College of Commissioner Service - 2020 - Scouting Event · assess their Scouting success. Scouting...

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Transcript of College of Commissioner Service - 2020 - Scouting Event · assess their Scouting success. Scouting...

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College of Commissioner Service - 2020Class Catalog

Jeff Schweiger Assistant CommisionerCouncil

Julia Mae-Shen Lesko Assistant Council Commissioner,Dean

Service Commissioner of College the of

March8am Holy8800Annandale, 22003 VA

Road Braddock School Spirit

4:45pm to 2020 14,

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM


College of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

Page 2 Report AM 10:42 - 2020 1, Mar Sun date: run




---- Bachelor






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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

College of Commissioner Science - Bachelors (Scheduled Classes)Core Concepts of Commissioner ServiceThe position of commissioner is one of the oldest in Scouting. This course reviews andreinforces the commissioner core concepts and identifies the key skills needed forcommissioner to be able to assess the units they serve.Maximum number of participants: 48

BCS101Meeting Room 1

9-9:50 AM

John Wiltenmuth

Supporting Timely Charter RenewalChartered organizations must submit an application to Council annually to renew itscharter. This fosters a formal, timely plan for regular dialogue between the charteredorganization and BSA, and assures membership is current so Scouts can participate inScouting activities and advance in rank. Commissioners support the timely, error-freecompletion of the renewal.Maximum number of participants: 22

BCS102Room 12

10-10:50 AM

Mark Stoffel

Supporting Timely Charter RenewalChartered organizations must submit an application to Council annually to renew itscharter. This fosters a formal, timely plan for regular dialogue between the charteredorganization and BSA, and assures membership is current so Scouts can participate inScouting activities and advance in rank. Commissioners support the timely, error-freecompletion of the renewal.Maximum number of participants: 22

BCS102Room 12

11-11:50 AM

Mark Stoffel

Linking District ResourcesAlthough commissioners are viewed as very knowledgeable and capable individuals, akey part of their job is to actually point a unit in the direction of the actual processowner for the topic in question. Many of those topics have a process owner on the localDistrict Committee who has ready access to further resources and wisdom.Maximum number of participants: 30

BCS103Room 14

1:30-2:20 PM

Neil Hornung

Contacting UnitsThis course defines the roles of Commissioner service and the importance of contactswith their units and timely recording of those contacts in Commissioner ToolsMaximum number of participants: 30

BCS104Room 14

2:30-3:20 PM

Hector Uranga

Resolving Common Unit IssuesThe unit commissioner's goal in supporting a unit is to discover strengths and needs,and to help the unit improve. Some issues are common, and can be resolved readily. Atthe end of this training a commissioner will be able to: Use the Detailed Assessment to identify unit strengths and needs Understand early warning signals of unit issues Identify focus areas for observing specific unit needs during regular contactsMaximum number of participants: 22

BCS105Room 12

2:30-3:20 PM

Mark Chipman

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

Resolving Common Unit IssuesThe unit commissioner's goal in supporting a unit is to discover strengths and needs,and to help the unit improve. Some issues are common, and can be resolved readily. Atthe end of this training a commissioner will be able to: Use the Detailed Assessment to identify unit strengths and needs Understand early warning signals of unit issues Identify focus areas for observing specific unit needs during regular contactsMaximum number of participants: 22

BCS105Room 12

3:30-4:20 PM

Mark Chipman

Coaching LeadersIn this course a commissioner will become familiar with the new Coaching Model andhow to use it to better serve their units.Maximum number of participants: 48

BCS106Meeting Room 1

11-11:50 AM

Mike Floyd

Unit Journey to ExcellenceJTE is the BSA's tool for helping leaders plan their program, monitor progress andassess their Scouting success. Scouting success takes many forms, and JTE successemploys a "balanced scorecard" as a result. The standards enable both large Scoutunits and small ones to succeed - as long as they provide good Scouting to youth.Maximum number of participants: 22

BCS107Room 12

9-9:50 AM

Mark Chipman

Unit Journey to ExcellenceJTE is the BSA's tool for helping leaders plan their program, monitor progress andassess their Scouting success. Scouting success takes many forms, and JTE successemploys a "balanced scorecard" as a result. The standards enable both large Scoutunits and small ones to succeed - as long as they provide good Scouting to youth.Maximum number of participants: 22

