cOlllplete ENGLISH PROPERS - ENGLISH PROPERS ... Provincial of the Society of the...

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Transcript of cOlllplete ENGLISH PROPERS - ENGLISH PROPERS ... Provincial of the Society of the...


John XXIII Series of Liturgical Music, No.1, op. 1Saint Joseph's Summer School of Liturgical Music

Saint Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana


ENGLISHPROPERSFOR THE HIGH MASSfor all sundays and principal feasts

Set to Gregorian melodies

Adaptable to Psalm Tones or Harmonized Settings

Edited by Rev. Paul Arbogast



REV. JOHN E. BYRNE, C.PP.S.Provincial of the Society of the Precious BloodDayton, Ohio

October 15, 1964



November 13, 1964

Harmonized settings of psalm tonesare available separately on cards:

unison2 equal voices3 equal voicesSAB voicesSATB voices

Copyright, 1964, WORLD LIBRARY OF SACRED MUSIC, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio, 45214 All rights reserved.

Second Printing

EMP-781-1 Printed in U.S.A.


The John XXIII Series 5

Acknowledgments 6

Introduction 7

Use of the Propers 8


Masses for Sundays and Seasonal Feasts .... 11

Masses for Feasts Which RelJlace Sundays.. 133

Appendix I - Supplementary CommunionPsalms 160

Appendix II - Alleluias 165


1st Sunday in Advent 11

2nd Sunday in Advent 13

3rd Sunday in Advent 15

4th Sunday in Advent 17

Christmas Eve - Dec. 24 19

Christmas - Midnight Mass 21

Christmas - Mass during the Day 23

Sunday within the Octave of Christmas 25

Octave Day of Christmas - Jan. 1 27

Holy Name of Jesus - Sunday betweenJan. 1 and Jan. 6 28

Epiphany - Jan. 6 30

Holy Family - 1st Sunday after Epiphany 32

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 34

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 36

4th, 5th, 6th Sundays after Epiphany.......... 38

Septuagesima Sunday 39

Sexagesima Sunday........................................ 40

Quinquagesima Sunday 42

Ash Wednesday 44

1st Sunday in Lent 46

2nd Sunday in Lent 48

3rd Sunday in Lent 50

4th Sunday in Lent 52

1st Passion Sunday........................................ 54

2nd Passion Sunday - Palm Sunday........ 56


Easter Sunday 59

Low Sunday - 1st Sunday after Easter 62

2nd Sunday after Easter 64

3rd Sunday after Easter 66

4th Sunday after Easter 68

5th Sunday after Easter 70

Ascension Thursday 72

Sunday after Ascension 74

Pentecost 76

Trinity Sunday 80

Corpus Christi - Thursday after TrinitySunday 82

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 87

Sacred Heart - 3rd Friday after Pentecost 89

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 91

4th Sunday after Pentecost 93

5th Sunday after Pentecost 95

6th Sunday after Pentecost 97

7th Sunday after Pentecost 99

8th Sunday after Pentecost 101

9th Sunday after Pentecost 103

10th Sunday after Pentecost 105

11th Sunday after Pentecost _.107

12th Sunday after Pentecost 109

13th Sunday after Pentecost 111

14th Sunday after Pentecost 113


15th Sunday after Pentecost 115

16th Sunday after Pentecost 117

17th Sunday after Pentecost 119

18th Sunday after Pentecost 121

19th Sunday after Pentecost 123


20th Sunday after Pentecost 125

21st Sunday after Pentecost 127

22nd Sunday after Pentecost 129

23rd Sunday after Pentecost 131

24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th Sundaysafter Pentecost 132


Dec. 8 - Immaculate Conception ofthe B.V.M 133

Feb. 2 - Presentation of Christ in theTemple - Purification of the B.V.M 135

May 1 - St. Joseph the Workman 137

June 24 - Birthday of St. John the Baptist 139

June 29 - SS. Peter and Paul 141

July 1 - Precious Blood of Our Lord JesusChrist ,. 143


Aug. 6 - Transfiguration of Our Lord JesusChrist 145

Aug. 15 - Assumption of the B.V.M 147

Sept. 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross 149

Sept. 29 - St. Michael the Archangel 151

Oct., Last Sunday - Christ the King 153

Nov. 1 - All Saints 155

Nov. 9 - Dedication of the Basilica of theSavior - Common of the Dedicationof a Church 157


The COMPLETE ENGLISH PROPERS FOR THE HIGH MASS FOR ALLSUNDAYS AND PRINCIPAL FEASTS is the premiere publication of the JOHNXXIII SERIES OF LITURGICAL MUSIC, a product of Saint Joseph's College,Rensselaer, Indiana. This series is designed to implement the Constitution on theSacred Liturgy of December 4, 1963.

In addition to Father Paul Arbogast of Saint Mary's Cathedral, Covington, Ken­tucky, editor of these ENGLISH PROPERS, the following faculty members deservespecial mention for their contributions to the JOHN XXIII SERIES: Father EugeneLindusky, O.S.C. of Crosier Seminary, Onamia, Minnesota, whose works include theOrgan Accompaniment to the English Propers; Father Columba Kelly, O.S.B. of SaintMeinrad Archabbey, Saint Meinrad, Indiana; Mr. Murray Bradshaw, doctoral candidateat the University of Chicago; and Doctor John B. Egan, associate professor of music atSaint Joseph's College. All students whose original compositions are featured in theJOHN XXIII SERIES have studied liturgical composition under Doctor Egan.

As Director of Saint Joseph's Summer School of Liturgical Music, I wish to thankthe faculty and students for their contributions to the JOHN XXIII SERIES OFLITURGICAL MUSIC. Theirs is a genuine expression of the aggiornamento so elo­quently urged by His Holiness, Pope John XXIII, to whose memory this series ishumbly dedicated.

I also wish to express sincere appreciation to the following: His Excellency, theMost Reverend Richard H. Ackerman, D.D., Bishop of Covington; the Right ReverendBonaventure Knaebel, O.S.B., Archabbot of Saint Meinrad Archabbey; the Very Rev­erend John S. Smerke, O.S.C., Provincial of the Crosier Fathers; the Very ReverendJohn E. Byrne, C.PP.S., Provincial of the Precious Blood Fathers; the Very ReverendRaphael H. Gross, C.PP.S., President of Saint Joseph's College; and the Religious Su­periors of all student composers. Their kind and continued cooperation has been indis­pensable to the launching of the JOHN XXIII SERIES OF LITURGICAL MUSIC.


Saint Joseph's Summer Schoolof Liturgical Music

Saint Joseph's CollegeRensselaer, Indiana



Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following contrib­utors to this volume:

Rev. Columba Kelly, O.S.B.Rev. Myron Kowalsky, O.F.M. Cap.Sr. Ann Louise, O.P.Sr. Mary Cyril, Ad.PP.S.Sr. Mary Herman Joseph, S.S.N.D.Sr. Mary Jane, O.S.B.Sr. Mary Jonathan, O.P.Sr. Mary Karla, O.P.Sr. Martha Mary, O.P.Sr. Mary Theodora, O.S.D.Sr. Mary Sarah, O.S.B.J ames HansenLynn McCawRalph Verdi

Accompaniments were provided by Rev. Eugene Lindusky,O.S.C.

Choral harmonizations were composed by Robert Schaffer,Sister Mary Theophane, O.S.F., and others.

Gratitude is due above all to Rev. Lawrence Heiman, C.PP.S.,Director of Saint Joseph's College Summer School of LiturgicalMusic, for the opportunity, inspiration, and encouragement toundertake and complete this project.

All translations of Psalms are taken from the Confraternityof Christian Doctrine translations.

The system of pointing is similar to that used in the Hymnal1940 as published by The Church Pension Fund.



In order to discover which elements of the liturgy are bestadapted to the building of the people of God, the Constitutionon the Sacred Liturgy emphasizes the need for controlled experi..mentation during the period immediately before us. The Con..stitution also urges us to preserve the treasures of the past, espe..cially in the field of sacred music.

This setting of the English Propers is an effort to satisfyboth directives of the Constitution. Although it makes use ofthe Gregorian chant melodies traditionally heard in the Church,the principles for psalm recitation are those developed throughcenturies of experience by our English..speaking Christian brethrenof other faiths.

The simpler antiphonal chant melodies, found most often inthe divine office, have been adapted to various texts in the samemanner in which the authors of chant themselves adapted a singlemelody to serve several texts.

The psalmody used was devised for the English language withits peculiarities of accent. This system of psalmody can be usedwith any unrevised translation of the psalms.

In the interim period before the general revision of the liturgy,this book should prove useful, inspiring the faithful to a greaterlove of God through the liturgy and psalter, and providing someof the experience and experimentation necessary before a trulyeffective setting can be made for the English liturgy in a moredeveloped state.


USE OF THE PROPERSThe propers in this book are arranged to suit the needs of many situations.

They can be sung in any of the following ways:

1. as written - using the chant melodies for the antiphons and the correspond­ing psalm tones for the psalms.

2. as psalmody throughout - using any of the eight psalm tones for an entireselection. For this purpose, both antiphons and psalms are pointed.

3. harmonized throughout - using any of the harmonized settings publishedseparately on cards.

4. in any combination of the above.

Use of the Anglican system of pointing has made the latter three arrangementspossible. All cadences in this system are of uniform length and rhythmic structure. Sincecadences have been indicated in all the texts throughout the book, the texts may besung to any setting.

The melodies for unison tonal settings are based on the eight Gregorian psalm tones.Other arrangements are furnished for two equal, three equal, SAB, and SATB voices.All of these arrangements are printed on the card inserts for the propers.

The way in which the text should be sung depends on the ability of the choir andthe situation. For instance, singers who are unable to sing the melodies as given, mayprefer to sing the entire proper by following the pointing of the text, using a unison orharmonized tonal setting. Or, if the singers are well-prepared and optional verses areadded, alternation of the unison and harmonized versions of the psalm tones, togetherwith the period repetition of the antiphon melody (perhaps by the congregation) may beeffective:

AntiphonPsalm, v. 1, unIson

v. 2, harmonized

AntiphonPsalm, v. 3, unIson

v. 4, harmonized


Glory be, unisonAs it was, harmonized

Care should be taken, wit~ such an arrangement, that the various musical elementsare all of corresponding modality.

I. THE MELODIESThe melodies are modeled after the original antiphonal chants as closely as possi­

ble, according to the original rules for the adaptation of type and centonized melodies tonew texts. In some modes, these type melodies are practically nonexistent, and in these,


the spirit and melodic contours of the original chants have been retained. In other modes,the same type melody is found set to many different Latin texts; these melodies havebeen adapted with some frequency to English texts in these propers.

The importance of expressing the text, and of making the melodies a vehicle forthis expression, cannot be overemphasized. The accents of the text are the soul ofthe melodies; they should be given careful attention as the culmination points of thedynamic line, even when the accented syllable itself receives but a single note of melodywhile the following syllable has many more notes. The horizontal episema (-) below anote indicates that the notes should be slightly lengthened to punctuate or emphasizethe melodic and textural idea. Bar lines are guides to the proper phrasing of the music.

II. THE PSALM TONESThese are of uniform rhythmic structure, and are interchangeable; however, the tone

should correspond to the modality of the other elements of the musical entity.

IntonationsIntonations are melodic settings for the first two syllables of psalm verses. In gen­

eral, intonations are used whenever the psalm verse is immediately preceded by achanted melody, antiphon, respond, or alleluia. Intonations may also be used after har­monized verses or throughout a psalm for greater solemnity. Otherwise, the text maybegin on the recitation note of the psalm setting.

Reciting TonesThe prolonged notes between the intonation and the mediant cadence, and between

the mediant cadence and the final cadence, indicate the reciting tone or tones. The syl­lables of the text should move along at a brisk but decorous speed, care being taken tobring the accents of the text into prominence, and to make the meaning as intelligibleas possible to the entire congregation. Note that the reciting tone for the second halfof each verse is the same as the final note of the mediant cadence.

CadencesThese are measured cadences. The mediant cadence consists of three notes, the ac­

cents falling on the first and third notes. The final cadence consists of five notes, theaccents falling on the first, third, and fifth notes.

The beginning of the mediant cadence is indicated in the text by a single verticalline: I . The end of the mediant cadence is indicated by a double vertical line: II . Acomma above the text ' indicates a pause, or slight prolonging of the preceding syllable.

The pointing in the antiphon texts beneath chant melodies occasionally indicatestwo or three complete repetitions of the psalm tones. In this case, a vertical dotted line( : ) indicates the end of one verse and the beginning· of the next.

The accents of the text are adapted to the melodic structure of the cadences byfollowing these rules:

1. Capitalized syllables are sung to two notes of the cadence:

J J JJ Jdis- I tress and SOR - row.


REV. PAUL ARBOGAST, EditorSaint Mary's Cathedral, Covington, KentuckyFaculty Member of Saint Joseph's

Summer School of Liturgical Music

2. Italicized syllables are sung to the same note of the cadence. Thus the singlequarter note is divided into two eighth notes. This should be done smoothly,without excessive angularity.

J )1)1 JIwork of your hands

3. If the mediant cadence has four syllables instead of three, and none are under­lined, the final note of the mediant cadence is repeated, both notes remain quarter

notes. J J J JI con - so - la - tion

These basic rules apply to the harmonized psalm tones as well as those in unison.Although some of the traditional harmonizations are printed in doubled time values forthe singers' convenience, their actual recitation should move at the same general speedas the unison tones.

III. OPTIONAL PSALM VERSES, REPETITIONS, ETC.The Introit (Entrance Song), Offertory (Offertory Song), and Communion (Com­

munion Song) and traditionally processional chants, intended to accompany the entranceprocession, the offertory procession, and the communion procession. They are "antiph­onal" chants, consisting essentially of the singing of a psalm, two groups of singersalternately singing the verses. To the psalm itself is added the antiphon, a kind of re­curring theme-song, which is sung at the beginning and at the end of the psalm, andmay be inserted periodically between the verses. Since it is permissable and desirable torestore the psalm more fully in these processional chants, several optional verses havebeen added to the Introit, in addition to the one verse and the "Glory be to the Father"that are now required by the rubrics. These may be sung to make the Entrance Songmore truly a processional chant.

Similarly, a number of psalms have been given in the appendix that are consideredliturgically appropriate for the communion procession. One of these, the psalm for theIntroit of the day, or the psalm from which the communion antiphon is taken may beused together with the communion antiphon to expand it into a processional chant. Asimilar procedure may be followed at the Offertory.

The Gradual, Tract, and Alleluia (Meditation Song) are not processional chants,but rather a meditative interlude between the readings. The Gradual, Responsory, andAlleluia are "responsorial" chants, in which the group repeats an identical refrain (Re­spond or Alleluia) after each verse sung by the soloist. Only one verse now remains foreach responsory. The Respond, however, may and should be repeated at the end of theverse of the Gradual, as is indicated.

The Alleluia melodies may be used interchangeably. The complete list appears inAppendix II. In addition to these Allulias, an Alleluia from the Graduale or LiberUsualis may be used if desired. The mode of the Alleluia should correspond to the modeof the psalm tone used for its verse, as well as to the mode of the Gradual Respond pre­ceding it.



up my soul;I liftTo you

ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 24: 1-3

>----~ WfJ-.---'in you, 0 my I God, I trust; II


&let me I not be put to shame; ~ let not my en - e - mies ex - ult I

& I~o - ver me. II No one who waits for you shall be I PUT TO shame.

Psalm Ps. 24: 4-13f":\.


k¥gf ... E ~ ~~lei~

1. Your ways, 0 Lord, make I known to me; II teach ME YOUR paths,

Optional ve rses :2. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my I SAV-ior, II

and for you I IWAIT all the day. Repeat Antiphon.3. Remember that your com- I pas -sion, 0 Lord, II

and your kindness I ARE from of old.4. The sins of my youth and my frailties re-I mem-ber not; II

in your kindness remember me, because of your I GOOD-ness, 0 Lord. RepeatAntiphon.5. Good and upright I is the Lord; II

thus he shows I SIN-ners the way.6. He guides the humble to I JUS-tice,11

he teaches the I hum-ble HIS way. Repeat Antiphon.7. All the paths of the Lord are kindness and I con-stan-cy II

toward those who keep his covenant I AND his de-crees.8. For your name's sake, I 0 Lord, II

you will pardon my guilt, I GREAT as it is. Repeat Antiphon.9. When a man I fears the Lord, II

he shows him the I WAY he should choose.10. He abides in pros-I per-i-ty, II

and his descendants in-I HER-it the land. Repeat Antiphon.11. Glory be to the Father, and I to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 24: 3,4


~-F~I TEACH me your paths.

Respond may be repeated.

M~der-----~~~------<~shall be I PUT TO shame.No one who I waits for you


~ Fr 8,... ...v: Your ways, o Lord, make Iknown to me; II

Alleluia Ps. 84: 8

~~Al - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluin.

v. Show us, 0 Lord, your I KIND-ness, IIand grant us I your sal-VA-tion. Repeat Alleluia.



To you I lift up my soul; in you, 0 my I God, I trust; II

let me I not be put to shame; ~ let not my en - e - mies ex - ult I

o ver me: II no one who waits for you shall be I PUT TO shame.



The Lord will give his I ben - e - fits, II and our land shall I yield its IN-crease.




~ ~j ~

be - hold the Lord shallon,SiofPea - pIe

Antiphon Isa. 30: 30

M~de~ ).L--~:PL-_---J--:~~~-::::'--=--=,-=-~~_-==-=------

come to \ save the na tions; II and the Lord shall make

the glo - ry of his voice to be heard, in the I JOY of your heart.

Psalm Ps. 79: 2-11

1. 0 shep - herd of Israel, I HEARK - en; II o guide of the I flock of JO - seph.

Optional verses:2. From your throne upon the cherubim, I SHINE forth II

before Ephraim, Benjamin I and Ma-NAS-se. Repeat Antiphon.3. Rouse your power, and come to I SAVE us. II

o Lord of hosts, restore us;' if your face shine up-on us, I then we shall be safe.4. 0 Lord of hosts, how long will you bum with IAN-ger II

while IYOUR pea-pIe pray? Repeat Antiphon.S. You have fed them with the Ibread of tears II

and given them tears to drink in I am-pIe MEAS-ure o

6. You have left us to be fought over by our I NEIGH-bars, 1\

and our I en-e-mies MOCK us. Repeat Antiphon.7. 0 Lord of hosts, re-I STORE us; II

if your face shine upon us, I then we shall be safe.8. A vine from Egypt you trans- I PLANT-ed; II

you drove away the Ina-tions and plant-ed it. Repeat Antiphon.9. You cleared the I ground for it, II

and it took I root and filled the land.10. The mountains were hidden in its I SHAD-ow; II

by its branches, the ICE-dars of God. Repeat Antiphon.11. Glory be to the Father, and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-ly SPIR-it.12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ev-er I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps.49:2,5

on, per - feet in I BEAU - ty, IIFrom Si

M~de--....--&,.---~~~I GOD SHINES forth.

Alleluia Ps. 121: 1



Pi~~"--------1~~totl----_-------I~W. Gath-er his faithful ones be-I FORE him,11 those who made a covenant with I himby sac-ri-fice.

Respond may be Yepeated.

Al - Ie - Iu 1a. Repeat Alleluia.

v. I rejoiced because they I said to me: II"We will go up to the I HOUSE of the Lord." Repeat Alleluia.


Will you not, ° God, Igive us life; II and shall not your peo-ple re-I JOICE IN you?l

-~------_.--~Show us, 0 Lord, your I KIND - ness, II and grant us I your sal - VA - tion.

COMMUNION SONGBar. 5: 5, 4: 36

M~detTI! ~_~_--==~ ~Up, Je - ru sa leml Stand up - I on

,the heights; II and be - hold the joy that comes to I YOU from your God.


Re - joice in the Lord al - ways:



Antiphon Phil. 4: 4-6


a - gain I I say, re - joice. II Let your


mod-er-a-tion be known to all men:' for the \ LORD IS near.; Havenoanx-i-e - ty,

but in I ev - ery - thing, II by prayer let your pe- ti - tions be made I KNOWN TO God.

Psalm Ps. 84:2-11~ ~

~-'~-8--AA~t&11---~1. You have favored, °ILord, your land; II you have restored thewell-!be-ingoj JA ­

Optional verses:2. You have forgiven the guilt of your I PEO-ple; II

you have Icov-ered all their sins. Repeat Antiphon.3. You have withdrawn I all your wrath;11

you have revoked your I burn-ing AN-ger.4. Restore us, °God our I SAV-ior II

and abandon your dis - Iplea - sure a - gainst us. Repeat Antiphon.5. Will you be ever I an-gry with us, II

prolonging your anger to all I gen-er- A-tions ?6. Will you not instead I give us life; II

and shall not your people re-I JOICE IN you? Repeat Antiphon.7. Show us, 0 Lord your I KIND-ness, II

and grant us I your sal-VA-tion.8. I will hear what I God pro-claims; II

the Lord - for I he pro-CLAIMS peace.9. To his people, and to his I faith-ful ones, 1\

and to those who I put in him their hope. Repeat Antiphon.10. Near indeed is his salvation to those who I FEAR him,ll

glory I dwell-ing in our land.11. Kindness and I truth shall meet; 11

justice and IPEACE SHALL kiss. Repeat Antiphon.12. Glory be to the Father, and I to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 79: 2,3


From your throne, 0 Lord, up -on the I cher-u-bim, II rouse your I pow-er, AND come.

Versicle Ps. 79: 2

~ t:\ t:\

r---.-1I ---~--§=.=~ ===-=--F-~11. 0 shep - herd of Israel,

Alleluia Ps. 79: 3

HEARK - en, II 0 guide of the I flock of}O sephlRespond may be repeated.

Al - Ie lu - la. Repeat Alleluw.

w. Rouse, 0 I Lord, your power, IIand I come to SAVE us. Repeat Alleluia.



You have fa - vored, 0 Lord, your land; you have re - stored the well- be -

, ~ ~ ~F~ing of JA - cob. II You have for - giv - en the I guilt of your PEO - pIe.


