Collection: WHORM Alpha File Folder Title: Scalia, Antonin (1) Box · Ronald Reagan Presidential...

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Folder Title: Scalia, Antonin (1)


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National Archives Catalogue:

SCA LIA. ANTON I N, lowyc1. cduc11 or; b. Trenton, N .J .. Mar. II, . thcrinc: Louise (Panaro) S.; A .B.,

corge1ow.n U .. 1957 ; studcnl U. Fribourg. 5-A'lllcrland , l 955-56; L B .. H arvard . 1960: m Maureen McCarthy. Sept. 10. 1960; ch i ' c:ri-Ann Forrest. E.UFcnc , John franc:1), Caiiic:rinc Eil!labctP,t\

. M . Clare. Paul David . Mallhcw. Chris1ophcr James . Adm1t1 cd to ' -•. Cl"' ai. l962'. Va bar. 1970.: .a»o.J~"lj,(},,& R<1vis, '

C,_vf.. % J-67, '-'"" prof. l.J . h . Lo w Sch., J 967· 70. prof .. J 97<>-H. rcn co nscl Office T c1ccommun1cuio ns Policr Eu:c. Office. or Pres.., , IQiJ. 7 ; chmn Adminstrv . Conf. U.S., Wa\nrn p-lon. 19 72·7 ~ , asst. att y. Jtc . U.S., Office Lc1:al C.O un sd, Ju~11cc Dept., 1974- 7i; vis prof.

1 Gt.or¥t own U w Center. 1977; vis . '.Cholu Am. En1cronsc lnsL., 1977; rof. Low Sch .. U. Chgo., 1971-; con'-. U.S. L'"d Lows Rrvi · n Commn .. 196K· 69, CSC. 1969-77. Va. Ct. SySlcms S1udy

mn .. 1969 -70, FCC. I 977 . Bd. di rs . N at. Inst. for Consumer lice . 1971-73 . Center for Adminstrv . Jus1icc., 1972· 7• . Sh~Jdon

re.t low H&rvard. 1960· 6 l. Mc:m. Am. (council , ~ect adm iniurv . law 197 4·77). Fed. (con1inuini c:dn. bd .) bar assn~ . Club· Cosmos (Woshin~tonl . Home. 5725 S WN>d i••·n Ave Chicaro IL 60637 011\cc: U Chgo Low Sch 111 1 E 60th S1 Chi~JO IL 60637

SCALIA, ANTONIN, lawyer, educator; b. Trenton, N.J. , Mar. 11, 1936; s. S. Eugene and Catherine Louise (Panaro) S.; A.B., Georgetown U .. 1957; student U. Fribourg, Switzerland, 1955-56; LL.B., Harvard, 1960; m. Maureen McCarthy, Sept. 10, 1960; children- Ann Forrest, Eugene, John Francis, Catherine ElisabetbJ Mary Clare, Paul David, Matthew, Christopher James. Adm itlcd 1o

1, Oliio~ar, 1962,_·Ya. bar, 197Q; _a.,9,J.QOloU..Oni.t..~>Q.ley1& Reavis'. C~v!. , 11161 -67 , asso. prof. t.J. Ya. law Sch., 1967-70, prof., 1970-74, gen. counsel Office Telecommunications Policy, Exec. Office of Pres., 1971-72; chmn. Adminstrv. Conf. U.S., Washington, 1972-74; asst. any. gen. U.S., Office U:gal Counsel, Justice Dept., 1974-77; vis. prof. Georgetown Law Center, 1977; vis. scholar Am. Enterprise Inst. , 1977; prof. Law Sch., U. Chgo., 1977-; cons .. U.S. Land Laws Revision Commn., 1968-69, CSC. 1969-77, Va. Ct. Systems Study Commn., 1969-70, FCC, 1977. Bd. dirs. Nat. Inst . for Consumer Justice, 1972-73, Center for Adminstrv. Justice, 1972-74. Sheldon fellow Harvard, 1960-61. Mcm. Am. (council, sect. adminslrv. law 1974-77), Fed. (continuing eqn. bd.) bar assns. Club: Cosmos (Washington). Home: 5725 S Woodlawn Ave Chicago IL 60637 Office: U Chgo Law Sch 1111 E 60th St Chicago IL 60637


PAUL R . WATK I NS (1899-1973 )





TELEPHONE ( 213 ) 485 - 1234


TWX 910 3Zl-3733

TELE.COP IER ( 213 ) 680-2098




SUITE 1200

WASHINGTON, D. C . 20036

TELEl'HONE (2 02) 828-4400

TELECOPIER (202) 282-4415

Mr. Tim McNamar President-Elect Transition 1726 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Tim:




TELEPHONE (714} 752-9100

TELECOPIER ( 714 ) 759-8891




TELEPHONE (7 14) 239-4414

TELE.COPIER {714} 239-3624

You asked for my suggestions for key appointments at the Department of Justice. I have made inquiries at Harvard, Yale, Michigan, Chicago and Stanford, as well as in the private sector. My criteria has been quality and competence mindful of the desirability of geographic dispersion. The recommendations are attached along with copies of published resumes in Martindale-Hubbell, Who's Who and/or Directory of Law Teachers.

All of the persons suggested are outstanding; in some instances the personal involvement of Bill Smith will be required to persuade them to come to Washington. But I think it can be done, and such successful recruitment will be well worth the time and effort. For example, to have Charles Meyers, Dean of the Stanford Law School, head the Lands Division would be a substantial accomplishment.

Good luck with your efforts. Let me know if I can assist further. Every best wish for the holidays.

Carla A. Hills


p. s. I will continue to reflect on the remaining positions and be in touch if I have a worthy suggestion.

~--~~-"7'"°'<--,c"':'.-·• .-...nn-•-n.--u '" . 03- , "Y) , mem. rm uc ;?O'" 1

----------~--------~--.----:--]i9'~---""' ·-· ..... ...-.n-i.-.a 1':o n ::-1!.; \H-OZ, muslclaii;l). 01110, June 8, Wallovcr & Barrickman, Beaver, Pa., 1958-59; U.S. atty. Westen 1944; student U. Wis. al Madison; m. Carmella Scaggs; Dist. Pa., Pills., 1959-61; mem. firm Wallover. Barrickman & Scaler!

SAYRE, FRANCIS BOWES, JR., clergyman; b. Washington. Jan. children- Oscar. Austin. With Steve Miller's band The Marksmen, Beaver. 1961 -64; judge Ct. of Common Pleas, Beaver County 17, 1915: s. Francis Bowes and Jessie Woodrow (\Vilson) S.; A.B. cum then his Ardelis band (also under name Fabulous Night Train); formed 1964-70, pres. judge, 1966-70; partner Wallover, Barrickman, Scalcra laude, Williams Coll.. 1937, D.D. (hon.). 1963; M.Div., Episcopal own rhythm-and-blues band The Wigs; rejoined Steve Miller in 1967, Reed & Steff. Beaver, 1970-71; judge U.S. Dist . Ct .. WeStern Dist. Pa. Theo!. Sch .. Cambridge. MJss., 1940; L.H. D. (hon.), Wooster Coll. , made 2 albums: Children of the Future and Sailor; solo albums Pitts., 1971-76; partner firm Thorp, Reed & Armstroni. Pitt.s., 1976-1956; D.D . (hon.). Va. Theo!. Sch., 1957, Wesleyan U .. Conn .. 1958, include: Boz, Boz Scaggs, Moments, Boz Scaggs and Band, My Time, Mem. Beaver Planning Commn., 1966-68; chmn. planning counci Hobart Coll., 1966; S.T.D .. Queen's U .. Belfast, 1966; Lill. D. (hon.), 1972, Slow Dancer, Silk Degrees, 1976, Down Two Then Left. 1977. S.E. region Pa. Crime Commn., 1969-70; chmn. Pa. Conf. on Ct.s. Lehigh U .. Ursinus Coll., 1973; m. Harriet Taft Hart. June 8, 1946; Winner Grammy award Best Rhythm and Blues Song for Lowdown, 1969; co-chmn. Pa .. Nat. Citizens Com. on Revenue Sharing, 1971 children-Jessie Wilson. Thomas Hart. Harriet Brownson, Francis 1976. Office: care Irv AzoIT Front Line Mgmt 8380 Melrose Ave Suite mem. Beaver Community Improvement Assn., 1968· 74; mem. Pa. Nevin. Ordai ned to ministry Episcopal Ch., 1940; asst. miniSter Christ 307 , Los Angeles CA 90069 Gov.'s Council on Human Services, 1968-69; Beaver County chmo. Ch., Cambridge. 1940-42; indsl. chaplain Diocese of Ohio, Cleve., Arthritis and Rheumatism Found., 1961-62; Republican candidate IL 1946-51; rector St. Paul's Ch., East Cleveland, Ohio, 1947-51; dean SCAGLIONE, ALDO DOMENICO, educator; b. Turin, Italy, Jan. gov .. Pa., 1970. Bd. dirs. McGuire Meml. Home Retsrdcd Children, Washington Cathedral. 195 1-78; asso. dir. Woodrow Wilson Internal. 10, 1925; s. Teodoro and Angela (Grasso) S.; D.Modern Letters. U. 1964-74 , Merrick Art Gallery Assos .. 1971-74. Gatc,.·ay Rehab. Center for Scholars. Washington. 1978-79. Chmn. bd. Detroit Inds!. Torino, 1948; m. Jeanne Mathilde Daman, June 28 . 1952. Came to Center. 1971-74 , Catholic Social Service Agy. Beaver County, MiS<ion, 1956-68; chmn. U.S. Com. for Refugees, 1958-61; mcm. U.S., 1951. naturalized, 1958. Lectr., U. Toulouse, France, 1949-51; 1964-72, Beaver County Rehab. Center. 1971-72; bd. mgmL Goldco Pres.'s Com. on Equal Employment Opportunity, 1961-65; chnrn. instr. Italian, U. Chgo., 1951 -52; mcm. facu lty U. Calif. at Berkeley, Triangle YMCA, 197 5-; chmn. devel. fund drive Med. Center of Woodrow Wilson Mcml. Commn., 1962-68; mem. adv. com. Bishop 1952-68, prof. Italian and comparative lit., 1963-68, chmn. dept. Beaver County. 1977. Served with AUS, 1955-57. Named of Armed Forces, 1972-78. Bd. govs. Nat. Space Inst. ; bd. dirs. Italian, 1963-65; W.R. Kenan prof. Romance langs., comparative lit. Outstanding Young Man of Pa .. Pa. Jr. C. of C., 1964. Mcm. Arn., Pa .. Presbyn. Ministers Fund. Served as chaplain USNR, 1942-46. U. N.C .. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1968-; vis. prof. Romance longs. Yale, Beaver County b3r assns. Republican. Roman Catholic. K.C. Oubs: Recipient Clergyman of Year award Religious Heritage Am., 1976; 1965·66: vis. prof. comparative lit. Grad. Center. City U. N .Y. , Harvard· Yale-Princeton of Pitts.; Beaver Valley Country: Harvard of Distinguished Pub. Service medal NASA, 1977. Mem. Sigma Phi. 1971· 72. Asso., Columbia U. Renaissance Seminar. Chmn. Berkeley Western Pa. (pres. 1976-77). Home: River Rd Beaver PA 15009

