Coaching Project Managers Susanne Madsen. Coaching Project Managers Susanne Madsen PMO 2015...

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Transcript of Coaching Project Managers Susanne Madsen. Coaching Project Managers Susanne Madsen PMO 2015...

Coaching Project Managers

Susanne Madsen

Coaching Project ManagersSusanne Madsen

PMO 2015 Conference

What is the objective of your PMO’s coaching service

Coaching Mentoring

Senior expert in subject Learn from a “master” Gives advice Skills improvement Tools and techniques Organisational awareness Project planning

Can be less formal

Qualified coach Deep listening Asks insightful questions Behavioural changes Leadership Interpersonal skills Confidence

Is often formal

Two different but overlapping PMO services

Coaching in actionHow Project Management Coaching Helped Lisa

Susanne Madsen

International project leadership coach

17 years experience leading change programmes of up to $30m

PRINCE2 and MSP Practitioner

Qualified Corporate and Executive coach

Author of “The Power of Project Leadership” (2015) and “The Project Management Coaching Workbook” (2012)

Discuss at your table..

Which service is most appropriate to what you are trying to achieve with your PMO;Coaching or mentoring?

Coaching Mentoring

80% of what project managers struggle with is about people

• Managing without authority

• Gaining buy-in to the project

• Interfacing with senior decision-makers

• Adding value when they are not the subject matter expert

• Being more assertive

• Getting better at saying no

• Maintaining control without micromanaging people

Building blocks

Build rapport and trust.

Actively listen with your entire body.

Ask “what” and “how” more than “why”.

What is being said between the lines?

Repeat & paraphrase: “what I hear you say is..”

Ask into aspects that don’t appear congruent.

Avoid talking too much about yourself.

Maintain confidentiality.

Be an empty vessel Dance in the moment

Can you spot the risk

How to structure a coaching session?





Typically 60 – 90 minutes.

Tell me about the problem. What does the situation look like when the problem is resolved?

What are you experiencing?What have you already tried?What obstacles are in your way?

What are your options? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What are your next steps?What will you do? By when?What type of support do you need? From whom?

• What keeps you awake at night?

• What does your gut tell you about the project and what needs to happen?

• Who do you need to spend more time with?

• How do you know that the project will add value?

• How can you better empower and motivate the team?

• Which important tasks are you procrastinating on?

• What are the 20% of activities that add to 80% of your results?

Further coaching questions for PMs

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