Clustering & nlb

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Transcript of Clustering & nlb

Clustering TechnologiesUpdated: March 28, 2003

Clustering Technologies

The clustering technologies in products in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system are

designed to help you achieve high availability and scalability for applications that are critically

important to your business. These applications include corporate databases, e-mail, and Web-based

services such as retail Web sites. By using appropriate clustering technologies and carefully

implementing good design and operational practices (for example, configuration management and

capacity management), you can scale your installation appropriately and ensure that your applications

and services are available whenever customers and employees need them.

High availability is the ability to provide user access to a service or application for a high percentage of

scheduled time by attempting to reduce unscheduled outages and mitigate the impact of scheduled

downtime for particular servers. Scalability is the ability to easily increase or decrease computing

capacity. A cluster consists of two or more computers working together to provide a higher level of

availability, scalability, or both than can be obtained by using a single computer. Availability is

increased in a cluster because a failure in one computer results in the workload being redistributed to

another computer. Scalability tends to be increased, because in many situations it is easy to change

the number of computers in the cluster.

Windows Server 2003 provides two clustering technologies: server clusters and Network Load

Balancing (NLB). Server clusters primarily provide high availability; Network Load Balancing provides

scalability and at the same time helps increase availability of Web-based services.

Your choice of cluster technologies (server clusters or Network Load Balancing) depends primarily on

whether the applications you run have long-running in-memory state:

Server clusters are designed for applications that have long-running in-memory state or

frequently updated data. These are called stateful applications. Examples of stateful

applications include database applications such as Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and messaging

applications such as Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.

Server clusters can combine up to eight servers.

Network Load Balancing is intended for applications that do not have long-running in-

memory state. These are called stateless applications. A stateless application treats each

client request as an independent operation, and therefore it can load-balance each request

independently. Stateless applications often have read-only data or data that changes

infrequently. Web front-end servers, virtual private networks (VPNs), and File Transfer

Protocol (FTP) servers typically use Network Load Balancing. Network Load Balancing clusters

can also support other TCP- or UDP-based services and applications.

Network Load Balancing can combine up to 32 servers.

In addition, with Microsoft Application Center 2000 Service Pack 2, you can create another type of

cluster, a Component Load Balancing cluster. Component Load Balancing clusters balance the load

between Web-based applications distributed across multiple servers and simplify the management of

those applications. Application Center 2000 Service Pack 2 can be used with Web applications built on

either the Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

Multitiered Approach for Deployment of Multiple Clustering Technologies

Microsoft does not support the configuration of server clusters and Network Load Balancing clusters on

the same server. Instead, use these technologies in a multitiered approach.

Clustering Technologies Architecture

A cluster consists of two or more computers (servers) working together. For server clusters, the

individual servers are called nodes. For Network Load Balancing clusters, the individual servers are

called hosts.

Basic Architecture for Server Clusters

The following diagram shows a four-node server cluster of the most common type, called a single

quorum device cluster. In this type of server cluster, there are multiple nodes with one or more cluster

disk arrays (often called the cluster storage) and a connection device (bus). Each of the disks in the

disk array are owned and managed by only one node at a time. The quorum resource on the cluster

disk array provides node-independent storage for cluster configuration and state data, so that each

node can obtain that data even if one or more other nodes are down.

Four-Node Server Cluster Using a Single Quorum Device

Basic Architecture for Network Load Balancing Clusters

The following diagram shows a Network Load Balancing cluster with eight hosts. Incoming client

requests are distributed across the hosts. Each host runs a separate copy of the desired server

application, for example, Internet Information Services. If a host failed, incoming client requests would

be directed to other hosts in the cluster. If the load increased and additional hosts were needed, you

could add them dynamically to the cluster.

Network Load Balancing Cluster with Eight Hosts

Clustering Technologies Scenarios

This section describes the most common scenarios for using server clusters and Network Load


Scenarios for Server Clusters

This section provides brief descriptions of some of the scenarios for server cluster deployment. The

scenarios cover three different aspects of server cluster deployment:

The applications or services on the server cluster.

The type of storage option: SCSI, Fibre Channel arbitrated loops, or Fibre Channel switched


The number of nodes and the ways that the nodes can fail over to each other.

Applications or Services on a Server Cluster

Server clusters are usually used for services, applications, or other resources that need high

availability. Some of the most common resources deployed on a server cluster include:


File sharing

Network infrastructure services. These include the DHCP service and the WINS service.

Services that support transaction processing and distributed applications. These

services include the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) and Message Queuing.

Messaging applications. An example of a messaging application is Microsoft Exchange

Server 2003.

Database applications. An example of a database application is Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Types of Storage Options

A variety of storage solutions are currently available for use with server clusters. As with all hardware

that you use in a cluster, be sure to choose solutions that are listed as compatible with Windows

Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition. Also be sure to follow

the vendor’s instructions closely.

The following table provides an overview of the three types of storage options available for server

clusters running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter


Storage Options for Server Clusters


Storage Option Maximum Number of Supported Nodes


Fibre Channel arbitrated loop Two

Fibre Channel switched fabric Eight

Number of Nodes and Failover Plan

Another aspect of server cluster design is the number of nodes used and the plan for application


N-node Failover Pairs. In this mode of operation, each application is set to fail over

between two specified nodes.

Hot-Standby Server /N+I. Hot-standby server operation mode reduces the overhead of

failover pairs by consolidating the “spare” (idle) node for each pair into a single node,

providing a server that is capable of running the applications from each node pair in the event

of a failure. This mode of operation is also referred to as active/passive.

For larger clusters, N+I mode provides an extension of the hot-standby server mode where N

cluster nodes host applications and I cluster nodes are spare nodes.

Failover Ring. In this mode of operation, each node in the cluster runs an application

instance. In the event of a failure, the application on the failed node is moved to the next

node in sequence.

Random. For large clusters running multiple applications, the best policy in some cases is to

allow the server cluster to choose the fail over node at random.

Scenarios for Network Load Balancing

This section provides brief descriptions of some of the scenarios for deployment of Network Load

Balancing. The scenarios cover three different aspects of Network Load Balancing deployment:

The types of servers or services in Network Load Balancing clusters.

The number and mode of network adapters on each host.

Types of Servers or Services in Network Load Balancing Clusters

In Network Load Balancing clusters, some of the most common types of servers or services are as


Web and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers.

ISA servers (for proxy servers and firewall services).

Virtual private network (VPN) servers.

Windows Media servers.

Terminal servers.

Number and Mode of Network Adapters on Each Network Load Balancing Host

Another aspect of the design of a Network Load Balancing cluster is the number and mode of the

network adapter or adapters on each of the hosts:


Number and Mode of Network Adapters on Each Host Use

Single network adapter in unicast mode

A cluster in which ordinary network communication among cluster hosts is not required and in which there is limited dedicated traffic from outside the cluster subnet to specific cluster hosts.

Multiple network adapters in unicast mode

A cluster in which ordinary network communication among cluster hosts is necessary or desirable. It is also appropriate when you want to separate the traffic used to manage the cluster from the traffic occurring between the cluster and client computers.

Single network adapter in multicast mode

A cluster in which ordinary network communication among cluster hosts is necessary or desirable but in which there is limited dedicated traffic from outside the cluster subnet to specific cluster hosts.

Multiple network adapters in multicast mode

A cluster in which ordinary network communication among cluster hosts is necessary and in which there is heavy dedicated traffic from outside the cluster subnet to specific cluster hosts.

Server Clusters Technical ReferenceUpdated: March 28, 2003

Server Clusters Technical Reference

With the Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter

Edition, operating systems you can use server clusters to ensure that users have constant access to

important server-based resources. With clustering, you create several cluster nodes that appear to

users as one server. If one of the nodes in the cluster fails, another node begins to provide service (a

process known as failover). In this way, server clusters can increase the availability and scalability of

critical applications and resources.

Server clusters are based on one of the two clustering technologies in Windows Server 2003. The other

clustering technology is Network Load Balancing. Server clusters are designed for applications that

have long-running in-memory state or frequently updated data. Typical uses for server clusters include

file servers, print servers, database servers, and messaging servers. Network Load Balancing is

intended for applications that do not have long-running in-memory state. Typical uses for Network

Load Balancing include Web front-end servers, virtual private networks (VPNs), and File Transfer

Protocol (FTP) servers.

What Is a Server Cluster?Updated: March 28, 2003

What Is a Server Cluster?

In this section

Introduction to Server Clusters

Types of Server Clusters

Related Information

A server cluster is a group of independent servers running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, or

Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, and working together as a single system to provide high

availability of services for clients. When a failure occurs on one computer in a cluster, resources are

redirected and the workload is redistributed to another computer in the cluster. You can use server

clusters to ensure that users have constant access to important server-based resources.

Server clusters are designed for applications that have long-running in-memory state or frequently

updated data. Typical uses for server clusters include file servers, print servers, database servers, and

messaging servers.

Introduction to Server Clusters

A cluster consists of two or more computers working together to provide a higher level of availability,

reliability, and scalability than can be obtained by using a single computer. Microsoft cluster

technologies guard against three specific types of failure:

Application and service failures, which affect application software and essential services.

System and hardware failures, which affect hardware components such as CPUs, drives,

memory, network adapters, and power supplies.

Site failures in multisite organizations, which can be caused by natural disasters, power

outages, or connectivity outages.

The ability to handle failure allows server clusters to meet requirements for high availability, which is

the ability to provide users with access to a service for a high percentage of time while reducing

unscheduled outages.

In a server cluster, each server owns and manages its local devices and has a copy of the operating

system and the applications or services that the cluster is managing. Devices common to the cluster,

such as disks in common disk arrays and the connection media for accessing those disks, are owned

and managed by only one server at a time. For most server clusters, the application data is stored on

disks in one of the common disk arrays, and this data is accessible only to the server that currently

owns the corresponding application or service.

Server clusters are designed so that the servers in the cluster work together to protect data, keep

applications and services running after failure on one of the servers, and maintain consistency of the

cluster configuration over time.

Dependencies on Other Technologies

Server clusters require network technologies that use IP-based protocols and depend on the following

basic elements of network infrastructure:

The Active Directory directory service (although server clusters can run on Windows NT,

which does not use Active Directory).

A name resolution service, that is, Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), the Domain Name

System (DNS), or both. You can also use IP broadcast name resolution. However, because IP

broadcast name resolution increases network traffic, and is ineffective in routed networks,

within this Technical Reference we assume that you are using WINS or DNS.

In addition, for IP addressing for clients, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is often used.


The Cluster service does not support the use of IP addresses assigned from a DHCP server for

the cluster administration address (which is an IP address resource associated with the

cluster name) or any other IP address resources. If possible, we recommend that you use

static IP addresses for all cluster systems.

Types of Server Clusters

There are three types of server clusters, based on how the cluster systems, called nodes, are

connected to the devices that store the cluster configuration and state data. This data must be stored

in a way that allows each active node to obtain the data even if one or more nodes are down. The data

is stored on a resource called the quorum resource. The data on the quorum resource includes a set of

cluster configuration information plus records (sometimes called checkpoints) of the most recent

changes made to that configuration. A node coming online after an outage can use the quorum

resource as the definitive source for recent changes in the configuration.

The sections that follow describe the three different types of server clusters:

Single quorum device cluster, also called a standard quorum cluster

Majority node set cluster

Local quorum cluster, also called a single node cluster

Single Quorum Device Cluster

The most widely used cluster type is the single quorum device cluster, also called the standard

quorum cluster. In this type of cluster there are multiple nodes with one or more cluster disk arrays,

also called the cluster storage, and a connection device, that is, a bus. Each disk in the array is owned

and managed by only one server at a time. The disk array also contains the quorum resource. The

following figure illustrates a single quorum device cluster with one cluster disk array.

Single Quorum Device Cluster

Because single quorum device clusters are the most widely used cluster, this Technical Reference

focuses on this type of cluster.

Majority Node Set Cluster

Windows Server 2003 supports another type of cluster, the majority node set cluster. In a majority

node set cluster, each node maintains its own copy of the cluster configuration data. The quorum

resource keeps configuration data consistent across the nodes. For this reason, majority node set

clusters can be used for geographically dispersed clusters. Another advantage of majority node set

clusters is that a quorum disk can be taken offline for maintenance and the cluster as a whole will

continue to operate.

The major difference between majority node set clusters and single quorum device clusters is that

single quorum device clusters can operate with just one node, but majority node set clusters need to

have a majority of the cluster nodes available for the server cluster to operate. The following figure

illustrates a majority node set cluster. For the cluster in the figure to continue to operate, two of the

three cluster nodes (a majority) must be available.

Majority Node Set Cluster

This Technical Reference focuses on the single quorum device cluster.

Local Quorum Cluster

A local quorum cluster, also called a single node cluster, has a single node and is often used for

testing. The following figure illustrates a local quorum cluster.

Local Quorum Cluster

This Technical Reference focuses on the single quorum device cluster, which is explained earlier in this


Related Information

The following sources provide information that is relevant to this section.

“Planning Server Deployments” in the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit on the Microsoft

Web site for information about planning for high availability and scalability, choosing among

the different types of clustering technology, and designing and deploying server clusters.

Network Load Balancing Technical Reference

How a Server Cluster Works

In this section

Server Cluster Architecture

Server Cluster API

Server Cluster Processes

Related Information

A server cluster is a collection of servers, called nodes that communicate with each other to make a

set of services highly available to clients. Server clusters are based on one of the two clustering

technologies in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating systems. The other clustering technology

is Network Load Balancing. Server clusters are designed for applications that have long-running in-

memory state or frequently updated data. Typical uses for server clusters include file servers, print

servers, database servers, and messaging servers.