,Say to those who are fright -ened:

~~~~Be I strong, fear


not! II

tn J J jl J Ji ~J ~ ~)Here is our God, he comes to SAVE us.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon !sa. 45: 8

M~det~, j --IIIE..~_~_~~-_J ~~_-+--_~Drop down dew, you heav - ens, I from a - hove, II and let

1, J ! ~r

iU~ ~the CLOUDS let the earth

"~ ~ !U IIJ ~be I 0 - pened II and bud I forth a SAV - ior.

Psalm Ps. 18: 2-9

i ~ iflS2:=3 ~ ~i~ W----'-lel------I~ F~1. The heav-ens declare the I glo- ry ofGod, II and the firmament pro- Iclaims his hand-i -work.

Optional verses:2. Day pours out the I word to day, II

and night to night im- IPARTS KNOWL-edge; Repeat Antiphon.3. Not a word nor a IDIS-course II

whose IVOICE is not heard;4. Through all the earth their Ivoice re-sounds,1I

and to the ends of the Iworld their MES-sage. Repeat Antiphon.5. He has pitched a tent there for the sun,'

which comes forth like the groom from his bridal ICHAM-ber IIand, like a giant, joyfully IRUNS ITS course.

6. At one end of the heavens it comes forth,'and its course is to their Ioth-er end; IInothing es- ICAPES ITS heat. Repeat Antiphon.

7. The law of the Lord is IPER-fect, IIre-I FRESH-ing the soul;

8. The decree of the Lord is trust- I WOR-thy, IIgiving wisdom Ito the SIM-ple. Repeat Antiphon.

9. The precepts of the I Lord are right, IIre -I JOIC -ing the heart.

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

11. As it was in the beginning is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.




Respond Ps. 144: 18_ JW

,~-~to all who \ call up-


,~ ( 1on

~ J1 J1 J :Ii J ~ ~~ Fhim, II to all who call up - on him in truth.

Versicle Ps. 144: 21

t~g~ pJ ~~ ~rt. May my mouth speak the I praise of the Lord, II and may all flesh Ibless his ho - ly name.

Respond may be repeated.Alleluia

,~ :IiAl Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Come, 0 Lord, and de-I LAY not; IIforgive the sins of your Ipea-pIe Is-ra-el. Repeat Alleluia.



Hail, Mar - y, I full of grace, II the I Lord is WITH you. ~ bless'd are you

t~~a - mong I wo men, II and bless'd is the I FRUIT of your womb.


M~de1¥i.l---l....IIIL....-..Jl_J_~,----~_~IP_I~Be - hold, a vir - gin shall be with child and I bear

el.uEm - I MAN

~9~.~~a son, 11 and shall name him



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ex. 16: 6, 7

M~de~b~~This day you shall know that the Lord will come,

and I SAVE us: II and in the morn - ing you shall I see his GLO - rYe

those who dwell in it.

Psalm Ps. 23: 1-10

" g I~ ~~1eI===~~F~~1. The Lord's are the earth and its I FULL - ness; II the world and

Optional verses:2. For he founded it up- I on the seas II

and established it up-Ion the RIV-ers . Repeat Antiphon.3. Who can ascend the mountain I of the Lord? II

or who may stand I in his ho-ly place?4. He whose hands are sinless, whose I heart is clean, II

who desires not what is vain,'nor swears deceitfully I to his NEIGH-bar. Repeat Antiphon.

S. He shall receive a blessing I from the Lordt IIa reward from I God his SAV-ior.

6. Such is the race that I seeks for him, IIthat seeks the face of the I God of JA-cob. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Lift up, 0 gates, your I LIN-tels; IIreach up, you ancient portals t ' that the king of I glo-ry may come inl

8. Who is this king of IGLO-ry1 IIthe Lord, strong and mighty, 'the Lord, I might- y in BAT-tIe. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Lift up, 0 gates, your I LIN-tels; IIreach up, you ancient portals,' that the king of t glo-ry may come inl

10. Who is this king of IGLO-ry1 IIThe Lord of hosts; 'he is the Iking of GLO-ry. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son"and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be \Iworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



MEDITATION SONGRespond Ex.16:6,7 ..

&, 'J¥=a

us: II and in the morn - ing


&, ~and I SAVE

day you shall know that the Lord will come

you shall I see his GLO - ryo

herd of Israel, hearken,' 0 guide of the flock ofshep -ll. 0

Versicle Ps. 79: 2-3

~r----~~....-te1----~F-j-----,~}O sephl II

~, ~ ~From your throne upon the cherubim,' shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin I and Ma-NAS-se.

Respond may be repeated.The following Alleluia and its versicle are said only when Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday:


~~Al - Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. Tomorrow shall the wickedness of the earth be a-I BOL-ished: IIand the Savior of the world shall I REIGN o-ver us. Repeat Alleluia.



Ps. 23: 7

" }Lift up, o gates, your


lin tels; reach up, youa-

an -

~,cient I POR - tals, II that the king of I glo ry may come in.


M~~;e: I

The glo - ry of the Lord shall I be re - vealed, II

~~ §sa~~ ~ ~and all flesh shall see the sal -I va - tion of our God.





Antiphon Ps. 2: 7,The Lord said to me, "You I are my son; II this day I I have be-got- ten you."

Psalm Ps. 2: 1-2,4-9, f:\.


!ii ~11 E ~ ~~lei

~1. Why do the I na - tions rage II and the people I ut - ter FOL ly?

Optional verses:2. The kings of the earth rise up, and the princes conspire to-I GETH-er II

against the Lord and against I his a-NOINT-ed. Repeat Antiphon.3. He who is throned in Iheav-en laughs; II

the I Lord de-RIDES them.4. Then in anger he I speaks to them; II

he terrifies them I IN HIS wrath: Repeat Antiphon.5. ''1 myself have set up IMY king II

on Sion, my Iho-ly MOUN-tain.6. I will proclaim the decree of the Lord:' the Lord I said to me, II

"You are my son;' this day I I have be-got-ten you. Repeat Antiphon.7. Ask of me and I will give you the nations for an in- Iher-it-ance II

and the ends of the earth for I your pos-SES-sion.8. You shall rule them with an li-ronrod; II

you shall shatter them !l1ke an earth-en dish. t1 Repeat Antiphon.9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son II

and to the I Ho -1Y SPIR-it.10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 109: 3,1

M~de'---I~Yours is prince - ly pow - er, in the I day of your birth; II

in ho - Iy splen - dar; be - fore the day-star, I Ihave be - got - ten you.

Versicle Ps. 109: 1

'Jif.~ ~~ ~"Yl. The Lord said to my Lord J "Sit at my IRIGHT hand, II till I make your enemies IYOUR FOOT-stool.

Respond may be repeated.

rilleAl Ie Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

"IT. The Lord saidto me, "You Iare my son; IIthis day I Ihave be-got-ten you." Repeat Alleluia.



Let the heav-ens be glad and the Iearth re - joice II be-fore the I LORD, for he comes.



In ho ... Iy splen-dor~be-I fore the day - star II I I have be - got - ten you.




issonato us,

Antiphon Is. 9: 6

M~de ~_j_J_F=%+F==-------~J-----1~A child is I born

GIV en

J1 ~ ~ Jl J ~to us; up - on his shoul - der do - min - ion rests; II

~~I §and his name shall be called the an - gel I of great COUN - sel.

Psalm Ps. 97: 1-9

~_--:----_--;a~.-----B:::-~.....-J1---------F-~1. Sing to the Lord a I NEW song, II for he has done WON DRaUS deeds.

Optional verses:2. The Lord has made his sal- I va-tion known: 1\

in the sight of the nations he has re- Ivealed his JUS-tice o Repeat Antiphon.3. He has remembered his kindness and his I faith -ful-ness II

toward the I house of Is-ra-el.4. All the ends of the I earth have seen II

the sal- Iva -tion by our Godo Repeat Antiphon.S. Sing joyfully to the Lord, I all you lands; II

break into I SONG; SING praise.6. Sing praise to the Lord I with the harp, II

with the harp and me-I LO-di-ous song. Repeat Antiphon.7. With trumpets and the I sOlUld of the horn II

sing joyfully before the I KING, THE Lord.8. Let the sea and what I fills it re- sound, II

the world and I those who dwell in it; Repeat Antiphon.9. Let the rivers Iclap their hands ,II

the mountains I shout with them for jOYa10. He will rule the world with I JUS -tice II

and the peoples with I EQ-UI-ty. Repeat Antiphon.11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son II

and to the IHo-1y SPIR-ita12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 97: 3,4

M~de~ ~_!---'-L-Jl_~----~~~==-=----~_All the ends of the earth have seen the sal -

God.ourbyva - tion

f ~'-------~--~F¥±pII Sing joy - ful - ly to I GOD, all you lands.

Versicle Ps. 97: 2

~ f':',

~==I0I===-=--=--=--F-F-§~IIt1d--------known: II in the sight of the nations he has re-Lord.". The has made his sal- I va - tion

~ f':',

If-F=-~~~~~_--.--~-§I vealed his JUS tice.

Respond may be repeated.


------§Al - Ie - Iu - ia. Repeat Alleluw.

v. A sanctified days has shone upon us; 'come, you nations, and a- I dore the Lord: IIfor this day a great light has descended up-ION THE earth. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 88: 12, 15

M~de~Yours are the heav - ens,

~~,and yours is the earth; the world and its

full - ness you have IFOUND-ed.11 Judg-ment andjus-tice are the foun-l da-tion of your throne 0


M~de ~~~All the ends I of the earth II have seen the sal- I va - tion by our God.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Wis. 18: 14-15

M~de ,-------i~-~-_.~_When a pro - found still - ness com - passed I ev fry - thing II

,~~~~and the night in its swift I course was HALF spent,:

&~ #id_I-----_~__i ~------~your all-pow - er- full word, 0 Lord, II bound - ed from I heav - en's roy - al throne.

,salm iic--5-u..~~d--__-----'~-I0I--------f3h€r1. The Lord is king, in I splen-dor robed; II robed is the Lord and I girt a-boutwith strength.

Optional verses:2. And he has made the I WORLD firm, II

not I TO BE moved. Repeat Antiphon.3. Your throne stands firm I from of old; II

from everlasting I YOU are, 0 Lord.4. The floods lift up, 0 Lord, '

the floods lift I up their voice; IIthe floods lift up their TV-mult .Repeat Antiphon.

S. More powerful than the roar of many waters,'more powerful than the breakers I of the sea - IIpowerful on I HIGH is the Lord.

6. Your decrees are worthy of trust indeed;'holiness be- I fits your house, IIo \ Lord, for length of days. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-ly SPIR-it.

8. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.




Fair - er in beau - ty are you than the I sons of men; 11

~ j J Ji J ~ ~grace is poured out up - on your lips.

Versicle PSt 44: 2 !:'

~ §'-------44--1Ot-----~-F'---~~king, IIto theheartV. My overflows with a goodly theme; as I sing my lode

'~-----I"'IIUq-------Fi---~~~~JI-----~~r----~my tongue is nimble as the

Alleluia PSt 92: 1

pen of a skill - ful scribe.Respond may be repeated.

Al - Ie lu

~,-~f--e;==@__J~~ia. Repeat Alleluia.

J(I. The Lord is king, in I splen- dor robed; IIrobed is the Lord and I girt a- bout with strength. Repeat Alleluia.


Your throne,

M~de ~ §r--------J gGod has made the world firm, I not to be moved. II

from ev - er- I last - ing YOU are.of old;fromGod, stands firmo




M~de ~

Take the child and his moth - er, and go in - to the

land of I Is - ra - el, II for those who sought the I CHILD'S life are dead.







All the ends of the earth have seen the sal - va - tion Iby our God .li

~ ISing joy - ful - ly to 1 GOD, all you lands.


XI. The Lord has made his sal-Iva - tion, ~I:',

~ ~ SFvealed his JUS tice.

Respond may be repeated.

known: II in the sight of the na-tions he has re-lI

Alleluia Heb. 1: 1, 2

~~~-Y~Al - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

"V. God, who in diverse ways spoke in times past to the fathers by the I PRO

~ ~~¥;=::~·..t=========~==~:==~=:::~~F~-==-~L--.---1~""'-'- --~-,---§

phets; II

last of all, in these days, has spoken I to us by his Son. Repeat Alleluia.




heaven, on

HOLY NAME OF JESUS( Sunday between Jan. 1 and Jan. 6 )


Antiphon Phil. 2: 10-11

M~de ,

At the name of Je sus ev - 'ry Iknee should bend II of those in

~,~-_--=----=-=----'1J ~earth, and I UN - der the earth, 1 and ev - 'ry tongue I should


con- fess that the LordlJe - sus Christ II is in

Psalm Ps. 8: 2-10

the glo - ry of IGod the FA - there

OUR Lord, II how glorious is your name o - ver all the earth .

Optional verses:2. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have fashioned praise'

because of IYOUR foes, IIto silence the hostile Iand the VENGE-ful. Repeat Antiphon.

3. When I behold your heavens, the work of your IFIN-gers, IIthe moon and the stars I which you set in place -

4. What is man that you should be mindful I OF him, IIor the son of man that Iyou should care for him? Repeat Antiphon.

5. You have made him little less than the I AN-gels, \1

and crowned him with Iglo-ry and HON-or.6. You have given him rule over the works of IYOUR hands, II

putting all things I UN-der his feet: Repeat Antiphon.

7. All sheep and lOX-en, IIyes, and the I BEASTS of the field,

8. The birds of the air, the fishes Iof the sea, IIand whatever swims the IPATHS of the seas. Repeat Antiphon.

9. 0 Lord, lOUR Lord, IIhow glorious is your name I o-ver all the earth!

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 105: 47


Save us, 0 I Lord, our God, II and gath - er us from a-I mong the NA-tions, \I

~that we may give thanks to your Iho-Iy name II and glo - ry in I PRAIS- ING you.

Repeat Alleluia.

Versicle Isa. 63: 16

~""""""IOI----gr@.~ ~V. You,O Lord, are our Father and our re- IDEEM - er, II from ever-Ilast-ing is your name.

~~Respond may be repeated.

Al Ie - Iu - ia .

xr. May my mouth speak the I praise of the Lord .11and may all flesh Ibless his ho-ly name. Repeat Alleluia.


~ I~I will give thanks to you, 0 Lord my God, with I all my heart,11 and I

will glo - ri-fy your I name for-EV - er.: For you, 0 Lord, are good and for I GN - ing,1I

a - bound - ing in kind-ness to all who call up - on you. I Al - Ie - LV - ia.


M~de ) ~r-----_.L----.-:----~~---------~

All the na - tions you have made II shall come and war


ship you, 0 Lord, and I glo - ri - fy your name.: For you are

----...E.~r-----_~great and do I won-drous deeds; II you a - lone are God. I Al - Ie - LV - ia.




Be - hold, the Lord



6~--'----~the rul - er I IS come; II and the king - dom


is in his hand, and pow - er, I and do - MIN - ion.

Psalm PSt 71: 1-7

~ ~ ~, ~f---+.r.f-t«1f---~----IrW-~~--~I----~

1. 0 God, with your judgment en-I dow the king, II and with yourljus-tice, theKING'S

Optional verses:2. He shall govern your people with I JUS-tice II

and your afflicted I ones with JUDG-ment. Repeat Antiphon.3. The mountains shall yield peace for the I PEO- pIe II

and the I HILLS JUS-tice.4. He shall defend the afflicted among the people, '

save the children I of the poor, 1\

and crush I the op- PRES- sor. Repeat Antiphon.S. May he endure as long as the sun, II

and like the moon through alII gen-er-A-tions.6. He shall be like rain coming down on the I MEAD- ow, 1\

like showers I wa-ter-ing the earth. Repeat Antiphon.7. Justice shall flower I in his days, II

and profound peace, till the I MOON be no more.8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Isa. 60: 6

M~de'~All from Sa - ba shall come, bring ing gold and I frank - in - cense, II

~and pro-claim-ing the I prais - es of the Lord.

Versicle Isa. 60: 1

11. Rise up in splendor, 0 Je-I ru - sa - lem, II for the glory of the Lordi shines up- ON you.,lIel Respond may be repeated.

Al - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

)f. We have seen his star I in the East: IIand have come with gifts to IWOR-ship the Lord. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de ~f=F

The kings of Thar - sis and the isles shall I of - fer gifts; II

the kings of A - ra- bi - a and Sa - ba I shall bring TRIB- ute. : All

~J~kings shall pay him I HOM age, II all na - tions I SHALL SERVE him.


and have come with

Matt. 2: 2

,-~We have seen his star I in the east II


, ~ JU J ~~gifts to I WOR - ship the Lord.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Provo 23: 24, 25

M~de $f4=The fa - ther of the just will ex - I ult with glee; II let your

fa - ther and

Psalm Ps. 83: 2-8

moth - er have joy;' let her who I BORE you ex-ult.

1. How love - ly is your dwelling place, 0 I Lord of Hosts .11 My soul yearns and pines for the I



§Fof the Lord.

Optional verses:2. My heart I and my flesh 1\

cry out I for the liv- ing God. Repeat Antiphon.3. Even the sparrow Ifinds a home II

and the swal-low a nest in Iwhich she puts her young ­4. Your altars, 0 I Lord of hosts, II

my IKING and my God! Repeat Antiphon.S. Happy they who dwell in IYOUR house! II

continually ITHEY PRAISE you.6. Happy the men whose I strength you are! II

their hearts are set up- Ion the pil- grim-age: Repeat Antiphon.7. When they pass through the arid valley, they make a I spring of it; II

the early rain clothes it with Igen-er-OUS growth.8. They go from Istrength to strength; \I

. they shall see the God of Igods in SI-on. Repeat Antiphon.9. Glory be to the F ather and I to the Son II

and to the I Ho-ly SPIR- it.10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be,11

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 26: 4


One thing I ask of the Lord; I this I seek: II


to dwell in the house of the Lord all the I DAYS of my life.

Versicle Ps. 83: 5

)/. Hap- py they who dwell in your I house. 0 Lord! II Continually I THEY PRAISE you.Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Isa. 45: 15 ------------Al - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Truly you are a I hid-den God,1Ithe God of Isra - I el, the SAV- ior. Repeat Alleluia.



Je -I ru - sa - lem, IIJe - sus took him up to

to the Lord.

The par - ents of

~'_J§_~to pre - I sent him


M~de ,

Je -sus went down with them, and came to I Naz-a-rethll and was I SUB-ject to them.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 65: 4

M~de' ~Let allan earth war - ship I you, 0 God, II and sing praise to you,

sing I praise to your name, Most High.

Psalm Ps. 65: 1-12

, ~.. &=f1. Shout joy - fully to God, all I you on, J


~ ~ ~jJ §claim his glo - ri-ous praise.


#¥1---tJ----.------­earth, II sing praise to the glory of his name; pro-I

Optional verses:2. Say to God, "How tremendous I are your deeds! II

for your great strength your enemies I fawn up-ON you. Repeat Antiphon.3. Let allan earth worship and sing I praise to you, II

sing I PRAISE to your name!"4. Come and see the I works of God, II

his tremendous Ideeds a-MONG men. Repeat Antiphon.S. He has changed the sea into dry land;'through the river they I passed on foot; II

therefore let Ius re-joice in him.6. He rules by his might forever;' his eyes watch the I NA-tions; II

rebels may I not ex- alt them- selves. Repeat Antiphon.7. Bless our God, you I PEO-ples, II

loudly I SOUND HIS praise;8. He has given Ilife to our souls, II

and has not (let our FEET slip. Repeat Antiphon.9. For you have tested Ius, 0 God! II

You have tried us as I sil- ver is tried by fire;10. You have brought us in-I to a snare; II

you laid a heavy Ibur-den on our backs. Repeat Antiphon.11. You let men ride over our heads;'we went through fire and !WA-ter, \1

but you have led us out I to re - FRESH- ment.12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son II

and to the I Ho-ly SPIR-it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without \ END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 106: 20

M~de',---~_rnThe Lord sent forth his I word to heal themlland to snatch them~from de-STRUCT-ion.

Versicle Ps. 106: 21

i ~~JL& .~ ~~1eI--

1I. Let' them give thanks to the Lord for his I KIND - ness, II and his wondrous deeds to the I~ f':>,

--I--~-F=--r==~-J ===~~==§CHILD ren of men. Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 148: 2

,~~Al - Ie - Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Praise the Lord, all you his I AN- gels, IIpraise him, I ALL you his hosts. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 65: 1,2,16

Milde I~

Shout - joy - ful - ly to God, all I you on earth, II sing praise

to the I glo - ry of his name. : Hear now, all you who \FEAR God, II

while I de - clare what the Lord has done for me. I Al - Ie - LU - ia.

COMMUNION SONGJohn 2: 7, 8, 9, 10-11

M~de' ~The Lord said, "Fill the jars with wa-ter and take to the chief I STEW - ard ."1/,

When the chief stew-ard had tast- ed the wa - ter af - ter it had be- come wine,,he Isaid to the BRIDE-groom, i"You have kept the good wine un - I TIL now." II,

This first mir - a - cle Je - sus worked in the pres - ence of I his dis- CI - pIes.




A dore God,


Antiphon Ps. 96: 7, 8

'~f----~ ~all you his I AN - gels: \] Si - on hears

~and is glad, and the cit - ies of I ]U da re joice.

Psalm Ps. 96: 1-10, JU) J¥f ~ ~ J ~1':\

lq~ §.~ ".1. The Lord is king; let the Iearth re - joice; II let the Iman- y isles be glad.

Optional verses:2. Clouds and darkness are round a-I BOUT him II

justice and judgment are the foun- Ida-tion of his throne. Repeat Antiphon.3. Fire goes be- I FORE him II

and consumes his I FOES round a-bout.4. His lightnings illumine I THE world; II

the earth I sees and TREM-bles. Repeat Antiphon.5. The mountains melt like wax be- I fore the Lord, II

before the I Lord of all the earth.6. The heavens proclaim his I]US-tice, II

and all peoples I see his GLO-ry. Repeat Antiphon.7. All who worship graven things are put to shame, ,

who glory in the I things of naught; IIall gods are I pros-trate be-FORE him.

8. Sian hears and is glad,'and the cities of ]uda I RE- joice IIbecause of your I]UDG-ments, 0 Lord. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Because you, 0 Lord, are the Most High over I all the earth, 11

exalted I far a - bove all gods.10. The Lord loves those that hate evil, ,

he guards the lives of his I faith-ful ones; IIfrom the hand of the wicked Ihe de-liv-ers them. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIAnd to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever 1 SHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 101: 16, J ~Mode J J)4

The na - tions shall re vere~ a byour I name, 0 Lord, II

V. For the

and all the kings of the I earth your GLO - ry .

