Colgate 360 Presentation

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Colgate 360 Presentation

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T.A.B.L.E.T Members

Tagen Davies

Alex Jones

Blayne Fulton

Louise Khong

Erika Williams


Tom Pittas

Creative Brief

Strategic Approach

• Consumer oriented

• Brand image strategy

• Lifestyle

• Positioning

• Resonance

• Attitude

• Affective Strategy


The Colgate-Palmolive Company was originally an American Corporation that has now become multinational. The company focuses on the production, distribution and provision of household, health care and personal products. Colgate was created by William Colgate in 1806 and started off as a soap and candle maker. He then created the company “William Colgate & Company” which sold individual bars of soap. In 1857 he died and his son Samuel Colgate joined the company. It wasn’t until 1873 that the company introduced its first toothpaste, which was an aromatic toothpaste sold in jars. Colgate was the first company to sell toothpaste in a tube, called Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream in 1896.The Colgate-Palmolive Companies had a long competition with Procter & Gamble (P&G) who is the world’s largest soap and detergent maker. P&G was also the company that made Colgate loose its number one place in the toothpaste market when P&G started putting fluoride in their toothpaste.Colgate has become the name of toothpaste and is generic with a lot of people automatically referring to toothpaste as Colgate. This has caused a lot of other toothpaste brands to copy the look of Colgate’s toothpastes trying to profit from the recognition that Colgate receives.


The Colgate 360° is a unique toothbrush from Colgate that has a tongue and cheek cleaner that removes over 96% more bacteria then brushing teeth with an ordinary one. The toothbrush also has specially tapered bristles, cleaning tip and dentist-like polishing cups that help remove more plaque and stains than ordinary manual toothbrush. The toothbrush comes in four main colours: green, blue, purple and yellow; the tagline for the product at the moment is ‘Colgate 360°, for a Healthier whole mouth clean’. On the Colgate website it says “Colgate 360° revolutionises oral care its uniquely designed features clean the teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums – removing more bacteria, see why this is more than a toothbrush.

Challenges and Objectives

To change consumers attitudes towards the brand and make the product more appealing. The new Colgate 360 toothbrush hopes to change the image of Colgate from a generic personal hygiene brand to a trendier brand that wold appeal to a younger audience.

How will advertising help accomplish this objective?

By demonstrating that Colgate has developed a new, modern toothbrush, and expressing the brands fresh personality.

SWOT Analysis


• Product contains unique features such as a cheek cleaner and polishing cups

• Colgate is a well established brand with a strong customer base


• There are many other toothbrush brands on the market

• People consider the toothbrush a generic object that does not have high involvement


• Colgate has identified the opportunity to target a different market segment which is currently not being targeted by many competing brands


• Macleans has released a ‘tooth and tongue’ toothbrush which contains similar features to the Colgate 360

• Similarly in the USA Reach has released a ‘Fresh & Clean’ toothbrush with a rubber tongue cleaner attached

Who is the target consumer?

The Colgate 360 is suitable for most people over the age of 10, both male and female. However Colgate wishes to aim its campaign at a younger audience, males and females aged between 15-35 years old, who enjoy socialising and keeping up with the latest trends. Colgate feels that this particular age group sees the act of brushing your teeth as a chore, which can be an inconvenience in their busy lifestyles. The ads intend to alter the way this specific audience feels about brushing their teeth in general, and change their attitude towards the brand from boring and generic to a trendier brand, and to view the product as new and exciting.

Mood Board of the target audience

What do we want the consumer to know about us?

That Colgate toothbrushes will make you look like a star.

Why will they believe this is true?

Because Colgate has developed the only toothbrush with a tongue and cheek cleaner on the back of the

toothbrush head, giving its users a whole mouth clean

Mandatory elements for the advertisement

The advertisement must include the Colgate logo and an image of the product. The Colgate colours of red, white and blue should also appear to increase

brand recognition.

The Target Audience

Colgate has been aiming its product, the Colgate 360°toothbrush, at a very broad audience from around 10 years old and upwards, being either male or female, who

take extra care in keeping their mouth clean. The audience were usually family members as adverts were directed that way. The adverts unique selling point is that the toothbrush

had a cheek and tongue cleaner making it perfect for people who are extra health conscious.

Insights of Target Audience

The target audience includes males and females aged 15-35 years old, who enjoy socialising, keeping up with fashion rends and looking their best. Today’s younger generation is often given the stereotype of being very superficial and vain, with appearances and material goods becoming more and more important. One consumer insight we found this target market to have was the desire to look and be attractive to others. Based on this, one of the communication objectives would be to alter the way the consumers feel about brushing their teeth by incorporating it into a ‘beauty routine’. The idea of a toothbrush will be transformed from a fairly banal, everyday object into a must have beauty product, with the introduction of the Colgate 360.

It is a common assumption that today’s youth cares little about their personal health and more about their appearances and how their peers view them. By therefore turning the Colgate 360 into a beauty product, the target audience can be reached far more effectively.