This section provides technical background information about how the components within a server

cluster work.

Server Cluster Architecture

The most basic type of cluster is a two-node cluster with a single quorum device. For a definition of a

single quorum device, see “What Is a Server Cluster?.” The following figure illustrates the basic

elements of a server cluster, including nodes, resource groups, and the single quorum device, that is,

the cluster storage.

Basic Elements of a Two-Node Cluster with Single Quorum Device

Applications and services are configured as resources on the cluster and are grouped into resource

groups. Resources in a resource group work together and fail over together when failover is necessary.

When you configure each resource group to include not only the elements needed for the application

or service but also the associated network name and IP address, then that collection of resources runs

as if it were a separate server on the network. When a resource group is configured this way, clients

can consistently get access to the application using the same network name, regardless of which node

the application is running on.

The preceding figure showed one resource group per node. However, each node can have multiple

resource groups. Within each resource group, resources can have specific dependencies.

Dependencies are relationships between resources that indicate which resources need to come online

before another resource can come online. When dependencies are configured, the Cluster service can

bring resources online or take them offline in the correct order during failover.

The following figure shows two nodes with several resource groups in which some typical

dependencies have been configured between resources. The figure shows that resource groups (not

resources) are the unit of failover.

Resource Dependencies Configured Within Resource Groups

Cluster Service Component Diagrams and Descriptions

The Cluster service runs on each node of a server cluster and controls all aspects of server cluster

operation. The Cluster service includes multiple software components that work together. These

components perform monitoring, maintain consistency, and smoothly transfer resources from one

node to another.

Diagrams and descriptions of the following components are grouped together because the

components work so closely together:

Database Manager (for the cluster configuration database)

Node Manager (working with Membership Manager)

Failover Manager

Global Update Manager

Separate diagrams and descriptions are provided of the following components, which are used in

specific situations or for specific types of applications:

Checkpoint Manager

Log Manager (quorum logging)

Event Log Replication Manager

Backup and Restore capabilities in Failover Manager

Diagrams of Database Manager, Node Manager, Failover Manager, Global Update Manager,

and Resource Monitors

The following figure focuses on the information that is communicated between Database Manager,

Node Manager, and Failover Manager. The figure also shows Global Update Manager, which supports

the other three managers by coordinating updates on other nodes in the cluster. These four

components work together to make sure that all nodes maintain a consistent view of the cluster (with

each node of the cluster maintaining the same view of the state of the member nodes as the others)

and that resource groups can be failed over smoothly when needed.

Basic Cluster Components: Database Manager, Node Manager, and Failover Manager

The following figure shows a Resource Monitor and resource dynamic-link library (DLL) working with

Database Manager, Node Manager, and Failover Manager. Resource Monitors and resource DLLs

support applications that are cluster-aware, that is, applications designed to work in a coordinated way

with cluster components. The resource DLL for each such application is responsible for monitoring and

controlling that application. For example, the resource DLL saves and retrieves application properties

in the cluster database, brings the resource online and takes it offline, and checks the health of the

resource. When failover is necessary, the resource DLL works with a Resource Monitor and Failover

Manager to ensure that the failover happens smoothly.

Resource Monitor and Resource DLL with a Cluster-Aware Application

Descriptions of Database Manager, Node Manager, Failover Manager, Global Update

Manager, and Resource Monitors

The following descriptions provide details about the components shown in the preceding diagrams.

Database Manager

Database Manager runs on each node and maintains a local copy of the cluster configuration

database, which contains information about all of the physical and logical items in a cluster. These

items include the cluster itself, cluster node membership, resource groups, resource types, and

descriptions of specific resources, such as disks and IP addresses. Database Manager uses the Global

Update Manager to replicate all changes to the other nodes in the cluster. In this way, consistent

configuration information is maintained across the cluster, even if conditions are changing such as if a

node fails and the administrator changes the cluster configuration before that node returns to service.

Database Manager also provides an interface through which other Cluster service components, such as

Failover Manager and Node Manager, can store changes in the cluster configuration database. The

interface for making such changes is similar to the interface for making changes to the registry

through the Windows application programming interface (API). The key difference is that changes

received by Database Manager are replicated through Global Update Manager to all nodes in the


Database Manager functions used by other components

Some Database Manager functions are exposed through the cluster API. The primary purpose for

exposing Database Manager functions is to allow custom resource DLLs to save private properties to

the cluster database when this is useful for a particular clustered application. (A private property for a

resource is a property that applies to that resource type but not other resource types; for example, the

SubnetMask property applies for an IP Address resource but not for other resource types.) Database

Manager functions are also used to query the cluster database.

Node Manager

Node Manager runs on each node and maintains a local list of nodes, networks, and network interfaces

in the cluster. Through regular communication between nodes, Node Manager ensures that all nodes in

the cluster have the same list of functional nodes.

Node Manager uses the information in the cluster configuration database to determine which nodes

have been added to the cluster or evicted from the cluster. Each instance of Node Manager also

monitors the other nodes to detect node failure. It does this by sending and receiving messages, called

heartbeats, to each node on every available network. If one node detects a communication failure with

another node, it broadcasts a message to the entire cluster, causing all nodes that receive the

message to verify their list of functional nodes in the cluster. This is called a regroup event.

Node Manager also contributes to the process of a node joining a cluster. At that time, on the node

that is joining, Node Manager establishes authenticated communication (authenticated RPC bindings)

between itself and the Node Manager component on each of the currently active nodes.


A down node is different from a node that has been evicted from the cluster. When you evict

a node from the cluster, it is removed from Node Manager’s list of potential cluster nodes. A

down node remains on the list of potential cluster nodes even while it is down; when the node

and the network it requires are functioning again, the node joins the cluster. An evicted node,

however, can become part of the cluster only after you use Cluster Administrator or

Cluster.exe to add the node back to the cluster.

Membership Manager

Membership Manager (also called the Regroup Engine) causes a regroup event whenever another

node’s heartbeat is interrupted (indicating a possible node failure). During a node failure and regroup

event, Membership Manager and Node Manager work together to ensure that all functioning nodes

agree on which nodes are functioning and which are not.

Cluster Network Driver

Node Manager and other components make use of the Cluster Network Driver, which supports specific

types of network communication needed in a cluster. The Cluster Network Driver runs in kernel mode

and provides support for a variety of functions, especially heartbeats and fault-tolerant communication

between nodes.

Failover Manager and Resource Monitors

Failover Manager manages resources and resource groups. For example, Failover Manager stops and

starts resources, manages resource dependencies, and initiates failover of resource groups. To

perform these actions, it receives resource and system state information from cluster components on

the node and from Resource Monitors. Resource Monitors provide the execution environment for

resource DLLs and support communication between resources DLLs and Failover Manager.

Failover Manager determines which node in the cluster should own each resource group. If it is

necessary to fail over a resource group, the instances of Failover Manager on each node in the cluster

work together to reassign ownership of the resource group.

Depending on how the resource group is configured, Failover Manager can restart a failing resource

locally or can take the failing resource offline along with its dependent resources, and then initiate


Global Update Manager

Global Update Manager makes sure that when changes are copied to each of the nodes, the following

takes place:

Changes are made atomically, that is, either all healthy nodes are updated, or none are


Changes are made in the order they occurred, regardless of the origin of the change. The

process of making changes is coordinated between nodes so that even if two different

changes are made at the same time on different nodes, when the changes are replicated they

are put in a particular order and made in that order on all nodes.

Global Update Manager is used by internal cluster components, such as Failover Manager, Node

Manager, or Database Manager, to carry out the replication of changes to each node. Global updates

are typically initiated as a result of a Cluster API call. When an update is initiated by a node, another

node is designated to monitor the update and make sure that it happens on all nodes. If that node

cannot make the update locally, it notifies the node that tried to initiate the update, and changes are

not made anywhere (unless the operation is attempted again). If the node that is designated to

monitor the update can make the update locally, but then another node cannot be updated, the node

that cannot be updated is removed from the list of functional nodes, and the change is made on

available nodes. If this happens, quorum logging is enabled at the same time, which ensures that the

failed node receives all necessary configuration information when it is functioning again, even if the

original set of nodes is down at that time.

Diagram and Description of Checkpoint Manager

Some applications store configuration information locally instead of or in addition to storing

information in the cluster configuration database. Applications might store information locally in two

ways. One way is to store configuration information in the registry on the local server; another way is

to use cryptographic keys on the local server. If an application requires that locally-stored information

be available on failover, Checkpoint Manager provides support by maintaining a current copy of the

local information on the quorum resource.

The following figure shows the Checkpoint Manager process.

Checkpoint Manager

Checkpoint Manager handles application-specific configuration data that is stored in the registry on the

local server somewhat differently from configuration data stored using cryptographic keys on the local

server. The difference is as follows:

For applications that store configuration data in the registry on the local server, Checkpoint

Manager monitors the data while the application is online. When changes occur, Checkpoint

Manager updates the quorum resource with the current configuration data.

For applications that use cryptographic keys on the local server, Checkpoint Manager copies

the cryptographic container to the quorum resource only once, when you configure the

checkpoint. If changes are made to the cryptographic container, the checkpoint must be

removed and re-associated with the resource.

Before a resource configured to use checkpointing is brought online (for example, for failover),

Checkpoint Manager brings the locally-stored application data up-to-date from the quorum resource.

This helps make sure that the Cluster service can recreate the appropriate application environment

before bringing the application online on any node.


When configuring a Generic Application resource or Generic Service resource, you specify the

application-specific configuration data that Checkpoint Manager monitors and copies. When

determining which configuration information must be marked for checkpointing, focus on the

information that must be available when the application starts.

Checkpoint Manager also supports resources that have application-specific registry trees (not just

individual keys) that exist on the cluster node where the resource comes online. Checkpoint Manager

watches for changes made to these registry trees when the resource is online (not when it is offline).

When the resource is online and Checkpoint Manager detects that changes have been made, it creates

a copy of the registry tree on the owner node of the resource and then sends a message to the owner

node of the quorum resource, telling it to copy the file to the quorum resource. Checkpoint Manager

performs this function in batches so that frequent changes to registry trees do not place too heavy a

load on the Cluster service.

Diagram and Description of Log Manager (for Quorum Logging)

The following figure shows how Log Manager works with other components when quorum logging is

enabled (when a node is down).

Log Manager and Other Components Supporting Quorum Logging

When a node is down, quorum logging is enabled, which means Log Manager receives configuration

changes collected by other components (such as Database Manager) and logs the changes to the

quorum resource. The configuration changes logged on the quorum resource are then available if the

entire cluster goes down and must be formed again. On the first node coming online after the entire

cluster goes down, Log Manager works with Database Manager to make sure that the local copy of the

configuration database is updated with information from the quorum resource. This is also true in a

cluster forming for the first time — on the first node, Log Manager works with Database Manager to

make sure that the local copy of the configuration database is the same as the information from the

quorum resource.

Diagram and Description of Event Log Replication Manager

Event Log Replication Manager, part of the Cluster service, works with the operating system’s Event

Log service to copy event log entries to all cluster nodes. These events are marked to show which

node the event occurred on.

The following figure shows how Event Log Replication Manager copies event log entries to other

cluster nodes.

How Event Log Entries Are Copied from One Node to Another

The following interfaces and protocols are used together to queue, send, and receive events at the


The Cluster API

Local remote procedure calls (LRPC)

Remote procedure calls (RPC)

A private API in the Event Log service

Events that are logged on one node are queued, consolidated, and sent through Event Log Replication

Manager, which broadcasts them to the other active nodes. If few events are logged over a period of

time, each event might be broadcast individually, but if many are logged in a short period of time, they

are batched together before broadcast. Events are labeled to show which node they occurred on. Each

of the other nodes receives the events and records them in the local log. Replication of events is not

guaranteed by Event Log Replication Manager — if a problem prevents an event from being copied,

Event Log Replication Manager does not obtain notification of the problem and does not copy the

event again.

Diagram and Description of Backup and Restore Capabilities in Failover Manager

The Backup and Restore capabilities in Failover Manager coordinate with other Cluster service

components when a cluster node is backed up or restored, so that cluster configuration information

from the quorum resource, and not just information from the local node, is included in the backup. The

following figure shows how the Backup and Restore capabilities in Failover Manager work to ensure

that important cluster configuration information is captured during a backup.

Backup Request on a Node That Does Not Own the Quorum Resource

DLLs Used by Core Resource Types

A number of DLLs that are used by core resource types are included with server clusters in

Windows Server 2003. The resource DLL defines and manages the resource. The extension DLL (where

applicable) defines the resource’s interaction with Cluster Administrator.

Core Resource Types and Their Associated DLLs


Resource Types DLLs

Physical DiskInternet Protocol (IP) AddressNetwork NamePrint SpoolerFile ShareGeneric ApplicationGeneric ScriptGeneric ServiceLocal QuorumMajority Node Set

Resource DLL: Clusres.dll Extension DLL: Cluadmex.dll

Volume Shadow Copy Service Task Resource DLL: VSSTask.dll Extension DLL: VSSTskEx.dll

DHCP ServiceWINS Service

Resource DLL: Clnetres.dll Extension DLL: Clnetrex.dll

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) Resource DLL: Mtxclu.dll Extension DLL: not applicable

Message Queuing Resource DLL: Mqclus.dll Extension DLL: not applicable

Cluster Service Files

The following table lists files that are in the cluster directory (systemroot\cluster, where systemroot is

the root directory of the server’s operating system).