campus campaign Woodrow Wilson Nat. Found., 1964-65. Served Office: 2900 Grant Bldg Pittsburgh PA 15219 .... ; SAYRE, ROBERT H., elcc. and mining mfg. co. exec.; b. Marion, with Italian Liberation Army, 1944-45. Decorated Knight Order of Ind .. Mar. 5, 1922; s. Virgil H. and Ruth M. (Kraut) S.; B.S. in Mech. Merit (Italy). Fulbright fellow, 1951; Guggenheim fellow, 1958; SCALES, HAROLD EDWARD, savs. and loan exec.; b. Engring .. Purdue U .. 1943; postgrad. Northwestern U .. 1947-48, lnd. Newberry Library sr. resident fellow, Chgo., 1965; fell ow N.Y.C .. Aug. 3, 1920; s. Harold Edward and Beat.rice Lollie (Crane) U., 1948-49; m. Jane Leoh Clcsi. Oct. 5. 1957; children-Robert H.. Southeastern Inst. for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 1968, Cini S.; B.B.A .. . U. Wis., 1949; m. Doreen Evelyn Steinhauer. Nov. 14, Eric David, Michael Brian. Dr. mgr. Kawneer Co .. Dallas, 1950-51; Found. Program in Medieval and Renaissance Culture, 197 3, German 194 3. With Anchor Sa vs. & Loan Assn., Madison. Wis .. 1950-, v.p., v.p. Wax Novelty Co., Dallas, 1951-52; soles engr. Kaise r Aluminum, Acad. Exchange, W.Gcr., 1977; fellow Rockefeller Found. Conf. and treas., 1952-71 , pres., chief exec. officer. 1971-, chmn. be!., 1979-, Dallas , 1952·54. br. mgr., New Orleans. 1954·58, Houston , 1958-60; Study Ccntc~, Bcllagio, Ital y, 1978 . Mcm. Renaissance Soc. N. Calif. also dir.; mem. Gov. Wis. Council Econ. Devel. Past treas. \Vis. dist. mgr. Ohio Brass Co., Denver, 1961-: pres. Bow Mar South, Inc., (pres. 1962·63), Modern Lang. Assn., Renaissance Soc. Am., Dante Jaycees; campaign chmn. United Way of Dane County. 1979. Served 1967-68. Served to It. USNR, 1943-46; PTO. Registered proR. cngr.. Soc. Am .. Am. Assn. Tchrs. Italian, Medieval Acad. Am., Am. with USNR, 1942-45. Recipient Pat O'Dea Sportsmanship award Ind. , Colo. Mem. Rocky Mountain Elcc. League. Northwest Electric Comparative Lit. Assn. Author: Nature and Love in the Late Middle Madison Pen and Mike Club. Mem. Financial Coll.L(ollers S_oc._(Ru_! Light and Power Assn .. Colo. Mining Assn .. Rocky Mounlain Coal Ages, 1963; Ars Grammatica, 1970; The Classical Theory of dist. gov.), Wis. Savs. and Loan League (pa:st pres.). Li. \\' is. Alumni Mining Inst., Wyo. Mining Assn., Am. Mining Congress, IEEE. Composition, 1972; also art icles. Editor: (M.M. Boiardo) Orlando Assn. (past pres.). Clubs: Blackhawk Country (p~st pres.). Rotary. Kappa Sigma. Elk, Kiwanian. Clubs: Denver Athletic, Pinehurst Innamorato, Amorum Libri. 2 vols., rev. edit., l 963; Francis Petrarch, Madison, Elks, Shrine rs. Home: 5026 Milward Dr ~fad i son \VI 53711 Country. Republican. Home: 5800 Wood Sorrel Dr Lill lcton CO Six Centuries Later: A Symposium, 1975; Ariosto 1974 in America, Oflicc: PO Box 7933 25 W Main St Madison WI 53707 80123 Office: 5401 S Prince St Lillle ton CO 80120 1976; Se ries L'lnterprcte and Speculum Artium, Longo Editorc.

Raveuna, 1976-; Italian Culture, 1978-; ge n. editor Romance Notes SCALES, JAM ES RALPH, univ. pres.; b. Jay, Oki• .. ~lay 27, 1919; SAYRE, RODF.RT MARION, ambassador; b. Hillsboro, Oreg., Aug. and N.C. Studies in Romance Longs. ond Lits., 197 1-75; a55o. editor s. John Grover and Kotie (Whitley) S.; B.A., Oklo. Bap!ist U., 1939; 18, 1924; s. William Octovius and Mary (Srozka) S.; B.A. summa cu m Romoncc Philology, 1963-. N.C. Studies in Comporotive Literature, M.A .. U. Okla., 1941, Ph.D .. 1949; postgrad. U. Chgo .. 1945-47, U. laude, Willamette U .. 1949; J.D. cum laude (Alexander Welborn 1968-, Studies in Philology, 1969- , Amsterdam Studies in the London, 1958; LLD .. Alderson Bronddus Coll., 1971. Duke U .. 1976; Weddell Peace prize 1956), George Washington U .. 1956; M.A ., History of Linguistics. 1973-. U.S. corr. Studi Fronccsi, 196 1-. Litt.D .. No. Mich. U .. 1972; m. Elizabeth Ann Rondcl, August 4, Stanford. 1960; LL.D .. Willamellc U .. 1965; m. Elora Amanda Home: Route 4 Box 539 Chapel Hill NC 275 14 1944; children-Laura (dee.), Ann Catherine. Rcp.>rtcr, Miami Moyhihan. Dec. 29. 1951; ch ildren -Moria n Amanda, Robert (Okla.) News Record, 1934-35. Shawnee (Okla.) ?\e•-s-Star. 1935-36; Marion. Daniel Humphrey. Joined U.S. Fgn. Service , 1949: econ. SCAGLIONE, FRANK, com~nuni t y ~oil. pres.; b. Tam~a. f-'la ., May instr. Okla. Baptist U .. Shawnee, 1940-.S2, asst. prof .. 1946·47, adviser on Latin Am., 1950-52. mil. adviser. 1952-57; officer charge 13, 1933; s. Alex and Jose phine (Trn1n3) S.; B.S., U. 1 ampa, 1956; prof., 1947-51, prof. history, govt., 1951 -61. v.p., 1950-53. exec. v.p., inter-Am. sccurily affairs, 1955·57; chil·f polit. sect. embassy, Lima, M .Ed., U. Miss .. 1962; m. Evelyn Pyle, Aug. JO. 1956: 19 53·6 1, pres., 1961-65: dean arts and scis. 0\.:13. St.s te U .. Stilh..-:Her, Peru. 1958-59; fin . attachc embassy, Havana . Cuba. 1960: exec. sec. children-Dale, David, Dana . Tchr., then dean boys Madison Jr. High 1965·67: pres. Wake Forr:st U., Winston·Salem. l" .C., 196 7-; Task f-'orce Latin Ain ., State Dept., 1961. officer charge Mexican Sch., 1956-62: as~t. prin. Jefferson High Sch., 1962-65; asst. pr in ., 1hen founder Cimarron Rev. , 1967-. Mem. Pres.'s Com. Edn. Beyond affairs, 1961 ·63. dcp. dir. Office Caribbf."an and t-.fcxican Affa.irs, prin . f#elo Co1nprchcnsivc Hi~h Sch., 1965· 72: exec. v.p. Hillsborough High Sch. , 1957: mem. ndv. com. U.S. Army Comm3nJ and Gen. Staff 1963-64, dir., Oflice Mexican Affairs, 1964; sr. st11ff mcm. While Com111uni1y Coll., Tampa, 197J-77, pres., 1977- ; nsso. mc m. Fla. Coll. , Ft. Leavrnworth. Kans ., 1969-72, chmn. , 1971- 1 1: mem. U.S. House, 196.S-65; dep. ns!>t. sec. Uur. In te r- Am. Affairs. Dept. State, corn. United Negro Coll. Fund. Bd. dirs. Ti1mpa Unitl.'d \Vay, Tampa del. UNESCO, 1978-. Mcm. Okla. dcl. Demo..:rati..:: !" .!H. Conv., 1965-67: al.'.ting asst. sec. Siate, 1968-; U.S. ambassador to Uruguay, Sports Clu b. fvlcm. Communily Coll. Council Pres., Greater Tampa C. 1956; trustee Belmont Abbey Coll., 1977-. Served .s..s office r USN R, 1968-69; U.S. <imbas~ador tu Panama, 1969-7.S; sr. insp. Dept. State, of C., So. Assn. C'olls. and Schs .. Fla. Assn. Sccondar ~· Sch. Prins. 1942-45. Mcm. Am. Hist. Assn., Am. Polit. Sci. Assn .. :\m. Assn. U. 1974·75, insp. gen .. 1975-?H; nmba>Sador to Brazil. 1978-; admilled (dist. dir .), Nat. Assn. Schs. (sec . Western conf.) . Romnn Catholic. Profs., So. Assn. Bapt. Coils. (p res. 1969-70). :-1 .C. A>Sn . Ind. Coils. to D.C. bar. 1956, U.S. Supreme Ct. , 1962. Served to capt. AUS. Ollice: 39 Columbia Dr Tampn f'L 33606 (pres. 1969·71), Winston-Salem C. of C. (dir.), Phi Beta Kapps. World War 11 ; col. Res . ret. Recipient OutSlil.llding Employee awJrd Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma. Baptist (deJ.:1.)n). Rotarfan. Dept. Stole, 1952, Superior llonor awards. 1964. 75 , Disting. llonor SCAlf'E, RI CHARD MF.LLON, publishing co. exec.; b. Pills .. July Clubs: University (N .Y.C.); Day Hill Golf and Country (Orl1ndo. award. 1978. ~1cm . Blue Key. Phi Delta Theta. Phi Eta Sign10, Tau 3, 1932; s. Alan Mngec and Sarah (~cllon) S.; student Yale, 1950-51; Fla.); Cape Fear (Wilmington. N.C.). Address: President's Home l\:appa Alpha. Mcthodic;t . Rotarian. Home: 3714 Bent Branch Rd Falls B.J\., U. Pitts., 1957; m. f'rances Louio;e Gilmore. July 14, IQ56: Wake Forest U Winston·S3km NC 27109 Chu rch VA 220.S I Office: Am Embassy Brasilia APO Miami 34030 children-knnie. David. Research asso. Mellon Inst . l n<l~I. Research.