BCS107Room 12

1:30-2:20 PM

Mark Chipman

Mining Internet ResourcesCommissioners are asked many questions and assumed to be experts on everything.Although they may wish to be an expert, knowing where to find information can makethem a virtual expert. In this course we will concentrate not on the local "who do youcall" but on using the internet, in effect, mining internet resources.Maximum number of participants: 24

BCS108Room 13

2:30-3:20 PM

Jim Stewart

The Essential Element (A Servant's Heart)In 1970, Robert Greenleaf introduced the term "servant leadership." He wrote an essaytitled "The Servant as Leader" that was later expanded into a book. That book is a veryinfluential management text that launched the servant leadership movement.However, the concept is thousands of years old and stems, at least partly, fromreligious teachings on leadership.Maximum number of participants: 48

BCS109Meeting Room 1

10-10:50 AM

Linda Baker

Recruiting Unit CommissionersOne of the duties in your role as the district commissioner as part of the District Key 3is to recruit, train, guide, and evaluate the required commissioner personnel of thedistrict. District commissioners take ownership of the district team of commissioners toensure that all units are well cared for throughout the year. This course will focus onrecruiting.Maximum number of participants: 24

BCS112Room 13

11-11:50 AM

Sean Byrne

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

Understanding & Communicating with TodayWe, as commissioners, need to understand the differences in relating to generationsinvolved in scouting and inclusiveness. As commissioners we can embrace thedifferences and similarities to make the scouting program stronger.Maximum number of participants: 24

BCS114Room 13

10-10:50 AM

Sasha Loftin

Understanding & Communicating with TodayWe, as commissioners, need to understand the differences in relating to generationsinvolved in scouting and inclusiveness. As commissioners we can embrace thedifferences and similarities to make the scouting program stronger.Maximum number of participants: 24

BCS114Room 13

3:30-4:20 PM

Sasha Loftin

Collaborative AssessmentsThis course examines and discusses the need for collaboration in assessing unit'sstrengths and needs, build a Unit Service Plan and record in Commissioner Tools.Maximum number of participants: 24

BCS116Room 13

9-9:50 AM

Garry Lewis

Collaborative AssessmentsThis course examines and discusses the need for collaboration in assessing unit'sstrengths and needs, build a Unit Service Plan and record in Commissioner Tools.Maximum number of participants: 24

BCS116Room 13

1:30-2:20 PM

Garry Lewis

Commissioner & Unit Key 3In this course, we examine the roles of the unit key 3 and how commissioners work andcoach each.Maximum number of participants: 30

BCS117Room 14

3:30-4:20 PM

Pat Berney

Report run date: Sun Mar 1, 2020 - 10:42 AMPage 5


Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

College of Commissioner Science - Bachelors Roundtable (Scheduled Classes)Roundtables in Commissioner ServiceAn effective roundtable is vital to the success of all commissioner service. This coursereviews and reinforces how roundtables fit into the commissioner service structure byproviding roundtable services to unit leaders.Maximum number of participants: 18

RCS150Room 16

9-9:50 AM

Ben Overbey

The Roundtable Commissioner TeamAn effective roundtable commissioner team is vital to the success of all roundtables.The roundtable commissioner team organization is as simple as it needs to be in asmall district and can be a more complex organization in a larger district. It isimportant that all members of the commissioner roundtable team understand theunique position of roundtable in the Scouting world. Roundtable provides a differentmethod of unit service, but it is just as important. Roundtable also supplements unitcommissioner efforts by the program support it provides.Maximum number of participants: 18

RCS151Room 16

10-10:50 AM

Danielle Ballantine

The Year-Round Roundtable Planning Process & PromotionIn this course, the participants will be learning how to plan a year roundtable programto best serve the units in their districts. They will also discuss how to promoteRoundtables to the units they serve.Maximum number of participants: 18

RCS152Room 16

11-11:50 AM

Danielle Ballantine

Roundtables and Commissioner ToolsIn this course, the participants will learn how to use the roundtable tab onCommissioner Tools. They will also learn to create power pivot table reports. For aparticipant to be fully engaged in the course they need to have a computer to be ableto access Commissioner Tools.Maximum number of participants: 18