Cluster Service Files in Systemroot\Cluster


File Description

Cladmwiz.dll Cluster Administrator Wizard

Clcfgsrv.dll DLL file for Add Nodes Wizard and New Server Cluster Wizard

Clcfgsrv.inf Setup information file for Add Nodes Wizard and New Server Cluster Wizard

Clnetres.dll Resource DLL for the DHCP and WINS services

Clnetrex.dll Extension DLL for the DHCP and WINS services

Cluadmex.dll Extension DLL for core resource types

Cluadmin.exe Cluster Administrator

Cluadmmc.dll Cluster Administrator MMC extension

Clusres.dll Cluster resource DLL for core resource types

Clussvc.exe Cluster service

Debugex.dll Cluster Administrator debug extension

Mqclus.dll Resource DLL for Message Queuing

Resrcmon.exe Cluster Resource Monitor

Vsstask.dll Resource DLL for Volume Shadow Copy Service Task

Vsstskex.dll Extension DLL for Volume Shadow Copy Service Task

Wshclus.dll Winsock helper for the Cluster Network Driver

The following table lists log files for server clusters.

Log Files for Server Clusters


Log File Folder Location Description

cluster.log (default name)

systemroot\Cluster Records the activity of the Cluster service, Resource Monitor, and resource DLLs on that node. The default name of this log can be changed by changing the System environment variable called ClusterLog.

cluster.oml systemroot\Cluster Records the creation and deletion of cluster objects and other activities of the Object Manager of the cluster; useful for a developer writing a tool for analyzing the translation of GUIDs to friendly names in the cluster.

clcfgsrv.log systemroot\system32\LogFiles\Cluster Records activity of Cluster configuration wizards; useful for troubleshooting problems during cluster setup.

clusocm.log systemroot\system32\LogFiles\Cluster Records cluster-related activity that occurs during an operating

system upgrade.

cluscomp.log systemroot\system32\LogFiles\Cluster Records the activity that occurs during the compatibility check at the start of an operating system upgrade on a cluster node.

The following table lists files that are in systemroot\system32, systemroot\inf, or subfolders in


Additional Cluster Service Files


File Folder Description

clusapi.dll systemroot\system32 Server Cluster API

clusocm.dll systemroot\system32\Setup Cluster extension for the Optional Component Manager

clusocm.inf systemroot\inf Cluster INF file for the Optional Component Manager

clussprt.dll systemroot\system32 A DLL that enables the Cluster service on one node to send notice of local cluster events to the Event Log service on other nodes

cluster.exe systemroot\system32 Cluster command-line interface

msclus.dll systemroot\system32 Cluster Automation Server

Resutils.dll systemroot\system32 Utility routines used by resource DLLs

Clusnet.sys systemroot\system32\drivers Cluster Network Driver

Clusdisk.sys systemroot\system32\drivers Cluster Disk Driver

The following table lists files that have to do with the quorum resource and (for a single quorum device

cluster, the most common type of cluster) are usually in the directory q:\mscs, where q is the quorum

disk drive letter and mscs is the name of the directory.

Files Related to the Quorum Resource


File Description

Quolog.log The quorum log, which contains records of cluster actions that involve changes to the cluster configuration database.

Chk*.tmp Copies of the cluster configuration database (also known as checkpoints). Only the latest one is needed.

{GUID} Directory for each resource that requires checkpointing; the resource GUID is the name of the directory.

{GUID}\*.cpt Resource registry subkey checkpoint files.

{GUID}\*.cpr Resource cryptographic key checkpoint files.

Server Cluster API

With the Server Cluster application programming interface (API), developers can write applications and

resource DLLs for server clusters. The following table lists Server Cluster API subsets.

Subsets in the Server Cluster API


API Subset Description

Cluster API Works directly with cluster objects and interacts with the Cluster service.

Resource API Manages resources through a Resource Monitor and a resource DLL.

Cluster Administrator Extension API

Enables a custom resource type to be administered by Cluster Administrator.

For more information, see Server Cluster APIson MSDN.

Server Cluster Processes

The following sections provide information about the following processes:

How nodes form, join, and leave a cluster.

How heartbeats, regroup events, and quorum arbitration work in a cluster. These processes

help the cluster to keep a consistent internal state and maintain availability of resources even

when failures occur.

How resource groups are brought online, taken offline, failed over, and failed back.

How Nodes Form, Join, and Leave a Cluster

Nodes must form, join, and leave a cluster in a coordinated way so that the following are always true:

Only one node owns the quorum resource at any given time.

All nodes maintain the same list of functioning nodes in the cluster.

All nodes can maintain consistent copies of the cluster configuration database.

Forming a Cluster

The first server that comes online in a cluster, either after installation or after the entire cluster has

been shut down for some reason, forms the cluster. To succeed at forming a cluster, a server must:

Be running the Cluster service.

Be unable to locate any other nodes in the cluster (in other words, no other nodes can be


Acquire exclusive ownership of the quorum resource.

If a node attempts to form a cluster and is unable to read the quorum log, the Cluster service will not

start, because it cannot guarantee that it has the latest copy of the cluster configuration. In other

words, the quorum log ensures that when a cluster forms, it uses the same configuration it was using

when it last stopped.

The sequence in which a node forms a cluster is as follows:

1. The node confirms that it can start the Cluster service.

2. The node reviews the information stored in the local copy of the cluster configuration


3. Using information from the local copy of the cluster configuration database, the node

confirms that no other nodes are running.

If another node is running, then the node that started most recently joins the cluster instead

of forming it.

4. Using information from the local copy of the cluster configuration database, the node locates

the quorum resource.

5. The node confirms that it can acquire exclusive ownership of the quorum resource and that it

can read from the quorum resource. If it can, the node takes ownership.

6. The node compares the sequence numbers on the copy of the cluster configuration database

on the quorum resource and the sequence numbers on the quorum log against the sequence

numbers on the node’s local copy of the cluster configuration database.

7. The node updates its local copy of the cluster configuration database with any newer

information that might be stored on the quorum resource.

8. The node begins to bring resources and resource groups online.

Joining a Cluster

The sequence in which a server joins an existing cluster is as follows:

1. The node confirms that it can start the Cluster service.

2. The node reviews the information stored in the local copy of the cluster configuration


3. The node that is joining the cluster tries to locate another node (sometimes called a sponsor

node) running in the cluster. The node goes through the list of other nodes in its local

configuration database, trying one or more until one responds.

If no other nodes respond, the node tries to form the cluster, starting by locating the quorum


4. Node Manager on the sponsor node authenticates the new node. If the joining node is not

recognized as a cluster member, the request to join the cluster is refused.

5. Node Manager on the joining node establishes authenticated communication (authenticated

RPC bindings) between itself and the Node Manager component on each of the currently

active nodes.

6. Database Manager on the joining node checks the local copy of the configuration database. If

it is outdated, Database Manager obtains an updated copy from the sponsor node.

Leaving a Cluster

A node can leave a cluster when the node shuts down or when the Cluster service is stopped. When a

node leaves a cluster during a planned shutdown, it attempts to perform a smooth transfer of resource

groups to other nodes. The node leaving the cluster then initiates a regroup event.

Functioning nodes in a cluster can also force another node to leave the cluster if the node cannot

perform cluster operations, for example, if it fails to commit an update to the cluster configuration


Heartbeats, Regroup Events, and Quorum Arbitration

When server clusters encounter changing circumstances and possible failures, the following processes

help the cluster to keep a consistent internal state and maintain availability of resources:


Regroup events

Quorum arbitration


Heartbeats are single User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets exchanged between nodes once

every 1.2 seconds to confirm that each node is still available. If a node is absent for five consecutive

heartbeats, the node that detected the absence initiates a regroup event to make sure that all nodes

reach agreement on the list of nodes that remain available.

Server cluster networks can be private (node-to-node communication only), public (client-to-node

communication), or mixed (both node-to-node and client-to-node communication). Heartbeats are

communicated across all networks; however, the monitoring of heartbeats and the way the cluster

interprets missed heartbeats depends on the type of network:

On private or mixed networks, which both carry node-to-node communication, heartbeats are

monitored to determine whether the node is functioning in the cluster.

A series of missed heartbeats can either mean that the node is offline or that all private and

mixed networks are offline; in either case, a node has lost its ability to function in the cluster.

On public networks, which carry only client-to-node communication, heartbeats are monitored

only to determine whether a node’s network adapter is functioning.

Regroup Events

If a node is absent for five consecutive heartbeats, a regroup event occurs. (Membership Manager,

described earlier, starts the regroup event.)

If an individual node remains unresponsive, the node is removed from the list of functional nodes. If

the unresponsive node was the owner of the quorum resource, the remaining nodes also begin the

quorum arbitration process. After this, failover begins.

Quorum Arbitration

Quorum arbitration is the process that occurs when the node that owned the quorum resource fails or

is unavailable, and the remaining nodes determine which node will take ownership. When a regroup

event occurs and the unresponsive node owned the quorum resource, another node is designated to

initiate quorum arbitration. A basic goal for quorum arbitration is to make sure that only one node

owns the quorum resource at any given time.

It is important that only one node owns the quorum resource because if all network communication

between two or more cluster nodes fails, it is possible for the cluster to split into two or more partial

clusters that will try to keep functioning (sometimes called a “split brain” scenario). Server clusters

prevent this by allowing only the partial cluster with a node that owns the quorum resource to

continue as the cluster. Any nodes that cannot communicate with the node that owns the quorum

resource stop working as cluster nodes.

How Clusters Keep Resource Groups Available

This section describes how clusters keep resource groups available by monitoring the health of

resources (polling), bringing resource groups online, and carrying out failover. Failover means

transferring ownership of the resources within a group from one node to another. This section also

describes how resource groups are taken offline as well as how they are failed back, that is, how

resource groups are transferred back to a preferred node after that node has come back online.

Transferring ownership can mean somewhat different things depending on which of the group’s

resources is being transferred. For an application or service, the application or service is stopped on

one node and started on another. For an external device, such as a Physical Disk resource, the right to

access the device is transferred. Similarly, the right to use an IP address or a network name can be

transferred from one node to another.

Resource-related activities in server clusters include:

Monitoring the health of resources (polling).

Bringing a resource group online.

Taking a resource group offline.

Failing a resource group over.

Failing a resource group back.

The administrator of the cluster initiates resource group moves, usually for maintenance or other

administrative tasks. Group moves initiated by an administrator are similar to failovers in that the

Cluster service initiates resource transitions by issuing commands to Resource Monitor through

Failover Manager.

Resource Health Monitoring (Polling)

Resource Monitor conducts two kinds of polling on each resource that it monitors: Looks Alive

(resource appears to be online) and Is Alive (a more thorough check indicates the resource is online

and functioning properly).

When setting polling intervals, it can be useful to understand the following:

If a Generic Application resource has a long startup time, you can lengthen the polling interval

to allow the resource to finish starting up. In other words, you might not require a custom

resource DLL to ensure that the resource is given the necessary startup time.

If you lengthen the polling intervals, you reduce the chance that polls will interfere with each

other (the chance for lock contention).

You can bypass Looks Alive polling by setting the interval to 0.

How a Resource Group Comes Online

The following sequence is used when Failover Manager and Resource Monitor bring a resource group


1. Failover Manager uses the dependency list (in the cluster configuration) to determine the

appropriate order in which to bring resources online.

2. Failover Manager works with Resource Monitor to begin bringing resources online. The first

resource or resources started are ones that do not depend on other resources.

3. Resource Monitor calls the Online entry point of the first resource DLL and returns the result

to Failover Manager.

If the entry point returns ERROR_IO_PENDING, the resource state changes to

OnlinePending. Resource Monitor starts a timer that waits for the resource either to

go online or to fail. If the amount of time specified for the pending timeout passes

and the resource is still pending (has not entered either the Online or Failed state),

the resource is treated as a failed resource and Failover Manager is notified.

If the Online call fails or the Online entry point does not move the resource into the

Online state within the time specified in the resource DLL, the resource enters the

Failed state, and Failover Manager uses Resource Monitor to try to restart the

resource, according to the policies defined for the resource in its DLL.

When the resource enters the Online state, Resource Monitor adds the resource to

its list of resources and starts monitoring the state of the resource.

4. The sequence is repeated as Failover Manager brings the next resource online. Failover

Manager uses the dependency list to determine the correct order for bringing resources


After resources have been brought online, Failover Manager works with Resource Monitor to determine

if and when failover is necessary and to coordinate failover.

How a Resource Group Goes Offline

Failover Manager takes a resource group offline as part of the failover process or when an

administrator moves the group for maintenance purposes. The following sequence is used when

Failover Manager takes a resource group offline:

1. Failover Manager uses the dependency list (in the cluster configuration) to determine the

appropriate order in which to bring resources offline.

2. Failover Manager works with Resource Monitor to begin taking resources offline. The first

resource or resources stopped are ones on which other resources do not depend.

3. Resource Monitor calls the Offline entry point of the resource DLL and returns the result to

Failover Manager.

