Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care …...• 4-12x increase in alcoholism and drug use...

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Transcript of Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care …...• 4-12x increase in alcoholism and drug use...

Reducing Health Care Expenditures by Investing Early

Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care

April 11, 2016

Who We Are

The Colorado Children’s Campaign is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization committed since 1985 to ensuring every chance for every child in Colorado. We champion policies and programs in child health, early childhood and K-12 education.

Why Must We Start Early?• Prenatal to age 8 is a critical time for kids

• Strong link between mental and physical health and school readiness, academic success and long-term health and life outcomes

• Cost savings occur in the future

• The bottom line:

Contain costs by ensuring children

grow up to be healthy adults.

“It is easier [and cheaper] to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

-Frederick Douglass

Pay A Little Now or A Lot Later












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Number of Risk Factors

Childhood Adversity and Developmental Delays

• Nearly half of U.S. kids are exposed to traumatic social or family experiences during childhood.

• Children who experience significant adversity early face long-term challenges.

Early Experiences Shape Development

and Lifelong Health


1. Invest in Programs to Prevent Unintended

Pregnancies, Especially among Teens (ROI $1:$2-6)

In 2014, the Colorado Department of Public Health’s family planning program spent an average of $404 per patient for a family planning visit. The average Medicaid birth costs more than $11,500 per woman.

2. Ensure ALL women in Colorado have

access to prenatal care (ROI $1:$2.5-3)

Including dental care, vaccines and tobacco cessation tools

3. Advance Childhood Vaccines ROI ($1: $3-10)

In 2013, vaccination prevented nearly 31,000 cases of vaccine-preventable disease in Colorado children and over $440 million in hospitalization charges.

4. Ensure Access to Developmental

Screening and Services (ROI varies)• Less than half of Colorado kids under 6

received a screening in 2011-2012, less than 11% of children who fail a screening receive services

• Services can improve a child’s development

• Need for a statewide screening, referral and care coordination model and statewide navigation system to connect caregivers, families and providers to referral and mental health resources

• Health system structure should encourage integration of mental health and primary care

5. Ensure access to Childhood Mental

Health Services (ROI varies)

• Ensure parents, health and child care providers have access to early childhood mental health services

• Mitigating toxic stress can reduce long-term effects of ACEs.

• 4+ ACEs correlate with:• 4-12x increase in alcoholism and drug use• 4-12x increase in depression• 2-4x increase in smoking• 1.4-1.6x increase in obesity• Increased probability of heart disease,

diabetes, STDs

6. Ensure Access to Nurse-Family Visiting

(ROI $1:$2-6)

• Improves child health and development, school-readiness and family economic sufficiency

• Results:– 50% reduction in domestic violence– 90% immunization rate by age 2– 21% reduction in smoking during

pregnancy– 32% reduction in alcohol use during

pregnancy– 15 years later: reduced criminal activity

by mother & child, improved school success, fewer months on welfare, reductions in child abuse and neglect

7. Ensure Access to Quality Childcare

ages 0-3 (ROI varies)

• Increases maternal employment and earnings

• Can improve math and reading skills and high school graduation rates

• Can improve health

8. Universal Access to Quality Preschool

(ROI $1: $4-13)

• Less than half of Colorado 3 and 4 year olds were enrolled in preschool in 2011-2013

• Colorado Preschool Program availability capped due to funding

• Preschool increases earnings, reduces the need for repeated grades, reduces involvement with criminal justice system, and improves physical and behavioral health.

Erin Miller, VP Health Initiatives

(303) 620-4560

Bill Jaeger, VP Early Childhood Initiatives

(720) 552-0002