RCS153Room 16

1:30-2:20 PM

Ben Overbey

Cub Scout RoundtablesCub Scout Roundtables is normally the first district event that a new leader attends.Focused on FUN and giving new and seasoned leaders "the will to do, and the skill todo" is important not only for the leaders but for the youth they bring the informationback to. This course extends the learning material from Roundtable Basic.Maximum number of participants: 18

RCS154Room 16

2:30-3:20 PM

Ken Davis

Boy Scout RoundtablesBoy scout roundtable is a form of commissioner service and supplemental training forvolunteers at the unit level. The objectives of roundtables are to provide leaders withprogram ideas, information on policy and events, and training opportunities. It is aforum for sharing experiences and enjoying fun and fellowship with other Scoutleaders. When skillfully executed, the roundtable will provide "The Will to Do and TheSkill to Do." Roundtable will inspire, motivate, and enable unit leaders to provide astronger program for their Scouts.Maximum number of participants: 22

RCS155Room 10

2:30-3:20 PM

Randy Young

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

Recruiting, Training and Recognizing the Roundtable TeamProperly recruiting, training and recognizing the roundtable team is vital to the successof all roundtables. One of the duties in the role as the district commissioner is torecruit, train, guide, and evaluate the required commissioner personnel of the district.Maximum number of participants: 18

RCS156Room 16

3:30-4:20 PM

Ken Davis

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

College of Commissioner Science - Continuing Ed (Scheduled Classes)Combatting Commissioner Stress/BurnoutWe've all had our moments when we ask ourselves, "Why are we involved inScouting?" This session is designed to examine indicators of stress, how stress affectsthose around us, and how we might overcome these negative manifestations.Maximum number of participants: 26

CED701Room 24

9-9:50 AM

John Howlin

Advancement for Scouts with Special NeedsVirtually every unit will experience having a youth who has disAbilities. This course willprovide Commissioners with knowledge to share with unit leaders regardingADVANCEMENT so they can provide a program which provides these youth with theScouting opportunities to succeed.Maximum number of participants: 26

CED713Room 24

10-10:50 AM

Christian Griggs

Conflict Resolution for CommissionersConflict arises from differences. It occurs whenever people disagree over their values,motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. Sometimes these differences look trivial,but when a conflict triggers strong feelings, a deep personal need is at the core of theproblem, a need to feel safe and secure, a need to feel respected and valued.Maximum number of participants: 26

CED716Room 24

1:30-2:20 PM

Scott Bashore

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

College of Commissioner Science - Continuing Ed - NCAC Local Courses (Scheduled Classes)The Order of Arrow for CommissionersCED801 - What is the Order of the Arrow and what should Commissioner's know aboutit.? Come and learn. The OA can be a valuable partner in your unit.Maximum number of participants: 26

CED801Room 24

2:30-3:20 PM

Randy Wilson

Open Forum

Maximum number of participants: 22

CED803Room 25

11-11:50 AM

Open Forum

Open Forum

Maximum number of participants: 22

CED803Room 25

2:30-3:20 PM

Open Forum

STEM for CommissionersHow can commissioners help advance STEM within the BSA? Come and find outMaximum number of participants: 26

CED812Room 24

3:30-4:20 PM

Arden Dougan

Managing Your Committee/District with BasecampLearn how to use the new council-wide planning tool – Basecamp. It makes it easy tostreamline communications, manage documents and files, and create an organizedproject plan. Best of all, you’ve got a digital archive that’s perfect to handoff for futureplanning, projects, and leadership teams. This new tool is mandatory for all districtsand councils, so get this essential training today.

Maximum number of participants: 22

CED813Room 25

10-10:50 AM

Bryan Martin Firvida

Commissioner Reports

Maximum number of participants: 22

CED814Room 25

9-9:50 AM

Rick Manteuffel

Scoutbook for Commissioners: How Scouting Units use ScoutbookWhat is Scoutbook and why do people keep asking you about it? This introductorycourse will cover the key aspects of the BSA Scoutbook application. We will discusshow the Scoutbook program supports unit leaders in delivering the Scouting programas well as how it helps Scouts and their families participate more fully in their unit'sprogram and keep track of advancement.