If the entry point returns ERROR_IO_PENDING, the resource state changes to

OfflinePending. Resource Monitor starts a timer that waits for the resource either

to go offline or to fail. If the amount of time specified for the pending timeout passes

and the resource is still pending (has not entered either the Offline or Failed state),

the resource is treated as a failed resource and Failover Manager is notified.

If the Offline call fails or the Offline entry point does not move the resource into the

Offline state within the time specified in the resource DLL, Failover Manager uses

Resource Monitor to terminate the resource and the resource enters the Failed state.

If the Offline call succeeds, Resource Monitor takes the resource off its list and stops

monitoring the resource.

4. The sequence is repeated as Failover Manager brings the next resource offline. Failover

Manager uses the dependency list to determine the correct order for taking resources offline.

How Failover Occurs

Group failover happens when the group or the node that owns the group fails. Individual resource

failure causes the group to fail if you configure the Affect the group property for the resource.

Failover takes two forms, as described in the sections that follow:

Resource failure and group failure (without node failure)

Node failure or loss of communication between nodes

Resource Failure and Group Failure (Without Node Failure)

When a resource fails, the following process occurs:

1. Resource Monitor detects the failure, either through Looks Alive or Is Alive polling or through

an event signaled by the resource. Resource Monitor calls the IsAlive entry point of the

resource DLL to confirm that the resource has failed.

2. If IsAlive fails, the state of the resource changes to Failed.

If you configured the resource to be restarted on failure, Failover Manager attempts to restart

the resource by trying to bring it online. If the attempts to bring the resource online fail more

than is allowed by the restart Threshold and Period properties, Resource Monitor stops

polling the resource.

3. Through Resource Monitor, Failover Manager calls the Terminate entry point of the resource


The rest of this process concerns how the group fails over.

4. If the resource is set to Affect the group, the sequence continues. Otherwise, it ends

without further action. If the resource is set to Affect the group, Failover Managers on the

cluster nodes work together to reassign ownership of the group.

5. On the node on which the resource failed, Failover Manager terminates the resource that

failed and the resources that depend on it, and then Failover Manager takes the remaining

resources in the dependency tree offline in order of dependencies.

6. Failover Manager on the node on which the resource failed notifies Failover Manager on the

node that will take ownership of the resource (and also notifies Failover Manager on other

nodes about the changes that are happening).

7. If any of the resources have been configured so that application-specific configuration

information (registry subkeys) for that resource is checkpointed, Checkpoint Manager restores

the saved registry subkeys for those resources from the quorum resource.

8. The destination node Failover Manager brings the resources online one by one, using the

dependency list to determine the correct order.

9. The node that now owns the group turns control of the group’s resources over to their

respective Resource Monitors.

Node Failure or Loss of Communication Between Nodes

Failover that occurs when a node fails is different from failover that occurs when a resource fails. For

the purposes of clustering, a node is considered to have failed if it loses communication with other


As described in previous sections, if a node misses five heartbeats, this indicates that it has failed, and

a regroup event (and possibly quorum arbitration) occurs. After node failure, surviving nodes negotiate

for ownership of the various resource groups. On two-node clusters the result is obvious, but on

clusters with more than two nodes, Failover Manager on the surviving nodes determines group

ownership based on the following:

The nodes you have specified as possible owners of the affected resource groups.

The order in which you specified the nodes in the group’s Preferred Owners list.


When setting up a preferred owners list for a resource group, we recommend that you list all

nodes in your server cluster and put them in priority order.

How Failback Occurs

Failback is the process by which the Cluster service moves resource groups back to their preferred

node after the node has failed and come back online. You can configure both whether and when

failback occurs. By default, groups are not set to fail back.

The node to which the group will fail back initiates the failback. Failover Manager on that node

contacts Failover Manager on the node where the group is currently online and negotiates for

ownership. The instances of Failover Manager on the two nodes work together to smoothly transfer

ownership of the resource group back to the preferred node.

You can test failback configuration settings by following procedures in Help and Support Center.

Related Information

The following sources provide information that is relevant to this section.

“Planning Server Deployments” in the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit on the Microsoft

Web site for more information about failover policies, choices for cluster storage, and ways

that applications can operate within a server cluster.

What Is a Server Cluster?

Server Cluster Tools and Settings

Updated: March 28, 2003

Server Cluster Tools and Settings

In this section

Server Cluster Tools

Server Cluster WMI Classes

Related Information

The information in this section is helpful for learning about tools to administer, diagnose, and recover

server clusters. It also provides information about tools for configuring disks and for migrating a

clustered print server to Windows Server 2003 operating systems. In addition, this section provides

information about WMI classes associated with server clusters.

Server Cluster Tools

The following tools are associated with server clusters.

Cluadmin.exe: Cluster Administrator


Tool included in Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and

Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, operating systems. The tool is also included in the Windows

Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack.

Version Compatibility

Cluster Administrator can run on computers running Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Windows

Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, and Windows XP

Professional with Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack installed.

Cluster Administrator can target server cluster nodes running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise

Edition, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000

Datacenter Server, and Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition.

Cluster Administrator is the graphical user interface (GUI) for server clusters. It displays information

about the cluster and its nodes, resources, and groups. With Cluster Administrator, you can do a

variety of tasks, including joining nodes to a cluster, managing cluster objects, establishing groups,

initiating failover, monitoring cluster activity, and other tasks.



Tool included in Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and

Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, operating systems. The tool is also included in the Windows

Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack.

Version Compatibility

Cluster.exe can run on computers running Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Windows

Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, and Windows XP

Professional with Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack installed.

Cluster.exe can target server cluster nodes that are running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition,

Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter

Server, and Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition.

Cluster.exe is the command-line interface for server clusters. Cluster.exe provides all the

functionality of Cluster Administrator, the graphical user interface (GUI), plus several

additional functions:

The cluster resource command includes the /private option, which can be used to view or

change a resource’s private properties in the cluster configuration database.

The cluster command includes the /changepass option, which can be used to change the

Cluster service account password.

The cluster resource command (with no options) can provide information about a cluster

resource when Cluster Administrator does not display information quickly, which sometimes

happens if a resource is in a pending state.

Commands can be put together into scripts that can be run routinely, possibly by staff

members less highly trained than those who wrote the scripts.

For more information about Cluster.exe, see “Command line reference A-Z” on the Microsoft TechNet

Web site.

Clusdiag.msi: Cluster Diagnostics and Verification Tool


Tool included in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. An updated version of this tool is available.

Version Compatibility

The Cluster Diagnostics tool can run on computers running Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, and

Windows XP Professional.

The updated version of the tool can target server clusters running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise

Edition, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and

Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.

The original version of the tool can target server clusters running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise

Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition.

The Cluster Diagnostics tool provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for performing diagnostic tests

on a preproduction cluster, as well as an interface for viewing multiple log files to aid in

troubleshooting cluster failures. The tool can generate various cluster-related reports from the

information gathered during testing. An example of a report that the tool can generate is a diagram

showing resource dependencies.

To find more information about Clusdiag.msi, see Resource Kit Tool Updates in the Tools and Settings


Clusterrecovery.exe: Server Cluster Recovery Utility


Tool included in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.

Version Compatibility

The Server Cluster Recovery Utility can be installed on computers running Windows Server 2003 and

Windows XP Professional.

The Server Cluster Recovery Utility can target server clusters running Windows Server 2003,

Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and

Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.

The Server Cluster Recovery Utility is primarily intended for:

Restoring resource checkpoint files.

Replacing a failed disk or recovering from disk signature changes.

Migrating data to a different disk on the shared bus.

To find more information about Clusterrecovery.exe, see Resource Kit Tools Help in the Tools and

Settings Collection.

Confdisk.exe: Disk Configuration Tool


Tool included in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.

Version Compatibility

The Disk Configuration Tool can be installed on computers running Windows Server 2003 and

Windows XP Professional.

The Disk Configuration Tool can target server clusters running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise

Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition.

The Disk Configuration Tool restores a disk signature from an Automated System Recovery (ASR) set.

To find more information about Confdisk.exe, see Resource Kit Tools Help in the Tools and Settings


Printmig.exe: Print Migrator 3.1 Tool


Tool is available at the Download Center at the Microsoft Web site.

Version Compatibility

The tool supports moving printers, including clustered print servers, from Windows NT 4.0 to

Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 operating systems. The tool also supports the conversion of

LPR ports to standard TCP/IP ports.

For more information about print servers and Print Migrator 3.1, see the Microsoft Web site. To

download this tool, see Print Migrator 3.1 at the Microsoft Web site.

Server Cluster WMI Classes

With Windows Server 2003, you can take advantage of new support for managing server clusters

through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). You can also continue to use Cluster

Automation Server, the cluster management interface that was first available in Windows NT Server

4.0, Enterprise Edition. However, Cluster Automation Server is an interface specific to server clusters.

In contrast, the WMI interface has the advantage of being a standardized, current interface in Windows

operating systems.

The following tables list and describe the WMI classes that are associated with server clusters. The

WMI classes are grouped as follows:

Classes for the cluster and its elements

Association classes

Event classes

WMI Classes for Server Clusters—Classes for the Cluster and Its Elements


Class Name Name- space Version Compatibility

MSCluster_Cluster MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_Network MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_NetworkInterface MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_Node MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_Property MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_Resource MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ResourceGroup MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ResourceType MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_Service MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

WMI Classes for Server Clusters—Association Classes


Class Name Name- space Version Compatibility

MSCluster_ClusterToNetwork MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ClusterToNetworkInterface MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ClusterToNode MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ClusterToQuorumResource MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ClusterToResource MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ClusterToResourceGroup MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ClusterToResourceType MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_NetworkToNetworkInterface MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_NodeToActiveGroup MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_NodeToActiveResource MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_NodeToHostedService MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_NodeToNetworkInterface MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition


MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ResourceGroupToResource MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ResourceToDependentResource MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ResourceToPossibleOwner MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_ResourceTypeToResource MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

WMI Classes for Server Clusters—Event Classes


Class Name Name- space Version Compatibility

MSCluster_Event MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_EventGroupStateChange MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_EventObjectAdd MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_EventObjectRemove MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_EventPropertyChange MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition


MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

MSCluster_EventStateChange MSCluster Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

For information about Cluster Automation Server and descriptions of many WMI classes, see the SDK

documentation on MSDN.

Related Information

The following source provides information that is relevant to this section.

For information about command syntax for Cluster.exe and about backing up server clusters, see Help

and Support Center in Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise

Edition, or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition operating systems

Network Load Balancing Technical ReferenceUpdated: March 28, 2003

Network Load Balancing Technical Reference

Network Load Balancing is a network driver that distributes the load for networked client/server

applications across multiple cluster servers. It is part of the Windows scale out functionality and is one

of three Windows Clustering technologies. Server clusters, ideal for applications requiring stateful

connections, and Component Load Balancing, ideal for stateless COM+ applications, are the other two

technologies. Component Load Balancing is a feature of Microsoft Application Center 2000. It is not a

feature of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family.

Network Load Balancing distributes client requests across a set of servers. It is particularly useful for

ensuring that stateless applications, such as a Web server running Internet Information Services (IIS),

can be scaled out by adding additional servers as the load increases. Network Load Balancing allows

you to easily replace a malfunctioning server or add a new server, which provides scalability.

Network Load Balancing clusters provide scalability for services and applications based on

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Data Protocol (UDP) by combining up to 32 servers

running the following operating systems into a single cluster:

Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition

Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition

Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition

Windows Server 2003, Web Edition

By using Network Load Balancing to build a group of identical, clustered computers, you can enhance

the scalability of the following servers over your corporate local area network (LAN):

Web and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers

Proxy servers and firewall services, such as computers running Internet Security and

Acceleration (ISA) Server

Virtual private network (VPN) servers

Servers running Windows Media technologies player

Terminal servers

The sections in this subject include an overview of Network Load Balancing, an in-depth description of

how it works, and information about tools and settings.

In this subject

What Is Network Load Balancing?

How Network Load Balancing Technology Works

Network Load Balancing Tools and Settings

What Is Network Load Balancing?Updated: March 28, 2003

What Is Network Load Balancing?

In this section

Common Scenarios for Network Load Balancing

Technologies Related to Network Load Balancing

Interacting with Other Technologies

Related Information

For most Information Technology (IT) departments, Internet servers must support applications and

services that run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, such as financial transactions, database access, and

corporate intranets. In addition, network applications and servers need the ability to scale

performance to handle large volumes of client requests without creating unwanted delays.

Network Load Balancing clusters enable you to manage a group of independent servers as a single

system for greater scalability, increased availability, and easier manageability. You can use Network

Load Balancing to implement enterprise-wide scalable solutions for the delivery of Transmission

Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) based services and applications.

Network Load Balancing has many advantages over other load balancing solutions that can introduce

single points of failure or performance bottlenecks. Because there are no special hardware

requirements for Network Load Balancing, you can use any industry standard compatible computer in

a Network Load Balancing cluster.

Network Load Balancing works by distributing client requests across a set of servers. It is particularly

useful for ensuring that stateless applications, such as Web pages from a server running Internet

Information Services (IIS), are highly available and can be scaled out by adding additional servers as

the load increases. The ease with which Network Load Balancing allows you to replace a

malfunctioning server or add a new server provides scalability.

Network Load Balancing offers the following benefits:


Network Load Balancing supports up to 32 computers in a single cluster. Hosts can be added and

removed without interrupting cluster availability.

Load balancing

Load-balances multiple server requests, from either the same client, or from several clients, across

multiple hosts in the cluster.

