Codes and Conventions

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Codes and Conventions

The sacrificial lamb is the first female victim to get killed- their murder will start off the plot and narrative-informing the audience of the intentions of the antagonist.

Casey Becker (drew Barrymore)Scream-1996The blonde girl is originally

quirky. Most female victims are

blonde which has the

connotation of stupidity. She

does not call for help, instead

she plays along and ends up


Their lack of common sense gets them

into the situation in the first place, which

leads them to their death.

Instead of running away from the

antagonist the victim will usually just


A lot of antagonists wear masks to hide their ‘true identity’ this adds suspense for the audience and draws them into the film as they want to know whether they are revealed at the end.

The killer often has a

trademark such as a

mask, weapon or a

specific way to kill their


They are usually from a

dark and troubled past

which made them how they

are, either mental or

wanting revenge.

Flashbacks can be shown in

horror films to show their


Actions (conventions)

Characters don’t fully

acknowledge their


They find out that

people have gone

missing in the area yet

they still decide to stay

there.Power cut-Darkness gives the antagonist an advantage as their victims are running scared and blind.

Phone lines are down-

mobile is dead,

Lost, trapped, with no

contact for help.

Someone goes to investigate a noise- a very commonly used convention in horror, a characters friends may have all gone missing/ been killed but they still go to investigate the strange sound.

A character runs

upstairs instead of out

an open door, thinking

it will be safer locked

away in a closet.

The victim

inexplicably falls

whilst being

chased by the


The vehicle won’t start whilst travelling through a deserted area.

Settings LARGE, VAST, SPACIOUS settings allowing the characters to explore

DARK, ISCOLATED, ABANDONED locations which make the character more vulnerable as there is no where to run, hide or seek help.

DESERTED areas such as a woodland increase tension as the character will often get lost.

SUBURBAN HOUSES often the home of the main character, the warm homely atmosphere add to the suspense and realism which can really disturb the audience.