Colds and Flu - National Center for Homeopathy · Homeopathy in 1921 documented the dramatic...

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Transcript of Colds and Flu - National Center for Homeopathy · Homeopathy in 1921 documented the dramatic...

Cold and Flu SeasonMisery

Prevention Factors


• What are some predisposing causes?

• Impaired immune response


• As winter approaches light exposure diminishes. We spend time indoors

• Vit D becomes a real issue


Five Cochrane Database Reviews issued between 2006 and 2010—which are the ‘gold standard’ in terms of medical research reviews—point to the value of Vitamin D in flu prevention.

Vitamin D supplement dosages; Most adults need about 8,000 IU's of vitamin D a day to achieve serum levels above 40 ng/ml, which is still just below the minimum recommended serum level of 50 ng/ml. Children need about 35 IU’s per pound of body weight


• Food and Lifestyle are primary

• sugar

• wheat

• dairy

• Raw Foods

• Whole Foods


• Sleep


• Exercise


• Homoeopathy has a rich and important history in Flu Pandemics

HomoeopathyThe 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was a plague that exceeded the ravages of the Bubonic Plague of 1347, which killed a third of the European population. World- wide, the Spanish flu killed an estimated 40 million people. In some primitive cultures the death rate was 100 percent. Fortunately, many patients in the United States had access to homeopathic medical care. A report to the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1921 documented the dramatic success of homeopathy in the worst flu pandemic in history. Of 24,000 flu cases treated with conventional medical care, the death rate was 28.2 percent; of 26,000 cases treated with homeopathy, the death rate was a nearly miraculous 1.05 percent. Similarly, many individual homeopathic physicians reported that they had treated thousands of patients with very few deaths.


• Preventive remedies

• Have been studied


• Influenzinum

HomoeopathyIn 1998, the French Society of Homeopathy conducted a survey of 23 homeopathic doctors concerning their use of Influenzinum as a flu preventive. The survey included use of Influenzinum over a 10-year period (1987–1998) in 453 patients. !Results of the survey were remarkable. In approximately 90 percent of the cases, no instances of the flu occurred when Influenzinum was used preventively, no matter what the dosage protocol. Physicians deemed its effectiveness good to very good in 90 percent of the cases, and not effective in 5 percent of cases.


• Oscillococcinum

HomoeopathyOscillococcinum® was studied in France during the 1987 flu epidemic caused by an H1N1 virus. This multi centre study examined the effect of Oscillococcinum® on the early symptoms of flu. Results were published in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. A group of 149 non-homeopathic physicians enlisted 487 patients in the study. In 1990, German physicians replicated the French study of Oscillococcinum®. Both of these studies show a significant curative effect of a homeopathic medicine in the treatment of flu in carefully conducted, double-blind, placebo- controlled clinical trials. The two studies were done in different countries, each with many participating physicians, and during two different flu epidemics, presumably caused by different viruses. !

HomoeopathyCharacteristics.-The nosode of influenza has with many practitioners taken the place of Baptisia as

the routine remedy in epidemics. It may be given in the 12th or 30th potency, either in the form of

tincture, pilules, or discs; or ten globules may be dissolved in six ounces of water, and of this a

dessertspoonful may be given for a dose. It may be repeated every two hours. This will be found

sufficient to control a large proportion of the cases. The general directions I give to my patients are

these: When "colds" appear in a family let all those who are unaffected take Arsen. 3 thrice daily, and let the patients take Influ. 30 every hour or two.

This generally prevents the spread of the trouble and clears up the "colds," whether they are of the

influenza type or not. Influenza has the property of developing old troubles, and thus it takes an infinite variety of forms in different persons, so that Influ. need not be expected to cure all cases unaided, or,

indeed, to be appropriate to every case.


Aconite At the early onset of any cold or flu. Often after exposure to cold. Skin is reddish and dry. Strong thirst. Anxious with sense of oncoming illness.

Homoeopathy Gelsemium

!The Gelsemium flu will come on slowly over a period of 12-24 hours. !There will be achiness especially over the back of the head and shoulders. !There is a great lassitude and a desire remain still because of the effort involved in doing anything. “Lazy old dog” !!Thirstlessness. !Chills up and down the spine. Heat alternating with cold. !!


Baptisia Like Gelsemium they are lethargic. Even confused or appearing intoxicated. Breath and stool are very offensive. Strong thirst. With sore throat can only swallow liquid. Tongue brown dry and even cracked. Parts lain upon are sore.


Eupatorium perfoliatum Much soreness in the back and joints with the flu. Pain in the eyeballs. Chill in the morning 7-9am. Thirst


Bryonia Achey and painful with the onset of flu. Wants to stay absolutely still with the pains because the slightest motion really aggravates the pains and headache. Dryness of mucus membranes and large thirst. Irritable


Nux vomica, Nux colds an flu’s develop with shivering and an in a ability to stay warm despite being well covered through the whole process-fever or chill. They can be especially sensitive to draft. Even motion that causes a movement of air. Sensitive to noise and odor. Very irritable.


Allium cepa Cold symptoms with attacks of sneezing. Nasal discharge irritates the upper lip area. Lots of tearing which does not irritate skin even though the eyes are irritated as if onions. Better open air.


Mercurius solubilis This is a truly miserable cold. Discharges are thick yellow and burn even excoriate. Shivering. Sweats all night. Generally worse all night. Indented edges of tongue.

When to get help

• If you are concerned by a symptom

• If your remedy has not helped within 24 hours

• Fever which persists above 102

• Difficulty breathing