CMSC838 Week 01 | Lecture 02 | Jan 29, 2014 About You ...User Interface Design (e.g., HTML, JSS,...

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Transcript of CMSC838 Week 01 | Lecture 02 | Jan 29, 2014 About You ...User Interface Design (e.g., HTML, JSS,...

Human Computer Interaction Laboratory

@jonfroehlich Assistant Professor Computer Science

CMSC838 Tangible Interactive Computing

Week 01 | Lecture 02 | Jan 29, 2014

About You, Tangible Bits Discussion, &

Hackerspace Tour

class today‘s


1. About you

2. Tangible Bits Reading Discussion

3. Hackerspace Walk / Tour

Graduate Degree Programs

Programming Language Experience

Programming Language Experience

Favorite Programming Language

Experience Levels

Experience Levels

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Embedded Microcontroller Programming (e.g., Arduino, PIC)

3D CAD (e.g., Solidworks, Autocad)

Digital Fabrication: 2D cutting (laser or vinyl cutter)

PCB layout and design (e.g., Eagle)

Digital Fabrication: 3D printing

Mobile Programming (e.g., iOS, Android SDK)


Analyzing circuits (Multimeter, Logic analyzer, oscilloscope)

General shop skills (drilling, cutting, etc.)

Breadboarding simple sensing/actuation circuits

User Interface Design (e.g., HTML, JSS, Flash)

Web Development (Javascript & Server-side programming)

Systems Programming (e.g., C/C++/Java/C#)

No Experience or Beginniner Intermediate Advanced or Expert

Experience Levels

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Embedded Microcontroller Programming (e.g., Arduino, PIC)

3D CAD (e.g., Solidworks, Autocad)

Digital Fabrication: 2D cutting (laser or vinyl cutter)

PCB layout and design (e.g., Eagle)

Digital Fabrication: 3D printing

Mobile Programming (e.g., iOS, Android SDK)


Analyzing circuits (Multimeter, Logic analyzer, oscilloscope)

General shop skills (drilling, cutting, etc.)

Breadboarding simple sensing/actuation circuits

User Interface Design (e.g., HTML, JSS, Flash)

Web Development (Javascript & Server-side programming)

Systems Programming (e.g., C/C++/Java/C#)

No Experience or Beginniner Intermediate Advanced or Expert

Experience Levels

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Embedded Microcontroller Programming (e.g., Arduino, PIC)

3D CAD (e.g., Solidworks, Autocad)

Digital Fabrication: 2D cutting (laser or vinyl cutter)

PCB layout and design (e.g., Eagle)

Digital Fabrication: 3D printing

Mobile Programming (e.g., iOS, Android SDK)


Analyzing circuits (Multimeter, Logic analyzer, oscilloscope)

General shop skills (drilling, cutting, etc.)

Breadboarding simple sensing/actuation circuits

User Interface Design (e.g., HTML, JSS, Flash)

Web Development (Javascript & Server-side programming)

Systems Programming (e.g., C/C++/Java/C#)

No Experience or Beginniner Intermediate Advanced or Expert

I enjoy "making" photographs (composing, capturing, then

editing), though that is a fairly intangible process/product. I've

also enjoyed creating hand-lettered typography and fonts.

Scott Klemmer, Bjoern Hartmann, Leila Takayama From: How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design

DIS, 2006

Question: This class is about making. Tell me about something that you are proud of making (e.g., iPhone app, balsa wood tower, giant furniture fort, death star out of legos, oil painting of your favorite animated gif).

I was a computer engineer in undergrad, had the opportunity

to make a two wheeled robot that played dodgeball, it fired

high velocity raquet balls.

I took off a semester from college and moved into a one

room apartment. I then proceeded to install in my living room

a ceiling sculpture made out of drinking straws and yarn using

a tetrahedral pattern.

I have a Makerbot Rep 2 in my

apartment :) I recently printed out a

really great lamp. The design is not

my own, but that of a really talented

designer on Thingiverse (Emett -

overview) What's so cool about this

piece is it printed in two parts. All of

the moving pieces are printed in

place. I once wired up an Arduino to

a Mathmos Aduki (read- tricolor led

under a weirdly shaped diffuser)

Scott Klemmer, Bjoern Hartmann, Leila Takayama From: How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design

DIS, 2006

Question: This class is about making. Tell me about something that you are proud of making (e.g., iPhone app, balsa wood tower, giant furniture fort, death star out of legos, oil painting of your favorite animated gif).

I made a wedding cake hat for a

friend. Had a blast putting it


Scott Klemmer, Bjoern Hartmann, Leila Takayama From: How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design

DIS, 2006

Question: This class is about making. Tell me about something that you are proud of making (e.g., iPhone app, balsa wood tower, giant furniture fort, death star out of legos, oil painting of your favorite animated gif).

discussion reading

Live Wire (or “Dangling String”)

Natalie Jeremijenko, 1995

Developed while Natalie was an artist-in-

residence at Xerox PARC. One of the earliest

examples of an “Ambient Interface”

The movement of the dangling wire is proportional to the number of packets on the network. That is, the more traffic on the local area network, the higher the frequency of the "wiggles." The transceiver plugs into the network, and the dynamic behavior of the wire become an intuitive peripheral representation of the network activity. In contrast to a screen based graph of ethernet activity this device is a shared social display of information.

Making the invisible, visible.

Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen, & Einar Martinussen, Immaterials: Light Painting WiFi

Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen, & Einar Martinussen, Immaterials: Light Painting WiFi

Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen, & Einar Martinussen, Immaterials: Light Painting WiFi

Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen, Nuage Vert,

Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen, Nuage Vert,

Kuznetsov et al., Red Balloon, Green Balloon, Sensors in the Sky, UbiComp2011

Kuznetsov et al., Red Balloon, Green Balloon, Sensors in the Sky, UbiComp2011

The metaDESK Ullmer & Ishii, UIST1997 Source:

ambientROOM Ishii et al., CHI1998 Source:


Ullmer & Ishii, ~1997

The transBOARD is a Tangible Bits platform which explores the use of a digitally enhanced whiteboard as a model of a wall in the future. The transBOARD supports distributed access to physical whiteboard activity. Distributed users can monitor realtime drawing processes over the internet or can be aware of drawing activity through ambient displays in the ambientROOM. The transBOARD also supports the use of physical icons (phicons) as containers of digital strokes. In contrast to the metaDESK, the transBOARD provides an interesting platform for considering tangible interfaces with rich input, but limited output modalities.