Cluster Computing at IQSS

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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Cluster Computing at IQSS. Alex Storer, Research Technology Consultant. What is the RCE?. R esearch C omputing E nvironment For research in the social sciences Get an account! How do I access it?. How do I access it?. How do I access it?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Cluster Computing at IQSS

Cluster Computing at IQSS

Alex Storer, Research Technology Consultant

What is the RCE? Research Computing Environment For research in the social sciences Get an account!

How do I access it?

How do I access it?

How do I access it?

How do I access it?

What are your needs?

Gigantic Process Many Processes

Gigantic Process

RCE Powered

Gigantic Process

RCE Powered


Request Up to 256gb


Run a job for up to 5 days*


experience of Stata,

Matlab, etc.

RCE Powered

Many Processes

Input Output

Many Processes

Input 1 Output 1Input 2 Output 2Input 3 Output 3Input 4 Output 4Input 5 Output 5

Many Processes

Condor• Schedules which jobs go to which available machines

• Called from the command line

• Reads in 'submit' files

Example: Simulating You have a model that takes 30 minutes to run

and computes a result You want to establish confidence intervals for this

number by running it many times

Example .submit file

Example .submit file

What command do I run?

Example .submit file

What arguments do I give to the command?

Example .submit file

What input do I give to the command?

Example .submit file

Where do I save the outputs?

Example .submit file

How many times do I run this?

Example .submit file

/usr/bin/R --no-save --vanilla < simulate.R > out.1/usr/bin/R --no-save --vanilla < simulate.R > out.2.../usr/bin/R --no-save --vanilla < simulate.R > out.10

Unix Standard Input/Output

How to submit a file

condor_submit simulate.submit

Your out.0 fileIt's just everything that R writes to the screen from the script!

Example: Simulating Instead of using the out.$(Process) structure, you

can save the data in your script You cannot expect the Processes to complete in

order! You shouldn't write to the same file until all

processes are complete Instead of calling a script, use a function

Example: Simulating (with a function)

• procid is an input

• We tell the function what to save and where to save it

Example: submitting a function in batch

Execute this command in R. Specifically, run the simfunction.R file which we defined on the previous slide.

Example: submitting a function in batch

Execute this command in R. Specifically, call the function sim.function with the input as $(Process).sim.function(0)sim.function(1)…

Example: submitting a function in batch

We are no longer using the standard input and standard output, so we can leave these blank.

MATLAB Example An example where we need to do the same thing

to a number of data files and write out the results Call a function which knows how to map the

process ID to the data to load

MATLAB function

MATLAB function

We will pass $(process) as the function input

MATLAB function

Try to load:



MATLAB function

Compute the relevant result.

MATLAB function

Save the results as:



.submit File Example

The Arguments section is the most important, let's look at each piece individually

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

Start the arguments with double quotes (")

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

-nodisplay tells Matlab to not pop up the GUI

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

-singleCompThread tells Matlab to use only one core (this is what condor expects)

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

-r tells Matlab to execute whatever commands come next.

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

Put the commands to run in single quotes.

.submit File Example

Do NOT try to write your entire Matlab script in the submit file!

Some arguments must be executed before calling your script, however…

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

The commands to Matlab will go on inside the single quotesThey must be on a single line!

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

setenv(''HOME'',''nfs/home/A/astorer''); cd(''/nfs/home/A/astorer/Work/outreach/matlab''); mytest($(PROCESS))

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

setenv(''HOME'',''nfs/home/A/astorer''); cd(''/nfs/home/A/astorer/Work/outreach/matlab''); mytest($(PROCESS))

setenv is required for Matlab to load your local preferences.You must use two single quotes instead of one single quote.Remember to set your own home directory, e.g. nfs/home/J/jdoe

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

setenv(''HOME'',''nfs/home/A/astorer''); cd(''/nfs/home/A/astorer/Work/outreach/matlab''); mytest($(PROCESS))

Change to the directory that contains the script you want to run.

.submit File Example

Arguments = "-nodisplay –singleCompThread –r ''"

setenv(''HOME'',''nfs/home/A/astorer''); cd(''/nfs/home/A/astorer/Work/outreach/matlab''); mytest($(PROCESS))

Finally, run the function on the $(PROCESS) variable.

Example submission Because our function reads in data, we generate

the data ahead of time This is what is in our directory before submitting

(ls lists directory contents)

Notice that we count starting from 0!

Example submission Use condor_submit to submit the file Depending on the job, this may take some time to


Example submission Use condor_q <username> to check the status of

your jobs Use condor_rm <username> to clear your jobs.

Example submission Use condor_q <username> to check the status of your

jobs When this returns with no result, your jobs are complete.

Example submission Results!

Stata Example

Universe = vanillaExecutable = /usr/local/bin/stata-mpArguments = donotification = Completenotify_user =

input = Test.dooutput = Test.outerror = Test.errLog = Test.logQueue 1

This is like running stata-mp do


Universe = vanillaExecutable = /usr/local/bin/stata-mpArguments = donotification = Completenotify_user =

input = Test.dooutput = Test.outerror = Test.errLog = Test.logQueue 1

You can get e-mails when your job is done!

Debugging If your results aren't as expected, first check the

error files

My jobs never finish?! Sometimes, jobs aren't well formed and condor

won't know what to do Condor will hold these jobs Your submit file is probably wrong somehow – try

looking at the log file as well as the submit file

H stands for "Held"