CoFence: A Collaborative DDoS Defence Using Network ...rashidib/Pub_files/CNSM16/CNSM.pdf ·...

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CoFence: A Collaborative DDoS Defence UsingNetwork Function Virtualization

Bahman Rashidi Carol FungDepartment of Computer Science, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA

{rashidib, cfung}

Abstract—With the exponential growth of the Internet use,the impact of cyber attacks are growing rapidly. DistributedDenial of Service (DDoS) attacks are the most common butdamaging type of cyber attacks. Among them SYN Flood attackis the most common type. Existing DDoS defense strategies areencountering obstacles due to their high cost and low flexibility.The emerging of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) tech-nology introduces new opportunities for low-cost and flexibleDDoS defense solutions. In this work, we propose CoFence −a DDoS defense mechanism which facilitates a collaborationframework among NFV-based peer domain networks. CoFenceallows domain networks help each others handle large volumes ofDDoS attacks through resource sharing. Specifically, we focus onthe resource allocation problem in the collaboration framework.Through CoFence a domain network decides the amount ofresource to share with other peers based on a reciprocal-basedutility function. Our simulation results demonstrate the designedresource allocation system is effective, incentive compatible, fair,and reciprocal.


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can causesevere damage to ISPs and online services, especially for smalland medium-sized organizations who lack sufficient resourcesto withstand a high volume of DDoS traffic. In recent years,the proliferation of black market and the growth of “DDoSas a service” [4], [14] has greatly enhanced the capability ofattacks since all attackers need to do is to visit the website,schedule, and pay for an attack. Some recent incidents showthat DDoS attacks are becoming stronger and more frequent.For example, the Spamhaus attack in 2013 [3] has generated300 Gbps attack traffic. This number has been increased to600 Gbps in January 2016 [12].

Regarding the DDoS attack techniques, there are two majortypes of attack traffic: IP spoofing attacks and real source IP-based attacks. The real source IP-based DDoS attacks com-monly utilizes compromised nodes in the Internet, commonlycalled bots or zombies, to launch the attack. On the otherhand, IP spoofing DDoS is the type of attacks where thesource addresses are not the real IP address of the attacker.An example of this type of attack is SYN Floods [15]. AnAtlas security report shows that the SYN Floods take thevast majority of the attack volume in recent major DDoSattacks [2]. Existing solutions on SYN Floods, includingdedicated DDoS mitigation devices (e.g., IPS or firewall)and third-party DDoS filtering cloud services [5], [1], eitherbring high cost through purchasing dedicated hardware ortrigger privacy concerns by directing traffic to untrusted third

parties. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for DDoSmitigation using collaborative networks and Network FunctionVirtualization (NFV) technology.

NFV is an emerging technology where network functionsare implemented and provided in software, which runs on thecommodity hardware [7]. The network functions are imple-mented as software and deployed as virtual machines. Thevirtual machines run on general purpose commodity hardwaresystems so that NFV not only provides the benefit of elasticity,but also reduces the cost by running on commodity platformslike x86- or ARM-based servers instead of specialized hard-ware, resulting in a much easier deployment and lower cost.At the same time, NFV also introduces new opportunities forDDoS detection and mitigation.

Traditional device-based DDoS mitigation is limited bythe computation capacity of the dedicated network functions,such as firewall or IPS. Upgrading or adding new hardwareintroduces high cost and long cycle time. The usage of NFVtechnology makes device upgrading and creation fast and lowcost, which brings a great opportunity for DDoS defense.In our previous work [11], we introduced a dynamic localnetworking system based on NFV technology which utilizesvirtualized network functions running on commodity servers toperform DDoS data filtering. However, this solution may notbe sufficient when the attack strength exceeds the availablehardware capacity. Seeking external helping resource may bea viable solution.