Versicle PSt 101: 17

~~~ ~I---Irw~.t-----~Lord has rebuilt I SI on, II and he shall appear I in his GLO ry.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 96: 1

Al - Ie lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. The Lord is king; let thelearth re-joice; IIlet thelman-y isles be glad. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de ,

The right hand of the Lord has I struck with pow - er: II the right hand of the Lord Ihas,ex - aI-ted me; i I shall not \die, but live, II and de-clare the IWORKS of the Lord.


M~de~ ~ ~ ~All mar - veIled I at the words II that came from the I MOUTH OF God.




Antiphon Ps. 17: 5, 6, 7

the cords

Mode6 -~

The ter - rors of death surged round a -I BOUT me,11,of the neth - er I world en - MESHED me. l In my dis - tress I called

up -Ion the Lord; II from his ho - ly tern - pIe I HE heard my voice.

Psalm Ps. 17: 2-10

~ ~ ~~__~_IeI-=-_-~--oF=j----.i---1. I love you,OILord, my strength, II ° Lord, myrock, myfortress,lmyde-liv- er - ere

Optional verses:2. My God, my rock of I REF-uge,1I

my shield, the horn of my sal- Iva-tion, my STRONG-hold! Repeat Antiphon.3. Praised be the Lord, I I ex- claim, 1\

and I am I safe from my en-e-mies.4. The breakers of death surged round a- IBOUT me, II

the destroying floods I o-ver-WHELMED me; Repeat Antiphon.S. The cords of the nether world en- IMESHED me,11

the snares of death I o-ver-TOOK me6. In my distress I called up- I on the Lord II

and I cried out to my God; Repeat Antiphon.7. From his temple he Iheard my voice,1I

and my I cry to him reached his ears.8. The earth I swayed and quaked; II

the foundations of the mountains trembled'and shook Iwhen his wrath flared up. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Smoke rose from his I NOS-trils,11and a devouring fire from his mouth 'that kindled I COALS in~to flame.

10. And he inclined the heavens I and came down, IIwith dark clouds I un-der HIS feet. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the F ather and Ito the Son IIand to tbe I Ho-ly SPIR- it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be,11world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Lord.not those who ISEEK you, 0for - sakeyou

Respond Ps. 9: 10,11

Msde~ ~"'""---- #-=A strong - hold in times of dis-tress; they trust in you who I

cher- ish you; II for

Versicle Ps. 9: 19-20I\.w. ~

-~ \I -

the@l_.JI For needy shall not always be forgotten,' nor shall the hope of the afflicted foreverl

~F r ~~ J J+r W ~PER ish; II rise, 0 Lord, \ let not man pre - vail.

Tract Ps. 129: 1-4 Respond may be repeated.

1. Out of the depths I cry to Iyou, 0 Lord; I~

Lord, IHEAR MY voice!2. Let your ears be at- ITEN-tive II

to the Iprayer of your SERV-ant.3. If you, 0 Lord, mark in-I iq-ui-ties,11

Lord, I who can STAND it?4. But with you is for- I GIVE-ness,1I

and by reason of your law I have waited for IYOU, 0 Lord.


M~ ~It is good to give I thanks to the Lord,11 and to sing praise to IYOUR name, Most High.

COMMUNION SONGPs. 30: 17, 18

Msde ~

Let your face shine up - on your ISERV - a~ save me in your I

~KIND - ness, 0 Lord;! let me not be Iput to shame,11 for I I call up-ON you.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 43: 23-26


A - wake! Why are you a - sleep, 0 Lord? A - rise!

Cast us not off for-I EV-er!11 Why do you hide your face, for -get-ting lour op- PRES-sian? 1

Ourbod-ies are I pressed to the earth. II A-rise,O Lord, helpus\andde-liv-erus.

Psalm Ps. 43: 2-8f"':\.


E1 J ~ J gg;lei~ r ... r

1. 0 God, our ears have heard, 1\ our fathers Ihave de - clared to us.

Optional verses:2. The deeds youldid in their days,11

lIN days of old: Repeat Antiphon.3. How with your own hand you rooted out the nations and Iplant-ed them;11

you smashed the peoples, but for I them you MADE room.4. For not with their own sword did they I conquer the land,11

nor did their own arm make I them vic-tor- i-ous. Repeat Antiphon.S. But it was your arm and Iyour right hand II

and the light of your countenance, I in your love for them.6. You are my king and IMY God, II

who bestowed victo- I ries on JA-cob. Repeat Antiphon.7. Our foes through you we ISTRUCK down; II

through your name we trampled down our Iad-ver-SAR-ies.8. For not in my Ibow did I trust II

nor did my ISWORD SAVE me; Repeat Antiphon.9. But you saved us Ifrom our foes, II

and those who hated Ius you put to shame.10. Glory be to the Father and \ to the Son,11

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 82: 19

Mgde ,~

Let the na - tions know that I God is your name; II you a - lone are the

Most High o - ver all the earth .

V. a my

Versicle Ps. 82: 14

t~~ ~~~-r-~God, make them like leaves ina IWHIRL-wind, II like I chaff be - fore the wind.

Respond may be repeated.Tract Ps. 59: 4, 6, 7

1. You have rocked the I coun-try, 0 Lord, \\and I split it a-pen.

2. Repair the Icracks in it, IIfor I it is tot- ter- ing .

3. That they may flee out of IBOW-shot; IIthat your \ loved ones mayes-cape.



Ps. 16: 5, 6, 7


Make my steps stead-fast lin your paths,llthatmy feet I may not FAL-ter.! In - cline your

,ear to me; Ihear my word .11 Show your won-drous kind-ness, 0 Lord, Sav-ior of I those who trust in you.



Ps. 42: 4

&,I will go in- to the I al - tar of God, II the God of my IGLAD- ness and joy.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 30: 3-4

M~de &Be my rock of I ref -uge, 0 God, 1\ a strong - hold to I give me SAFE - ty. ~

You are my rock and my IFOR- tress;lIfor your name's sake you wilillead and GUIDE me.


-------r ~-F--------1shame. II

In your justice rescue me Iand de - liv - er me.

Optional verses:2. Be my rock of IREF-uge, II

a stronghold to Igive me SAFE-ty. Repeat Antiphon.3. You are my rock and my IFOR-tress; II

for your name's sake you will Ilead and GUIDE me.4 . You will free me from the snare they Iset for me, II

for I you are my REF-uge. Repeat Antiphon.S. Into your hands I commend my ISPIR- it; II

you will redeem me, 0 ILord, 0 faith-ful God.6. You hate those who worship vain II-daIs, II

but my I trust is in the Lord. Repeat Antiphon.7. I will rejoice and be glad of your \KIND-ness, II

when you have seen my afflictionand watched over Ime in my dis-tress,

8. Not shutting me up in the grip of the Ien-e-my IIbut enabling me to Imove a-bout at large. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be,11world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.




Respond Ps. 76: 15

'r---~You are the God who a - lone works I WON - ders; II a mong

the peo - pIes you have made I known your POW - er.

Versicle Ps. 76: 16~ ~ ~j q-i"""-1ll--..--~~i81_~

11. With your strong arm you delivered your IPEO - ple~11 the sons of Isra- Iel and JO - seph.

Tract Ps. 99: 1-3 Respond may be repeated.1. Sing joyfully to God, I all you lands;\I

serve the I Lord with GLAD-ness.2. Come before him with I joy-ful song; II

know that the I LORD IS God.3. He made us, I his we are;11

his people, the I FLOCK HE tends.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 118: 12-13


Bless - ed

With my lips I

~"-----~_J-==§§are you, 0 Lord;' teach me your I STAT - utes. II

de - clare all the or - di - nanc - es I OF YOUR mouth.

the Lord had brought



They ate and were whol - ly sur - feit - ed; ,

them Iwhat they craved: II they were not de-fraw - ed of I THAT which they craved.



sake offor themensins ofer - look - ing the


Antiphon Wis. 11: 24, 25, 26


all, 0 Lord, and hate none of the things which I youYou have mer-cy

I~have made, II ov

~,re-pen- tance, and spar-ing them: be cause you I are the Lord our God.


Psalm Ps. 56: 2-9 r':'t

~~~~~. Et+r1. Have pit - Y on I me, 0 God; II have pity on me, for in you I ITAKE - uge.

Optional verses:2. In the shadow of your wings I take IREF-uge, II

till \ HARM PASS by. Repeat Antiphon.3. I call to God the IMOST High, II

to God, my Ibe-ne-FAC-tor.4. May he send from heaven and save me;

may he make those a reproach who trample up- ION me; IImay God send his kindness Iand his faith-ful-ness. Repeat Antiphon.

S. I lie prostrate in the midst of LI- ons \I

which IDE-YOUR men;6. Their teeth are spears and IAR-rows, II

their tongue I is a SHARP sword. Repeat Antiphon.7. Be exalted above the heavens, I 0 God; II

above all the earth Ibe your GLO-ry!8. They have prepared a net I for my feet; II

they have IBOWED ME down; Repeat Antiphon.9. They have dug a pit be- IFORE me, II

but I they fall in-to it.10. My heart is steadfast, 0 God; my heart is I STEAD-fast; II

I will Ising and CHANT praise. Repeat Antiphon.11. Awake, 0 my soul; awake I lyre and harp! II

II will wake the dawn.12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-ly SPIR-it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Respond Ps. 56: 2 ..M~de

Have pit - Y on Ime, 0 God,11 have pit - Y on me, for in you II take REF-uge.




Versicle Ps. 56: 4

~~ ~11. He has sent from heaven and I SAVED

Ia=hf ~tram-ple uP-ON me. Respond may be repeated.

He has made those a reproach who I

Tract Ps. 102: 10, 78: 8-9

1. 0 Lord, deal with us not according Ito our sins, IInor requite us ac- I cord-ing to our crimes.

2. 0 Lord, remember not against us the iniquities Iof the past; IImay your compassion qUickly come to us, for we are IBROUGHT ver-y low.

3. Help us, 0 God, our ISAV-ior,11because of the glory Iof your name, 0 Lord;

4. Deliver us and Ipar-don our sins IIIfor your NAME'S sake.



I will ex-tal you, 0 Lord, for you drew me clear' and did not let my

~en - e- mies re-joicelo- ver me .11 0 Lord, I cried out to you land you HEALED me.


He who shall med - i - tate day and night

on the I law of the Lord II shall yield


his fruit I in due SEA- son.


Antiphon Ps. 90: 15, 16

M~de ,~

He shall call up- on me, and I willi an - swer him; II I will de -liv - er him

~b ,and glo - ri - fy him; with length of days I willi grat - i - FY him.iii9:1-11 ~~ ~

1. You who dwell in the shelter of the IMOST High,11 shall abide in the shadow of \the Al- MIGHT-y.

Optional verses:2. Say to the Lord, "My refuge and my I FOR-tress, II

my IGod in whom I trust." Repeat Antiphon.3. For he will rescue you from the snare of the I FOWL-er,11

from the de-I stroy-ing pes-ti-Ience.4. With his pinions he will cover you, 'and under his wings you shall take I REF-uge; II

his faithfulness is a Ibuck-Ier and a shield. Repeat Antiphon.S. You shall not fear the terror I of the night II

nor the arrow that I FLIES BY day;6. Not the pestilence that roams in I DARK-ness II

nor the devas- I tat- ing plague at noon. Repeat Antiphon.7. Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your I RIGHT side,11

near Iyou it shall not come.8. Rather with your eyes shall Iyou be-hold II

and see the requital Iof the WICK-ed, Repeat Antiphon.9. Because you have the Lord for your IREF-uge;11

you have made the Most IHigh your STRONG-hold.10. No evil shall be-! FALL you, II

nor shall affliction come INEAR YOUR tent, Repeat Antiphon.11. For to his angels he has given command a- IBOUT you,ll

that they Iguard you in all your ways.12. Glory be to the F ather and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be,11

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.

MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 90: 11

M~de I

To his an gels God has giv - en com - mand a -I Bam you, II

,~that they Iguard you in all your ways.


Versicle Ps. 90: 12

,~ )E~19I------F$~1Ol--~V. Up-on their hands they shall I bear you up,11 lest you dash your I foot a - gainst a stone.

Tract Ps. 90: 1-7,11-16 Respond may be repeated.1. You who dwell in the shelter of the I MOST High,11

shall abide in the shadow of I the AI- MIGHT-y.2. Say to the Lord, "My refuge and my I FOR-tress,ll

my IGod in whom I trust."3. For he will rescue you from the snare of the I FOWL-er, II

from the de-I stroy- ing pes-ti-lence.4. With his pinions he will I cov-er you, II

and under his wings you I shall take REF-uge.5. His faithfulness is a buckler Iand a shield;ll

you shall not fear the I ter- ror of the night.6. Nor the arrow that flies by day; ,

nor the pestilence that roams in I DARK-ness; IInor the devas-I tat-ing plague at noon.

7. Though a thousand fall at your side, ,ten thousand at your I RIGHT side,11near \ you it shall not come.

8. For to his angels he has given command a -I BOUT you .11that they may I guard you in all your ways.

9. Upon their hands they shall I bear you up, IIlest you dash your I foot a- gainst a stone.

10. You shall tread upon the asp and the IVI-per; IIyou shall trample down the lion Iand the DRAG-on.

11. Because he clings to me, I will de- Iliv- er him; III will set him on high because he ac-I knowl-edg-es my name.

12. He shall call upon me, and I will I an-swer him; III will be Iwith him in dis - tress.

13. I will deliver him and I glo-ri-fY him; IIwith length of days I will gratify him'and will show him Imy sal-VA-tion.


M~de ,~

With his pin-ions the Lord will cov - er you,' and un - der

his wings you shall take I REF - uge; II his faith - ful- ness is a I buck - ler and a shield.



With his pin-ions the Lord will COy - er you, and un der

,~his wings you shall take IREF -uge;ll his faith - ful-ness is a I buck - ler and a shield.



Antiphon Ps. 24: 6, 2, 22

M~de' f?~Re - mem-ber that your com- I pas - sion, 0 Lord, II and your,

kind - ness are from of old; , let not our en - e-mies ex - ult I 0- ver us; II,de -liv - er us, 0 God of Is - ra - el, from all our \trib - u - LA - tions.

Psalm Ps. 24: 1-12

~ ~ ~; J¥J~. @¥d~ ~1. To you I lift up my soul, 0 Lord;'in you, 0 my IGod, I trust; II let me I not be put to shame

Optional verses:2. No one who waits for you shall be I put to shame; II

those shall be put to shame who I heed-Iess-Iy break faith. Repeat Antiphon.3. Your ways, 0 Lord, make Iknown to me; II

teach IME YOUR paths,4. Guide me in your truth and teach me,'

for you are God my ISAV- ior, IIand for you I IWAIT all the day. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Remember that your com-I pas-sion, 0 Lord, IIand your kindness IARE from of old.

6. The sins of my youth and my frailties re- I mem- ber not; IIin your kindness remember me,because of your IGOOD-ness, 0 Lord. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Good and upright I is the Lord; IIthus he shows I SIN-ners the way.

8. He guides the humble to IJUS-tice, IIhe teaches the I HUM- ble his way. Repeat Antiphon.

9. All the paths of the Lord are kindness and Icon-stan-cy IItoward those who keep his covenant IAND his de-crees.

10. For your name's I sake, 0 Lord, IIyou will pardon my guilt, I GREAT as it is. Repeat Antiphon.

11. When a man 1 fears the Lord, II

he shows him the IWAY he should choose.12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR- it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 24: 17

M~de' ~Re-lieve the trou- bles lof my heart, II and bring me out of I my dis- tress, 0 Lord.

Versicle Ps. 24: 18

, ~~II.---_~~lel__~V. Put an end to my affliction and my suf - fer- ing, II and take away I ALL MY sins.

Respond may be repeated.Tract Ps. 105: 1-4

1. Give thanks to the Lord, for Ihe is good, IIfor his kindness en- I dures for- EV-er.

2. Who can tell the mighty Ideeds of the Lord, IIor proclaim I all his PRAIS- es?

3. Happy are they who ob- I serve what is right, IIwho do I aI-ways what is just.

4. Remember us, 0 Lord, as you favor your\PEO-ple; IIvisit us Iwith your sav- ing help.


will de- lightI

Ps. 118: 47-48

,~ f4+i~F~in your com- mands, which I love ex -I ceed - ing - ly; II


and I will lift up my hands to your com-l MANOS, which I love.



Ps. 5: 2-4

,-------~~At - tend to my sigh - ing; heed my call for help,,

my I king and my God! II To I you I pray,

~--~o Lord.





Antiphon Ps. 24: 15-16

'P~My eyes are ev-erltowardtheLord,llfor he will free mylFEET from the snare. 1

,~ J\+iLook toward me, and havelpit-y on me,11 for I am a-lone I and af-FLICT-ed.

to shame.


Ps. 24: 1-12

~==19I===~~~~-=--=--=-~F=--=-~c::====r~====:I lift up my soul, 0 Lord.' In you, 0 my I God, I trust; II



1. To

,~ J ~101 rlet me not be put


,~ :p

Optional verses:2. No one who waits for you shall be I put to shame; II

those shall be put to shame who Iheed-less-ly break faith. Repeat Antiphon.3. Your ways, 0 Lord, make Iknown to me; II

teach IME YOUR paths,4. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my ISAV-ior, "

and for you I IWAIT all the day. Repeat Antiphon.S. Remember that your com -I pas-sion, 0 Lord, II

and your kindness I ARE from of old.6. The sins of my youth and my frailties re- I mem-ber not;"

because of your IGOOD-ness, 0 Lord. Repeat Antiphon.7. Good and upright Iis the Lord; "

thus he shows 1 SIN-ners the way.8. He guides the humble to I JUS-tice, II

he teaches the \ HUM-ble his way. Repeat Antiphon.9. All the paths of the Lord are kindness and Icon-stan-cy II

toward those who keep his covenant IAND his de- crees.10. For your name's I sake, 0 Lord,11

you will pardon my guilt, I GREAT as it is. Repeat Antiphon.11. When a man Ifears the Lord, II

he shows him the IWAY he should choose.12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the \ Ho-Iy SPIR-it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Respond PSt 9: 20

M~de ,~

Rise, 0 Lord, let not Iman pre - vail; II let the na - tions be judged Iin your PRES - ence.Versicle PSt 9: 4

~~Iel-rl/. Be- cause my enemies are ITURNED back, II overthrown and de- strayed be - FORE you.

Respond may be repeated.

Tract PSt 122: 1-3

1. To you I lift I up my eyes, IIwho are en- I throned in HEAV-en.

2. Behold, as the eyes of I SER-vants IIare on the I hands of their MAS-ters.

3. As the eyes of a maid are on the hands of her I MIS-tress, IIso are our eyes on the Lord our God, till he have I pit-y ON us.

4. Have pity on Ius, 0 Lord, IIhave Ipit-y ON us .


M~de '.~18:

The pre - cepts of the I Lord are right, II re- I laIC - ing

,~the heart,: and his or - di - nanc - es are sweet - er than syr - up


or han - ey I from the comb; II there - fore you ser - vant is I care - ful OF them.


M~de ,~

The spar - row finds a home, and the 1 swal - lou' a nest II

,~in I which she puts her young: ~ your al- tars, 0 1Lord of hosts, II my IKING

,~ ~~and my God! i Hap-py they who dwell in IYOURhouse! \Icon - tin - u - al-ly ITHEY PRAISE you.




M~deRe - joice, 0 Je- ru sa-Iem, and come to- geth - er, all you who !LOVE her: II

Re - joice with joy, you who have Ibeen in SOR - row: l that you may ex - I

ult, and be filled II from the breasts of your Icon-so - LA-tion.

~_:_:_~9 ~ ~

1. I re - joiced because they said to me,11 "We will go up to the !HOUSE of the Lord."

Optional verses:

2. And now we \ have set foot IIwithin your gates, 10 ]e-ru-sa-Iem - Repeat Antiphon.

3. Jerusalem, built as a I CIT-y IIwith I com-pact u-ni-ty.

4. To it the \ tribes go up, 11

the ITRmES of the Lord, Repeat Antiphon.S. According to the decree for I Is-ra-el, II

to give thanks to the INAME of the Lord.6. In it are set up I judg-ment seats, II

seats for the Ihouse of DA-vid. Repeat Antiphon.7. Pray for the peace of Je-l ru-sa-Iem! II

may those who I love you PROS-per!8. May peace be with- I in your walls, II

prosperity I in your BUILD-ings. Repeat Antiphon.9. Because of my relatives I AND friends II

I will say, "Peace Ibe with-IN youl"10. Because of the house of the I Lord, our God, II

I will IPRAY for your good. Repeat Antiphon.11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



M~de ~I re-joiced be-cause they Isaid to me, II "We will go up to the I HOUSE of the Lord."