Maximum number of participants: 26

CED815Room 24

11-11:50 AM

Bryan Martin Firvida

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

What is an International Commissioner?Scouting is thriving in over 170 countries around the world. How do these NationalScouting Organizations (NSO's) work together and how can we bring the benefits ofthis cooperation to our local units? Take part in this first-of-a-kind class that opens aworld of possibilities.Maximum number of participants: 22

CED816Room 25

1:30-2:20 PM

Phillip Zabriskie

Valuing Diversity--Generation XThe purpose of this course is to increase knowledge and general understanding ofGeneration X participants who are those Americans born from 1965 to 1976. It coverstheir education, income, home ownership, living arrangements, their children and howthey view volunteerism.Maximum number of participants: 22

CED821Room 25

3:30-4:20 PM

Chris Cooper

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

College of Commissioner Science - Doctorate (Scheduled Classes)Selecting Your Project / Thesis TopicThis session assists Doctoral Candidates in selecting their Project / Thesis concept.Maximum number of participants: 27

DCS501Room 23

9-9:50 AM

Bob Owen

DevelopingYour Project / ThesisThis session covers the Project / Thesis outline and a variety of suggestions for writingand revising the report.Maximum number of participants: 27

DCS503Room 23

10-10:50 AM

Bob Owen

Coaching for Administrative CommissionersCoaching is about relationships. It is the ability to listen, to observe, to share, tosupport and to engage in a way that will help others solve their own problems, grow asindividuals and attain their full potential. Coaching is the art of helping others arrive attheir conclusions through their own analysis of the situation and facts.Maximum number of participants: 27

DCS506Room 23

11-11:50 AM

Rick Priest

Commissioner Recruiting WorkshopThis workshop is designed to allow participants the opportunity to practice recruitingcommissioners using the "Roster Mining" method.Maximum number of participants: 27

DCS512Room 23

2:30-3:20 PM

Ken Gaul

Building Meaningful RelationshipsCommissioner service is all about relationships. This session suggests ways in whichcommissioners may go about building and maintaining positive relationships with thosethey serve. It also discusses possible pitfalls that can undermine relationships.Maximum number of participants: 27

DCS514Room 23

1:30-2:20 PM

Succeeding with the Unit Service PlanThe Unit Service Plan is the roadmap to unit success. With appropriate guidance thecommissioner staff can provide significant unit assistance. The district administrativecommissioners will need comprehensive data to make set the course for unit successacross the district.Maximum number of participants: 27

DCS516Room 23

3:30-4:20 PM

John Patrick

Report run date: Sun Mar 1, 2020 - 10:42 AMPage 11


Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

College of Commissioner Science - Masters (Scheduled Classes)On-Time Charter RenewalAnnually, sponsoring organizations and units apply to BSA for a new charter to deliverthe Scouting program. This process validates youth membership and qualified leaders,confirms agreement to follow BSA policies, and collects registration fees. Districtcommissioners must lead these activities which may engage volunteers who areinexperienced or unfamiliar with BSA procedures. This session explores leadershiptechniques to prepare, guide, and support units in completing accurate charter renewalapplications on-time.Maximum number of participants: 24

MCS302Room 21

9-9:50 AM

John Colwell

Managing Unit Service at the District LevelIn this course, we will review how commissioner tools can assist commissionersworking at the district level understand how their units and commissioners areperforming.Maximum number of participants: 24

MCS303Room 21

10-10:50 AM

Rick Manteuffel

Managing Unit Service at the District LevelIn this course, we will review how commissioner tools can assist commissionersworking at the district level understand how their units and commissioners areperforming.Maximum number of participants: 24

MCS303Room 21

11-11:50 AM

Rick Manteuffel

Commissioner Service for Units at RiskIn this course indicators of units at risk, approaches for investigating units reported tobe at risk and resolving the issues that have put the unit at risk are discussed.Maximum number of participants: 26

MCS304Room 22

2:30-3:20 PM

Gordon Henley

Commissioner Service for Units at RiskIn this course indicators of units at risk, approaches for investigating units reported tobe at risk and resolving the issues that have put the unit at risk are discussed.Maximum number of participants: 26

MCS304Room 22

3:30-4:20 PM

Gordon Henley

Resolving Critical Unit IssuesIn this course you will practice and discuss making a detailed assessment and unitservice plan for units with different issues. This course is scenario and discussiondriven.Maximum number of participants: 24