In this work, we propose CoFence, a collaborative DDoSmitigation network system which facilitates a domain-helps-domain collaboration network. In this network, a domain candirect excessive traffic to other trusted external domains forDDoS filtering. The filtered clean traffic will be forwardedback to the targeted domain. Specifically, we focus on theresource allocation problem when multiple requesters ask forhelp. We design a fair and incentive-compatible resourceallocation method which provides an effective collaborativeDDoS defense with inherent reciprocal eco-system. Our ex-perimental results demonstrate that our proposed solution caneffectively reduce the DDoS attack flow to the targeted server,and the resource allocation is fare and provides incentivefor domains to maximally help other domains in need. Thecontributions of this paper include: 1) Our work proposes anovel collaborative DDoS defense network based on networkfunction virtualization technology. 2) We propose a dynamicresource allocation mechanism for domains so that the system

c©IFIP, (2016). This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of IFIP for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in IFIP CNSM 2016

is fair, efficient, and incentive-compatible. 3) We evaluateour proposed solutions using simulation and verify that theproposed solution is effective to DDoS defense and meets ourdesign goals.


Network softwarization technology including SDN andNFV has been growing rapidly due to high interest from bothacademia and industry. In SDN the networking functions areseparated into control plane and data plane. The main ideaof NFV is to replace dedicated network appliances, such ashardware-based routers and firewalls, with software that runson commercial off-the-shelf servers. Both SDN and NFV canlower the cost of network deployment and high flexibility formanagement compared to traditional computer networks.

There are many work proposed to utilize NFV for DDoSdefense. Fayaz et al. propose Bohatei [8], a DDoS defense so-lution using software defined networking (SDN) and networkfunctions virtualization (NFV) paradigms. Bohatei is designedto cope with the expensiveness and proprietary hardwareappliances of the existing solutions. Bohatei uses its resourcemanager component to assign available network resources tothe defense VMs once suspicious traffic is detected. SinceBohatei is using a limited amount of network resources (tolaunches VMs), it cannot be effective in case of attacksthat incoming traffic’s strength is heavier than what it canhandle. In contrast, in CoFence, in addition to utilizing NFVtechnology, attack victims can receive external help from theircollaborators in terms of network resources.

Lim et al. propose a SDN-based approach to overcomelegitimate looking DDoS attacks [13]. In their work theyinvestigate a DDoS blocking application that runs over theSDN controller while using the standard OpenFlow interface.The DDoS blocking application runs on a SDN controller. Thescheme requires a large amount of communication between theDDoS blocking application running on the SDN controllerand the server to be protected. The blocking applicationneeds to cooperate with SDN controller which increases thedependency and a high latency consecutively.

Guenane et al. have designed a architecture of cloud-basedfirewalling service using NFV technology and other networkVirtualization capabilities to overcome DDoS attacks [10]. Thedesigned cloud architecture acts as an intermediary to filter theattack traffic for the customer and transmits only legitimatetraffic.

Our previous work [9] proposes a traffic prioritizationalgorithm to reduce the impact from DDoS attacks basedon real IPs. VFence [11] on the other side, is speciallyeffective to reduce the impact from DDoS attacks on IP-spoofing by creating additional virtual IPSs in NFV-enablednetworks. IPSs verify the source IP of the incoming trafficand verified traffic will be further forwarded to the server.However, it is not effective when the attack volume is highenough to overwhelm the available location resource. CoFencecan solve this problem by utilizing external resources in the

collaboration network. Hence, it further improves the DDoSresistance level of NFV-enabled domain networks.


In this section we present the network design of CoFence.The purpose of CoFence is to provide a platform for domainnetworks (e.g., an enterprise network or an ISP) to help eachothers to enhance resistance against large-scale DDoS attacks.With the help of network function virtualization (NFV) tech-nology, each NFV-enabled domain network can contributetheir spare network resource to help other domains in thenetwork when needed.