Versicle Ps. 121: 7

~~~"""'-I-rV. May peace be with- in your walls, II prosperity in your BUILD - ings .

Respond may be repeated.

Tract Ps. 124: 1-2

1. They who trust in the Lord are like Mount lSI-on, "which is immovable; Iwhich for-ev-er stands.

2. Mountains are round about Je- I ru-sa-Iem; IIso the Lord is round about his people, both I now and for- EV-er.


Ps. 134: 3, 6

M~de J~~ ~Praise the Lord, for he is good; sing praise to his name

for I he is sweet; II all that he wills he does in I heav - en and on earth.


M~de EJe - ru - sa - lem, built as a cit - y,

~l----with com - pact I u - ni - ty: II to it the tribes go up,

II,the tribes of the Lord, to give thanks to I YOUR name, 0 Lord.



they shall lead me on



Antiphon Ps. 42: 1-2

M~de I~

Do me jus - tice, 0 God, and I fight my fight"

a - gainst a I faith - less PEO - pIe; i from the de - ceit - ful and

im - pi - ous man Ires - cue me. II For you are my I GOD and my strength.

~~G~~-·-·------r~~~g__~~~-~------1. Send forth your light and your fi-I del - i - ty; II

" r ~~~-~-~-----~and bring me to your holy mountain, to your I DWELL ING

Optional verses:

2. For you, 0 God, I are my strength IIWhy do you keep Ime so far a-way? Repeat Antiphon.

3. Why must I go about in IMOURN- ing, IIwith the enemy op- I PRESS-ING me.

4. Send forth your light and your fi-I del-i-ty; IIthey shall I LEAD ME on. Repeat Antiphon.

S. And bring me to your holy I MOUN-tain, IIto your I DWELL-lNG-place.

6. Then will I go to the I aI-tar of God, IIthe God of my I GLAD-ness and joy; Repeat Antiphon.

7. Then will I give you thanks up- I on the harp, IIo IGOD, MY God!

8. Why are you so downcast, I0 my soul? IIWhy do you Isigh with-IN me?

9. Hope in God! For I shall again be I thank-ing him, IIin the presence of my Isav-ior and my God. Repeat Antiphon.



MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 142: 9-10

M~de' I~ mRes-cue me from my en - e - mies, I 0 Lord;11 teach I me to do your will.

Versicle Ps. 17: 48-49

~ ~~ ki4ggj---t-"'f-~JI----~r--:-IeI-=--------

V. 0 Lord, my deliverer from the an-gry I NA- tions, II truly above my adversaries, ~you exalt me and from the violent man I you have res-cued me.

Respond may be repeated.Ps. 128: 1-4

Much have they op- I PRE;SSED me IIIFROM MY youth.

2. Let Isra- \ EL say: IIMuch have they op- Ipressed me from my youth.

3. Yet they have not prevailed a-I GAINST me; IIupon my I back the plow- ers plowed.

4. Long did they make their I FUR- rows .11But the just Lord has severed the cords I of the WICK-ed.


M~de ,0118\1 I '

I praise you, 0 Lord, with I all my heart; be good to your SER-vant,:,that I maylive and Ikeep yourwords.1I 0 Lord, give me life ac-!cord-ing to your word.

COMMUNION SONGI Cor. 11: 24. 25

M~de ,

"This is my bod - y, which shall be giv - en 1 up for you: II,this is the cup of the new cov-e - nant in my I BLOOD," says the Lord, j

do this as of-ten as you re-ICEIVEit,11 in re-/MEM-brance of me."



J ~ ~0 my help,

E ! ~Ii on's

~ ~wretch-ed life.


E F Fsak - en me? II




Antiphon Ps. 21: 20, 22

, J F§§-----J~)§

has -

,~ ~ (Jto AID me . ! Save me from the


,~- ---mouth; 1/ from the horns of the wild I bulls, my

Psalm Ps. 21: 2-12

, k4{ J~~Jt-----1. My God, my God, look upon me, why have you for-

,~ ~Far from my salvation are the I WORDS of my sins.


Optional verses:2. 0 my God, I cry out by day, and you I an- swer not; II

by night, and there is I no re-lief for me. Repeat Antiphon.3. Yet you are enthroned in the I ho-ly place, II

o glory I OF Is- ra- el (4. In you our fathers I TRUST-ed; II

they trusted, and Iyou de-liv-ered them. Repeat Antiphon.S. To you they cried, and I they es-caped; II

in you they trusted, and they were I NOT put to shame.6. But I am a worm, I not a man; II

the scorn of men, despised I by the PEO-ple. Repeat Antiphon.7. All who see me I scoff at me; II

they mock me with parted lips, I THEY wag their heads:8. "He relied on the Lord; let him de- !liv-er him,11

let him rescue him, I if he LOVES him." Repeat Antiphon.9. You have been my guide since I Iwas first formed, II

my security I at my moth-er's breast.10. To you I was committed IAT birth, II

from my mother's I womb you are my God.11. Be not far from me, for I am I in dis-tress; II

be near, for I have no lone to HELP me. Repeat Antiphon.



selyour counwithmyYou have hold of

Respond Ps. 72: 24

M3de' ~~J~i~~---==~_g_,right hand;

you I GUIDE me;11 and in the end you will re -Iceive me in GLO - rye

Versicle Ps. 72: 1-3

~J. ~~ ~V. How good God is to Is - ra - el, II to those who are clean of heart!

V. But, as for me, I almost lost my IBAL-ance;11my IFEET all but slipped,

V. because I was envious of I SIN-ners,1Iwhen I saw them prosper though I they were WICK-ed. Respond may be repeated.

Tract Ps. 21: 2-9,18,19, 22, 24,31,32I. My God, my God, look up- I ON me: II

why have I you for-sak-en me?2. Far from my sal- I VA-tion, II

are the Iwords of MY sins.3. a my God, I cry out by day and you I an-swer not; II

by night, and I there is no re-lief.4. But you are enthroned in the I ho-Iy place, II° glory 10F Is-ra-el!5. In you our fathers ITRU8T-ed; II

they trusted and Iyou de-liv-ered them.6. To you they cried, and I they es-caped; II

in you they trusted, and they I were not put to shame.7. But I am a worm, I not a man; II

the scorn of men, despised Iby the PEa-pIe.8. All who see me, I scoff at me;1

they mock me with parted lips, ITHEY wag their heads.9. "He relied on the Lord; let him de- /liv-er him, II

let him rescue him, I if he LOVES him."10. But they look on and gloat over me; they divide my garments a- I MONG them, II

and for my Ives-ture they cast lots ~

11. Save me from the IIi-an'S mouth; IIfrom the horns of the wild Ibulls, my wretch- ed life.

12. You who fear the Lord, I PRAISE him: IIall you descendants of Jacob, give Iglo-ry TO him.

13. There shall be declared to the Lord a gener- I a- tion to come: IIand the heavens shall show I forth his JU8- tice .

14. To a people that I shall be born, IIwhich the I LORD HAS made.




Ps. 68: 21-22

~L---J¥?i_1~AJl----l~~_~_~~L-l_~~~~-In - sult has bra - ken my heart and I am weak; II

oP ~ J§~ gg ,

I looked for sym - pa - thy, but there was none;

~ .J J Ai£ J 1=1 1 J ~~ ~for com fort ers, I and I FOUND none.

~ j § ~ J I Ag£JRath er they put gall in my food II and in

~}~.~ ~my thirst they gave me I vin e - gar to drink .


Fa ther, if this cup can - not pass

, Jl I j ) j oP j ~ I~ @i#4 ~a way, un- less I DRINK it,ll your I WILL BE done.




- ia.


al - le-you,

al - Ie - lu - ia, I al - Ie - LV


~I~me, I al

~-~-~-O§g---:.-..I LV - ia; II



up - onyour hand

Antiphon Ps. 138: 18, 5, 6


I a - rose and am

~you rest

r------~your knowl-edge is too I won - der- ful, I

you know when I

Psalm Ps. 138: 1, 2, 3-12

~~::w··======-==--==--==--==--==--==--==-"----r-r-3==jI---l~-""'-"---I. 0 Lord, you have probed me and you KNOW me ;11

,~sit and when I stand.

Optional verses:2. My journeys and my rest you I scru-ti-nize, II

with all my ways you Iare fa- MIL- iar. Repeat Antiphon.3. Even before a word is Ion my tongue ,II

behold, 0 Lord, you Iknow the whole of it.4. Behind me and before, you I hem me in II

and rest your Ihand up-ON me. Repeat Antiphon.S. Such knowledge is too wonder- I ful for me;11

too lofty for I ME to at- tain .6. Where shall I go from your I SPIR-it? II

from your presence IWHERE can I flee? Repeat Antiphon.7. If I go up to the heavens I you are there; II

if I sink to the nether world, I you are pres-ent there.8. If I take the I wings of the dawn, II

if I settle at the farthest ·1 lim- its of the sea, Repeat Antiphon.9. Even there your hand shall GUIDE me, II

and your I right hand hold me fast.10. If I say, "Surely the darkness shall IHIDE me,11

and I night shall be my light" - Repeat Antiphon.11. For you darkness itself is not dark'and night shines I as the day. II

Darkness and I LIGHT are the same.12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son,1I

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 117: 24

M~de JThis is the day the I Lord has made; \1 let us be glad and re-IJOICE IN it.

Versicle Ps. 117: 1

V. Give thanks to the Lord, for Ihe is good, II for his mercy en - I dures for - EV - er.

Respond may be repeated.Alleluia I Cor. 5: 7

Al- Ie lu

V. Christ, our I Pass-o-ver, "has been I SAC-RI-ficed. No Alleluia.

ia. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de ~ F=1. Chris-tians, to the Pas-chal vic-tim Of-fer your thank-ful prais-esl 2. A lamb the sheep

re-deem-eth: Christ, who on-Iy is sin-less, Re- con- cil-eth sin- ners to the Fa-ther

3. Death and life have con-tend-ed In that com - bat stu-pen-dous: The Prince of life,

who died, reigns im- mor-tal. 4. Speak, Ma- ry, de-clar - ing What thou saw-est, way -far-ing.

5. "The tomb of Christ, who is liv - ing, The glo - ry of Je - sus' res- ur - rec - tion;


6. Bright an - gels at- test - ing, The shroud and nap-kin rest-ing. 7. Yes, Christ my hope

is a- ris - en: To Gal-i-Iee he goes be-fore you." 8. Christ in-deed from death is ris-en,

Our new life ob - tain - ing. Have mer -cy, vic - tor King, ev - er reign - ing!

A men. Al -Ie - Iu - ia .


Ps. 75: 9, 10


The earth feared and was I SI -lentil when God a-roseforjudg- ment.!AI-Ie- LU- ia.


pass - 0 - verourChrist,

&~r-----has been sac - ri-ficed, al - Ie - I LU ia: II


There -fore let us keep fes - ti - val with the un - leav - ened bread of sin - cer -

&§i - ty and truth, al - Ie - Iu - ia, al - Ie - Iu - ia, I al - Ie - LU - ia.





} } J ~ Jl B+t I

as new - born babes, al - Ie - LV ia:1ICrave

Antiphon I Pet. 2: 2


spir - it - ual milk: al - Ie - lu - ia, al- Ie - lu - ia, I al - Ie - LV - ia.

Psalm Ps. 80: 2-3, 9-17

~=10I==-~-~~~"1I--~1. Sing joy - fully to IGod our strength; II acclaim the I God of JA - cob.

Optional verses:2. Take up a melody, and sound the ITIM-breI, II I

the pleasant Iharp and the LY- re. Repeat Antiphon.3. Blow the trumpet at the \ NEW moon, II

at the full moon, \ on our sol-emn feast;4. For it is a statute in \Is-ra-el,l\

an ordinance of the IGod of JA-cob,5. Who made it a decree for JO-seph II

when he came forth from the \land of E -gypt~

6. "But my people heard I not my voice, IIand Isra- leI o-beyed me not; Repeat Antiphon.

7. So I gave them up to the hardness I of their hearts; IIthey walked according to their I OWN COUN- sels .

8. If only my people would IHEAR me,1Iand Israel Iwalk in MY ways, Repeat Antiphon.

9. QUickly would I humble their Ien-e-mies;11against their Ifoes I would turn my hand.

10. Those who hated the Lord would seek to I flat-ter me, IIbut their fate would en- Idure for-EV-er, Repeat Antiphon.

11. While Israel I would feed with the Ibest of wheat, IIand with honey from the rock I I would FILL them."

12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son,11and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

13. As it was in the begimring, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Alleluia Matt. 28: 7; John 20: 26


AI- Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. "On the day of my resurrection," I says the Lord, II "I will go before you I in - to Gal - i-lee ."RePeat Alleluia.

V. After eight days, the doors being closed, Jesus stood in the midst of I his dis-ci-ples, IIand said, I "PEACE be to you!" Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGMatt. 28: 2, 5, 6


An an gel of the Lord came down from heav-


I----t=ti~~and said to the I WOM - en, II "He whom you

seek has ris - en e-ven as he said,"1 aI-Ie - LV - ia.


Mode8 &

Put in your hand, and know the place of the nails, AI- Ie - I LV - ia; II

and be not un - be-liev - ing but be-liev - ing, aI-Ie - Iu - ia, I al - le- LV - ia.




l ~f----R--~===i=kOAntiphon

Mode ,.,1 1

Of the kind ness of the Lord

the earth is full, Al - le- I LV~-~--~,~

ia;11 by the word of the Lord

the heav - ens were made, al - Ie - lu - ia, I al - Ie LV - ia.

Psalm PS, 32: 1-11

1. Ex- ult, you just, I in the Lord;11 praise from the upright IS FIT - tinge

Optional verses:

2. Give thanks to the Lord Ion the harp; IIwith the ten-stringed lyre I chant his PRAIS-es. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Sing to him a I NEW song; IIpluck the strings skillfully, with I shouts of GLAD-ness.

4. For upright is the \word oj the Lord, IIand all his works are I TRUST- WaR-thy. Repeat Antiphon.

S. He loves justice I AND right; IIof the kindness of the I Lord the earth is full.

6. By the word of the Lord the I hea- vens were made; IIby the breath of his mouth I ALL THEIR host. Repeat Antiphon.

7. He gathers the waters of the sea as I in a flask; Iiin cellars he con- I Fll~ES THE deep.

8. Let all the earth I fear the Lord; IIlet all who dwell in the I world re-VERB him. Repeat Antiphon.

9. For he spoke, and Iit was made; IIhe commanded Iand it STOOD forth.

10. The Lord brings to naught the plans of I NA-tions; \1

he foils the de- I signs of PEa-pIes. Repeat Antiphon.11. But the plan of the Lord stands for- \ EV-er; 1\

the design of his heart, through alII gen-er-A-tions.12. Glory be to the Father and Ito the Son, \\

and to the IHo-ly SPIR- it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever \SHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Alleluia Luke 24: 35; John 10: 14

M~de~AI- Ie - lu - i~ Repeat Alleluia.

~~ ~~t1.-----r~V. The dis - ciples recognized the Lord I JE - sus II in the break- ing of the bread.

Repeat Alleluia.

V. I am the good ISHEP-herd; IIand I know my I sheep, and mine know me. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de~~~o God, my God, to you do I watch at Ibreak of daY,11

and in your name


I will lift up my hands, \ aI - Ie - LU ia.

I am the good shep herd, al - Ie -I LU ia: II

and I· know my sheep, and mine know me, aI- Ie - Iu - ia, I aI - Ie - LU - ia.




sing praise to the glo - ry of his name, al - Ie - LU - ia; ~ pro - claim

his I glo - ri -ous praise, II al - Ie -lu - ia, al- Ie -lu -ia, I aI-Ie - LU- ia.

Psalm Ps. 65: 3-8

Antiphon Ps. 65: 1-2

M~de __§_Shout joy - ful - ly to God, all you on earth, al - Ie -I LU - ia; II


F r @ 1IJ1

deeds, a Lord! II For your great


1. Say to God, "How tremendous are your I-, ~strength your enemies I fawn up - ON you.

Optional verses:

2. Let allan earth worship and sing I praise to you, IIsing I PRAISE to your name!" Repeat Antiphon.

3. Come and see the I works of God, IIhis tremendous Ideeds a-MONG men.

4. He has changed the sea into dry land; , through the river they I passed on foot; IItherefore let I us re-joice in him. Repeat Antiphon.

S. He rules by his might forever; , his eyes watch the I NA-tions; IIrebels may Inot ex-alt them-selves.

6. Bless our God, you I PEa-pIes, IIloudly ISOUND HIS praise; Repeat Antiphon.

7. He has given Ilife to our souls, IIand has not I let our FEET slip.

8. For you have tested I us, a God! IIYou have tried us as silver I IS tried by fire; Repeat Antiphon.

9. You have brought us in-Ito a snare; IIyou laid a heavy Ibur-den on our backs.

10. You let men ride over our heads; , we went through fire and I WA-ter, IIbut you have led us out I to re-FRESH-ment. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Alleluia Ps. 110: 9; Luke 24: 46


Al Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. The Lordhas sent de-!liv - er - ance II to HIS PEa - pIe. Repeat Alleluia.

V. It behooved Christ to suffer and to rise again I from the dead, IIand so to enter in-I to his GLO- ry. Repeat Alleluia.



Praise the Lord, 0 my soul; I will praise the Lord I all my life; II

I will sing praise to my God while I


live. I Al - Ie LV - ia.

Mode8 ,

A lit - tIe while, and you shall not see me, al Ie -I LV - ia:11

and a - gain a lit tIe while, and I you shall SEE me: be - cause

,I go to the IFA- ther.11 Al - Ie -lu- ia, I aI- Ie - LU - ia.




Antiphon Ps. 97: 1, 2


Sing to the Lord a new song, al Ie l LU - ia;11 for the Lord

has done won-drous deeds, \ al - Ie - LV ia; ! in the sight of the na - tions

he has re - vealed his IJUS - tice:11 AI-Ie -lu - ia, aI-Ie -lu - ia, I aI-Ie - LU - ia.

Psalm Ps. 97: 1-9

15W------1OI --~~U~1. His right hand has won victory I FOR him,11 his HO - LY arm.

Optional verses:

2. The Lord has made his sal- I va-tion known: IIin the sight of the nations he re- I vealed his JUS-tice. Repeat Antiphon.

3. He has remembered his kindness and his I faith-ful-ness IItoward the \ house of Is-ra-el.

4. All the ends of the I earth have seen IIthe sal- I va-tion by our God. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Sing joyfully to the Lord \all you lands; IIbreak into I SONG; SING praise.

6. Sing praise to the Lord I with the harp,11with the harp and mel- I O-di-ous song. Repeat Antiphon.

7. With trumpets and the I sound of the horn IIsing joyfully be- I fore the King, the Lord.

8. Let the sea and what I fills it re - sound, IIthe world and Ithose who dwell in it; Repeat Antiphon.

9. Let the rivers I clap their hands, 1\

the mountains I shout with them for joy10. Before the Lord, I for he comes, 1\

for he I comes to rule the earth. Repeat Antiphon.11. Glory be to the Father and \ to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it,12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Alleluia Ps. 117: 16; Rom. 6: 9


AI-Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

the right hand of the Lordstruck with power; II

~ r":I

~=I9I====-=-=--=--~-F~~r==§~J·----V. The right hand of the Lord has

has ex- ALT - ED me. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Christ, having risen from the dead, dies Inow no more;lldeath shall no longer have do-\ min-ion o-ver him. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 65: 1, 2, 16

M~de'--------,~ ~Shout joy - ful - ly to God, all I you on earth, II sing praise

to the I glo - ry of his name;: hear now, all you who \ FEAR God,11

§while I de clare what the Lord has done for me. I Al - Ie - LU - ia.


has come,cleteaWhen the Par

John 16: 8

'f---~the I Spir


it of truth, II he will can -viet the world of sin, and of

jus - tice, and of judg - ment, al - Ie - Iu - ia, I al Ie - LU - ia.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Isa. 48: 20


De-clare the word of joy, and let it be heard al - Ie

earth; : the Lord,the I ENDS of theit ev - en tode - clare~~-

I LV - ia: II

has de - liv- ered his I PEO - pIe: II al - Ie - lu - ia, I al - Ie - LV - ia.

~=9="=·============-r--~-IaI------------1. Shout joy - fully to God, all I you on earth,11

,sing praise to the glory of his name;

proclaim his I glo-ri-OVS praise.

Optional verses:

2. Say to God, "How tremendous I are your deeds! \Ifor your great strength your enemies I fawn up-ON you. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Let all on earth worship and sing Ipraise to you,llsing IPRAISE to your name!"

4. Come and see the I works of God, IIhis tremendous I deeds a- MONG men. Repeat Antiphon.

S. He has changed the sea into dry land;' through the river they Ipassed on foot; IItherefore I let us re-joice in him.

6. He rules by his might forever;'his eyes watch the INA-tions; IIrebels may Inot ex-alt them-selves. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Bless our God, you IPEO-ples, II\loud-Iy sound his praise;

8. He has given I life to our souls,11and has not Ilet our FEET slip. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it,

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


Iname; I


MEDITATION SONGAlleluia John 16: 28


AI- Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

~ 1:\ f":',

~~~...d--.---~=J=-.----=------F~-~11. Christ is risen, and has I shone up - on us," whom he re- I DEEMED with his blood.

V. I came forth from the Father, and have come in- I to the world. II Repeat Alleluia.Again I leave the world, and I go to the FA-ther. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 65: 8-9, 20

M~de I jl

Bless the Lord our God, you peo pIes, loud ly I

sound his praise; II he has giv - en life to my soul,

and has not \ let my FEET slip. ~Bless-ed I be the Lord,lIwho re - fused

~Ime not my prayer, or his kind - ness. I Al - Ie - LU - ia.


M~de I jl

Sing to the Lord, al - Ie -I LU - ia; II sing to the Lord; IBLESS HIS

an - nounce his sal-va - tion Iday af - ter day. II Al - Ie - lu - ia p I aI-Ie - LU - ia.





Antiphon Acts 1: 11,Men of Gal - i-lee, why do you stand look - ing up to heav-en?, ~

al - Ie -I LU - ia .11 He shall come in the same way as you have seen him,go-ing up to heav-en:' al- Ie - lu - ia, al - Ie -lu - ia, I al - Ie - LV - ia.

Psalm Ps. 46: 2-10

, k¥J---f""'q-~~-~::::1eI======F---J±@r5=l1. All you peoples, clap your hands, II shout to God with I cries of GLAD - ness.

Optional verses:

2. For the Lord, the Most High, the I AWE-some, IIis the great king Iov-er all the earth. Repeat Antiphon.

3. He brings peoples \ un-der us;11nations I un-der OUR feet.

4. He chooses for us our in- I her-i-tance, IIthe glory of Ila-cob, whom he loves. Repeat Antiphon.

S. God mounts his throne amid I shouts of joy; IIthe I Lord, a-mid trum-pet blasts.

6. Sing praise to I God, sing praise; IIsing praise to our I KING, SING praise. Repeat Antiphon.

7. For king of all the Iearth is God;11sing IHYMNS OF praise.

8. God reigns over the I NA-tions, IIGod sits up- Ion his ho-Iy throne. Repeat Antiphon.

9. The princes of the people are gathered to- IGETH-er IIwith the people of the I God of Ab-ra-ham.

10. For God's are the guardians I of the earth; IIhe I IS SU-preme. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR- it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGAlleluia Ps. 46: 6; 67: 18, 19


AI- Ie Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

a-mid trum-pet blasts.Repeat Alleluia.

Lord,theV. God mounts his throne amid

V. The Lord advances from Sinai to the I sanc-tu-ar-y; IIascending on high, he has led cap- \ tiv-i- ty CAP-tive. Repeat Alleluia.

~---III9I..w---_-~---"'·~-r----;E;;-~shouts of joy; II


God mounts his throne a - mid I shouts of joy; II the Lord, a-

mid trum- pet blasts .IAI-le - LV - ia.

COMMUNION SONGPs. 67: 33, 34

~~de~ t ?+i jl j) jl j) #+i jlrChant praise I to the Lord, II who rides on the heights of

the heav - ens to the east. Al -Ie - LV - ia.




Antiphon Ps. 26: 7, 8, 9

M~de' ~Hear, 0 Lord, the sound of my call, al - Ie -I LV - ia; II to you

,my heart speaks; your glance I seek; your pres-ence, 0 I LORD, I seek. !

~Hide not your I face from me, II al - Ie - lu - ia, I al - Ie LV - ia.

Psalm Ps. 26: 1-4

~ ~ ~~ !&~~ ~~81~1. The Lord is mylightandmysal-IVA -tion;11 whom I SHOULD I fear?

Optional verses:

2. The Lord is my life's IREF-uge;"of Iwhom should I be a-fraid? Repeat Antiphon.

3. When evildoers come at me to de- Ivour my flesh, IImy foes and my enemies themselves I sturn-ble AND fall.

4. Though an army encamp a- IGAINST me, IImy I HEART will not fear; Repeat Antiphon.

S. Though war be waged up- ION me, IIeven ITHEN will I trust.

6. One thing I ask of the Lord;'1 this I seek: IIto dwell in the house of the Lord all the I DAYS of my life, Repeat Antiphon.

7. That I may gaze on the loveliness I of the Lord IIand contem- Iplate his TEM-ple.

8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Mg~ ~lle

AI- Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

'J¥f~~ E$~ ~V. The Lord reigns over all thej NA - tions, II God sits Ion his ho-Iy throne. Repeat Alleluia.

V. I will not leave you IOR-phans;11I go away and I come to you, and your IHEART shall re-joice. Repeat Alleluia.



God mounts his throne, a -mid Ishouts of joy~1 the Lord a- mid trum - pet blasts lal-Ie- LU-ia.

COMMUNION SONGJohn 17: 12, 13. 15

M~de4 _~I~

Fa - ther, while I was IWITH them, II I kept them whom you

,have giv - en me, I al - Ie - LU - ia; : but now I am com - ing


, L~to you:' I do not pray that you take them lout of the world, II

but that you keep them from e - vil,


al - Ie - 1u - ia, I a1 - Ie - LU - ia .




Antiphon Wis. 1: 7, 'The spir - it of the Lord fills the world, al - le- I LV - ia, II

is all - em - brae ing, and knows man's ut - ter - ance,


,-~al - Ie - lu - ia, al - Ie - Iu ia, I al - Ie LU

Psalm Ps. 67: 2-5, 29-32

1. God a - rises; his enemies are ISCAT-tered,11 those who hate him I flee be - FORE him.

Optional verses:

2. As smoke is driven away,' so are they I DRIV-en; IIas wax melts before the fire, 'so will the wicked I per-ish be-FORE God; Repeat Antiphon.

3. But the just rejoice and exult be- I FORE God; IIthey are I GLAD and re- joice.

4. Sing to God, chant praise to his name,' extol him who rides up- Ion the clouds, "whose name is the Lord;'ex- Iult be-FORE him. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Show forth, 0 God, your IPOW-er, IIthe power, a God, with I which you took our part;

6. For your temple inJe-1 ru-sa-lem IIlet the IKINGS bring you gifts. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Rebuke the wild Ibeast of the reeds, IIthe herd of strong bulls and the I bul-locks, the NA-tions.

8. Let them prostrate themselves with bars of ISIL-ver; IIscatter the peoples Iwho de-light in war. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Let nobles come from IE-gypt; IIlet Ethiopia ex- I tend its hands to God.

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-ly SPIR-it,

11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Alleluia Ps. 103: 30

M~de ,

AI-Ie Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

& !iJ'~ ~~191--

V. Send forth your spirit, and they shall be cre- AT ed; II and you shall renew the

, rFACE of the earth. Repeat Alleluia.


". Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your I FAITH-ful: IIand kindle in them the I FIRE of your love. Repeat Alleluia.

Sequence,1. Come, thou Ho - ly Spir - it, come! And from thy ce - les tial home

Shed a ray of light di - vine! 2. Come, thou Fa - ther of the poor!

Come, thou source of all our store! Come, with-in our bos oms shine!

~_t3 . Thou, of com - fort - ers the best; Thou, the soul's most weI - come guest;

Sweet re - fresh - ment here be - low; 4. In our la - bor, rest most sweet;

Grate-ful cool - ness in the heat; Sol - ace in


the midst of woe.

5. 0 most bless - ed Light di - vine, Shine with - in these hearts of thine,

And our in - most be ing fill! 6. Where thou art not, man hath naugh t,

Noth - ing good in deed or thought, Noth - ing free from taint of ill.

7. Heal our wounds, our strength re - new; On our dry - ness pour thy dew;

Wash the stains of guilt a - way; 8. Bend the stub - born heart and will;

Melt the fro zen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go a - stray.

9. On the faith - ful, who a -dare And can - fess thee, ev - er - more In thy

sev'n-fold gift de - scend; 10. Give them vir - tue's sure re - ward; Give them thy


sal- va-tion, Lord; Give them joys that nev -er end. A men. AI-Ie -lu - ia.



Ps. 67: 29, 30

Con-firm, 0 God, what you have wrought in us;, from your tern - pIe,

which is in Je-I ru - sa-Iem, II kings shall of - fer gifts to you, Ial - Ie - LU - ia.


there came

Acts 2: 2, 4

M~de~ r-~ ~Sud den - ly a sound from heav en,

, ~ ~~~ ~as of a vi - 0 - lent wind I BLOW ing,11 where

-~they were sit - ting, I al - Ie LU - ia: and they were all

~I~~~filled with the Ho - ly I SPIR it, II speak - ing of the

won-der-ful works of God,

:ggjal Ie - lu - ia, I al - Ie LU - ia.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Dan. 3: 55

M~de ,

4 ~from your throne up- Ion the che - ru - bim.

Bless - ed are you, o Lord, who look in- I to the depths II

Versicle Dan. 3: 56

, ¥%t~,..---~~e-~V. Bless-ed are you, 0 Lord, in the firmament of IHEAV-en,1I and praiseworthy IFOR-EV - er

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Dan. 3: 52

&AI-Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

v. Blessed are you, 0 Lord, the God of our IFA-thers, IIand praiseworthy IFOR-EV-er. Repeat Alleluia.


Bless -ed be God the Fa - tiler, and the on - ly -be - got - ten I Son of God, II

and al - so the Ho-Iy Spir - it: be-cause he has shownhis\MER-cy to us.



Tob. 12: 6

&-----We bless the God of heav - en, and be- fore all liv - ing we

will I PRAISE him; II be - cause he has shown his IMER - cy


to us.



jJ~ ~ l=

al - le- I LU ia; II

t J ~r Jfrom the rock,


Antiphon Ps. 80: 17

& J J A+i ~Mode


He fed them with the best of wheat,

t Jl~ CE ! ~ ~ Jand filled them with han ey

al - Ie - lu ia, al - Ie - Iu - ia, I al - Ie - LU - ia.