MCS305Room 21

2:30-3:20 PM

Eric Bullock

Resolving Critical Unit IssuesIn this course you will practice and discuss making a detailed assessment and unitservice plan for units with different issues. This course is scenario and discussiondriven.Maximum number of participants: 24

MCS305Room 21

3:30-4:20 PM

Eric Bullock

Report run date: Sun Mar 1, 2020 - 10:42 AMPage 12


Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

Mentoring SkillsThe course will discuss the new mentoring model, differences of coaching andmentoring and how it applies to commissioner service.Maximum number of participants: 22

MCS306Room 20

1:30-2:20 PM

Jeff Geyer

Mentoring SkillsThe course will discuss the new mentoring model, differences of coaching andmentoring and how it applies to commissioner service.Maximum number of participants: 22

MCS306Room 20

2:30-3:20 PM

Jeff Geyer

Commissioner Service for Newly Formed UnitsIn this course, a commissioner will learn the role of a new-unit commissioner andbecome familiar with working side by side with a new unit organizer.Maximum number of participants: 26

MCS307Room 22

10-10:50 AM

Chris Gohrband

Commissioner Service for Newly Formed UnitsIn this course, a commissioner will learn the role of a new-unit commissioner andbecome familiar with working side by side with a new unit organizer.Maximum number of participants: 26

MCS307Room 22

11-11:50 AM

Chris Gohrband

Good Commissioners Need Both Head and HeartIn this course, we will discuss how the servant leadership concept is carried out in thecommissioner service.Maximum number of participants: 24

MCS309Room 21

1:30-2:20 PM

James Lehman

All About the ADCThis course will educate the audience on the purpose of the ADC role and how itbenefits commissioner services.Maximum number of participants: 22

MCS311Room 20

9-9:50 AM

Craig Reichow

Recruiting New CommissionersIn the 1940's, a super-salesman named Elmer Wheeler made what Time magazinecalled "a handsome living" advising U.S businesses. His concept was - "Don't sell thesausage - sell the sizzle!" Elmer knew the big secret to successful selling is that youdon't advertise the sausage itself because it's the desirable sounds and smells whichget the juices flowing and the people hungry. We should keep that in mind whenrecruiting new commissioners - when making the sales pitch. Scouting is exciting,adventurous, and a whole lot of fun. We need to sell the "sizzle" of Scouting.Maximum number of participants: 26

MCS312Room 22

1:30-2:20 PM

Dave Astle

Onboarding New CommissionersThe purpose of the onboarding progress record is to make commissioner in their newposition successful via ensuring they know the tools that are available and via aseasoned mentor.Maximum number of participants: 22

MCS313Room 20

3:30-4:20 PM

John Witek

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

The Commissioner and the ProfessionalIIn this course, learn more about the relationship between the commissioner and theprofessional. How can they work closely together to reach a common goal of providingquality service to units? What can the professional do to help the volunteer accomplishtheir goals and what can the commissioners do to help the professional accomplishtheir goals and fulfil their critical achievements?Maximum number of participants: 26

MCS314Room 22

9-9:50 AM

Mark Stoffel

Developing the Unit Service PlanThe course is designed to provide understanding of the various components comprisinga detailed unit health assessment, identify arising problems and issues, and develop asuccessful unit service plan based on the outcome of a thorough, collaborative,detailed unit health assessment.Maximum number of participants: 22

MCS316Room 20

10-10:50 AM

Eric Bullock

Developing the Unit Service PlanThe course is designed to provide understanding of the various components comprisinga detailed unit health assessment, identify arising problems and issues, and develop asuccessful unit service plan based on the outcome of a thorough, collaborative,detailed unit health assessment.Maximum number of participants: 22

MCS316Room 20

11-11:50 AM

Eric Bullock

Report run date: Sun Mar 1, 2020 - 10:42 AMPage 14


Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM

College of Commissioner Science - Masters Roundtable (Scheduled Classes)Unit and Roundtable Commissioners Working TogetherThis course will provide an opportunity to see how all the members of thecommissioner corps in a district help units identify and resolve their problems.Maximum number of participants: 24

MRS350Room 11

9-9:50 AM

Peter Pate

How to Conduct the Annual Planning SessionAn effective roundtable annual plan is vital to the success of all roundtables. Everydistrict and council should have an annual roundtable plan. This course will discussannual roundtable planning in your district or council.Maximum number of participants: 24