Domain 1

DDoS Atta

ck traffi


Redirected traffic to Dn

Filtered traffic

Redirected traffic to D


Filtered traffic

Virtual Firewall

Public Server

Domain 2

Domain n

Virtual Gateway







Filtered traffic

Attack traffic

Filtered traffic

Attack traffic



Virtual IPS



Fig. 1. A case study of collaborative DDoS defense

In a CoFence network, each NFV-enabled domain containsa virtual gateway and a virtual IPS. The purpose of the virtualIPS is to detect and filter DDoS attacks. Due to the flexibilityof NFV, a virtual IPS can be created and its capacity canbe configured dynamically based on need. When a domainsjoins CoFence, the domain can choose whether to share itsIPS with other trusted domains or not, and configure themaximum external traffic it is willing to handle for otherdomains. In a CoFence network trust is already established.Trust can be addressed through a service agreement processin which domains agree with a number of predefined termsand conditions.

Figure 1 illustrates a case study of CoFence. When theattacker launches a DDoS attack against the public server indomain 1 and the attack traffic volume exceed the maximumcapacity of the local IPS, some incoming traffic can beredirected to its collaborator domains for filtering (this can bedone by updating the forwarding table in the gateway). TheSYN flood will be filtered remotely and only filtered traffic isforwarded back to domain 1.

To be able to collaborate with other domains, a virtual IPSshould contain the following functions:

1) Communication Component: This is used to communi-cated with other domains in the network. The communicationin the collaboration network can be divided into three types:(a) request for help and offer to help. (b) request to add as

neighbors and respond to the neighbor adding request. (c)request to remove as neighbors and respond to the neighborremoval request.

CoFence is set up as a “separat” defense network and usualtraffic is transferred within another network. This way we canensure that requesting help is possible in case the network linkis saturated.

2) Resource Allocation: After receiving a helping request,a domain needs to decide how much of its spare resource itshould offer to the requesting neighbor. This decision problembecomes non-trivial when there are multiple requesters at thesame time. A resource allocation component should be inplace to compute the optimal way for the resource alloca-tion decision. Several design goals include how to make theresource usage efficient, fair to new neighbors, and incentive-compatible to encourage more generous sharing. The focusof this paper is to design a resource allocation mechanism tomeet the above goals. It is worth talking into considerationthat CoFence is a distributed model and it can be applied tonetworks with different scales.


In this section, we describe the resource allocation modelfor nodes in the CoFence network. We start from the statementof the resource allocation design goals and then a modelingof the resource allocation to fulfill the goals.

A. The Design Goals of Resource Allocation

Our design goals can be stated as follows. First of all weare interested to build a collaboration system which is fair,incentive-compatible, and reciprocal. The fairness propertymeans the system can control the discrepancy of receivedhelp among different nodes so starving can be avoided fornew participants. For example, a new participant with nocredit shall receive help when resource allows. The incentive-compatibility provides incentive mechanism for participantsto contribute more to help others. i.e., the more a nodecontributes resource to help others, the more help it receivesin return when needed. The reciprocal property provides apair-wise mutual beneficial relation. For example, the morenode x helps node y, the more node y helps x in return.In terms of performance we aim at a system to be efficient,with low communication overhead, and effective to defendagainst DDoS attacks. In the next subsection, we discuss themechanism design of the resource allocation mechanism tofulfill the above design goals.

B. Resource Allocation Modeling

The CoFence network consists of a set of n domains, and thedomains are connected into a collaboration network denotedby a graph G = {V, E}, where V denotes the set of domains(nodes) and E represents the connection between pair of nodesif they have established a trusted collaboration relationship. Inthe network, domains (nodes) share attack traffic with anotherdomain (nodes) under DDoS attack if they have an edge inbetween them. We use Ni to denote the set of neighbors


Notation Meaning

N Set of all participating domain nodes in CoFenceNi Set of all neighbors for domain iSi Set of neighbor nodes requesting help from domain i~ri The helping data rate from domain i to neighborsrij The helping data rate from domain i to node jRij The requested helping rate from i to j (set by node j)Sij(rij) The satisfaction level of j given helping rate rijr̂i Total reserved helping resource amount of node iHij Level of helpfulness from i to j in the pastλ Forgetting factor∆t Helping credit updating interval

node of i. i.e., they are connected to node i directly by anedge in G. When a node i receives a helping requests fromits neighbor j, helping resource will be allocated using a fairresource allocation algorithm described in the next subsection.

