last molar to the distal end of the opposite mo-lar; Ceph sagittal parameters (fig.2).

Fig. 2. Methods for the dental cast and cephalomet-ric measurement. Measurements are made before and afterusing the appliance.

Our suggestion for this problem is to use succes-sively the classic appliance – fix rapid expander. To remainthe transverse dimension in the dental arch after the rapidmaxillary expansion, we suggest adding an additional ele-ment to the classic construction of the M-Pendulum appli-ance. The additional element is a wire grill (fig.1). It reachesthe palatal surface of the cervix of the first and second

RESULTSWe achieved alignment and levelling of all teeth,

and optimal occlusion in patients treated successively withthe appliances. The new transversal dimensions were pre-served during and after the treatment with M-Pendulum andbrackets.

By the use of the maxillary expansion, a normalwidth of the upper dental arch in the premolars and mo-lars’ zone is achieved. This improved transversal occlusalrelations (cross bite) between the jaws. It is resulted inachieving the space of 2-2.5 mm in the dental arch. Intro-ducing by us an additional wire grill, in the Pendulum de-sign, reserved well this new transversal width of the upperarch. The grill was especially useful acting as a contra forceon the support zone at the time of the work of the Pendu-lum appliance. The premolars are basically incorporatedinto the support zone. The grill reinforces and stays alsothe position of the premolars.

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During the distal movement personally of the sec-ond premolar (known also as a drift), we have released itsocclusal stop, and it moves in the distal direction on thealveolar ruge led by the wire grill. This insures and directsits movement on the new width of the alveolar ruge.

Applying the distalization process of the upper mo-lars, we achieved 3.8 mm bilateral distalization of the firstmolars (in the range from 2 to 4.5 mm). For the whole den-tal arch, it comes to 7.6 mm. In most of the patients, thedistalization process passes firstly through the de-rotationstage of the upper first molars followed by the distal move-ment. De-rotation of the molars also reflects on the trans-versal molar width, because of the changed position of therapper measurement points.

We found out that the protrusion of the frontal teethhas averagely 20 which was very useful in patients with up-per jaw protrusion.

DISCUSSIONAs a result of the treatment, we achieved better lev-

elling of the upper dental arch when there was a big short-

age of space in it. In patients with class III malocclusions,the other decision was an extraction of the two upperpremolars, but this will deeper the occlusal disorders (classIII malocclusions) and will result in compensatory extrac-tion of four premolars. In patients with class IImalocclusions, this clinical protocol preserves the integ-rity of the upper dental arch and helps for normalizationof the occlusal relation between the two jaws.

This clinical protocol avoided extraction treatmentin these patients. We can prove our statement with the fol-lowing clinical cases:

Clinical Case 1We present a female patient of 12 years old with se-

vere crowding and compression in the upper jaw, bilateralcross bite and lack of space for the alignment of the uppercanines. The patient has class II malocclusion, division 1,anterior cross bite ant and vertical edge to edge occlusion.The treatment plan included rapid maxillary expansion,distal movement of the upper molars with the modified M-pendulum appliance and alignment the teeth with brackets.

Fig. 3. Treatment progres.

Fig. 4. Change the cephalometric measurement and skeletal structure of the patient.

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After the three stages of the orthodontic treatmentwe resulted in making space in the upper dental arch forlevelling the teeth, the occlusal reletationships went to nor-mal in the tree plates, and the skeletal and the soft tissueparameters were upgraded.

Clinical case 2We present a male patient 12 years old diagnosed

with underdevelopment of the upper jaw in transverse and

sagittal dimension. The posterior teeth are medialized, andthere is no space for the canines, which are located ves-tibular. The patient has class III malocclusion, anterior andposterior crossbite and deep palate and deviated midline.

The orthodontic treatment plan included rapid max-illary expansion distal movement of the posterior teeth andalignment of the canines and palatal positioned lateral in-cisor, normalizing the occlusion – medial traction the up-per jaw with a face mask.

Fig. 5. Clinical succession the appliances in the upper dental arch.

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The medial movement of the first premolars and theexpansion were remained using the grill touching the pala-tal surface of the premolars. We achieved the desired distalmovement of the first molars without any mesial movementof the premolars and reducing the space for the canines.

By the final levelling of the teeth in the dental arch, weused the quad helix, which we gradually reduced. The rapidexpansion and distal movement of the upper molars causedthe formation of a tooth-induced bone.

There was a space in the upper dental arch – 9.5mm,which is enough to arrange the canines and the lateral. Theexpanded upper arch creates an opportunity the occlusionto normalize (crossbite).

Another alternative for the treatment of this clinicalcase is an extraction treatment of four premolars. This op-portunity was explained to the patient and his parents, butthey chose non-extraction treatment. The non-extractiontreatment it is longer in time because it goes through sev-eral clinical stages.

Fig. 6. Change the occlusal relationship from class III to class I

CONCLUSIONA single appliance cannot achieve the full amount

of tooth movement. Therefore, it is necessary to use sev-eral appliances in one treatment. In these clinical cases, itis particularly important to preserve the effect achieved oneach of them. The modified by us M-pendulum perfectlykeeps the achieved transverse dimension right after theRME and achieves sagittal movement of the upper molars.By this way, we can assure a non-extraction treatment toour patients. We recommend its use by the clinicians.

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Address for correspondence: Assoc. Prof. Greta Yordanova, DDM, PhDDepartment of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University -Sofia,20, office 2, Kotlenskiprohod str., 1404 Sofia, BulgariaE-mail:

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Please cite this article as: Yordanova G, Mladenov M, Gurgurova G. Combining the action of the Pendulum appliancewith rapid palatal expansion. J of IMAB. 2017 Oct-Dec;23(4):1752-1757.DOI:

Received: 21/08/2017; Published online: 16/11/2017