Psalm Ps. 80: 2-11

1. Sing joy - fully to I God our strength; II acclaim the I God of JA - cob.

Optional verses:

2. Take up a melody, and sound the ITIM-breI, IIthe pleasant I harp and the LY- re. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Blow the trumpet at the I NEW moon, IIat the full moon, I on our sol-emn feast;

4. For it is a statute in I Is- ra-el, IIan ordinance of the I God of JA-cob, Repeat Antiphon.

S. Who made it a decree for IJOS- eph \Iwhen he came forth from the I land of E-gypt.

6. An unfamiliar speech I hear: '"I relieved his shoulder of the I BUR-den; IIhis hands were I freed from the BAS-ket. Repeat Antiphon.

7. In distress you called, and I rescued you;'Unseen, I answered you in ITHUN-der; III tested you at the waters Iof Me-RI-ba.

8. Hear, my people, and I will ad- I mon-ish you; IIo Israel, will Iyou not HEAR me? Repeat Antiphon.

9. There shall be no strange god a- IMONG you IInor shall you worship I an-y al-ien god.,

10. I, the Lord, am your Godwho led you forth from the land of IE- gypt; IIopen wide your mouth, and II will FILL it. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and Ito the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it,

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 144: 15

The eyes of all look hope-ful - ly to I you, 0 Lord; II and you give

them their food in due SEA - son.

Versicle Ps. 144: 16

, k%J~II.-~f.--&W--1eI--~V. You 0 pen YOUR hand; II and satisfy the desire of ev - 'ry liv - ing thing.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia John 6: 56-57,'---- ---Al - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. My flesh is food indeed, and my blood is Idrink in-deed. IIHe who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, abides in Ime and I in him.



,~~~1. Laud, 0 Si - on,2. Bring him all the

thy sal - va - tion,praise thou know- est,

Laud with hymns of ex - ul-ta - tion,He is more than thou be- stow - est,

Christ, thy king and shep-herd true:Nev - er canst thou reach his due.

3. Spe - cial theme for glad thanks - giv4. From his hands of old par - tak



the quick' - ning andwe know, by faith

the liv - ingun - shak - en,


Bread to - day be - fore thee set:Where the twelve at sup - per met.

S. Full and clear ring out thy7. Here the new law's new ob

chant-ing,la - tion,

Joy nor sweet-est grace be want - ing,By the new king's rev - e - la - tion,

From thy heart let prais-es burst. 6. For to - dayEnds the form of an-cient rite: 8. Now the new

the feastthe old

is hold - en,ef - fac eth,

When the inTruth a - way

sti - tu - tionthe shad - ow

old enchas - eth,

Of that sup -per was re-hearsed.Light dis -pels the gloom of night.

be re - peat - ed,hal - low, mak - ing

Chris t or-dained toBread and wine we

sup - per seat - ed,guid -ance tak - ing,

,9. What he did at

10. And his rule for

His me - rno - rial ne'er to cease: 11. This the truth each Chris-tian learn- ethThus our sac - ri - fice of peace. 12. Sight hath fail' d, nor thought con - ceiv - eth,

Bread in - to his fleshBut a daunt-less faith

he turn - eth,be - liev - eth,

To hisRest - ing

pre - cious bloodon a power

the wine:di - vine.

13. Here be - neath these signs are14. Blood is poured and flesh is

hid denbro - ken,

Price-less things to sense for- bid- den;Yet in ei - ther won- drous to - ken

Signs, not things areChrist en - tire we

all weknow to

see: IS.Who sobe. 16.Thou - sands

of this food par - tak - eth,are, as one, re - ceiv- ers,

-~----_-----_IRend- ethOne, as

not the Lord nor break - eth,thou- sands of be - liev - ers,


is whole toof him who

all that taste:can - not waste.


17. Bad and good the feast are shar18. Life to these, to those dam - na


Of what di - vers dooms pre - par - ing,See how like par - ti - ci - pa - tion

End -less death, orIs with un - like

end - less life. 19. When theis - sues rife. 20. Nought the

sac - ra - mentpre- cious gift

is bro - ken,di - vid - eth,

Doubt not, butBreak - ing but

be -lievethe sign

'tis spo - ken,be - tid - eth

That each sev - ered out-ward to - kenJe - sus still the same a - bid - eth,

doth the ver - ystill un - bro - ken

whole con- tain. 21. Lo! thedoth re -main. 22. Truth the

an - gels' food is giv - enan - cient types ful - fill - ing,.

To the pil- grim who hath striv - en; See the chil-dren's bread from heav - en,Is - aac bound, a vic - tim will- ing, Pasch-al lamb, its life blood spill- ing,

Which on dogs mayman - na to the

not be spent. 23. Ver- y bread, good shep-herd tend us,fa - thers sent. 24. Thou who all things canst and know - est,

'-~_EJe - su, of thy love be - friend us,

Who on earth such food be - stow - est,Thou re-fresh us, thou de - fend us,Grant us with thy saints, though low - est,

Thine e - ter - nalWhere the heav'n- ly

good-ness send usfeast thou show-est,

In theFel - low


of life toand guests to

A men. Al- Ie - lu ia.



The priests of the Lord of - fer in - cense and I loaves

to God, II and there - fore they shall be sa - cred to their God

, ~and shall not pro - fane his name. 1Al- Ie - LU - ia.

COMMUNION SONGI Cor. 11: 26-27


As of ten as you shall eat this bread and Idrink

, ~~ } **i ~~the cup, II you pro - claim the death of the I

~~JLord, un - til he comes.: There-fore who - e - ver eats this


bread or drinks the cup of the Lord un- I worth - i ly, II will be

ggjguil - ty of the bo - dy and blood of the Lord, I al - Ie LU - ia.




in theHe set me free

Antiphon Ps. 17: 19,20

,r----~-~_The Lord came to I my sup - port .11


o - pen, and res - cued me, be - I cause he LOVES me.

Psalm PSt 17: 2-4, 18-20, 31,47, JEB~

~kf J¥j.- ...1. I love you, 01 Lord, my strength, II o Lord, my rock, my fortress, I my de-liv-er-er.

Optional verses:

2. My God, my rock of IREF-uge,11my shield, the horn of my sal-I va-tion,my STRONG-holdl

3. Praised be the Lord, I I ex- claim, Iand I am I safe from my en-e-mies.

4. For who is God ex-I cept the Lord? /IWho is a Irock, save OUR God?

5. The God who girded Ime with strengthand kept my Iway un-ERR-ing;

6. Who made my feet swift as Ithose of hinds IIand Iset me on the heights;

7. Who trained my Ihands for war IIand my arms to Ibend a bow of brass.

8. You have given me yourlsav-ing shield; IIyour right hand Ihas up-HELD me.

9. Glory be to the Father and Ito the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it,

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.

Repeat Antiphon.



Respond Ps. 119: 1

M~~ ~ ~ ~In my dis -tress, I I called to the Lord, II and I HE an - swered me.

Versicle Ps. 119: 2'e.. ~ ..~V. 0 Lord, deliver me from I ly - ing lip,11 from ITREACH - er -ous tongue.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 7: 2

Al - Ie lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. 0 Lord, my God, in you I take I REF-uge; IIsave me from all my pur-\ su-ers and res-cue me. Repeat Alleluia.


Mgde'~~~~Re - turn, o Lord, I save my life; II res - cue

me be - cause I of your KIND - ness.


I will sing of the Lord,

} J> A+i J ~ l="He has been I good to me;"11

~and I will sing to the name of the I Lord the MOST High.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 32: 11, 19

M~de fl=t_1 ~j_J?~_-I=__J__tP_~=__--_tP_tP_i=__1==_The thoughts of his heart are to all



FAM -of

them from


de - liv - erto

inthemand pre - serve

~_~~----.f--_gen - er - I A tions: II


Psalm Ps. 32: 1-10~ 1":'1 1":'1

~~..~~II"-fd........--~1. Ex-ult, you just, I in the Lord;11 praise from the up -right is FIT - tinge

Optional verses:

2. Give thanks to the Lord Ion the harp; IIwith the ten- stringed lyre I chant his PRAIS-es. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Sing to him a I NEW song; IIpluck the strings skillfully, with I shouts of GLAD-ness.

4. For upright is the word I of the Lord, IIand all his Iworks are trust-wor-thy. Repeat Antiphon.

S. He loves justice I AND right; IIof the kindness of the I Lord the earth is full.

6. By the word of the Lord the Heavens I WERE made; IIby the breath of his I MOUTH all their host. Repeat Antiphon.

7. He gathers the waters of the sea I in a flask; IIin cellars Ihe con-fines the deep.

8. Let all the earth I fear the Lord; IIlet all who dwell in the Iworld re-VERB him. Repeat Antiphon.

9. For he spoke, and Iit was made; IIhe commanded, I and it STOOD forth.

10. The Lord brings to naught the plans of INA-tions; 1\

he foils the de- I signs of PEO-ples. Repeat Antiphon.11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 24: 8


Good and up - right Iis the Lord;ll thus he showslSIN - ners the way.

V. He

Versicle Ps. 24: 9

~1-----tIr.··t-----rguides the humble to I JUS

Alleluia Matt. 11: 29

tice; II he teaches the I HUM - ble his way.Respond may be repeated.

Al - Ie - lu - ia . Repeat Alleluia.

W. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,for I am meek, and Ihum-ble a/heart: IIand you will I find rest for your souls. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de ~ ~My heart ex - pect - ed re - proach and I mis - er - y; II I looked for

sym - pa- thy, but there was none; and for com- fort - ers,land I FOUND none.


One of the sol diers o pened his side

with a lance, II and im - me - diate - ly there came out Iblood and WA - ter.



Antiphon Ps. 24: 16,18

M~de~ ~Look toward me, and have pit - Y on I me, 0 Lord, II for I am a-

~lone I and af - FLICT ed. ! Put an end to my af flict tion and my I

sui - fer - ing, II and take a -way all my ISINS, 0 my God.

Psalm Ps. 24: 1-10

fEd--"-'-19I-~--II---~1. To you, I lift up my soul, 0 Lord .11 In you, 0 my God, I trust;' let me I not be put to shame.



Optional verses:

2. No one who waits for you shall be I put to shame; IIthose shall be put to shame who I heed-less-Iy BREAK faith. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Your ways, 0 Lord, make I known to me;11I TEACH me your paths,

4. Guide me in your truth and teach me,' for·you are God my I SAV-ior, IIand for you I IWAIT all the day. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Remember that your com-I pas- s ion, 0 Lord, IIand your I kind-ness are from of old.

6. The sins of my youth and my frailties re- I mem-ber not; IIin your kindness remember me,'because of your IGOOD-ness, 0 Lord. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Good and upright Iis the Lord; IIthus he shows I SIN-ners the way.

8. He guides the humble to I JUS-tice, IIhe teaches the I hum-ble HIS way. Repeat Antiphon.

9. All the paths of the Lord are kindness and Icon-stan-cy IItoward those who keep his cove-I nant and his de-crees.

Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, Iand to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.




Respond Ps. 54: 23,Cast your care up -Ion the Lord, II and he I will sup-PORT you.

Versicle Ps. 54: 17, 19

Y/. When I called upon the Lord, he I heard my voice II from those who I war a - GAINST me .Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 7: 12

AI-Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

W. A just judge is God, strong and IPA-tient; IIis he I an-gry ev-try day? Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 9: 11, 12, 13

M~de , &=ggThey trust in you who cher - ish your Iname, a Lord,11 for

you for - sake not \those who SEEK you. I Sing praise to the Lord en - throned in I

SI on, II for he has not for - got - ten the cry of I the af - F LICT - ed.



I say to you: there is joy a - mong the I an - gels of God II

~o - ver one Isin - ner who re - pents .




and fall.

Ps. 26: 1, 2

- e - mies that Itrou - hIeenMy


The Lord is my light and my sal- I VA - tion;/1 whom~HOULD I fear? !

The Lord is my life's IREF - uge; II of whom should \I be a - fraid? ~

me, II them - selves\ STUM-hle



Psalm Ps. 26: 3-8

~ ~---+----.".........--~~f-----tr-.lJ.II-----~------+-..............t-JI--r~1. Though an army en-I camp a - gainst me, II my HEART will not fear.

Optional verses:

2. Though war he waged up- I ON me, IIeven ITHEN will I trust. Repeat Antiphon.

3. One thing I I ask of the Lord, IIITHIS I seek:

4. To dwell in the Ihouse of the Lord, IIand contem- I plate his TEM-ple. Repeat Antiphon.

S. For he will hide me in Ihis a-hode, IIin the I day of TROD-ble;

6. He will conceal me in the shelter of IHIS tent, IIhe will set me I high up-on a rock. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Even now my head is IHELD high IIabove my enemies ION ev-'ry side.

8. And I will offer in his tent'sacrifices with shouts of IGLAD-ness; III will sing and chant IPRAISE to the Lord. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Hear, 0 Lord, the sound of IMY call, IIhave pity on Ime, and an- swer me.

10. Of you my heart speaks; you my IGLANCE seeks; IIyour presence, 0 I LORD, I seek. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-ly SPIR-it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Respond Ps. 78: 9, 10


Par-don our Isins, 0 Lord;/I why should the na-tions say~ "WHERE is their God?"

Versicle PSI 78: 9

~I--IJ""""'.--r~:J__1¥l---tlr"llll-IJ.-------11. Help us, 0 God our I SA vior; II because of the glory of your name, 0

Lord, de -liv - er us. Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 9: 5, 10

Al - Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

lI. 0 God, seated on your throne, judging IJUST-Iy: IIbe a stronghold for the oppressed in ITWES of dis-tress. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de JI----~Give light to my eyes that I may nev - er I sleep in death, II

e - my say,enlest my

-----I§-....L.-~_~ ~ II"I have I 0 - ver - COME him. "



o Lord, myrock, my for-tress, my de-Iliv- er - er:11 my God, mylrock of REF-uge.




Hear, o Lord, the sound of my call; be my help - er:

for-I sake me not: II de - spise me not, o I God, my SAV- ior.

Psalm Ps. 26: 1, 3-8

i ~ ~~ '%t~. ~~181_1. The Lord is my light and my sal-I VA - tion;11 whom I SHOULD I fear?

Optional verses:

2. Though war be waged up- ION me, IIeven ITHEN will I trust. Repeat Antiphon.

3. One thing I Iask of the Lord, IIITHIS I seek:

4. To dwell in the I house of the Lord IIand contem- I plate his TEM-ple. Repeat Antiphon.

S. For he will hide me in ! his a-bode, IIin the I day of TROU-ble;

6. He will conceal me in the shelter of I HIS tent, IIhe will set me I high up-on a rock. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Even now my head is I HELD high IIabove my enemies I ON ev- fry side.

8. And I will offer in his tent'sacrifices with shouts of I GLAD-ness; 1\

I will sing and chant IPRAISE to the Lord. Repeat Antiphon.9. Hear, 0 Lord, the sound oflMY call, II

have pity on lme, and an- swer me.10. Of you my heart speaks; you my I GLANCE seeks; II

your presence 0 I LORD, I seek. Repeat Antiphon.11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-ly SPIR-it.12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.




Respond Ps. 83: 10,Be - hold, 0 God, our pro- I TEC - tor, II and look on IYOURSER- vants.

Versicle Ps. 83: 9

~lel--~V. 0 Lord I God of Hosts, II hear the prayers of I YOUR SER - vants.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 20: 2

Al -Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. 0 Lord, in your strength the I king is glad; IIin your victory how greatly I he-re- jOIC- es! Repeat Alleluia.


I bless the Lord who coun - sels me; I set God ev - er

be- I FORE me;11 with him at my right hand I I shall not be dis-turbed.



One thing I ask of the Lord; I this I seek: II

to dwell in the house of the Lord all the I DAYS of my life.




J ) J tU j1 j1:p ; ~Jl


sav - ingthe strength ofis his I PEO pIe, II the

uge of I his a - NOINT - ed. j Save your pea - pIe, 0




Mode 1'ti7 1


and bless your in- I her rule them for - EV er!

Psalm Ps. 27: 1-7

~~. , ~f----t;Jrr-.------

1. To you, 0 Lord, I call; 0 my God, be notl deaf to me,11 lest, if you heed me not,' I

~ ~become one of those going down in - to the pit.

Optional verses:

2. Hear the sound of my pleading, when I Icry to you, IIlifting up my hands I towards your ho-ly shrine. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Drag me not away from the I WICK-ed, IIwith I those who 00 wrong,

4. Who speak civilly to their I NEIGH- bars IIthough I e-vil is in their hearts. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Repay them I for their deeds, IIfor the evil I of their 00- ings .

6. For the work of their hands re- I PAY them; IIIgive them their de- serts. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Because they consider not the deeds of the Lord'nor the I work of his hands, IImay he tear them down and INOT build them up.

8. Blessed be the Lord, 'for he has heard the sound of my I PLEAO-ing;11the Lord is my ISTRENGTH and my shield. Repeat Antiphon.

9. In him my heart trusts, and I I FIND help; IIthen my heart exults,' and with my I song I give him thanks.

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR- it.

11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Respond Ps. 89: 13

M~de I~~

Re - turn, 0 Lord! I HOW long? II Have pit - Y I on your SER - vants!

Versicle Ps. 89: 1

gen - er - A - tions.

Respond may be repeated.

Lord, you have been ourv. 0

Alleluia Ps. 30: 2, 3

~ ~ ~~.........t1Id--------~~k"I1----------

REF - uge II through all

Al - Ie - Iu - ia . Repeat Alleluia.

V. In you, 0 Lord, I take refuge;'let me never be I put to shame. IIIn your justice rescue me and release me,' incline your ear to me,make I haste to de-liv-er me. Repeat Alleluia.

your paths, that my



Make my steps stead - fast in

~J-~~~feet may not I F AL ter. II In - cline your ear to me; IHEAR MY word.

J¥m I

Show your won -drous Ikind-ness, 0 Lord, II 0 sav - ior of I those who trust in you.


sac - ri - fic - es

Ps. 26: 6


I will go round and of - fer in his tent,

with shouts of I GLAD - ness; II I will sing and chant I PRAISE to the Lord.




Antiphon Ps. 46: 2

All you peo - pIes, Iclap your hands, II shout to God with I cries of GLAD-ness.

o-ver all the earth.

Psalm Ps. 46: 4-10

i±:d ~ ~6 ~1--t.rw1J.1---------~--t.J.-.I--.----~

1. For the Lord, the Most High, the I AWE - some, II is the great king

Optional verses:

2. He brings peoples I un-der us; IInations I un-der OUR feet. Repeat Antiphon.

3. He chooses for us our in- I her-i-tance, IIthe glory of Ila-cob, whom he loves.

4. God mounts his throne amid Ishouts of joy;11the Lord, a- I MID trum-pet blasts. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Sing praise to I God, sing praise; IIsing praise to our I KING, SING praise.

6. For the king of all the I earth is God; IIsing I HYMNS OF praise. Repeat Antiphon.

7. God reigns over the I NA-tions, IIGod sits up- I on his ho-Iy throne.

8. The princes of the peoples are gathered to- I GETH-er IIwith the people of the IGod of A-bra-ham. Repeat Antiphon.

9. For God's are the guardians I of the earth; IIhe IIS SU-preme .

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 33: 12


Come, chil-dren,IHEAR me; II I will teach you the I FEAR of the Lord.

Versicle Ps. 33: 6

~........-IOI--p..t----J¥?sfV. Look to him that you may be radiant I WITH joy,11 and your faces I may not blush with shame.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 46: 2----------AI-Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. All you peoples, I clap your hands, IIshout to God with I cries of GLAD-ness. Repeat Alleluia.


M~deAs though it were hal - o-causts of rams and bul-Iocks, or thou-sands offAT lambs, II

so let our sac- ri - fice be in your pres - ence to day, that I

it may PLEASE you;ifor those who I trust in youllcan-notbel put to shame, 0 Lord.



Ps. 30: 3

~ fJ==m±4In - cline your \ ear to me, 1\ make haste


to de-l LIV - ER me.



Antiphon Ps. 47: 10-11


o God, we pan - der your IKIND - ness II with - I in your TEM - pIe.


As your name, 0 God, so al so your praise reach-es to the I

ends of the earth. II Of jus - tice I your right hand is full.

Psalm Ps. 47: 2-11

~1-Ir.d-.1I---~I---Ir'IIIJ.----~1. Great is the Lord and wholly I to be praisedll in the city of our God, his Iho -ly MOUN - tain.

Optional verses:

2. Mount Sion, "the recesses I of the North, " IIis the city \of the GREAT King. Repeat Antiphon.

3. God is with her I CAS-tIes; IIrenowned is he Ias a STRONG-hold.

4. For lo! the kings as- ISEM-ble, IIthey come Ion to -GETH-er; Repeat Antiphon.

S. They also see, and at lance are stunned, IIter-ri- IFlED, ROUT-ed.

6. Quaking seizes ITHEM there;\\anguish, like a woman's I IN LA-bar, Repeat Antiphon.

7. As though a wind I from the east IIwere shattering I ships of THAR-sis.

8. As we had heard, so I have we seen IIin the city of the I LORD OF hosts, Repeat Antiphon.

9. In the city I of our God; IIGod makes it Ifirm for-EV-er.

10. 0 God, we ponder your IKIND-ness IIwith- I in your TEM-ple. Repeat Antiphon.

11. As your Iname, a God IIso also your praise reaches to the IENDS of the earth.

12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-ly SPIR-it.

13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 30: 3

M~de ,

Be my rock of I ref - uge, 0 God, II a strong - hold to \ give me SAFE - ty.

I PUT TO shame.Respond may be repeated.

o Lord, let me never be11. In you,

Versicle Ps. 70: 1

, m.. ~~II!---~o God, I take I REF - uge;11

Alleluia Ps. 47: 2

Al - Ie Iu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Great is the L,ord and wholly I to be praised IIin the city of our God, his ho-Iy MOUN- tain. Repeat Alleluia.



P.s. 17: 28, 32/lIN


Low - Iy peo - pIe you save, 0 Lord,

,haught-y eyes you IBRING low; II for who is God, ex - cept IYOU, 0 Lord?


M~de ~

Taste and see how good the ILORD is;11 hap -py the man who takeslREF -uge inhim.




D J\±i J j ~ E==~ F

God is my help - er, the Lord sus - IBe hold,

Antiphon Ps. 53: 6-7

M~de =f3 fl±rl-------l

tains my life. II Turn back the e - vil up- ION MY foes;

a Lord, I my pro - TEe - tor.

,~ #4-------r-in your faith - ful - ness de-I STRaY them, II

Ps. 53: 3-9Psalm

i ~ ~, ~---..&--II-~~IeI_

1. a God, by your name ISAVE me, II and by your might de-liv -er me.

Optional verses:

2. a God Ihear my prayer; IIhearken to the I WORDS of my mouth. Repeat Antiphon.

3. For haughty men have risen up against me,'and fierce men I seek my life; IIthey set not IGod be-fore their eyes.

4. Behold God is my \HELP-er; IIthe I Lord sus-tains my life. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Turn back the evil up- I on my foes, 1/

in your faithful- Iness de-STRaY them,6. Freely will I offer you I sac-ri-fice; II

I will praise your name, a Lord, for its GOOD-ness, Repeat Antiphon.7. Because from all distress you have I res-cued me, II

and my eyes look down up- Ion my en-e-mies.8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to thelHo-ly SPIR-it.9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



M~de ,

o Lord, our Lord, how Iglo - ri - ous II is your name 10- ver all the earth!

Versicle Ps. 8: 2

V. You have elevated your

Alleluia Ps. 58: 2

maj-es - ty 11 a - I bove the HEAV - ens.

Respond may be repeated.

