CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS OF... · ၀. ယခု Code အာ့...

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Transcript of CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS OF... · ၀. ယခု Code အာ့...


January - 2019

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


Table of Content

1. What is the Code of Conduct? .................................................................................................................... 2

2. Who does this Code Apply to? ................................................................................................................... 3

3. When does this Code Apply?...................................................................................................................... 3

4. Who can support me complying with this Code? .......................................................................................... 4

5. How does UAB ensure the effectiveness of this Code? ................................................................................. 5

6. How can I be sure my conduct complies with this Code? .............................................................................. 6

7. What is the Code of Conduct Principles at UAB? .......................................................................................... 7

7.1 Principle # 1. Honesty & Integrity ....................................................................................................... 8

7.1.1 Fraud Prevention .................................................................................................................... 10

7.1.2 What you must do to embrace Honesty! ................................................................................... 12

7.2 Principle # 2. Value UAB‟s Interests, Reputation & Image .....................................................................14

7.2.1 Media discussions/publicity (includes Social Media, Forums & Blogs) .......................................... 15

7.2.2 What you must do to Protect & Maintain UAB‟s Interests & Reputation! ....................................... 16

7.3 Principle # 3. Respectful & Safe working environment ..........................................................................18

7.3.1 Our Personal Conduct – Individual‟s standard of Morale & Ethics................................................. 18

7.3.2 What we must do to ensure treating or being treated respectfully! .............................................. 19

7.4 Principle # 4. Privacy & Confidentiality ...............................................................................................20

7.4.1 Confidentiality and disclosure - Insider Trading ......................................................................... 21

7.4.2 What we must do to comply with Information Protection Policy? ................................................. 24

7.5 Principle # 5. Do not Take or Receive Bribes .......................................................................................26

7.5.1 What we must do NOT to bribe or be bribed! ............................................................................ 27

7.5.2 Dealing with Government Officials/ civil servants ....................................................................... 28

7.6 Principle # 6. Report the Breach of Law & Policies ...............................................................................31

7.6.1 What we must do to act in compliance with Law & Policies! ........................................................ 34

7.6.2 What we must do to Report Wrong Action! ............................................................................... 35

7.7 Principle # 7. Manage Conflict of Interest Properly ...............................................................................36

7.7.1 What we must do to Report Wrong Action! ............................................................................... 38

8. What are the Consequences of Breaching this Code? ................................................................................. 40

9. Breach Reporting Procedure ................................................................................................................ 41

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


9.1 Business Conduct & Whistleblower Protection Officer ...........................................................................41

9.2 Employee Conduct Hotline (Whistleblowers‟ Hotline) ............................................................................42

9.3 Points of Contact as per the Nature of your Claim/ Request/ Query ........................................................43

1. What is the Code of Conduct? . Code of Conduct ဆတာဘာလ၈

The Code of Conduct and Ethics sets standards for the way we work at UAB. The Code

provides a practical set of guiding principles to help you make decisions in your day to day

work, whatever you do and wherever you do it. The Code is supported by a number of more

detailed policies that form part of the UAB Conduct and Ethics Policy Framework. These are

mentioned in this document and can be found on the UAB website.

In our UAB‟s interpretation, 'code of conduct' is a set of rules outlining the UAB‟s norms

and rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual member who holds an

obligation to realize UAB‟s expectations on how to conduct both business and operational


Code of conduct and Ethics သညး ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔ UAB တျငး အလပးလပးရနးအတျကး "မ" မာ

ခမြတးခငးဖစးပါသညး၈ Code သညးသငး၌ ေန႕စဥးလပးငနးမာတျငးမညးသညးက ေဆာငးရျကးရနးႏြငး႔မညးသညး႔

အခနးတျငး ေဆာငးရျကးရနးစသညး႔ ဆဖတးခကးမာခမြတးရနးအတျကး အကအညဖစးေသာ လကးေတျဆေသာ

လမးညႊနးမႈနယာမမာက ေပပါသညး၈ Code အာ UAB Conduct and Ethics Policy Frame Work ၌

အစတးအပငးဖစးသညး႔ အသစတး Policy မာက ေထာကးပေပထာပါသညး၈ ၁ငးတ႔အာယခမြတးတမးတျငး

ေဖားပထာပ UAB webside တျငးလညး ရြာေဖျေတျ႔ရြႏငးပါသညး၈

ကၽျႏြးပးတ႕ UAB ၌ "Code of Conduct" သညး UAB ၌မမာ၇စညးကမးမာႏြငး႔ တာနးမာအတျကး

ေဖားပထာေသာ စညးမဥးစညးကမးမာ (သ႕) စပျာေရႏြငး႔လပးငနးပငး စမခနး႔ချေရဆငးရာမာ ကစၥရပးမာ

တျငးတာနးယေဆာငးရျကးရေသာ အဖျ႔ငးတစးဥခငးမြ UAB ၌ expectation အတငးမညးသ႕ ေဆာငးရျကး

ရမညးက သရြရနးအတျကး Proper practices မြနးကနးေသာနညးလမးမာ ဖစးသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


2. Who does this Code Apply to?

ဿ. ယခ Code of Conduct သညးမညးသတ႕အတျကးနညး၈

This Code applies to anyone who is employed by or works at UAB including employees

(both permanent and temporary), Senior Management, members of Board of Directors,

contractors and consultants (internal & external). UAB encourages our banking partners (such

as related bodies corporate, joint venture partners or companies in which UAB is a strategic

investor) to adopt and maintain similar conduct and ethics principles to those outlined in the


ယခ Code of conduct သညး UAB တျငးခနး႔အပးထာေသာ (သ႕) တာနးထမးေဆာငးေနေသာသမာ

(ယာယႏြငး႔အမတမး) နးထမးမာ၇ အဆငး႔မငး႔စမခနး႕ချသမာ၇ ဘတးအဖျ႕ငးမာ၇ စာခပးဖငး႔ ခနး႔အပးတာနး

ထမးေဆာငးသမာႏြငး႔ (အတျငးႏြငး႔ ပငးပ ) အၾကေပမာအပါအငး အာလႏြငး႔ သကးဆငးပါသညး၈ UAB

မြကၽျႏြးပးတ႔၌ Banking Partner မာ (ဥပမာ-သကးဆငးရာစပျာေရအဖျ႔အစညးမာ၇ အကတပေပါငးသညး႔

Partner မာ (သ႕) UAB မြ နညးဗဟာ ပငးတျငး ရငးႏြမႇပးႏြထာေသာကမၸဏမာ ) အာ Code

တျငးေဖားပထာသညးႏြငး႔ ဆငးတသညး႔ Code of conduct and Ethics အေခခသေဘာတရာမာအာ

သေဘာတလကးခရနးႏြငး႔ ထနးသမးရနးအာေပ တကးတျနးပါသညး၈

3. When does this Code Apply? ၀. ယခ Code အာ မညးသညး႔ အခနးတျငး စတငးအသပရမညးနညး၈

The Code applies to you whenever you are identified as a representative of UAB. In

some circumstances, this will include times when you are outside your immediate workplace or

working hours, for example at work functions, out of hours work activities or when you are out

in the community on behalf of UAB (for example as an UAB volunteer).

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


သငးအာ UAB ၌ ကယးစာပ ပဂၢလးအဖစး သတးမြတးသညးအခနးတငးတျငး Code သညး အက

သကးေရာကးပါသညး၈ အလပးလပးရာေနရာႏြငး႔ အလပးခနးပငးပ အခနးမာအပါအငး အခ႕အေခအေန ကစၥရပး

မာလညး (ဥပမာ အာဖငး႔ အလပးခနးပငးပ work Function မာ (သ႕) UAB ကယးစာအေနဖငး႔ community

သ႔သျာရေသာ အခနးမာ၇ UAB volunteer အေနဖငး႔) ပါငးပါသညး၈

4. Who can support me complying with this Code? ၁. ယခ Code အာ လကးနာရာတျငး ကၽျႏြးပးအာ မညးသမြ အကအညေပႏငးပါသနညး၈

If you need more information or are unsure of UAB‟s expectations or your obligations,

we encourage you to speak with your Compliance Office who is capable to help you understand

what you should avoid in conducting your day to day business & operational activities. Our

Head Office human resources representative or Operational risk representative can also provide

assistance where necessary. The contact details of such personnel will be listed at the end of

this document & they shall be running their Compliance & Risk functions independently and

handle your enquiry or problems with highest level of discretion to protect you from any

potential conflict within your team or operation unit.

သငးအေနဖငး သတငးအခကးအလကးမာပမလအပးလ ြငး (သ႔) UAB ၌ expectation (သ႕) သငး႔


ရာတျငး မညးသညးက ေရြာငးရြာသငး႔သညးက သငးအာနာလညးရနး ကညေပမညး႔ Compliance Officer

ႏြငး႔စကာေပာရနး တကးတျနးပါသညး၈ ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔၌ ရခပးနးထမးေရရာ ကယးစာလြယးမာ (သ႕)

operational risk ကယးစာလြယးမာသညးလညး အေထာကးအပမာက လအပးသလ ေပႏငးပါသညးး၈

ထသမာအာ ဆကးသျယးရနးအခကးအလကးအေသစတးအာယခ document ၌အဆတျငး ေဖားပထာပ

၁ငးတ႔သညး ၁ငးတ႔၌ Compliance & Risk Function မာကသခာ ေဆာငးရျကးရနးႏြငး႔ သငး႔အာအသငးအဖျ႔

(သ႕) Operation Unit အတျငး ဖစးေပ၍ႏငးေသာ သေဘာထာ ကျလျမႈမာ မြ ကာကျယးရနးအတျကး သငး၌

ေမမနးခကးမာ (သ႕) ပသာနာမာအာ အလျနးလႈ႕ ြကးစျာ ကငးတျယး ေဆာငးရျကးမညးဖစးပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


5. How does UAB ensure the effectiveness of this Code? ၂. Code အာထေရာကးမႈရြရနး UAB မြမညးကသ႕ေသာေ ထာကးခခကးမာေပမညးနညး၈

Once the UAB‟s Compliance & Risk Office has established this Code after obtaining

approval from the Board of Directors, Head Office HR is responsible for monitoring the

effectiveness of it by delivering the Code to the UAB‟s employees at all levels & ensuring each

employee is aware of the principles in the Code, and Compliance & Risk Office is also jointly

responsible for ongoing review and enhancement of the Code on a periodic basis.

On commencement of employment and every twelve months after that, everyone who is

employed by or works at UAB must complete the Code of Conduct and Ethics Declaration, to

show that they fully understand the principles of the Code, confirm that they have complied

with them in the previous 12 months and agree to comply with them going forward for another

12 months. All breaches of the Code of Conduct and Ethics are required to be recorded and

reported in line with UAB‟s Disciplinary policies and procedures.

Board Of Directors မာထမြချငး႔ပမနး႔ရရြပ UAB Compliance and Risk Office မြ ယခ Code

အာပဒါနးပသညး႔အခါတျငး Level တငးတျငးရြေသာ UAB နးထမးမာအာလထသ႕ Code ေရာကးရြရနး

ပ႔ေဆာငးေပခငးႏြငး႔ Code တျငးပါငးေသာ အေခခသေဘာတရာ မာက နးထမးတစးသခငးစအလကး

သရြရနး ေသခာေအာငးေဆာငးရျကးပ ၁ငး၌ထေရာကးမႈအာ monitor ပလပးရနး ရခပးနးထမးေရရာဌာန၌

တာနးဖစးပ၇ အခနးအခါအာေလ ြားစျာ Code အာ ဖညး႔စျကးခငးႏြငး႔ review ပလပးရနးအတျကး Complaince

& Risk Office မြ ပတျတာနးရြပါသညး၈

အလပးစတငးခနး႔အပးသညး႔ အခနးမြစ၊ဿလပညး႕တငး UAB မြ ခနး႔အပးထာသညး႔ (သ႔) အလပးလပး

ေနသာ နးထမးမာသညး ၁ငတ႕ Code ၌ Principle မာအာ ပညး႔စျာနာလညးေၾကာငးပသရနးအတျကး

Code of Conduct and Ethics ေၾကငာခကးအာ ပစရမညးဖစပ ပဆခ႔သညး႔ ဿလတျငး သတ႕သညး

၁ငးတ႕အာလကးနာခ႔ေၾကာငးႏြငး႔ ေနာကး ဿလတျငးလညး လးကးနာမညး႔အေၾကာငး အတညးပရနးဖစးသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


Code of Ocnduct and Etnics ခေဖာကးမမာအာလအာ မြတးတမးတငးထာရနးႏြငး႔ UAB 's Disciplinary

policy and procedure အတငး သတငးေပပ႕တငးပရနး လအပးပါသညး၈

6. How can I be sure my conduct complies with this Code? ၃. ကၽျႏြးပး ၌ လပးေဆာငးခကးမာ သညး ယခ Code ႏြငး႔ ကကးညမရြ မရြ မညးသ႔ စစးေဆႏငးပါသနညး၈

While the Code provides general guidance and minimum expectations regarding your

conduct, no code or policy can ever cover every conceivable circumstance you may encounter.

You are expected to listen to and act upon your conscience to help build and maintain UAB‟s

reputation. If you are in doubt about whether your conduct is consistent with this Code, it may

help you to ask yourself the following questions:

Code မြ ေယဘယလမးညႊနးမမာ ႏြငး႔ သငးေဆာငးရျကးရနးအတျကး အနညးဆ ေမြားမြနးခကး

ေပေသားလညး မညးသညး႔ code ႏြငး႔ Policy မြ သငးၾကေတျ႔ႏငးေသာ ဖစးႏငးေခရြသညး အေခအေန

အာလအာ Cover မလပးႏငးပါ၈ သငးၾကာသမြ ႏြငး႔ သငး၌အသစတးႏြငး႔ ေဆာငးရျကးႏငးသမြဖငး႔ UAB ၌

ဂဏးသတငးအာတညးေဆာကးရနးႏြငး႔ ထနးသမးရနး ေမြားလငး႔ပါသညး၈ သငးတျငး သငး၌ လပးေဆာငးခကး

မာသညး ယခcode ႏြငး႔ ကကးညခငးရြ/ မရြ သသယရြပါက ေအာကးပါေမချနးမာအာ သငး႔ကယးသငး

ေမခငးဖငး႔ အကအညရႏငးပါသညး၈

• Does it feel like the right thing to do?

မြနးကနးေသာ အလပးက လပးေနသညးဟခစာရပါသလာ၈

•What would a customer or shareholder expect or want me to do in this situation?

ယခ အေခအေနတျငး customer သ႔ Shareholder ေမ ြားမြနးခကး သ႔ ဆႏၵအေနဖငး႔ မမအာ

မညးးသ႔ေဆာငးရျကး ေစလမညးနညး၈

• What would the reaction be if this was reported in the newspapers?