The Colgate 360 toothbrush will give you a whole mouth clean making you look brighter than the



• The Colgate 360 has a unique tongue and cheek cleaner attached to the back of the toothbrush head.

• It also has ‘polishing cups’ which helps to hold toothpaste against the surface of a tooth for longer.

• Sensitive toothbrush also available


• The Colgate 360 gives you a “whole mouth clean’, removing more bacteria than ordinary toothbrushes

• The polishing cups maximise the toothpaste’s performance, in order to help remove plaque and stains from tooth surfaces.

• Different versions of the 360 available to suit everyone’s needs

Values & Personality

Colgate has a strong history of providing quality products and improving the dental care of consumers. As a company, they are committed to continue along this path, creative new, innovative products as technology is developed and the needs of consumers change. Colgate intends to redevelop its personality as a fun and fresh brand, not just for families but also for young, independent people. The tone of voice of the campaigns will be quite light hearted, with and bit of an attitude but in a funny way.

Brand pyramid

Media Plan

Media objectives and target audience

Our media objectives include reaching the largest proportion of our target market as possible. As people do not remember everything they see and hear it is important that we emphasise brand recall, which occurs when an advertisement reaches the audience member and when the advertisement is shown to the audience member a number of times, so they have a chance to memorise the advertisement. To accomplish our objectives, our advertisements must be out for an extended period of time, to allow the audience to familiarise with our product; we are aiming for the longest period allowed by our budget. Using cheaper alternatives like public transport advertising, as opposed to television advertising, allows us to advertise for longer. The target audience really should be exposed to the advertising as close to the time of purchase as possible as purchases are often made spontaneously.Producing posters for out-of-home and internet advertising can be a lot more cost effective than producing television advertisements. Cheaply made television adverts often appear tacky and are not remembered.Our target audience is 18 – 30 year olds. As our product is a universal product, but one that is often purchased by older people, we wanted to make the product have a larger demographic audience. Using mediums such as internet and out-of-home advertising allows us to reach this audience. 53% of our target audience has said that they have purchased something online after seeing an online advertisement, 53% also said that they researched products for 1-2 hours online before purchase, so online advertising is effective. (Janet Sun)

The target audience is also one that strives for independence, so the Out-Of-Home advertising reaches those people that are not home very often, which is a great proportion of the target audience.

Media mix

A range of mediums will be used to target our audience of 18 – 30 year olds, as we want them to have maximum amount of exposure as is allowed in our budget. Our primary advertisements have been created for use on Billboards at popular train stations such as Richmond, South Yarra, Posters on trains, trams and other public transport as people in this age range generally use the public transport system, and generally spend much of their time bored, looking around. A perfect chance to grab their attention. In-store advertising will also be used as even the product with the least unplanned purchases are still over 50% of people, so this is obviously an effective form of advertising. Internet sites along with advertising on websites such as Facebook and Myspace will also be used as 46% of 18 – 34 year olds would rather log on to the internet than watch Television, read a magazine or switch on a newspaper. (Online Publishers Association) Magazines, Newspapers and Radio were the least favourite outlets for leisure by 18 – 34 year olds according to the Online Publishers association, accumulating under 7% between all 3 mediums, as being the favourite.The main focus will be concentrated on out of home advertising, including billboards and public transport, and online advertising. Magazines such as Zoo Weekly, Girlfriend, Cosmopolitan, FHM, Cleo and Ralph will also be looked into, as these are the leading magazines read by 18 – 30 year old age bracket, as they are solely aimed at this audience.This should give a wide media mix, as to reach as many people in our target audience as possible.

Media reach

As was stated in the previous section, 46% of our target audience can be reached using online advertising. As websites like Facebook and Myspace have over 10,000,000 users, the amount of people viewing these portal advertisements into our main website will be large. So the reach there is quite extensive. Almost everyone gets on to the internet at least once a week, if not every day. Everyone travelling on trains will have access to our advertisements. There is a large proportion of secondary and tertiary students who catch public transport to their place of education, and as advertising can be placed there for over a month on a practical budget, it is likely to be seen by the majority of the target audience, who more than likely will catch public transport at least once a month. Advertising on television is the next best approach as, according to a study by the Online Publishers Association, 35% of people aged 18 – 34 would like to sit down and watch television as their leisure activity. As was stated previously, advertising on radio, newspapers and magazines does not have a wide enough media reach as it is not readily accessible, although it allows to advertise to your specific market, but does not have a broad enough reach, for such an everyday product.

Media frequency

Internet, television and out-of-home advertising are all media with high frequency counts. Frequency is generally counted on a 4 week basis (Integrated Marketing Strategies), and the advertisements in these outlets would be viewed on a daily if not more frequently basis. Internet is often accessed by many people more than once a day, the plethora of people accessing internet include students, people in office jobs, people using it for leisure. If the advertisement is put on a popular website, the chance that it will be seen more than once a day is high, which increases brand awareness and brand recall.