Pitts .. 1953-57; coordin"'or Gulf Oil Corp .. Pills .. 1957-58; v.p., gov. SAYRE, TJIO:'\fAS llENR\', law)·er, rel. utilities exec.; b. Scottown, T. Mellon and Sons, Pitts. 1961·70; owner. pub .. chmn. bd. Tribune Ohio. Sept. 15, 1904; s. John Wilson and f'rances (Marks) S.; LLD.. Rev. Pub. Co., Greensburg, Pa.. 1970-; pub., dir. City N.Y . U., 19.S2 ; postgrad. Harvard U., 1957; m. Margaret Edwards Communications, Inc., 1976-; dir. Sierra Pub. Co. and affiliates, Lothrop. June 26. 1926. With Appalachian Power Co. and Sacramento, PArnx Corp., Lansing, Mich .. Air Tool Parts & Service predecessor cos .. 1922 -36: admitted to N.Y. bar, 1942; practiced in Co. Mcm. Allegheny Conf. Community Devel.; mem. adv. bd. Hoover N .Y.C., to 1977; wi1h Am. Electric Power Service Corp., 19 36·69, lnstn. \Var, Revolution and Peace, Cen ter for Strategic and Internal. asst. chief counse l. 1954·67, v.p., chief counsel and sec., I 967-69; past Studies. 1968· 76; mem. prcs.'s bd. Pepperdine Coll. Trustee Deerfield sec. Appalachian Power Co .. Beach llottom Power Co., Inc .. Captina Acad ., Carnegie Inst .. Brandywine Conservancy, Chadds Ford, Pa.: Opcra1ing Co .. Car<l1nal Operating Co., Ccn1ral Appalachian Coal trustee, vice chmn. Sarah Scaife Found. : trustee, chmn. All('~hcny Co. Central Coal Co., Centra l Ohio Cu::il Co .. CentrJI Op~rating Co.. FounJ.; bd. d1rs. Pitts. Zoo!. Soc. , 1962· 7 5, Goodwill Industries Pins.., Fran~ltn Real E~tate Co., Ind . Franklin Realty Inc., Ind . & M1ch. 1975-; v.p., bd . dirs. Western Pa. Hosp.: bd. dirs. Preservation Electric Co .. Kanawha Valley Power Co., Ky. Power Co., Kin~spo rt Aclion. Pitts. His tory and Landm3rks Found .. Pennsylvanians for Powe r Co., ~1 kh. Gas & Ekctric Co .. ~lich . Gas Exploration Co.. Effective Govt.; bd. regents Pcppcrdinc U., 1976-: mcm. Pitts. Zoo!. Ohio Power Co .. South lknd Mfg. Co .. Twin Br. R.R. Co. , W.Va. Park. um mn .. 1975-. Mcm. Hist. Soc. Western Pa. (trustee) . Co., Whee ling Eleclri~ Co: pa't dir. ..-\m. Elec tric Po"- er Republican. Clubs: Du~quc nc ( Pitt~ ) ; Rol li ng Ro..:k . L:wrel Valk y Scr\.1 1. e Cl1rp .. Ccn1ral Apr3bc:hia n Coal Cu .. Central Ohio Coat Co.. Golf(Ligor.icr, Pa .). O!Ttc~: 525 Wil liam Penn Pl Puuburgh PA J 5219 Fran~ lln Rea l Estate: Co., lnJ. Ft<sn\..lln Rl·a lt y, Inc .. W.Va. Po" er Co. ~km . Am. Ba r Assn., Pi! ~run~ of L.: .S .. Phi Delta Phi. Theta Sigma SCALAPJN0 1 ROBERT ANTHO!"Y, educator: b. LC'avenworth. Lambd~. Rcpuhlocan. lloptist. Club: Mosons. liome: 105 Wildwood Kans .. Oct. 19, 191 9; s. Anthony and Beulah (Stephenson) S.; A. B .. \ ,c Becki<) WV c~~OI Santo B.rbaroColl. . 1940; \ot A .. H•nar.! . 1~4 J. Pb D .. 1940, LL.D ..

SCALI, J Oil1' ALFRED, journalist; b. Canton, Ohio. Apr. 27 , 1918; s. Paul M. and Lucy (Leone) S.; S.S. in Journalism. Bosto n U., 1942; m. liclen Lauinger Glock, Aug. 30. 1945 (div. 1973); children- Donna Claire, Paula. Carla; m. 2d , Denise SL Gcrm!lin. Mar. 4, 1973. R<portcr. Boston Herald, 1942. Bo;ton bur. U.P., 1942-43; with A.P .. 1944-61. wa r corr .. ETO. 1944 , then diplomatic corr., and with Washington Bur., 194S-6 1; diplomatic corr. ABC News, Washington, 1961-7 1; spl. cons. for fgn. affairs to Pres. U.S .. 1971-73; U.S. ambassodor to UN. N.Y.C., 1973- 15; sr. corr. ABC News, Washington. 1975-. Recipient Journalism a1o1i.ard U. So. C:il.. 1964, spl. award Washington chpt. Nat. AcoJ. Ans •nd Scis., 1964, Man of Yc3 r 11wa rd in journalism Boston U., 1965, spl. award Ovcrse:ls Press Clubs. 1965; fohn Scali 31o1.•ard creatt'd by Washington chpt. A .F.T.R.A .. 1964. Mem. A.F.T.R.A .. Sigma Delta Chi. Clubs: Nat. Press (Washinglon). Office: 1124 Connecu~ut Ave t-:W Washington DC 10036

SCALIA, Ai'\TON I:", law)«r. educator; b. T renton. S.J .. Mar. 11 , 1936; s. S. Eugene and Cathcnne Louise (Panaro) S.; A.B., Georgetown U., 1957 ; stude nt U. Fnbourg, S w1t: ~ : ! J n .i. 19S 5-.56: LL.B. Ha.r'- ur..! , l'1t>J: m. ~ld~cen ~. t .; Ci.rt ::.) , .XpL iO. l9Ct');

children- Ann Forres't. Eugene. John Francis. Catherine Elisabeth, ~bry (l3rc . P3u\ Dav id, ~btlhcw, Christopher James . Admitted to Ohio bar. 1962 , \'a . bar. 1970; asso. Jones. Day, Cock ley & Reavis, Cleve. , 196 1-67 : a5'o. prof. U. Va. Law Sch .. 1967-70, prof., 1970-74: li!t'n. counse l Office Telecommunications Pl>l icy, Exec. Oflicc of Pres .. ·l':}7 J-72; chm n. Adminstrv. Conf. U.S. , Washington, 1972-7 4; assl. any. ~en . U.S .. Ollkc Lcgs l Counsel . Justice Dept. , 197.t-77; vis. prof. Gcorgewwn Law Center, 1977; vis. sc holar Am. Enterprise Inst., 1977; prof. Law Sch., U. Chgo .. 1977-: cons. CSC, 1969. 77. FCC, 1977. FTC. 1978. Bd. dirs. Nat. Inst. for Consumer Justice, 1972-73, Center for Adminstrv. Justice. 1972-7 4; adv. council for legal policy studies Am. Enterpr ise lnsl., 1978-. Sheldon fellow Harvard, t 960·6 I. Mcm. Am. Bar Assn. (council , sect. adminstrv . law 197 ~ -77). Club: Cosmos (\Vashington). Co-edi tor Regulation mag., 1919-. Hom e: 5725 S Wood lawn Ave Chicago IL 60637 Office: U Chgo Law Sch 1111 E 60th St Chic.go IL 60637

SCALLE'.'I, THO\IAS KAl'.'IE, advt. exec. : b. Mpls., Aug. 14, 1925; <. Ra ymond A. and Lenore ( f;a ine) S.: grod. St. Thomas Coll. ; B.A., LLB .. U. Denver: m. Mary Semsch, Sept., 1947; children-Thomas, Si':cila, Patrick. Ei leen, Timothy nnd Ma ureen (twins). Admitted to :-.finn. b:i.r: ass t. atty. gen. State of Minn .. 1950-55; ge n. practice law, 1•155-57: pres. Med. Investment Corp., 1957-; pres., producer Shipstads and Johnson Jee Follies and Holiday on Ice. di r. Northwest Spons Enlerprises, Ltd., Vancouver, B.C .. Can., Advance Machine Tud. \1pls .; chmn. bd. Blaine-Thompson Co., Inc., N.Y .C. Mem. YllUn 2. Presidents Orgn. Served with AUS. Clubs: Uni versity (St. Paul, \!pl,. ,): Rochesler (~finn.) Golf and Country; Edina (Minn .) Cownry; .\:h ict ic (~fpls . ) . Home: 5329 Grand Ave Sout h Minneapolis MN 5~419 Office: 2200 Foshay Tower Minneapolis MN 55402

SCA\ll\ION. RICHARD MONTGOM ERY, polit. scientist; b. \i p:s .. July 17, 1915: s. Richa rd Everingham and Julia (Simms) S.; .-\ .S .. l!. \1inn., 1935; A.M., U. Mich .. 1938: m. Mary Stark Allen. Feb. 20. 1952 ; 1 dau., Anne Valerie. Research sec., radio office U. Cr.go., 1939-41: dcp. mil. gov., Kreis ~1crgentheim , \\'uerttcmbcrg, 1')45; polit. officer. Land Wuerttemberg-Badcn. 1945-46; chief, polit.

:ie1hi1,cs br .. civi l 3dminstrn. div .. Onice Mil. Govt. for Germany (C.S.). 1946·48, chief, div. research for \Veslern Europe, Dept. of St:itc , 1948-55: dir. Elections Research Center, 1955-61, 65-; dir. B"r. Census. Dept. Commerce. 1961-65. Chmn. U.S. delegation observe elections in USSR, 1958; chmn. Pres.'s Commn. Registration ·U!d Voting Participation, 1963; mem. OAS electoral mission to i.Jr.ri\ inic3n Republic. 1966; chmn. U.S. Selec t Commn. Western I krnisphcre Immigration, 1966-68: pres. Nat. Cou nci l on Pub. Po ll s, \%9-iO; mem. Pres.'s Commn. on Fed . S1a ti stics, 1970- 71; mem. U.S. ddegation Gen. Assembly UN, 1973. Mem . Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., :\rn. Ac3d. Polit. and Soci31 Sci. . Acad. Polit . Sci., Canadian Polit. Sci. . \ S> n. Clubs: Cosmos (Washington): Reform (London). Co-au thor: This U.S.A.; The Real Majority. Editor: America Votes, vols. 1-13; Am•:ica at the Polls. Home: 5508 Greystone St Chevy Chase MD l 00 15 Office: 1619 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington DC 20036

S('A;\'DALIOS, JOHN GEORGE. geneticist; b. N isyros Isle, lircc:e, Nov. I. 1934 (parenls Am. ci tizens); s. George John and Call iope (Broujos) S.: B.A., U. Va., 1957; M.S., Adelphi U., 1962; Ph.D .. U. Hawaii, 1965; m. Penelope Anne Lawrence, Jan. 18, 196 1; 1.: hlldren- Artemis Christina. Melissa Joan, Nikki Eleni. Asso. in boc terial genetics Cold Spring Harbor labs., 1960-62: NIH ~o.)tJ\ic toral fellow U. Hawaii Med. Sch., 1965; asst. prof. Mich. State I.: .• F.ast Lansing, 1965-70, asso. prof .. 1970· 72: prof., head dept. biology U. S.C .. Columbia, 1973-75; prof .. head dept. genetics N.C. S t a !~ U .. Raleigh, 1975-; vis. prof. genetics U. Calif., Davis, 1969; \IS. µrof. OAS. Argen tina. Chile and Brazil , 1972. Served with USAF, l1J57. Alexander van Humboldt travel fellow, 1976; mem. ex.change p:ogram NAS. US / USS R, Mem. Genetics Soc. Am., Am. Soc. Human Genetics, Am. Genetic Assn., AAAS, Soc. Devel. Biology (Jir.), Am. Inst. Biol. Scis .. Am. Soc. Plant Pathologists, Sigma Xi. ( i;cd:, Orthodox. Author: Physiological Genetics, 1979. Editor: Developmen tal Genetics: co-edi tor: lsozymes, 4 vols., 1975; ~~ onograph s in Developmental Biology, 1968-. Office: Dept Grnct1cs NC State U PO Box 5487 Raleigh NC 27650

SCA'.'I DLING, WILLIA\! FREDRIC, food service; b. Ruchcstcr. N.Y .. June 17, 1922; s. Fredric D. and Helen T. (Moran) S; A.B .. Hobart Coll ., 1949, LLD. (hon.}, 1967: m. Margare t Warner. Apr. 19, 1949: I son, :Vlichael. Founding partner ALS, Geneva, N. Y., 1948. inc. :is Saga Adminstrv. Corp., 1957 . moved to Menlo Park, Cal i!'. . 1962, name changed to Saga Corp., 1974, officer, dir., 1957-, p:1.•s .. IQ68- 78, now foun der di r.; di r. Empire Broadcasting Corp. Chmn. bd. trustees 1 lobart Coll.. William Smith Coll.: mem. nat. council Sa lk Inst. Served with USAAF, 1943-45 . Home: 38 Barry Ln Atherton CA 94025 Office: I Saga Ln Menlo Park CA 94025