Training Record & Feedback


& Risk HR

Establish, ongoing development Delivery & enhance awareness

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


သတငးစာ တျငး သတငးပါ ပါက မညးသ႕ တ႕ပနးမဖစးႏငးပါသညးနညး၈

• Would my colleagues or manager consider my behavior appropriate?

မမလပးေဖားကငးဘကး သ႕ မနးေနဂာမြ မမပမႈကငး႔ၾကမ အာမြနးကနးသငးေလြားသညးဟထငးႏငးပါသလာ၈

• What impact might this have on UAB and its commitment to its Values?

UAB ႏြငး႔ ၁ငး ကတေပထာေသာ တနးဖအေပ၍တျငး မညးသ႔ သကးေရာကးမႈမာရြႏငးပါသနညး၈

7. What is the Code of Conduct Principles at UAB? ၄. ယေအဘ၌ Code of Conduct စညးမဥးမာမြာ မညးသညးေတျနညး၈

COC Principles


Honesty &


Conflict of


Comply with Local Laws , our Policies & Report Breaches

Do not give or receive bribes

Privacy & Confidentiality

Respectful & be Safe @


Reputation &





4 5



UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


7.1 Principle # 1. Honesty & Integrity ၄. ရသာေဖာငး႔မတးခငး ႏြငး႔ မြနးကနးခငး

Honesty and integrity are essential to everything we do at UAB. Our success depends on

the trust of our customers, which is earned by acting with honesty and integrity and by

considering UAB, our shareholders, customers, colleagues and the Myanmar community when

making decisions. Honesty and integrity can be just as important in the things we fail to do. For

example, failing to report the suspicious or dishonest conduct of a colleague reflects on your

own honesty and integrity, and may ultimately affect UAB‟s and your personal reputation for

honesty and integrity as well.

UAB embraces Honesty: As an employee of UAB, you may have access to money, information,

goods and documents belonging to UAB or its valued customers. Stealing, borrowing,

misappropriating or converting these items to private use and unauthorized access to

information are criminal actions by Myanmar Law and violate our Code of Conduct. Any proven

offence will result in dismissal and formal notification to the police. You should also ensure that

where you make business-related purchases, whether using a Corporate Fund or your own

funds that are reimbursed by the bank that all expenses are in line with UAB‟s Expense

Management Policy developed by the Finance Team (HO). Adherence to this Policy is a

compliance obligation and is expected of all employees. Concealing errors and omissions, or

attempting to protect fellow employees who have breached UAB‟s regulations, will also be

viewed very seriously. Any employee who deliberately chooses to ignore or cover up the

improper conduct of a colleague may be considered to have assisted in committing the offence

and may be subject to disciplinary measures and/or police action.

သငးသညး ဘဏးမြ ေငျ ပနးလညးထတးယႏငးသညး႔ သငး၌ကယးပငး fund အာဖစးေစ corporate fund

အာဖစးေစအသပ၊ လပးငနးအတျကး ယးယမမာပလပးခ႔ပါက အသစရတးမာအာလသညး ရခပး

(Finance) မြ ထတးပနးထာေသာ Expences Management Policy ႏြငး႔ကကးညရႏးလအပးပါသညး၈

နးထမးမာအာလ ယခ policy အာလကးနာရနးမြာ Compliance ၌ တာနးဖစးပါသညး၈ အမြာမာအာ

ဖကျယးထာခငးႏြငး႔ ေမ႔ေလ ြာ႔ထာခငး သ႔ လပးေဖားကငးဘကး နးထမး UBA regulation ခေဖာကးခငးအာ

ကာကျယးရနးၾကစာခငးစသညးတ႔အာလညး ပငးထနးစျာေဆာငးရျကးပါမညး၈ မညးသညး႔နးထမးမဆ

လပးေဖားကငးဘကး ၌မမြနးကနးေသာ လပးရပးမာအာတမငးတကာ မမငးခငးဟနးေဆာငးခငး သ႔ ဖကျယးခငး

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


တ႔အာ ပစးမတျငး ပေပါငးပါငးသအဖစးသတးမြတးပ ပစးဒဏၤေပခငး သ႔ ရတငးၾကာခငးမာ


ရသာေဖာငး႔မတးခငးႏြငး႔မြနးကနးခငးသညး UAB တျငး ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔ေဆာငးရျကးသညး႔ကစၥတငးအတျကး

အေရပါပါသညး၈ ကၽျႏြးပးတ႕၌ေအာငးမငးခငးသညးရသာေဖာငးမတးစျာေဆာငးရျကးခငးႏြငး႔ UAB , ကၽျႏြးပးတ႕၌

shareholders မာ၇ Customer မာ၇ လပးေဖားကငးဘကးမာႏြငး႔ မနးမာႏငးငသာအာလအတျကး စဥးစာ၊

ဆဖတးခကးခခငးတ႔မြရရြလာသညး႔ customer မာ၌ယၾကညးမအေပ၍တျငးမတညးပါသညး၈ ရသာ

ေဖာငး႔မတးခငးသညး ကၽျႏးြပးတ႔ေဆာငးရျကးရနး ကရခ႔သညးအရာမာတျငးလညး အေရပါပါသညး၈ ဥပမာ -

လပးေဖားကငးဘကးတစးဥ၌ သသယရြဖျယး (သ႕) မမြနးမကနးေဆာငးရျကးခငးအာ တငးပရနး

ကရခ႔ခငးသညးသငး၌ရသာေဖာငး႔မတးခငးအေပ၍တျငး ေရာငး ပနးႏငးႏငး ပ၇ ရသာေဖာငး႔မတးခငးအတျကး

သငး၌ကယးပငးဂဏးသတငးႏြငး႔ ေနာကးဆတျငး UAB အတျကးပါထခကးႏငးပါသညး၈ သငးသညး ဘဏးမြ ေငျ

ပနးလညးထတးယႏငးသညး႔ သငး၌ကယးပငး fund အာဖစးေစ corporate fund အာဖစးေစအသပ၊

လပးငနးအတျကး ယးယမမာပလပးခ႔ပါက အသစရတးမာအာလသညး ရခပး (Finance) မြ

ထတးပနးထာေသာ Expences Management Policy ႏြငး႔ကကးညရႏးလအပးပါသညး၈ နးထမးမာအာလ

ယခ policy အာလကးနာရနးမြာ Compliance ၌ တာနးဖစးပါသညး၈ အမြာမာအာ ဖကျယးထာခငးႏြငး႔

ေမ႔ေလ ြာ႔ထာခငး သ႔ လပးေဖားကငးဘကး နးထမး UBA regulation ခေဖာကးခငးအာ

ကာကျယးရနးၾကစာခငးစသညးတ႔အာလညး ပငးထနးစျာေဆာငးရျကးပါမညး၈ မညးသညး႔နးထမးမဆ

လပးေဖားကငးဘကး ၌မမြနးကနးေသာ လပးရပးမာအာတမငးတကာ မမငးခငးဟနးေဆာငးခငး သ႔ ဖကျယးခငး

တ႔အာ ပစးမတျငး ပေပါငးပါငးသအဖစးသတးမြတးပ ပစးဒဏၤေပခငး သ႔ ရတငးၾကာခငးမာ


UAB သညးရသာေဖာငး႕မတးခငးအာလကးကငးထာခငး - UAB ၌နးထမးအေနဖငး႔သငးသညး UAB (သ႕)

၁ငး၌တနးဖရြေသာ Customer မာ၌ပကးဆ၇ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ၇ ပစၥညးမာႏြငး႔ စာရျကး

စာတမးမာအာ ငးၾကညး႔ႏငးပါသညး၈ ခယခငး၇ ငြာရမးခငး၇ အလျသစာပလပးခငး (သ႕) ၁ငးအရာမာအာ

ကယးပငးအဖစး ေပာငးလညးခငးႏြငး႔ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ ချငး႔ပမနး႔မရြဘ ငးေရာကး

ၾကညး႔ရခငးသညး မနးမာႏငးငဥပေဒအရ ပစးမကလျနးခငးဖစးပ ကၽျႏြးပးတ႕၌ Code of conduct အာ

ခေဖာကးခငး ေမာကးပါသညး၈ သကးေသပႏငးေသာမညးသညး႔ ပစးမႈမဆ အလပးမြထတးပယးခငးႏြငး႔ ရဌာနသ႔

တရာငးသတငးေပပ႔ခငး ခရပါမညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


7.1.1 Fraud Prevention

၄.. လမးလညးမႈမာမြ ကာကျယးခငး

UAB can at any time be the target of fraud and corruption both my internal & external


UABသညး ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔၌ အတျငး နြငး႔ ပငးပ ဆကးဆသမာ၌ လမးလညးခငး ႏြင႔း ခစာခင း တ႔၌

Target အခနးမေရ႔ႊဖစးႏငးပါသညး၈

Fraud and corruption involves dishonest actions, or dishonestly failing to act, that cause

actual or potential financial loss, or an unjust advantage, including theft of money, data or

other property whether or not deception is involved.

လမးလညးခငး ႏြင႔း ခစာခင းတ႔တျငး မရသာေသာ အပအမမာ၇ သ႔ မရသာစျာဖငး႔

မေဆာငးရျကးခငး၇ တ႔ေၾကာငး႔ ေငျေၾကဆရႏငးခငး သ႕ ေငျ ၇ data သ႔ အခာပငးဆငးမမာ ခယခငး

ဆရခငးမာပါငးေသာ သ႔ မမြတေသာ အေခအေန တ႕သညး လမးလညးခငးရြရြ မရြရြ ပါငး ပါသညး၈

Deliberately falsifying, concealing or destroying documentation, particularly financial

statements, of your own, a customer‟s or UAB‟s, is regarded as fraudulent or corrupt action.

သငး၌ သ႔ customer သ႕ UAB ၌ Financial Statement အာ တမငးတကာ စာရျကးစာတမး

မာအာ မြာယျငးခငး ၇ ဖကျယးထာခငး၇ ဖကးစခငး သညး မမြနးကနးေသာ သ႔ ခစာခငး လပးရပးဖစးပါသညး၈

Furthermore, employees or contractors must not be involved in an act or acts of bribery

by providing or promising to provide a benefit, including on-monetary and non-tangible

inducements, to another person where that benefit is not legitimately due.

ထအပငး နးထမးမာ သ႔ ကနးထရကးမာသညး ေငျေၾက သ႔ ကငးတျယး၊ မရေသာ ေမြားမြနးခကးမာ

အပါအငး လဒးေပလဒးယလပးရပးမာ ႏြငး႔ ပလပးခငးမာတျငး သ႔ အကအမတးေပ ပါမညးကတေပခငး

တ႔အာ တရာငးအကအမတးမာ အာအခနးမကမြ ေပခငး တ႔တျငး ပါငး ပတးသကးခငး မရြရပါ၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


Our policies and procedures have been designed to minimize risk to our employees and

UAB as a whole.

ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔၌ Policies and Procedure တ႔သညး ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔နးထမးမာႏြငး႔ UAB တစးခလ အေပ၍တျငး

အႏရာယးကေရာကးမနညးပါရနး တထျငးထာပါသညး၈

You should be alert to unusual activities or requests from other employees or customers

and adhere strictly to UAB‟s policies and procedures.

သငးသညး အခာနးထမးမာ သ႔ customer မာ ႏြငး႔ ထခာေသာ လပးေဆာငးခကးမာ သ႔

ေတာငးဆမမာ ႏြငး႔ တကစျာလကးနာရမညး႔ UBA ၌ policies ႏြငး႕ procedure တ႔အာ အမသတရြရနး


For example, accounts must not be opened or operated infictitious names.

ဥပမာ အာဖငး႔ အမညးအတဖငး႔ account အာဖျငး႔ခငး သ႔ လပးကငးေဆာငးရျကးမရပါ၈

By ensuring that the correct procedures are adhered to at all times, such as hecking a

customer‟s identity, fraud can be prevented.

Customer ၌ Identity မာအာ Hecking ပလပးခငးစသညး႕ လမးလညးမမာအာ ကာကျယး ႏးးငးရနး

အတျကး ထမြနးကနး ေသာ Procedure မာအာ တကစျာလကးနာရမညး၈

The definition and example provided above is not exhaustive.

အထကးတျငး ေဖားပထာေသာ သတးမြတးခကးႏြငး႔ ဥပမာမာမြာ ပညး႔စေစ႕စပးခငးမရြပါ၈

Please refer to the full policies and procedures available on UAB‟s intranet or Compliance

Office (HO) for more information.

ပမပညး႔စေသာ အခကးအလကးမာအတျကး UAB intranet သ႔ ရခပး compliance office

တျငးရြေသာ Policies ႏြငး႔ Procedure အပညး႔အစအာ ကကာပါရနး၈

If you are unsure whether fraud has occurred, or if you are pressured by a customer or

fellow employee to depart from our policies/procedures, consult with your Compliance Officer


UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


သငးသညး အမြာပလပးမခငး မေသခာပါက သ႔ customer မာ မြ သ႔ လပးေဖား ကငးဘကးမာ

မြာအလပးမြ ချခာစျာေဆာငးရျကးရနး ဖအာေပခငးခရပါက compliance officer ႏြငး႔ ခကးခငး ေဆျေႏျ


The Whistleblower Protection Program and Process has also been established to assist

employees to report suspected and actual fraud.

The Whistleblower Protection Program ႏြငး႔ Process သညး သသယရြေသာ ကစၥမာႏြငး႔

အမြနးတကယးလမးလညးမမာအာ သတငးေပပ႔ေသာ နးထမးမာအာ ကညရနးဖစးပါသညး၈

Failure to report fraud will be regarded as seriously as the fraud itself.

လမးလညးမအာ သတငးေပပ႔၄နး ကရခငးသညး လမးလညးမကသ႔ပငး ပစးဒဏးၾကမာပါသညး၈

Failure to adhere to procedures designed to prevent fraud occurring, or failure to report

suspicious activity such as money laundering or terrorism financing, may result in disciplinary

action against an employee.

လမးလညးမအာ ကာကျယးရနး အတျကးပဒါနးထာေသာ Procedure မာအာ လကးနာရနးကရခငး

သ႔ အၾကမးဘကးေငျေၾကေထာကးပခငး သ႔ ေငျေၾကခါခခငးစသညး႔ သသယရြဖျယး အပအမမာအာ

သတငးေပပ႔ရနး ကရခငးတ႕သညး နးထမးအာ Disciplinary action အရ အေရယေဆာငးရျကးခငး


7.1.2 What you must do to embrace Honesty! ၄..ဿ ရသာေဖာငး႔မတးခငးကလကးကငးထာရနးအတျကးသငးမညးသ႕ေဆာငးရျကးသငး႔သနညး၈

• Immediately report any suspicious of fraud, tax evasion, theft or other dishonest

behavior by others (including colleagues, your supervisor/ manager or customers).

