Cognitive Complexity

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Cognitive Complexity

  • 7/27/2019 Cognitive Complexity


    Cognitive Complexity

    Definition of Cognitive Complexity:


    a more versatile system for perceiving the cognitivelycomplex person. the individual structures his world.

    Components of Cognitive Complexity:

    Ordination - related to the ability to hierarchically prioritize


  • 7/27/2019 Cognitive Complexity



    systems models and ideas (Goertzel, 1997). Individual variablescontribute to the fragmentation of psychology; that is, there is no

    unifying paradigm for psychology as a whole. Goertzel posits thatcomplexity science has the potential to help psychology become aunified theory of the mind.

    more relevant to personality. Loevingier introduces some caveatsto understanding cognitive complexity. These include: 1)Cognitive complexity is not the same thing as IQ. The Loevinger

    behavior and places it in a hierarchy of cognitive styles, whereasIQ is an approximation based on an ideal-type model. 2)Complexity is not synonymous with confusion, just as simplicity

    does not mean elegance. The ability to deal with a wide variety ofvariables is complexity, and simplicity is that very inability. 3)

  • 7/27/2019 Cognitive Complexity


    the internal representation of the self, and thus is active in almostany activity we engage ourselves in. It is therefore presumed to bemore elaborate than other mental representations. Social

    psychological research has shown that we form significantly moreintricate views and judgments of our own emotions and behaviorsthan we do of the behaviors and emotions of others. Features of

    experience and what our behavioral or emotional response is. Thissort of cognitive mediation has been found in the case of

    self-esteem. ( Rafaeli-Mor, 1997).

    The complexity here is self-complexity. The definition has beenmuch debated, but there are two aspects of the definition that areshared among all. They all identify self-complexity as consistingof two components: variety of roles and an overlap between roles

    ( Rafaeli-Mor, 1997). All accounts also share, that at the root ofself-complexity is the spreading of activation. The author here,

  • 7/27/2019 Cognitive Complexity


    evolve over time; that is, they do not remain constant. They adaptto their environment. Their environment consists of other

    external world. The attractors must have an ability for"pseudorandom" variation if they are to adapt to the environment.

    each other alive. They utilize different networking principles, for

    could easily be articulated in every day language. In its holism

    however, is a scientifically rigorous way of exploring this kind of

    complex, self-organizing world, which intuitively, the human racehas known all along ( Goertzel, 1997 ).