Let set Si (Si ∈ Ni) denote the set of domains whichrequest for help from domain i. We use a vector ~ri to representthe traffic handling volume that domain i offers to help therequesters and use Rij to denote the traffic handling volumethat node j requests from node i when it is under attack,where i ∈ N and j ∈ Si. Note that Rij is controlled bynode j and informed to node i. We use ~Rj to denote therequested handling rates node j imposes to all its neighbors.Our system requires that each node controls its helping rateunder the requested helping rate, i.e., rij ≤ Rij . Also thetotal helping rate should not exceed the spare resource that theoffering node is willing to share, i.e.,

∑j∈Si rij ≤ r̂i, where

r̂i is the maximum resource amount that node i is willing toshare with other. We list all notations in Table. I.

For the design of a reciprocal system, we use matrix H =[Hij ]i,j∈N to denote the helping credit of nodes, where Hij ≥0 represents the level of helpfulness from node i perceivedby node j. Note that the matrix H can be asymmetric, i.e.,Hij 6= Hji. Our goal is to devise a resource allocation protocolsuch that the helping resource is fairly distributed to othersbased on their helpfulness in the past. To achieve this goal,each node i solves an optimization problem that maximizesthe aggregated satisfaction level of its requesting neighbors asfollows:


Uhi (~ri) :=


HjiSij(rij) (1)


rij ≤ r̂i, (2)

0 ≤ rij ≤ Rij , (3)

where Sij(rij) ∈ [0, 1] is the satisfaction level of therequesting node j in response to the helping rate rij fromthe node i. We let Sij take the following form

Sij(rij) := log2

(1 +



). (4)

The concavity and monotonicity of the satisfaction levelindicate that a requesting node becomes increasingly pleasedwhen more help is received but the marginal satisfactiondecreases as the amount of help increases. The parameter Hji

in (1) suggests that the satisfaction level of a node j carriesmore weight when it is a more helpful node to i in the past.

The utility Uhi measures the aggregated satisfaction levelexperienced by node i’s collaborators weighted by their help-fulness in the past. It allows a node to provide more help tothose with whom there was more helpful in the past.

It can be seen that when r̂i is sufficiently large then (2)is an inactive constraint, the solution to (1) becomes trivialand rij = Rij for all j ∈ Si. The situation becomes moreinteresting when (2) is an active constraint. Assuming that Rijhas been appropriately set by node j, we form a Lagrangianfunction Li : Rni × R× Rni → R

Li(~ri, µi, δij) :=∑j∈Si

Hji log2

(1 +






rij − r̂i

− ∑j∈Si

δij(rij −Rij), (5)

where µi, δij ∈ R+ satisfy the complementarity conditionsµi

(∑j∈Si rij − r̂i

)= 0, and δij(rij − Rij) = 0,∀j ∈ Si.

We minimize the Lagrangian with respect to ~ri ∈ R|Si+ | andobtain the first-order Kuhn-Tucker condition:


rij +Rij= µi + δij , ∀j ∈ Si.

When (2) is active but (3) is inactive, we can find an openform solution supplied with the equality condition∑


rij = r̂i, (6)

and consequently, we obtain the optimal solution

r?ij :=Hji∑

u∈Si Hui

r̂i +∑v∈Si


−Rij . (7)

When the constraint (3) is active, the optimal solutionis attained at the boundary. Since the log function has thefairness property, the optimal solution r?ij has non-zero entrieswhen the resource budget r̂i > 0. In addition, due to themonotonicity of the objective function, the optimal solutionr?ij is attained when all resource budgets are allocated, i.e.,constraint (2) is active.