S_CANGA, ITALO, sculptor: b. Lago, Calabria, Italy. June 6, 1932: s. Utu'i1.:ppc .:ind Se rafina (Ziccarelli) S.; came to U.S .. 194 7; student Soc. Art; and Crafts, Detroit , 1951-53: B.A .. Mic h. State U., 1960, M.A., 196 L \ 1cm. faculty U. Wis.. Madison, 196 1-64, Brown U., Providence, su mmers 1964, 66. R.I. Sc h. Design, Providence, 1%4-66, Pa. Sta te U .. University Park. 1966-67; asso. prof. sculpture l yle r Sch. Art. Temple U., Phila .. 1967-78, U. Calif., San Diego, l 976. 77, 78-; sculpture exhibited 23 one-man shows. 81 group nhbns.; univ. lectr.: work pub. in Arts Yearbrook of Contemporary Scul pture. 1965, Avalanch Mag. , 1973, Artforum, 1975, 2.H cr fu ~ k tionen. Art in Am .. 197 5. 78, So Ho News, 1975, Phi la. Three

eniuri cs of Am. Art Ca talogue, 1976, G lass Art Mag., 1976, :;rtforum, 1977- 79; work included in pvt. collections. Served with l. S. Army. 1953-55. Recipient best in show Milw. Art Center, 1963; ~toward Found . gran tee, 1970: Cassandra gran tee, 1972; Nat. . nd<~wmcnt for Arts grantee. 197) . Mcm. Nat. Coll. Art Assn.,

,\ ,\ UP. llume and oOice: 67 17 Vista Del Mar La Jolla CA 92037

7r.1NLAN. f.UGF:NE HICllARD, hotel exec.: b. N.Y .C., Mar. 3, ')2 3: s. \\.'lll iarn Francis and Li llia n Mary (M cGa rrett) S.; student

p,ub. schs., Nanuet. N .Y., Pearl River, N.Y.; m. Anne Veronica ~~n n y , Oct. 1 f.. 1 oi;., . ,. i..:i ~ - -~ ..... · · ..... ·


Inst. Ph ilos. Research. San Francisco, 1953-55: Ford fellow instr. humanities Case Inst. Tech .. 1955 -56; from ins lr. to asso. prof. philosophy Goucher Coll., 1956-68: prof. philosophy. chmn. Slavi" and Soviet area studies U. Kans .. 1968-70; prof. philosophy Ohio State U., Columbus. 1971 - ; vis. prof. Acad. Scis. USSR. Moscow, 1978. Served wilh USMCR. 1945-46. Mem . Am . Phi los. Assn .. Am. Assn. Advancement Slavic Scudics, Central Slavic Conf. (pres. 1970), Phi Beta Kappa. Editor, translator (Peter La vrov) His lorical Leners. 1967, (Michael Gcrshenzon) A History of Young Russia, 1974. Co-editor Russian Philosophy. 3 vols .. Jd edit .. 1976, Marxism and Reli$ion in Eastern Europe, 1976; Editor: American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, 1970- 72, 74. Home: 11 3 E Beck St Columbus OH 43206

SCANLAN, JOHN J., Roman Catholic Bishop: b. Ireland, May 24, 1906: s. Peter and Katherine (Coleman) Scanlan: student Christian Brothers Schs .. Cork, Ireland , 19 18-23, Nat. U. of Ireland, Dublin. 1923-24, All Hallows Col l. , Dublin, 1923-30. U. Calif., 1930·3 l . Came to U.S .. 1930, naturalized, 1937. Ordained priest. Roman Catl1. Ch., 1930: pastor St. Thomas More Ch., San Francisco, 1950-54; au•. bishop, Honolulu. 1954-68. bishop of ll onolulu, 1968-. Dir. San Francisco Archdioces3n Council Cath. Men, 1952-54. Office: 11 84 Bishop St Honolulu H I 968 13'

SCANLON, CHARLES FRANKLIN, lawyer; b. Portland. Maine, Nov. 13, 1906; s. Daniel A . and Bertha (Cowan) S.; A.B .. Holy Cross Coll., 1928; LLB., U. Mich., 1931 ; m. Eli zabeth L Powell, Nov. 17, 1934; children-Patricia (Mrs. Thomas F. McCarthy). Timothy F., Michael C., Terence E., Lawrence J. Admitted to Ohio ba r, 1932 , since practiced in Akron; sr. partner firm Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, 1965-; sp l. hearing olliccr Office U.S. A tt y. , 1952. Dir. N. Akron Savs. Assn . Vice pres. St : Sebastian conf. St . Vincent DePaul Soc., 1951 - . Served with. AUS, 1944 . Fellow Am. Coll. Trial Lawyers; mem. Am. Judicature Soc .. Am., Ohio. Akron bar assns .. Phi Alpha Delta. Home: 266 Dorchester Rd Akron OH 44313 Office: Cascade Plaza Akron OH 44308

SCANLON, CHARLES JOSEPH, bus. exec.; b. Chgo., July 14, 19 15; s. Charles J. and Mary J. (Clark) S.; student Northwestern U.: grad. Rutgers U. Grad. Sch. Banking, 1949; LLD., North Central Coll., 1963; D.B.A., Western Mich. U., ! 964 ; m. Margaret Hem mens, May 14, 1938; children-Barbara J. (Mrs. Stephen Brodt). Lisbeth C. (Mrs. Kent Fairfield). With Fed. Res. Bank Chgo., 1933-70, chief examiner, 1955-59, 1st v.p., 1959-62. pres., 1962· 70; v.p. Gen. Motors Corp., N.Y.C., 1970- : di r. Gen. Motors Acceptance Corp., Motors Ins. Corp., United Student Aid Funds. Inc., First Nat. Co., Storm Lake, Iowa. Lectr. lnter-Agy. Bank Examination Sch., 1953-57 , Grad. Sch. Banking U. \Vis.; ba nking cons. Republic Liberia, 1961. Trustee Buena Vista Coll., Corn. Econ . Devel., Ci1 ize ns Budget Commn .. Alfred P. Sloan Found., Rooseve lt Hosp. Episcopalia n. Clubs: Economic, Commercial, Bankers, Executives, Union League (Chgo.). Home: 4 Orchard Dr Chappaqua NY 10514 Ollicc: 767 Fifth Ave New York NY 10022

SCANLON, EDWARD LEO, vehicle rental and leasing co. exec.; b. Woonsocket. R.l., Mar. 18, 1934; s. Edward Leo and Elizabeth Ann (Hagarty} S.; B.S. in Bus. Mgmt., Providence Coll., 1955; postgrad. Rutgers U. Sch. Bus., 1958-60, 65-66: m. Andree LeJeune, June 20, 1959; children-Kristin Anne, Paul Damien. With RCA, 1960· 77 , dir. labor relations, N. Y.C .. 1972, div. v.p. indsl. re lations, 1972· 77; exec. v.p. indsl. relations Hertz Corp., N. Y.C., 1977-, also dir. subsidiaries; mem. faculty U. Maine, Ac tive Urban League, Youth Program N.Y .C. Served with U.S. A rmy, 1955-57. Clubs: Lions, Kiwanis. Office: 660 Mad ison Ave New York NY 10021

SCANLON, GEORGE FRANCI S, JR., ins. co. exec.: b. Bridgeport , Conn., D ec. 25, 1929: s. George Francis and Mary Ellen (Reardon) S.; B.S .. Villanova U., 1951: M.D.A ., U. Pa., 1953: m. Jane MacKenzie, Oct. 12, 1956; chi ldren-John, James, Ch ristine, Thomas. Field salesman John Hancock Mut. Life Ins. Co. , Boston, 1955-60, hdqrs . salesma n, 1960-68 ; v.p. John Hancock Distbrs. Co., Boston, 1968· 70, pres., 1970-, nlso dir.; dir. John Hancock Advisers Inc. Served with U.S. Army, 1953-55. Mc111. Nat. Assn . Securities

~2e1aJ'orOn~c~~Ja;h;~t~,~~~~k H;i~~~:rs4c~vla;~ t~~~~~c1v~r~~s~~hn ~~ 02116

SCANLON, JANE CRONIN (MRS. JOSEPH C. SCANLON), educator: b. N.Y.C., J uly 17, 1922; d. John Timothy and Janet Smiley (Murphy) Croni n; studen t Highland Park Jr. Coll.. 1939-41: B.S .. Wayne Sta te U., 1943; M.A., U. M ich., 1945, Ph.D., 1949; m. Joseph C. Scan lon, Mar. 5, 1953; children- Justin, Mari, Erner, Edmund. Mathematician. Ai r Force Cambridge Research Center. 195 1-54 ; instr. Wheaton Coll., Norton, Mass., 1954-55; ass t. prof. Poly. Inst. Bklyn., 1957-58, asso. prof., 1958-60. prof., 1960-65: prof. math. Rutgers U., 1965- ; cons. Singer-Kearfott Div., Naval Research Lab. Office Naval Research Fellow Princeton. 1948 -49, Horace H. Rockham Postdoctoral fellow U. Mich., 1950-51, Rutgers Resea rch Council fe llow, 1968-69 , 72-73. Mcm. A111 . Math . Soc., Soc. for Inds!. and Applied Math., Internal. Soc. Chronobiology, Soc. Math. Biology. Au thor: Fixed Points and Topologic:1I Degree in Nonlinear Analysis , 1964; Advanced Calculus. 1967. Home: 110 V.:ilen line St High land Park NJ 08904 Office: Dept Math Rutgers U New Brunswick NJ 08903

SCANLON, P f.TEil REDMOND , accoun t31ll : b. N.Y.C., Feb. 18, 193 1; s. John Thomas and Loretta Dolores (Rya n) S.: B.U.A . in Accounting, Iona Coll., 1952; 111 . Mary Jane E. Condon, Mar. 7, 195 3: children- Peter, Barbara. Mark, Orian, Janel. Mem. pron. staff Coopers & Lybrand , N.Y.C., 1956-66, partner, 1966- , vice chmn., mem. exec. com. Bd. dirs. Misc rccordia Hosp .. Coopers & Lybrand Found.: bd. dirs., mcm . bus. adv. bd. Religi1.1n in Am. Life. Served to It. USN, 1952-56. Decorated Kni ght of Malta: recipient Arthur A. Loftus aw• rd Iona Coll., 1974. C. P.A .. N. Y. Mcm . Am. Inst. C.P.A.'s, N.Y. S1:u,. """ ro 11 • .. ,. _ . .. • -


In formation Processing Socs. Roman Catholic. Contbr. several chpt in books, also several articles in field to prof\ . jours. Editorial bd. Jou Applied Tech., 1974-. Home : 14 89 Graeme Way Warminster p, 18974 Office: 1700 Market St Phi ladelphia PA 19103

SCAN LON, THOMAS M I CHAEL, lawyer: b. l nd pls., Apr. 2C 1909: s. Joh n H. and Anna C. (Ferriter) S.: A .B., Butler U., 1932 LLB., Ind. U .. 193 5; m. Grace L. Barnett, Ju ly 10. 1931 children-Thomas M .. Christopher G. Adm itted to Ind. bar, 1935 asso. Noel. Hickam, Boyd & Armstrong, lndpls .. 1935·•0. partne Barnes, Hicka m, Pantzer & Boyd, 1940-. Sec .-trcas. Ind. State Bd Law Examiners, 1942-43, 4 7-52. Bd. di rs. Ind. State Symphony Orch. trustee, lectr. Butle r U. Served as It. comdr. US NR. 19• 3-46. Felio• Am. Bar Found.: mem. Am. (chmn. sec t. anti trust law 1973-7 4), Fed., Ind. (pres. 1955 -56), lndpls. bar assns., Bar Assn. 7th Fed . Circuit (pres. 1956-57), Am. Coll. Trial Lawyers, Delta Tau Delta. Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Lawyers of Indianapolis {pres. 1964-65). \\'oodstock. Players {lndpls.). Co-author: Preparation for Trial. Home: 95 70 Copley Dr Indianapolis IN 46260 Office: Merchants Bank Bldg Indianapolis IN 46204

