CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct.2005 - S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS 2005 - CMS ECAL DCS 1 The Detector Control System...

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Transcript of CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct.2005 - S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS 2005 - CMS ECAL DCS 1 The Detector Control System...

CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 1 The Detector Control System for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS Experiment at the LHC P. Adzic 1, F. Beaudette 2, G. Dissertori 3, R. Gomez-Reino 4, G. Leshev 3, A. Lister 3, D. Maletic 1, P. Milenovic 1, R. Ofierzynski 2, J. Puzovic 5,1, A. Sytin 6, S. Zelepoukine 6,3 1 VINCA Institute, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 2 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 3 ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 4 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 5 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro 6 IHEP, Protvino, Russia. CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 2 Outline LHC CMS ECAL ECAL DCS mission, functionality, challenges Subsystems overview DCS prototyping ECAL testbeams Current status, plans DCS = Detector Control System CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 3 LHC CMS ECAL LHC CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 4 LHC CMS ECAL LHC P5 CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 5 LHC CMS ECAL ECAL LHC ECAL: Lead-Tungstate crystals ECAL: Lead-Tungstate crystals P5 CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 6 ECAL DCS mission Control actions: switch on/off and ramp up/down the HV and LV, set up their operational parameters. Early warnings about abnormal conditions and alarms, hardwired interlocks to ECAL HV/LV and CMS DSS. Monitoring of the detector conditions, on-detector electronics and ECAL subsystems. Recording of monitored data to the common CMS "conditions database". CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 7 ECAL DCS interactions ECAL DCS receives commands from CMS DCS (CMS operational mode) or from ECAL Run Control (ECAL local operational mode, commissioning) CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 8 ECAL DCS functionality & layout CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 9 ECAL DCS challenges Data rates and volume: ~120000 of channels and parameters to monitor; ~10 Mbytes/hour raw data rates; ~1.5 Gbytes/month to archive in the CMS conditions database System availability: All of the DCS functionality must be constantly available during the ECAL (CMS) run time; some functionality practically non-stop (24h/365d) during the whole CMS detector life time (more than 10 years). Specific challenges for ECAL Safety System (ESS) and ECAL Precision Temperature and Humidity Monitoring (PTM/HM) CMS ECAL DCS 10.Oct S.Zelepoukine ICALEPCS CMS ECAL DCS 10 more challenges ESS, PTM/HM ECAL Safety System (ESS) and the ECAL Precision Temperature and Humidity Monitoring (PTM/HM): sensors will work in high radiation and magnetic fields (~ neutrons/cm2 of total flux over the CMS life cycle; 4 Tesla). sensors are not foreseen to be replaceable and even accessible. readout electronics must be radiation tolerant, since it will be placed in the CMS cavern. long cable paths (50-100m) sensors readout electronics. PTM: monitors the cooling system stability (