Remark 1: We can interpret (7) as follows. The solutionr?ij is composed of two components. The first part is aproportional division of the resource capacity r̂i among |Ni|collaborators according to their compatibilities. The secondpart is a linear correction on the proportional division bybalancing the requested sending rate Rij . It is also importantto notice that by differentiating r?ij with respect to Rij , we


= (Hji∑

u∈SiHui− 1) < 0, suggesting that at the

optimal solution, the helping rate decreases as the recipientsets a higher requesting rate. If a node wishes to receive higherhelping rate from its neighbors, it has no incentive to overstateits level of request. Rather, a node j has the incentive to un-derstate its request level to increase r?ij . However, the optimalsolution is upper bounded by Rij . Hence, by understating itsrequest Rij , the optimal helping rate is achieved at Rij .

C. Helping Credit Computation

To build an incentive-compatible, and reciprocal resourceallocation system, it is important for a node to track how mucha neighbor node have helped in the past. We call it helpingcredit. In our model, we use the cumulative helping resourcea node have offered in the past to represent the helping credit.Each node tracks the helping credit from its neighbors sothat the helping resource tracking is fully distributed and themeasured helping credit is private to each node.

Let rij(t) denote the helping data rate that node i offers tonode j at time t, then node j computes the helping credit ofnode i at time t0 using the following equation:

Hij(t0) =

∫ t0

−∞rij(t)λ(t0−t)dt (8)

A node gains credit by providing help to other nodes in thenetwork. The credit in the past is being “forgotten” with anexponential speed λ, where λ ∈ (0, 1] is called a forgettingfactor. A smaller λ represents faster forgotten speed. If λ = 1then all past credit will be remembered and carry the sameweight as new credit. Note that when a new node joins thenetwork, its credit can start from a small value to all itsneighbors. Given the credit of node i perceived by j at ahistorical time t′ = t0 −∆t is known to be Hij(t

′), then wecan compute the credit at time t0 using the following equation:

Hij(t0) =

∫ t′


∫ t0

t′rij(t)λ(t0−t)dt (9)


∫ t′


∫ t0


= λ∆tHij(t−∆t) +

∫ t0


Equation (10) indicates that the helping credit of a nodeat any time (e.g., t0) can be computed incrementally basedon the credit at an earlier time (e.g., t′). Therefore the creditcomputation requires fixed memory and storage.

Alternatively, let the time that a new node i joins thenetwork to be 0 with initial credit ci, and the current time is arelative time T after the initial joining time, then the helpingcredit perceived by j can be computed as follows:

Hij(T ) = λT ci +

∫ T

0rij(t)λ(T−t)dt (10)

D. Requesting for Help

As stated in Remark 1, a node under attack does not haveincentive to overstate its level of request. To effectively informthe desired help to its collaborators, a node under attack canbroadcast the helping requests use the following algorithm.

As described in Algorithm 1, when a domain u detectsDDoS attacks, it sends requests for help to its trusted neigh-bors sequentially, starting from the neighbor with the highesthelping credit. When sufficient helping resource is achieved,it exits the rest of the requesting process. After negotiation,domain u directs the traffic flows to the helpers. At last, eachdomain updates the credit of its neighbors to reflect the up-to-date status after interval ∆t.

Algorithm 1 Seek Help by Node u

1: //This algorithm describes the algorithm for a node to broadcast its requested helpto its neighbors. It is triggered when DDoS attacks are detected.

2: Inputs :

3: Nu: the set of neighbor domains that are trusted by domain u4: ~Hu: helping credits for all neighbors of domain u in descending order5: Au: required helping resource needed for domain u during DDoS attack6: ∆t: the time interval to recompute the credit of all neighbors7: //Send request for help to each trusted neighbor ordered by their level of helpfulness

in the past.8: for each node v in ~Hu do9: h⇐sendRequest(v,Au) //v computes resource offer using Eq. (1)

10: Au = Au − h //Reduce the required amounts after receiving help11: if Au = 0 then12: break the for loop13: end if14: end for15: RedirectTraffic to helpers16: set timer (∆t, “UpdateCredit(Nu)”) //Update neighbors’ helping credits periodi-

cally (every ∆t)


In this section we present our experiments evaluating theproposed collaborative model. We conducted a series of ex-periments on different case studies to evaluate the performanceof the model.