အခာသမာ (လပးေဖားကငးဘကးမာ၇ သငး၌အထကးလၾက/ မနးေနဂာသ႕ customer မာ

အပါအငး) ၌ လမးလညးမဟသသယရြဖျယးမာ၇ အချနးေငျတမးေရြာငးခငးမာ၇ ခယခငးမာ (သ႕)

မရသာေသာ အပအမမာအာ ခကးခငးသတငးေပပ႔ပါ၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


• Never improperly use your title with UAB, or any information you receive through your

work at UAB, to further your own personal interests, or help others to do so.

UAB ရြမမရာထ (သ႕) UAB တျငး အလပးလပးေနစဥး ရရြေသာသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ

မမကယးကအတျကး (သ႔) အခာသမာ၌အကအတျကး မမြနးမကနးအသမပပါႏြငး၈

• Never help a customer or anyone else to break or evade the law. (e.g. Tax evading)

Customer (သ႔) အခာသအာ ဥပေဒခေဖာကးႏငးရနး ကညခငးမပပါႏြငး၈ (ဥပမာ - အချနးတမး


• Be honest in all of your communications and dealings with UAB, including with your line

manager, Head of Department, colleagues, customers, auditors and regulators. This

includes communications and dealings as a customer, as well as someone who works

with UAB.

သငး၌ UAB အပါအငးသငးအထကးလၾက၇ ဌာနေခါငးေဆာငး၇ လပးေဖားကငးဘကးမာ၇ Customers

မာ၇ စာရငးစစးမာႏြငး႔ ထနးသမးေရအဖျ႔ငးမာႏြငး႔ ဆကးသျယး၇ ဆကးဆေရမာအာလအာ

ရသာစျာဆကးဆရမညး၈ ၁ငးတျငး Customer မာႏြငး႔ဆကးသျယးဆကးဆေရႏြငး႔အတ UAB

တျငးလပးကငးေနေသာသတစးဥႏြငး႔ ဆကးဆေရလညး ပါပါသညး၈

• Ensure all dealings (such as transactions or commitments) with customers, suppliers or

third parties are properly recorded and transparent.

Customer မာ၇ Suppliers မာ (သ႕) third parties မာႏြငး႔ပတးသကးဆကးဆမႈမာအာလ (ဥပမာ

- Transaction မာသ႕ commitment မာ) အာ ေသခာစျာ မြတးတမးထာရနးႏြငး႔ ပျငး႔လငးမငးသာမႈ

ရြရနး စစးေဆရမညး၈

• Use UAB assets and funds for proper purposes and keep accurate and transparent

records of all payments or receipts for transactions using UAB funds.

UAB ၌ Assets မာႏြငး႔ေငျေၾကမာအာ မြနးကနးေသာရညးရျယးခကးဖငး႔ သစျရနးႏြငး႔႔ UAB ၌ fund

အာသစျသညး႔ Transaction မာ၌ Payment သ႕ Receipt မာအာလအာ ပျငး႔လငးမငးသာေသာ


UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


Never structure or amend any transaction to disguise, conceal or misrepresent the involvement of any party or the true nature of the transaction (for example, to conceal money laundering or the involvement of sanctioned countries, entities or individuals). Transaction ၌အမြနးသေဘာတရာ (သ႕) မညးသညး႔အဖျ႔အစညးပါငးသညးက ေဖာကးဖကးရနး၇ဖကျယးရနး (သ႕) မြာယျငးစျာတငးပခငးတ႕အတျကး Transaction မာအာ ပငးဆငးခငး (သ႕) တညးေဆာကးခငးမာ မပလပးရ၈ (ဥပမာ - Money Laundering သ႕ senctioned ႏငးငမာ၇ အဖျ႔အစညးမာ၇ ပဂၢလးမာ ပါငးပတးသကးမႈအာဖကျယးခငး)

7.2 Principle # 2. Value UAB‟s Interests, Reputation & Image ၄.ဿ စညးမဥး # ဿ. ယေအဘ၌ တနးဖထာေသာ အကစပျာႏြငး႔ ဂဏးသတငးမာ

UAB‟s reputation as a trusted and respected organization is one of our greatest assets.

Each of us has the ability to build and maintain it, or to harm that reputation and

undermine our Bank‟s performance. Our shareholders, customers and Myanmar

community expect UAB and everyone who works at UAB to act professionally and

ethically. We must do what we can to meet these expectations and support/ help others

to do the same. In everything you do, you should consider how you or someone else‟s

actions could impact on our Bank‟s performance, reputation or other assets (both

tangible and intangible) and take action to prevent or remedy anything that could

adversely impact UAB.

UAB ၌ ယၾကညးရခငး ႏြငး ေလစာအာကရခငးဟေသာ ဂဏးသတငးသညး ကၽျႏြးပးတ႕အတျကး

အၾကမာဆေသာ assets ဖစးပါသညး၈ ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔တစးဥခငးစတျငး ထဂဏးသတငးအာ တညးေဆာကးရနးႏြငး႔

ထနးသမးႏငးခငးသ႔ ဂဏးသတငးအာထခကးေစပ ဘဏး၌စျမးေဆာငးေရ ကဆငးေအာငး ေဆာငးရျကး

ႏငး ခငး မာ ရြပါသညး၈ ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔၌ shareholder မာ, customer မာ ႏြငး႔ မနးမာႏငးင အဖျႊအစညးမာမြလႊ၊

UAB ႏြငး႔ UAB တျငး အလပးလပးေနသမာသညး အရညးအေသျပညးစျာႏြငး႔ ကယးကငး႔တရာပညး႔စစျာ

လပးေဆာငးေနထငးရမညး၈ ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔သညး ထေမြားမြနးခကးႏြငး႔ ကကးညေအာငး မမတ႔တကးစျမးသမြၾကစာပ

အခာသမာအာလညး ထသ႔လပးေဆာငးႏငးရနး ေထာကးပ/ကညေပရမညး၈

သငးလပးသမြ အရာတငးတျငး သငး၌ သ႔ အခာသတစးဥ၌ လပးေဆာငးမႈသညး ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔ဘဏး၌

ေဆာငးရျကးခကးမာ၇ ဂဏးသတငးႏြငး႔ အခာ assets (tangible ႏြငး႔ intangible ႏြစးခစလ) အေပ၍

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


အကသကးေရာကးႏငးမႈအာ စဥးစာရနးႏြငး႔ UAB အေပ၍ ဆဆရျာရျာထခကးႏငးေသာ လပးေဆာငးခကးမာ

အာကာကျယးတာဆရနး (သ႕) ကစာရနး လပးေဆာငးရမညး၈

7.2.1 Media discussions/publicity (includes Social Media, Forums

& Blogs) ၄.ဿ. လမႈဆကးသျယးေရက႑မာႏြငး႔ ေတျ႔ဆမႈ (လမႈဆကးသျယးေရမဒယာ၇ ေဆျေႏျပျႏြငး႔


Employees, other than those specifically authorized, are not permitted to give interviews

to the news media radio, press, television, etc.), or to make public statements on any aspect of

UAB or its operations. In matters of topical interest, employees are unlikely to be in a position

to know all the facts and consequently may give the wrong impression and/or information

which could prove damaging to UAB‟s reputation. Similarly, statements on industrial disputes

can be easily misinterpreted when they are not based on a complete knowledge of the facts of

a particular case. Employees are also not permitted to allow press or television photographers

to photograph the interior of UAB premises without approval from Corporate Affairs or CEO

Office. Employees are expected to actively support and „speak up‟ for their colleagues, the

organization‟s decisions and the communities we work with and not to put their personal

agenda ahead of the organization and/or its customers.

အထချငး႔ပမနး႔ရြသမာမြအပ နးထမးမာသညးသတငးမဒယာမာ၇ ပႏြပးမာ၇ တဗမာ စသညး႔တ႔တျငး

Interview ချငး႔ (သ႕) UAB (သ႕ ) ၁ငး၌ လပးေဆာငးခကးမာအတျကး Public Statement မာ

ပလပးချငး႔မရြပါ၈ အဓကကေသာ ကစၥရပးမာႏြင႔းပတးသကး၊ နးထမးမာသညး အခကးမာအာလသရြရနး

ေနရာတျငး မရြႏငးပါေသာေၾကာငး႕ UAB ၌ဂဏးသတငးအာ ထခကးေစႏငးေသာ သကးေသအဖစးေစႏငးသညး႔

မြာယျငးေသာ ထငးမငးခကး ႏြငး႔/သ႔ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ ေပမႏငးပါသညး၈ ထနညးတစျာပငး

Industrial Dispute အတျကး Statement သညးလညး ၁ငးတ႕သညး ထကစၥဖစးရပး တစးခ လအာ

ပညး႔စစျာသရြနာလညးခငးမရြပါက လျယးကစျာအဓပၸါယးေကာကး လျမြာႏငးပါသညး၈ Corporate Affairs ႏြငး႔

CEO Office မြချငး႔ပမနး႔မရြဘ နးထမးမာသညး UAB အေဆာကးအဥအတျငးတျငး Press သ႔ Television

ဓာတးပဆရာမာမြ ဓာတးပရကးခငးအာလညး ချငး႔မပပါ၈ နးထမးမာသညး ၁ငးတ႔အေရအာ အဖျ႔အစညးႏြငး႔

Customer မာထကး ေရြ႔တနးမတငးဘ ၁ငးတ႔၌ လပးေဖားကငးဘကးမာ ၇ အဖျ႔အစညး၌ဆဖတးခကးႏြငး႔

ကၽျႏြးပးတ႔၌ အဖျ႔အစညးအတျကး ေပာဆချငး႔ႏြငး႔ တကးၾကျစျာ ေထာကးခမႈတ႕အာ ေမြားလငး ႀကဆပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


7.2.2 What you must do to Protect & Maintain UAB‟s Interests &

Reputation! ၄.ဿ.ဿ သငးသညး ယေအဘ၌ အကစပျာႏြငး႔ ဂဏးသတငးက ကာကျယးရနး မညးသညးတ႔က လပးေဆာငး


• Undertake your duties with care and diligence. Remember, you are responsible for the

decisions you make and the actions you take.

သငး၌ တာနးအာ ဂရတစကးႏြငး႔ ႀကစာထမးေဆာငးရမညး၈ သငး၌ဆဖတးခကးမာႏြငး႔ သငး၌

လပးေဆာငးခကးမာအတျကး သငးသာလြငးတာနးရြေၾကာငး သတရြပါ၈

• Deal fairly and honestly with all UAB‟s customers, suppliers, competitors and any other

third parties or business partners.

UAB ၌ customers, suppliers, competitors ႏြငး႔ Other third Party သ႕ Business Partner မာ

ၾကာတျငးရသာစျာႏြငး႔ မြတစျာဆကးဆရမညး၈

• Only provide advice to customers that you are authorized to provide in the course of

your work. For example, you must not provide legal or tax advice or financial advice

where UAB‟s Management has not authorized you to do so.

သငး၌ အလပးတျငး customer အာ ေပရနးချငး႔ပထာေသာ အၾကအညဏးမာသာ ေပရပါမညး၈

ဥပမာ - UAB management မြချငး႔မပထာသညး႔ ဥပေဒဆငးရာ (သ႕) အချနး (သ႕) ေငျေၾက အၾက


• Help protect UAB and its customers against potential theft or fraud.

UAB ႏြငး႔ သ၌ customer မာအာ ခယခငး ႏြငး႔ လမးလညးခငး ခရႏငး ခငး တ႔မြ ကညကာကျယး


• Help protect UAB from being associated with money laundering or terrorist financing

(AML CFT), or from transacting with countries, entities or individuals who are subject to

economic sanctions. This includes being alert to suspicious customer behavior and

reporting suspicious activity set out by HO Compliance Office.

UAB အာ ေငျေၾကခါခခငး ႏြငး႔ အၾကမးဘကးမာအာ ေငျေၾကေထာကးပခငး တ႔ႏြငး႔ ပတးသကးခငး

မြကညကာကျယးရနး၈ (AML CFT) သ႔ Economic sanction ထထာေသာ အဖျ႔အစညးမာ ပဂၢလမာ၇

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


ႏငးငမာမြ Transaction မာဖစးသညး၈ ၁ငးတျငး ရခပး compliance Office မြ ခထာေသာ

သသယရြဖျယး လပးေဆာငးခကးမာႏြငး႔ သသယရြဖျယး customer အပအမႈမာ ပါငးပါသညး၈

• Exercise your authorities, including your credit discretion, expenditure commitment and

payment discretions and corporate credit/ debit card funds, responsibly and within their

limits. You are responsible for understanding your authorities, including any relevant

limits, and are accountable for how they are used.

သငး၌ေခေငျဆဖတးချငး႔၇ ချငး႔ပခကးအတျငးရြ အသစရတးႏြငး႔ payment ဆဖတးချငး႔ ႏြငး႔ Corporate

Debit/Credit card fund မာအပါအငး သငး၌လပးပငးချငး႔မာအာ တာနးရြစျာ Limit အတျငး

အသပရမညး၈ သငးသညး သငး၌ လပးပငးချငး႔အာ နာလညးထာရနးႏြငး႔ သကးဆငးရာ limit မာႏြငး႔

၁ငးတ႕အသပပမာသညး သငး႔တျငးတာနးရြေၾကာငး နာလညးထာရနးမြာ သငး၌တာနးဖစးသညး၈

• Behave in a way that takes into account our impact on the broader community and the

environment in both the short and long term.

ေရတႏြငး႔ ေရရြညးႏြစးခစလတျငး ပတး နးကငးႏြငး႔ လအဖျ႔အစညးအတျကး ကၽျႏြးပးတ႕၌ အက

သကးေရာကးမႈအာ ထညး႔သျငး စဥးစာပ ပမေဆာငးရျကးသငး႔ပါသညး၈

• Use all of UAB‟s systems and equipment appropriately and for proper work related

purposes. This includes email, messaging, internet access, and technology and banking


UAB ၌ system ႏြငး႔ ပစၥညးအသအေဆာငးမာအာ မြနးကနးသငး႔ေလြားစျာႏြငး႔ အလပးႏြငး႔

သကးဆငးေသာ ကစၥရပးမာအတျကးသာ သစျရနး၈ ၁ငးတျငး email, messaging, internet access,

and technology and banking systems စသညးတ႕ ပါငးပါသညး၈

• Never entertain customers or clients or participate in UAB activities or functions in a way

that may damage UAB‟s reputation, for example by consuming excessive alcohol or

attending an inappropriate adult venue.