Increased availability

Automatically detects and recovers from a failed or offline computer and balances the network load

when hosts are added or removed. Recovers and redistributes the workload within seconds.

Many enterprise solutions must address client access to services and applications that are based on

connections to selected TCP/IP addresses, protocols, and port numbers. For example, IIS provides

service to clients on IP (TCP, 80). If this single IP host were to fail or become overloaded, client access

to the service or application may be prevented or fall below a designated performance level.

Configuring multiple hosts to increase scalability and availability for applications and services is one

solution. However, this solution may involve specialized network hardware, complex network

configuration, and management of individual hosts. For example, multiple hosts functioning as Web

servers, each with an individual IP address, could be resolved by multiple entries in round robin DNS.

Each server is independent and if a server fails, the static load balancing provided by round robin DNS

may prevent clients from accessing their Web application.

To resolve client connection problems, Network Load Balancing allows multiple computers or hosts,

configured in a logical group called a network load balancing cluster, to respond to client connection

requests made to a single virtual IP address.

Network Load Balancing Driver

Network Load Balancing is a driver, Wlbs.sys, which you must load on each host in the cluster.

Wlbs.sys includes a statistical mapping algorithm that the hosts of the cluster collectively use to

determine which host handles each incoming request.

You install the driver on each of the cluster hosts, and you configure the cluster to present a virtual IP

address to client requests. The client requests go to all of the hosts in the cluster, but only the mapped

host accepts and handles the request. All of the other hosts in the cluster drop the request.

Network Load Balancing Cluster Configuration

After the driver is installed, it must be configured before the host can join a cluster. You must

configure three groups of information about each host: cluster parameters, host parameters, and port

rules, before it is possible to create or join a cluster. Configuring the driver allows you to:

Select the cluster virtual IP address option.

Customize the cluster according to the various hosts’ capacities and sources of client


Specify that one host handles all of the client requests with the others serving as failover


Divide the load of incoming client requests among the hosts evenly or according to a

specified load partitioning weight.

Common Scenarios for Network Load Balancing

This section includes scenarios representing common implementations of Network Load Balancing.

IIS Server (Web Farm)

An IIS Server Web farm is the most common scenario for Network Load Balancing. Below are two

examples of how Network Load Balancing can be used to service a Web farm.

Servicing Multiple Web Sites

A Network Load Balancing cluster can be used to host multiple Web sites with different IP addresses.

To do this, enter the additional IP addresses as you create the cluster. Additional IP addresses can also

be added to an existing cluster.

The virtual cluster feature for Network Load Balancing (available in Windows Server 2003) makes it

simpler to service multiple Web sites. Using this feature, you can define port rules that apply to only

one of the specific IP addresses that you add to the cluster or to all of the IP addresses.

Servicing a Web Site with Active Server Pages

Web sites that use Active Server Pages (ASP) can maintain session state across client connections.

Network Load Balancing helps preserve client access to session information by ensuring that all TCP/IP

connections from a single client are directed to the same cluster host.

There are, however, situations in which a client can connect with one cluster host, and then have

subsequent connections load-balanced to different hosts. Such situations include the following:

A host is added to the cluster, and Network Load Balancing load-balances new connections

from this client to the host.

Multiple client-side proxy servers cause multiple connections from the same client to originate

from different IP addresses.

If either of the preceding situations arises, ASP applications must provide a means to retrieve and

manage session state even if a client connects to multiple cluster hosts as part of a single session. The

following are two strategies for addressing this issue:

Use a means at the ASP level, such as a cookie, to retrieve the ASP client state across the

Network Load Balancing cluster hosts.

Encapsulate in a client-side cookie the state from a specific client request. The cookie gives

the server the context for subsequent client requests. This solution works only if there is a

relatively small amount of state associated with each client transaction. As state grows larger,

it becomes increasingly difficult to have the client forward a large cookie to the server with

every request.

Virtual Private Network

Network Load Balancing can be used with virtual private network (VPN) servers to load-balance PPTP

clients. To ensure compatibility with clients running earlier versions of Windows, such as Windows 98

and Windows NT 4.0, it is important to configure the TCP/IP properties correctly. To do this, assign only

a single virtual IP address (the cluster’s primary IP address) to the network adapter used by Network

Load Balancing. Do not assign a dedicated IP address on any network adapter on this subnet. This

restriction does not apply for Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 clients. Assigning only a single

virtual IP address to the network adapter used by Network Load Balancing ensures that network traffic

returning from the host to the client originates from the virtual IP address to which the client sent the


Single-Server Failover Support

Although you can use Network Load Balancing to provide failover support for applications, using a

server cluster is the preferred solution for this scenario. However, if you choose to achieve failover

support with Network Load Balancing, this section describes how to do this.

You must first start the application on every host in the cluster. Network Load Balancing does not

restart an application on failover. It assumes that an instance of the application is running on each

host in the cluster.

In order for Network Load Balancing to provide failover support for a specific application, the files that

the application uses must be simultaneously accessible to all hosts that run the application. To achieve

this, these files should reside on a back-end file server.

Some applications open shared files only on client request. For these applications, using Network Load

Balancing for failover is possible. However, other applications require that these files be continuously

open exclusively by one instance of the application. Because this is not possible with Network Load

Balancing, you must instead use server clusters to provide failover support for these types of


Technologies Related to Network Load Balancing

Network Load Balancing is one of three Windows Clustering technologies. In addition to Network Load

Balancing, there are server clusters and Component Load Balancing.

Server clusters

Server clusters are used to ensure that stateful applications such as a database, for example, SQL

Server, can be kept highly available by failing over the application from one server to another in the

event of a failure. Multiple servers (nodes) in a cluster remain in constant communication. If one of the

nodes in a cluster is unavailable as a result of failure or maintenance, another node immediately

begins providing service (a process known as failover). Users who access the cluster are constantly

connected to server-based resources.

With Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, you can

configure server clusters in one of three available cluster models, depending on your requirements.

Network Load Balancing load-balances requests between front-end Web servers and server clusters

does the same thing for back-end database access. Network Load Balancing and server clusters

cannot both be active on the same computer since both technologies control and configure network

adapters and they may interfere with one another. By joining Network Load Balancing and server

clusters together, an overall clustering scheme is created, as shown in the following diagram:

Integrated Clustering Scheme Using Network Load Balancing and Server Clusters

Component Load Balancing

Component Load Balancing is the dynamic load balancing feature of COM+. It enables the creation of

8-node application clusters behind a Component Load Balancing router, enabling the COM+

applications to scale while also ensuring their constant availability. Component Load Balancing is ideal

for stateless COM+ applications. Component Load Balancing is a feature of Microsoft Application

Center 2000. It is not a feature of the Windows Server 2003 family.

Interacting with Other Technologies

Network Load Balancing interacts with the following technologies:

Terminal server clusters

Network Load Balancing can be used to load-balance terminal server clusters. Load balancing pools

the processing resources of several servers using the TCP/IP networking protocol. You can use this

service with a cluster of terminal servers to scale the performance of a single terminal server by

distributing sessions across multiple servers. Session Directory (included in Windows Server 2003,

Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition) keeps track of disconnected

sessions on the cluster, and ensures that users are reconnected to those sessions.

DNS resolution

Network Load Balancing does not support dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) resolution, where the

name of the cluster is automatically registered by the host when the host starts. This functionality

must be disabled on the Network Load Balancing interface for both DNS and Windows Internet Name

Service (WINS); otherwise, each host’s computer name will be registered with the cluster IP address.

When using Network Load Balancing with DNS, you will need to directly configure the DNS server to

register the name. Also, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) should not be used on the

network interface to which Network Load Balancing is bound; however, DHCP can be used on other



Network Load Balancing in Windows Server 2003 supports both Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

(PPTP) and Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) virtual private network (VPN) sessions. However,

Network Load Balancing must be configured in single affinity mode.

Kerberos authentication

Network Load Balancing supports Kerberos with applications it load-balances.

.NET Framework remoting

Network Load Balancing supports .NET Framework remoting, which uses method invocations from

client to server over a single TCP connection. This means that once a connection is established, it is

reused for subsequent method invocations and is closed only after the connection remains idle for a

pre-configured amount of time. Network Load Balancing can load-balance these connections, but load

balancing will likely be uneven because it is the TCP connection that is load-balanced and not the

method invocation. Since one client gets “pinned” to a specific server, the load will be well distributed

only if you have many clients connected to the cluster at the same time. Each client will get load-

balanced, but the connection will stay open for a long period of time.

Related Information

The following resource contains additional information that is relevant to this section.

Clustering Technologies

How Network Load Balancing Technology WorksUpdated: March 28, 2003

In this section

Network Load Balancing Terms and Definitions

Network Load Balancing Architecture

Network Load Balancing Protocols

Application Compatibility with Network Load Balancing

Network Load Balancing for Scalability

Scaling Network Load Balancing Clusters

Performance Impact of Network Load Balancing

When Network Load Balancing is installed as a network driver on each of the member servers, or

hosts, in a cluster, the cluster presents a virtual Internet Protocol (IP) address to client requests. The

client requests go to all the hosts in the cluster, but only the host to which a given client request is

mapped accepts and handles the request. All the other hosts drop the request. Depending on the

configuration of each host in the cluster, the statistical mapping algorithm, which is present on all the

cluster hosts, maps the client requests to particular hosts for processing.

Basic Diagram for Network Load Balancing Clusters

The following figure shows two connected Network Load Balancing clusters. The first cluster is a

firewall cluster with two hosts and the second cluster is a Web server cluster with four hosts.

Two Connected Network Load Balancing Clusters

Network Load Balancing Terms and Definitions

Before you review the Network Load Balancing components and processes, it is helpful to understand

specific terminology. The following terms are used to describe the components and processes of

Network Load Balancing.


For Network Load Balancing, the method used to associate client requests to cluster hosts. When no

affinity is specified, all network requests are load-balanced across the cluster without respect to their

source. Affinity is implemented by directing all client requests from the same IP address to the same

cluster host.


The process of stabilizing a system after changes occur in the network. For routing, if a route becomes

unavailable, routers send update messages throughout the network, reestablishing information about

preferred routes.

For Network Load Balancing, a process by which hosts exchange messages to determine a new,

consistent state of the cluster and to elect the default host. During convergence, a new load

distribution is determined for hosts that share the handling of network traffic for specific Transmission

Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports.

dedicated IP address

The IP address of a Network Load Balancing host used for network traffic that is not associated with

the Network Load Balancing cluster (for example, Telnet access to a specific host within the cluster).

This IP address is used to individually address each host in the cluster and therefore is unique for each


default host

The host with the highest host priority for which a drainstop command is not in progress. After

convergence, the default host handles all of the network traffic for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports that are not otherwise covered by port rules.


In server clusters, the process of taking resource groups offline on one node and bringing them online

on another node. When failover occurs, all resources within a resource group fail over in a predefined

order; resources that depend on other resources are taken offline before, and are brought back online

after, the resources on which they depend.


A message that is sent at regular intervals by one computer on a Network Load Balancing cluster or

server cluster to another computer within the cluster to detect communication failures.

Network Load Balancing initiates convergence when it fails to receive heartbeat messages from

another host or when it receives a heartbeat message from a new host.

multicast media access control (MAC) address

A type of media access control address used by multiple, networked computers to receive the same

incoming network frames concurrently. Network Load Balancing uses multicast MAC addresses to

efficiently distribute incoming network traffic to cluster hosts.

multihomed computer

A computer that has multiple network adapters or that has been configured with multiple IP addresses

for a single network adapter.

Network Load Balancing supports multihomed servers by allowing multiple virtual IP addresses to be

assigned to the cluster adapter.


A performance measure defined as the number of client requests processed by a Network Load

Balancing cluster per unit of time.

virtual cluster

A Network Load Balancing cluster that you create by assigning specific port rules to specific virtual IP

addresses. With virtual clusters, you can use different port rules for different Web sites or applications

hosted on the cluster, provided each Web site or application has a different virtual IP address.

virtual IP address

An IP address that is shared among the hosts of a Network Load Balancing cluster. A Network Load

Balancing cluster might also use multiple virtual IP addresses, for example, in a cluster of multihomed

Web servers.

Network Load Balancing Architecture

Network Load Balancing runs as a network driver logically beneath higher-level application protocols,

such as HTTP and FTP. On each cluster host, the driver acts as a filter between the network adapter’s

driver and the TCP/IP stack, allowing a portion of the incoming network traffic to be received by the

host. This is how incoming client requests are partitioned and load-balanced among the cluster hosts.

To maximize throughput and availability, Network Load Balancing uses a fully distributed software

architecture, and an identical copy of the Network Load Balancing driver that runs in parallel on each

cluster host. The figure below shows the implementation of Network Load Balancing as an

intermediate driver in the Windows Server 2003 network stack.

Typical Configuration of a Network Load Balancing Host

The following table describes the principal components related to the Network Load Balancing


Components of the Network Load Balancing Architecture


Component Description

Nlb.exe The Network Load Balancing control program. You can use Nlb.exe from the command line to start, stop, and administer Network Load Balancing, as well as to enable and disable ports and to query cluster status.

Nlbmgr.exe The Network Load Balancing Manager control program. Use this command to start Network Load Balancing Manager.

Wlbs.exe The former Network Load Balancing control program. This has been replaced by Nlb.exe. However, you can still use Wlbs.exe rather than Nlb.exe if necessary, for example, if you have existing scripts that reference Wlbs.exe.