A. Simulation Setup

Since the vast majority of DDoS attacks is SYN Floodattack, we simulate SYN Flood attack in our experiment. Weuse Discrete Event Simulation (DTS) to build the environment.A DTS framework models the operation of a network systemthrough processing a sequence of discrete events ordered bytime. More specifically we used SimPy [6] framework as oursimulator. SimPy is a process-based discrete-event simulationframework based on standard Python. The packets arrival aresimulated using Poisson process.

We simulate a collaboration network with domains (nodes)sharing their virtual IPS DDoS data filtering capability. Wedefined two types of network traffic in the simulation: legittraffic, which is the normal traffic that a node receives duringthe normal situation; and attack traffic, which is the packetsflow that a domain receives when it is under attack. We set thepacket arrival rate parameter λ to 1K packets/second for legittraffic and 6K packets/second for the attack traffic. In addition,We set the maximum packet processing rate for each virtualIPS to be 2K packets/second by default, and the buffer size tobe 10.

B. The Computation of Helping Credits

First of all we evaluate the helping credit computationthat one domain gains based on its helping effort to anotherdomain. Equation 8 is used to compute the credits. We set uptwo nodes i and j. Node i is under DDoS attack and nodej provides help to node i. Node j provides help to handletraffic with data rate rji. At first we fix rji to 1K/second andobserve the change of credit of node j perceived by node iunder different setting of parameter λ. Figure 2(a) shows thethe helping credit of node j computed by node i. As we can

5 10 15 20 25 300





Time (S)










λ = 0.2λ = 0.4λ = 0.6λ = 0.8

5 10 15 20 25 300





Time (S)










H = 1KH = 2KH = 3KH = 4K

Fig. 2. Helping credit measurement: (a) the helping credit of node j perceivedby node i for a fix helping rate rji = 1K/second at different λ settings; (b)the helping credit of node j perceived by node i for a fixed value of λ = 0.6and different settings of help rate from node j.

see, under all λ settings the the helping credits increase withtime. A higher λ leads to a higher credit value.

In the second part of the experiment, we fixed the value ofλ to 0.6 and let rji increases from 1K to 4K with step 1K.Figure 2(b) shows that the more generous that node j helpsnode i, the higher credit it gains.


(a) (b)

























Fig. 3. Case studies: (a) attack target ni is not equipped with CoFence; (b)ni is using CoFence and has one neighbor; (c) attack targets n1 − n5 shareone neighbor node (ni); (d) node ni has different number of neighbor nodesin the network

C. Case Studies

In the next set of experiments we use four case study, asshown in Figure 3, to evaluate the efficiency of our proposedCoFence model against DDoS attacks. Figure 4 (a) shows thetraffic trace we use in these case studies. We can see that thenormal traffic to both nodes are set to be 1K/second while theattack traffic to node ni is 6K/second. For the proof of theconcept, we only simulate a short period of DDoS attack flowfrom time 10s to 20s.

1) Case Study 1: In the first experiment we measure thepackets dropping rate in the network when CoFence is notin place. The corresponding case study is Figure 3 (a). Inthis scenario node i is under attack. Since node i can onlyhandle data rate 2K/second, much traffic to node i has todrop. Figure 4 (b) shows the packet dropping rate at bothnode i and node j. We can see that the drop rate on node iincreases significantly under attack. In contrast, node j handlesits incoming network traffic which is half of its capacitywithout with minimum packets drops.