MRS351Room 11

10-10:50 AM

Ben Overbey

Roundtable Is OverThe course will discuss the concept that roundtable isn't over when the last chair is putaway. There are things that need to be completed to help get ready for the nextroundtable. There are also items that need to acted on, to help units with theirproblems. Letting them go until later often means they don't get done at all.Maximum number of participants: 24

MRS352Room 11

11-11:50 AM

George Costigan

Using the ADC for Roundtables in Your DistrictAn effective roundtable commissioner team is vital to the success of all roundtables.The assistant district commissioner for roundtables (ADC-RT) needs to understand theunique position of roundtable in the Scouting world. Roundtable provides a differentmethod of unit service, but it is just as important. Roundtable also supplements unitcommissioner efforts by the program support it provides.Maximum number of participants: 24

MRS355Room 11

1:30-2:20 PM

Peter Pate

Using the ACC for Roundtables in Your CouncilThe ACC-RT works with each district to help them understand the unique position ofroundtable in the scouting world. Roundtable provides a different method of unitservice, but it is just as important. Roundtable also supplements unit commissionerefforts by the program support it provides.Maximum number of participants: 22

MRS356Room 10

1:30-2:20 PM

George Costigan

Managing Long Distance RoundtablesThis course will provide an understanding of the current resources available to enhancelong distance roundtables.Maximum number of participants: 24

MRS357Room 11

2:30-3:20 PM

George Costigan

Roundtables and Solving Unit ProblemsDistrict roundtables have a unique position to help units and unit leaders solve theirproblems. A great roundtable team will deliver a quality event that encourages leadersto return each month.Maximum number of participants: 24

MRS358Room 11

3:30-4:20 PM

Randy Young

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ourseC Matrix College of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

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Schedule of Events

Time Period 07:00 AM - 07:45 AM 07:45 AM - 07:45 AM 08:00 AM - 08:50 AM 09:00 AM - 09:50 AM 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM - 01:00 PM 01:00 PM - 01:30 PM 01:30 PM - 02:20 PM 02:30 PM - 03:20 PM 03:30 PM - 04:20 PM 04:30 PM - 04:45 PM

Event Breakfast with Faculty with Featured Speaker Registration Opens Opening Assembly Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Lunch Period 4 Keynote Address Awards and Recognition Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Closing Assembly

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

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NOTE: A person may take any college training courses without having the prerequisites, but no degree will be awarded until all requirements are met. It is up to the student to notify the Dean of the College with the necessary proof of completion to be credited with the appropriate degree.

Bachelor of Commissioner Science (BCS) Degree A. Prerequisites

1. Current registration as a commissioner.2. Current BSA Youth Protection Training certificate.3. Complete Commissioner Orientation if new to commissioner

service. See the BSA Commissioner Training page for details.

4. Complete Commissioner Basic Training requirements.B. Course Requirements

1. Complete a minimum of seven (7) courses of instruction.2. Five (5) courses must be from the Bachelor Degree level training.

C. Commissioners Performance1. Approval of Council Commissioner, or assigned Assistant Council

Commissioner.2. Approval of Council Scout Executive or Council Staff Advisor for

Commissioner Service.

Bachelor of Commissioner Science (BCS) Roundtable Degree A. Prerequisites

1. Current registration as a roundtable commissioner.2. Current BSA Youth Protection Training certificate.3. Complete Commissioner Orientation if new to commissioner

service. See the BSA Commissioner Training page for details.

4. Complete Roundtable Commissioner Basic Training Courserequirements.

B. Course Requirements1. Complete a minimum of seven (7) courses of instruction.2. Five (5) courses must be from the BCS Roundtable curriculum.

C. Commissioners Performance1. Approval of Council Commissioner, or assigned Assistant Council

Commissioner.2. Approval of Council Scout Executive or Council Staff Advisor for

Commissioner Service

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

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Master of Commissioner Science (MCS) Degree A. Prerequisites

1. Current registration as a commissioner.2. Current BSA Youth Protection Training certificate.3. Bachelor of Commissioner Science Degree.4. Awarded the Commissioner Arrowhead Honor.