Wlbsprov.dll The Network Load Balancing WMI provider.

Nlbmprov.dll The Network Load Balancing Manager WMI provider.

Wlbsctrl.dll The Network Load Balancing API DLL.

Wlbs.sys The Network Load Balancing device driver. Wlbs.sys is loaded onto each host in the cluster and includes the statistical mapping algorithm that the cluster hosts collectively use to determine which host handles each incoming request.

Application and Service Environment

When a Web server application maintains state information about a client session across multiple TCP

connections, it is important that all TCP connections for the client are directed to the same cluster


Network Load Balancing can load-balance any application or service that uses TCP/IP as its network

protocol and is associated with a specific TCP or UDP port. The distributed algorithm, which is used to

determine which host responds to a TCP connection request or incoming UDP packet, can include the

port rule in the decision. Including the port rule in the decision means that for any client, different

members of the Network Load Balancing cluster may service connection requests or packets

addressed to different port rule on the virtual IP address.


While configuring a Network Load Balancing cluster, consider the type of application or

service that the server is providing, and then select the appropriate configuration for Network

Load Balancing hosts.

Client State

A discussion of Network Load Balancing clusters requires clarification of two kinds of client states,

application data state and session state, because they are essential to configuring Network Load


Application data state

In terms of application data, you must consider whether the server application makes changes to the

data store and whether the changes are synchronized across instances of the application (the

instances that are running on the Network Load Balancing cluster hosts). An example of an application

that does not make changes to the data store is a static Web page supported by an IIS server.

Means must be provided to synchronize updates to data state that need to be shared across servers.

One such means is use of a back-end database server that is shared by all instances of the application.

An example would be an Active Server Pages (ASP) page that is supported by an IIS server and that

can access a shared back-end database server, such as a SQL Server.

Session state

Session state (or intraclient state) refers to client data that is visible to a particular client for the

duration of a session. Session state can span multiple TCP connections, which can be either

simultaneous or sequential. Network Load Balancing assists in preserving session state through client

affinity settings. These settings direct all TCP connections from a given client address or class of client

addresses to the same cluster host. This allows session state to be maintained by the server

application in the host memory.

Client/server applications that embed session state within “cookies” or push it to a back-end database

do not need client affinity to be maintained.

An example of an application that requires maintaining session state is an e-commerce application

that maintains a shopping cart for each client.

Network Load Balancing Parameters

By setting port rules, cluster parameters, and host parameters, you gain flexibility in configuring the

cluster, which enables you to customize the cluster according to the various hosts’ capacities and

sources of client requests. Cluster parameters apply to the entire cluster, while the host parameters

apply to a specific host.

Port rules

The Network Load Balancing driver uses port rules that describe which traffic to load-balance and

which traffic to ignore. By default, the Network Load Balancing driver configures all ports for load

balancing. You can modify the configuration of the Network Load Balancing driver that determines how

incoming network traffic is load-balanced on a per-port basis by creating port rules for each group of

ports or individual ports as required. Each port rule configures load balancing for client requests that

use the port or ports covered by the port range parameter. How you load-balance your applications is

mostly defined by how you add or modify port rules, which you create on each host for any particular

port range.


Affinity is the method used to associate client requests to cluster hosts. Network Load Balancing

assists in preserving session state through client affinity settings for each port rule that Network Load

Balancing creates. These settings direct all TCP connections from a given client address or class of

client addresses to the same cluster host. Directing the connections to the same cluster host allows

the server applications in the designated host memory to correctly maintain the session state.

Running Network Load Balancing in an Optimal Environment

The sections in this document provide in-depth information about how Network Load Balancing works

in an optimal environment. An optimal environment for Network Load Balancing is defined as follows:

Two or more network adapters in each cluster host are used.

The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network protocol is the only

protocol used on the cluster adapter. Other protocols, such as Internetwork Packet Exchange

(IPX), should not be added to this adapter.

Within a given cluster, all cluster hosts must operate in either unicast or multicast mode, but

not both.

Network Load Balancing should not be enabled on a computer that is part of a server cluster.

All hosts in a cluster must belong to the same subnet and the cluster’s clients must be able to

access this subnet.

The appropriate hardware resources should be used. The goal in tuning Network Load

Balancing and the applications it load-balances is to determine which hardware resource will

experience the greatest demand, and then to adjust the configuration to relieve that demand

and maximize total throughput.

Cluster parameters, port rules, and host parameters are correctly configured:

Cluster parameters and port rules for each unique virtual IP address are identical

across all hosts. Each unique virtual IP address must be configured with the same port

rules across all hosts that service that virtual IP address. However, if you have multiple

virtual IP addresses configured on a host, each of those virtual IP addresses can have a

different set of port rules.

Port rules are set for all ports used by the load-balanced application. For example,

FTP uses port 20, port 21, and ports 1024–65535.

The dedicated IP address is unique and the cluster IP address is added to each

cluster host.

Network performance should be optimized by limiting switch port flooding.

Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and

Domain Name System (DNS) services can be run on Network Load Balancing cluster hosts;

however, the interface to which Network Load Balancing is bound cannot use a DHCP address.

Network Load Balancing Driver

The Network Load Balancing driver is installed on a computer configured with Transmission Control

Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and is bound to a single network interface called the cluster

adapter. The driver is configured with a single IP address, the cluster primary IP address, on a single

subnet for all of the member servers (or hosts) on the cluster. Each host has an identical media access

control (MAC) address that allows the hosts to concurrently receive incoming network traffic for the

cluster’s primary IP address (and for additional IP addresses on multihomed hosts).

Incoming client requests are partitioned and load-balanced among the cluster hosts by the Network

Load Balancing driver, which acts as a rule-based filter between the network adapter’s driver and the

TCP/IP stack. Each host receives a designated portion of the incoming network traffic.

Distributed Architecture

Network Load Balancing is a distributed architecture, with an instance of the driver installed on each

cluster host. Throughput is maximized to all cluster hosts by eliminating the need to route incoming

packets to individual cluster hosts, through a process called filtering. Filtering out unwanted packets in

each host improves throughput; this process is faster than routing packets, which involves receiving,

examining, rewriting, and resending the packets.

Another key advantage to the fully distributed architecture of Network Load Balancing is the enhanced

availability resulting from (n-1) way failover in a cluster with n hosts. In contrast, dispatcher-based

solutions create an inherent single point of failure that you must eliminate by using a redundant

dispatcher that provides only one-way failover. Dispatcher-based solutions offer a less robust failover

solution than does a fully distributed architecture.

Load Balancing Algorithm

The Network Load Balancing driver uses a fully distributed filtering algorithm to statistically map

incoming client requests to the cluster hosts, based upon their IP address, port, and other information.

When receiving an incoming packet, all hosts within the cluster simultaneously perform this mapping

to determine which host should handle the packet. Those hosts not required to service the packet

simply discard it. The mapping remains constant unless the number of cluster hosts changes or the

filter processing rules change.

The filtering algorithm is much more efficient in its packet handling than centralized load balancers,

which must modify and retransmit packets. Efficient packet handling allows for a much higher

aggregate bandwidth to be achieved on industry standard hardware.

The distribution of client requests that the statistical mapping function effects is influenced by the


Host priorities

Multicast or unicast mode

Port rules


Load percentage distribution

Client IP address

Client port number

Other internal load information

The statistical mapping function does not change the existing distribution of requests unless the

membership of the cluster changes or you adjust the load percentage.

Unicast and Multicast Modes

Network Load Balancing requires at least one network adapter; and different hosts in a cluster can

have a different number of adapters, but all must use the same network IP transmission mode, either

unicast or multicast.

Unicast mode is the default mode, but you can configure the Network Load Balancing driver to operate

in either mode.

When you enable unicast support, the unicast mode changes the cluster adapter’s MAC address to the

cluster MAC address. This cluster address is the same MAC address that is used on all cluster hosts.

When this change is made, clients can no longer address the cluster adapters by their original MAC


When you enable multicast support, Network Load Balancing adds a multicast MAC access to the

cluster adapters on all of the cluster hosts. At the same time, the cluster adapters retain their original

MAC addresses.


The Network Load Balancing driver does not support a mixed unicast and multicast

environment. All cluster hosts must be either multicast or unicast; otherwise, the cluster will

not function properly.

If clients are accessing a Network Load Balancing cluster through a router when the cluster has been

configured to operate in multicast mode, be sure that the router meets the following requirements:

Accepts an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) reply that has one MAC address in the payload

of the ARP structure but appears to arrive from a station with another MAC address, as judged

by the Ethernet header.

Accepts an ARP reply that has a multicast MAC address in the payload of the ARP structure.

If your router does not meet these requirements, you can create a static ARP entry in the router. For

example, some routers require a static ARP entry because they do not support the resolution of

unicast IP addresses to multicast MAC addresses.

Subnet and Network Considerations

The Network Load Balancing architecture with a single MAC address for all cluster hosts maximizes use

of the subnet’s hub and/or switch architecture to simultaneously deliver incoming network traffic to all

cluster hosts.

Your network configuration will typically include routers, but may also include layer 2 switches

(collapsed backbone) rather than the simpler hubs or repeaters that are available. Cluster

configuration, when using hubs, is predictable because the hubs distribute IP traffic to all ports.


If client-side network connections at the switch are significantly faster than server-side

connections, incoming traffic can occupy a prohibitively large portion of server-side port


Network Adapters

Network Load Balancing requires only a single network adapter, but for optimum cluster performance,

you should install a second network adapter on each Network Load Balancing host. In this

configuration, one network adapter handles the network traffic that is addressed to the server as part

of the cluster. The other network adapter carries all of the network traffic that is destined to the server

as an individual computer on the network, including cluster communication between hosts.


Network Load Balancing with a single network adapter can provide full functionality if you

enable multicast support for this adapter.

Selecting an IP Transmission Mode

When you are implementing a Network Load Balancing solution, the Internet Protocol transmission

mode that is selected and the number of network adapters that are required are dependent upon the

following network requirements:

Layer 2 switches or hubs

Peer-to-peer communication between hosts

Maximized communication performance

For example, a cluster supporting a static Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Web application can

have a requirement to synchronize the Web site copies of a large number of cluster hosts. This

scenario requires interhost peer-to-peer communications. You select the number of network adapters

and the IP communications mode to meet this requirement.

There is no restriction on the number of network adapters, and different hosts can have a different

number of adapters. You can configure Network Load Balancing to use one of four different models.

Single Network Adapter in Unicast Mode

The single network adapter in unicast mode is suitable for a cluster in which you do not require

ordinary network communication among cluster hosts, and in which there is limited dedicated traffic

from outside the cluster subnet to specific cluster hosts. In this model, the computer can also handle

traffic from inside the subnet if the IP datagrams do not carry the same MAC address as the cluster


Single Network Adapter in Multicast Mode

This model is suitable for a cluster in which ordinary network communication among cluster hosts is

necessary or desirable, but in which there is limited dedicated traffic from outside the cluster subnet to

specific cluster hosts.

Multiple Network Adapter in Unicast Mode

This model is suitable for a cluster in which ordinary network communication among cluster hosts is

necessary or desirable, and in which there is comparatively heavy dedicated traffic from outside the

cluster subnet to specific cluster hosts.

This mode is the preferred configuration used by most sites because a second network adapter may

enhance overall network performance.

Multiple Network Adapter in Multicast Mode

This model is suitable for a cluster in which ordinary network communication among cluster hosts is

necessary, and in which there is heavy dedicated traffic from outside the cluster subnet to specific

cluster hosts.

Comparison of Modes

The advantages and disadvantages of each model are listed in the following table.

Components of the Network Load Balancing Architecture


Adapter Mode Advantages Disadvantages

Single Unicast Simple configuration Poor overall performance

Single Multicast Medium performance Complex configuration

Multiple Unicast Best balance None

Multiple Multicast Best balance Complex configuration

Network Load Balancing Addressing

The Network Load Balancing cluster is assigned a primary Internet Protocol (IP) address. This IP

address represents a virtual IP address to which all of the cluster hosts respond, and the remote

control program that is provided with Network Load Balancing uses this IP address to identify a target


Primary IP address

The primary IP address is the virtual IP address of the cluster and must be set identically for all hosts in

the cluster. You can use the virtual IP address to address the cluster as a whole. The virtual IP address

is also associated with the Internet name that you specify for the cluster.

Dedicated IP address

You can also assign each cluster host a dedicated IP address for network traffic that is designated for

that particular host only. Network Load Balancing never load-balances the traffic for the dedicated IP

addresses, it only load-balances incoming traffic from all IP addresses other than the dedicated IP


The following figure shows how IP addresses are used to respond to client requests.

Network Load Balancing Cluster

Distribution of Cluster Traffic

When the virtual IP address is resolved to the station address (MAC address), this MAC address is

common for all hosts in the cluster. You can enable client connections to only the required cluster host

when more packets are sent. The responding host then substitutes a different MAC address for the

inbound MAC address in the reply traffic. The substitute MAC address is referred to as the Source MAC

address. The following table shows the MAC addresses that will be generated for a cluster adapter.


IP Mode MAC Address Explanation

Unicast inbound 02-BF-W-X-Y-Z W-X-Y-Z = IP address Onboard MAC disabled

Multicast inbound 03-BF-W-X-Y-Z W-X-Y-Z = IP address Onboard MAC enabled

Source outbound 02-P-W-X-Y-A W-X-Y-Z = IP address P = Host priority

In the unicast mode of operation, the Network Load Balancing driver disables the onboard MAC

address for the cluster adapter. You cannot use the dedicated IP address for interhost communications

because all of the hosts have the same MAC address.