UAB ၌အမညး ဂဏးသကၡာ ထခကးပကးပာေစႏငးေသာ ပစဖငး႔ Customers (သ႕) Client

ေကနပးေအာငး ေဆာငးရျကးခငး (သ႕) UAB ၌ လႈပးရြာမႈမာ (သ႕) ပျမာတျငးပါငးခငးမာ မပလပး

သငး႔ပါ၈ ဥပမာ - အရကးအလျနးအကၽျနးေသာကးသခငး (သ႕) တကးေရာကးရနး မသငး႔ေလ ြားေသာ

ပျမာသ႔ တကးေရာကးခငး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


7.3 Principle # 3. Respectful & Safe working environment ၄.၀ စညးမဥး # ၀. ေလစာဖျယးေကာငးၿပအႏရာယးကငးေသာလပးငနးချငး

UAB values difference and is committed to achieving a truly diverse workforce to

promote Values resulted from difference and diversity that remains inclusive and respectful of

each other‟s differences. We are all obliged to treat each other we deal through our work at

UAB with dignity and respect, whether they are colleagues, customers, suppliers or other third

parties. Unlawful discrimination, harassment of any kind, bullying or victimization or other

unacceptable or offensive conduct will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We believe

the safety, security and physical and mental health of our people lie at the heart of each

person‟s ability to contribute to our success& propitious future. We respect the right of all

individuals to work in a safe working environment that promotes wellbeing & optimum creativity

which enhances efficiency & focus on each dedicated job we are responsible to do.

UAB သညး မတကျ ပာမႈမာကတနးဖထာၿပ ထမတညမႈမာမြ မမတ႔၌ တနးဖအာမႇငးတငးရနး

အတျကး အငးအာကရရြရနးႏြငး မတကျ ပာမႈမာရြသညးတငးေအာငး အခငးခငးေလစာမႈရြရနး တာဝနးယပါ

သညး၈ ကၽျႏးပးတ႔သညး လပးေဖားကငးဖကးအခငးခငးဖစးေစ၇ customers မာႏြငးဖစးေစ၇ suppliers မာႏြငး

ဖစးေစ၇ အခာသမာႏြငး ဖစးေစ UAB ၌ အလပးကစၥမာႏြငးပတးသကး၊ ဆကးဆရာတျငး သကၡာရြစျာႏြငး

ေလေလစာစာ ဆကးဆပါသညး၈ ဥပေဒႏြငးမညေသာချ ခာဆကးဆခငး၇ တစးနညးနညးဖငး ေႏြာငးယြကးခငး၇

အႏငးကငးခငး (သ႔) ဒကၡဖစးေစခငး (သ႔) အခာလကးမခႏငးဖျယးအပအမမာကမညးသညးအေခအေနတျငးမြ

ချငးမပပါ၈ ကၽျႏးတ႔၌ ေအာငးမငးမႈႏြငး ပမေကာငးမျနးေသာအနာဂါတးအတျကး ကၽျႏးတ႔ဝနးထမးတစးဦခငးစ၌

ပါဝငး ေဆာငးရျကးႏငးစျမးသညး ဝနးထမးမာ၌ လၿခစတးခရမႈ၇ ကယးႏြငးစတးကနးမာမႈတ႔တျငး မတညးသညးဟ

ယၾကညးပါသညး၈ ကၽျႏးပးတ႔သညး တစးဦခငးစတငး၌ အႏရာယးကငးေသာလပးငနးချငးတျငး လပးကငးရနး

အချငးေရကေလစာတနးဖထာပါသညး၈ အႏရာယးကငးေသာလပးငနးချငးတျငး လပးကငးရခငးသညး

ေကာငးမျနးေသာ ဖနးတမႈမာက ဖစးေပ၍ေစၿပ ကၽျႏးတ႔လပးေဆာငးရမညး တာဝနးမာက ထထေရာကးေရာကး


7.3.1 Our Personal Conduct – Individual‟s standard of Morale & Ethics ၄.၀. ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌ ကယးပငးကငးႀကမႈမာ-တစးဦခငးစ၌ စတးဓာတးႏြငး ကငးဝတးစႏႈနးမာ

The business of providing financial services is reliant on the trust, confidence and

goodwill of the public. As an employee of UAB, you should always behave in a professional

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


manner that will foster trust, confidence and goodwill in customers and colleagues and in the

community as a whole. This can be achieved by following UAB‟s conduct and behavioral

guidelines that aim to foster an environment that values employees, respects diversity and

guide us in the way in which we should behave in the workplace and at work related functions.

ဘ႑ာေရဝနးေဆာငးမႈလပးငနးမာသညး ပညးသလထ၌ ယၾကညးမႈ၇ စတးခမႈႏြငး နာမညး ဂဏးသတငး

ေကာငးတ႔ေပ၍တျငး မတညးပါသညး၈ ယေအဘ၌ ဝနးထမးတစးဦအေနဖငး သငးတ႔သညး အၿမတမး

ပညာရြငးပသစျာ ပမေနထငးရမညးဖစးၿပ ထသ႔ပလပးခငးဖငး customersမာ၇ လပးေဖားကငးဖကးမာႏြငး မမတ႔

ဆကးဆရသညး အသငးအဝငးတစးခလတျငး ယၾကညးမႈ၇ စတးခမႈႏြငး နာမညးဂဏးသတငးေကာငး ရရြမညး

ဖစးပါသညး၈ ထအခကးမာအာယေအဘ၌ စညးကမးမာႏြငး ပမေဆာငးရျကးပဆငးရာ လမးညျနးခကးမာက

လကးနာခငးဖငး ရရြႏငးပါသညး၈ ထစညးကမးမာႏြငး ပမေဆာငးရျကးပဆငးရာ လမးညျနးခကးမာသညး

ဝနးထမးမာကတနးဖထာေသာ၇ မတကျ ပာမႈမာကေလစာေသာပတးဝနးကငး ဖစးေပ၍လာေစရနး ရညးရျယး

ပါသညး၈ ထ႔ပငး ။တ႔သညး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အာ လပးငနးချငးအတျငးႏြငး လပးငနးပငးဆငးရာကစၥရပးမာ ေဆာငးရျကး

ရာတျငး မညးကသ႔ ပမေဆာငးရျကးရမညးက လမးညျနးေပပါသညး၈

At all times your actions, both in and out of the workplace, should be respectful,

professional, kind and beyond reproach. You need to ensure you act in a professional manner in

accordance with all policies, procedures, laws and regulations pertaining to your role and hold

yourself accountable for all your actions which include accessing authorized information only for

work-related tasks.

လပးငနးချငးအတျငး၉ေရာ၇ လပးငနးချငးပငးပတျငးပါ မမတ႔၌ ပမေဆာငးရျကးမႈမာသညး အခနးတငး

တျငးေလစာေလာကးဖျယးေကာငးေသာ၇ ပညာရြငးပသေသာ၇ ႏညေသာ၇ အပစးတငး ကရ႔ဖျယးမရြေသာ ပမ

ေဆာငးရျကးမႈမဖစးရပါမညး၈ မမတ႔၌ပမေဆာငးရျကးမႈသညး မမတ႔ႏြငး သကးဆငးသညး မဝါဒမာ၇ လပးထ

လပးနညးမာ၇ ဥပေဒမာ၇ စညးမဥးမာႏြငး ကကးညမႈရြမရြ ေသခာဆနးစစးရနးလအပးၿပ မမ၌ ပမ

ေဆာငးရျကးမႈတငး (လပးငနးပငး ဆငးရာအလကး ချငးပထာသညး သတငးအခကးအလကးမာရယခငး

အပါအဝငး) အတျကး တာဝနးယမႈရြရပါမညး၈

7.3.2 What we must do to ensure treating or being treated respectfully! ၄.၀.ဿ ေလေလစာစာဆကးဆရနး (သ႔မဟတး) ေလစာစျာဆကးဆခငးခရရနး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အေနဖငး မညးသညး

အခကးမာက လပးေဆာငးရမညးနညး၈

• Treat all people you deal with through your work at UAB with dignity and respect.

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


ယေအဘ၌အလပးကစၥႏြငးပတးသကး၊ ဆကးဆရသမာအာလကသကၡာရြစျာဖငး ေလေလစာစာ ဆကးဆ


• Make employment decisions based on merit, and not on attributes that are irrelevant to

employment or performance.

လပးငနးႏြငး သကးဆငးသညး ဆဖတးခကးမာအာ လပးငနး(သ႔) လပးငနးစျမးေဆာငးရညးႏြငး ပတးသကးသညး

အာသာခကးမာေပ၍ အေခခ၊ ဆဖတးပါ၈ လပးငနးႏြငးမသကးဆငးသညး (သ႔) လပးငနးစျမးေဆာငးရညးႏြငး

မသကးဆငးသညး အခကးမာေပ၍အေခခ၊ မဆဖတးပါႏြငး၈

• Never unlawfully discriminate, harass or bully your colleagues, customers, visitors or anyone

else in the workplace. This includes being aware that some behavior may be acceptable to you

but not to others, and acting appropriately.

သငး၌လပးေဖားကငးဖကးမာ၇ Customer မာ၇ visitorမာ (သ႔) အခာသမာအာ လပးငနးချငးတျငး

မညးသညးအခါတျငးမြ ဥပေဒႏြငးမညေသာ ချခာဆကးဆမႈမာ၇ အေႏြာငးအယြကးေပမႈ (သ႔) အႏငးကငးမႈမာ


• Contribute to promoting a safe working environment by taking responsibility for health and

safety and reporting any issues as soon as possible.

ကနးမာေရႏြငး အႏရာယးကငးရြငးေရအတျကး တာဝနးယလပးေဆာငးခငးႏြငး ပနာတစးစ တစးရာရြပါက

အမနးဆအေၾကာငးၾကာခငးဖငး လၿခစတးခရေသာ လပးငနးချငးဖစးေစရနး ေဆာငးရျကးမႈတျငး ပေပါငးပါဝငးပါ၈

• Never treat somebody less favorably because they have brought or propose to bring a

genuine complaint of unacceptable behavior.

မညးသ႔ကမြ လကးမခႏငးဖျယး အပအမမာအတျကး သေဘာရဖငး တငးၾကာခကးပလပးခငး (သ႔)

တငးၾကာမညးဟ ယဆခငး အေၾကာငးပခကးဖငး ႏြမးခဆကးဆခငး မပပါႏြငး၈

7.4 Principle # 4. Privacy & Confidentiality ၄.၁ စညးမဥး#၁. သသနး႔ဖစးခငး ႏြငး လြ႕ဝြကးေဆာငးရျကးခငး

In your work at UAB, you may come across private and confidential information relating to

Business, colleagues, customers, suppliers or other third parties. When people provide us with

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


this type of information, they trust us and our Brand UAB. Misuse of confidential and private

information can have severe commercial and reputational consequences for all of us and can

also greatly affect those whose information is misused. If people feel they can‟t trust us with

their information they are unlikely to trust us with their finances or business. UAB is committed

to maintaining the confidentiality and security of this information and you are expected to do

your part to help honor this uniform commitment.

ယေအဘရြသငး၌လပးငနးချငးတျငး လပးငနးကစၥရပးမာ၇ လပးေဖားကငးဖကးမာ၇ customer၇ suppliers (သ႔)

အခာသမာႏြငး ပတးသကးသညး သသနး႔လြ႕ဝြကးထာရမညး သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ ရြႏငးပါသညး၈

လအမာအေနဖငး ကၽျႏးတ႔အာ ထကသ႔ေသာ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာေပခငးမြာ ။တ႔အေနဖငး

ကၽျႏးတ႔ႏြငး ယေအဘက ယၾကညးေသာေၾကာငးဖစးသညး၈ လြ႕ဝြကးသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ အလျ

သစာပလပးလြငး ေနာကးဆကးတျအကဆကးအေနဖငး ကၽျႏးတ႔အာလ၌ စပျာေရႏြငး နာမညးဂဏးသတငး

ထခကးမညးဖစးၿပ သတငးအခကးအလကးအလျသစာပလပးခငးခရသတျငးလညး ႀကစျာေသာ အက

သကးေရာကးမႈ ဖစးေစႏငးပါသညး၈ အကယး၊ ကၽျႏးတ႔အာ လအမာမြ ။တ႔၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာႏြငး

ပတးသကး၊ မယၾကညးႏငးလြငး ။တ႔အေနဖငး ။တ႔၌ေငျေၾကကစၥရပးမာ (သ႔) စပျာေရလပးငနးမာႏြငး

ပတးသကး၊လညး ယၾကညးမညးမဟတးပါ၈ ယေအဘသညး ထသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ

လြ႕ဝြကးထနးသမးရနးႏြငး လၿခေရတ႔အတျကး တာဝနးယထာၿပ ဝနးထမးမာအေနဖငးလညး ထတာဝနး

ယမႈႏြငးပတးသကး၊ မမတ႔ႏြငး သကးဆငးသညး အပငးက႑မာတျငး ပါဝငးကညၾကေစလပါသညး၈

7.4.1 Confidentiality and disclosure - Insider Trading ၄.၁. လြ႕ဝြကးခငးႏြငး ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာခငး- Insider Trading

UAB holds a great range of confidential information regarding our customers, staff, our

suppliers and our internal business affairs both domestically and internationally. This

information must only be accessed if it is required in order to fulfill a work-related task.

ယေအဘသညး မမတ႔၌ customer မာ၇ ဝနးထမးမာ၇ supplier မာႏြငး ပညးတျငးပညးပရြ မမတ႔၌

စပျာေရကစၥရပးမာႏြငး သကးဆငးသညး မာပာစျာေသာ လြ႕ဝြကးသတငးအခကးအလကးမာက ထနးသမး

ထာရပါသညး၈ ဤသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ အလပးႏြငးသကးဆငးသညး ကစၥရပးမာ ေဆာငးရျကးရနး

အတျကး လအပးမြသာလြငး ရယရပါမညး၈

Any access to customer, staff, supplier or business information other than that required

for work purposes will be deemed as unauthorized access.

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


လပးငနးလအပးခကးႏြငးမသကးဆငးဘCustomerမာ၇ ဝနးထမးမာ၇ supplier မာ (သ႔) လပးငနးမာ၌

သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ ရယလြငး တရာမဝငး ရယမႈအဖစး မြတးယမညးဖစးသညး၈

Similarly releasing or trading this information to unauthorized sources, internal or

external, is prohibited. If you wish to gain access to such confidential information for a work-

related task you will need to obtain proper authorization–for more information speak with

Senior Management Team member or Compliance Office (HO).Such information must never be

provided to, or discussed with, any unauthorized person within or outside UAB or be used for

personal/financial advantage in case of selling the information to competitors or other personnel

or organizations. Information obtained before, during or after your employment, whether it

concerns the business affairs of UAB, UAB‟s staff, customers or suppliers must always be

treated as confidential. Only in very limited circumstances, generally involving legal matters, can

confidential information be disclosed outside of UAB.