SCANLON, THOMAS MICHAEL, JR., philosopher, educator: b. lnd pls., June 28, 1940; s. Thomas Michael and Grace Louise (Barnett ) S.: A.B., Princeton U .. 1962: Ph.D .. Harvard U .. 1968: m. Lucy Well iver, Ju ne 12, 1965; chi ldren-Sarah, Jessica. Asst. prof. philosophy Princeton U., 1966-72, asso. prof., 1972-77, prof.. 1977-. Fulbright fellow, 1962-63:· Nat. Endowment Humanities fellow, 1975· 76. Mem. Am. Philos. Assn., Am. Assn. Polit. and Le pl Philosophy, Conf. Study of Polit. Thought. AAUP. Asso. editor Philosophy and Public Affairs. 1971-. Office: Dept Philosophy PrinCetOn Univ Princeton NJ 08544

SCANNELL, DALE PAUL, univ. dean: b. Iowa City. :Viar. 3, 1929; s. Paul A. and Florence (Fieseler) S.: B.A .. U. Iowa, 1951, ~I.A . , 1955. Ph.D., 1957: m. Joan Patricia Swanson, Feb. 9, 1952; children-Steven, Jeffrey, Susan. Janet. Tchr .. Iowa Ci1y High Sch .. 1950-51, 53-57; acting asst. prof. cd n. U. Calif. at Bcrkc!ey. 1958-5 9: ass t, prof. U. Kans .. 1959-62, asso. prof .. 1962-6•. prof .. 196•·6 7. asso. dean Grad. Sch., 1963-67: prof. edn . U. ·lowa, 1967-69; dean Sc h. Edn. U. Kans., 1969-. Se rved to It . USA F. 1951-53. Mcm. AAt.;P, Am. Ednl. Research Assn., Nat. Council Measurements in Edn., Lawrence

· C. of C., Phi Delta Kappa. Congregationalist. Kiv.·anian. Author: (wit h others) Tests of Academic Progress, 2d edit.. 1971; Tests of Achievement and Proficiency , Form 2, 1978: (with A.J . Edward s) Educational Psychology, 1968; (with V.H. !\oil) Introduction to Educationa l Measu rement, 4th edit., 1979: (v.·ith V.H. ~oil and Rachel Noll) Introductory Readings in Edu.cational ~teasurement, 1972: (with D.B. Tracy) Testing and Measurement in the Classroom. 1975. Home: 2618 Orchard ln Lawrence KS 66044

SCANNELL, FRANCIS XAVIER, librarian: b. Boston. Dec. 15. 1917: s. William James and Helen Gertrude (Ahern) S.; grad. Roxbury Latin Sch., 1938: A.B., Harvard. 1942; B.S., Columbia. 19•3: m. :Vlary R. Donovan, Dec. 28, 1946: child ren-Chris. Joel. Elizabeth. \1arthJ. Reference librarian Boston Pub. Library, 1943-~6: gen. reference librarian Detroit Pub. library, 1946-48, asst. chief reference. 1948-53; head reader services Mich. Sta te Library, Lansing. 1953-65. reference li brari an Mich. Sta te U .. 1965-68. state lib rarian \lich .. 1968-. \1em. library adv. com. Sch. Librar ianship Western ~tich . U., Ka lamazoo. l 968- ; de l. \Vhite House Conf. on Libraries, l 9i9. Reci pien t library service citation Mich. Const l. Conv., 1961. Mem. ~t ich. Library Assn., A.LA .. U. Mich. Library Sci. Alumni Assn. (hon.). Author: (pamph let) Michigan Novelists. 1964. Home: 3627 Cokhester Rd La nsing Ml 48906 Office: 735 E Michigan Ave Lansing Ml 48913

SCANTLAND, DONALD MAURICE, wholesale co. exec.: b. Richmond . Ind .. Aug. 29, 1931: s. Elbert Jacobs and Naomi (Elleman) S.: A.B. (Naval ROTC scholar}, Harva rd, 1953; postgrad. U. \lich .. 1956-57, Western Res. U., 1957-60: m. Dolores Joan Deubreau. Jan. 17 , 19~9 ; children-Douglas. Philip, Donald. Asst. controlle r Bowman Products Co., then Bowman Products div. Spring Corp. , Cleve., 1960-67; group con troller Bowman distbn. Barnes Group Inc .. Cleve., 1967-. Mem. Nat. Assn. Accountlnts . Y\1 CA. Republican. Methodist. Home: 269 S Park Dr Aurora OH 44202 Office: 28300 Euclid Ave Cleveland OH 44092

SCARBOROUGH. CHARLES BISHOP. III . broadcast journalist. author;, b. Pitts., Nov. 4, 1943 ; s. Charles Bishop :ind Esther Francis (Campbell) S.: B.S .. U. So. Miss., 1969: m. Linda Anne Gross. De< . 14, 1972: I son, Charles Bishop, IV. Prodn. mgr. Sta.-\l'LOX-T\', Biloxi, Miss., 1966-68: reporter. anchorman Sta.- \\'DA\t.n'. Hattiesburg, Miss.. 1968 -69; reporter, anchorman, mng. editor Sta.-W AG A-TV, Atlan ta, 1969-72; reporter. anchorman Sta.-WNAC-TV, Boston, 1972-74. NBC News. N.Y.C.. 1974-: author novel: Stryker, 1978. Served with USAF, 1 96 1 ·6~ . Recipient awards fo r journalism AP (6), 1969-72. Emmy awards(• ). 197 4-i 9, Aviation /Space Writers Assn., 1977, 78. O ffic e: 30 Rocl.efelle r Plaza New York NY 10020

SCARBOROUGH, ROBERT BOWMAN, ins. co. nee.; b. Ch.:irlcston, S.C .. June 28; s. Yancey Wilcox and Lillie (rhorn3s) $.; A.B .. The Citadel. 1950: m. Elizabeth Adelia \llrtin, Jan. IO. 1953: chi ldren- Robert B., \Vallace B. Agt.. Cosmopoli tan Life Ins. Co., Charleston, 1950-53, spl. agt., Charleston, 1954; sec.-tre3S. Atl3ntic Coast Life Ins. Co., Charleston. 1955-; mcm. S.C. Ho. of Reps .. 1963-6•, 65-66, 67-68, ehmn. Char leston Ho. Delegation. 1967-68: mem. S.C. Se nate, 1968-72 ; chmn. Ho. and Senate Delef?ation . 1969-72 . M"n. S.C. Tricentennial Commn., 1969· 71. Pres.'s Traffic Safety Com., 1956, S.C. Safet)' Com., 1963 : mem. S.C. Hwy. Commn .. 1974-; mem. S.C. D rug i\buse Commn., 1969- 73; activr A.R.C. 1954-, chpt. chmn., Charleston. 1958-59, chnrn . S. Atlantic blooJ adv. com., 1960-63 , nat. bd. govs ., 1966·69; active L!niced Fund. 1954-, chmn . West Ashley (S.C.) bus. group. 1956. chmn. hi2h.r cdn. div \ Q'7 1 ,, ,. _ - '- -- ' " '""' ·

Jrt, since 1977. Subjects: orations; Corpora tion Fi-

) B., Assoc. Prof. Univer­Law. b. 1945. B.A .. 1967,

0 . Ky. S.C.-Chase; LL.M., OH, 1971. Staff Att'y, Le­

" 1971 -73; Ch. Att'y, Ten­.ss 't Prof .. Oklahoma City, :on, 1976-79; Assoc. Prof., ·Rights, (S); Constitutional law; Federal Jurisdiction· eny, Personal; Property: Legal Aid Soc. of Dayton; gal Chrpsn., ACLU-Day­\CLU-Ohio; Mem., Adv. ~roj. on the Rights of the

lRD E., Prof. St. Louis b. 1932. B.S .. 1953, Penn­

sh .. St. Louis. Admitted: I. Study, New York Univ., !town, 1958. Att'y, Army .. Tax ·Div .. t.:.S. Dept. of 'rof., St. Louis , 1961-64· f., since 1966; Assoc. Dir '. •' t of Revenue, 1977. Sub­states; Legal Profession­·n. State and Local:Trnsts'. Handbook (co-ed.), 1966; auth .), 1967, 1976. Mem­:..ouis, Pres., 1970. 74; MO 975; MO Legal Aid Soc.,

.·Columbia, 1978. Mem., 1965-69; Pres .. Bar Ass'n

i9; Consult .. MO Dep't of .\10 Bar Dea th Tax Laws

• Dean and Pro f. Suffolk 1931. J.D., 1954, Suffolk. 1954. Par tner, Kowal &

Prof .. Suffolk, 1955-58· '. , since 1962; Dean, sin~ 'states.

S D., Prof. Harvard Uni­~. A.B .. 1965, Occidental Sussex; J .D .. 1970, Har­Mmitted: DC, 1972. Law shall, U.S. Sup. Ct., DC, Wash. Res. Proj., DC, 1sel, United Mine Work­'rof., Harvard, 1975-79;




Prof., since 1979. Subjects: Advanced Civil Proce­dure; Equitable Remedies; Jurisprudence; Torts.

SASS, STEPHEN L., Prof. University of Iowa College of Law. b. 1916. Dr. Pol., 1939; Dr. Iur .. 1943, Univ. of Budapes t; M.S. in L.S .. 1961, Western Res. Admitted: Hungary, 1948. Atty., Hungary, 1948-56; Librarian and Leet., Iowa, 1964-66; Ass't . Prof. and Librarian, 1966-69; Assoc. Prof. and Li­brarian, 1969-73; Assoc. Prof., 1973-77; Prof., since 1977. Subjects: Comparative Law; Conflict of Laws; Domestic Relations; International Law; Imernational Transactions, (S); Jurisprudence. Member: ASIL.

SATO, SHO, Prof. ·university of California School of Law, Berkeley. b. 1923. A.B .. 1944, Den­ver; LL.B .. 1951 , Harvard . Harv. L. Rev. Admitted: CA, 1952. Assoc. in Law, Cal., Berkeley, 1951-52; Dep. Att'y . G en., Calif. .St. Att'y. Gen's. Off .. 1952-55; Acting Assoc. Prof .. 1955-57; Assoc. Prof., 1957-59; Prof.. Cal .. Berkeley, since 1959; Fulbright Leet., Univ. of Tokyo, Japan , 1966; Fulbright Res .. Univ. of Kobe, Japan, 1970; Vis. Scholar, Nihon Univ., Japan 1977. Subjects: Local Government; Wa­ter Rights, (S); Taxation, Federal; Taxation, State and Local. State and Local G overnment Law (with Van Alstyne), 2d ed.. 1977. Mem .. Governor's Comm. on Law of Preemption. 1966-67; Mem., Cal. Law Rev. Comrii., 1960-69; Vice-Chairman, 1965-67; Chrm., 1967-69.

SAUNDERS, ARPIAR G., JR., Assoc. Dean and Assoc. Prof. Franklin Pierce Law Center. b. 1942. B.A .. 1965, St. Lawrence Univ.; LL.B., 1968, Boston Uni v. Admitted: MA, 1968; DC, 1972; NH, 1976. Att'y, USA, DC, 1969-72; Staff Att'y, Nat'! Prison Proj. of ACLU, DC, 1972-76; Dir. of Lit., NH Legal Assistance, Concord, 1976-78. USA, JAGC, Capt. Subjects: Constitutional Law; Ju veni le Law; Legal Skills.

SAUVEPLANNE, J. G., Vis. Prof. Wayne State University Law School. Prof., Univ. of Utrecht , Netherlands.

SAVAGE, JOHN E., Law Sch. Chaplain . St. John's Uni versi ty School of Law. b. 1918. A .B .. 1940, Fordham Univ .; M.A .. 1949, Niagara Univ. Ph.D .. Langu ages , St. John's Univ. , 1962-63. Instr .. Niagara Univ .. Niagara Falls, NY, 1945-50; Dir. of Radio Station HOLY, Diocese of Pan. City, Rep. of Panama, 1950-51; Instr., St. John's, 1962-65; Ass'! Prof., 1965-69; Ass't Dean of St. Vincent's Coll .. 1969-72; Chaplain, since 1972. Member: Sigma Delta Pi (Nat'! Hisp. Hon. Soc.), Epsilon Kappa Chap.,


·-1975. Mein:, Am . Arb. Ass'n, (Fam. Serv. Div.); Mem., Am . . Ass'n of Parliamentarians.