In multicast mode of operation, the Network Load Balancing driver supports both the onboard and the

multicast address. If your cluster configuration will require connections from one cluster host to

another, for example, when making a NetBIOS connection to copy files, use multicast mode or install a

second network adapter.

If the cluster hosts were attached to a switch instead of a hub, the use of a common MAC address

would create a conflict because Layer 2 switches expect to see unique source MAC addresses on all

switch ports. To avoid this problem, Network Load Balancing uniquely modifies the source MAC

address for outgoing packets, for example, a cluster MAC address of 02-BF-1-2-3-4 is set to 02-p-1-2-3-

4, where p is the host’s priority within the cluster.

This technique prevents the switch from learning the cluster’s inbound MAC address, and as a result,

incoming packets for the cluster are delivered to all of the switch ports. If the cluster hosts are

connected to a hub instead of to a switch, you can disable masking of the source MAC address in

unicast mode to avoid flooding upstream switches. You disable Network Load Balancing by setting the

Network Load Balancing registry parameter MaskSourceMAC to 0. The use of an upstream level three

switch will also limit switch flooding.

The unicast mode of Network Load Balancing induces switch flooding to simultaneously deliver

incoming network traffic to all of the cluster hosts. Also, when Network Load Balancing uses multicast

mode, switches often flood all of the ports by default to deliver multicast traffic. However, the

multicast mode of Network Load Balancing gives the system administrator the opportunity to limit

switch flooding by configuring a virtual LAN within the switch for the ports corresponding to the cluster


Port Rules

Port rules are created for individual ports and for groups of ports that Network Load Balancing requires

for particular applications and services. The filter setting then defines whether the Network Load

Balancing driver will pass or block the traffic.

The Network Load Balancing driver controls the distribution and partitioning of Transmission Control

Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic from connecting clients to selected hosts

within a cluster by passing or blocking the incoming data stream for each host. Network Load

Balancing does not control any incoming IP traffic other than TCP and UDP for ports that a port rule


You can add port rules or update parameters by taking each host out of the cluster in turn, updating its

parameters, and then returning it to the cluster. The host joining the cluster handles no traffic until

convergence is complete. The cluster does not converge to a consistent state until all of the hosts

have the same number of rules. For example, if a rule is added, it does not take effect until you have

updated all of the hosts have been updated and they have rejoined the cluster.


Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP), ARP, or other IP protocols are passed unchanged

to the TCP/IP protocol software on all of the hosts within the cluster.

Port rules define individual ports or groups of ports for which the driver has a defined action. You need

to consider certain parameters when creating the port rules, such as the:

TCP or UDP port range for which you should apply this rule.

Protocols for which this rule should apply (TCP, UDP, or both).

Filtering mode chosen: multiple hosts, single host, or disabled.

When defining the port rules, it is important that the rules be exactly the same for each host in the

cluster because if a host attempts to join the cluster with a different number of rules from the other

hosts, the cluster will not converge. The rules that you enter for each host in the cluster must have

matching port ranges, protocol types, and filtering modes.

Filtering Modes

The filter defines for each port rule whether the incoming traffic is discarded, handled by only one

host, or distributed across multiple hosts. The three possible filtering modes that you can apply to a

port rule are:

Multiple hosts

With this filtering mode, clusters can equally distribute the load among the hosts or each host can

handle a specified load weight.

Single host

This filtering mode provides fault tolerance for the handling of network traffic with the target host

defined by its priority.


This filtering mode lets you build a firewall against unwanted network access to a specific range of

ports; the driver discards the unwanted packets.

Load Weighting

When the filter mode for a port rule is set to multiple hosts, the Load Weight parameter specifies the

percentage of load-balanced network traffic that this host should handle for the associated rule.

Allowed value ranges are from 0 to 100.


To prevent a host from handling any network traffic for a port rule, set the load weight to 0.

Because hosts can dynamically enter or leave the cluster, the sum of the load weights for all cluster

hosts does not have to equal 100. The percentage of host traffic is computed as the local load

percentage value divided by the load weight sum across the cluster.

If you balance the load evenly across all of the hosts with this port rule, you can specify an equal load

distribution parameter instead of specifying a load weight parameter.


When the filter mode for a port rule is set to single, the priority parameter specifies the local host’s

network traffic for the associated port rule. The host with the highest handling priority for this rule

among the current cluster members will handle all of the traffic.

The allowed values range from 1, the highest priority, to the maximum number of hosts allowed, 32.

This value must be unique for all hosts in the cluster.

Supporting Multiple Client Connections

In a load-balanced multiserver environment, managing and resolving client, application, and session

state for individual clients can be complex. By default, in a Network Load Balancing solution, different

hosts in the cluster can service multiple client connections.

When a client creates an initial connection to a host in the cluster, the application running on this host

holds the client state. If the same host does not service subsequent connections from the client, errors

can occur if the application instances do not share the client state between hosts.

For example, application development for an ASP-based Web site can be more difficult if the

application must share the client state among the multiple hosts in the cluster. If all of the client

connections can be guaranteed to go to the same server, you can solve the difficulties with the

application that is not sharing the client state among host instances.

By using a Network Load Balancing feature called affinity, you can ensure that the same cluster host

handles all of the TCP connections from one client IP address. Affinity allows you to scale applications

that manage session state spanning multiple client connections. In a Network Load Balancing cluster,

with affinity enabled, initial client connection requests are distributed according to the cluster

configuration, but after you have established the initial client request the same host will service all of

the subsequent requests from that client.


Clients can have many TCP connections to a Network Load Balancing cluster; the load-balancing

algorithm will potentially distribute these connections across multiple hosts in the cluster.

If server applications have client or connection state information, this state information must be made

available on all of the cluster hosts to prevent errors. If you cannot make state information available

on all of the cluster hosts, you cannot use client affinity to direct all of the TCP connections from one

client IP address to the same cluster host. Directing TCP connections from the IP address to the same

host allows an application to maintain state information in the host memory.

For example, if a server application (such as a Web server) maintains state information about a client’s

site navigation status that spans multiple TCP connections, it is critical that all of the TCP connections

for this client state information be directed to the same cluster host to prevent errors.

Affinity defines a relationship between client requests from a single client address or from a Class C

network of clients (where IP addresses range from to and one of the

cluster hosts. Affinity ensures that requests from the specified clients are always handled by the same

host. The relationship lasts until convergence occurs (namely, until the membership of the cluster

changes) or until you change the affinity setting. There is no time-out — the relationship is based only

on the client IP address.

You can distribute incoming client connections based on the algorithm as determined by the following

client affinity settings:

No Affinity

This setting distributes client requests more evenly, when maintaining session state is not an issue,

you can use this setting to speed up response time to requests. For example, because multiple

requests from a particular client can go to more than one cluster host, clients that access Web pages

can get different parts of a page or different pages from different hosts. This setting is used for most


With this setting, the Network Load Balancing statistical mapping algorithm uses both the port number

and entire IP address of the client to influence the distribution of client requests.

Single Affinity

When single affinity is used, the entire source IP address (but not the port number) is used to

determine the distribution of client requests.

You typically set single affinity for intranet sites that need to maintain session state. This setting

always returns each client’s traffic to the same server, thus assisting the application in maintaining

client sessions and their associated session state.

Note that client sessions that span multiple TCP connections (such as ASP sessions) are maintained as

long as the Network Load Balancing cluster membership does not change. If the membership changes

by adding a new host, the distribution of client requests is recomputed, and you cannot depend on

new TCP connections from existing client sessions ending up at the same server. If a host leaves the

cluster, its clients are partitioned among the remaining cluster hosts when convergence completes,

and other clients are unaffected.

Class C Affinity

When Class C affinity is used, only the upper 24 bits of the client’s IP address are used by the

statistical-mapping algorithm. A Class C unicast IP address ranges from to

The first three octets indicate the network, and the last octet indicates the host on the network.

Network Load Balancing provides optional session support for Class C IP addresses (in addition to

support for single IP addresses) to accommodate clients that make use of multiple proxy servers at the

client site. Class-based IP addressing has been superceded by Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR).

This option is appropriate for server farms that serve the Internet. Client requests coming over the

Internet might come from clients sitting behind proxy farms. In this case, during a single client session,

client requests can come into the Network Load Balancing cluster from several source IP addresses

during a session.

Class C affinity addresses this issue by directing all the client requests from a particular Class C

network to a single Network Load Balancing host.

There is no guarantee, however, that all of the servers in a proxy farm are on the same Class C

network. If the client’s proxy servers are on different Class C networks, then the affinity relationship

between a client and the server ends when the client sends successive requests from different Class C

network addresses.

Heartbeats and Convergence

Network Load Balancing cluster hosts exchange heartbeat messages to maintain consistent data about

the cluster’s membership. By default, when a host fails to send out heartbeat messages within five

seconds, it is deemed to have failed. Once a host has failed, the remaining hosts in the cluster perform

convergence and do the following:

Establish which hosts are still active members of the cluster.

Elect the host with the highest priority as the new default host.

Ensure that all new client requests are handled by the surviving hosts.

In convergence, surviving hosts look for consistent heartbeats. If the host that failed to send

heartbeats once again provides heartbeats consistently, it rejoins the cluster in the course of

convergence. When a new host attempts to join the cluster, it sends heartbeat messages that also

trigger convergence. After all cluster hosts agree on the current cluster membership, the client load is

redistributed to the remaining hosts, and convergence completes.

The following figure shows how the client load is evenly distributed among four cluster hosts before

convergence takes place:

Network Load Balancing Cluster Before Convergence

The following figure shows a failed host and how the client load is redistributed among the three

remaining hosts after convergence.

Network Load Balancing Cluster After Convergence

Convergence generally only takes a few seconds, so interruption in client service by the cluster is

minimal. During convergence, hosts that are still active continue handling client requests without

affecting existing connections. Convergence ends when all hosts report a consistent view of the cluster

membership and distribution map for several heartbeat periods.

By editing the registry, you can change both the number of missed messages required to start

convergence and the period between heartbeats. However, be aware that making the period between

heartbeats too short increases network overhead on the system. Also be aware that reducing the

number of missed messages increases the risk of erroneous host evictions from the cluster.


Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to

the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

Network Load Balancing Protocols

Network Load Balancing can load-balance any application or service that uses TCP/IP as its network

protocol and is associated with a specific Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram

Protocol (UDP) port. For applications to work with Network Load Balancing, they must use TCP

connections or UDP data streams.

You can also enable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) support on the cluster hosts to

control switch flooding when operating in multicast mode. IGMP is a protocol used by Internet Protocol

version 4 (IPv4) hosts to report their multicast group memberships to any immediately neighboring

multicast routers.

Application Compatibility with Network Load Balancing

In general, Network Load Balancing can load-balance any application or service that uses TCP/IP as its

network protocol and is associated with a specific TCP or UDP port.

Compatible Applications

Compatible applications must have the following requirements in order to work with Network Load


TCP connections or UDP data streams.

Synchronization of data. If client data that resides on one of the hosts changes as a result of a

client transaction, applications must provide a means of synchronizing data updates if that

data is shared on multiple instances across the cluster.

Single or Class C affinity. If session state is an issue, applications must use single or Class C

affinity or provide a means (such as a client cookie or reference to a back-end database) of

maintaining session state in order to be uniformly accessible across the cluster.

As highlighted in the previous two bullets, before using Network Load Balancing, you must consider an

application’s requirements regarding client state. Network Load balancing can accommodate both

stateless and stateful connections. However, certain factors must be considered for a stateful


Application servers maintain two kinds of stateful connections:

Interclient state. A state whose data updates must be synchronized with transactions that are

performed for other clients, such as merchandise inventory at an e-commerce site. Because

any host within the cluster can service client traffic, information that must be persistent

across multiple requests or that must be shared among clients needs to be shared in a

location that is accessible from all cluster hosts. Updates to information that is shared among

the hosts needs to be synchronized, for example by using a back-end database server.

Intraclient state. A state that must be maintained for a given client throughout a session (that

can span multiple connections), such as a shopping cart process at an e-commerce site.

Network Load Balancing can be used with applications that maintain either type of state, although

applications requiring interclient state are typically best accommodated with server clusters rather

than Network Load Balancing. While intraclient state can be accommodated through the Network Load

Balancing affinity settings, interclient state, on the other hand, requires additional components outside

of Network Load Balancing.

Interclient State

Some applications require interclient state, that is, the applications make changes to data that must

be synchronized across all instances of the application. For example, any type of application that uses

Microsoft SQL Server for data storage, such as a user registration database, requires interclient state.

When applications do share and change data (require interclient state), the changes need to be

properly synchronized. Each host can use local, independent copies of databases that are merged

offline as necessary. Alternatively, the clustered hosts can share access to a separate, networked

database server.

A combination of these approaches can also be used. For example, static Web pages can be replicated

among all clustered servers to ensure fast access and complete fault tolerance. However, database

requests would be forwarded to a common database server that handles updates for the multiple

cluster hosts.

Network Load Balancing is a viable solution for applications that require interclient state.

Intraclient State

A second kind of state intraclient state (also known as session state), refers to client data that is visible

to a particular client for the duration of a session. Session state can span multiple TCP connections,

which can be either simultaneous or sequential. Network Load Balancing assists in preserving session

state through client affinity settings. These settings direct all TCP connections from a given client

address or group of client addresses to the same cluster host. This allows session state to be

maintained by the server application in the host memory.