2) Case Study 2: In the second experiment we evaluate theefficiency of CoFence when the attacked target (node i) hasone neighbor (node j) in CoFence. The case study is illustratedin Figure 3 (b). In this case, when node i is under attack, nodej can offer its spare resource to process part of the excessivedata flow from node i so that it can reduce the dropping rateon node i. Figure 5 (a) illustrates the packet dropping rate

5 10 15 20 25 300




Time (S)









5 10 15 20 25 300






Time (S)









Fig. 4. Incoming packet and drop rate for case study (a).

on both nodes. We can see that the drop rate on node i isreduced with the help of node j. In this case, node j offered1K/second processing power to node i. Note that in this casenode j’s packet incoming rate reaches its processing capacity,a small portion of the packets are dropped.

5 10 15 20 25 300






Time (S)









5 10 15 20 25 300





Time (S)









(b)Fig. 5. Average dropping rate and processing delay for case study (b).

We also study the average processing delay for legit packetsarriving at both node i and j. We define the processing delay tobe the time elapsed from a legit packet’s arrival at a gateway toits arrival at the online server. Figure 5 (b) shows the averageprocessing delay for packets arriving at both nodes i and j.Since every node processing rate is 2K packets per second,the average process time (in a second) per packet is 0.5ms orslightly higher than the nodes’ processing time when no nodeis under attack. When attack happens, a packets’ processingdelay at node i increases to 1.8ms − 2.3ms. At node j wehave two types of packets to be processed: node’s j’s regularincoming packets and packets coming from node i. The delayfor incoming regular packets follows the same delay as nodei, but the computed delay for received packets from node iincludes the redirection time, which includes the transmissiontime and propagation time between two domains. For thesimplicity we assume that the average redirecting packets fromone domain to another takes 1ms. Therefore, the delay for thispackets is 1ms higher.

3) Case Study 3: In the third experiment, we evaluate thecase that 5 nodes (n1 ∼ n5) are under attack and all of themshare one helper node (ni) (Figure 3(c)). We stress all nodeswith DDoS traffic 6K/s on each node. Under this case allattacked nodes turned to node i for help. We let the creditsfor nodes 1−−5 range from 0 to 80 with step 20. Each roundwe let the node’s i maximal shared capacity be 1K, 10K, 20K,and 25K. Figure 6 shows the amount of received help fromnode i. We observe that when node i has more free capacity,attacked nodes receive more help. The higher a node’s credit is,

the more resource it received from node i. When the availablefree capacity is set to 25K, all the nodes including the nodewith 0 credit will receive all they request. This demonstratethe efficiency and fairness of the resource allocation. i.e., allavailable resource will be utilized and no node should starveif resource is available.





















6K1K 10K 20K 25K

Fig. 6. Amount of help that nodes 1 − 5 receive for different availablecapacities of node i (case study (c)).

4) Case Study 4: In the fourth experiment we evaluate theimpact of the number of neighbors (helper nodes) for theattacked node. Figure 3 (d) illustrates the case study for thisexperiment. In the network node i has m neighbor nodes in thecollaboration network. In our experiment we start from m = 1and increase m by one in each round. We measure the packetdropping rate of node ni is under DDoS attack. Figure 7 showsthat after adding the five helper nodes, the drop rate of node ireduces to 0. This implies that more neighbors a domain has,the more DDoS attack resistant it is.

0 1 2 3 4 50






Number of nodes







Fig. 7. The impact of different number of nodes (1 − 6) in a attack targetnode’s locality on packet drop rate (case study (d)).


In this paper we propose CoFence, a collaborative networkto defend against DDoS attacks based on network virtualiza-tion technology, where domain networks under DDoS attackcan redirect excessive traffic to other collaborating domainsfor filtering. Specifically we focus on the resource allocationmechanism that determines how much resource one domainshould offer to the requestors so that the resource is distributedefficiently, fairly, and with incentives. Our evaluation resultsdemonstrate that the collaborative DDoS defense can effec-tively reduce the impact from the attack and the proposedresource allocation mechanism can meet the design goal. Inorder to make our credit evaluation process more fair andeffective we will include the impact of link bandwidth intoour credit evaluation process.


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