SAVOY, PAUL N., Acting Prof. Southwestern University School of Law. b. 1939. A.B .. 1960; J.D .. 1963, Columbia. 'Recent Devs. Ed., Columbia L. Rev. Admitted: NY, 1963. Law.Clerk, Wilfred Fein­berg, U.S. Dist. Ct., ·s.D.N.Y .. 1963-64; Ass't Dist. Att'y, NY Cty. D.A .. NYC, 1964-66; Ass't Counsel. NY Com. on Rev. of the Const., NYC, 196~67 ; Prof .. Cal .. Davis, 1967-71; Dean, John F. Kennedy Univ., CA, 1974-77; Prof., 1977· 79; Prof., South­western, since 1979. Subjects: Commercial Law; Con­stitutionaJ Law; Criminal Procedure; Domestic Relations; Jurisprudence, (S); Law & Psychiatry, (S); L egal R esearch & Writing; Office Practice. Member: Phi Beta Kappa.

SAX, JOSEPH L., Prof. Univmity of Michigan Law School. b. 1936. A .B .. 1957, Harvard; J .D .. 1959, Univ. of Chicago. Ed.-in-Ch., U. Chi. L. Rev. · Admitted: DC, 1960; Ml, 1967. Ass't Prof. and Assoc. Prof., Colorado, 1962-65; Vis . Prof., Cal., Berkeley, 1965-66; Prof., Michigan, since 1966; Fel­low, Cntr. for Advanced Study in Behav. Scis., 1977-78. Subjects: Administrative Law; Environmen­tal Law; Land Use Planning: Natural Resources, (S); Torts; Water Rights. Defending the Environment, 1971; Waters and Water Rights (contributing auth .), 1967; Water Law, Planning & Policy, 1968. Member: Coif. S ummer: Utah, 1977.

'SCALIA, ANTONIN, Prof. University of Chi· cago Law School. b. 1936. A.B .. 1957, Georgetown; LL.B., 1960, Harvard. Note Ed .. Harvard L. Rev. Admitted: OH, 1962; VA, 1970. Sheldon Fellow, Harvard, 1960-61. Assoc., Jones, Day, Cockley & Reavis, Cleveland, OH, 1961-67; Assoc. Prof., Univ. of VA, 1967-70; Prof., 1970. 74; Gen. Counsel, Off. of Telecommunications Policy, Exec. Off. of the Pres ., DC, 1971- 72; Chrm., Admin. Conf. of the US, DC, 1972-74; Ass' t Att'y Gen .. Off. of Legal Coun · sci. DC, 1974-77; Vis . Prof .. Georgetown, 1977; Vis. Scholar, Am. Enterprise Inst., DC, 1977; Prof., Uni v. of Chicago, since 1977. Su bjects: Administra· til'c Law; Commercial Law; Comparative Law; Con­stitutional Law; Contracts; Regulated Industries, (S) ; Mem .. Admin . Conf. of the U.S.; Coun . Mem .. ABA Sect. on Adm in . Law, 1974-77; Consult .. U.S. Civil Serv. Comm., 1977; Con sult., FCC, 1977 ; Consult .. FTC, 1978.

SCALLEN, STEPHEN D., Prof. University of Minnesota Law School. b. 1932. B.A.. 1954, St. Thomas Coll. ; J.D .. 1959, Minnesota. President, Minn. L. Rev. Admitted: MN, 1959; DC, 1960. Grad . Fellow, Harvard, 1965-66. Assoc., Covington

Chairman of the Board Jeno F. Paulucci

President Frank D. Stella

Regional Vice Presidents Adele Malone, Region 1 Dr. Rose Basile Green, Region 2 Arthur J . Decio, Region 3 Hon. John Gale, Region 4 Raymond A. Polverini, Region 5 James A. Scatena, Region 6 Dr. Peter Sammartino, Region 7

Secretary & General Counsel Arthur J . Gajarsa

Treasurer Mario T. Noto

Immediate Past Presidents John A. Volpe Msgr. Geno C. Baroni

Board of Directors Paul Alongi Hon. Frank Annunzio Msgr. Geno C. Baroni Hon. Mario Biaggi Angelo J . Cefalo Hon. Mario L. Clinco Peter Clinco James L. Coli Hon. Silvio 0 . Conte Dr. Angelo D' Agostino, S.J . Virgil Dardi Arthur J. Decio Joseph J . Digange Robert Di Pietro Arthur J. Gajarsa Edward Galletti Robert A. Georgine Philip A. Guarino Joseph Mandato Antonio M. Marinelli Joseph Maselli Hon. Joseph G. Minish E. Howard Molisani Hon. Frank J . Montemuro, Jr. Marcello I. V. Nisi Joseph Preite Gloria Maria Rando Hon. Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Donald E. Santarelli Domenick G. Scaglione Mary L. Sfasciotti John G. Spatuzza Frederick D. Teece Thomas H. Trimarco Jack Valenti Vincent Visceglia Stella Zannoni Hon. Leo Zeferetti

Executive Director Alfred M. Rotondaro

Director of Special Activities Joseph T. Ventura

vc c.: 3

The National Italian Ameriean 0 Rec·

Foundation ° 1019 Nineteenth Street N.W., Suite 800 • Washington, D.C. 20036 • (202) 293-1713

Mr. Edwin Meese Office of the President-Elect Washington, o.c. 20270

Dear Mr. Meese:

December 19, 1980

We are writing today to express the highest possible endorsement of the National Italian American Foundation for Mr. Antonin alia for the position of either Solicitor General or of the Federal Communications Commission.

Mr. Scalia distinguished record of high level a emic ac ie ent, accompanied by iant intellectual capacity. A graduate of

University and Harvard University School of Law, rently a professor of law at the University of

School of Law. He has also been a professor of law of Virginia School of Law.

Frank D. Stella President

CC: Mr. E. Pendleton James

Donald E. Santarelli Chairman, NIAF Personnel Evaluation Committee

1.g.1 The National Italian American Foundation Jn Is I d d . c. an n epen ent, no.t-fo~-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian Foundation legally Incorporated In the District of Col b'

Contributions are tax deductible. um ia

ANTONIN SCALIA, ESQ. University of Chicago Law School 1111 E. 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637


SCALIA. A."10Nl:'<. lawyer. educator, b. Tren ton. N.J .. '.'lat. 11. 1936; '· S. Eugene and Catherine Louise (Panaro) S.; A.B .. George~wn Li .. 195_7; student U. Fribourg, Switzerland. 1955-56 ; LLB .. narvard , 196-0; m. '.\iaureen McCarthy, ScpL 10, 1%0: children-Ann Forrest. Eugene. John Francis., Catherine Elisabeth, ~fary Oare. Paul David, ~latthew, Christopher James. Admitted to Ohio bar. 1962. Va. bar, 1970: .....,_ Jones. Day. Cockley & Reavis. O eve, . 1961-67: ass<>. prof. U. Va. Law Sch .. 1967-70, prof .. 1970-H: gen. c:ounscl Office T ciecommuoicarions Policy. Exec. Otfice of Pre$ .. 1971-72; chmn. Adminstrv . Coof. U.S .. Washington. 1972-74; assL my. gen. U.S .. Office Legal Counsel. Justice DepL. 19H-77; vis. orof. Georgetown Law Center. l 977; vis. scholar Am. Enterprise IasL. 1977; prof. Law Sch .. U. Chge .. 1977-: cons. CSC. 1969. 77. FCC, 1977 , FTC, 1978. Bd. din. NaL lnsL for Consumer Justice. 1972-73, Center fo r Adminstrv. Justice. 1972-74: adv. council for legal policy studies Am. Enterprise lnsL. 19711-. Sheldon fellow Harvard, 1960-61. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. (council. sccL adminsuv. law 1974-77). O ub: Cosmos (Washin gton ). C<Hditor Regulation mag., 1979- . Home: 5725 S Woodlawn Ave Chicago IL 60637 Office: U Chgo Law Sch 11 11 E 60th St Chicago IL 60637


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7 _A~TQ~l~ - __:_ \ 2 Preferred Status ___ _

Recommended by ~lQ_fJ-l -12- for 25 26 -~~~~~~~~~~~~

Willingness to serve: P T 27

Possible Level: 75-79 Background Experience

Agriculture Business Cont ro 11 er Defense Economics Education Financing & Banking Government, Fed Government, St & Loe Health & Medicine





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Qua 1 if i ed For



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3 State LL Telephones: 4 H ___ / ------- 50 ___ ! -------6 Birth yr ~~ 7 M~ - 8 B A H 0 9 Party: R D I

.1-0 Degrees: ~f!_ 77. A 12 Current employer !.:L.:... C H l_~ D + 6. I!) __ _

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Title _ '.:: CIJS L Dates: :JJ_ to 7_2,.;


Organization Position Status 29


Date & · lnit.ial

1. I I


Theodore F. Brophy Chairman of the Board

November 14, 1980

Mr. E. Pendleton James Reagan-Bush Planning Task Force Third Floor 732 North Washington Street

_N_o_v 2 o t9ao General Telephone & Electronics Corporation

One Stamford Forum Stamford, Connect icut 06904 203 357-2000

Alexandria, Virginia 22314 ----~7

(,.,.- .I2eaf ''Pe9/

'------ ---------·r~ve ry much enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you at Mil Batten's lunch and appreciated your thoughtful note.

Needless to say, I couldn't be happier that all of the impressive planning efforts that you have made will now be put to very good use.

I have been considering the are as in which I might be able to make some suggest i ons and am writing to do so now.

I have not discussed the subject with any of the people involved and, therefore, have no basis of knowing the level of their interest or availability.

1. FCC: Of the .n commissioners, I belie ve that Jones qualified for considera-tion a ch~an~ resident Reagan will have an opportunity to fill the position currently held by Commissioner Quello as a holdover, and I would recommend John W. Pett i t , a forme r General Counsel of the FCC, as a candidate for that post.

I would be glad to review with you the reasons I do not believe that either Commissioner Lee or Commissioner Washburn, the two other republicans on the Commiss i on, should be con­sidered for chairmanship of the Commi ssion.

. I.

- y

Mr. E. P. James - 2 - November 14, 1980

2. FTC: For the Federal Trade Commission, of the two


re __ the Commission, we would recommend av·ra Clanto~?the superior choi~n.

-ca.Il'cy occu:s, I belie~'A"Ilton~n Sea~~ from all reports, might be a wor~i:tlcr~-.

ITC: For the JJ+t-e-r~a<l._e Commission, I suggest b~~.Q.stone Williams· ~-s! a candidate. '"+: l _,.. - - ~-.·~.\!-"·~~.,!or. ~.;;-.~·.,>,"'--::;µ; ..........

/ l.....~ ~-~·~"•v•'~'..,., .. •'f"'' ~ t..,,.__ D~~-~d .. ~.':l:~.!;.9\!~r..,..who I am sure ~as als<? co~e to

.... '.)l".our-"""a··ft:ention as a result of his service in the Nixon and Ford administrations, might also be considered for a high position in ITC.

4. NTIA: For the Assistant Secretary of Commerce to head the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, we would recommend Dale Hatfield.

5. Secretary of Commerce: Howard W. Blauvelt serves on our Board of Directors, and I consider him our most valuable director and, therefore, would very much regret losing him to government. He is 63 years old and has recently retired as Chairman of Conoco. He is an extremely capable executive with a strong financial background and a very hard nose. I believe he could make a real contribution to government if he were willing to serve.