Incompatible Applications

Applications that are not compatible with Network Load Balancing have one or more of the following


They bind to actual computer names (examples of such applications are Exchange Server and

Distributed File System).

They have files that must be continuously open for writing (for example, Exchange Server). In

a Network Load Balancing cluster, multiple instances of an application (on different cluster

hosts) should not have a file simultaneously opened for writing unless the application was

designed to synchronize file updates. This is generally not the case.

Network Load Balancing for Scalability

Network Load Balancing scales the performance of a server-based program, such as a Web server, by

distributing its client requests across multiple identical servers within the cluster; you can add more

servers to the cluster as traffic increases. Up to 32 servers are possible in any one cluster. The

following figure represents how additional servers can support more users.

How Servers Scale Out Across a Cluster

You can improve the performance of each individual host in a cluster by adding more or faster CPUs,

network adapters and disks, and in some cases by adding more memory. These additions to the

Network Load Balancing cluster is called scaling up, and requires more intervention and careful

planning than scaling out. Limitations of applications or the operating system configuration could

mean that scaling up by adding more memory may not be as appropriate as scaling out.

You can handle additional IP traffic by simply adding computers to the Network Load Balancing cluster

as necessary. Load balancing, in conjunction with the use of server clusters, is part of a scaling

approach referred to as scaling out. The greater the number of computers involved in the load-

balancing scenario, the higher the throughput of the overall server cluster.

Scaling Network Load Balancing Clusters

Network Load Balancing clusters have a maximum of 32 hosts, and all of the hosts must be on the

same subnet. If a cluster cannot meet the performance requirements of a clustered application, such

as a Web site, because of a host count or subnet throughput limitation, then you can use multiple

clusters to scale out further.

Combining round robin DNS and Network Load Balancing results in a very scalable and highly available

configuration. Configuring multiple Network Load Balancing clusters on different subnets and

configuring DNS to sequentially distribute requests across multiple Network Load Balancing clusters

can evenly distribute the client load that is distributed across several clusters. When multiple Network

Load Balancing Web server clusters are configured with round robin DNS, the Web servers are made

resilient to networking infrastructure failures.

When you use round robin DNS in conjunction with Network Load Balancing clusters, each cluster is

identified in DNS by the cluster virtual IP. Because each cluster is automatically capable of both load

balancing and fault tolerance, each DNS-issued IP address will function until all hosts in that particular

cluster fail. Round robin DNS enables only a limited form of TCP/IP load balancing for IP-based servers

when used without Network Load Balancing. When used with multiple individual hosts, such as Web

servers, round robin DNS does not function effectively as a solution. If a host fails, round robin DNS

continues to route requests to the failed server until the server is removed from DNS.

Performance Impact of Network Load Balancing

The performance impact of Network Load Balancing can be measured in four key areas:

CPU overhead on the cluster hosts, which is the CPU percentage required to analyze and filter

network packets (lower is better).

Response time to clients, which increases with the non-overlapped portion of CPU overhead,

called latency (lower is better).

Throughput to clients, which increases with additional client traffic that the cluster can handle

prior to saturating the cluster hosts (higher is better).

Switch occupancy, which increases with additional client traffic (lower is better) and must not

adversely impact port bandwidth.

In addition, scalability determines how its performance improves as hosts are added to the cluster.

Scalable performance requires that CPU overhead and latency not grow faster than the number of


CPU Overhead

All load-balancing solutions require system resources to examine incoming packets and make load-

balancing decisions, and thus impose an overhead on network performance. As previously noted,

dispatcher-based solutions examine, modify, and retransmit packets to particular cluster hosts. (They

usually modify IP addresses to retarget packets from a virtual IP address to a particular host’s IP

address.) In contrast, Network Load Balancing independently delivers incoming packets to all cluster

hosts and applies a filtering algorithm that discards packets on all but the desired host. Filtering

imposes less overhead on packet delivery than re-routing, which results in lower response time and

higher overall throughput.

Throughput and Response Time

Network Load Balancing scales performance by increasing throughput and minimizing response time

to clients. When the capacity of a cluster host is reached, it cannot deliver additional throughput, and

response time grows non-linearly as clients awaiting service encounter queuing delays. Adding another

cluster host enables throughput to continue to climb and reduces queuing delays, which minimizes

response time. As customer demand for throughput continues to increase, more hosts are added until

the network’s subnet becomes saturated. At that point, throughput can be further scaled by using

multiple Network Load Balancing clusters and distributing traffic to them using Round Robin DNS.

Switch Occupancy

The filtering architecture for Network Load Balancing relies on the broadcast subnet of the LAN to

deliver client requests to all cluster hosts simultaneously. In small clusters, this can be achieved using

a hub to interconnect cluster hosts. Each incoming client packet is automatically presented to all

cluster hosts. Larger clusters use a switch to interconnect cluster hosts, and, by default, Network Load

Balancing induces switch-flooding to deliver client requests to all hosts independently. It is important

to ensure that switch-flooding does not use an excessive amount of switch capacity, especially when

the switch is shared with computers outside the cluster. The percentage of switch bandwidth

consumed by flooding of client requests is called its switch occupancy.

Network Load Balancing Tools and SettingsUpdated: March 28, 2003

In this section

Network Load Balancing Tools

Network Load Balancing Registry Entries

Network Load Balancing WMI Classes

Network Port Used by Network Load Balancing

This section provides summary information about the tools, registry entries, WMI classes, and network

ports associated with Network Load Balancing. This information is helpful when evaluating Network

Load Balancing to determine what tools are available to assist in deployment and operations tasks.

Network Load Balancing Tools

The following tools are associated with Network Load Balancing.

NLB.exe command: Network Load Balancing control program


Tool included in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Standard Server SP 3 and later,

Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.

Version compatibility

Available on computers running the Windows Server 2003 family of products, Windows 2000 Advanced

Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.

The Nlb.exe command replaces Wlbs.exe. Windows NT Load Balancing Service (WLBS) is the former

name of Network Load Balancing in Windows NT Server 4.0. For reasons of backward compatibility,

WLBS continues to be used in certain instances.

You can perform most cluster operations by using the nlb.exe command. Nlb.exe performs the

following functions:

Suspend and resume all cluster operations. The reason you would suspend operations is to

override any remote control commands that might be issued. Resuming cluster operations

would not restart the operations, but would enable use of cluster-control commands, including

remote control commands.

Start and stop cluster operations on the specified hosts.

Disable all new traffic handling on the specified hosts.

Enable and disable traffic handling for the rule whose port range contains the specified port.

Display the current cluster state and the list of host priorities for the current members of the


Display information about a given port rule.

Reload the Network Load Balancing driver’s current parameters from the registry.

Display extensive information about the current Network Load Balancing parameters, cluster

state, and past cluster activity. The last several event log records produced by Network Load

Balancing are shown, including the binary data attached to those records. This assists in

technical support and debugging.

Display information about the current Network Load Balancing configuration.

Display the media access control (MAC) address corresponding to the specified cluster name

or IP address.

Nlbmgr.exe: Network Load Balancing Manager


Tool included in the Windows Server 2003 family.

Version compatibility

Available on computers running the Windows Server 2003 family of products, Windows 2000 Advanced

Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. This tool is also part of the Windows Server 2003

Administration Tools Pack, which you can install on computers running Windows XP Professional. You

can use Network Load Balancing Manager on Windows XP Professional only to manage Network Load

Balancing clusters on remote computers running the Windows Server 2003 family of products. You

cannot install the Network Load Balancing service itself on Windows XP Professional.

Network Load Balancing Manager is used to create and manage Network Load Balancing clusters and

all cluster hosts from a single computer, and you can also replicate the cluster configuration to other

hosts. By centralizing administration tasks, Network Load Balancing Manager helps eliminate many

common configuration errors.

Network Load Balancing Registry Entries

The following registry entries are associated with Network Load Balancing.

The information here is provided as a reference for use in troubleshooting or verifying that the

required settings are applied. It is recommended that you do not directly edit the registry unless there

is no other alternative. Modifications to the registry are not validated by the registry editor or by

Windows before they are applied, and as a result, incorrect values can be stored. This can result in

unrecoverable errors in the system. When possible, use Group Policy or other Windows tools, such as

Microsoft Management Console (MMC), to accomplish tasks rather than editing the registry directly. If

you must edit the registry, use extreme caution.

For more information about the following registry entries, see the Registry Reference in Tools and

Settings Collection.

network adapter ID subkey

The following registry entries are located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\

Services\WLBS\Parameters\Interface\network adapter ID subkey.


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

Modifying this registry entry allows you to control both the message exchange period and the number

of missed messages required to initiate convergence. Modifying the AliveMsgTolerance registry

entry will also allow you to do this. The AliveMsgPeriod value holds the message exchange period in

milliseconds, and the AliveMsgTolerance value specifies how many exchanged messages from a

host can be missed before the cluster initiates convergence.

The values you enter should reflect your installation’s requirements. A longer message exchange

period reduces the heartbeat traffic needed to maintain fault tolerance, but it increases the time that it

takes for Network Load Balancing to stop sending network messages to an offline host. Likewise,

increasing the number of message exchanges prior to convergence reduces the number of

unnecessary convergence initiations due to network congestion, but it too increases the time for an

offline host to stop receiving network traffic.

Using the default values, 5 seconds are needed to discover a missing host, and another 5 seconds are

needed for the cluster to redistribute the load. A total of 10 seconds to stop sending network traffic to

an offline host should be acceptable for most TCP/IP applications. This configuration incurs very low

networking overhead.

Default value: 1000 (1 second)

Possible range: 100–10000


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

Modifying this registry entry allows you to control both the message exchange period and the number

of missed messages required to initiate convergence. Modifying the AliveMsgPeriod registry entry

will also allow you to do this. For more information, see the previous description for AliveMsgPeriod.

Default value: 5

Possible range: 5–100


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

Determines the number of connection descriptors allocated at a time. Connection descriptors are used

to track TCP connections.

Default value: 512

Possible range: 16–1024


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

Enables masking of the media access control (MAC) address. The MAC address is used for

communication between network adapters on the same subnet. Each network adapter has an

associated MAC address.

If the host is connected to a switch when Network Load Balancing is running in unicast mode, set the

value of MaskSourceMAC to 1 (the default). If the Network Load Balancing host is running in unicast

mode and is attached to a hub that is then connected to a switch, set the value of this entry to 0. If

Network Load Balancing is running in multicast mode, this setting has no effect.

Default value: 1

Possible range: 0–1


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

Determines the maximum number of times the connection descriptors can be allocated. This value

limits the maximum memory footprint of Network Load Balancing.

Default value: 512

Possible range: 1–1024


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

Determines whether Network Monitor (NetMon) captures Network Load Balancing heartbeat messages

on the local host.

To allow NetMon to capture Network Load Balancing heartbeat messages on the local host, set the

value of this entry to 1. To get the best performance, leave the value of this entry at its default value

of 0.


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

This key is an internal Network Load Balancing entry. Increase the value of this entry only if you

encounter an event log message that advises you to do so.

Default value: 100

Possible range: 5–500


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

This is an internal Network Load Balancing entry. Increase the value of this entry only if you encounter

an event log message that advises you to do so.

Default value: 66

Possible range: 5–500


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

This is an internal Network Load Balancing entry. Increase the value of this entry only if you encounter

an event log message that advises you to do so.

Default value: 200

Possible range: 5–500


Registry path


adapter ID subkey


Available in the Windows Server 2003 family, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000

Datacenter Server.

Determines the UDP port that is used by Network Load Balancing to receive remote control messages.

Note that for backwards compatibility, Network Load Balancing automatically listens to port 1717. If

you decide to firewall the remote control port to block remote control messages, you also always need

to firewall port 1717.

Do not use ports that are commonly used for other purposes (such as those used for FTP or DNS).

Default value: 2504


DecriptorsPerAlloc, MaxDescriptorAllocs, NumActions, NumPackets, and NumAliveMsgs only

take effect when the Network Load Balancing driver is binding to the network adapter (upon

restarting the hosts, or through disabling and then re-enabling the network adapter). The

remaining settings will take effect when the Network Load Balancing driver binds to the

network adapter, or when Network Load Balancing is reloaded (using Nlb.exe reload


Network Load Balancing WMI Classes

The following table lists and describes the WMI classes that are associated with Network Load


WMI Classes Associated with Network Load Balancing


Class Name Namespace Version Compatibility

MicrosoftNLB_Cluster root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_ClusterClusterSetting root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server  2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_ClusterSetting root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_ExtendedStatus root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_Node root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_NodeNodeSetting root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_NodeSetting root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows  2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_NodeSettingPortRule root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_ParticipatingNode root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_PortRule root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_PortRuleDisabled root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

MicrosoftNLB_PortRuleFailover root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server


root\cimv2 Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

For more information about these WMI classes, see the WMI SDK documentation on MSDN.

Network Port Used by Network Load Balancing

Network Load Balancing uses the following network port.

Network Ports Used by Network Load Balancing


Service Name UDP

NLBS 2504

Port numbers in a range of 0 to 65,535 are currently supported by Network Load Balancing for

TCP/UDP. The default port range is 0 to 65,535. To load-balance all client requests with a single port

rule, use the default port range. By using the default port range, you do not have to worry about which

port or ports are associated with the application whose client requests you are load-balancing.