&~AI- Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Rescue me from my enemies, I 0 my God; IIfrom my adversaries IDE- FEND me. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 18: 9, 11, 12

The pre - cepts of the Lord are right, re - joic - ing,

the heart,

and his or - di - nanc - es sweet - er than syr - up or han ey I

,~ ~from the comb;\1 there -fore your ser - vant is I care - ful OF them.


M~de I

"He who eats my flesh, and I drinks my blood,11 a - bides in me,

and I in I HIM," says the Lord.



Antiphon Ps. 54: 17, 18, 19, 20, 23

M~de ~ ~ I~When I called up - on the Lord, he I heard my voice,11 and freed me

from those who I war a -GAINST me; land he hum - bled them, he who is be-Ifore all

r ~ ~me and an-swer me.give heed to

a- ges,lland re-Imains for-EV-er:~castyourcare up-Ion the Lord,11 and he Iwill sup- PORT you.

Psalm Ps. 54: 2-10, 17

~~IL.----~1. Heark-en, 0 God, to my prayer;' turn not away from my PLEAD - ing II

f¥---i:o•.........-lI ---

Optional verses:

2. I rock with grief, and am I TROD-bled IIat the voice of the enemy and the clamor I of the WICK-ed. Repeat Antiphon.

3. For they bring down evil up- I ON me, IIand with fury they Iper- se- CUTE me.

4. My heart quakes with- I IN me; 1\

the terror of death has I fall-en UP-ON me. Repeat Antiphon.S. Fear and trembling COll1e up- I ON me, 1\

and horror \ o-ver-WHELMS me.6. And I say, ' "Had I but !wings like a dove, II

I would fly a- I way and be at rest. Repeat Antiphon.7. Far a-I way I would flee;11

I would I lodge in the wil-der-ness.8. I would hasten to find ISHEL-ter II

from the violent I stonn and the TEM-pest." Repeat Antiphon.9. Engulf them, 0 Lord; divide their counsels,'

for in the city I see vio- lIenee and strife; IIday and night they prowI a- I bout up- on its walls.

10. But I will I call up-on God, IIand the I Lord will SAVE me. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-ly SPIR-it~

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 16: 8

~IM~de ~

Keep me, 0 Lord, as the ap pIe I of yo'ur eye; II

wings.the I shad - ow of yourhide me inVersicle Ps. 16: 2

~~II""-J1-----4r.---@~.. ~lI. From you let I judg- ment come;11 your eyes be-I HOLD what is right.

Alleluia Ps. 64: 2 Respond may be repeated.

AI- Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. To you we owe our hymn of praise, 0 I God, in Si-on;11to you must vows be fulfilled I in je-ru-sa-Iem. Repeat Alleluia.


MOde~5 1

To you

~I~I lift up my I soul, 0 Lord. II In you, 0 my I


GOD, I trust;: let me not be Iput to shame,11 let not my en - e - mies ex - I

ULT a - ver me. I No one who I waits for you 1\ shall be I PlIT TO shame.


M~de )~

You shall be pleased with due sac - ri -fie - es, burnt of - fer - ings and I

~~hal a - causts lion your I AL tar, o Lord.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 67: 6, 7, 36

M~de I N±sj_~_~.

God is in his ho - ly dwell-ing, God who makes men of one mind to I

dwell in a house; II he shall give pow - er and Istrength to his PEa - pIe.

Psalm ps. 67: 2-7, 20

~~ ~.. ~1. God a - rises; his enemies are ISCAT-tered,11 and those who hate him I flee be-FORE him.

Optional verses:

2. As smoke is Idriv-en a-way, IIso are I THEY DRN-en. Repeat Antiphon.

3. As wax melts be- I fore the fire, IIso the wicked Iper-ish be-FORE God;

4. But the just rejoice and exult be- I FORE God; IIthey are I GLAD and re-joice. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Sing to God, chant praise to his name, 'extol him who rides up- Ion the clouds, IIwhose name is the Lord; ex- Iult be-FORE him.

6. The father of orphans and the defender of I WID- ows 1\

is God in his Iho-ly DWELL-ing. Repeat Antiphon.7. God gives a home to the forsaken;'

he leads forth prisoners to pros- \ per-i-ty; 1\

only rebels re- I main in the parched land.8. Blessed day by day be the Lord, who bears our I BUR-dens; II

God, who is lour sal-VA- tion. Repeat Antiphon.9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the \ Ho-Iy SPIR- it.10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, 1\

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 27: 7

M~de'~ I

In God my heart trusts, and I I find help; II then my heart ex - ults,

, IIand with my I song I give him thanks.

Versicle Ps. 27: 1

11. To you, °, ~~IJ---~-~f----broollllld-------~

Lord, I call; II °my God, be not deaf to me; de- IPART not from me.Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 80: 2, 3,Al - Ie lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Sing joyfully to God our strength; acclaim the I God of Jacob .11Take up a pleasant \ PSALM with the harp. Repeat Alleluia.



I will ex - tal you, ° Lord, foryou~rew me clearll and did not let my

~en - e - mies re-I JOICE 0 - ver me; ! °Lord, I cried lout to youll andIYOU HEALED me.


M~de ~"-" ~

Han - or the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of I all your pro - duce .11


Then will your barns be filled with grain, with new wine yourIvats will a - ver - flow.



Antiphon Ps. 69: 2-3

& I~Mode4

Deign, 0 God, to res - cue me; o Lord, make haste

~to I

who I SEEK MY life.

de- I sire my RU - in.

and con - found - edto shame

1. Let them be turned back

HELP me. II Let them be put

Psalm Ps. 69: 3-6

& m~"l1-ifin dis - grace,11 who

Optional verses:

2. Let them re- I tire in their shame IIwho say to I me, "A-ha, a-ha!" Repeat Antiphon.

3. But may all who ISEEK you IIex-I ult and be glad in you,

4. And may those who love your sal- I VA- tion IIsay ever, I "God be glo-ri-fied!" Repeat Antiphon.

S. But I am af- I fliet -ed and poor; IIo IGOD, has-ten to me!

6. You are my help and my de- Iliv-er-er; IIa I LORD, hold not back! Repeat Antiphon.

7. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR- it.

8. As it was 'in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be,11world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.

MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 33: 2

M~de &I will bless the Lord at I ALL times;11 his praise shall be I ev-er in my mouth.

HEAR and be glad.

Respond may be repeated.


Versicle Ps. 33: 3

, ~f---trooot--.l1-hF 1=1l----l l!-~the Lord; II the lowly will11. Let my soul glory

Alleluia Ps. 33: 3,Al - Ie lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. 0 Lord, the God of my sal- I VA-tion, IIby day I cry out, at night I clamor I in your PRES-ence. Repeat Alleluia.



Ex. 32: 11,13,14


Mas -es prayed in the sight of the Lord his I God and said, II

"Why, o Lord, is your in - dig - na tion en - kin - dIed a- I

gainst your PEO pIe? ! Let the an - ger of your mind,

cease; re - mem-

ber A bra-ham, I - saac, and I JA - cob, II to whom you swore to give a

land flow -ing with I milk and HON ey.": And the Lord was ap- peased from do-

ing the IE villi which he had spa -ken of do - ing a 1 gainst his PEO - pIe.