Advertising weightAs the advertisements are there all the time, the amount of people who view it that are in the target audience is hard to tell, but it would be a fair amount of people giving it lots of advertising weight. As far as effective rating points go, problems could arise because the advertisements could reach the audience too many times. There is an optimum amount of times an advertisement should be viewed, and this may become excessive. But this will create good brand awareness and brand recall. The more someone sees an ad, the more chance they have to connect with it.

Continuity Schedule

Being a product that is used all year round, and people wanting to look their best all year round, the budget has to use a continuous schedule rather than a pulsing schedule or a flighting schedule. The continuous schedule allows the greatest amount of exposure over the longest period of time, rather than a lot of exposure at once. There is no season to toothbrushes, so it is not assumed that people will buy more toothbrushes in one period compared to another. As Colgate already has brand familiarity, we do not need the burst of advertisement to gain brand equity and brand exposure.

Media evaluation

The forms of media we have chosen; Internet, Out-Of-Home advertising and certain magazine advertising give the best opportunity to spread the budget over an extended period of time, as they are not the most expensive forms of advertising, yet they still gain a high amount of exposure to our target audience. These forms will have the best effectiveness, as proven by the online purchases statistics and the amount of exposure gained by the Out-Of-Home advertising also.


For this particular campaign the assigned budget was determined at $250,000.

• Hiring of celebrities for the photo shoot

• Media buying - where and how often the ad will be seen is determined by money

• Photographer's fees etc.

Creative content

Initial copy ideas1. take 2 minutes out of your busy schedule please

2. a brush a day keeps the paparazzi at bay3. and the paparazzi thought up skirting was bad

4. wont see any lights reflecting of those "pearly whites"5. a photo is worth 1000 words, a smile is worth a million

6. dont make this your distinctive feature7. 360 reason the paparazzi will love/hate you

8. at least she brushed her hair9. with teeth like that why bother flossing

10. a dentists dream or a toothbrushes dream11. iconic teeth

12. decide what you'll be remembered for13. a brush with fame

14. the photos stylists dont want you too see15. the reason we airbrush photos

16. clearly a toothbrush virgin17. here's one for the front page

18. airbrush...toothbrush. i guess we can understand where they got confused.

19. well at least she won best dressed20. your a star.. cant you spare $10 on a toothbrush!?

21. 360 reasons to hire an honest stylist/publicist/manager/assistant

22. a paparazzi feeding frenzy23. at least she has

24. ahh the rich have fallen25. cracking camera lenses across the globe26. i'm sure they have a beautiful personality

27. with teeth like that they need a good personality

28. not even airbrushing could make that smile look good

29. brushing. not just something your maid does to the toilet

30. their household help brush more things in a day then they do

31. there are better ways to stand out from a crowd32. maids have boundaries, paparazzi dont

33. look at it this way, we look better by comparison

34. they're obviously not using colgate35. dont brush the celebrities.

celebrities have airbrushing, we have colgate 36037. give us a smile... on second thoughts

38. smile for the cameras

Final copy choices

• 2 - “a brush a day keeps the paparazzi at bay

• 8 - “at least she brushed her hair”

• 27 - “with teeth like that you need a good personality”

• 37 - “give us a smile...on second thoughts”

Number 8 was chosen as the final copy/headline for the advertisement

Big IdeaIn order to fulfill the communication needs of our client we needed to have an advertisement that changed the current perception of the product/brand in the consumer’s mind. The idea our creative team produced is to use celebrity endorsement to relate to the values of our target audience. It is hoped that by using a celebrity endorsement we can favorably influence consumer behavior towards our brand.

We narrowed down our celebrity options from people such as Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp and Scarlet Johansson and decided to primarily use Jessica Alba because of her great smile. If a campaign was launched we would then consider the use of the above mentioned celebrities. The ad depicts a cropped photo of Jessica Alba that has been enhanced on computer to give her the appearance of having really disgusting teeth with the tagline underneath the image reading: “At Least she brushed her hair.”

By presenting the audience with a typical celebrity red carpet photo that has been cropped in an unusual way and depicts a celebrity with a normally great smile, we catch them off-guard and create intrigue. Also, through the use of a humorous tagline and a well-known personality we effectively target the younger audience and change their belief that Colgate is lame.

Original sketch

Final concept

Risk Assessment

Ethical issues related to Colgate

Over the years Colgate has received some bad press due to its use of animal testing. The Ethical

Consumer Research Association recommended at one point that its readers should not buy Colgate

because of this.


• GlaxoSmithKline, Macleans, Macleans Toothbrushes, 2007, date accessed 23/5/08,

• McNeil-PPC, Reach, ‘Fresh and Clean’, 2008, date accessed 24/5/08,

• JCDecaux Poster on Tram

• A.L.Penenberg,, USA, 2004

• J.Sissors & R.Baron, Advertising media planning, Mc-Graw Hill, USA

• H. Katz, The media handbook, Routledge, 2006

• Business Source Premier data Base, American Demographics Jul/Aug 2002, Vol 24 Issue 7

• J.Sun, Online and On Target:18 – 34 Year Olds,, 2006

• W.Chitty, N.Barker and T.Shimp, Integrated Media Communications, Thomson, South Melbourne, 2005