B. Course Requirements1. Complete a minimum of seven (7) additional courses of instruction, for a

total of 14 courses.2. Seven (7) of the 14 courses must be from the Master Degree level

training.C. Commissioner Performance

1. Approval of Council Commissioner, or assigned Assistant CouncilCommissioner.

2. Approval of Council Scout Executive or Council Staff Advisor forCommissioner Service.

Master of Commissioner Science (MCS) Roundtable Degree A. Prerequisites

1. Current registration as a commissioner.2. Current BSA Youth Protection Training certificate.3. Bachelor of Commissioner Science – Roundtable Degree.4. Awarded the Commissioner Arrowhead Honor.

B. Course Requirements1. Complete a minimum of seven (7) additional courses of instruction, for a

total of 14 courses.2. Five (5) of the 14 courses must be from the MCS Roundtable curriculum

and two (2) others must be from the Master Degree level training.C. Commissioners Performance

1. Approval of Council Commissioner, or assigned Assistant CouncilCommissioner.

2. Approval of Council Scout Executive or Council Staff Advisor forCommissioner Service

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

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Doctorate of Commissioner Science (DCS) Degree Note that earning the Doctorate of Commissioner Science Degree does not automatically qualify you to receive the Doctorate of Commissioner Service Knot Award. See below for details on the knot award.

A. Prerequisites1. Current registration as a commissioner.2. Current BSA Youth Protection Training certificate.3. Master of Commissioner Science Degree.4. Awarded the Commissioner Key.

B. Course Requirements1. Complete a minimum of 10 additional courses of instruction, for a total of

24 courses.2. At least five (5) of the 24 courses must be from the Doctorate Degree

level training.3. Courses may not have previously been counted toward other college

degrees.C. Thesis or Project

1. This can be on any topic related to commissioner service.2. The topic must be preapproved by the Dean of the College,

the Dean of the Doctorate level program, or the DoctoralReview Committee.

3. Complete the thesis or project using the approved format as determinedby the college.

D. The completed thesis or project must be approved by the DoctoralReview Committee. If a review committee is not used, at a minimum theCouncil Commissioner and the College Dean need to make theapproval.

E. Commissioner Performance1. Serve for at least one year on the College of Commissioner

Science Staff (instructor or support staff), or work with trainingsupport for commissioners for at least one year.

2. Approval of the Dean of the College, or Staff Advisor for CommissionerService.

3. Approval of Council Commissioner, or assigned Assistant CouncilCommissioner.

4. Approval of your Council Scout Executive or Council Staff Advisor forCommissioner Service.

COMMISSIONER COLLEGE Activity Fees: 1-6801-178-2003-14-2020 8:00 AM


Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

Page 20 Report run date: Sat PM 03:06 - 2020 1, Feb

Doctorate of Commissioner Science Knot Award The purpose of this knot is to recognize the completion of a standardized program of studies plus the requirements listed here. The objective of this knot is to provide councils an opportunity to recognize commissioners for their tenured service, their involvement in learning more about delivery of quality Scouting, and their involvement in support of others.

Note: The completion of the Doctorate Degree of Commissioner Science does not automatically qualify a commissioner for this award knot. All requirements below for the knot award must be met. There are only two unique requirements to earn this award: Tenure and Recruiting.

Minimum Requirements for this award A. Tenure

1. Serve as a commissioner for a minimum of 5 years. (Years need not beconsecutive)

2. This service may be in one or more roles or positions of commissionerservice.

B. Training – successfully complete the following1. Bachelor of Commissioner Science(BCS) Degree2. Master of Commissioner Science (MCS) Degree3. Doctorate of Commissioner Science (DCS) Degree, including thesis or project

C. Recruiting1. Recruit (or assist in recruiting) at least three new commissioners.

D. Final Approval1. Approval of Council Commissioner or assigned Assistant Council

Commissioner2. Approval of your Council Scout Executive or Council Staff Advisor for

Commissioner Service.

Grandfather or Sunset ClauseSince the key requirement of this award is tied to an approval of a thesis or project that is onlyearned once, this award is retroactive for individuals who have completed other requirements priorto the approval of this award in 2008. This clause applies for the previous 10 years which wouldbe after 1998. Any commissioner who meets these requirements would need to list any coursesthey have completed previously and then complete their thesis or project to apply for this award.

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Class CatalogCollege of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

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Facility Map College of Commissioner Service - 2020: College of Commissioner Service at Holy Spirit School

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