အလာတပငး ထသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ အဖျ႔အစညးအတျငး(သ႔) ပငးပရြ ရယချငးမရြသညး

သမာအာထတးေပခငး (သ႔) ေရာငးခခငးမာက ချငးမပပါ၈ အကယး၊ အလပးႏြငးသကးဆငးသညး

ကစၥရပးအတျကး ထကသ႔ေသာလြ႕ဝြကးသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ ရယလပါက Senior Management

အဖျ႕ဝငး (သ႔) ရခပးရြ Compliance Office ႏြငး ေပာၾကာ၊ တရာဝငးချငးပခကးရယရနး လအပးပါသညး၈

ထကသ႔ေသာ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ ယေအဘအဖျ႔အတျငး (သ႔) ပငးပရြ မသကးဆငးသညး

သမာအာ ထတးေပခငး (သ႔) ထသတ႔ႏြငး ေဆျေႏျ ခငးမာ မညးသညးအခါတျငးမြ မပလပးရပါ၈ မမ၌

ကယးကအတျကး ၿပငးဘကးအဖျ႔အစညးမာ (သ႔႔) အခာသမာ (သ႔) အခာအဖျ႕အစညးမာသ႔ ေရာငးခခငး

မပလပးရပါ၈ သငးအလပးမဝငးေရာကးမ၇ အလပးလပးကငးဆ၇ အလပးဝငးေရာကးၿပေနာကးပငး ရရြသညး

ယေအဘ၌ လပးငနးႏြငးပတးသကးသညး သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ၇ ယေအဘဝနးထမးမာ၌ သတငးအခကး

အလကးမာ၇ Customer (သ႔) Supplier မာ၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာက လြ႕ဝြကးေဆာငးရျကးရပါမညး၈

အထအေခအေနမာ (ေယဘယအာဖငး ဥပေဒႏြငးပတးသကးသညး ကစၥရပးမာ)တျငးသာ လြ႕ဝြကးသတငး

အခကးအလကးမာက ယေအဘပငးပသ႔ ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာရပါမညး၈

UAB‟s internal systems (such as Core Banking system, CRM, and Compliance Applications; such as AML/CFT software) should not be used to access your own personal customer profiles or those of your family, friends, staff or well-known identities.

ယေအဘဘဏးအတျငးစနစးမာ (ဥပမာ- Core Banking system၇ CRM ႏြငး Compliance Applications၇ AML/CFT software) က သငး၌ကယးပငးကစၥရပး၇ သငးမသာစ၇ သငးမတးေဆျ၇ သငး၌ဝနးထမး (သ႔) သငးႏြငးသကၽျမးသမာ၌ ကစၥရပးမာအတျကး အသမပရပါ၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


If you require any information regarding your own relationship with UAB as a customer,

please refer these questions to your banker, internet banking, or call UAB Customer Service

Hotline and refer your family members and friends via the same channels. This will ensure that

you do not risk breaching the Code of Conduct by accessing information without authorization;

otherwise it will become infringement of Information Security Policy and practicing Insider

Trading Activity which is heavily prohibited by Law.

အကယး၊ သငးအေနဖငး ယေအဘ၌ Customer တစးဦအဖစးဖငး သတငးအခကးအလကးရယရနး

လအပးပါက သငးသရြလသညးအခကးအလကးက သငး၌ဘဏးချ၇ internet banking သ႔ ေမမနးခငး (သ႔)

UAB Customer Service Hotline သ႔ ေခ၍ဆေမမနးခငးမာ ပလပးပါ၈ သငးမသာစမာႏြငး

မတးေဆျမာအာလညး ထလမးေၾကာငးအတငးပငး ညျနးဆေပပါ၈ သ႔မြသာ သငးအေနဖငးး သတငးအခကး

အလကးမာတရာမဝငးရယခငးဖငး စညးကမးခေဖာကးမႈက မကလျနးေၾကာငး ေသခာမညးဖစးသညး၈

ထသ႔မပလပးပါက ဥပေဒအရပငးထနးစျာ တာမစးထာသညး Information Security Policy and practicing

Insider Trading Activity က ခေဖာကးသကသ႔ ဖစးပါလမးမညး၈

Further, personal information about customers of UAB or about other individuals having

dealings with UAB (e.g. contractors) must, among other things, be viewed, collected, used,

disclosed, updated, stored securely and destroyed only in accordance with the Information

Security Policy. Personal information is any information or opinion about individuals, including in

particular about UAB‟s customers, whether true or not, whose identity is apparent or can

reasonably be ascertained from that information or opinion. It is your ethical obligation to

maintain the trust and confidence of our customers and to do this by protecting relevant

personal and confidential information. You are also obliged, as a matter of law in Myanmar, to

ensure that all personal information that comes to your knowledge before, during, or after your

employment with UAB is protected in accordance with UAB‟s Principles and Policies.

ထပးမ၊ ယေအဘ၌ customer မာ (သ႔) ယေအဘႏြငး ဆကးဆေနရသညးအခာသမာ (ဥပမာ-

contractor မာ)၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာက ရယခငး၇ အသပခငး၇ ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာခငး၇ update

ပလပးခငး၇ သမးဆညးခငးႏြငး ဖကးဆခငးတ႔က Information Security Policy ႏြငးအည လပးေဆာငး

ရပါမညး၈ ကယးေရသတငးအခကးအလကးမာဆသညးမြာ ယေအဘ၌ customer မာ အပါအဝငး တစးဦခငး

စ၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ (သ႔) ထငးမငးယဆခကးမာဖစးပါသညး၈ ထအခကးမာသညး မြနးသညးဖစးေစ၇

မြာသညးဖစးေစ ထအခကးမာမြတဆငး ထသ၌အေထာကးအထာအခကးအလကးမာက သမငးႏငး (သ႔)

မြနးဆႏငးပါသညး၈ ကၽျႏးပးတ႔ Customer မာ၌ ယၾကညးမႈကထနးသမးရနးႏြငး ။တ႔၌ ကယးေရအခကး

အလကးမာႏြငး လြ႕ဝြကးသတငးအခကးအလကးမာက ကာကျယးရနးမြာ ဝနးထမးမာ၌ ကငးဝတးတာဝနး

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


ဖစးပါသညး၈ ယေအဘတျငး သငးအလပးမဝငးေရာကးမ၇ အလပးလပးကငးဆ၇ အလပးဝငးေရာကးၿပ ေနာကးပငး

ရရြသညး ကယးေရသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ ယေအဘ၌ စညးမဥးႏြငး မဝါဒမာအည ကာကျယး

ရနးမြာလညး မနးမာႏငးင၌ဥပေဒအရ တာဝနးရြပါသညး၈

Further, you must ensure that the commitments given by UAB to its customers and

other related parties (internal & external) in its Privacy Policy are carried out properly. Failure to

comply with those obligations and to carry out those commitments, or causing UAB to breach

those obligations and commitments, will result in disciplinary action, and possibly dismissal with

heavy penalties/ fines.

ထပးမ၊ သငးအေနဖငးယေအဘမြ ။၌ Customer မာ၇ အခာဆကးႏျယးသညးသမာ (အဖျ႕အစညး

အတျငးႏြငးအပငး)အာ ကတပထာသညး Privacy Policyႏြငး ပတးသကး၊ ေသခာေဆာငးရျကးေၾကာငး

ေသခာေစရပါမညး၈ ဤတာဝနးမာက ပကးကျကးခငး၇ ဤကတကဝတးမာက ေဆာငးရျကးရနးပကးကျကးခငး

(သ႔) ယေအဘအာ ထတာဝနးမာႏြငး ကတကဝတးမာက ခေဖာကးသကသ႔ဖစးေစသညးကစၥရပးမာ ဖစးေပ၍

ပါက ႀကမာေသာ ဒဏးေၾကမာႏြငးအတ အလပးမြ ထတးပယးသညးအထ အေရယမႈ ခရပါမညး၈

If you suspect that personal information is in the wrong hands advise your Compliance Office (HO) immediately. The longer you take to report to Compliance Office (HO), the higher risk you bear since the failure to report any misconduct intentionally is also a breach of UAB‟s Code of Conduct.

အကယး၊ သငးအေနဖငး ကယးေရသတငးအခကးအလကးမာ မြာယျငးသလကးဝယးတျငး ေရာကးရြ ေနသညးဟ သသယရြပါက ရခပး Compliance Office သ႔ ခကးခငး အေၾကာငးၾကာပါ၈ မြာယျငး လပးေဆာငးမႈမာက တမငးရညးရျယး၊ အစရငးခခငးမပပါကလညး ယေအဘ၌ စညးကမးက ခေဖာကးခငး ဖစးေသာေၾကာငး သငးအေနဖငး အစရငးခရနးအတျကး အခနးၾကာမငးစျာယေလ အႏရယးပမာေလ ဖစးပါမညး၈

7.4.2 What we must do to comply with Information Protection Policy? ၄.၁.ဿ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ ကာကျယးခငးမဝါဒအာ လကးနာရနးအတျကး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အေနဖငး

မညးသညးအခကးမာက ပလပးရမညးနညး၈

• You should do all you can to keep UAB‟s information secure. This includes not sharing private

or confidential information with other employees unless they need it to perform their work.

ယေအဘ၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာက လၿခေအာငးထနးသမးရနးအတျကး သငးလပးႏငးသမြအာလ

လပးေဆာငးပါ၈ ထလပးေဆာငးရမညးအခကးမာတျငး အခာဝနးထမးမာအာ လြ႕ဝြကးသတငးအခကး

အလကးမာက ။တ႔ႏြငး မသကးဆငးလြငး အသေပခငး မပလပးရနးလညး ပါဝငးပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


• Never release information about customers or colleagues to third parties outside of UAB

unless the person the information relates to has agreed or if UAB is required to release the

information under the law. This includes not giving any information to family members, friends

or others about an account to which they are not a signatory.

Customer မာ (သ႔) လပးေဖားကငးဖကးမာ၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာက ။တ႔၌သေဘာတညမႈမရရြဘ

(သ႔) ဥပေဒအရ ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာရနးမလအပးဘ ယေအဘပငးပသ႔ ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာခငး မညးသညး

အခါတျငးမြ မပလပးရပါ၈ ထအခကးတျငး စာရငး တစးခႏြငး ပတးသကးသညး အခကးအလကးက မသာစဝငးမာ၇

မတးေဆျမာ (သ႔) ထစာရငးႏြငး ပတးသကး၊ လကးမြတးေရထသမဟတးသညး အခာသမာအာ မေပရနး

အခကးလညး ပါဝငးပါသညး၈

• Follow procedures and requirements to protect information whenever you provide details over

the phone, in person, by email or fax.

ဖနးဖငးဖစးေစ၇ လကယးတငးအာဖစးေစ၇ ေမလးဖငးဖစးေစ၇ ဖကးစးဖငးဖစးေစ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ

ေပသညးအခါ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာကာကျယးခငးႏြငး သကးဆငးသညး လပးထလပးနညးမာႏြငး လအပး

ခကးမာအာ လကးနာေဆာငးရျကးပါ၈

• Follow all protocols and procedures relating to the maintenance of passwords and user profile

setup. Never allow someone else to log on using your individual details. If you do, all wrong

doings by others will fall upon you since you are the log in owner who is liable to hold the

accountability for the bad courses.

Password ထနးသမးခငးႏြငး user profile setup ပလပးခငးတ႔ႏြငး သကးဆငးသညး လပးထလပးနညးမာ

အာလက လကးနာပါ၈ အခာသတစးဦအာ သငး၌ကယးပငးအခကးအလကးမာက အသပ၊ log on

ပလပးခငးအာ မညးသညးအခါတျငးမြ ချငးမပပါႏြငး၈ ထသ႔ချငးပလြငး သငးသညး log in ပလပးသညး

အခကးအလကးမာ၌ ပငးရြငး ဖစးေသာေၾကာငး အခာသပလပးလကးသညး အမြာသညး သငးအေပ၍တျငး

ကေရာကးမညးဖစးၿပ သငးတျငးသာ တာဝနးရြမညးဖစးပါသညး၈

• Collect, use, store, handle, update and destroy information, particularly personal information,

in line with applicable policies and processes at all times.

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ၇ အထသဖငးကယးေရသတငးအခကးအလကးမာက ရယခငး၇ အသပခငး၇

သမးဆညးခငး၇ ကငးတျယးခငး၇ update ပလပးခငး၇ ဖကးဆခငးတ႔အာ သကးဆငးသညး မဝါဒမာႏြငး

လပးငနးစဥးမာအတငး အခနးတငးတျငး လပးေဆာငးပါ၈

• Never disclose any information about UAB or any other company or individual (including a

former employer) that is not already in the public domain without the proper authority by

Senior Management to do so.

ပညးသလထအာ မေၾကငာထာသညး ယေအဘ၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ (သ႕) အခာကမၸဏ၌

သတငးအခကးအလကးမာ (သ႔) တစးဦခငးစ (အလပးရြငးအပါအဝငး) ၌ သတငးအခကးအလကးမာက

Senior Management ၌ ချငးပခကး ေသခာမရရြဘ မညးသညးအခါတျငးမြ ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာခငး မပလပး


7.5 Principle # 5. Do not Take or Receive Bribes ၄.၂ စညးမဥး#၂. လာဘးေပလာဘးယမပပါရနး

Integrity and trust are inconsistent with improper payments, benefits or gains of any

kind. There are certain situations that have a higher risk of an improper payment, benefit or

gain being made or received. These include rewards from current or potential customers or

suppliers that are out of the ordinary, such as cash, cheques, gifts, gift certificates or travel of a

high value. Where rewards from a current or potential customer or supplier create any

obligation or expectation that you will give preferential treatment to the person or company

offering the reward, the reward is improper and must be refused since it leads to expecting

UAB has made certain commitments to its customers and others to

protect their personal information. These commitments are set out in

UAB’s Information Security Policy. You should familiarize yourself with

this policy.

ယေအဘသည မမ၏ customer မားႏင အျခားသမားအား ၎တ၏ ကယေရးသတငးအခကအလကမားက ကာကြယရန ကတခထား ပါသည။ ထကတခခကအား ယေအဘ၏ Information Security Policy တြင ထညသြငးေဖာျပထားပါသည။

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


some improper favors back from you. This favor is more likely to be the illegal one or making

you breach the Code of Conduct of UAB.

ကယးကငးသကၡာႏြငး ယၾကညးမႈတ႔သညး တရာမဝငးေပကမးမႈမာ၇ ပစအမမဖငးရရြသညး အက

အမတးမာေၾကာငး ပကးဆႏငးပါသညး၈ တရာမဝငးေပကမးမႈမာ၇ အကအမတးမာ လကးခမခငး

အေခအေနမာရြပါသညး၈ ထအေခအေနမာတျငး လကးရြ (သ႔) အလာ အလာရြသညး ပမြနးမဟတးေသာ

customer မာ (သ႔) supplier မာမြ ေငျ၇ ခကးလကးမြတး၇ လကးေဆာငးမာ၇ gift certificates

မာေပကမးခငး (သ႔) တနးဖႀကေသာခရမာ ပ႔ေဆာငးေပခငးမာလညး ပါဝငးပါသညး၈ လကးရြ (သ႔)

အလာအလာရြသညး customer (သ႔) supplier မာမြ ထအရာမာအာ သငးထမြ အထအချငးအေရ

ေပလမးမညးဟေမြားလငး၊ ေပကမးသညးအခါ ထလကးေဆာငးမာအာ ရယရနးမသငးေလားပါ၈ ထအရာ

မာသညး သငးထမြ ပမြနးမဟတးသညးဦစာေပမႈမာက ရယရနးေမြားလငး၊ ေပခငးဖစးေသာေၾကာငး

လကးခရနး ငငးပယးရပါမညး၈ ထဦစာေပမႈဆရာ၊ သငးအာ ယေအဘ၌ စညးကမးကခေဖာကးေစမညး

တရာမဝငးကစၥရပးမာ ပမဖစးႏငးပါသညး၈

7.5.1 What we must do NOT to bribe or be bribed! ၄.၂. လာဘးမယရနး (သ႔) လာဘးေပခငးမခရနး မညးသညးအခကးမာ ပလပးရမညးနညး၈

• Never accept any gift, reward or entertainment, including discounted products, free

travel or accommodation, if it could create any obligation or expectation that could

conflict with your work at UAB.