6. Assistant Secretary of Defense or Assistant Secretary of the Navy: We have. a highly qualified manager in our Electronic Systems Group who is very highly recommended to me by his management and who is interested in government service at some time.

I am attaching brief biographical information of one sort or another on all the people that I have mentioned.

Best wishes for great success in your undertaking. The Country needs it. If I can be of any assistance in any follow-up efforts, please let me know. SiT. yours,

l~ Theodore F. Brophy

TFB:clp Enclosures

Chairman of the Board Jeno F. Paulucci

President Frank D. Stella

Regional Vice Presidents Adele Malone, Region 1 Dr. Rose Basile Green, Region 2 Arthur J . Decio, Region 3 Hon. John Gale, Region 4 Raymond A. Polverini, Region 5 James A. Scatena, Region 6 Dr. Peter Sammartino, Region 7

Secretary & General Counsel Arthur J . Gajarsa

Treasurer Mario T. Noto

Immediate Past Presidents John A. Volpe Msgr. Geno C. Baroni

Board of Directors Paul Alongi Hon. Frank Annunzio Msgr. Geno C. Baroni Hon. Mario Biaggi Angelo J . Cefalo Hon. Mario L. Clinco Peter Clinco James L. Coli Hon. Silvio 0 . Conte Dr. Angelo D' Agostino, S.J . Virgil Dardi Arthur J . Decio J0seph J . Digange Robert Di Pietro Arthur J . Gajarsa Edward Galletti Robert A. Georgine Philip A. Guarino Joseph Mandato Antonio M. Marinelli Joseph Maselli Hon. Joseph G. Minish E. Howard Molisani Hon. Frank J . Montemuro, Jr. Marcello I. V. Nisi Joseph Preite Gloria Maria Rando Hon. Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Donald E. Santarelli Domenick G. Scaglione Mary L. Sfasciotti John G. Spatuzza Frederick D. Teece Thomas H. Trimarco Jack Valenti Vincent Visceglia Stella Zannoni Hon. Leo Zeferetti

Executive Director Alfred M. Rotondaro

Director of Special Activities Joseph T. Ventura


Tl1c Nati••••&tl Italia11 A 1ucrica11 F o 1111«latio11 1019 Nineteenth Street N. W .. Suite 800 • Washington. D.C 20036 • (202) 293. J 713

Mr. Edwin Meese Off ice of the President-Elect Washington, D.c. 20270

Dear Mr. Meese:

December 19, 1980

DEC23 R!t1>

We are writing today to express the highest possible endorsement of the National Italian American Foundation for Mr. Antonin Scalia for the position of either Solicitor

*General or Chaiman of the Federal Communications Commission.

Mr. Scalia has a uniquely distinguished record of high level public service and academic achievement, accompanied by unusually brilliant intellectual capacity. A graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard University School of Law, he is currently a professor of law at the University of Chicago School of Law. He has also been a professor of law at the University of Virginia School of Law.

Frank D. Stella President

CC: Mr. E. Pendleton James

Donald E. Santarelli Chairman, NIAF Personnel Evaluation Committee

ThP National Italia n American Foundation. Inc. is an independent, not-for-profi1, non-partisan , non-sectarian Foundation legally incorporated in the District of Columbia

l ..


December 16, 1980

To: William French Smith, E~q.

From: Julian 0. von Kalinowski, Esq.

I have received a number of calls from of mine in the Antitrust Division of the ABA wi of recommendations for the Department of Justi e, I shall pass on to you.

riends a variety which

1. Mark Berens, who _is a senior partner in Lee Abrams firm in Chicago, has been recomme ed by a group of people for the position of Deputy At rney General. Lee Abrams is a very good friend of m· e and he also called and highly recommend erens and to a me that Berens-"is very interested · the position.

2. Antonin Scalia recommended by Ira Millstein, o Weil, Gotshal Manges, of New York, for the position of Solicit eneral. I gather that he has been recommen ers as well for the same position. He formerly was head of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice, a former Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States, and presently is a professor of law at the University of Chicago .

3. Richard K. Willard was recommended by Brien Dillon, of Baker & Botts. He is interested in a position in the Attorney General's office or on the White House staff. His resume is enclosed, together with a copy of Brien Dillon's letter to me.

Two people have been recommended for the position as Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission:

1. Edwin s. Rockefeller, of Bierbower & Rockefeller, Washington, D.C. Ed was Secretary of the FTC during the Eisenhower Administration and is a former Chairman of the Antitrust Section of the ABA . He has written a book on FTC practice and procedure which is in its second or third printing. He is very much a conservative and is highly regarded in antitrust circles.


. /

(· '·: • ·, 1

2. Ernest Gellhorn, whose Career Narrative is enclosed and self-explanatory. I believe he is presently a professor of law at the University of Virginia. He also is a conservative. He has a thorough background in antitrust matters and is highly regarded in that area of the law.

I have talked further with Bill Barnett who, you will recall, was No. 1 on my ~ist (with the exception of Bob Cooper) for the position of Attorney General In Charge of the Antitrust Division. Bill asked that his name be stricken from the list as he does not feel he can leave the practice of law at Baker & Botts. He is presently Chairman of the Antitrust Section and is willing to help in any way he can to assist you in connection with anti trust e ·nforcement .

JOvK:h Attachments


irman of the B oa rd ) F. Paulucci

;ident ik D. Stella

1ional Vice Presidents ·le Malone, Region 1 Rose Basile Green, Region 2 iur J. Decio, Region 3 1 . John Gale, Region 4 1mond A. Polverini, Region 5 i es A. Scatena, Region 6 Peter Sammartino, Region 7

cretary & General Counsel hur J. Gajarsa

!asurer irio T. Noto

1mediate Past Presidents hn A. Volpe ;gr. Geno C. Baroni

1ard of Directors ul Alongi m . Frank Annunzio ;gr. Geno C. Baroni m. Mci ri o 13iaggi 1gelo J. Cefalo )n. Mario L. Clinco ·ter Clinco mes L. Coli :m . Sikio 0 . Conte ·. /\ngl!lo D' Ago~t i no , S.J. rgil D.irdi ·thur J. Decio >seph J. Digringe :ibert Di Pietro rthur J. Gajarsa :lward Galletti obert A. Georgine hilip A. Guarino JSeph Milnd,110 ntorno M. M<i rinelli :>seph M.1.,eJli Ion. Josq>h G. Minish . How.11 J Molisani Ion. Fr,ink J. Montpmu10, Jr. 1drcello I. V. Nisi oseph Prl'i te ;Joria Mari,1 Rando ion. Peter W. Rodino. Jr. )onald E Sdntarelli ) omernl k G. Sc..iglione ·fary L Sf.1'ciotti John G ~pJtuaa :rl'dc11rk 0 . Teece fhomil' Ii T1imarco 1.ick v~i. 111i Jincent V1 ,ceylia :>tella Z.rnnoni Ion. l.1·0 7.1·feretti

Exccut in~ Di rl'<.1or l\lfrcd M llotund;:,ro

)iru1Pr of Specia l Acth it ies Jo'<•ph T \I, ntura

\ ~ ·--~. ~ , '

r ~' IT .A n (l' J A 1· t" j.' {'I l J '(• ~r-T l, .... t T"''\I '-:.'\ l ,..'r , . , T"II 1·· I. .. ,, r~o4!!"T·[-.... i.J. ./ Cl.I ,_,,_J,. J..· .l,L.C. '.. , .<.,..•. Ll '-'-' ). LI , ,,; wli'-"'"I,;..

'·- ---~---~- _.-/ 1019 Nineteenth Street -N-W .. Suite 800 • · Wiishlngton. 'D. C.. 20036 •

March 19, 1981

Hon. Red Cavney Deputy Assistant to the President

for Public Liaison The White House Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Red:

I I ~ T' ' (°, I I

.. i G Trr.cuc.LL .1.r:t1rn / I (202)293-1713 t!f

As you requested, I am enclosing herewith the resumes on the following:

-.Edmund Pellegrino Alfred"'rella DonalaSenese

There will

FDS/rr Encl:




Frandtella President

' 1 I· · · 1 /\"' • ' '· • I ' " 1

'.. ·~I, Ir " I ,, 'I 111•!. l " I 1 !, rd. r 1 f ' ' I 1 ! r • 1 , ... ~ • '. 1 • ' ' 1t 1 ' .• r I 1 ~ · •1 r .. -.11' ! ; '. .< ,q ], 'l . p , "I"' · ,, " ! 11 ft " : ,. : , 1 ( , , 1 1

( •1~1t11 1 1:. ,.,., d/1 t :x d, ! i !.l1!r


~ T artindale-Hubbell

SCALIA, A:-;TQ:-;IN, lawyer, educa1or; b. Trenton, N.J., Mar. II, I 1936; ' •· S. Eugene and Catherine Lnuise (Panaro) S.; A.B., Gcorsctown U., 1957; student U. Fribourg, Switzerl• nd, 1955-~6; I LLB., Harvar~. !9~; ~~rcen .2:!_cCa':'h!: ~cpt . 10, 19~ . ..J

children-Ann Forrest. Eui cnc. .Johri FranciS, Cathc;i~c Elislt'~tb . 1

Mary Clare, Paul Ds \lid. J\btthew, Olri~lophcr James. Admit(ed lo.. Ohio bar, 1962, Va. bar, 1970; asw . Jones, Day, Cockley & Reavis. Cleve., 1961-67; asso. prof. U. Va. Law Sch., 1967-70, prof., 197(}.74;

. gen. counsel Office Telecommunications Policy , E>tcc. Office or Pres.., 1 ~. 1971-72; chmn. Adminstrv. Conf. U.S. , Washington, 1972-H; assL 111y. gen. U.S .• Office Leg>I Counsel, Justice Dept., 1974-77; vis. prof. , Georgftown Law Center, 1977; vis. scholar Am. Enterprise tnst., 1977; prof. Law Sch., U. Chgo., 1977-; con•. CSC, 1969, 77, FCC, 1977, FTC, 1978. Bd. dirs. 1'aL ln'1. for Con•umer Justice, 1972-7 3, Center for Adminstrv. Justice, 197 2·74; adv. co uncil for lc:gal policy · s1udics Am. En1erprisc lnsL, 1978-. Sheldon fellow Harvard, I 196(}.61. Mem. Am. Bar Assn. (council, sccL adminstrv. law 1974-77). Club: Cosmos (Washing1on). Co-editor Reiulation mag., 1979-. Home: 5725 S Woodlawn Ave Chicago IL 60637 Office: U Law Sch 1111 E 60th St Chicago IL 60637

l' Y~ ,.

June 18, 1985

Dear Mr. Cacioppo:

Thank you for your letter of recommendation on behalf of Judge Antonin Scalia.

I have forwar members of attention

consideration files.



Donald T. Regan Chief of Staff to the

President of the United States

Mr. Richard K. Cacioppo President National Italian-American

Bar Association 20897 Kelvin Place Woodland Hills, CA 91367

cc: Presidential Personnel w/copy of inc.



Richard K. Cacioppo President

Richard B. Ca1fano E -.;ecu11 vc Vice President

Judith Marie Cannavo Sc:crctary

Anthony J . Cutrona Vice President. 'cw \ ork Area

Paul Vitrano \.ice President . Mid-Wcsl Area

Vincent Damian. Jr. \'i ce President. Soulhcrn Area

Hon. Mario L. Clinco Judicial Liaison. Western United States

Ho n. Eugene Nardelli Jud1c1al Lia ison. f .\S tern United Sta tes

E1tecutive Comm itlec

Ju!leph P. A l banc ~c ('.'Jew York ) R1cha.d K. Cacio ppo (Los Angeles) Richard B. Cai fono (Ch icago) Paul Vitrano (Detroit)

Co- Founders

Ric hard K. Cacioppo Hon. Mario L Chnco

~ ational ~ta! ian-~m~rirun · ~ ar J\zH30.Ctaiton

f'. ~011-:f;lrofit Olorporntio11

rv··t ) )ff:' &1

'\~:Ii(''(< ~' June 8, 1985

~~ t:," The Honorable Ronald Reagan President, United States of America The White House Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Reagan :

The National Italian-American Bar Associat~on wishes to convey our recommendation to you on tehalf of Judge Antonin Scalia for any vacancies that may arise in the United States Supreme Court.