COMMUNION SONGPs. 103: 13,14,15


The earth is re - plete with the fruit of your I works, 0 Lord; II

you pro - duce bread from the earth, and wine to I glad - den MEN'S hearts,

~~~so that their fac - es Igleam with oil, II and bread for - ti - fies thelHEARTS OF men.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 73: 20,19,23

M~de'~ ~-~I---Look to your cov - e - nant, I 0 Lord, II for - sake not for - ev er

6 ~~the lives of I your af- flict - ed ones. 1 A - rise, 0 Lord, de-I fend your cause; II

, ~§be not un-mind- ful of the voic - es of I those who ASK you.

Ps. 73: 1-12

against the sheep

Psalm~ ~~ Jif~.Jj--------1~_1OI---

I. Why, 0 God, have you cast us off for- I EV - er? II Why does your anger smolder, ~of your PAS - ture?

Optional verses:

2. Remembe r your flock which you built up of old, 'the tribe you redeemed as your in- I her-i-tance, IIMount Sian where you I took up your a- bode. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Turn your steps toward the utter I RU-ins; IItoward all the damage the enemy has done in the I sanc-tu-AR-y.

4. Your foes roar triumphantly I in your shrine; IIthey have set up their tokens I OF vic- to- ry. Repeat Antiphon.

S. They are like men coming up with axes to a I clump of trees; IIand now with chisel and hammer they hack at Iall its pan- el- ing.

6. They set your sanctuary ION fire; IIthe place where your name abides they have IRAZED and pro-faned. Repeat Antiphon.

7. They said in their hearts, "Let us de- I STROY them; IIburn all the shrines of I GOD in the land.

8. Deeds on our behalf we do not see, there is no I proph-et now, IIand no one of I US knows how long. .. Repeat Antiphon.

9. How long, 0 God, shall the I foe blas-pheme? IIshall the enemy revile your \name for- EV-er?

10. Why draw I back your hand, 1\

and keep your tight hand idle be- I NEATH YOUR cloak? Repeat Antiphon.11. Yet, 0 God, my Iking of old, II

you doer of I sav-ing deeds on earth.12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-ly SPIR-it·1113. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 73: 20, 19


Look to your cov-e- nant,IO Lord, II be not un - mind-ful of the lives of Iyour af-flict-ed ones.

Versicle Ps. 73: 22

V. A - rise, 0 Lord; de-! fend your cause; II remember the re- I proach of your SER -vants.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 89: 1

6~AI- Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Lord, you have been our IREF-uge IIthrough alII gen-er- A-tions. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de&~My trust is in you, 0 Lord; I say, "You I are my God." "

In your hands is I MY des - tin - y .


Mode3 &~~ ~t2P~

You have giv - en us, 0 Lord, I bread from heav - en, II

,~-~_=_~en - dowed with all de - lights and


the I sweet - ness of ev - fry taste.


ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 83: 10-11

Made ,

Be - hold, 0 God, our pro - tec - tor, and look up - on the face of I

your a- noint -ed.11 Bet-ter is one day in your courts than a I thou - sand ELSE-where.

Psalm Ps. 83: 2-8


1. How love - ly is your dwelling place, 0 ILord of Hosts! II My soul yearns and pines for the

COURTS of the Lord.

Optional verses:

2. My heart I and my flesh, IIcry out I for the liv- ing God. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Even the sparrow I finds a home, IIand the swallow a nest in I which she puts her young ­

4. Your altars, a I Lord of hosts, IImy I KING and my God! Repeat Antiphon.

S. Happy they who dwell in I YOUR house! IIcontinually I THEY PRAISE you.

6. Happy the men whose I strength you are! IItheir hearts are set up- I on the pil- grim-age: Repeat Antiphon.

7. When they pass through the arid valley, they make a I spring of it; IIthe early rain clothes it with I gen-er-OUS growth.

8. They go from I strength to strength; IIthey shall see the God of \ gods in SI- on. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I tal the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it. I

As it was in the beginning, is pow and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-mer, Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 117: 8



It is bet - ter

Ps. 117: 9

to take ref-uge \ in the Lord II than to I TRUST IN man.

V. It is


better to take refuge I in the Lord II than to

PSI 94: 1

trust in PRINC - es.

Respond may be repeated.

a - round those who

,Al - Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Come, let us sing joyfully I to the Lord; IIlet us acclaim the God of lour sal-VA-tion. Repeat Alleluia.


M~det------~The an gel of the Lord en- camps

fear him and de-lliv- ers them .11 Taste and see how Igood the LORD is.


M~de ~~ g"Seek first the Iking - dom of God; II and all things shall

be giv - en you be -I SIDES," says the Lord.




Antiphon Ps. 85: 1, 2, 3

M~de ,

In - cline your ear, 0 Lord; I an - swer me; II save your ser vant,

,~o my IGod, whot:!."usts in you. i Have pit - Y on I me, 0 Lord,11

for to you I I CALL all the day.

Psalm Ps. 85: 4-14

1. Glad-den the soul of your I SER - vant,II for to you, 0 Lord, I I LIFT up my soul.

Optional verses:

2. For you, 0 Lord, are good and for- I GIV-ing, IIabounding in kindness to all who Icall up-ON you. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Hearken, 0 Lord, I to my prayer IIand attend to the sound of IMY PLEAO-ing.

4. In the day of my distress I call up-IoN you, IIfor Iyou will an-swer me. Repeat Antiphon.

S. There is none like you among the I gods, 0 Lord, IIand there \ are no works like yours.

6. All the nations you have made shall come and worship I you, 0 Lord, IIand glori- I FY YOUR name. Repeat Antiphon.

7. For you are great, and you do I won-drous deeds; IIyou a- I LONE ARE God.

8. Teach me, 0 Lord your way that I may walk I in your truth; IIdirect my heart that I it may fear your name. Repeat Antiphon.

9. I will give thanks to you, 0 Lord my God, with I all my heart, IIand I will glorify your Iname for- EV-er .

10. Great has been your kindness ITOWARD me;11you have rescued me from the Idepths of the neth-er world. Repeat Antiphon.

11. 0 God, the haughty have risen up against me, 'and the company of fierce men I seeks my life,11nor do they set Iyou be- fore their eyes.

12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-ly SPIR-it,

13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 91: 2

It is good to give I thanks to the Lord, II to sing to your INAME MOST High.

Versicle Ps. 91: 3

V. To pro - claim your kindness IAT dawn II and your faithful- I ness through-out the night.Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 94: 3

Al - Ie - Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

"'II. For the Lord is a I GREAT God, IIand a great king I o-ver all the earth. Repeat Alleluia.



I have wait - ed, wait - ed I for the Lord, II and he stooped toward Ime and heard

God.cry. : And he putI



a new song in -I to my mouth, II a IHYMN to our



The bread that I I will give II is my flesh for 1:he I LIFE of the world.





Antiphon Ps. 85: 3, 5

,~~~Have pit y on I me, 0 Lord, II for to you I I

,~ oJ=$:CALL all the day; 1 for you, 0 Lord, are good and for- I GN - ing,.11

t~~ IIa - bound-ing in kind - ness to all who I call up - ON you.

t4f J=gggJ ~~e F

ear, 0 Lord; II answer me, for I am af- I flict - ed AND poor.1. In - cline your

Psalm Ps. 85: 1,5-14


Optional verses:

2. For you, 0 Lord, are good and for- I GIV- ing, IIabounding in kindness to all who I call up-ON you. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Hearken, 0 Lord, I to my prayer IIand attend to the sound of IMY PLEAD-ing.

4. In the day of my distress I call up- I ON you, IIfor I you will an-swer me. Repeat Antiphon.

5. There is none like you among the I gods, 0 Lord, IIand there Iare no works like yours.

6. All the nations you have made shall come and worihip I you, 0 Lord, IIand Iglo-ri-fy your name. Repeat Antiphon.

7. For you are great, and you do I won-drous deeds; IIyou a- ILONE ARE God.

8. Teach me, 0 Lord your way that I may walk I in your truth; IIdirect my heart that Iit may fear your name. Repeat Antiphon.

9. I will give thanks to you, 0 Lord my God, with I all my heart, IIand I will glorify your Iname for- EV-er .

10. Great has been your kindness I TOWARD me; IIyou have rescued me from the Idepths of the neth-er world. Repeat Antiphon.

11. 0 God the haughty have risen up against me,'and the company of fierce men I seeks my life, IInor do they set I you be-fore their eyes.

12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.




Respond Ps. 101: 16

,~ ~The na - tions shall re - vere your Iname, 0 Lord, II and all the

,~~~kings of the I earth your GLO - ry.

Versicle Ps. 101: 17

V. For the Lord has rebuilt I SI

Alleluia Ps. 97: 1

on, 1\ and he shall appear I in his GLO - ry .Respond may be repeated.

,~~Al - Ie Iu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Sing to the Lord a I NEW song, IIfor the Lord has done IWON-DROUS deeds. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGPs. 39: 14, 15

M~de ,~

Deign, 0 Lord, to res - cue me; 'let all be put to shame and

,~con- fu- sion who seek to snatch a -I way my life .11 Deign, 0 ILord, to res - cue me.

COMMUNION SONGPs. 70: 16, 18

M~de t~ go Lord, I will tell of your sin-gu-Iar IIUS - tice;11 0 God, you have Itaught

me from my youth; iand now that I amlold and graY,1I


o IGod, for- sake me not.



Antiphon Ps. 118: 137, 124


You are just, 0 Lord, and your or - di-I nance is right. II Deal with your

Sser - vant ac - cord- ing I to your KIND - ness.

Psalm Ps. 118: 1-8

~~ -?r------+-------~~l---IIIteI~--§----J~' _-+-1....-q....---

1. Hap - py are they whose I v/ay is blameless, II who walk in the

Optional verses:

2. Happy are they who observe I his de-crees, IIwho seek him with I ALL THEIR heart, Repeat Antiphon.

3. And I do no wrong, IIbut I WALK in his ways.

4. You have commanded that your I PRE-cepts IIbe I dil- i- gent-Iy kept. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Oh, that I might be Ifirm in the ways IIof keeping IYOUR STAT-utes!

6. Then should I not be I put to shame IIwhen I be- Iheld all your com-mands. Repeat Antiphon.

7. I will give you thanks with an I up- right heart, IIwhen I have learned your just I or-di- NANC-es .

8. I will keep your I STAT-utes; IIdo not utter- Ily for-SAKE me. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be,. IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


LAW of the Lord.

Respond Ps. 32: 12

M~de'~ I

Hap - py the na - tion whose IGod is the Lord, II the peo - pIe the Lord has

chos-en for his own in - her - it - ance.


Versicle Ps. 32: 6

& m---tr..•....-----w=r---ttf#=jl--tr...t--.----

1I. By the word of the Lord thelheav- ens were made; II

&~ALL THEIR host. Respond may be repeated.

by the breath of his mouth

Alleluia Ps. 101: 2

Al - Ie lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

1I. 0 Lord, I hear my prayer, IIand let my ICRY come to you. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGDan. 9: 17,18,19


I, Dan - iel, prayed to my God, ISAY- ing,11 "Hear, 0 Lord, the prayers. of your

, ,SER - vant; I show your face up-on your sanc-tu- ar - y, and fa-vor-a-bly

~look down up - on this IPEO-ple,1I up - on whom your Iname is in. - voked,O God."



Make vows to the Lord, your God, and ful -I FILL them; II let all

round a-I bout him BRING gifts ~ to the ter - ri - ble Lord who checks the pride

of I PRINe - es, II who is ter - ri - ble to the I KINGS of the earth.




,SER - vant, II and of your Ipeo-ple Is - ra - el.

Psalm Ps. 121: 1-9

1. I re - joiced because they Isaid to me:11 "We will go up to the IHOUSE of the Lord."

Optional verses:

2. And now we \ have set foot IIwithin your gates, I 0 ]e-ru-sa-Iem - Repeat Antiphon.

3. Jerusalem, built as a ICIT-y IIwith I com-pact u-ni-ty.

4. To it the Itribes go up, IIthe ITRIBES of the Lord, Repeat Antiphon.

S. According to the decree for IIs- ra-el, IIto give thanks to the INAME of the Lord.

6. In it are set up I judg-ment seats, IIseats for the Ihouse of DA-vid. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Pray for the peace of Je- I ru- sa-Iem! IIMay those who I love you PROS-per!

8. May peace be with- I in your walls, IIprosperity Iin your BUILD-ings. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Because of my relatives IAND friends III will say, "Peace be IWITH-IN you!"

10. Because of the house of the ILord, our God, III willi PRAY for your good. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 121: 1


I re-joiced be-cause they I said to me,ll "We will go up to the\HOUSE of the Lord."

Versicle Ps. 121: 7



V. May peace be with- I in your walls, II prosperity in your BUILD - ings .

Alleluia Ps. 101: 16

,~AI- Ie - Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. The nations shall revere your Iname, 0 Lord, IIand all the kings of the I earth your GLO- ry . Repeat Alleluia.


M~de~:::::::::J)_~Mo ses con - se - crat ed an al - tar I

up - on it ho - 10 - causts and sac - ri- Iof - fer - ing

~~_--..-:- '~to the Lord, II

fic-ing VIC - tims: i he made an eve-ning sac - ri-fice to the Lord Gocl

for an 0 - dor of I SWEET - ness,11 in the I sight of the Is - rael- ites.



~ I

Bring gifts and Ien - ter his courts; II wor- ship the Lord I in his ho - ly court.






"I am the sal - va - tion of the peo

~- pIe," I says the Lord; II

t7' JBi-~~-)-~--~~j )--=..2_1 -~-n in what - ev - er trib - u la tion they shall ery

to me,

~~ §,I will hear them; and I will be their I Lord for - EV - er ."

Psalm Ps. 77: 1-8

~ ~ ~.:~~-f4lletl:W-------~f--""""JI~-------

1. Heark-en, my people, to my I TEACH- ing; 11 incline your ears to the I WORDS of my mouth.

Optional verses:

2. I will open my mouth in a I par-a-ble, III will utter Imys-ter-ies from of old. Repeat Antiphon.

3. What we have heard and know, 'and what our fathers have de- Ielared to us, IIwe will not I hide from THEIR sons;

4. We will declare to the generation to come'the glorious deeds of the I Lord and his strength 1\

and the Iwon-ders that he wrought. Repeat Antiphon.S. He set it up as a decree in Jacob,' and established it as a law in \ Is- ra-el, II

that what he commanded our fathers'they should make I KNOWN to their sons;

6. So that the generation to come might know,' their sons I yet to be born,11that they too may rise and declare to their sons'that they should I put their hope in God, Repeat Antiphon.

7. And not forget the I deeds of God IIbut \ KEEP his commands.

8. And not be like their I FA-thers, IIa generation wayward I and re- BEL-lious, Repeat Antiphon.

9. A generation that kept not its heart I STEAD-fastllnor its spirit I faith-ful TOWARD God.

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be,11world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 140: 2

M~de&~Let my prayer come like I

J ) ]IN - cense II be- I FORE you, 0 Lord.

Versicle Ps. 140: 2

&*J~Er ~~ ~XI. The lift - ing Iup of my hands, II like the I eve-ning sac- ri -fice.

Respond 1nay be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 104: 1,AI- Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Give thanks to the Lord, in- I yoke his name; IImake known among the I NA-tions his deeds. Repeat Alleluia.


Though I walk a-mid dis - tress, you pre-I serve me, 0 Lord; II a - gainst the

~an- ger of my en - e - mies you raise your hand;' your I right hand SAVES me.


You have com- mand - ed


Ps. 118: 4-5


that your pre-cepts be dil - i-I gent - ly kept. II

Oh, that I might be firm in the ways of


keep - inglYOUR STAT utes!


ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Dan. 3: 31, 29 35

M~de,_~__~__~J1+i JEAll that you have done to I us, 0 Lord, II you have done I

~~in true JUDG - ment;; be -cause we have sinned a -I GAINST you,ll and we have


not 0 - beyed I your com- MAND - ments; i but give glo ry I to your name, II

and deal with us ac - cord - ing to the mul - ti - tude I of your MER - cy .

Psalm Ps. 118: 1-8

1. Hap - py are they whose way is

~ 1':\ -.

~~•• -~~~--Ej ~~ ~BLAME -less,11 who walk in the I LAW of the Lord.

Optional verses:

2. Happy are they who observe Ihis decrees,11who seek him with I ALL THEIR heart, Repeat Antiphon.

3. And Ido no wrong, IIbut I WALK in his ways.

4. You have commanded that your I PRE-cepts IIbe I dil-i-gent-Iy kept. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Oh, that I might be firm I in the ways IIof keeping IYOUR STAT-utes!

6. Then should I not be Iput to shame IIwhen I be-I held all your com-mands. Repeat Antiphon.

7. I will give you thanks with an I up- right heart, IIwhen I have learned your just I or-di-NANC-es.

8. I will keep your I STAT-utes; IIdo not utter- \ly for-SAKE me. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son,11and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men . .Repeat Antiphon.



Respond Ps. 144: 15


The eyes of all look hope - ful - ly to I you, 0 Lord;11 and you give them

Etheir Ifood in due SEA - son.

Versicle Ps. 144: 16

~.. ~------.t&2""'d--1I---~F~v. You 0 - pen YOUR hand II and satisfy the desire of I ev - fry liv - ing thing.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 107: 2

Al - Ie Iu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

lI. My heart is steadfast, 0 God; my I heart is stead-fast; III will sing and chant praise to 1 you my GLO- ry. Repeat Alleluia.



By the streams ofBab-y-Ion wei sat and weptllwhen we re-mem - bered\you, 0 SI- on.

COMMUNION SONGPs. 118: 49-50

M~de ~

Re - mem-her your word to your ser - vant, 0 Lord, since you have I

• ~giv - en me hope.11 This is my com - fort in I my af - FLIC tion.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Esther 13: 9,10,11

M~de ~ ~In your will are all I things, 0 Lord, II and there is none that I


can re - sist your will; : for you have made all things,' heav- en and earth,

and all things that are un - der the I cope of heav - en .11 You are I LORD OF all.

Psalm Ps. 118: 1- 8

1. Hap -py are they whose way is I BLAME- less,11 who walk in the I LAW of the Lord.

Optional verses:

2. Happy are they who observe I his de-crees, IIwho seek him with I ALL THEIR heart, Repeat Antiphon.

3. And I do no wrong, IIbut I WALK in his ways.

4. You have commanded that your IPRE-cepts \Ibe Idil-i-gent-Iy kept. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Oh, that I might be firm I in the ways IIof keeping I YOUR STAT-utes!

6. Then should I not be I put to shame IIwhen I be- Iheld all your com-mands. Repeat Antiphon.

7. I will give you thanks with an I up- right heart, IIwhen I have learned your just Ior-di- NANC-es.

8. I will keep your 1 STAT-utes; II

do not utter- \ly for-SAKE me. Repeat Antiphon.9. lory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be,11

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.

MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 89: 1

M~de ,

o Lord, you have been our I REF - ugell through all I gen-er - A - tions.


Versicle Ps. 89: 2

, *i#--t-<t-~J1------r F-~xr. Be- fore the mountains were begotten and the earth and the world we'Ve b'Voughl forth, II

from everlasting to ever - last- ing you are God. Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 113: 1,Al - Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

XI. When Israel came forth from I E- gypt, IIthe house of Jacob from a I peo- ple of al- ien tongue. Repeat Alleluia.


M~e~~~1 ~~~

There was a man in the I land of

J_~Hus, II whose name was Job,

~-=fusim-ple, and up-right, and IFEAR-ING God, l whorll Sa - tan be - sought that!he might tempt:11

'4f=iW4~and pow --er was giv-en him from the Lord a - ver his pas 1 ses-sions and his flesh; ~

and he de-strayed all his sub-stance and his \CHIL-dren, a.nd wound-edhis flesh with a!griev-ousiluL-cer.

COMMUNION SONGPs. 118: 81,84 86


My soul pines for your sal- va - tion; I I hope in your word, II

When will you do judg - ment on my I per - se - CU - tors? 1The wick - ed

'="per - se - c'ut - ed me I wrong - ful- ly; II help me, 0 I LORD MY God!





Antiphon Ps. 129: 3-4

&~~~£JJ=EIf you, 0 Lord, mark in - iq - ui - ties, Lord, I who can stand? II

But with you is for - give - ness, 0 I God of Is - ra - el.

Ps. 129: 1-8Psalm

?t20---f1-t."--- r;\ ~~__~~181_1. Out of the depths I cry to I you, 0 Lord; II Lord, IHEAR MY voice 1

Optional verses:

2. Let your ears be at- ITEN-tive, IIto my voice in I sup-pli-CA-tion: Repeat Antiphon.

3. If you, 0 Lord, mark in- I iq-ui-ties,11Lord, I WHO CAN stand?

4. But with you is for- \ GIVE-ness, IIthat I you may be re-vered. Repeat Antiphon.

S. I trust I in the Lord; IImy soul I TRUSTS in his word.

6. My soul waits I for the Lord IImore than sentinels IWAIT for the dawn. Repeat Antiphon.

7. More than sentinels wait Ifor the dawn, IIlet Israel IWAIT for the Lord,

8. For with the Lord is IKIND-ness IIand with him is I plen-teous re-DEMP-tion; Repeat Antiphon.

9. And he will redeem I Is-ra-el IIfrom Iall their in-iq-ui-ties.

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son,11and to the I Ho-ly SPIR-it.

11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, Itworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 132: 1

M~de ~

Be - hold how good it is, and howipLEAS - antllwherelbreth-rendweIIasonel

Versicle Ps. 132: 2

11. It is as when the precious ointment up- on the head II runs down over the

f ~beard, the Ibeard of AAR - on. Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 113: 11

iTIAI- Ie Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Those who fear the Lord I trust in the Lord; IIhe is their IHELP and their shield. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGEsther 14: 12, 13


Re - mem-her me, 0 Lord, you who rule a-I bove all pow-er: II and give a well or-

dered speech in my mouth; that my words may be pleas - ing in the ISIGHT of the prince.


you,call up - onI

Ps. 16: 6

M~de'~_for you will an - swer I me, 0 God;11

-E§E!§1 ~r------I~in- cline your ear to me; I HEAR MY word.




Antiphon Jer. 29: 11, 12, 14

M~de I~

The Lord says: "I think thoughts of peace,11 and not I of

af - FLIC-tion. ~ You shall call up - on me, and I willlHEAR you; j

JJ:=and I will bring back your cap - tiv i - ty I from all PLAC-es."

~ ~bcJ'---,..-·----------Psalm Ps. 84: 2-11

~---tr.t-·J1--r1. You have favored, a I Lord, your land; II you have restored the well- be- ing of JA - cob.

Optional verses:

2. You have forgiven the guilt of your I PEa-pIe; IIyou have Icov-ered all their sins. Repeat Antiphon.

3. You have withdrawn I all your wrath; IIyou have revoked your I burn- ing AN- ge r .

4. Restore us, 0 God our I SAV-ior, IIand abandon your dis- I pleas-ure a-GAINST us. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Will you be ever Ian-gry with us,prolonging your anger to alII gen-er-A-tions.

6. Will you not instead I give us life; 1\

and shall not your people re-I JOICE IN you? Repeat Antiphon.7. Show us, a Lord, your I KIND.:.ness, II

and grant us I your sal-VA-tion.8. I will hear what I God pro- claims; II

the Lord - for Ihe pro-CLAIMS peace. Repeat Antiphon.9. To his people, and to his Ifaith-ful ones, II

and to those who I put in him their hope.10. Near indeed is his salvation to those who I FEAR him, II

glory I dwell- ing in our land, Repeat Antiphon.11. Kindness and I truth shall meet; II

justice and PEACE SHALL kiss.12. Glory be to the Father and \ to the Son, \I

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 43: 8

M~de & ~You saved us, 0 Lord,!from our foes, II and those who hat - ed I us you put to shame.

Versicle Ps. 43: 9

Xl. In God we gloried I day by day; II your name we I PRAISE AL - ways.

Respond ,nay be 'repeated.

Alleluia Ps. 129: 1

&AI- Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

r1. Out of the depths I cry to I you, 0 Lord; IILord,1 HEAR MY prayer! Repeat Alleluia.


M~de.& ~Out of the depths I cry to you, 0 Lo rd; Lord, I

hear my prayer! II Out of the depths I I cry to you, 0 Lord.


A-men I say to you, all things what-ev - er you I ask for in prayer, II


---- ~be-lieve that you shall re - ceive, and it I shall be done to you.

24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28thSUNDAYS AFTER PENTECOST

Same as 23rdSUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Seep. 131.



ENTRANCE SONGRespond Isa. 61: 10

M~de ,

I will heart - i - ly re- I joice in the Lord, II in my God is the I,JOY of my soul; lfor he has clothed me with a robe of sal - va - tion,'

and wrapped me in a man - tIe of I JUS -tice,lllike a bride be-iOECKEOwith her jew-els.

Psalm Ps. 29: 2-10

~ ~~~.~-----~r---IOl _

1. I will extol you, 0 Lord, for you drew me clear!1 and did not let my enemies re-

'F~JOICE a - ver me.

Optional verses;

2. 0 Lord, my God, I cried lout to you IIand I YOU HEALED me. Repeat Antiphon.

3. 0 Lord, you brought me up frpm the I neth-er world; IIyou preserved me from among those going I down in-to the pit.

4. Sing praise to the Lord, you his I faith-ful ones IIand give I thanks to his ho-Iy name. Repeat Antiphon.

S. For his anger lasts but a I MO-ment; IIa !life-time, his good will.

6. At nightfall, weeping I en-ters in, IIbut with the I dawn, re-JOIC-ing. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Once, in my security, I I said, II"I shall I nev-er be dis-turbed."

8. 0 Lord, in your good \-vill you had endowed me with majesty I AND strength; IIbut when you hid your face I I was ter-ri-fied. Repeat Antiphon.

9. To you, 0 Lord I I cried out; IIwith the ILord I PLEAD-ed:

10. "What gain would there be from my I LIFE-blood, IIfrom my going I down in-to the grave?" Repeat Antiphon.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Judith 13: 23


Bless-ed are you, 0 Vir-gin Ma - ry, by the Lord the Imost high God. II,a - bove all worn - en up -ION THE earth.

Versicle Judith 15: 10

, %f---f""oo'llo-,"lI---~~IOI-~V. You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy oflIs-ra eI~1 you are the honor ~ of our PEa-pIe.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Cant. 4: 7,AI-Ie Iu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

v. You are all-beautiful, OIMAR-y, IIand there is in you no stain of o-lrig-i-NAL sin. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de' ~Hail, Mar - y,

~~full of grace, the Lord is I WITH you; II,

bless-ed are you a mongwom - en, I al Ie - LU ia.




Luke 1: 49

Glo - ri - ous things are said of

a~~~o I MAR - y,11 be-cause he,

who is might-y has I done great things for you.




ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 47: 10-11


o God, we pan - der your I KIND - nessll with 1in your TEM- pIe.

As your name, 0 God, so al so your praise


reach - es

]to the I ends of the earth .11 Of jus - tice I your right hand is full.

Psalm Ps. 47: 2- 8

tothe Lord, and wholly1. Great is

~ ~==.'4=========-r-r-#===j--t.lJrW-tJ ----be praised II in the city of God, his

ho - ly MOUN - tain.

Optional verse s:

2. His holy mountain, I fair-est of heights, IIis the I joy of all the earth; Repeat Antiphon.

3. Mount Sian, "the recesses I of the North," IIis the city I of the GREAT King.

4. God is with her ICAS-tIes; IIrenowned is Ihe as a STRONG-hold. Repeat Antiphon.

S. For lor the kings as- I SEM-ble, IIthey come I on to-GETH-er;

6. They also see, and at lance are stunned, IIIter-ri-fied ROUT-ed; Repeat Antiphon.

7. Quaking I seiz-es them there: IIanguish like a I wonl-an's in LA-bar,

8. As though a I wind from the east IIwere shattering Iships of THAR-sis. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


V. As we have heard,

During Epiphany season:Alleluia

MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 47: 10-11

M~de ~~o God, we pan - der your kind - ness \vith- I in your tern - pIe; II

As your name, 0 God, so al - so your praise reach-es to the \ ENDS of the earth.Versicle Ps. 47: 9

~............--... -~-----~so I have we seen, II in the city of our God, in his I ho-Iy MOUN - tain.

Respond rnay be repeated.

---- ---- ~Al - Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

~ ~ i=¥¥ =T AJ= ·id11. The old man car-riedtheChild:11 but the Child I gov-erned the old n1an.

Repeat Alleluia.

Tract Luke 2: 29- 32

Y/. Now you dismiss your servant, I 0 Lord IIaccording I to your word, in peace.

V. Because I MY eyes IIhave seen Iyour sal-VA-tion.

V. Which you I have pre-pared IIbefore the I face of all PEO-ples.

V. A light of revelation to the I GEN-tiles, IIand a glory for your I pea-pIe Is-ra-el.



Grace is poured out up-Ion your lips;11 thus Godhas blessed you for-Iev-er and EV - er.


M~de'~~'It was re - vealed to I Sim - e - on 11 by the I Ho - ly SPIR - it. :,

that he should Inot see death II be- fore he had seen the ICHRIST of the Lord.




Antiphon Wis. 10: 17

it.BUILDvain who


Wis - dom gave the ho - ly ones the rec - om - pense of their ILA - bors,11

and con-duct - ed them by a IWON-DRaUS road,iand be-came a shel-terfor Ithem by day II

and a Istar - ry flame by night. Al - Ie - lu - ia, I al - Ie - LU - ia.

Psalm Ps. 126: 1-5

~~Ii~~-==--==--==-~r-~=.=.. =====~r-~1. Un - less the Lord I build the house, II they labor in

Optional verses:

2. Unless the Lord guard the I CI-ty, IIin vain does the I guard keep VIG-il. Repeat Antiphon.

3. It is vain for you to rise early,' or put I off your rest, IIyou that eat hard-earned bread,' for he gives to his be- Ilov-ed IN sleep.

4. Behold, sons are a I gift from the Lord; IIthe fruit of the Iwomb is a re-ward. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Like arrows in the hand of a Iwar-ri-or IIare the I sons of ONE'S youth.

6. Happy the man whose quiver is I filled with them; IIthey shall not be put to shame'when they contend with I en-e-mies at the gate. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

8. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.

MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 127: 1


Hap - py are you who Ifear the Lord, II who I WALK in his ways!

Versicle Ps. 127: 2

~ ~I-----~~i---IlJ~'----~f----III..rW--.--r~V. You shall eat the fruit of your I hand - i-work II and you shall be FA - vored.

Respond may be repeated.


pen-ter's Son?' Is nothis I

Alleluia Ps.] 27: 2

Al - Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Obtain for us grace to lead an innocent life, 0 110 - seph; \1

and may it ever be secure under I your pro-TEe-tion. Repeat Alleluia.

During Paschal time:



Al - Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

~f---1IJ"""'Jj-------.~J..t-.-----W. In what - ever trouble they shall I call up-on me,11 I will hear them, and I will

fi-~always be I their pro - TEC - tor. Repeat Alleluia.

Y1. Obtain for us grace to lead an innocent life, 0 IJO- seph; IIand may it ever be secure under I your pro-TEC-tion. Repeat Alleluia.


~~de ~ ~May the gra - cious care of the Lord our I

God be ours;11 pros - per the work of our hands for us!

Pros - per the IWORK of our hands! I Al Ie LU ia.

COMMUNION SONGMatt. 13: 54-55


Where did he get this wis-dom and these I mir - a-cIes?\\ Is not this the car-

Paschal time only:

moth-er called MAR-y? I Al - Ie - LU - ia.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Isa. 49: 1, 2

M~de &p~~ j~~-:=_l~From my moth -er's womb the Lord called me I by my name, II

and made my Imouth a sharp - edged sword; j he con-cealed me in the

1. It is good to give

,~ ~ j 8shad - ow I of his hand It ~ and made me a I chos - en AR - row.

Psalm Ps. 91: 2-9

6p W~I0I--C ~ ~ ~thanks to the Lord, II to sing praise to your INAME MOST High.

Optional verses:

2. To proclaim your Ikind-ness at dawn IIand your faithful- Iness through-out the night, Repeat Antiphon.