ယေအဘရြသငး၌အလပးႏြငး ပတးသကး၊ ေမြားလငးခကးတစးစတစးရာဖငး ပစၥညးမာအာ

ေစေလာေပခငး၇ အခမခရပ႔ေဆာငးေပခငး (သ႔) အခမေနစရတးစာစရတးေပခငးမာ

အပါအဝငး မညးသညးလကးေဆာငးပစၥညးကမြ လကးမခပါႏြငး၈

• Never try to improperly influence the outcome of an official decision; for example by

offering a payment or benefit that is not legitimately due. These payments or

benefits are unacceptable.

ရပငးဆငးရာဆဖတးခကးမာ၌ ရလာဒးႏြငးပတးသကး၊ မေလားညေသာနညးဖငး လႊမးမမႈ

ပလပးရနး မညးသညးအခါတျငးမြ မႀကစာပါႏြငး၈ ဥပမာ-တရာမဝငးေပကမးမႈ (သ႔) အက

အမတးမာကမးလြမးခငးဖငး၈ ဤကသ႔ေသာ ေပကမးမႈမာ (သ႔) အကအမတးမာအာ

လကးခခငး မပရပါ၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


• Only accept gifts or entertainment in line with applicable policies and processes.

မဝါဒမာႏြငး လပးငနးစဥးမာႏြငးေလားညေသာ လကးေဆာငးမာကသာ လကးခပါ၈

• Never make any donation or other financial contribution from UAB to a political

party/ Government Officials/ Medial Officers/ public servants or candidate unless it

has been approved in writing by the CEO and the Board.

CEO ႏြငး Board ၌ စာဖငးေရသာထာေသာ ချငးပခကးမရရြဘ ယေအဘအေနဖငး ႏငးငေရ

ပါတ/အစရအရာရြမာ/ပနးၾကာေရအရာရြမာ/ပညးသလထမာသ႔ လြဒါနးခငး (သ႔) ေငျေၾက

ထညးဝငးခငးမာ မညးသညးအခါတျငးမြ မပလပးပါႏြငး၈

• Only entertain customers and business associates with lunches, dinners or other

events (such as football, cricket or the theatre) if the nature and value of the

entertainment is reasonable in light of the nature and value of the business

relationship with UAB and the seniority of the parties attending.

Customer ထမြရမညးယေအဘ၌အကမတးႏြငး Customer အေနအထာအရ လအပးလြငး၇

ကနးကစရတးသညးလညး သငးတငးမြတသညး ပမာဏဖစးမြသာလြငး ေန႔လညးစာ၇ ညစာမာ

ေကၽျေမျ ခငး (သ႔) အခာအဖစးအပကးမာ (ဥပမာ- ေဘာလပျ၇ ခရစးကတးပျ (သ႔) ရပးရြငး) ဖငး

ဧညးခခငးမာ ပလပးရပါမညး၈

• Obtain proper approval for and properly record any donations, sponsorships,

charitable contributions, gifts and entertainment you accept from, or give to, a third

party on behalf of UAB‟s Brand Name.

ယေအဘကယးစာ အခာသမာသ႔ေပသညး (သ႔) အခာသမာထမြ လကးခရရြသညး လြဒါနး

မႈမာ၇ ေထာကးပေပမႈမာ၇ ထညးဝငးေပမႈမာ၇ လကးေဆာငးမာႏြငး ဧညးခေကၽျေမျ မႈမာ အတျကး

သငးေလားသညး ချငးပခကးမာရယခငး၇ ေသခာမြတးတမးထာခငးမာ ပလပးပါ၈

7.5.2 Dealing with Government Officials/ civil servants ၄.၂.ဿ အစရအရာရြမာ/အစရဝနးထမးမာႏြငး ဆကးဆခငး

It is a Criminal Offence punishable by Myanmar Bribery Law & Guidelines set out by the

Parliament of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, to give or receive bribe benefits (both

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


monetary and non-monetary terms) to and from the Government Related Officials and Civil

Servants including Medial Officers, Lawyers and Certified Accountants who are eligible to

perform as a “Justice of Peace” under Oath.

ကမးကမးဆ၊ ၿငမးခမးေရႏြငးတရာမြတေရအတျကး တာဝနးထမးေဆာငးသညး ပနးၾကာေရ

အရာရြမာ၇ ေရြ႔ေနမာႏြငး အသအမြတးပလကးမြတးရ စာရငးကငးမာအပါအဝငး အစရအရာရြမာ၇ အစရ

ဝနးထမးမာအာ လာဘးေပခငး(ေငျေၾကႏြငး ေငျေၾက မဟတးေသာ ပစၥညးမာ)ႏြငး ။တ႔ထမြ လာဘးယခငး

မာရြလြငး ပညးေထာငးစသမၼတမနးမာႏငးငေတား၌ လႊတးေတားမြပဌာနးသညး Myanmar Bribery Law &

Guidelines အရ ရာဇဝတးမႈအဖစး အပစးေပခငးခရပါမညး၈

However, exceptions can be applied under circumstances when a certain amount of Gifts

or Hospitality in specific occasions or events, which does not lead to influencing any Job or

Professional Decisions/ Approvals.

သ႔ေသား အလပးတာဝနးဝတရာမာ (သ႔) အလပးႏြငး သကးဆငးသညး ဆဖတးခကးမာ/ ချငးပခကး

မာအာ လႊမးမမႈမရြသညး အခ႕ေသာ လကးေဆာငးပစၥညးမာ၇ တကသညးကစၥရပးမာအတျကး ဧညးဝတးပ

ခငးမာအာ ချငးခကးအဖစး သတးမြတးႏငးပါသညး၈

The Value Limit for Gifts/ Hospitality as an exception as per the Gifts Guideline issued by

the Parliament of Myanmar, Section 6

မနးမာႏငးငေတား၇ လႊတးေတားမြ ထတးပနးသညး လကးေဆာငးပစၥညးမာရယခငးလမးညျနးခကး အပငး

၃အရ ချငးခကးအဖစးလကးခႏငးသညး လကးေဆာငး/ဧညးဝတးပခငးမာ၌ တနးဖသတးမြတးခကး

Sub-section of the



Limited Amount






A 25,000 MMK 4 times per






C 100,000 MMK 1 time per




Customary Occasions


UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


Customary Occasions shall include but not limited to:

ထတမးစဥးလာအခါသမယမာတျငး ေအာကးပါအခကးမာပါဝငးပါသညး၈ သ႔ေသား အခာအခကးမာလညး


1. Myanmar New Year (Thingyan)

မနးမာႏြစးသစးကအခါသမယ (သႀကၤနး)

2. Tadinkyut


3. Christmas & New Year

ခရစးစမတး ႏြငး ႏြစးသစးကအခါသမယ

4. Chinese New Year


5. Birthday

ေမျ ေန႔အခါသမယ

6. Opening Ceremony


7. Wedding Reception


8. Anniversary


We must be extremely careful to give or receive any type of gift for any special/

customary occasions to and from the Government Officials, hence, every time you

prepare to give or receive gifts from such Gov. personnel or Gov. organizations, you

must complete the “Request Form” prior to applying for the budget from Finance Dept.

who shall be looking if the completed request form is properly approved and signed by

Head of Compliance/ CEO. However, if the situation shall lead to Bribery & Corruption

Nature of Giving or Receiving Gifts/ Hospitality, UAB‟s Compliance Office shall be

working closely with Senior Management to ensure such application will be rejected.

ကၽျႏးတ႔သညး အစရအရာရြမာအာ (သ႔) အစရအရာရြမာထမြ အထ/ထတမးစဥးလာ အခါ

သမယမာအတျကး ပစတစးနညးနညးဖငး လကးေဆာငးေပမညး (သ႔) ရယမညးဆလြငး လျနးစျာ

သတထာရပါမညး၈ ထ႔ေၾကာငး ထ႔ကသ႔ အစရအရာရြမာ (သ႔) အစရအဖျ႔အစညးမာထမြ

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


လကးေဆာငးပစၥညးမာလကးခလြငး (သ႔) ထသတ႔က လကးေဆာငး ပစၥညးမာ ေပအပးလြငး ထသ႔

မပလပးမ “Request Form” အာ ဖညးစျကး၊ Finance Dept မြ budget က ႀကတငး

ေတာငးခရပါမညး၈ ဖညးစျကးထာသညး ေတာငးခလႊာအာ Head of Compliance/ CEO မြ ေသခာစျာ

ချငးပ၊ လကးမြတးေရထထာခငးရြ/မရြ Finance Deptမြ ၾကညးရႈစစးေဆပါမညး၈ သ႔ေသား အေခ

အေနသညး လာဘးေပလာဘးယခငး သေဘာသဘာဝသကးေရာကးႏငးပါက ထေတာငးခလႊာအာ

ငငးပယးရနးအတျကး ယေအဘ၌ Compliance Office သညး Senior Management ႏြငး အနကပး

တငးပငး ေဆာငးရျကးရပါမညး၈

Any request for any Gifts for any purposes to or from the Government Related personnel

or organizations (including business related or personal) MUST be applied to HO

Compliance Office along with the form provided in Anti-Bribery & Anti- Corruption Policy.

အစရႏြငးဆကးႏျယးသညး ပဂၢလးမာ (သ႔) အစရအဖျ႔ အစညးမာ(လပးငနးအရ (သ႔) ပဂၢလးေရ

အရ)ထမြ ပစတစးမမဖငး လကးေဆာငးပစၥညးမာလကးခလြငး (သ႔) ထသတ႔က လကးေဆာငး

ပစၥညးမာ ေပအပးလြငး Anti-Bribery & Anti- Corruption Policyတျငး ပါဝငးသညး Form ပစႏြငး

အတ ရခပး Compliance Office သ႔ ေလြာကးထာရပါမညး၈

7.6 Principle # 6. Report the Breach of Law & Policies ၄.၃ စညးမဥး #၃. ဥပေဒႏြငး မဝါဒမာအာခေဖာကးခငးက သတငးေပခငး

Regulatory compliance is about complying with all laws, regulations and codes that are

applicable to UAB as a financial Institution. We must ensure we comply with our regulatory

obligations in order to stay in business. Failure to meet our regulatory obligations can impact

our license to operate and can result in fines, termination of employment or imprisonment for

employees. It is also about developing the right compliance culture and one of our Core Values

“doing the right thing” so that we treat our customers fairly and as we would wish to be treated


Regulatory compliance ဆသညးမြာ ဘ႑ာေရအဖျ႔အစညးတစးခဖစးသညး ယေအဘႏြငး

သကးဆငးသညး ဥပေဒမာ၇ စညးမဥးမာႏြငး စညးကမးသတးမြတးခကးမာအာလက လကးနာခငး ဖစးသညး၈

ကၽျႏးပးတ႔သညး စပျာေရလပးငနးမာ ဆကးလကးလပးကငးႏငးရနးအတျကး စညးမဥး စညးကမးမာအာ

လကးနာေၾကာငး ေသခာေစရပါမညး၈ စညးမဥးစညးကမးမာအာ လကးနာရနး ပကးကျကးလြငး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌

လပးငနးလငးစငးအာ ပတးသမးခငးခရႏငးၿပ ဒဏးရကးခရခငး၇ အလပးမြ ရပးစ ခရခငး (သ႔) ဝနးထမးမာ

ေထာငးခခရခငးတ႔လညး ဖစးႏငးပါသညး၈ ထ႔ပငး စညးမဥးစညးကမးမာအာ လကးနာခငးသညး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


customer မာအာ မြတစျာဆကးဆႏငးရနးႏြငး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အာလညး မြတစျာဆကးဆခရရနး Core Values

တစးခဖစးသညး “မြနးကနးေသာအရာမာအာ ပလပးခငး” အေလအထက ေမျ မခငးလညးဖစးသညး၈

We are all responsible for the way that customers experience our organization. In this

way, we will achieve our corporate objectives and meet the expectations of all our stakeholders.

We can then take pride in UAB‟s compliance culture and achievements. Your conduct will be a

key contributor to this. The minimum behavioral expectations for all employees are defined in

the Code of Conduct. Where an employee fails to adhere to policies, procedures and regulatory

obligations pertaining to their role, disciplinary action will be applied.

ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အာလသညး Customer မာ ကၽျႏးတ႔အဖျ႔အစညးႏြငး ဆကးဆရသညး အေတျ႔အႀကႏြငး

ပတးသကး၊ တာဝနးရြပါသညး၈ စညးမဥးစညးကမးမာအာ လကးနာခငးဖငး ကၽျႏးတ႔၌ အဖျ႔အစညး

ဦတညးခကးႏြငး stakeholder မာ၌ ေမြားမြနးခကးမာက ပညးမြေအာငး ေဆာငးရျကးႏငးမညး ဖစးပါသညး၈

ထ႔ေနာကး ယေအဘ၌ စညးကမးလကးနာမႈႏြငး ေအာငးမငးမႈမာအတျကးလညး ဂဏးယႏငးမညး ဖစးပါသညး၈

သငး၌ေဆာငးရျကးမႈမာသညး ထအခကးအတျကး အဓကသကးဆငးပါသညး၈ ဝနးထမး အာလ၌

ေသငယးေသာ အပအမမာသညး Code of Conduct က ေဖားပေနပါသညး၈ ဝနးထမး တစးေယာကးသညး

။၌အဆငးႏြငးသကးဆငးသညး မဝါဒမာ၇ လပးထလပးနညးမာႏြငး လကးနာရမညး စညးမဥးမာက

လကးနာရနး ပကးကျကးလြငး အေရယခငး ခရပါမညး၈

Our compliance procedures and training are in place to protect you, UAB and our

customers. Make yourself familiar with your obligations, actively encourage others to do the

right thing and let us know where problems arise. Any suspected issues of non-compliance or

potential breaches should be reported to your Compliance Office (HO), HR Consultant, or to the

Whistleblower Protection Program developed jointly by the Board, Senior Management &

Compliance Office (HO). Identifying incidents and potential breaches is about noticing mistakes

and process or system failures that could lead to a breach of our policies, procedures or

relevant legislation and codes and making sure this is reported so that we can work together to

remedy any weaknesses. Examples of a breach can include, but are not limited to:

ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌ စညးကမးလကးနာခငး လပးထလပးနညးမာႏြငး သငးတနးမာသညး သငး၇ ယေအဘႏြငး

ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌ customer မာက အကာအကျယးေပႏငးရနး ပလပးထာပါသညး၈ သငး၌တာဝနးဝတရာမာအာ

ကယးတငးသရြကၽျမးဝငးေနေအာငးပလပးၿပ အခာသမာအာလညး မြနးကနးသညးအရာမာက ေဆာငးရျကးရနး

တကးကျစျာအာေပပါ၈ ပနာဖစးလြငး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အာ အသေပပါ၈ စညးကမးမလကးနာေၾကာငး သသယ

တစးစတစးရာရြလြငး (သ႔) စညးကမးေဖာကးဖကးႏငးေခက ေတျ႔ရြလြငး ရခပး Compliance Office၇ HR

Consultant (သ႔) Board၇ Senior Management ႏြငး ရခပး Compliance Office တ႔

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


ပေပါငးတညးေထာငးထာသညး Whistleblower Protection Program သ႔ အသေပအေၾကာငးၾကာပါ၈

စညးကမးခေဖာကးသညးအဖစးအပကးႏြငး စညးကမးခေဖာကးႏငးေခမာအာ ေဖားထတးခငးသညး ကၽျႏးတ႔၌

မဝါဒမာ၇ လပးထလပးနညးမာ (သ႔) သကးဆငးရာပဌာနးဥပေဒမာႏြငး စညးကမးမာအာ ခေဖာကးႏငးသညး

အမြာမာႏြငး လပးငနးစဥး (သ႔) system အာနညးခကးမာက သတပမေစရနးဖစးၿပ အာနညးခကး

တစးစတစးရာရြပါက အတတကျပနးလညးပငးဆငးႏငးရနးအတျကး ထေတျ႔ရြသညးအခကးမာက အသေပ

တငးပရပါမညး၈ စညးကမးခေဖာကးခငးဥပမာမာအတျငး ေအာကးပါအခကးမာ ပါဝငးႏငးပါသညး၈ သ႔ေသား

အခာအခကးမာလညး ရြႏငးပါသညး၈

• Failing to take additional steps to ensure that a customer from a non-Burmese

speaking background understands the fees and charges that may apply to a product

မနးမာစကာမေပာတတးသညး Customer တစးေယာကးအာ product ႏြငးပတးသကး၊

ေကာကးခမညး အခေၾကေငျမာက နာလညးေၾကာငး ေသခာေအာငးပလပးရနးအတျကး

ထပးမေဆာငးရျကးရနးလအပးသညး လပးငနးအဆငးမာ ပလပးရနးပကးကျကးခငး၈

• Failing to report cash transactions at your branch that are US$10,000 (1,000 lks

MMK) or greater or transaction or matters that you suspect may be suspicious or


US$10,000 (ကပးသနးတစးေထာငး) (သ႔) ထ႔ထကးမာေသာ ေငျေၾက transaction မာ၇

သငးအေနဖငးသသယရြေသာ (သ႔) ပမြနးမဟတးေသာ transaction မာ/ ကစၥရပးမာအာ

အသေပ တငးပရနးပကးကျကးခငး၈

• Keeping a list of important legal information; such as, your customers‟ Individual or

Companies‟ tax file numbers (Tax Identification Number – TIN) manually in a

spreadsheet on your computer in case of system failure or system breach.

အေရႀကေသာ ဥပေဒေရရာသတငးအခကးအလကးမာအာ ထနးသမးခငး၈ (ဥပမာ-

customer၌ ကယးပငး (သ႔) ကမၸဏ Tax Identification Number – TIN) မာအာ system

လငးကခငးဖစးလြငး (သ႔) system ေဖာကးခရခနးတျငး သရြႏငးရနးအတျကး ကျနးပတာ၌

spreadsheet တျငး manually မြတးသာထာခငး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


7.6.1 What we must do to act in compliance with Law & Policies! ၄.၃. ဥပေဒမာ ႏြငး မဝါဒမာအာလကးနာေဆာငးရျကးရနးအတျကး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အေနဖငး မညးသညးအခကးမာ


• Not take any action, or fail to take any action, that may breach this Code, the law, UAB

policies, procedures or practices.

စညးကမး၇ ဥပေဒ၇ ယေအဘမဝါဒ၇ လပးထလပးနညးမာ ခေဖာကးသညး မညးသညးေဆာငးရျကးမႈ

မကမြ မပလပးပါႏြငး၈ ေဆာငးရျကးရမညး မညးသညးကစၥကမြ မပကးကျကးပါႏြငး၈

• Complete all required training and education programs to build and maintain your

awareness and understanding of relevant laws, policies, procedures and practices.

သကးဆငးရာ ဥပေဒမာ၇ မဝါဒမာ၇ လပးထလပးနညးမာအာ သရြနာလညးေစရနးအတျကး

လအပးသညး သငးတနးမာ၇ ပညာေပအစအစဥးမာအာလက ၿပစေအာငး တကးေရာကးပါ၈

• If you are unsure whether a particular law, policy, procedure or practice applies, seek

guidance from your supervisor, management member, human resources representative

or operating risk and compliance representative.

ဥပေဒ၇ မဝါဒ၇ လပးထလပးနညးတစးခခႏြငး ပတးသကး၊ သငးအေနဖငး မေသခာလြငး သငး၌

supervisor၇ management member၇ human resources representative (သ႔) operating risk

and compliance representative တ႔ထမြ လမးညျနးခကးရယပါ၈

• If you are charged with or convicted of a criminal offence, or subject to a sanction that

impacts your ability to perform your role, notify your line manager or Compliance Office

(HO) immediately.

အကယး၊ သငးအာရာဇဝတးမႈတစးခေၾကာငး ပစးဒဏးခမြတးခရလြငး (သ႔) သငး၌အလပးအာ

ထခကးေစသညး အေရယမႈခထာရလြငး သငး၌ manager (သ႔) Compliance Office (HO) သ႔

ခကးခငး အသေပပါ၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


7.6.2 What we must do to Report Wrong Action! ၄.၃.ဿ မြာယျငးေသာလပးေဆာငးမႈမာအာ အသေပအေၾကာငးၾကာရနး ကၽျႏးပးတ႔အေနဖငး မညးကသ႔ ပလပး


• Be conscious of what others around you are doing; including your Manager, team

members, HR consultant, Senior Management and even Compliance Officer because the

Law by the Government and Policies by UAB stands independent and free from any

person‟s influence or power. Whistleblower protection program provides you with full

protection if you care to report any wrong doings by others (others means anyone

regardless of the rank and position in UAB) because that program runs independently by

the Board Committee who represents the interest of the Shareholders/ owners of the


သငး၌မနးေနဂာ၇ သငး၌အဖျ႕ဝငး၇ HR consultant, Senior Management ႏြငး Compliance Officer

အပါအဝငးသငး၌ ပတးဝနးကငးတျငး ရြသညးသမာအာလ၌ လပးေဆာငးခကးမာက သတပရပါမညး၈

အဘယးေၾကာငးဆေသား အစရ၌ ဥပေဒမာႏြငး ယေအဘ၌မဝါဒမာသညး မညးသတစးဦတစး

ေယာကး၌ လႊမးမမႈမြမရြဘ၇ ရာထအငးအာႏြငး မသကးဆငးဘ လျတးလပးစျာ ရပးတညးေသာေၾကာငး

ဖစးပါသညး၈ သငးအေနဖငး အခာသမာ၌ မြာယျငးလပးေဆာငးမႈမာအာ အသေပ အေၾကာငး

ၾကာလြငး Whistleblower protection program မြ သငးအာ လဝအကာအကျယး ေပပါမညး၈

Whistleblower protection program သညး ဘဏး၌ Shareholders/ owners အာ

ကယးစာပသညး Board Committee မြ သသနး႔ပလပးထာခငး ဖစးပါသညး၈

• Honestly Report all suspicious breaches with full facts and evidences although you are

unsure about the breach. Your responsible is to help us enforce the Law and UAB‟s

policies by opening your eyes around you. Our Responsibility is to take your findings into

an account and further on the investigation taking your facts, evidences and

assumptions into consideration. Remember, you are not accountable for wrong reporting

but you are fully accountable and punishable if you are NOT reporting intentionally.

သငးအေနဖငး စည းကမးခေဖာကးေၾကာငး မေသခာလြငးပငး သသယရြသညး စညးကမး ခေဖာကးမႈ

မာအာ အခကးအလကးအေထာကးအထာ အပညးအစဖငး ရသာစျာ အသေပတငးပပါ၈ သငး၌

တာဝနးမြာ ကၽျႏးတ႔အေနဖငး ဥပေဒႏြငး ယေအဘ၌ မဝါဒမာအရ ေဆာငးရျကးႏငးရနး သငးပတးဝနး

ကငးအာ မကးလဖျငးေစာငးၾကညးခငးဖငး ကညေပရနး ဖစးပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


• You will find the Contact/ Reporting Directory at the end of this Document. Feel Free to

use them for any questions or doubt about the Breach since the whole existence of such

Contacts is to protect you if you are a person “Doing the Right Thing”.

ဤစာတမးအဆတျငး Contact/ Reporting Directory ကေတျ႔ပါလမးမညး၈ စညးကမးခ

ေဖာကးခငးႏြငး ပတးသကး၊ ေမမနးရနးရြလြငး (သ႔) မရြငးလငးသညးမာရြလြငး ။အာ လျတးလပးစျာ

အသပႏငးပါသညး၈ သငးသညး မြနးကနးေသာအရာမာအာ လပးေဆာငးသဖစးလြငး ထဆကးသျယးရ

မညးပဂၢလးမာအာလသညး သငးအာ အကာအကျယး ေပပါလမးမညး၈

• Also bear in mind that Our Mission; Vision & Core Values always stay in line with all of

our Policies & Procedures.

ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌ Mission၇ Vision ႏြငး Core Values မာအာ စတးတျငး မြတးသာထာၿပ အၿမတမး

ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌ မဝါဒမာ၇ လပးထလပးနညးမာႏြငးအည ေနထငးလပးကငးပါ၈

7.7 Principle # 7. Manage Conflict of Interest Properly ၄.၄ စညးမဥး#၄. အကစပျာေရာယြကးခငးမာအာ ေသခာစမခနး႔ချ ခငး

Conflicts of interest can be potential, actual or perceived. Always exercise caution in

your personal relationships with customers to ensure they do not involve obligations that may

prejudice or influence your business relationship or conflict with your duties to UAB. When

considering an offer of an opportunity to become involved in non-UAB employment/business

ventures whether as a principal, partner, director, agent, guarantor or employee always

exercise considerable care. Any such interest in other employment/business may only be

pursued with the prior written consent of UAB. Specifically, this consent must be given by the

person responsible for conflicts of interest management within your business unit. You may

accept positions in organizations such as clubs, or charitable organizations; however, if you feel

that your personal activities may result in a conflict of interest with your work, you must consult

your HR Consultant or Compliance Officer, the person responsible for conflict of interest

management within your business unit and/or People & Culture prior to accepting such

positions. This also applies if your circumstances change, for example you are in a role which

involves making important purchasing decisions for the bank and people close to you (e.g.

partner, relative or friend) have a major interest in, or are the actual suppliers of, the goods

and services being purchased by UAB.

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


အကစပျာေရာယြကးခငးဆရာ၉ ထ႔သ႔ဖစးေပ၍မညးအလာအလာရြခငး၇ အမြနးတကယးဖစးခငး (သ႔)

ဖစးပျာသညးဟ ယဆရခငး အေခအေနမာဖစးႏငးပါသညး၈ Customer မာႏြငး ပဂၢလးေရပတးသကးမႈတျငး

ယေအဘရြသငး၌တာဝနးႏြငး ေရာယြကးေစမညး (သ႔) သငး၌လပးငနးအာလႊမးမေစမညး အခကးမာ မပါဝငး

ေၾကာငးအၿမတမး ဂရပေဆာငးရျကးရပါမညး၈ ယေအဘအလပးႏြငးမသကးဆငးေသာ/ စပးတလပးငနး မာတျငး

အဓကပဂၢလးအဖစးပါဝငးရနးကမးလြမးခငး၇ ပါတနာ၇ ဒါရကးတာ၇ ကယးစာလြယး၇ အာမခသ (သ႔)

ဝနးထမးအဖစး ကမးလြမးခငးမာကလညး ဂရပေဆာငးရျကးရပါမညး၈ ထကသ႔ေသာ အခာလပးငနးမာက

ယေအဘ၌ စာဖငးေရသာထာေသာ သေဘာတညမႈ ဦစျာရယၿပမြ စဥးစာရပါမညး၈ အထသဖငး

ဤသေဘာတညခကးအာ သငး၌လပးငနးအဖျ႔အစညးမြ အကစပျာေရာယြကးခငးမာအာ စမခနး႔ချမႈႏြငး

ပတးသကး၊ တာဝနးရြသညးပဂၢလးမြ ေပရပါမညး၈ သငးအေနဖငး ကလပးမာ၇ လမႈေရအဖျ႔အစညးမာတျငး

တာဝနးေပခငးက လကးခႏငးပါသညး၈ သ႔ေသား သငး၌ပဂၢလးေရေဆာငးရျကးခကးမာသညး သငး၌လပးငနး

အကစပျာႏြငး ေရာယြကးႏငးသညးဟ ယဆလြငး ထတာဝနးအာလကးမခမ သငး၌ HR Consultant (သ႔)

Compliance Officer (သ႔) သငး၌လပးငနးအဖျ႔အစညးမြ အကစပျာေရာယြကးခငးမာအာ စမခနး႔ချမႈႏြငး

ပတးသကး၊ တာဝနးရြသညးပဂၢလး ႏြငး/သ႔ People & Culture တ႔ႏြငး ေဆျေႏျတငးပငးရပါမညး၈

ဤအခကးသညး သငး၌အေခအေနအေပာငးလႏြငးလညး သကးဆငးပါသညး၈ (ဥပမာ-သငးသညး ဘဏး

အတျကး အေရႀကသညး ဝယးယမႈမာဆဖတးရာတျငးပါဝငးၿပ သငး၌ပါတနာ၇ ေဆျမ (သ႔) မတးေဆျစသညး

သငးႏြငး နစပးသမာသညး ဘဏးမြဝယးယမညးကနးပစၥညးမာႏြငး ဝနးေဆာငးမႈမာအာ အဓက အကခစာ

ရမညး ေရာငးခသဖစးလြငး)

You must also exercise care in the giving and receiving of business-related

gifts/entertainment to/from customers, to ensure they do not entail any obligation of favors.

