Colonization and Globalization

Post on 25-May-2015

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Colonization and GlobalizationMain conceptsDifferences and similarities

Transcript of Colonization and Globalization


By: Diego Sandoval 7A

Social Studies

Colonization:Is when a country or civilization enter in a new area or region within the world in which they colonize and take control of that specific place.

Globalization:Is when economies, culture and societies of a specific region of the world becomes integrated in other regions.

Colonization V.S. Globalization


They both are aimed to have a region taking over the other where they haven’t sovereign.

They both chaise to bring richness to their regions

In both cases always one of the parts receive less than the other.

Colonization V.S. GlobalizationDifferences:

Colonization are related to find new regions or countries to be conquer.

Globalization try to find new regions to expand their market using politics and culture.

Colonization sacrifices people’s lives of the colonized regions, this is a way to obtain regions at any cost.

Globalization improves the way to trade the goods of a region in a different markets within the world.