3. With ten- stringed instru- Iment and lyre, IIwith melo- Idy up-on the harp.

4. For you make me glad, 0 I Lord, by your deeds; IIat the works of your IHANDS Ire-joice. Repeat Antiphon.

S. How great are your Iworks, 0 Lord! IIHow very I DEEP are your thoughts!

6. A senseless Iman knows not, IInor does a fool Iun-der-STAND this. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Though the wicked \ flour-ish like grass 1\

and all Iev-il-do-ers thrive,8. They are destined for eternal de-\ STRUC-tion;11

while you, 0 Lord, are the Most IHigh for- EV-er. Repeat Antiphon.9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



you, IIKNEW~

the womb II formed you inBe - fore



'~~~I~~and be - fore you were born, I I ded - ca - ted you.

SAID TO me.Repeat Respond.


Jer. 1: 9

t=T1---l---tl1Ol~~V. The Lord extended his hand, and I touched my mouth, II


,~ m?--......i0I---~

Alleluia Luke 1: 76

,~ ~Al - Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. You, child, shall be called the prophet of the I MOST High; IIyou shall go before the Lord to pre-I PARE HIS ways. Repeat Alleluia.



Ps. 91: 13

'~~I----IThe just man shall flour - ish like the palm tree; II like a ce - dar

of I Leb - a - non shall he grow.


M~de ,~

You, child, shall be called the pro-phet of the I MOST High; II

for you shall go be -fore the face of the Lord to pre -I PARE HIS ways.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Acts 12: 11

&9 J f 9±1 ) t ] JMode

~~ ~2~

Now I know for I CER tain II that the Lord has

&psent his AN - gel l and res - cued me from the pow - er of I HE - rod II

and from all that the Jew - ish peo pIe I were ex - PEeT - ing.

Ps. 138: 1-10Psalm

&p m~ie1---~~1eI-~1. 0 Lord, you have probed me and you I KNOW me; II you know when II sit and when I stand.

Optional verses:

2. My journeys and my rest you \ scru-ti-nize, 1\

with all my ways you Iare fa-mil-iar. Repeat Antiphon.3. Even before a word is Ion my tongue, II

behold, 0 Lord, you Iknow the whole of it.4. Behind me and before, you I hem me in II

and rest your Ihand up-ON me. Repeat Antiphon.S. Such knowledge is too wonder- \ ful for me;l!

too lofty for I ME to at-tain.6. Where can I go from your I SPIR-it? II

from your presence I WHERE can I flee? Repeat Antiphon.7. If I go up to the heavens, I you are there; II

if I sink to the nether world, I you are pres-ent there.8. If I take the \wings of the dawn, II

if I settle at the farthest Ilim-its of the sea, Repeat Antiphon.9. Even there your hand shall I GUIDE me, II

and your Iright hand hold me fast.10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the IHo-ly SPIR-it.11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 44: 18


You shall make them princ - es through I all the land; II they shall

,~~ ~re - mem-ber your I NAME, 0 Lord.

Versicle Ps. 44: 17

~ f:\ ~6 1&'~ ~~Iet-

V. The place of your fathers your I sons shall have; II therefore shall I na - tions PRAISE you.

Respond may be repeated.


, c=?

Al - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. You are Peter, and up- I on this rock III will IBUILD MY Church. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de J==t===.b~You shall make them princ - es through Iall the lands; II they shall

re - mem-ber your name, o Lord, through all I gen - er A - tions.


M~~ ,~ ~

You are Pe - ter, and up- I on this rock II I willI BUILD MY Church.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Apoco 5: 9, 10

~~de~~~You have re deemed us, 0 Lord, with your blood, '

out of ev fry tribe and tongue and peo - pIe and I

NA - tion, II and have made us for our I God a KING - dome

Psalm Ps. 88: 2-5, 15-19

~ •• ~r--"""""'br"l••r-------

1. The fav - ors of the Lord I will sing for- I EV er; II through all generations my

mouth shall pro- I claim your faith -ful-ness.

Optional verses:

2. For you have said, "My kindness is established for- I EV-er"; IIin heaven you have con- I firmed your faith-ful-ness: Repeat Antiphon.

3. "I have made a covenant with my I cho- sen one, III have sworn to I Da- vid my SER -vant:

4. Forever will I confirm your pos- I ter-i-ty IIand establish your throne for alII gen-er- A-tions." Repeat Antiphon.

S. Justice and judgment are the foundation I of your throne;llkindness and truth \ go be-FORE you.

6. Happy the people who know the I joy-ful shout; IIin the light of your countenance, 0 ILORD, THEY walk. Repeat Antiphon.

7. At your name they rejoice I all the day, IIand .through your justice I they are ex-ALT-ed.

8. For you are the splendor I of their strength, IIand by your favor our Ihorn is ex-ALT-ed. Repeat Antiphon.

9. For to the Lord be- I longs our shield, IIand to the Holy One of IIs-ra-el, our king.

10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.

11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


1 John 5: 6


M~de $=This is he who came in wa - ter and in blood, I

Je- sus Christ; II not in the wa- ter on - ly, but in the wa-ter lAND in the blood.

Versicle 1 John 5: 7-8

~r---tni.~r-----------------------­)/. There are three that bear witness in heaven;" the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit;'

~ ~r-----vw----.tI-----

and these I three are one .11 And there are three that bear witness on earth: ' the Spirit, the

fE--,-~water, and the blood; and these I THREE ARE one. Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia 1 John 5: 9

Al - Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

"'II. If we receive the testimony I OF men, IIthe testimony of IGod is GREAT-er. Repeat Alleluia.


M~de ,

The cup of bless - ing I that we bless,11 is it not the shar- ing I of the blood of Christ?!,And the bread I that we break,1I is it not the par - tak - ing


of the Ibod - Y of the Lord?

Heb. 9: 28

M~de ,

Christ was Iof - fered once II to take a-way the Isins of MAN - y; 1 the sec - and time

he will ap-pear with no Ipart in sin II to those who wait for him un -I to sal-VA- tion.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 76: 19


Your light-ningil-Ilu- mined the world; \1 the earth I QUIV - ered and quaked.

Psalm Ps. 83: 2-11

~----4IO;W-I---------~~""""'~--------1. How love - ly is your dwelling place, 0 I Lord of hosts! II My soul yearns and pines

for the COURTS of the Lord.

Optional verses:

2. Even the sparrow Ifinds a home, IIand the swallow a nest in I which she puts her young - Repeat Antiphon.

3. Your altars, 0 ILord of hosts, IImy I KING and my God!

4. Happy they who Idwell in your house! IIcontinually ITHEY PRAISE you. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Happy the men whose I strength you are! IItheir hearts are set up- I on the pil- grim-age:

6. When they pass through the arid valley,' they make a I spring of it; IIthe early rain clothes if with I gen-er-OUS growth. Repeat Antiphon.

7. They go from I strength to strength; IIthey shall see the God of I gods in SI- on.

8. 0 Lord of hosts, I hear my prayer; IIhearken, 0 I God of lA-cob! Repeat Antiphon.

9. 0 God, be- \ hold our shield, IIand look upon the face of I your a-NOINT-ed.

10. I had rather one day in I YOUR courts IIthan a I thou-sand ELSE-where; Repeat Antiphon.

11. I had rather lie at the threshold of the I house of my God 1\

than dwell in the Itents of the WICK-ed.12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-ly SPIR- it.13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, 1\

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 44: 3

M~de~F air-er in beau - ty are you than the I sons of men;ll

grace is poured lout up - on your lips #

Versicle Ps. 44: 2

11. My heart overflows with a

~~IeII-----_---~ ~~ ~good - ly theme; II as I sing my lODE to the King.

Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Wis. 7: 26

Al - Ie - lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

W. He is the refulgence of e- I ter-nal light, IIthe spotless mirror, and the image Iof his GOOD-ness. Repeat Alleluia.



Glo - ry and wealth are I in his house;11 his gen - er - a - si - ty

shall en-dure for - ev - er.


Al - Ie - LV - ia.

Tell the vi - sian you have seen

Matt. 17: 9

M~de,,---~=,~to I NO one, II till the Son of

,~-~Man has Iris - en from the dead.




Apoc. 12: 1



~'~~;~~_'~~~A great sign ap - peared in I HEAV - en: II a worn - an I

~ ~ a ~ a ~ ~ f$==and the moon was I un der her feet, II

~ l=]a I crown of TWELVE stars.her head

CLOTHEDwith the SUll,

and up - on

Psalm Ps. 97: 1-6

&~ m~IeI------1~ ~-6--~~----F~1. Sing to the Lord a I NEW song, II for he has done WON DROUS deeds.

Optional verses:

2. His right hand has won victory I FOR him, IIIHIS ho-Iy arm. Repeat Antiphon.

3. The Lord has made his sal- I va-tion known: IIin the sight of the nations he has re- I vealed his JUS- tice .

4. He has remembered his kindness and his I faith-ful-ness IItoward the I house of Is-ra-el. Repeat Antiphon.

S. All the ends of the I earth have seen IIthe sal- I va- tion by our God.

6. Sing joyfully to the Lord, I all you lands; IIbreak into I SONG; SING praise. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Sing praise to the ILord with the harp, IIwith the harp and me- Ilo-di-OUS song.

8. With trumpets and the I sound of the horn IIsing joyfully be- I fore the King, the Lord. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.




Respond Ps. 44: 11,12

& ~Hear, 0 daugh - ter, and see; I tum your ear; II for the king

&~§shall de -I sire your BEAU - ty.

Versicle Ps. 44: 14

her raiment isas she en - ters; II

i ~~ kiJ--f"~~l1----~~~IOI~--

V. All glo- ri - ous is the king's daughter

'F4+Fr~thread - ed with spun gold. Respond may be repeated.


6Al - Ie - lu - ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. Mary has been taken up into IHEAV-en; IIthe choirs of the IAN- gels rejoice. Repeat Alleluia.



I will put en - mi - ty be - tween you Iand the wom-an,11 be- tween I

your seed and HER seed.

COMMUNION SONGLuke 1: 48, 49

M~de t~ :J1§All gen - er - a - tions shall I call me bless -ed; II be-cause he who

&~ ~ Jis might - y has Idone great things for me.




cross oftheinBut it be - hooves us

Antiphon Gal. 6: 14

&~""----J~to I GLO - ry II


our I LORD Je - sus Christ; ~ in whom is our sal- va - tion, life, and I res -

ur rec - tion; II by whom we are saved I and de - LIV - ered.

Psalm Ps. 66: 2-8

may he let his face shine1. May God have pity on us and

~ §T~-.:....;:te....;...I_-----------.,r ~~_-==_-=t:.L--=:1_I0I~_I-~=_ -==_-==_-==_-==_-==_-==_-==_-==_-==_

BLESS us;11

upon us; and may he have pit - y ON us.

Optional verses:

2. So may your name be known up- I ON earth; IIamong all nations, I your sal-VA-tion. Repeat Antiphon.

3. May the peoples I praise you, 0 God; IImay all the I pea-pIes PRAISE you!

4. May the nations be glad and exult'because you rule the peoples in I eq-ui-ty; IIthe nations on the I EARTH YOU guide. Repeat Antiphon.

S. May the peoples Ipraise you, 0 God; IImay all the I pea-pIes PRAISE you! Repeat Antiphon.

6. The earth has Iyield-ed its fruits; IIGod, our IGod, has BLESSED us. Repeat Antiphon.

7. May God I BLESS us, IIand may all the ends of the IEARTH FEAR him!

8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-ly SPIR- it.

9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, 1\

world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Phil. 2: 8

M~de &~Christbe-came o-be- di-ent for I us to death, II e-ventolDEATH on a cross.

Versicle Phil. 2: 9

,~ g I~ r ~~IOI----V. There -fore God also has ex- I alt - ed him, II and has bestowed upon him the name

,~ ~that is above I EV 'RY name. Respond may be repeated.


&~Al - Ie - Iu - ia . Repeat Alleluia.

V. Sweet the wood, sweet the nails, sweet the load that I hangs on you! IIYou alone were worthy to bear up the King and ILord of HEAV-en. Repeat Alleluia.



Pro - teet your peo - pIe, 0 Lord, through the sign of the I ho -ly Cross, II

,~from the Isnares of their en - e-mies, !that we may pay you a\pleas- ing serv- ice, II

&~and our sac - ri-fice may be ac-cept -a - ble to you. I Al - Ie - LU - ia.



o our God, through the Isign of the Cross, II de

liv - er us I from our en - e - mies.



ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Ps. 102: 20


Bless the Lord, all you his I AN - gels, II you might - y



strength,who do

Ps. 102: 1-11

his bid - ding, 0 bey - ing I HIS spo - ken word.

1. Bless the Lord, o my soul; II and, all my being, I bless his ho - ly name.

Optional verses:

2. Bless the Lord, I 0 my soul, IIand forget not Iall his ben-e-fits; Repeat Antiphon.

3. He pardons all your in-I iq-ui-ties, IIhe I HEALS all your ills.

4. He redeems your life from de- I STRUC-tion, IIhe crowns you with kindness Iand com-PAS-sion. Repeat Antiphon.

S. He fills your lifetime IWITH good; IIyour youth is renewed I like the EA- gle' s .

6. The Lord secures I JUS-tice IIand the rights of IALL the op-pressed. Repeat Antiphon.

7. He has made known his ways to IMO- ses, IIand his deeds to the childrenlOF Is-ra-el.

8. Merciful and gracious I is the Lord, IIslow to anger and abounding IIN KIND-ness. Repeat Antiphon.

9. He will not I al-ways chide, IInor does he keep his I wrath for- EV-er .

10. Not according to our sins does he Ideal with us, IInor does he requite us ac- I cord- ing to our crimes. Repeat Antiphon.

11. Foras the heavens are high a-I bove the earth, IIso surpassing is his kindness toward Ithose who FEAR him.

12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.

13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 102: 20


Bless the Lord, all I you his an-gels, II youmight-y in strength, who I do his BID-ding.

Versicle Ps. 102: 1

bless his ho - ly name.Respond may be repeated.


~ ~ ~~---f.~Jj----,J:¥f ~f---""""'.~-~--o my soul; II and all my being,YI. Bless the Lord,

Al - Ie ia. Repeat Alleluia.

11. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in I BAT-tie, IIthat we may not perish in the I dread-ful JUDG-ment. Repeat Alleluia.



"---'An an - gel stood be - fore the al - tar I of the tern - pIe, II hay - ing

a gold-en I cen-ser in his hand, 1 and there was giv-en to him mUchlIN - cense;11

jgjand the smoke of the spic - es as - cend - ed be - fore God. 1 AI - Ie - LU - ia.


Lord, II sing a hymn,bless the

Dan. 3: 58


All you an - gels of the Lord,

and ex - alt him a - bove I all for- BV - ere




M~de &~ ~

Apoc. 5: 12; 1: 6

Wor - thy is the Lamb who was slain to re - ceive pow - er,

and di-· Iyin - i - ty, II and wis - dom, and I strength, and HO - nor. 1 To him

,~~ w¥i ~be - long glo - ry and do - I MIN - ion II for - I ev - er and EV - er.

Psalm Ps. 71: 1-7

~~ ~~ M±4.~1. 0 God, with your judgment en- Idow the king,11 and with your I jus-tice, the KING'S son.

Optional verses:

2. He shall govern your people with I JUS-tice IIand your afflicted I ones with JUDG-ment. Repeat Antiphon.

3. The mountains shall yield peace for the I PEO-ple, IIand the I HILLS JUS- tice .

4. He shall defend the afflicted among the people,'save the children I of the poor, IIand I crush the oP-PRES- sor. Repeat Antiphon.

S. May he endure as I long as the sun, IIand like the moon through all Igen-er-A- tions .

6. He shall be like rain coming down on the I MEAD- ow, IIlike showers Iwa-ter-ing the earth. Repeat Antiphon.

7. Justice shall flower I in his days, IIand profound peace, till the IMOON be no more.

8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 71: 8


He shall rule from I sea to sea,1I and from the Riv-er to the lENDS of the earth.

Versicle Ps. 71: 11

V. All kings shall pay him hom-age,llall I na-tionsshallSERVE him.Respond may be repeated.

Alleluia Dan. 7: 14

Al - Ie ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not be I ta1<-en a-way, IIand his kingdom I shall not be de- stroyed. Repeat Alleluia.



Ask of me and I will give you the na-tions for an in-\ her - it - ance II

-and the ends of the earth for I your pos - SES - sion.

COMMUNION SONGPs. 28: 10, 11

M~de~ Jr----_~_~

The Lord is en - throned as I king for - ev er; II may the Lord

bless his IPEG - pIe with peace!




Let us all re- I joice in the Lord, II cel - e - brat - ing a

&,feast day in hon - or of I ALL THE saints, ! on whose so - lem - ni - ty


the I an - gels re - joice, II and join in prais - ing the I SON OF God.

Psalm PSt 32: 1-5, 20-22

~ ~ ~101 F lei F1. Ex- tilt, you just in the Lord; II praise from the upright IS FIT tinge

Optional verses:

2. Give thanks to the ILord on the harp; IIwith the ten- stringed lyre I chant his PRAIS-es. Repeat Antiphon.

3. Sing to him a INEW song; IIpluck the strings skillfully, with I shouts of GLAD-ness.

4. For upright is the I word of the Lord, IIand all his works are I TRUST- WOR-thy. Repeat Antiphon.

S. He loves I jus- tice and right; IIof the kindness of the ILord the earth is full.

6. Our soul Iwaits for the Lord, IIwho is our I help and OUR shield. Repeat Antiphon.

7. For in him our Ihearts re-joice; IIin his I ho-Iy name we trust.

8. May your kindness, 0 Lord, be up- ION us IIwho have I put our hopes in you. Repeat Antiphon.

9. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR- it.

10. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.


MEDITATION SONGRespond Ps. 33: 10


Fear the Lord, all you his Iho-Iy ones,11 for nought is lack - ing to I those who FEAR him.

Versicle Ps. 33: 11

, !ifi~1J11-~~1eI====-==----r?+±&¥ ~NO GOOD thing.

Respond may be repeated.want forseek the Lord IIwhoV. But those

Alleluia Matt. 11: 28,Al - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

Yl. Come to me, all you who labor and are I BUR-dened,11and I I will give you rest. Repeat Alleluia.

OFFERTORY SONGWis. 3: 1-2, 3

M~de'~ ~ ~t----The souls of the just are in the I hand of God, II

, I~and no tor - ment ISHALL TOUCH them.! They seemed, in view of the

fool - ish, I to be dead; II but they are in peace. 1 A - Ie LU - ia.


M~de~ ~Bless - ed are the Ipure of heart,11 for I they shall SEE God. iBless-ed are the I

PEACE-mak-ers, II for they shall be called I CHIL-dren of God. !Bless - ed are they who

'~psuf - fer per-se-cu-tion fori jus-tice' sake,llfor theirs is the I king-dom of HEAV - en.




ENTRANCE SONGAntiphon Gen. 28: 1 7


How awe- some is this place! This is none oth-er than the I house of God; II this is the

gate of heav - en; and it shall be Icalled the court of God. Al-Ie-Iu - ia, I aI-Ie - LU - ia.

Psalm Ps. 83: 2-11

&l%i~."----~---1. How love-Iy is your dwelling place, 0 I Lord of Hosts! II My soul yearns and pines for the

~ ~¥=F J±+@f §COURTS of the Lord.

Optional verses:

2. Even the sparrow I finds a home, IIand the swallow a nest in Iwhich she puts her young - Repeat Antiphon.

3. Your altars, 0 I Lord of hosts, IImy IKING and my God!

4. Happy they who I dwell in your house! IIcontinually I THEY PRAISE you. Repeat Antiphon.

S. Happy the men whose I strength you are! IItheir hearts are set up- Ion the pil- grim-age:

6. When they pass through the arid valley,' they make a I spring of it; IIthe early rain clothes it with Igell-er-OUS growth. Repeat Antiphon.

7. They go from I strength to strength; IIthey shall see the God of I gods in 51-on.

8. 0 Lord of hosts, Ihear my prayer; IIhearken, 0 I God of ]A-cob! Repeat Antiphon.

9. 0 God, be- \ hold our shield, IIand look upon the face of Iyour a-NOINT-ed.

10. I had rather one day in I YOUR courts IIthan a I thou-sand ELSE-where; Repeat Antiphon.

11. I had rather lie at the threshold of the Ihouse of my God IIthan dwell in the I tents of the WICK-ed.

12. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-ly SPIR-it.

13. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be,11world without IEND. A-men. Repeat Antiphon.



Mode3 &~

This place was made by God, a price-Iesslmys-ter- y;11 it is with -lOUT RE-proof.

hear the prayers


~ ~~ kiff~tlll4----------~~I0I~--

V. 0 God, before whom stands the choir of AN gels, II

~J±+tk#~of your SER - vants. Respond may be repeated.

Before Septuagesima and after Paschal time:Alleluia PS, 137: 2,----§

'-----....-" --.

AI- Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. I will worship at your holy ITEM-ple IIand give \ THANKS to your name. Repeat Alleluia.

From Septuagesima until Easter:Tract Ps. 124: 1-2

1. They who trust in the Lord are like Mount \ SI- on, IIwhich is immovable; Iwhich for-ev-er stands.

2. Mountains are round aboutJe-1 ru-sa-Iem;11so the Lord is round about his people, both now I and for-EV-er.

During Paschal time:

MEDITATION SONGAlleluia PS, 137: 2

&----JggjAl - Ie lu ia. Repeat Alleluia.

V. I will worship at your holy I TEM-ple IIand give I THANKS to your name. Repeat Alleluia.

V. The house of the Lord is well IFOUND-ed, IIup- I on a FIRM rock. Repeat Alleluia.


OFFERTORY SONG1 Par. 29: 17, 18


o Lord God, in the sim - plic - i - ty I of my heart, II

~I=I have joy - ful - ly I of - fered all these things;


and I have seen with great joy your pea - pIe which is here I PRES - ent: II

~o God of Is - ra - el, I KEEP THIS will. I Al - Ie - LV - ia.


Mode1 _I~

"My house shall be called a house of prayer, " Isays the Lord; II

I~ B+r"in it ev - 'rY-1 one who asks re - ceives:; and he who I SEEKS finds, II

Paschal time only:

~t'and to him who knocks, it I shall be 0 - pened." I Al - Ie - LV - ia.



Psalm 15(Verses 1-11)

1. Keep me, 0 God, for in you I take refuge;I say to the Lord, "My I Lord,are you. IIApart from I you I have no good.n

2. How wonderfully has he made me I CHER-ish IIthe holy ones Iwho are in his land!

3. They multiply their sorrows who court I oth-er gods .11Blood librations to them I will not pour out,nor will I take their I names up- on my lips.

4. 0 Lord, my allotted portion I and Iny cup, IIyou it is who I HOLD fast my lot.

5. For me the measuring lines have fallen on I pleas-ant sites; IIfair to me indeed is I my in-her-it-ance.

6. I bless the Lord who Icoun-sels me; IIeven in the night my I heart ex- HaRTS me.

7. I set the Lord ever be- I FORE me; IIwith him at my right hand I I shall not be dis-turbed.

8. Therefore my heart is glad and my soul re-I JOI-ces, IImy body, too, a- I bides in con-fi-dence;

9. Because you will not abandon my soul to the I neth-er world, IInor will you suffer your faithful one to under-I go cor- RUP- tion.

10. You will show me the path to life,fullness of joys in your I PRES-ence, IIthe delights at your Iright hand for- EV-er.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son IIand to the I Ho-ly SPIR- it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men.

Psalm 22(Verses 1-6)

1. The Lord is my shepherd; I I shall not want .11In verdant pastures he I GIVES me re-pose;

2. Beside restful waters he I LEADS me; IIhe re-I FRESH-es my soul.

3. He guides me in IRIGHT paths IIIfor his NAME'S sake.

4. Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil;for you are I at my side IIwith your rod and your staff that I give me COUR-age.

5. You spread the table before me in the Isight of my foes; IIyou anoint ~y head with oil; my ICUP o-ver-flows.

6. Only goodness and kindness follow me all the I days of my life; IIand I shall dwell in the house of the ILord for years to come.

7. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son IIand to the IHo-Iy SPIR-it.

8. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men.



Psalm 33(Verses 2-11)

1. I will bless the Lord at I ALL times; IIhis praise shall be I ev-er in my mouth.

2. Let my soul glory I in the Lord; IIthe lowly will Ihear me and be glad.

3. Glorify the I Lord with me, IIlet us together ex- ITOL HIS name.

4. I sought the Lord, and he I an- swered me IIand delivered I me from all my fears.

5. Look to him that you may be radi- I ant with joy, IIand your faces may I NOT blush with shame.

6. When the afflicted man called out, the ILORD heard,11and from all his dis- I tress he SAVED him.

7. The angel of the I Lord en-camps IIaround those who fear him, I and de-liv-ers them.

8. Taste and see how good the ILORD is; IIhappy the man who takes I REF-uge in him.

9. Fear the Lord, you his I ho-ly ones, IIfor nought is lacking to I those who FEAR him.

10. The great grow poor and I HUN-gry; IIbut those who seek the Lord \ want for no good thing.

11. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son IIand to the IHo-ly SPIR-it.

12. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men.

Psalm 41(Verses 2-6)

1. As the hind longs for the running I WA-ters, IIso my soul I longs for you, 0 God.

2. Athirst is my soul for God, the 11 iv- ing God .11when shall I go and be-I hold the face of God?

3. My tears are my food I day and night,1Ias they say to me day after day, I "WHERE is your God?"

4. Those times I I re-call, IInow that I pour out my I soul with-IN me,

5. When I went with the throngand led them in procession to the I house of God, IIAmid loud cries of joy and thanksgiving,with the multitude Ikeep-ing fes-ti-val.

6. Why are you so downcast, I 0 my soul? IIwhy do you I sigh with-IN me?

7. Hope in God! For I shall again be I thank-ing him, IIin the presence of my I sav-ior and my God.

8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to the I Ho-ly SPIR-it.

9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men.



Psalm 42(Verses 1-5)

1. Do me justice, 0 God, and fight my fight against a faithless I PEO-ple; IIfrom the deceitful and impious IMAN res-cue me.

2. For you, 0 God, are my strength. Why do you keep me so I far a-way? IIWhy must I go about in mourning, with the ene- I my op-press-ing me?

3. Send forth your light and your fidelity; they shall I lead me on IIAnd bring me to your holy mountain, I to your dwell- ing- place.

4. Then will I go in to the I aI-tar of God, \\the God of my I GLAD-ness and joy;

5. Then will I give you thanks up- I on the harp, 1\

o I GOD, MY God!6. Why are you so downcast, I 0 my soul? II

Why do you I sigh with-IN me?7. Hope in God! For I shall again be I thank-ing him, II

in the presence of my I sav-ior and my God.8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son II

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, II

world without \ END. A-men.

Psalm 61(Verses 2-9)

1. Only in God is my I soul at rest;11from him comes I my sal-VA-tion.

2. He only is my rock and my salvation, my I STRONG-hold; III shall I not be dis - turbed at all.

3. How long will you set upon a man and all together I beat him down \I

as though he were a sagging I fence, a bat-tered wall?4. Truly from my place on high they plan to dis- I LODGE me; II

Ithey de-light in lies;5. They I bless with their mOlJths,11

but I in-ward-Iy they curse.6. Only in God be at I rest, my souLl1

for from I HIM comes my hope.7. He only is my rock and my salvation, my I STRONG-hold; II

I shall I NOT be dis - turbed .8. With God is my safety and my I GLO-ry, 1\

he is the rock of my strength; my I re-fuge is in God.9. Trust in him at all times, 0 my \ PEO-ple! 1\

Pour out your hearts before him; God is lOUR REF-uge!10. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever \ SHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men.



Psalm 80(Verses 2-6)

1. Sing joyfully to I God our strength; IIacclaim the I God of lA-cob.

2. Take up a melody, and sound the I TIM-breI, IIthe pleasant Iharp and the LY-re.

3. Blow the trumpet at the I NEW moon,l\at the full moon, I on our sol- emn feast;

4. For it is a statute in I Is- ra-el, IIan ordinance of the I God of lA-cob,

5. Who made it a decree for I 10- seph IIwhen he came forth from the I land of E- gypt.

6. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, IIand to theIHo-ly SPIR-it.

7. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without I END. A-men.

Psalm 83(Verses 2-13)

1. How lovely is your I dwell- ing place, IIo I LORD OF hosts!

2. My soul yearns and pines for the I courts of the Lord .11My heart and my flesh cry lout for the liv-ing God.

3. Even the sparrow I finds a home, IIand the swallow a nest in I which she puts her young ­

4. Your altars, 0 I Lord of hosts, IImy IKING and my God!

5. Happy they who I dwell in your house! IIcontinual- Ily they PRAISE you.

6. Happy the men whose I strength you are!11their hearts are set up- Ion the pil-grim-age:

7. When they pass through the arid valley,they make a I spring of it; IIthe early rain clothes it with Igen-er-OUS growth.

8. They go from I strength to strength; IIthey shall see the God of Igods in SI- on .

9. 0 Lord of hosts, Ihear my prayer; IIhearken, 0 IGod of lA-cob!

10. 0 God, be-I hold our shield, IIand look upon the face of I your a-NOINT-ed.

11. I had rather one day in I YOUR courts IIthan a I thou-sand ELSE-where;

12. I had rather lie at the threshold of the Ihouse of my God IIthan dwell in the I tents of the WICK - ed.

13. For a sun and a shield is the I LORD God; IIgrace and I glo-ry he be-stows;

14. The Lord withholds no I GOOD thing IIfrom those who Iwalk in sin-cer-i-ty.

15. 0 ILord of hosts, IIhappy the I men who trust in you!

16. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son IIand to the IHo-ly SPIR- it.

17. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever I SHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men.



Psalm 94(Verses 1-7)

1. Come, let us sing joyfully I to the Lord; IIlet us acclaim the Rock of lour sal-VA-tion.

2. Let us greet him with thanks- I GIV-ing; IIlet us joyfully I SING psalms to him.

3. For the Lord is a I GREAT God, IIand a great I king a-bove all gods;

4. In his hands are the I depths of the earth, IIand the tops of the I MOUN-tains are his.

5. His is the sea, for he has I MADE it, IIand the dry land, Iwhich his hands have formed.

6. Come, let us bow down in \ WOR- ship; 1\

let us kneel before the ILord who MADE us.7. Forlhe is our God, II

and we are the people he shepherds, the I FLOCK HE guides.8. Glory be to the Father and I to the Son, II

and to the I Ho-Iy SPIR- it.9. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, II

world without I END. A-men.

Psalm 116(Verses 1-2)

1. Praise the Lord, all you I NA-tions: IIglorify him, I all you PEO-ples!

2. For steadfast is his I kind-ness toward us, IIand the fidelity of the Lord en- I dures for- EV-er.

3. Glory be to the Father and Ito the Son IIand to the I Ho-Iy SPIR-it.

4. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever ISHALL be, IIworld without IEND. A-men.



A BM~de

Al - Ie - Iu - ia. AI- Ie - Iu - ia.


Al - Ie - Iu - ia .


M~de ,~

Al - Ie - Iu - ia. Al - Ie Iu - ia. Al - Ie - Iu ia .

M~&AI-Ie~ Iu - ia.



Al - Ie Iu - ia . Al - Ie Iu ia ·

A BMgde

Al -Ie - Iu - ia. Al - Ie - Iu - ia.

*Any other Gregorian-Alleluia may also be used.



Al - Ie - Iu ia. Al Ie - Iu - ia.

Al - Ie Iu ia.


M~de J~----- --- ~Al - Ie Iu ia. Al - Ie

1u - ia . Al - Ie - 1u - ia .

M~de &A

Al - Ie 1u ia . Al - Ie - 1u ia .

Al Ie Iu ia. Al - Ie

Iu ia. Al - Ie - 1u - ia.



Saint Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana


Edited by Rev. Paul M. ArbogastVoice book - No.1, Ope 1Accompaniment - No.1, Ope 2

MASS FOR THE PARISHChant themes adapted to English text by Rev. Lawrence Heiman,

C.PP.S.Voice card - No.2, Ope IAccompaniment - No.2, Ope 2

MASS IN THE EIGHTH MODE (Missa Octavi Toni) by John M. AsolaEdited and set to English text by Rev. Eugene Lindusky, o. S. C .

No. 3 in the Series.

SHORT MASS (Missa Brevis) by Giovanni Pierluigi da PalestrinaEdited and set to English text by Rev. Eugene Lindusky, O. S. C .

No.4 in the Series.

TEN RENAISSANCE MOTETS in EnglishCompiled and edited by Rev. Eugene IJindusky, O. S. C.

No. 5 in the Series.

WORLD LIBRARY OF SACRED MUSIC1846 Westwood Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214