Our association is made up of over twenty affiliated bar associations in the major metropolitan areas of our coW1try along with thousands of individual attor­neys.

We are advised that Judge Scalia is already under close consideration by you as you are aware of his outstanding credentials.

While we telieve that any appointment must te made on the nominees credentials and abilities and not his ancestry, we also telieve that by the appoint­ment of Judge Scalia, you vvould te choosing an outstanding jurist and te the first President. to ever appoint a person of Italian heritage. As the Italian-American is probably the largest ethnic minority in our COW1try , a land that . was discovered by one and named after one we telieve that it certainly is time after over two centuries to consider the appointment of the first Italian-American to our highest court.

Judge Scalia has the support of the Italian-American

IOI. •IO'IY'!J F. m.!S1! !Po~O', '1'ATE r:F Oi!O

IOI. ~10 M. CUXl GIMJt'a<, STATE r:F I& '!tRK

KJ'i ~/SE.'°'· C1A"iATO

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IOt. Pl -;rn:x J. '.9Hf lltl T'.iD ST A Tc.S SDl4 TtlM'EiMJIT

IOI. F'OJ.'l>( '-'H.XZ.l C U. S, ~ATl'<!•IWl()!S

IOI. 111R 10 SJ.AG;! U.S. ~ATNE-1£" vtJ!J(


tot. nQ"AS J' !:O"'EY u. s. 1'£"?<-5<)11' A nvo ~ \'tR1(

IOI. ~"1"E S. F "5CL!, U, S. RE"!"" ..5£'/TA TIVO --u:F l !)ol.

IOI.. VJ C HZJ 0 U.S. ~.....!2l'T:..~-:J.-1~1A

KJ(, ~.A.LO!~ A, ~ U.S. ~"TlTl'\'E-t& vtJ!J(

KN. .we :. 'L"ll! O u.s. ~ .. :sumn~ ..6'SEV

H:Jt. flWIY. G.AA I ~I U.S. ~ATIVE"'!E)I ~

IOI. 04Nla A, MICA U.S. ~AT!VE"'fl..CIU!)ol.


IOI. JNo£S I.. alEl!STAA U.S. ~TTVE'"1'111fESOTA

tcN. ~ W. RCIJIN'.l, J>,, U,S, ~-=<TA~-;&.·=

H>l..19111'.;E~ l1.S0a~S!:..~.1~~


catrnW1ity and deserves your eful consideration .


Cacioppo President, National Italian-American Bar Association

Please reply to:

20897 Ke lvin Place , Wocdland Hil ls , California (818 ) 702-9688

Richard K. Cacioppo Prernlcnt

Richard B. Caifano Exccuth e Vice Presiden t

Judith Marie Cannavo Secretary

Anthony J . Cutrona Vice Prc'i1 dcn1. New York Arca

Paul Vitrano Vice Prcsidc:nt. ~ id-Wes t Area

Vincent Damian. Jr. Y1cc Preside nt. Sou1hcrn Arca

Hon. Mario L. Clinco Judicial Liaison. Western United States

Hon. Eugene Nardelli Jud1c1 al L1a1son. Eastern United States

E;ii;c cutl'•C Committee

Jo\cph P. Albanese ( New Yorl) R 11.: ha.·d K. Cacio ppo (Los Angeles} R.cha rd B. Ca1rano lChicago) Pa ul Vi1rano (D c1ro1t)

Co -Fou nd ers R1i:: hard K. Cacio ppo Hon. Mario L. Clinco

~ niionnl ~ tnl inn-J\m£ri.cun ~.....,_~. ~nr J\sso.ciuiion

,,... ~011-lJrofit C!'.orporntiou

June 5, 1985

The Honorable Ronal d Reagan President , United States of America The White House Washington , D.C .

Dear President Reagan :

The National Italian- American Bar Associ ation , representing Italian-American attorneys throughout the entire United States, requests that you consider the appointment of Judge William J. Giovan of the Wayne County Circuit Court to the United States Di stri ct Court in Detroit.

Judge Gi ovan is highly respected throughout Michi gan by attorneys , fel l ow juri sts and the public and is held in equal high esteem by our rremrership.

We urge his appoi ntment as we l:::elieve Judge Giovan possesses all the attributes to l:::e one or your wisest appointments and will most certainly bring dignity and competance to the federal tench .

Sincerely yours ,

Richard K. Cacioppo President, National Italian-American Bar Associati on

RKC ;sc

cc: Hon. Donalc . Regqn, Ch~ef of Staff Hon. Edwin Meese , Attorney General


!-Di. ::;~-= F. m£Si! r:rJ.t<.JN:P , S"T.l1': CF OiJO

IOI. "'-PIO II, Q.01J roF.R'O<, STATE CF ~ 'rtRK

t<Jl At.'1J!& '<. C' A"oA TO t1w;m sr.r.m SENA~ '!tJ!K

H:H. ::cM ~ re c:n: ! ~ ;

ll<l"Tm STA~ SE.'lAitR-Nl.I~

)(JO , ~ v , ~IC! ll'll TE:l sr ~ m SEllA TtR-tel ~ 1 CD

IOI. Pl"T'l ! CX J , L.LJ;'f llill'ED S7ATES SDll>~


>al. l"M I 0 8 I loGG 1 U.S. ~5afllITJ1:-+E'" YCRK

>OI. ~ O;:J'!'IE U.S. ~..sDr.ATIVE-c.aiJFO'NIA

KN. n(J"l..3 J. :l>l'EY U.S. ~~'TATIVE-1£'< YCRl(

KJ'I, l:"-'!Tf S. <:.s.:::EU. U.S. P!:."!1"..ID'TA7JVE-fUFl!ll

IOI. VT C <:.;:Jo U.S. ll.=<>=:r A TTYE-o....I Rl't< IA

ICJ4, ""° ALll ! IE A. Ft71W10 U.S. ~.lTM-1& VCRIC

KJ<. ~ J , '\.'.:RIO U.S.~ATI~~

><JI, F;W;IC c;J.1.0IN I U.S, ~ATIVE~ JEi!SEY

IOt. l'A'(IE_ ~ . llJCA U.S. ~e<TATTVE-fU:Rllll

H:ll. ~ G, l<l~J~ U.S. ~ITATIVE~ J€RSEY

>OI-~ L, CUl!ST.lP. U.S. l~A7!YE-1'1llfESUTA

tol . ~ "· R!:DIN'.l , . l l, U.S. ~""'ITATTVE-;e< JERSEY

IO<.. ~ FOJlG'A tr.! .. ::e=--::..i!..."'T,1.T~ ... ~


Dr. Fred Rotondaro , President National I.A. Foundation Linas Kojelis , Office of Public Liaison N.I .A.B. A Board of Directors

Please repl y to:

20897 Ke l vin Place , ~'iocdland Hills , California (818 ) 702- 9688


Washin~ton Post 107 PB7 SePt 16 1984 col 1 015 col in. EDITION: Sun ... ~TICL - TY P .• ~ l .1.11T1-n ----------! (1 M I:: ll ·· L 0 I-' L E ~ B o r k , l:t: ct• ~: ... t. -- r:; o u . .:d ,,., o l l c

o RIPTORS! abortion-cases; homosexuals-cases; risht to Privac~-casesm,; Judses-social Polics

9/212 :l.259529

Hiss i nbotham'

DESCRIPTORS: United States. Supreme Court-officials and emPlosees; Judses-selection and appointment



DESCRIPTORS: standins Claw)-law and leSislation; separation of Powers-law and lesiislation

3/2/2 1907910

i ,


(-i d L. v-:-:i 1982 JURISDICTION: Unite a Sta ·es GEOG RAPHIC CODE: NNUS DESC RIPTORS: dele sa ted leSislation-political asF,ects; ad111inistrativE·

Procedure-political aspect s

3/2/3 1896545 DATABASE: LR I File 150

S JPPort sour local Professor of administrative aw. (president's page ~ calia, Anton:i: n

A d + L + f~ e I./ + 3 4 v - i :-: s F' r 1 9 8 2 ARTICLE TYPE! P re sident's page JURISDICTION: United States GEOGRAPHIC CODE : NNUS

r---. DESCRIPTOf(S! ;:~ ach i n3

administrative law-stud~ ~ nd teachins; law-~; t.ud~ anr:i

:3/2/4 1893269 DATABASE: LRI File 150

Sep - ration o f f unct1o n~ I obscurits Preserved . (include s Proposed :ecom1T1E·nd at1on! Sef"'aration of I-unctions: and Staff ComlT!unications with Jecision111akers in A~enc~ ProceedinSs)

calia~ r~ntonil"I

Ad. L. Rev. 34 v-xiv Wntr 198: ('.\, IEt: E TYP E! Pr•?si ent ·s Pas~:

JURISDICTION! United States GEOGRAPHIC CODE! NNU S DESCRIPTORS ! adminis tr ative Procedure-evaluation; Administrative

Conference of the Unite d State s -evaluation

.. l I , .) I c ... 1 t A- I ... J

1886909 DAlABASE! LRl File 150 Lesislative vetoes ano the E.R. S c a 1 i a ' A r1 t an i r 1 ; S Ti · h ' R t ch a r

i::· r a v e r , B a r r \:! S • A.B.A.J. 68 362-363 March

wD Ot'l. lnited States GEOGRA PHIC CODE! NNUS

ca se. (amicus B., Ea stman9


DESCRIF'TOF:S: leSislative Power-constitutio n al

c uriae Ho Pe9

i1T1end1T1ent- liti::lation ; women-lesal status, laws , etc.

J / 2/6 188J929

Ch;:: i r. DAHiBA SE : L. "I File 150 ~~:::!:*"·-~._,__,._ (deri:::1 ::l1Jlation) <.2resident ' :; Pase>

brief::) t\ <:i P 1 a r1'


Susan D,;


tl'.J• Lt r' 'Vt oo ... ,..., ...

ARTI~ LE TYPE: President's Pase JURISDlCTION: United States GEOGRAPHIC CODE! NNUS DESCf<! PTfrnS: a d m i r1 i s t r at i v e Procedure-analssis; i ndu str:-:

s tate -ana l'::lsis ,.-..,, IDENTIFIERS! deresulation-·a nal'::l s is

3/2/7 18750'/6 DATABASE: LRI File 150

The chairman's rePort. (A • Pa e) ,

• A. Administrative Law Section) (F, rE~sident' s

Sc a 1 i a , A n t o r1 i n Ad. L. News 7 1(4) Fall 1981 ARTICLE T PE: President's Pase JURISDICTION: United States GEOGRAPHIC CODE! NNUS DESCRIPTORS! A.B.A. Section of Administrative Law-aims and obJectives;

adm ini strative Procedure-standard s

3/2/8 09159b6

lruProvins the administrative Process Nat ion al Conference on Federal Re~ula t io n )

Was ner1 Curtis L,, Jr.; Litt, Nahum; Mi lle r, E 1 1 e n ; Sc a 1 i a r f.1 n o r1 i n

Ad. L. Rev. 32 357-381 SPr 1980 JURISDICTION! United States

time for a new APA?

~Jo hn T., Jr• ; Jo s e P h s o r-1 ,

DESCRIPTORS! administrative courts-evaluation; exa mi ners (ad ministra t i ve procedure)-eva luation