CN 301 Geoenvironmental Engineering (DAS/PSIS) : Chernobyl Tragedies (Study Case)

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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CN301 Geoenvironmental Engineering. Kajian kes tentang Tragedi Chernobyl. Semoga perkongsian ini bermanfaat. Ex-Student : Diploma in Environmental Engineering (2010-2013)

Transcript of CN 301 Geoenvironmental Engineering (DAS/PSIS) : Chernobyl Tragedies (Study Case)









Occurred in Chernobly, Ukraine in 26 April 1986 due

to the nuclear plant design is not perfect

Main cause of these cases occurred due to a nuclear

plant is operated by staff who do not receive

adequate training and lack of ethics to be concerned

about security at nuclear plants.

The Chernobyl Power Complex, lying about 130 km

north of Kiev, Ukraine, and about 20 km south of the

border with Belarus.

Have 4 units,units 1 and 2 constructed between 1970

and 1977, while units 3 and 4 of the same design

were completed in 1983

Have 4 units,units 1 and 2 constructed between 1970

and 1977, while units 3 and 4 of the same design

were completed in 1983

To the southeast of the plant,have an artificial lake of

some 22 square kilometres, situated beside the river


About 3 km away from the reactor, in the new city,

Pripyat, there were 49,000 inhabitants.


On 25 April 1986, before routine shutdown, the reactor

crew at Chernobyl 4 begin preparations to test how long

turbines would spin long and how much power can be

supplied to the main circulating pump. This is because the

main electrical supply outages.

A series of operator actions, including the disabling of

automatic shutdown mechanisms, preceded the

attempted test early on 26 April. By the time that the

operator moved to shut down the reactor, the reactor was

in an extremely unstable condition. Then, the reactor



Two Chernobyl plant workers died on the night of the

accident, and a further 28 people died within a few

weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning.

About 200-300 tonnes of water per hour was injected

into the intact half of the reactor using the auxiliary

feedwater pumps but this was stopped after half a

day owing to the danger of it flowing into and flooding

units 1 and 2.

From the second to tenth day after the accident,

some 5000 tonnes of boron, dolomite, sand, clay and

lead were dropped on to the burning core by

helicopter in an effort to extinguish the blaze and limit

the release of radioactive particles.

The main cause why the case. When seen again in

this case, the safety factor is not taken seriously or in other words be underestimated. Safety factor is very important because of security involving a person's life. This story should be taken by all parties, including employers and workers themselves to secure their own safety and others. If this tragedy, not just employees who receive the effect, but the society around. It is possible it will spread to neighboring countries.


The effects of what happened. Each case or the tragedy that happened would have the effect of its own. Effects are divided into two, namely rz effects and adverse effects. However, based on case studies done in other cases, the majority are negative. Effects that occur will involve human beings, animals, plants and surroundings.

How to overcome the problems that occur in case that happens. Depending on what happened, if cases occur in the severe stage, the solution will also experience difficulties. Increasingly difficult to solve, the higher cost is required.

Teaching that can be taken from the case or the tragedy that occurred. It is important to ensure that such cases do not recur.

The principal objectives for a highway design Site Investigation are as follows:

Suitability: Are the site and surroundings suitable for

the highway?

Design: Obtain all the design parameters necessary

for the works.

Construction: Are there any potential ground or

ground water conditions that would affect the




Materials: Are there any materials available on site,

what quantity and quality?

Effect of changes: How will the design affect

adjacent properties and the ground water?

Identify Alternatives: Is this the best location?

Typical activities included in a site investigation are:

Identification and selection of appropriate technologies that allow site investigation and meet the required level of data quality (e.g., field measurement technologies, field sampling methods)

Determination of the environmental conditions at the site:

Sampling and analysis to find out the nature, extent, source, and significance of the contamination present at the site

Sampling and analysis to assess the physical, geophysical, and ecological conditions at the site,

Interpretation of the results t characterize site conditions



Baseline assessment of the risk the site may pose to

receptors of concern. Pathways that should be

considered are:

Soil and dust - direct contact, ingestion, or inhalation

Water - ingestion and inhalation

Air - inhalation and ingestion

Technical methods needed to perform the site investigation activities are for example:

Field sampling

Direct-push sampling

Sampling based on drilling methods

Passive diffusion bag samplers

Soil gas sampling

Single and continuous water sampling Integral

pumping tests

field analytical methods

In-situ analysis (e.g., fiber optics, laser induced

fluorescence, geophysical measurements, gamma

radiation measurements)

Ex-situ (detector tubes, field bioassessments, photo-

and flame-ionization detectors)

laboratory analytical methods

Gas chromatography



Toxicity tests

Received or exposed to high doses of radiation can

cause skin diseases , thyroid cancer, leukaemia and


Acute radiation syndrome (ARS) was originally

diagnosed in 237 people on-site and involved with

the clean-up and it was later confirmed in 134 cases.

Causing 28 deaths (result of ARS within a few weeks

of the accident)– six of which were firemen. Nineteen

more subsequently died between 1987 and 2004.



radiation can cause skin diseases , thyroid cancer

and leukaemia

Effects of radiation exposure fall into two main classes:

deterministic effects

where the effect is certain to occur under given

conditions (e.g. individuals exposed to several grays

over a short period of time will definitely suffer Acute

Radiation Syndrome)

stochastic effects

where the effect may or may not occur (e.g. an

increase in radiation exposure may or may not

induce a cancer in a particular individual but if a

sufficiently large population receive a radiation

exposure above a certain level, an increase in the

incidence of cancer may become detectable in that


some physicians in advised pregnant women to

undergo abortions on account of radiation exposure.

Chernobyl accident 1986 cause serious social and

economic disruption for large populations in Belarus,

Russia and Ukraine.

Many person reported have have died at the time

from a coronary thrombosisc.

Soil contaminated with very highly(radioactive will

absorb in soil and cause pollution to ground water).

When contaminated ground water resources. living

creatures use this resource was also exposed to


For the conclusion, site investigation is a investigation

of the physical characteristics of the site and includes

documentary studies, site surveys and ground

investigation. The last item refers to the actual surface or

subsurface investigation, including on site laboratory

tests. In broad sense, site investigation should also

include study of the site history and environment,

interpretation and analyses of all available data, and

making recommendations on the favorable/unfavorable

locations, economics and safe design, and prediction of

potential risks.