The exchange of gifts of limited value is accepted business practice. However, processes are in

place to ensure transparency and to protect staff from any perception of improper conduct or

conflicts of interest. Subject to your Business Unit‟s requirements, gifts given or received must

be recorded in the relevant Gifts/Conflicts of Interest Register. If in doubt, consult with your HR

Consultant or Compliance Officer (HO). All staffs are responsible for identifying personal or

business circumstances that may give rise to potential, actual or perceived Conflicts of Interest

and for recording those details in the relevant Gifts/ Conflicts of Interest Register.

ထ႔ပငး လပးငနးႏြငးသကးဆငးသညး လကးေဆာငးပစၥညးမာအာ ေပခငးႏြငး လကးခခငးတ႔တျငးလညး

မကးႏြာသာရယလခငးမာ မပါဝငးေၾကာငး ဂရပေဆာငးရျကးရပါမညး၈ သတးမြတးပမာဏတစးခအထ

လကးေဆာငးပစၥညးမာလလြယးခငးက လကးေတျ႔တျငး ချငးပထာပါသညး၈ သ႔ေသား လပးငနးစဥးမာသညး

ပျငးလငးမငးသာမႈရြရမညးဖစးၿပ ဝနးထမးမာအေနဖငး မေလားကနးေသာ ေဆာငးရျကးမႈမာ (သ႔) အကစပျာ

ေရာယြကးမႈမာမပလပးႏငးေစရနး ကာကျယးထာရပါမညး၈ သငး၌လပးငနးလအပးခကးအရ လကးေဆာငးပစၥညး

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


မာေပကမးခငး (သ႔) ရယခငးတ႔က သကးဆငးရာ Gifts/Conflicts of Interest Register တျငး ဖညးစျကး

မြတးတမးတငးရပါမညး၈ သငးအေနဖငး သသယရြပါက HR Consultant (သ႔) Compliance Officer (HO)ႏြငး

တငးပငး ေဆျေႏျပါ၈ ဝနးထမးမာအာလသညး အကစပျာေရာယြကးမႈမာ ဖစးေပ၍မညး အလာအလာ

ရြသညး၇ အမြနးတကယးဖစးေပ၍ေနသညး (သ႔) ဖစးပျာမညးဟ ယဆရသညး လမႈေရ (သ႔) စပျာေရ

အေခအေနမာအာ ေဖားထတးရနးႏြငး သကးဆငးရာ Gifts/ Conflicts of Interest Register တ႔တျငး

အေသစတးမြတးတမးတငးရနး တာဝနးရြပါသညး၈

7.7.1 What we must do to Report Wrong Action! ၄.၄. မြာယျငးေသာလပးေဆာငးမႈမာအာ အသေပအေၾကာငးၾကာရနးအတျကး ကၽျႏးတ႔အေနဖငး မညးသညး

အခကးမာက လပးေဆာငးရမညးနညး၈

• Be alert to actual or potential conflicts of interest and disclose them to your line

manager, human resources representative or your operating risk and compliance

representative (HO).

အမြနးတကယး ဖစးေပ၍ေနသညး (သ႔) အလာအလာရြသညး အကစပျာ ေရာယြကးမႈမာအာ

သတပ၊ ေတျ႔ရြလြငး သငး၌မနးေနဂာ၇ human resources representative (သ႔) operating risk

and compliance representative (HO) အာ ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာပါ၈

• Seek approval from Senior Management or Compliance Office (HO) for any outside

business interest including non-UAB work (paid or unpaid), business ventures,

directorships, partnerships or a direct or indirect financial interest which has the

potential to be in conflict with your employment at UAB.

Identification and management of conflicts of interest is a compliance obligation and you are responsible for ensuring you have familiarized yourself with the UAB‟s Conflict of Interest Policy. အကစပျာေရာယြကးခငးမာက ေဖားထတးရနးႏြငး စမခနးချရနးသညး လကးနာရမညး တာဝနးတစးခဖစးၿပ သငးအေနဖငး ယေအဘ၌ အကစပျာ ေရာယြကးခငး မဝါဒႏြငး ရငးႏြကၽျမးဝငးေၾကာငး ေသခာေအာငး ပလပးရနးလညး တာဝနးရြပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


ယေအဘရြ အလပးႏြငး အကစပျာေရာယြကးရနး အလာအလာရြသညး၇ တကးရကးဖစးေစ၇

သျယးဝကး၊ဖစးေစ ေငျေရေၾကေရႏြငး ပတးသကးေနသညး၇ ယေအဘအလပးႏြငး မသကးဆငးေသာ

လပးငနးမာ(လစာေပဖငး (သ႔) လစာမ)၇ စပးတလပးငနးမာ၇ ဒါရကးတာအဖစးလပးကငးခငး၇

အစဝငးအဖစးလပးကငးခငးတ႔အတျကး Senior Management (သ႔) Compliance Office (HO) ၌

ချငးပခကး ရယရပါမညး၈

• Keep an arm‟s length relationship when dealing with customers or suppliers and obtain

written approval of UAB‟s Management to do business, hold accounts, transact with or

hold a direct or indirect financial interest in customers or suppliers you deal with in the

course of your work.

သငး၌အလပးႏြငး တကးရကးဖစးေစ၇ သျယးဝကး၊ဖစးေစ ေငျေရေၾကေရအရ ဆကးဆမႈရြသညး

customers (သ႔) suppliers မာႏြငး လပးငနးလပးေဆာငးခငး၇ စာရငးထာရြခငး ၇ transaction

ပလပးခငးတ႔အတျကး UAB‟s Management ၌ စာဖငးေရသာထာေသာ ချငးပခကးရယရပါမညး၈

ထ႔ပငး ထ customers (သ႔) suppliers မာႏြငးလညး လျနးစျာရငးႏြကၽျမးဝငးခငးမရြသငးပါ၈

• Never provide or maintain products or services for, or complete or approve transactions

on behalf of, immediate family members or relatives in the course of your work.

သငး၌အလပးတျငး မသာစအရငးအခာမာ (သ႔) ေဆျမမာအာ products (သ႔) services မာ

အတျကးဝနးေဆာငးမႈေပခငး (သ႔) ။တ႔ကယးစာ transaction မာ ပလပးခငး၇ ချငးပခငးတ႔က

မညးသညးအခါတျငးမြ မပလပးပါႏြငး၈

• Disclose to your Management or Compliance Office (HO) with a third party that you are

involved in evaluating or negotiating with for UAB, whether for employment, as a

customer or supplier or any other reason. The Disclosure Format & Form is available at

the back of UAB‟s Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy.

သငးအေနဖငး ယေအဘႏြငးပတးသကး၊ အခာသတစးဦအာ အလပးခနး႔အပးရနးအတျကးဖစးေစ၇

customer အဖစးဖစးေစ၇ supplier အဖစးဖစးေစ၇ အခာအေၾကာငးအရာမာေၾကာငးဖစးေစ

အကဖတးခငး (သ႔) ေဆျေႏျ ခငးမာ ပလပးရာ၉ ပါဝငးလြငး သငး၌ မနးေနဂာ (သ႔) Compliance

Office (HO) သ႔ ထတးေဖားေပာၾကာပါ၈ Disclosure Format & Form မာအာ UAB‟s Conflict of

Interest (COI) Policy၌ ေနာကးပငးတျငး ရယႏငးပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


8. What are the Consequences of Breaching this Code? ၅. ဤစညးကမးအာခေဖာကးလြငး ေတျ႔ႀကရမညး ေနာကးဆကးတျအကဆကးမာမြာ အဘယးနညး၈

The material presented within the Code of Conduct is by no means exhaustive. The

Code has been designed to focus upon particular recurring examples of misconduct identified by

UAB. The importance of a relationship based on trust between UAB and its employees cannot

be underestimated. All suspected breaches of our Code of Conduct or any other situation

pertaining to the relationship of trust between UAB and its employees will be thoroughly &

extensively investigated. Depending on the nature of the issue, such investigations will be

conducted by the Management & Senior Management supported by Audit, HR, Compliance,

Technology, Security or an external party when necessary. If these investigations reveal

breaches of policy, appropriate disciplinary and remedial action will be taken. This will range

from providing the employee with training, coaching and counseling through formal warnings to

termination of their employment. Any breach of the Code of Conduct or policy will be measured

against the Internal Compliance framework and may impact on an employee‟s performance

review and consequent short term incentive payment/ bonuses.

Code of Conduct တျငး ပါဝငးသညးအခကးမာသညး အာလပညးစသညးဟ မဆလပါ၈ စညးကမး

ခကးမာအာ ယေအဘတျငး ေတျ႔ရြရသညး နမနာဖစးရပးမာေပ၍တျငး အေခခ၊ ေရသာထာခငးဖစးပါသညး၈

ယေအဘႏြငး ။၌ဝနးထမးမာၾကာရြ ယၾကညးမႈ၌ အေရႀကမႈက ေလာတျကး၊မရပါ၈ ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌

စညးကမးခကးမာအာေဖာကးဖကးသညးဟ သသယရြလြငး (သ႔) ယေအဘႏြငး ဝနးထမးမာၾကာယၾကညးမႈက

ခေဖာကးရနးႀကစညးသညး အေခအေနတစးစတစးရာေတျ႔လြငး ေသခာစစမးစစးေဆမညးဖစးပါသညး၈ ပနာ

၌သေဘာသဘာဝေပ၍မတညး၊ Audit, HR, Compliance, Technology, Security (သ႔) လအပးပါက

ပငးပအဖျ႔အစညးမာ၌ အကအညဖငး Management ႏြငး Senior Management တ႔မြ စစမး

စစးေဆမႈပလပးပါမညး၈ အကယး၊ ထစစမးမႈမြ မဝါဒမာက ခေဖာကးေၾကာငးေတျ႔ရြရလြငး သငးေလားသညး

အေရယမႈမာႏြငး remedial action မာ ပလပးမညးဖစးပါသညး၈ ထအခကးမာတျငး ဝနးထမးအာ

သငးတနးပ႔ခခငး၇ သငးၾကာေပခငးႏြငး သတေပခငးႏြငး အလပးမြရပးစ ခငးမာ ပါဝငးႏငးပါသညး၈ စညးကမး

(သ႔)မဝါဒ ခေဖာကးမႈမာအာ Internal Compliance framework ဖငး တငးတာမညးဖစးၿပ ဝနးထမး၌

လပးငနးစျမးေဆာငးခကးအာ ပနးလညးသသပးခငးႏြငး ကာလတဆေၾကတ႔တျငး ထခကးမညး ဖစးပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


9. Breach Reporting Procedure ၆. စညးကမးေဖာကးဖကးမႈမာအာ အစရငးခခငးလပးထလပးနညး

9.1 Business Conduct & Whistleblower Protection Officer ၆. မြာယျငးေဆာငးရျကးမႈ အသေပသအာကာကျယးေပေသာ အရာရြ

UAB has established Business Conduct & Whistleblower Protection Officer within

Compliance & Risk Department to serve as the primary points of contact for the disclosure of

unethical or illegal conduct. Management officers, employees and contractors may raise

concerns by contacting the Business Conduct & Whistleblower Protection Officer directly.

ယေအဘသညး ကငးဝတးႏြငးမညေသာ (သ႔) ဥပေဒႏြငးမညေသာ လပးေဆာငးခကးမာအာ ထတးေဖား

ေပာၾကာႏငးရနးအတျကး ဆကးသျယးရမညး မလအဆငးအဖစး Compliance & Risk Team တျငး Business

Conduct Officer က ခနး႔အပးထာပါသညး၈ စမခနးး႔ချေရအရာရြမာ၇ ဝနးထမးမာႏြငး ကနးထရကးတာမာသညး

ေတျ႔ရြခကးမာက Business Conduct & Whistleblower Protection Officer အာဆကးသျယး၊


Each situation will be assessed in terms of the particular circumstancesand facts. Appropriate action will be taken by UAB Senior Management after consideration of all relevant details/ evidences/ facts & assumptions. ကစၥရပးတစးခခငးစအာေခအေနႏြငးအခကးအလကးမာအရဆနးစစးမညးဖစးပါသညး၈ သကးဆငးသညးအခကးအလကးမာ/သကးေသအေထာကးအထာမာ/အခကးအလကးမာႏြငး ယဆခကးမာအာလက ထညးသျငးစဥးစာၿပေနာကး ယေအဘ Senior Management မြ သငးေလားသညးအေရယမႈမာပလပးမညးဖစးပါသညး၈

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


9.2 Employee Conduct Hotline (Whistleblowers‟ Hotline) ၆.ဿ မြာယျငးေဆာငးရျကးမႈ အသေပရနး Hotline

The UAB Employee Conduct Hotline is a secure and independent channel for you to raise

genuine concerns, seek further assistance and report potential employee conduct breaches that

you have felt uncomfortable in raising or resolving through the other channels available to you.

It is hosted by an external organization that helps us foster a culture of integrity and


ယေအဘဝနးထမးမာဆကးသျယးရနး Hotline သညး သငး၌သေဘာရဖငး တငးၾကာခကးမာအာ

ပလပးႏငးရနး၇ ထပးမလပးေဆာငးရမညးအခကးမာအာ ရြာေဖျႏငးရနးႏြငး သငးအေနဖငး စတးမသကးမသာ

ဖစးေနသညး ဝနးထမးမာ၌ စညးကမးေဖာကးဖကးႏငးေခမာက အစရငးခရနး (သ႔) အခာဆကးသျယးမႈ

လမးေၾကာငးမာမြတဆငး ပနာက ေဖရြငးႏငးရနး စတးခရၿပ လျတးလပးမႈရြေသာ ဆကးသျယးမႈ

လမးေၾကာငးဖစးပါသညး၈ ဤဆကးသျယးမႈလမးေၾကာငးအာ ကၽျႏးပးတ႔၌ ဂဏးသကၡာရြၿပ စညးကမး

လကးနာေသာ အေလအကငးက ေမျ မရနးအတျကး အကအညေပသညး ပငးပအဖျ႔အစညးမြ ဖနးတထာခငး


Business Conduct & Whistleblower Protection Officer Hotline Email Hotline SMS number 09 44 44 36 309

UAB Code of Conduct and Ethics


9.3 Points of Contact as per the Nature of your Claim/ Request/ Query

၆.၀ စစမးေမမနးလမႈမာအတျကး ဆကးသျယးရနး

Department/ Individual Email Contact Number/ SMS

HR Representatives/ People‟s Officers

+ 95 1 8603009 ~ 18

(ext: 706)

Compliance & Risk Officer + 95 1 8603009 ~ 18

(ext: 417)

Whistleblower Hotline မြာယျငးေဆာငးရျကးမႈ အသေပရနး Hotline 09 44 44 36 309

(sms reporting)

Business Conduct & Whistleblower

Protection Officer


ေပေသာ အရာရြ


+ 95 1 8603009 ~ 18

(ext: 415)

Head of Department


Compliance Office (HO)

CEO's Office

HOD knows how and who to

escalate/ resolve within his scope

If HOD and Compliance fails

to follow through

To report the Breach done

by Management or HOD or


Questions or queries

about his Code